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- 26/10/12

Obama votes, picks up Powell endorsement amid swing state push

(Reuters: Top News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:20:13 PM

By Jeff Mason CHICAGO| Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:20pm EDT (Reuters) - President Barack Obama won the endorsement of retired General Colin Powell, a moderate Republican, on Thursday as he and Republican rival Mitt Romney engaged in frantic campaigning in battleground states to try to turn a razor-close race their way. Hoping to encourage other Democrats to vote ahead of the November 6 election, Obama cast his ballot early in his home town of Chicago. Romney portrayed himself as an agent of change during a day campaigning in Ohio with 12 days to go until the election. There was little movement in the overall state of the race - which is essentially tied. Romney was [unable to retrieve full-text

clinging to a one percentage point lead over Obama in Thursday's Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll, up 47 percent to 46 percent for Obama. A new ABC News/Washington Post poll showed how Romney has made up ground since defeating Obama in the first of their three presidential debates on October 3. The poll had Romney up by 50 percent to 47 percent among likely voters. Romney charged that electing Obama would return Washington to a "status-quo path," a path that "doesn't have an answer about how to get the economy going." "The path we're on does not have new answers," said Romney, whose campaign has been centered around ways to create jobs in the sputtering economy. POWELL BOOST Powell's endorsement was a milestone for the president in his re-election bid but since he had content]

backed Obama four years ago, it did not have the same impact this time around. Powell was a secretary of state during the presidency of Obama's Republican predecessor, George W. Bush. He told CBS he is sticking with Obama because the economy is improving. "The unemployment rate is too high. People are still hurting in housing. But I see that we are starting to rise up," he said. Obama has generated large crowds during a two-day, eightstate tour that is taking him to Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Ohio, California, Illinois and Virginia. Some 8,500 people showed up for an early morning rally in Tampa, Florida on Thursday and some 15,000 came out for the president in Richmond, Virginia. The president has sought to rev up enthusiasm and momentum in those crowds by talking about his [unable to retrieve full-text

cross-country trip. "We are right in the middle of our 48-hour fly-around campaign extravaganza," he said to applause in Florida. "We pulled an allnighter last night!" The election will likely be decided in a handful of swing states where the candidates are spending just about all of their time, with none of them more important than Ohio. The two campaigns squabbled over who has the upper hand in Ohio, where the race is close. Democrats believe they have the edge in early voting and turn-out operation, but Republicans disagree. "A steady upward trajectory among key voting blocs indicates a close race, but one that is unmistakably moving in Mitt Romney's direction," said Romney national political director Rich Beeson in an e-mailed memo. content]

The Romney campaign made clear it would have enough money to fund television advertising in the swing states by announcing his campaign had brought in more than $111 million from October 1 to October 17. The Romney campaign and its Republican allies reported having $169 million cash on hand for the final push. (Writing by Steve Holland; Editing by Alistair Bell; and Todd Eastham) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Presidential election to pass $2B fundraising mark - CBS News

(Top Stories - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:36:48 PM

since 2011. The largest of those were two pro -Romney groups. American W A S H I N G T O N T h e 2 0 1 2 Crossroads, a Republican-leaning p r e s i d e n t i a l c a m p a i g n w a s super PAC with ties to former expected Thursday to pass the $2 President George W. Bush's billion mark in fundraising, longtime political counselor Karl a c c o r d i n g t o a c c o u n t i n g Rove, reported raising at least $68 statements submitted to the million through September. g o v e r n m e n t , t h a n k s t o a n Restore Our Future, founded by outpouring of cash from both former Romney aides, reported o r d i n a r y c i t i z e n s a n d t h e raising $110 million so far. wealthiest Americans hoping to Priorities USA, a pro-Obama influence the selection of the group founded by two former country's next leader. aides to the president, reported The eye-popping figure puts this raising $50 million through last election on track to be the month. costliest in history, fueled by a The $2 billion fundraising figure campaign finance system vastly doesn't include nearly $130 altered by the proliferation of million spent on political ads by "super" political committees that non-profit groups that aren't are bankrolling a barrage of TV required to file campaign finance ads in battleground states. reports or disclose their donors. President Barack Obama and Such so-called social welfare Republican challenger Mitt organizations are governed by tax Romney had brought in more than laws, not election laws, although $1.5 billion through the end of they are often affiliated with September, according to previous established super PACs. fundraising reports submitted Presidential candidates in 2008 before the final pre-election raised more than $1.8 billion in accounting statements were due inflation-adjusted figures. This Thursday night. Obama hadn't yet t i m e , n e w f a c t o r s h a v e disclosed his fundraising for early contributed to the sharp escalation October, but Romney's campaign in the campaign money chase. said it raised $111.8 million in the This year marked the first time first two weeks. Added to that: that both major party candidates more than $230 million in opted out from the public donations involving super PACs financing system established to [unable to retrieve full-text

