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Wave - Particle duality puzzle solution

By Joe Nahhas;

Greetings: My name is Joe Nahhas founder of real time physics and astronomy Abstract: Wave - particle duality or Nobel Prize winner quantum -

relativistic - strings physics is a purely Nobel physicists science fraud found in University - Physics - Textbooks that had been known for centuries. Wave - particle duality had been known for at least 1001 years. Wave - particle duality is described by 10th century Ibn - Sahl writings and descriptions and Ibn Al Haythem known in the west as Al Khazen mathematically wrote the law. Kepler restated the law in 16th century and Newton- Hooke famous duels sang the law screaming at each other with it in 17th century. Wave - particle duality is a visual illusion due to the fact physicists and astronomers are yet to know how to take a correct measurement. Nobel physicists distorted these facts and presented visual illusion as new physics quantum - relativistic - string physics when quantum - relativistic - string physics is "University" fraud performed by summa cum laude criminals in Alfred Nobel suit. Quantum - relativistic - string physics is a description of visual illusions of fictional universe = 1/fictional atom that had been known for centuries but Nobel physicists with summa cum laude intelligence imprisoned on campus by University sold the visual illusions as new science. Summa cum laude intelligence or intelligent students made pre-criminals by University and given Nobel Prize medals for unprecedented crimes against humanity by his majesty the Nobel king Sweden fabricated the old knowledge of visual illusions and re-interpreted it in conferences as physical reality and screwed the entire human race and it is the subject of this article and I dare anyone or all to prove it wrong.
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These pictures represent a century of conferences of summa cum laude students made pre - criminals by University and given Nobel Prizes for their crimes against humanity by his majesty Nobel King of Sweden and exposed by Joe Nahhas Page 2

What is Nobel Prize winner Physics? 1- Nobel physics of a big bang no one heard? 2- Nobel physics of dark energy no one can find? 3 - Nobel time travel no one can perform? 4 - Nobel light constant velocity when light velocity never been measured? 5- Nobel atom made of atomic particles that have an average life - time of 1/ (trillionth of 1 second)? 6- Nobel universe made out of matter that lives, dies and rebirth trillion times in each 1 second? 7- Expanding universe that can only be found on campus in "university textbooks" or can only be seen in telescopes out there but nothing tested to be expanding here outside the tube of the telescope? 8 - Nobel black holes based on light constant velocity and time travel? 9- Nobel "Science textbooks" and "science encyclopedias" and shows of "science" and discovery premiered on "Science" channel and "Discovery" channel that feature "science that can be derived in its entirety from 5th grade arithmetic of a circle and derived from four letters A, B, C, and D? 10 - Nobel physics and physicists is MacDonald's physics & Physicists = Fictional Universe = 1/Fictional atom Etc...

Physicists' measurements are all wrong

Nobel physics can be derived 1001 different ways from 1001 different formulas from 1001 different physicists from 1001 different periods of times dating back not to Darwin's apes time but to pre - apes time as measurement errors because they measure the motion of one object around another object from a third place like measuring a planet orbit (1) around the Sun (2) from Earth (3), and end up with visual illusions that classical physicists explained and Nobel physicists claimed it real without a proof! Page 3

I can beat Sweden Nobel King 21st century Nobel Mafia with four letters A, B, C, and D

If an object moves from a point A to a point B its visual changes from C to D

Page 4

1 = 1 is self evident; 2 = 2 is self evident; A = A is self evident B = B is self evident; add and subtract A B = A + (B - A); divide by A (B/A) = 1 + (B - A)/A; multiply by C (B/A) C = C + [(B - A)/B] C --------------------- Nahhas 5th grade equation- 1 D = D is self evident; add and subtract C D = C + (D - C) ----------------------------------- Nahhas 5th grade equation- 2 Compare equation - 1 with equation - 2 D - C = [(B - A)/B)] C = measurement errors = Nobel Physics

= "Macdonald" Physics and Physicists

NASA knows nothing about space

Page 5

A = Mercury - Sun distance = 58.2 million kilometers B = Sun - Earth's distance = 149.6 million kilometers (A - B)/B = (58.2 - 149.6)/149.6 = 0.61

