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Maturski ispit iz engleskog jezika je usmeni ispit koji podrazumeva:


2. GRAMATIKU ANALIZU ISPITNA PITANJA IZ GRAMATIKE: 1. Countable and 12. Present Continuous for uncountable nouns future actions 2. Plural of nouns (regular 13. Present Perfect Tense and irregular) 14. Present Perfect 3. Articles (indefinite and Continuous Tense definite article) 15. Past Simple Tense 4. Expressing quantity 16. Past Continuous Tense 5. Comparison of adjectives 17. Past Perfect Tense 6. Comparison of adverbs 18. Used to 7. Prepositions 19. Future Tense 8. Pronouns 20. Going to 9. Auxiliary verbs (be, 21. The Passive have, do) 22. Reported Speech 10. Present Simple Tense 23. Infinitives 11. Present Continuous 24. Gerund Tense 25. Modal verbs 26. Perfect infinitive 27. Wishes 28. Causative HAVE STH DONE 29. Conditionals -1,2,3 30. Relative clauses 31. Questions (Yes/No questions, Wh-questions, Subject questions, Indirect questions) 32. Question tags 33. Participles (present, past and perfect)

3. PROVERU VOKABULARA I KONVERZACIJU NA JEDNU OD ZADATIH TEMA: 1. Modern manners 2. Money makes the world go round 3. Gambling-an easy way to earn money or a disaster? 4. Travelling as a way to broaden your horizons 5. What do you think the future holds for us? (discuss society, communication, medicine, environment, space travel,...) 6. Education system in England 7. Body language 8. Being a good conversationalist 9. The biggest festival in your country (How do you celebrate it? What traditions are there? How are these traditions changing? How do you feel about the festival?...) 10. Tell a story of a crime (You can choose a real-life crime or one from TV, a book, or a film. What happened? How was it solved?) 11. Culture clash 12. Mass media-advantages and disadvantages 13. Physical exercise and our health 14. Food and health 15. Last gasp for smokers 16. The development of medicine 17. Coincidence-pure chance or a mysterious force? 18. Superstitions 19. How important is physical appearance nowadays? 20. My plans for the future Preporuena literatura: Tom Hutchinson: Lifelines (pre-intermediate), OUP Tom Hutchinson: Lifelines (intermediate), OUP Miri, Popovi: Gramatika engleskog jezika sa vebanjima Virginia Evans: Grammarway, Express Publishing A practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press Medicinski renik English-Serbian Students Dictionary, Oxford University Press Druge gramatike i renici, Internet,kao i sva dostupna literatura... *** Preporuena literatura je dostupna u kolskoj biblioteci Za sve dodatne informacije, objanjenja i eventualne nejasnoe konsultujte svog profesora engleskog jezika.


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