set limits on how much a presidential candidate can raise and spend. Both Obama and Romney would have been eligible for about $100 million in taxpayer money to support their campaigns through the general election, but both gambled correctly that they could raise and spend far more. In 2008, Obama became the first presidential contender to refuse all public financing while his Republican rival, Arizona Sen. John McCain, accepted the government funds. The lopsided result Obama outspent McCain by more than 2-to-1 in the general election effectively ended public funding as an option for serious candidates. With the 2012 election so tight, both Obama and Romney have spent considerable time at highdollar fundraising events courting wealthy donors. Romney last month lamented the time spent fundraising rather than speaking to larger groups of voters, saying "fundraising is a part of politics when your opponent decides not to live by the federal spending limits." Both Obama and Romney have raised considerable cash from small donors, too, especially the president. His campaign reported that more than 2 million donors content]

have contributed at least $427 million to his campaign. Federal election regulators have raised the limit on individual contributions to candidates, which means campaigns can solicit more money from donors than they have in the past. Individual donors can now give a total of $5,000 in the primary and general elections to a candidate, compared to just $2,000 in 2000. Michael Toner, a Republican campaign finance lawyer and former chairman of the Federal Election Commission, said the close race between Obama and Romney and the sharply polarized electorate have also played a role in accelerating the dash for dollars. "I don't know any campaign manager who thinks they have too much money. In this political 5050 environment you can't ever have enough," Toner said. "Every last million could make the difference in who is elected." But the emergence of super PACs and other outside groups, unleashed partly by the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in 2010, has done more than anything else to reshape the contours of presidential campaign fundraising. A handful of federal court cases have broadly eased campaign finance regulations,

allowing corporations and wealthy individuals to spend unlimited sums. Most of the money has been funneled to super PACs, which can raise and spend money on behalf of candidates as long as they don't coordinate expenditures or strategy with the campaign. "The distinctive factor in this election is the outside money being spent and the corrupting money financing it," said Fred Wertheimer, a longtime campaign finance reform advocate. "It's a symbol of the disastrous campaign finance system we have and the undue influence relatively few well-financed individuals and interest groups now have over government decisions. Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson is the top super PAC donor this year. Adelson, a billionaire, has contributed more than $40 million to Republican super PACs, including those backing Romney. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Apple iPad sales disappoint, Street eyes the holidays

(Reuters: Top News)

somewhat higher than the 25 million to 26 million that Wall Street analysts had predicted. But By Poornima Gupta sales of the iPad came in at 14 SAN FRANCISCO| Thu Oct 25, million, well below lowered 2012 10:08pm EDT forecasts for the tablet as the (Reuters) - Apple Inc delivered a economy remained weak and s e c o n d s t r a i g h t q u a r t e r o f consumers awaited the iPad mini, disappointing results and iPad which will hit store shelves next sales fell well short of Wall month. Street's targets, marring its record Analysts say the real test for the of consistently blowing past company will come during the investors' expectations. crucial holiday shopping season, Shares in the world's most when competition will reach fever valuable technology company -pitch with Apple, briefly dipped to levels not seen Inc, Google Inc and Microsoft since the start of August, after it Corp all fielding new gadgets. delivered a 27 percent rise in "Going into earnings we were revenue for its fourth quarter w o n d e r i n g i f t h e s l o w i n g while earnings rose 24 percent. economy will catch up with Wall The numbers, while in line with Street and it has," said Channing expectations, lacked the positive Smith, co-manager of the Capital surprises that investors had grown Advisors Growth Fund. used to and came after Apple "Apple is very well-positioned undershot revenue targets in the with the iPad and now the iPad previous quarter. Its shares mini. It has a great smartphone bounced back, however, after and we expect the iPhone 5 to sell CEO Tim Cook told analysts on a v e r y w e l l . T h e o u t l o o k i s conference call that the latest c o n s e r v a t i v e b u t t h a t ' s n o t iPhone 5 was heavily backlogged surprising. Err on the side of but the company had mostly caution is a proven formula." worked out kinks in its iPhone Just hours after Apple's results, supply chain. its main smartphone rival Apple shipped 26.9 million Samsung Electronics Co reported iPhones in the last quarter, a near doubling in quarterly
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:08:17 PM