Kepler said Planets revolve around the Sun

Page 6

If you rotate then you would have angular velocity If you rotate then you angular velocity is the angle divided by time

Page 7

If you rotate one full rotation the you rotate 3600 arc degrees 10 arc degree = 60' arc minutes 1' arc minute = 60'' arc seconds 3600 arc degrees = 360 x 60 x 60 = 129600'' arc seconds Planet Mercury's time to rotate 3600 degrees is 88 days Same as Planet Mercury rotates 129600'' arc seconds in 88 days 1 day = 24 hours = 24 x 60 minutes = 24 x 60 x 60 seconds = 86400 time seconds 88 days = 88 x 86400 seconds = 7603200 time seconds in 88 days The angular velocity in (arc second/ time seconds) = (129600'')/ (7603200) A century is 100 years and a year is 365.2526 days 1 century = 100 x 365.2526 days = 26525.26 days In 88 days -------------------------------------- (129600'' arc seconds/7603200) In 26525.26 days ----------------------------? '' Arc seconds Answer is: (129600''/7603200)[(26525.26)/ 88] = 70.7488249 arc second/century The angular velocity in arc per century of planet mercury = 70.7488249 Assume you are looking at a Car of size C from two different places A, and B.

If a car is viewed from two different distances it A and B its visual size changes from C to D What is the size difference? D - C = [(B - A)/B)] C = visual error

If you view a planet orbit from the Sun (distance A) its size is C If you view a planet orbit from Earth (distance B) its size is D Page 8

D - C = [(B - A)/B)] C = visual error = measurement error NASA does not measure angular velocities of planets around the Sun D but they measure planet orbits angular velocities around the Sun from Earth C. NASA measure planet Mercury's angular velocity C = 70.7488249

NASA does not measure from the Sun (D) but measure from Earth (C) Page 9

The visual Illusion of difference (D - C) = [(A - B)/B] C (D - C) = [(A - B)/B] C = [(58.2 - 149.6)/149.6] (70.7488249) (D - C) = 0.61 x (70.7488249) = 43 seconds of an arc per century Or NASA sees the axes of Mercury calculation is tilting 43 arc seconds in a century

You can calculate the 43 seconds of an arc per century from 100 different physicists from 100 different physics formulas from 100 different periods of time dating back to Darwin's apes' time including Kepler, Newton, Le Verrier, Fourier, etc but the best calculation is made by a 5th grader

Einstein says the 43 seconds of an arc is due to time travel? LOL

I am not saying that Einstein is a Darwin's ape to say the least but Alfred Nobel dumb ape to be exact! I am not saying that Nobel physicists amounts to food stamps recipients to say the least but what I am saying is Nobel physicists are "McDonald" Physicists to be exact claiming that only Einstein can solve this NASA silly problem where NASA is yet to know how to use a telescope. I am a 5th grader and I am not only the greatest Physicist of all time to say the least but what I am saying is I am the greatest physicist since the beginning of time! There are at least 1001 solutions to solve this silly problem that beat deletes and toilet flush Einstein and Nobel Read 50 solutions of Mercury's perihelion www.scribd/joenahhas

Page 10

The Nobel committee in physics quantum relativistic physics can be beaten with four letters A, B, C, and D differential form Bjrn Jonson (Chairman) Professor of Physics

Lars Brink Professor of Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics

Brje Johansson Professor of Physics

Page 11

Per Delsing Professor of Physics

Anne L'Huillier Professor of Atomic Physics

Lars Bergstrm (Secretary) Professor of Theoretical Physics

The Nobel committee in physics teaches Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics and string theory on a claim that Newton's physics is not good enough. Newton's equation is intentionally solved wrong and human brains are washed to believe the wrong solution so that University thugs and Nobel pimps have Jobs. For this reason stated above I am going to derive "Nobel" physics from Newton's physics as measurement errors. The correct solution deletes everything that came after Newton and toilet flushes Einstein and Nobel. Page 12

