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Issue 13, August 31, 2012

From the Principal - Fiona Kelly

UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday 2nd September Fathers Day Wednesday 5th September Peter Garrett AM MP and Melissa Parkes MP visit Monday 10th September What Style Music Incursion Friday 14th September School Sports carnival held at Winterfold Primary School Tuesday 18th September School Council Meeting 6.30pm Thursday 20th September School Assembly

Book week parade What a wonderful celebration of book week. The children all looked fabulous in their costumes and a surprise visit from Charlie Parsley and Pearl Barley the characters from this years Childrens Book Council of Australia prize winning book topping off the celebration.
Mr Tom and Ms Campbell star as Charlie and Pearl

School enrolments 2013 It would be really appreciated if parents could let us know if they are intending to move schools for the commencement of 2013. This is really important as it impacts on the structure of our classes and staffing arrangements. Shenton College tour Students in the catchment area for North Fremantle Primary School have the luxury of being eligible to enrol as local intake students for two of the states top ranking high schools, John Curtin College of the Arts and Shenton College. Early next term the Principal of Shenton College. Michael Morgan, is offering a school tour followed by a question & answer session with both himself and the Principal of the middle school Susan Gilchrist, for the parents of North Fremantle Primary School. The tour will be run on a Tuesday morning, tentatively booked for the 6th of November, at 9.15am. This is a great opportunity to make an informed decision about your child's secondary schooling. Parents from all year groups are encouraged to attend. Please let me know if you are interested in attending by emailing me at:

Friday 21st September Inter School Sports carnival held at East Hamilton Hill Primary School Friday 28th September Last day of term 3 Fathers Day Breakfast

Room 1 - Lisa Miller Lots of things have been happening in Kindy in the last few weeks with Fathers Day preparation, transforming the undercover area and Book week. Firstly a big North Fremantle welcome to our new friend, Vamsi Its great to have him in our class. We had a fantastic day on Tuesday for our Book week dress up and parade. Everyone made such an effort and looked brilliant. Thanks parents and well done everyone. Have a lovely relaxing day on Sunday to all our special Dads! Room 2 - Liz Smith It is with much sadness that I inform you that Miss Lizzies Mum passed away yesterday in the UK. Miss Lizzie flew home on Tuesday arriving in time to say her farewells. Our thoughts are with Miss Lizzie and we look forward to her returning to us soon. Mrs King and Ms Eldred have been taking great care of our pre-primary class this week and next week Mr Tom and Ms Eldred will continue in room 2. Its great to have such excellent teachers available in our community to step in and so seamlessly take over the learning program for our children. Fiona Kelly. Room 3 - Bev Lane We have been practising for our assembly and for the sports carnival this week. Everyone contributed very conscientiously and patiently to our performance. Well done kids. Here are some pictures of story characters who appeared in our class on Tuesday.

Room 4 - Claire Henneberry This week former NFPS student Kynan Maley came in and spoke to us about being a member of the Australian Olympic Team in London. Kynan participated in the Canoe/Kayak C1 and C2 events. It was wonderful to hear about all the hard work and persistence it took for him to achieve his goal of making it to the Olympics. In maths we have been learning about birds eye view, we drew designs of a room and then constructed them using blocks (also taking photos with the iPads!). In health we have been studying what is included in a healthy lifestyle and designing healthy menus using the laptops. Busy, busy, busy!

Room 5 - Monica Parkes/Leanne Vinci This week in Room 5 we have been reading and reviewing the books that were nominated this year for awards by The Childrens Book Council of Australia. A Bus Called Heaven by Bob Graham won Picture Book of the Year. This is Crystals review and is available in our library. A Bus Called Heaven By Bob Graham My favourite part in a Bus Called Heaven was when Stella took the snails that fell to the ground and put them in her pocket. I liked this bit because it shows how people care for living things. This bit also showed that not all people that work at junkyards are mean and horrible, as the man let Stella have her bus back. I think the author is good at expressing how the characters feel by the way they talk and the way the pictures are drawn. I found that if I wasnt reading the words I looked at the pictures and they worked just as well. The text made me feel sad and happy at the same time because when Stellas bus was being taken away I felt sad but when she got it back and the snails slid back under the bus I felt happy. The text made me think about how I would feel if I owned a bus and then had it taken away from me I wouldnt feel very happy. I dont think anyone would. I would recommend this book to my friends because it was fantastic and is a really happy book. The pictures are detailed and the words are easy to read I think that it would be a great book for young children. Crystal Delbianco Drama - Jill Rickers Room 3 Have been working hard on our listening and performance skills. Room 4 We are still in the Middle East riding our magic carpet and dressing up Room 5 Are hoping to act for the pre primary and year ones, a wonderful Italian legend called Strega Nona