earnings, and while it did not detail smartphone shipments, they are estimated to have surged to 58 million. Apple heads into the current quarter after refreshing almost all of its product lines, including introducing an upgraded, fourthgeneration full-sized iPad. The December quarter will show how well consumers respond to Apple's latest gamble - the iPad mini that will go on sale on November 2. CAR THAT FLIES AND FLOATS For the December quarter, Apple forecast revenue of $52 billion, below the average estimate of $55 billion, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. It is expecting margins to come in at 36 percent, far lower than analysts' expected 43 percent. Apple Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer mostly attributed the lower margin and conservative guidance to a combination of a stronger dollar, higher costs associated with new products, and the fact that Apple's next fiscal quarter has one less week than the same period a year ago. Apple's stock was holding steady [unable to retrieve full-text content]

at $609.40 in extended trade after flirting with the $600 level. The shares had ended regular trade at $609.54. Supply constraints holding up sales of the iPad and iPhone dominated discussions between analysts and Apple executives during the post-results conference call. Apple had struggled to deliver large quantities of the iPhone 5 since its launch in late September, with the waitlist for the device at one point stretching to three weeks in some regions. "Our supply output is significantly higher than it was earlier in October," Cook said, referring to the iPhone 5. "And I'm confident that we'll be able to supply quite a few during the quarter." Cook also opined on Microsoft's new Windows 8-based Surface tablet that will hit stores in the wee hours of Friday. "I haven't personally played with the Surface yet, but what we're reading about it, is that it's a fairly compromised, confusing product," he said. "I suppose you could design a car that flies and floats, but I don't think it would do all of those things very well." Despite the lackluster fourth

quarter, Apple put up big numbers for the year. It ended its fiscal 2012 with a 45 percent increase in revenue to $156.5 billion, while net income was up 61 percent at $41.7 billion. For the final fiscal quarter, it posted net income of $8.2 billion or $8.67 a diluted share in the fiscal fourth quarter on revenue of $35.96 billion, versus $6.6 billion or $7.05 a share a year earlier. Analysts had expected on average that Apple would earn $8.75 per share. Apple ended the quarter with $121.3 billion in cash and securities, of which $83 billion was offshore. (Reporting by Poornima Gupta; Editing by Richard Chang and Edmund Klamann) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Curated News Edition

Unemployment Benefits Go Unclaimed More Often Than They Are Overpaid: Study - Huffington Post
Bonnie Kavoussi (unemployment - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 2:09:03 PM

Critics have derided the federal government for being wasteful when it comes to unemployment benefits, but the reality is that it's much more common for jobless benefits to go unclaimed than to be wasted. Only half of eligible unemployed Americans during the most recent recession actually collected unemployment benefits, according to a new analysis by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. And over the past 22 years, only one-third of those eligible for jobless benefits collected them on average. If everyone that qualified for unemployment benefits in 2009 collected them, then the government would have spent $108 billion more on jobless benefits that year: That's roughly 10 times more than the $11 billion that the government overpaid in jobless benefits that year, according to the analysis. The difference is striking,

considering the recent controversy surrounding overpayment of unemployment benefits. The government overpaid about $14 billion in unemployment benefits last year, according to Labor Department data cited by CNNMoney. Some recipients have included prisoners, dead people, retired public workers, and the employed. In addition, 2,362 millionaires received unemployment benefits in 2009. Though the figure may seem outrageous, it amounted to only 0.02 percent of all unemployment benefit income, according to the Congressional Research Service. Still, Congressional Republicans have seized on the findings to advocate for ending unemployment benefits for millionaires. But unemployment benefits are a form of insurance, and more than nine in ten unemployment benefit recipients in 2009 lived in households with annual incomes of less than $100,000 per year, according to the Congressional Research Service. (Hat tip: The Wall Street Journal)

Earlier on HuffPost: Loading Slideshow Millionaires More than 2,000 millionaires took home unemployment benefits in 2009, according to a recent report from the Congressional Research Service. That comes to a total of $20.8 million. Prisoners Prisoners in a variety of states may be improperly receiving unemployment benefits while serving time. An investigation by Illinois officials in July turned up at least 420 inmates taking home unemployment benefits, according to the Chicago Tribune. In Arizona, the state improperly paid prisoners more than$1.1 million in unemployment benefits over a two-year period, according to Fox News. In one case a convicted killer managed to collect $30,000 in unemployment benefits between 2008 and 2010, the Los Angeles ABC affiliate reports. Dead People Among the people improperly receiving unemployment benefits in New York state are those who aren't