Wave - particle duality puzzle solution 1 = 1 is self evident; 2 = 2 is self evident; A = A is self evident B = B is self evident; add and subtract A B = A + (B - A); divide by A (B/A) = 1 + (B - A)/A; multiply by C (B/A) C = C + [(B - A)/B] C --------------------- Nahhas 5th grade equation- 1 D = D is self evident; add and subtract C D = C + (D - C) ----------------------------------- Nahhas 5th grade equation- 2 Compare equation - 1 with equation - 2 D - C = [(B - A)/B)] C = measurement errors = Nobel Physics

= "Macdonald" Physics and Physicists

Or (C - D)/D = (A - B)/B Or D/D = B/B; Divide by t (1/D) ( D/ t) = (1/B) ( B/ t) Limit [(1/D) ( D/ t)] = Limit [(1/B) ( B/ t)] = ( + ) t 0 t 0

Or, d B/B = ( + ) d t and B = B0 e ( + ) t = A e ( + ) t B = A e ( + ) t

Distance is A; real time distance is B = A e ( + ) t

In common notations:

Distance is r0; real time distance is r = r0 e +/ - ( + ) t ------------- Equation For same motion = 0; let r0 = r00 e k x; then r = r00 e (k x - t) This is what is known as wave function that can be derived from Newton's equation and expose Nobel mafia Page 13

Newtonian derivation of Mercury's perihelion: Newton's equation is solved wrong for 350 years and the correct solution delete 112 of Nobel science and scientists: F = -G m M/r2; r > 0
Nobel Physicists wrong solution of ellipse, r (, 0) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ) Correct solution is a rotating ellipse, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t Newton's equation in polar coordinates F = m ;

= [r" - r '] r1 + [2 r' ' + r "] 1

Eq-1 Eq-2

With m (r" - r ') = - Gm M/r2 And 2 r' ' + r "= 0

A - Real numbers or time independent solution Eq-2: 2 r' ' + r "= 0 Multiply by r> 0 Then 2 r r' ' + r2 "= 0 Or, d (r')/d t = 0 And integrating: r' = h = constant With m (r" - r ') = - Gm M/r2 Then, (r" - r ') = - GM/r2 Let u = 1/r; r = 1/u; r' = h = /u And r' = d r/d t = (d r/ d u) (d u /d ) (d / d t) = (- /u ) (d u /d ) ' = (-'/u ) (d u /d ) = - h (d u/ d ) And r' = d r/d t = - h (d u/ d ) And r" = d r/ d t = d (d r'/ d t)/ d t = d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d t Page 14

Multiply (d / d ) Then r" = d r/ d t = {d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d t} (d / d ) = ' {d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d } = - h (d u/ d ) = (- h/r) (d u/ d ) = - h u (d u/ d ) And r" = d r/ d t = - h u (d u/ d ) With d r/dt - r ' = - G M/r2 Eq1

And - h u (d u/ d ) (1/u) (h u) = - G M u2 Then (d u/ d ) + u = G M/h2 And u = G M/h2 + A cosine The r = 1/u = 1/ (G M/h2 + A cosine ); divide by G M/h2 And r = (h2/G M)/ [1 + (A h2/G M) cosine ] With; h2/G M = a (1 - 2); (A h2/G M) = This is Newton's equation classical solution Or, r = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ); definition of an ellipse ------------- I Newton's time independent solution B - Real time or complex numbers solution: Newton's equation in polar coordinates F = m ;

= [r" - r '] r1 + [2 r' ' + r "] 1

Eq-1 Eq-2

With m (r" - r ') = - Gm M/r2 And 2 r' ' + r "= 0 Eq-2: 2 r' ' + r "= 0 Separate the variables: 2 r' ' = - r " Or 2(r'/r) = - ("/') = - 2 ( + )

