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Saturday Class : Number of students : 3 Saturday : 2:30pm 5:30pm Room : Gender : all male

Book title : English Language and Thinking Skills Topic : Unit 3 Lesson 6 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Text : Literacy : Title : Games around the world Reading and discussing/ questions pg18 & 19 Lesson objective : vocabulary/rhyming words, understanding information in non fiction text, grammar on conjunctions. Writing a short paragraph on a favourite game.Dictionary work. ACTIVITIES

Expected learning outcomes : reading and using information to answer questions, explain and infer causes. Write a short factual paragraph on the topic.

REMINDERS :Library is at 4:30pm

T ss

2:30 2:40

Pre Starter - Attendance and General Administrative matters. Teacher and student get to know a little about each other. Do the numbers game on the board for the students to guess.


Registe r


2:40 3:00

Starter - Teacher introduces new vocabulary and rhyming words. Write it on the right hand side of the board. 1.Height /fights 4.Coordination /donation 7.Skills/grills 2. rules /tools 5. touch /such 8.blocks/socks 3. looped/scooped 6. grid/bid 10. hop/stop

Speaking/ listening

White board

9. square/glare

T ss

Go over the words with the student, emphasize meaning, diction and intonation. Select ss (especially very weak ones/ alternate with good students) to read over the list. Clear whiteboard give students cards and tell them you are going to give them 1min to match the words. Of course to make it more fun place the card across the room. If students took too long, play it again but as an individual event. 3:00 3:15 Reading Allow students time to read the text quietly. Teacher reads the text aloud once. (1st paragraph) Allow individual students to read paragraphs. And the rest is read following the teacher. Discuss with the students about the games mentioned. Elicit other games the students know about and let them write it on the w/b.
Reading/ listening Text books

Ss T ss

T Ss


Ask questions about the story. Elicit responses for each question from different children. Encourage the quieter ones and make sure students raise their hands for a turn. Possible questions: Q:How many countries are mentioned in the entire story? A: 11 Name them-Indonesia, Colombia, Brazil, Japan, Saudi Arabia, German, Korea, Turkey, Taiwan, Cyprus, Columbia.
(skills scan for information/ identifying word by capital letter in text to show country/verifying double entry (Indonesia/Turkey )

Speaking/ listening/ reading

Listen/ read/ write reading

Text books

Q:It says , in the first paragraph that the games children play around the world are mostly similar, what were the differences? A;The rules to play and the names they were called.
T Ss

Skim and Scan for rhyming words - Ask students to look at the story again. Now ask them to get a coloured pencil and box or underline the words from the rhyming list. Next choose different students to read aloud the sentences the rhyming words are found. ( allow ss time to find the words) Write the first question on the w/b and fill in the answer. Show students how you used the word in brackets to help you find the answers. 1.Height /fights 4.Coordination /donation 7.Skills/grills
4:00 4:15 4:15 4:40

T Ss

2. rules /tools 5. touch /such 8.blocks/socks

3. looped/scooped 6. grid/bid 10. hop/stop

9. square/glare

BREAK TIME Reading time? Grammar - Conjunctions Ss provide and explain as many conjunctions as possible. Write down the conjunctions they provide on the board. Students then complete the exercise on their own.

If there is time tell the student you want them to make up a story, the teacher will start the story and then hold up a card with a conjunction on it for the student to continue the story using the conjunction shown and on and on.
4:40 5:10

Exploration Pick the right game. Ss read the given information. Teacher play video of one or two of the games for the sss to connect with the idea that children around the world do play games, next the ss discuss and tick the table. Ss will need to select a suitable game for Lily, Ronny and Joshua based on abilities. Asked ss to explain why he gave the matches he did. A: Lily Ampe,Komo, pick up sticks Ronny football Joshua Tug of war RECAP lesson : (This is to test ss ability to recall information) Quick game on rhyming


5:20 5:30

Clean up the class. This involves sweeping the floor, dusting the tables, looking for damage and marks on the tables and walls. Make sure all ss have their water bottles. empty waste paper bin. SS to exit in orderly manner. Do wish them a good day to end the lesson.

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