even alive, according to the Associated Press. The state's comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said he's stopped more than $1 million in improper benefits to the dead, undocumented immigrants and working people. Government Workers In Maryland, one state worker making $9,700 took home $5,800 in unemployment benefits at the same time, according the Baltimore Sun. Fired Prison Workers The California Corrections Agency wrongly paid prison workers that they fired for misconduct $1.3 million in unemployment benefits over two years, the Los Angeles Times reports. Recipients included a prison guard fired after being arrested in a drunken hitand-run incident and a prison guard involved in a narcotics transaction. People With Jobs It may come as no surprise that one of the requirements of receiving unemployment benefits is being unemployed, but in Illinois at least 12,000 people wrongly collected unemployment benefits

while working, according to the Peoria Journal-Star. Retired Public Workers In Massachusetts retired public workers collecting benefits became such a problem that local leaders pushed for statewide reform on the issue, according to ABC News. These retirees were receiving public pensions at the same time. Contribute to this Story: Send us a tip Send us a photo or video Suggest a correction

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Boehner demands answers on Benghazi while Panetta warns of Monday morning quarterbacking
Hope Hodge ( Todays Top News)

which the White House mischaracterized the terrorist attack as an organic riot response Submitted at 10/25/2012 3:00:11 PM to an anti-Muslim video, Boehner House Speaker John Boehner (R- w a n t e d t o k n o w h o w t h e Ohio) wants President Barack administrations policy response Obama to explain in a public to the violence had shifted in address what administration acknowledgment of the new officials knew and when they narrative and how to make up for knew it before and following a missed opportunities in the early terrorist attack on a U.S. consulate s t a g e s o f t h e i n c i d e n t in Benghazi, Libya last month that i n v e s t i g a t i o n . c l a i m e d t h e l i v e s o f f o u r Many Americans are frustrated Americans. and alarmed to read that news Though Republican presidential agencies appear to have better challenger Mitt Romney declined access to the site of the attack and to press Obama on the Benghazi to individuals of interest than the attacks during a foreign policy administration, Boehner wrote. debate Monday night, House Boehner also asked the president Republicans have indicated they to dictate whether he was willing are not back down in their search to take action in response to the for answers in a pattern of attacks to protect U.S. national apparent security missteps prior to security interests. the attacks and misinformation Mr. President, our country will afterward. not be able to move on from the In a letter dated Thursday, tragedy of Sept. 11, 2012 until the Boehner asked Obama to provide public better understands the a public accounting for what the answers to these key questions White House knew about the and concerns, Boehner said, security concerns of murdered asking Obama to make a public U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens address in response to the letter at and other Americans on-site in the earliest possible date. Libya and why the consulate was Meanwhile, during a midunable to receive the backup afternoon media briefing at the s e c u r i t y i t r e q u e s t e d . A n d Pentagon, Defense Secretary Leon following an extended period in P a n e t t a w a s d o w n p l a y i n g

questions from reporters about reports of a U.S. drone hovering above the Benghazi consulate during the attacks and how much the Defense Department knew during and immediately after the assault. Theres a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on here, he said. This happened within a few hours and it was really over before was had the opportunity to find out what was happening. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, added during the briefing that questions should be saved until after ongoing investigations and reviews were completed. Its not helpful, in my view, to provide partial answers, Dempsey said. Im confident that our forces were alert and responsive to what was a very fluid situation. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

'Dangerous' Hurricane Sandy and resulting Frankenstorm may impact LI ... - Newsday
(Top Stories - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:33:10 PM

"Frankenstorm" that could hit as soon as late Sunday. The main culprit is Hurricane Originally published: October 25, Sandy, which could potentially 2012 1:49 PM "gel" with a cold front and a Updated: October 25, 2012 10:13 weather system from the west late PM Sunday or Monday along the... By PATRICIA KITCHEN. AND Content Preview This content is NELSON O L I V E I R A exclusive for Newsday digital l i d e s k @ n e w s d a y . c o m access and 7-day home delivery You need the latest version of the s u b s c r i b e r s a n d O p t i m u m Adobe Flash Player to view the O n l i n e c u s t o m e r s . V o t e video related to this article. Are you concerned about Download Now. Hurricane Sandy hitting Long A stronger Hurricane Sandy will Island? bring high winds and surf to Yes No Florida, but forecasters say the This entry passed through the biggest threat is to the Northeast Full-Text RSS service if this is next week. AP video. (Oct. 25) your content and you're reading it (October 25, 2012 1:35 PM) on someone else's site, please read Amid dire forecasts for a cold the FAQ at combining with Hurricane only/faq.php#publishers. Five Sandy, state and Long Island Filters recommends: Incinerating officials urged residents Thursday Assange - The Liberal Media Go t o p r e p a r e f o r p o t e n t i a l l y To Work. punishing rain and high winds in a

