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Cinematic Spaces: Creative Partnerships Creative Partners: Emily Clarkson Matt Coward Myself Emily and Myself via

blogs Emily Clarkson - 27 September 2012 10:39 Hi Alex :) I really like these silhouettes you've done. Number 1 looks like some prehistoric crossbreed! 4 makes a pretty interesting structure; it could be some kind of plant or even a wind turbine! and 14 looks like an awesome semi-organic tower. Nice job! Out of interest, what book(s) have you been assigned for the 'cinematic spaces' project? Emily Clarkson ( your fellow CG peep and Creative Partner :) )

Alex Edmonds - 27 September 2012 14:09 Hey Emily Thank you, I was going to choose 4 as my life-form as a huge carnivorous plant type thing but as you can see I did not get round to do the final design :( and 14 was going to be my structure as well :) My book is The Time Machine by H.G Wells, what's yours?

Emily Clarkson - 4 October 2012 12:03 At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft. Difficult read if you're not paying attention, but it could be interesting. Ruined civilization kind of thing in Antarctica. So lots of mountains and snow and stone. Time machine is great. I've watched the film adaptations of it. Could be interesting to compare the two for ideas...?

Alex Edmonds - 5 October 2012 14:38 Oh nice, I think I have heard of that before. From what you're saying it reminds me of the 1982 film 'The Thing' at the beginning where they find the destroyed and ruined Norwegian base camp. Worth taking a look if you haven't seen it before :) Me too, I

preferred the 1960 version to the 2002 one though as it was more true to the book where as the more recent one is completely different in pretty much everything.

Emily Clarkson - 8 October 2012 13:46 Hey thanks for the heads up on 'the Thing!' I see what you are getting at. Great shots of snow and mountains from high up. Thanks for that!

Alex Edmonds - 8 October 2012 14:49 Ah no problem, glad it helped! Emily Clarkson - 8 October 2012 13:27 Hey Alex. So what key space does each excerpt of your book describe? I am intrigued by your 2nd influence map and all the cave like qualities that are depicted. (P.S Let me know if you need help with anything!) Alex Edmonds - 8 October 2012 14:58 First one is outside when the traveller first arrives 800,000 years in the future and there are bushes, decaying statues, tall buildings like temples and stuff like that. Second is the cave of the Morlocks with machines inside which is entered into by a well and the third is a gallery of all sorts of things, similar to a museum I think. What about yours? Emily Clarkson - 10 October 2012 14:20 Well my first influence map is based on the view of mountains and snow from an aircraft as the explorers fly in, there are a few ruins and monuments of the old civilization and finally they get to the base camp of the scout group that went ahead of them. Influence2 was of the most complete part of the old city as 2 of the explorers fly over to see what's there. The third influence is based on the interior of the complete part of the city and all its carvings and the like. I'm going to change influence 2 to something different though. There's a description of a rampart, like some sort of fortification which is where the two guys climb into the city to go and check out the interior. Emily Clarkson - 20 October 2012 09:31 That first thumbnail page (number 28) is fantastic Alex! the perspective on that is brilliant!... As for 'dead space' I don't think you necessarily need to fill it. Remember the Photoshop examples Phil had onscreen... if you take 28 through 'to the next round' see how applying various textures in the foreground goes, or you may find

your design becomes too busy and detracts from the main machine... Oh and I like your sheet of 'angles' (numbers 31-37) well set out :D Great work Alex. Matt and Myself via blogs Alex Edmonds 6 October 2012 13:03 Hey man these are looking good, I agree with Emily about the fact you focused just on textures, it will help a lot when it comes to your thumbnails and final concepts :) Also the custom layout is quality! Matt Coward 25 October 2012 15:28 yeah I agree, 28 looks really good, you can visualise in depth the sense of space incorporating the theme of the story, which is about a time machine?. It would be a wicked one to develop into a final concept. The smaller thumbnails are informative too, because they say a lot about composition Matt Coward 25 Octber 2012 15:17 I really like your style of drawng, these what youd imagine a thumbnail would consist of. I like 54 most out of this group because of the camera angle and statue looks wicked :) Alex Edmonds 25 October 2012 15:51 Thanks, that was with biro which I've grown to prefer to pencil when doing this sorta thing because there is more freedom to it. Cheers that's the one I like the most as well and have used it to develop for my final :) Matt and myself via messages 6/10/2012 7/10/12 Alex Nice influence maps btw mate, cool layout Matt Thanks, I'm glad you like them Do you wanna do anything after uni next week? Maybe invite Emily too as part of our partnership Alex ah good idea um I would've said Thursday but that's the day of the ogr.. Tuesday we finish when the uni shuts so if we could find another place? If not we'll just have to do it thurs or Fri anyway and archive what we got so far

Matt Yh good idea. We'll sort it out tuesday lol Alex Ok hopefully she'll be cool with it as well 19/10/2012 21/10/12 Alex Have you seen the requirements on the blog btw? Matt No? Whens that need by? Alex yehh its on the blog, well friday is the crit but have it all ready Thursday Matt Ahh wicked, cheers man. I'm gunna check it out Alex no worries How you doing with your reviews? Matt I've done king kong and barbarella lol just another 3 more. I find the reviews quite easy tbh its just every thing else that's hard lol Alex ah nice, i've got barbarella left now... I think i've started one of my finals though, just gotta do more thumbnails for the others to get the correct sorta composition. how's yours going?

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