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6 Ways to Manage Your Indian Boss

A Concept Note
Upendra Kartik Peri


75201, Riyadh, 11578, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

1. Why this document ............................................................................................ 3 2. Why Indian Boss are Different ........................................................................... 4 3. The 6 Ways ........................................................................................................ 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Indian Boss Loves Hierarchy............................................................................ 7 Ask About Family ............................................................................................ 8 Greet during Festivals ................................................................................... 10 Never Hit on Face ......................................................................................... 11 Say, I am sorry ........................................................................................... 13 Have Casual Meetings ................................................................................... 15

4. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 16 5. About the Author ............................................................................................. 17 6. References ....................................................................................................... 18

1. Why this document

This document is essentially created to understand the different behaviours of Indian Bosses in different situations.

There are thousands of international corporations operating in India and more than a million Indian expats working around the world in managerial positions.

Sooner or later, there can be a situation where you start reporting to one. So, it is important to understand Dos and Donts with your Indian Boss.

This document helps you to understand the key cultural and behavioural aspects of typical Indian Bosses.

This document is based on experiences of the Author and not to criticise, separate or hurt any feeling, beliefs or facts. Any contradictions with the opinions expressed in this document are not entertained. 1000+ international corporations operating in India and more than a million Indian expats working around the world in managerial positions

2. Why Indian Boss are Different

Indian Bosses are different because they come from a much diversified place, like India. It is a diversified country with many cultures, languages, religions and

climatic conditions.

Some basic facts about India: Political Diversity It is a sub continent with 28 states and 6 union territories. Linguistic Diversity There are 1,652 different languages. Cultural Diversity There are 18 cultures like Punjabi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Karnataka, Gujarati, Rajasthani and so on. There are more than 100 festivals that a typical Indian celebrates. It is land for Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Sikhism and many more religions. Geographical Diversity India is geographically much diversified. There are cold Himalayan Mountains, Rajasthani Deserts, 100+ Rivers, plateaus and plains. There are worlds highest rainfall and no rainfall areas. So, India is a diversified place. Indian Bosses are different as India is diversified. It is diversified in languages, cultures, festivals, Gods, food habits and climatic conditions. So, dont treat all your Indian Bosses same way.

Yes, dont expect all Indian Bosses to be same. They speak different languages,

celebrate different festivals, live differently and even eat differently. Using same tricks on everyone may bounce back.

Gather basic information about your Boss like

which part of India he belongs to (North or

South), which language he speaks, which religion he belongs to, how many members in his family, who are they etc., and then start moving your pawns. Now you are ready to learn the DOs and DONTs with Indian Bosses.

Know your Boss whereabouts. That is the first step for a better relationship between you and your Indian Boss.

3. The 6 Ways
There are six ways proposed in this document to manage your Indian Boss effectively. These methods are tested and successfully proved with many Indian Bosses.

You may ask me why am I so confident about these techniques or DOs and DONTs. As I am one such Indian Boss and over a decade I worked under 20+ such Indian Bosses.

The below explained 6 ways can be your first step to establish a great relationship between you and your Indian Boss. The 6 ways to manage your Indian Boss:

This can result in many positive changes in your career like a Promotion or increment in your pay during the next cycle, or spotlight focus in your department or in organization. 1. Indian Bosses love hierarchy 2. Ask about family 3.Know your Boss Greet during festivals whereabouts. That is 4. Never hit on a the first step for face better relationship 5. Say I you sorry between am and 6. Have casual your Indian Boss. meetings

3.1 Indian Boss Loves Hierarchy

Indian Bosses seriously love Hierarchy; it is in the blood and gene. You cant change it. Starting from the ancient ages of Maharajas it was followed orthodoxly. The system is simple, King make rules and people follow. The legacy continued by Moghals and British. They made rules that were honoured by followers and by people. So never directly interact with your Super Boss or Skip-level Boss without the notice of your Boss. Typical Indian Boss never likes it. Even he says it is Okay for him dont do it. Inform your Indian Boss even you are late by 10 minutes to work or you want to leave office early. This creates trust on you.




subordinates. So when ever your Boss proposes a

concept dont argue with him immediately. If you have a better ideas propose them during a casual coffee meet. Make him feel that you are serving his idea in a new bottle. Do call your Indian Boss SIR. He may say he doesnt like it or it is against company culture. But ask me, he loves it. Call him Sir whenever possible outside the company or office time for better results.

Hierarchy is the key to an Indian Boss; never miss (or mess with) it.

3.2 Ask About Family

Indians love to speak about their family. They love to speak about their kids and their achievements, their

parents health and so on.

So Indian Bosses also love the same. During a casual chat with your Indian Boss try to find about his kids, spouse and parents. This will help to interact with him quickly. Speak to him during lunchtime, tea break, smoke break, in elevator or in parking about his family.

(Note: Exceptions are possible especially with Indian expats settle abroad for a long time. They may be highly reluctant speaking about their family.)

Find his expressions and emotions while you are speaking to him regarding the particular family member. If he excited speaking about someone that is his HOT BUTTON. Speak about him/her as much as possible.

If he is interested speaking about his 9 year old Daughter or Son, you can try the following questions:

How is her dance class going? How well she did her project report? Have he got his favourite play stuff? How did he do in school baseball or cricket match?

Family is the most important part of your Indian Boss. Be nice to his family so he can be nice to you.

If your Indian Boss is interested speaking about his parents, you can try the following questions:

How the operation did go? How is his mothers health? Is his father walking fine now?

Your Indian Boss may even like if you gifting play stuff during the occasions like his childs birthday. Or pay a visit to his parent(s) when in hospital.