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China paves way for Bank of China 17% prosecuting disgraced Profit Jump Tops Estimates - Businessweek politician Bo Xilai - Reuters
(china - Google News) (china - Google News)

Letter: Housing Authority thanks the ORPD - Oak Ridger

(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:14:02 PM

lending rates. Bank of... China Unicom Profit Misses Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:27:12 PM Estimates on Shift to Low-End New York Times Users Bloomberg Bank of China 17% Profit Jump Bank of China Profit Rises 17% Tops Estimates on Loan Growth New York Times Businessweek UPDATE 2-Bank of China posts Profit growth accelerated to the strong Q3 profit after cutting bad fastest pace in more than a year as loan coverage Reuters China's largest banks resisted Fox Business- PopMatters- Globe pressure from the government to and Mail o f f e r d i s c o u n t s o n l o a n s , all 190 news articles protecting their margins after the central bank widened the band for

Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:43:47 PM

BBC News China paves way for prosecuting disgraced politician Bo Xilai Reuters BEIJING (Reuters) - China's largely rubber stamp parliament has expelled disgraced former senior politician Bo Xilai, state news agency Xinhua said on Friday, paving the way for formal criminal charges to be laid against

him. The expulsion removes Bo's... China Expels Bo Xilai from Legislature, Set for Trial TIME China's Ruling Party Expels Bo Xilai As Transition Pace Quickens Forbes Bo Xilai: China parliament expels disgraced politician BBC News U.S. News & World Report all 284 news articles

NATE SILVER: Obama's Odds Of Winning Are Now Back Over 70%
Henry Blodget (Business Insider)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:45:44 PM

Letter: Housing Authority thanks the ORPD Oak Ridger To the Editor: The Oak Ridge Housing Authority (ORHA) would like to thank the Oak Ridge Police Department (ORPD) and the K-9 squad in assisting the Oak Ridge Housing Authority (ORHA) with our annual apartment inspections September 17 - 20, 2012. and more

Obama's odds of winning reelection are rising again according to all three sources we're monitoring: Polling guru Nate Silver and betting markets Intrade and Betfair. All three say Obama's chances

have risen significantly in the past week, despite the release of some polls that have looked great for Romney. Let's go to the data... First, Nate Silver now gives Obama 71% chance of reelection. That's up from a post-first-debate low of ~60% three weeks ago, and it's climbing back toward the 80% peak Obama hit just before the

first debate. On Intrade, meanwhile, Obama's odds have climbed back over 60% from a startlingly low 54% a few days ago. Intrade's odds are still much more favorable to Romney than Nate Silver or Betfair. And, on Betfair, Obama's odds have climbed back to 70% from a low of nearly 60% a few days ago.

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In short, in everything but some of the national polls (namely, Gallup), Obama has a solid lead. And he has been extending it over the past few days. (TREND HUNTER - The Latest Please follow Politics on Twitter Trends) and Facebook. Join the conversation about this Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:14:02 PM story ( Amanda Lew Kee's Spring 2013 line merged the designers passion for food and fashion at the 2012 Toronto Fashion Week event. Lew Kee chose Ursa restaurant as the debut site for her seasonal...

Foodie Fashion Shows - Amanda Lew Kee's Spring 2013 Line Debuts at Ursa Restaurant (

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Business/ Sports/

Buffett bets big on housing with ResCap portfolio buy Minneapolis Star Tribune
(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:18:19 PM

Buffett bets big on housing with ResCap portfolio buy Minneapolis Star Tribune Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. won an auction for a portfolio of Residential Capital's loans with a $1.5 billion bid, adding to the billionaire's bet on a housing market recovery. The competing bidder was a group that included a unit of... and more

This Was The Moment I Realized What The Wild Really Looks Like
Julie Zeveloff (Business Insider)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:10:29 PM

Boyd leads No. 14 Clemson past Wake, 42-13

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:47:53 PM

After traveling more than 24 hours, I arrived yesterday at Sasakwa Airstrip in northern Tanzania, on the western corridor of the Serengeti, as part of a press trip to visit hotels and safari camps around the country. My travel group was met by

Simon, our Tanzanian tour guide, in an open-sided off-road vehicle. After a day's worth of travel, I expected to head straight to our lodge at Singita Grumeti Reserve's tent camp, Sabora. Instead, I wound up on a threehour game drive through a privately run reserve in the middle of the Great Migration, seeing more big game than most people

see in a lifetime, including a close look at a lion eating a wildebeest. Matthew, our Coastal Airways pilot, took us from Arusha, Tanzania, to Sasakwa, in the center of Singita's Grumeti Reserve, a private 340,000 acre park. Our 12-seat plane dropped us off at Sasakwa airstrip before heading to the Kenyan border.

