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1000 Pts - Orcs & Goblins

Great Shaman (22 , 293 pts) Night Goblin Great Shaman



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Spells of the Little Waaagh Sneaky Stealin'

0. Sneaky Stabbin' 1. Vindictive Glare

1 In 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 1 6 4 Composition: Lord Magic Mushrooms Roll D6 when spell is cast. Add to casting result, but does not count towards Irrisistible Force. If a 1 is rolled, roll a further D6. on a 1-3, the Shaman suffers a wound with no saves allowed and, unless cast with Irrisistible Force, spell fails.; General; Level 4 Upgrade; Sneaky Stealin'; Hand Weapon; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves) 1 Must choose spells fromSpells of the Little Waaagh 1 When a Spell of da Little Waaagh! has been successfully cast roll a D6. On a 5-6 you may take one of your opponent's dispel dice (if any left) and add it to your power pool. 1 6+ Cast . Augment, 12" Range, target gets Armour Piercing, in addition unit may re-roll To-Hit and To-Wound rolls if attacking in Flank or Rear 1 5+ Cast . Magic Missile, 24" Range, 2D6 S3 hits

[0] [0]

[0] [0]

2. Gift of the Spider-god 3. Itchy Nuisance 4. Gork'll Fix It 5. Night Shroud

10+ Cast . Can increase to 3D6 S3 hits 1 8+ Cast . Augment, 12" Range, target unit gains Poisoined Attacks, if unit has already, increases so wounds on 5+ 1 8+ Cast . Hex, 24" Range, target reduces M and I by D6, to minimum of 1, troops with Random Movement reduce by D3, to minimum of 1D6, and I by D6 1 8+ Cast . Hex, 24" Range, target must re-roll To-Hit, To-Wound and armour save rolls of 6 1 9+ Cast . Augment, targets Shaman and his unit, counts as being in soft cover, if charged enemy takes Dangerous Terrain test 15+ Cast . Can give 12" Range, effecting all units in range 1 15+ Cast . Magical Vortex, small round template, nominate direction and move 4D6", subsequently moving 3D6" in random direction. All models touched must pass cxharacteristic test or takes a wound with no armour save allowed. Roll before moving template: 1-2- S, 3-4- T, 5-6- I

[0] [0] [0] [0]

6. Curse of da Bad Moon


Ruby Ring of Ruin Night Goblins

25+ Cast . Can upgrade to large round template and choose characteristic 1 Bound spell, Fireball (power level 3) [25] 20 In 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 93 Composition: Core Animosity; Musician ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves) Night Goblin Boss 1 In 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 [3] Hand Weapon; Short Bow
3 1 3 1 5 90

Night Goblin Mob (21 , 175 pts) Night Goblins 19 In 4 2 3 3 Composition: Core Animosity; Musician ; Standard Bearer (Dwarves) Night Goblin Boss 1 In 4 2 3 3 Hand Weapon; Short Bow

; Hand Weapon; Short Bow; Fear Elves; Hatred

3 1 3 2 5 [3]

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Night Goblin Shaman



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Spells of the Little Waaagh Sneaky Stealin'

0. Sneaky Stabbin' 1. Vindictive Glare

1 In 4 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 5 2 Composition: Hero Magic Mushrooms Roll D6 when spell is cast. Add to casting result, but does not count towards Irrisistible Force. If a 1 is rolled, roll a further D6. on a 1-3, the Shaman suffers a wound with no saves allowed and, unless cast with Irrisistible Force, spell fails.; Level 2 Upgrade; Sneaky Stealin'; Hand Weapon; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves) 1 Must choose spells fromSpells of the Little Waaagh 1 When a Spell of da Little Waaagh! has been successfully cast roll a D6. On a 5-6 you may take one of your opponent's dispel dice (if any left) and add it to your power pool. 1 6+ Cast . Augment, 12" Range, target gets Armour Piercing, in addition unit may re-roll To-Hit and To-Wound rolls if attacking in Flank or Rear 1 5+ Cast . Magic Missile, 24" Range, 2D6 S3 hits

[0] [0]

[0] [0]

2. Gift of the Spider-god 3. Itchy Nuisance 4. Gork'll Fix It 5. Night Shroud

10+ Cast . Can increase to 3D6 S3 hits 1 8+ Cast . Augment, 12" Range, target unit gains Poisoined Attacks, if unit has already, increases so wounds on 5+ 1 8+ Cast . Hex, 24" Range, target reduces M and I by D6, to minimum of 1, troops with Random Movement reduce by D3, to minimum of 1D6, and I by D6 1 8+ Cast . Hex, 24" Range, target must re-roll To-Hit, To-Wound and armour save rolls of 6 1 9+ Cast . Augment, targets Shaman and his unit, counts as being in soft cover, if charged enemy takes Dangerous Terrain test 15+ Cast . Can give 12" Range, effecting all units in range 1 15+ Cast . Magical Vortex, small round template, nominate direction and move 4D6", subsequently moving 3D6" in random direction. All models touched must pass cxharacteristic test or takes a wound with no armour save allowed. Roll before moving template: 1-2- S, 3-4- T, 5-6- I 25+ Cast . Can upgrade to large round template and choose characteristic

[0] [0] [0] [0]