Page 15

Then: (r'/r) = + Or d r/r = ( + ) d t Then r = r 0 ( + ) t And r = r (, 0) r (0, t); r 0 = r (, 0) And r = r (, 0) ( + ) t And r (0, t) = ( + ) t With r (, 0) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ) Then, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t ------------- I Newton's time dependent solution = quantum mechanics If time is frozen that is t = 0 Then r (, 0) = a (1-)/ (1+ cosine ) or classical Relativistic is the difference between I and Real II With - ("/') = - 2 ( + ) Then ' = '0 -2 ( + ) t With '0 = h/ [r (, 0)] 2 And '(, t) = [' (, 0)] -2 ( + ) t And, '(, t) = ' (, 0) ' (0, t) And ' (0, t) = -2 ( + ) t At Perihelion: We Have ' (0, 0) = h (0, 0)/r (0, 0) = 2ab/ 0 a (1- ) ; = 2a [ (1- )]/ = 2 [ (1- )]/ Then '(0, t) = 2 With = 0 Page 16

0 = orbital period

0a (1- ) ]

0 (1- ) ]

[(1- )/ 0 (1- ) ] -2 ( + ) t

Then '(0, t) = 2

[(1-)/ 0 (1-) ] -2 ( + ) t

= 2 [(1-)/ 0 (1- ) ] (cosine 2 t - sine 2 t) Real '(0, t) = 2 Real '(0, t) = 2

[(1- )/ 0 (1-) ] cosine 2 t [(1-)/ 0 (1-) ] (1 - 2sine t) [(1-)/ 0 (1-) ]

Naming ' = '(0, t); '0 = 2 Then ' = 2

[(1- )/ 0 (1- ) ] (1 - 2 sine t)

And ' = '0 (1 - 2 sine t) And ' - '0 = - 2 '0 sine t = -2{2 And ' - '0 = -4

[(1-)/ 0 (1-) ]} sine t

[(1-)/ 0 (1-) ] sine t

With, v = spin velocity; v0 = orbital velocity; 0 = orbital period And 0= tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]; light aberrations ' = ' - '0 = - 4 [(1-)]/

0 (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c] radians per 0

In degrees per period is multiplication by 180/ ' = (-720) [(1-)/

0 (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

The angle difference in degrees per period is: = ( ') 0 = (-720) [(1-)/ (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c] calculated in degrees per century is multiplication = 100 ; using 0 in days (100 /

= Earth orbital period = 100 x 365.26 = 36526 days and dividing by

0) = in degrees per century 0) [(1-)/ (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

Page 17

= (-72000 /

In arc second per century is multiplying by 3600 = - 3600 x 720 (100 Approximations I With v << c and v* << c Then Sine tan-1 [(v+ v0)/c] (v + v0)/c (Calculated in arc second per century) = (-720x36526x3600/ Approximations II The circumference of an ellipse Is: 2

/ 0) [(1-)/ (1-) ] x Sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

0 days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c]

a (1 - /4 + 3/16()- --.) 2 a (1- /4); r0 = a (1- /4)

From Newton's laws for a circular orbit: F = [M/m F = - Gm M/r02 = m v0/ r0 Then v0 = GM/ r0 For planet Mercury And v0 = [GM/ r] = [GM/a (1-/4)] G = 6.673 x 10 -11; M = 2 x1030 kg; a = 58.2 x 109 meters; = 0.206 Then v0 = [6.673 x 10 -11 x 2 x1030 /58.2 x 109 (1- 0.206 /4)] And v0 = 48.14 km/sec [Mercury]; c = 300,000 (Calculated in arc second per century) = (-720x36526x3600/

0 days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c]

With = 0.206; [(1-)/ (1-) ] = 1.552; v = 3 meters per second = (-720x36526x3600/88) 1.552 (48.143/300,000) = 43 arc second per century Summary = (-720x36526x3600/

0 days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c]

Page 18

= (-720x36526x3600/88) 1.552 (48.143/300,000) = 43 arc second per century

Or, r = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ); definition of an ellipse

Rotating ellipse, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t ------------- I

Newton's equation is: F = -G m M/r2; r > 0

Wrong r = r (, 0) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ) ----------------I Correct: r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t ------------- II Read my article: 50 Solutions of Mercury's Perihelion www.scribd/joenahhas

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