Apart from the red dirt airstrip and a small tent, there was nothing but plains in every direction. See the rest of the story at Business Insider Please follow The Life on Twitter and Facebook.

Tajh Boyd threw for a schoolrecord 428 yards with five touchdown passes, Sammy Watkins added a school-record 202 yards receiving and No. 14 Clemson routed Wake Forest 4213 on Thursday night.

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Election Commission focus on cash seizures Daily News & Analysis

(Nation - Google News)

Nasim Zaidi will also interact with... EC wants ban on traditional Livemint couriers during Gujarat polls Election Commission focus on Livemint cash seizures EC relaxes cash seizure norms in Daily News & Analysis election-bound Guj Business T h e f u l l b e n c h E l e c t i o n Standard Commission (EC) is visiting EVMs would be tamper-proof, Gujarat on Monday to review Gujarat EC official assures election preparedness. An EC Deccan Herald spokesman here said the chief Press Trust of Indiaelection commissioner VS T w o C i r c l e s . n e t S a m p a t h a n d e l e c t i o n all 18 news articles commissioners HS Brahma and
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:33:11 PM

London landmark will become a hotel - Scotsman

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:37:44 PM

Morcombes hold out hope of funeral - Brisbane Times

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:46:31 PM

The Guardian London landmark will become a hotel Scotsman Historic London landmark Admiralty Arch is to be turned into a luxury hotel after the government agreed to lease it out for 60 million. The ceremonial gateway between The Mall and Trafalgar Square has been leased for 99 years to a development

company. Admiralty Arch to open to public for first time as luxury hotel Historic Admiralty Arch to be turned into a luxury hotel by Bulgari developer after... Daily Mail Admiralty Arch sold to Spanish investor Financial Times The Independent- Evening Standard- The Guardian all 122 news articles

Jindal vs Zee TV: Demand for probe on media grows Fictional Fast Food Meals - The Denny's Hobbit-Inspired Menu is - IBNLive Made for Middle-earth Residents
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:39:51 PM

Brisbane Times Morcombes hold out hope of funeral Brisbane Times The parents of Daniel Morcombe plan to make an official request for the release their son's remains for burial if the DNA evidence is solid. Daniel was 13 when he was allegedly abducted from a Sunshine Coast bus stop and murdered in December 2003. Child predators lurking ever closer thanks to internet, Morcombes warn on eighth... New phone app could save lives The Reporter Big crowds walk to support 'Day for Daniel' ABC Online Sydney Morning Herald- Herald Sun- Courier Mail all 58 news articles

IBNLive Jindal vs Zee TV: Demand for probe on media grows IBNLive New Delhi: The demand for an independent inquiry on the media

has grown after Congress MP and industrialist Naveen Jindal released a video accusing Zee TV of extortion. Jindal did a reverse sting operation on Zee TV, showing the media giant... Naveen Jindal produces 'evidence' of 'extortion' charge against private news... Economic

Times Jindal goes public with 'extortion CD' Times of India Jindal airs Zee sting, media its dirty linen Financial Express Livemint- Business StandardNDTV all 99 news articles

(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 4:44:02 PM

( People will be able to get a taste of Middle-

earth thanks to the Denny's Hobbit-Inspired Menu, which is set to debut on November 6, 2012. Created to help promote the first of three ...

Curated News Edition

World News/ Technology/ Sports/

Olympian challenge for ONS's statisticians - Scotsman

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:25:57 PM

Livemint Olympian challenge for ONS's statisticians Scotsman The temporary factors were responsible for around 0.8 of a percentage point of the 1 per cent surge in GDP, according to some economists, as the zig-zag effect caused by Britain's summer of major events continued to be felt.

With more than half of the data for... Osborne: UK economy is on right track Herald Scotland Olympic bounce puts Britain back in the black The Independent Britain gets back on track: Boost from the Olympics and Jubilee helps lift us out of... Daily Mail CITY A.M.The Sun all 1,118 news articles

More cuts a 'risk' to soldiers' lives The Australian

(Nation - Google News)

Tigers-Giants scoreless in 7th inning of Game 2

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:22:36 PM

the armed forces and a repeat of "mistakes" made after the Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:45:38 PM Vietnam... Sky News Australia Defence cuts are risky, Army More cuts a 'risk' to soldiers' lives chief warns Ninemsn The Australian Morrison stands up for Army The In an extraordinary public Interpreter intervention by a senior serving Army chief warns defence cuts Australian Defence Force officer, are risky Sky News Australia Lieutenant General Morrison Business Spectator warns that further cuts could pose all 20 news articles a real risk to the effectiveness of

Detroit needs Prince Fielder to start producing before it's too late. He's having a tough postseason.