6. Curse of da Bad Moon


Night Goblin Mob (23 , 135 pts) Night Goblins 20 In 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 6+ 135 Composition: Core Animosity; Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves) Fanatics 3 Uq 2D6 5 3 1 3 D6 10 [75] Immune to Psychology Cannot be charged. Release the Fanatics: When unit concealing are within 8" of enemy release fanatics 2D6" in any direction. Further Movement: 2D6 in random direction. Splat: When moving through a unit, inflict D6 S5 armor piercing hits. Remove fanatic when: contacting any terrain, roll double for movement (except on release), unit ends move over (unit takes D6 S5 AP hits) Night Goblin Mob (23 , 135 pts) Night Goblins 20 In 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 6+ 135 Composition: Core Animosity; Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves) Fanatics 3 Uq 2D6 5 3 1 3 D6 10 [75] Immune to Psychology Cannot be charged. Release the Fanatics: When unit concealing are within 8" of enemy release fanatics 2D6" in any direction. Further Movement: 2D6 in random direction. Splat: When moving through a unit, inflict D6 S5 armor piercing hits. Remove fanatic when: contacting any terrain, roll double for movement (except on release), unit ends move over (unit takes D6 S5 AP hits)

Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Night Goblin Mob (23 , 135 pts) Night Goblins 20 In 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 6+ 135 Composition: Core Animosity; Hand Weapon; Spear; Shield; Fear Elves; Hatred (Dwarves) Fanatics 3 Uq 2D6 5 3 1 3 D6 10 [75] Immune to Psychology Cannot be charged. Release the Fanatics: When unit concealing are within 8" of enemy release fanatics 2D6" in any direction. Further Movement: 2D6 in random direction. Splat: When moving through a unit, inflict D6 S5 armor piercing hits. Remove fanatic when: contacting any terrain, roll double for movement (except on release), unit ends move over (unit takes D6 S5 AP hits) Pump Wagon (1 , 45 pts) Snotling Pump Wagon
1 Ch 2D6 4 4 3 6+ 45 Composition: Rare Random Movement (2D6), Impact Hits (2D6), Unbreakable, Unstable. Pump Harder Ladz! : Roll 3D6 for Random Movement. Too Pumped Up : If you roll two or more 1s, re-roll Random Movement (including extra dice for 'pumping harder' if you used rule) and move in random direction. If you roll two 1s, remove model. If you hit friendly unit, causes 2D6 Impact Hits.; Explodin' Spores Snotling Crew 0 2 2 3 5 4 [0] 1 WM 7 3 Composition: Rare See Orc & Goblin rulebook p48 for Doom Diver rules 12-60", S5, Ignores Armour Saves; Doom Diver Misfire table Goblin Crew 3 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 Hand Weapon; Fear Elves 80

Shooty Things (4 , 80 pts) Goblin Doom Diver Catapult

Total Cost:


Option Footnotes Doom Diver Misfire table Bloodline 1-2) Destroyed! Remove the model and crew. 3-4) Disabled! Cannot shoot this turn, or next turn. 5) Skidmarks Hits first thing in path. If terrain causes no damage. Units suffer D6 S5 hits with no save. 6) Wild Shot! D6x10" in random direction. Unable to move impact point. Options Base can make single shooting attack, and stand and shoot reaction. Throwing weapon, hits automatically, no armour saves allowed. 6+ Ward Save in combat when on foot and fighting with a shield; no effect if mounted. +1 to combat resolution in a tie. +1 Leadership when attempting to Rally (may not exceed 10). Allows Swift Reform. +1 Armour save bonus. 18" Range, Strength 3. Volley Fire Fight in Extra Rank (does not apply if charging); +1 Strength when mounted and charging. +1 to Combat Resolution; Standard can be captured if unit Flees. Spells Roll 2D6 on this table: 2-4) Dimensional Cascade: Put large template on the Wizard. Every model (including Wizard) takes a S10 hit. Roll a D6 - 1-3 Remove Wizard, 4-6 Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 5-6) Calamitous Detination: Put the small template on the Wizard. Every model (including the Wizard) takes a S10 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 7) Detonation: Models in contact with the Wizard (but not the Wizard) take a S10 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 8-9) Magical Feedback: The Wizard and every other friendly Wizard takes a S6 hit. Remove D6 dice from Power Pool. 10-12) Power Drain: Wizard Level -D3, minimum 0. For every level lost, randomly forget spell. First spell lost is spell that caused miscast. Wizard cannot cast any more spells this turn.

Explodin' Spores Hand Weapon Musician Shield Short Bow Spear Standard Bearer Miscast Table

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Roster Design Information Units of Goblins Fear Elves . Animosity: Roll D6 for each eligible unit. On a 1, roll on chart: 1- Get 'Em: Inflict D6 S3 hits (2D6 if Horde) on nearest eligible unit, unit does same back. 2-5- Squabble: Charge if possible, or do nothing. 6- We'll Show 'Em: Move towards closest visible enemy, or straight forward. Must declare charge. Validation Report Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Army Subtype: Orc & Goblin Horde; Special Rules: Forbid Regiments of Renown Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules Roster Statistics General's Ld: 6 # Models: 117 Total Characters: 285 Total Core: 588 Total Magic Items: 25 Total Rare: 125 Total Special: 0 % Characters: 28.6 % Core: 58.9 % Magic Items: 2.5 % Rare: 12.5 % Special: 0 Group Points of Lords Points of Heroes Points of Core Points of Special Points of Rare Min 0 0 250 0 0 Max 250 250 Unlimited 500 250 Used 200 85 588 0 125

Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

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