Art - Margie Campbell More great programs in the arts. Thanks to a generous $5000 from the Fremantle Council, North Fremantle Primary School has the chance to once again show off our artist talents in the Fremantle Festival. We are using this grant to bring textile artist Louise Snook into our classes to work with our students and any interested community members to create woven masterpieces for the parade. More details soon. Pottery classes continue This weekend an enthusiastic group of potters will be glazing their works under the guidance of Fleur Schell. Fleur, a local ceramicist has been teaching a happy group of potters the tricks of the trade using our new kiln. If anyone is interested in learning how to glaze you are welcome to join in. The group is meeting at 12 noon on Saturday. Cost $35. Councillors Report On Tuesday we had National Book Week celebrating Australian authors and illustrators. We had some amazing costumes such as Pirates, Mad Hatters, The Whos of the Grinch and many more fabulous costumes. Even the teachers dressed up, Mrs Parkes came dressed as the Paper Bag Princess, Mrs Lane dressed up as a witch, Mr Tom dressed up as the Tawny Scrawny Lion and Mrs Henneberry dressed up as a Dalmatian. Once again all the costumes were spectacular we hope everyone had fun creating their costumes and not just that, but letting their imaginations run wild!

Uniform Shop
You can collect an order form from the administration office. Please leave payment with your form in the box marked uniform orders or you can now pay via EFT, all details are on the order form, and your order will be sent home with your child. Alternatively the uniform shop will be available by appointment on a Monday morning and afternoon. Please contact Pip Sivwright on 0409 298 118 to arrange a suitable time.

Lunch Orders Lemon donations

School lunch orders are now also available on Mondays A BIG thank you to all the people who have supported us with the huge amount of lemons donated for the lemonade stand.

We currently have enough lemon supplies, and really appreciate all of you're donations, but we are now in need of glass bottles with resealable lids to store the juice in. If you have any bottles that you are willing to donate, could you please drop them off at the school office. Thanks

Active After-School Sports Hi Everyone, The photos speak for themselves! We have been having heaps of fun. Well done, everyone has put in a great effort. Come along & join in the fun! Please remember to bring your hat & water bottle. Regards Judy

Pre-Event School Newsletter Run Around the World Challenge

North Fremantle Primary will be participating in the Run Around the World challenge as part of National Health & Physical Education Day (H&PE Day) celebrations. Were pleased to invite you to join us on Wednesday September 5, 2012 as we cheer on your children for taking part in this exciting event! The event will be held on Gil Fraser Oval and all are welcome to attend. Come and help us make history as we set a new Australian record for the largest number of students running on the same day! The worlds circumference spans approximately 40,000km and the goal for H&PE Day is to run a lap of the world together as a nation. To achieve this, we need 40,000 students across the country to walk, wheelchair, jog or run at least 1km each. The focus of the day is to get outside, active and having fun as a school community, therefore we encourage YOU as parents and friends to also bring along your running shoes! We will be meeting at the oval at 2:15 to run and then continue with our regular athletics training until 3:05. The Run Around the World challenge is a healthy, fun and active way to ensure we send the right message to our students about getting active, having fun and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The main focus of this event is participation. Family support is most appreciated as we encourage all students to get involved we would love to see you there!


"Come and enjoy some fun and fast Futsal at the North Fremantle Bowls Club on Friday afternoons at 3:30pm - 4:30pm, Cost: $10 ea A good family atmosphere for all to enjoy" The Coaches are also picked from the JJ United Perth Futsal Club, stay tuned for an Academy starting soon! "Hope to see you there"

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