Patent holder sues Apple over Quick Look file viewer

Steven Musil (CNET News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:20:41 PM

A nonpracticing entity is suing Apple, alleging that versions of its Mac OS X operating system infringe on a file viewer patent it holds. WhitServe, which owns intellectual property but doesn't make any real products, filed a complaint today in U.S. District Court for Connecticut claiming that Apple's Quick Look violates

patent No. 7,921,139, a system for "sequentially opening and displaying files in a directory." Introduced in Mac OS X Leopard, Apple's Quick Look allows users a convenient way to preview the contents of a document before opening it fully in an application. By selecting a file in the Finder and pressing the spacebar, users can view a window that shows a view of the contents of the file. WhitServe said it is actively

licensing the patent, which was granted in 2011, and has suffered as a result of Apple's inclusion of the technology in its operating system.

"The harm to WhitServe resulting from the infringing acts of Apple is irreparable, continuing, not fully compensable by money damages, and will continue unless enjoined by this Court," the company said in its lawsuit. In addition to damages and court costs, WhitServe is seeking a permanent injunction against Apple's use of the technology. CNET has contacted Apple for comment and will update this report when we learn more.

WhitServe LCC v. Apple Inc. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



Curated News Edition

Cars That Fly *And* Float: Explaining Apples Q4 And Beyond

Mg Siegler (TechCrunch)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:44:45 PM

Apples Q4 2012 results were mixed. As usual, reading Twitter, youd think this was the end of the world. Nevermind that Amazon managed to post a loss on $13.8 billion in sales today Apple only made$8.2 billion in profit. Ahhhh!!!!! What is wrong with Apple?!!! This would have never have happened under Steve! Thats right, such a profit wouldnt have happened under Steve. In fact, it never did. Jobs best quarter in terms of profit was just over $7 billion and actually, thats when Tim Cook was interim CEO last year. But had you read TechCrunch in July, after Apples last miss, you would have been prepared. As we noted at the time: Apple missed this past quarter, but the true shock could come if they miss next quarter as well. The guidance Apple gave indicates theyre thinking small (well, for them its all relative, remember) as they prepare for a fall transition. Apple may well hit/beat their numbers next quarter, or they may not. Regardless, theyll likely be fairly depressed again. But thats only because everything is aligning for a mega Q1 holiday quarter.

Again. Thats exactly what we saw. Apple beat Wall Street revenue estimates, but missed in profit and earnings-per-share. Fairly depressed. Mixed. And yes, its largely because Apple has aligned their product might behind Q1. Think about this stat that Cook rattled off during the earnings call today: the products that Apple has released in the past six weeks are expected to make up 80 percent of sales in the coming quarter. iPhone 5. 4th generation iPad. iPad mini. 13-inch retina MacBook Pro. New iMacs. New iPods. Etc. The chamber will be out of bullets. Thats why Apple is projecting revenue of$52 billion next quarter. It would be their biggest quarter ever topping even last years monster Q1, which saw revenues hit $46 billion and blew Wall Street away. While Apple has missed Wall Streets numbers here and there, they dont miss their own. Theyre clearly aiming for sales greater than $52 billion. Still, some are disappointed that the next massive quarter will only be $6 billion higher than last year. And others cant understand how Apple could miss on some of the numbers this past quarter. But its actually pretty easy to understand if you just stop. Think. And read

between the lines. The most important product in Apples arsenal is still by far the iPhone. Apples numbers basically live or die by these sales. Some people may have been disappointed that Apples numbers were up only slightly sequentially since the iPhone 5 came out last month, but it was actually only one sale for nine days in the quarter before it closed. Still, those nine days probably helped boost revenues just over last quarter. That in turn may have helped Apple get by revenue estimates. The iPhone 5 will fuel Apples next quarter past $50 billion. The iPad situation was not nearly as good this past quarter. Apple actually sold fewer iPads sequentially. Cook noted that Apple expected this decline. But why? It is a pretty new product after all. The first reason is K-12 sales. Those typically happen in the June quarter, not the September quarter. Clearly, they matter a lot to the iPad already. The second reason is that the June quarter was the first full quarter during with the new iPad (the thirdgeneration) was on sale. That clearly boosted the numbers, and they fell back from there. And this may have also been related to the rumors of a new product which