Speaking about your Indian Boss kids or asking about his parents health may be the hot button. 90% of the Indian Bosses community likes it.

3.3 Greet during Festivals

Do remember Indians celebrate about 100 festivals in a year that come in all seasons. These festivals or occasions change according to the region and religion of your Indian Boss.

As hinted in earlier pages it is important to know to which part of India your Indian Boss belongs. If he is travelling back to visit his family to celebrate a festival, call and wish him during that time. This surely strengthens the relationship between your Indian Boss and you.

If he is celebrating festival or any other occasions try

visiting his home with family (preferably with spouse).

Plan the home visit only after due intimation of time and availability. Try to know more about the occasion or Google it for better understanding so that you dont mess up after calling or going there.

Sweets play an important role in all Indian occasions and festivals. Once you are aware of the occasion try carrying sweets that match the occasion. With careful planning, little study you become the Blue-eyed boy of your Indian Boss.

Festivals are a part of Indian lifestyle. So greet your Indian Boss during relevant festivals without fail.

3.4 Never Hit on Face

Indian Bosses are very reluctant attack. to During a direct official

meetings, conferences or gathering NEVER argue or criticize your Indian Boss. Indian Bosses seldom bounce back on you but they will surely wait for an opportunity.

If you dont accept with his opinion approach him during Coffee or Lunch break and explain him your view in a polite and gentle way making him feel that you are actually not arguing his point but showing the new dimension of it.

Never do the gestures that show that your Indian Boss is wrong. These can ruin your career in the organization. gestures reference: There are some for your


Looking at the watch when he is late to the meeting. Correcting the spellings in the mails CC to all. Laughing during his presentation when the situation is actually serious. Correcting his sentences for grammar in public

If you want to see the worst villains off screen go ahead and hit your Indian Boss on the face.

At the same time please keep in mind always assist him in identifying the 0 that

missed in the calculation that made 10 million just a million. Or the mail sent by him to client with a wrong or no attachment. These activities will surely improve the bonding between you and your Boss.

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A small help to your Indian Boss will surely increase your positive image.

3.5 Say, I am sorry

I know its very difficult for most of the educated

population to say I am Sorry. But you have to say it to please your Indian Boss and to get the control over the situation. Actually this 3 word sentence is so powerful that will let your Indian Boss manage the situation for you.

No one is a Super Human so we do mistakes. Some mistakes are easily correctable at your level within given time and resources. But some mistakes cost both money and reputation to your organization. These are out of your range and reach. During such situations you require help from your Indian Boss. Some situations you require help from your Boss are:

Missing the project deadlines. 3 small words together can resolve big problems. Leaving hardest part of us Ego is the most difficult thing. But it is Okay to leave it when you can be saved.

Unintentional miscommunication to vendor creating excess inventory. Not sending the monthly report as decided. Unintentional miscommunication to client



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detailed situation analysis and tell him the actual story. If any mistake from your side that made this situation - say I AM SORRY.

Indian Bosses love to hear this statement from you. Now ask him to get you out of this situation. Here propose alternatives to him that will resolve this issue. Make him feel that these are his ides. This will surely help to get out from the situation.

Dont be sorry for everything. This may sometimes work reverse for you.

3.6 Have Casual Meetings

Indian Bosses like casual talks. So try to meet them during coffee break, lunch time or a smoke break. Speak to them regarding the topic of their interest. These can be very casual talks like the best coffee shop near your office or a very serious discussion about the world terrorism. Just entertain him with the topic of his interest. A genuine interest in his views can help to build a great relationship.

The below mentioned are some topics that can work for you: It may be about a movie released that week. Todays traffic jam. Yesterdays football or cricket match. Local or international politics etc.,

Invitation to your Indian Boss with his family or on your childs Casual meetings increase rapport, helps you to understand your Indian Boss from Outside- In.



birthday party (non-alcoholic, preferred) at your home can increase this rapport. Remember, dont invite everyone. Only 2 3 selected families from your office will create a better impact.

4. Conclusion
So the conclusion is simple, try to understand before to be understood.

Try to understand the differences in your Indian Bosses culture and lifestyle. This will help you to react to the situation better and lessen the friction; lesser the friction lesser the problems with your Indian Boss.

Lesser the problems with your Indian Boss higher the outputs like bonuses, perks, quarterly or yearly increments and promotion.

Hope this document helps to understand the unspoken requirements of your Indian Boss and create a better relationship. The conclusion is simple.. Like all authors after teaching all the traits I will not say be true to self or act naturally. Traits are important to establish self in this competitive world. So lets be it.

5. About the Author

Upendra Kartik is the CEO of SAUDI HARMONY, which he founded in 2010. Since then, he has grown SAUDI HARMONY into an internationally recognized and highly respected firm thats served client companies through its network of offices 5 countries. As a highly regarded public speaker, Kartik shares his experience and ideas around the world on a regular basis. Chief Executive Officer of SAUDI HARMONY Lean and Six Sigma International Board, Middle East Evangelist Highly regarded mentor, coach and public speaker Experienced Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Youngest Entrepreneur Award Winner Masters in International Business Career Highlights:

As CEO, Kartik drives SAUDI HARMONYs strategic direction with a focus on continuously improving existing offerings. Recently, hes turned his attention to developing frameworks and approaches for solving critical organizational problems.

He also co-authored of Return on Investment on Lean article that has received highest internet search in the Lean and Six Sigma International Board Community.

6. References
The reference websites used for the data collection are mentioned below:

Most of the references are through authors personal experiences and from Google(eswar).

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