Teen Girl School Proposal

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Teen Girl School Workshop

The early teen years can be tough for girls this is where the bullying, bitchiness, competition, peer
pressure and body image issues become really intense. This is the period of time when teens form many of their beliefs, values and attitudes that will carry them through their teen years and become the foundation for their adult years. This is why it is so important to teach our teen girls at a young age to love and accept themselves, to set goals, believe in themselves, support them to gain confidence, learn teamwork skills, the importance of supporting and building each other up, peer pressure and how to say no to things that dont support them, understanding and controlling their emotions, resilience- how to deal with bullying and the fact that they are special and unique and perfect just as they are. Free Spirit Girl & Katie Pitsis run transformational personal development & self empowerment workshops & talks for teen girls supporting them to eliminate their limitations, step up and live life to the full. AMONGST THE GIRLS AT YOUR SCHOOL IS THERE: Cliques and segregated groups within the year group? Girls struggling academically? Unhealthy competition, bullying and bitchiness amongst the girls? Girls struggling to fit in socially? Girls with low self esteem, low confidence negative body image? Peer pressure/girls making un-empowering decisions? Girls with a lack of direction, goals and self belief?

WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR STUDENTS TO: Feel confident and believe in themselves? Be positive and supportive- Accept each other, celebrate one anothers achievements, be kind and considerate? Have the ability to communicate clearly? Have resilience and know how to healthily deal with bullying? Have emotional intelligence and control over emotions? Evaluate consequences, make wise decisions and have the strength to stand up for whats right? Have clear visions for their futures, know how to set goals and achieve them? Feel inspired to be authentic leaders?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then one of our liberating and uplifting workshops are for your students.

<Free Spirit Girl> <ABN 34 272 128 198> <www.freespiritgirl.com> <contact number 0432503284> <Email address: info@freespiritgirl.com> <62 Station Street, Newtown Sydney 2042>

Your 1-Day Workshop


Hours: 5-6 hours Where: Venue to be organised by school (Can be a classroom, hall, library etc) Topics: You can choose from the list below (Suggested 3-6 topics) Your Investment: $999.95
Confidence building Teamwork/working together Bullying/cyber bullying Eliminating negative beliefs Time management Special Girl Family Leadership Comfort Zones Peer pressure Communication Skills Body Image/the media Goal Setting Self Love & Self esteem Emotional Intelligence Dealing with negative memories Study Skills/memory expansion

We would love to sit down with you discuss specific challenges within your school to design a unique, custom made program especially for your students that will support, inspire and motivate them.

For the first time in months I can see my daughters Spark. Before the Free Spirit Girl workshop as a mother, I was becoming increasingly desperate to find help for my daughter to resolve some self esteem issues, as well as time management dilemmas. After the workshop I was in awe of Katies methods particularly her ability to connect with and inspire my daughter. The ongoing support network formed by Katie and her team has been overwhelmingly helpful. As a mother I feel positive in knowing that our daughter has a genuinely loving and phenomenal support group around her, which is already making a huge positive impact upon the way in which she views the world. I am eternally grateful to Katie for giving our beautiful daughter back her confidence to shine. Narelle (mother of Amy aged 17)

The workshop was so much fun, so inspirational and interesting. I learnt how to love myself as I am and that understand that I dont need to be something that Im not because who I am is perfectly awesome. I got so much out of the goal setting session, I now know that I can be, do and have anything I set my mind to. I actually believe in myself and my abilities now. I really let go of the negative things that were holding me down, I am now going to live my life completely different. It was an amazing experience that I feel lucky to have had.

The Free Spirit Girl workshop was really awesome and life changing, my favourite thing was learning about her to deal with bullying stand strong and accept myself for who I am. Since attending the workshop I now feel confident to stand up for myself and what I believe in. I have learnt some really great tools to use when I am being bullied things that used to worry and upset me dont even bother me now because I know I am perfect, special and that I matter. If I didnt go to Free Spirit Girl I dont know who Id be or if Id even be here anymore. Its so nice to now have found a place where I am accepted for who I am by my peers. Katie is doing a great thing for us girls, there needs to be more people like her in this world.

Guilianna (Aged 13)

Grace (Aged 14)

<ABN 34 272 128 198> <www.freespiritgirl.com> <contact number 04325032848 <Email address: info@freespiritgirl.com>

Katie Pitsis- Free Spirit Girl

Position: International speaker, facilitator & Business owner
Katie has been in the personal development industry for over 9 years, and has been extensively trained during the past 6 years and has had the great honour for supporting 1000's teens worldwide as a global trainer, speaker and facilitator. Katie began her own business Free Spirit Girl in 2008 at sixteen years of age. Free Spirit Girl runs personal development workshops and leadership camps for teen and Pre-teen girls. Supporting them in eliminating negative beliefs and blockages in their lives. Supporting them to gain confidence, to learn to love and respect themselves. To promote positive body image and self esteem so that the girls love what they see when they look in the mirror. Giving them techniques in goal setting so that they set and achieve all their goals. As well as giving them strategies to healthily deal with bullying and peer pressure. Free Spirit Girl inspires the youth of today to step up as authentic leaders, to contribute back to society and be the absolute best that they can be.

At only 20 years old Katie has invested over $60 000 in her own education leading her to being;
An accredited master practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Eriksonian hypnosis and timeline therapy having studied under Christopher Howard. A Journey Practitioner having studied under Brandon Bays An experiential games coach having been trained under Clinton Swaine and Frontier Trainings. Katie has been a part of the coaching and support team at the Anthony Robbins foundations Global Youth Leadership Summit for the past five years. A crew member for the Australia wide Magic Moments Young leader Finance Summit for the past 2 years She is a fully qualified life coaching having studied under The Youth Coaching Academy in 2011 Katie was a part of the Tomorrows Youth assist team for 3 years responsible for coaching hundreds of teens Australia wide

Some of Katies goals and commitments for the future include;

Having her Free Spirit Girl workshops running in every state in Australia To have her Free Spirit Girl workshops running internationally To make Personal development, self empowerment, emotional intelligence and leadership as a compulsory part of the High School curriculum Australia wide. To own 40 investment properties by the age of 45 (She already has one) To open and run 3 orphanages for youth worldwide To write 5 international bestselling books To be the best personal development speaker in the world for youth.

She is an international trainer having spoken at a number of international and national seminars, camps and events some of which include;
In July 2011 & 2012 Katie presented at the Anthony Robbins Global Youth Leadership Summit to 200 + youth in California, America. She is the only Australian to ever be invited to speak and the youngest presenter at the Anthony Robbins foundation event. Katie also presented at the Australia wide Magic Moments Leadership & Finance for Todays Youth in Brisbane, Australia in 2011 & 2012. She also spoke at the 2011 & 2012 Australia Day awards ceremony At the 2007 International Womens Day Breakfast At a wide variety of Private and Public schools in both the Coffs Harbour and Sydney areas. Katie has been awarded a vast amount of prestigious awards including; The Zonta Young Women in public affairs award for advancing the status of women- 2008 Long Tan Vietnam veterans award- 2009 (sponsored by the Australian defence force) Masonic award for social achievement- 2009 (Sponsored by Freemasons Lodge No 705) Coffs Harbour City Council Citizenship Award - 2010 Woolgoolga High School P.&C. School leadership Award -2010 Woolgoolga High School Achievement Award 2010 Woolgoolga High School DUX of 2010 Katie was also named the young citizen of the year at the Australia day award ceremony in 2011

Katies mission is to support all young people worldwide to eliminate their negative beliefs and limitations so that they can gain confidence, self love and acceptance, step up as authentic leaders, contribute, set and achieve their goals and live their lives to their fullest potentials! Creating a support network for girls globally and a worldwide shift in consciousness.

Katie is a strong believer in contribution and living her life in an attitude of gratitude, she feels blessed to be able to support and empower 10 000s teens and adults worldwide. She is a true inspiration to young people, showing them that no matter what your age if you think big, be yourself and take action anything is possible.

<Free Spirit Girl> <ABN 34 272 128 198> <www.freespiritgirl.com> <contact number 0432503284> <Email address: info@freespiritgirl.com> <62 Station Street, Newtown Sydney 2042>

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