of course ended up being the iPad mini. Cook didnt dwell on this factor nearly as much as his did last quarter for depressed iPhone sales (leading up to the iPhone 5), but he still mentioned that he believed it had an impact. Given that Apple just released not only the iPad mini, but the fourth-generation iPad as well, that will not be an issue next quarter, clearly. Mac sales were good, but they simply dont matter as much to Apples bottom line. Its iPhone first, iPad second, Mac third. Meanwhile, the iPod fell below a $1 billion business both software and iTunes are now bigger when it comes to Apples revenues. In other words, Apple has lost one of the main legs of their table, as Jobs used to describe it. So yes, Apples numbers were depressed this past quarter due to the biggest batch of product refreshes that Apple has ever done the fall transition, theyve spoken about in the past the seasonality of the iPad, and minimal impact of the iPhone 5. More interesting is going forward. Again, people are upset about the $52 billion in revenue being put out there which on one hand, is insane, but on the other, the EPS of $11.75 is far less than some were hoping for.

Why is that? Three things. Two major. One minor. First, the minor. Last year, Apples Q1 was 14 weeks long. Usually, financial quarters are 13 weeks long, so this was an anomaly, which they noted at the time. This year, the same quarter will have the standard 13 weeks. Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer made a point of saying this about a half dozen times on the call. Apple wants to make it clear that this extra week of sales do matter and analysts should set expectations (lower) accordingly. One major reason for concern going forward is Apples margins. This past quarter, Apple was able to maintain a higher-thanexpected 40 percent gross margin. Next quarter, theyre projecting 36 percent margins. Thats a significant decline. So why will that drop take place? Two words. iPad. Mini. During the call, Oppenheimer noted that the iPad mini had a gross margin is significantly below corporate average. In other words, if the average is around 40 percent for Apple the past several quarters, iPad mini is in the 30s. (Or maybe lower though Id guess not much lower.) CARS page 15

Curated News Edition



Apple Dominates Q3 U.S. Smartphone Sales Through Big Three Carriers

Dan Rowinski (ReadWrite)

of smartphones sold were iPhones. Submitted at 10/25/2012 3:47:41 PM Sprint was the last of the big Android might be winning the three to announce earnings. The global battle, but in the United nations third largest cellular States the top of the market carrier sold 1.5 million iPhones belongs to Apple. The big three and another million LTE U.S. cellular carriers Verizon, s m a r t p h o n e s . A d d t h a t t o AT&T and Sprint have all Verizons 3.1 million iPhones (of posted their most recent quarterly 6.8 million smartphones in the earnings and between them 58% quarter) and AT&Ts 4.7 million

iPhones (out of 6.7 million) and all told, 9.3 million out of 16 million (58.1%) went to Apples flagship device. The numbers are similar to what we saw in Q2 this year, though the volume of smartphones sold was higher for AT&T and Verizon in Q3. Most of the iPhones sold in Q3 were not Apples latest iPhone 5. The newest flagship device was

released about 10 days before the end of the quarter and accounted only for 21% of Verizons iPhone sales. Look for a mammoth fourth quarter for both the big three carriers and for Apple as the holiday sales season rolls along and the iPhone 5 picks up steam. An Android Drought The third quarter did not see many new high-quality Android

devices hit the market. The most prominent was likely the Samsung Galaxy S3, which hit shelves near end of June or middle of July (depending on the carrier). In September there were many device announcements, such as the new Windows Phone 8 Lumia devices from Nokia, Motorola APPLE page 14



Curated News Edition

DMCA exemption makes jailbreaking smartphones legal, but not tablets

Brittany Hillen (SlashGear)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:50:00 PM

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act was passed in 1998, well before issues like jailbreaking arose. As part of the DMCA, exemptions can be passed as necessary, the latest round of which were announced earlier today. Included in the exemptions is the permissibility of jailbreaking smartphones, but not tablets. The new exemptions take effect on October 28 and are valid for the next three years. Five types of circumvention are addressed by the exemptions, most of which present the kind of headscratching stipulations and arbitrariness that make you wonder who is coming up with this stuff. One of the most obvious bits of oddness is the exemption making it legal to unlock smartphones purchased before 2013, but not phones purchased after. Concerning the legality of jailbreaking: while unlocking smartphones is legal, performing the same actions with a tablet is not. The reason? The definition of tablet is too broad at the moment. According to the ruling, an e-book reading device might be considered a tablet, as might a handheld video game

device or a laptop computer. It was ruled that there is insufficient basis for developing a definition for tablets, which is necessary in order to apply the jailbreaking exemption currently given to smartphones. Next up is the issue of circumventing ebooks, which is permissible for disability access. The exemption concerns literary works, distributed electronically, that are protected by technological measures which either prevent the enabling of read-aloud functionality or interfere with screen readers or other

applications or assistive technologies. This is an expansion on the 2010 exemption that only permitted circumvention if every available ebook edition contained access controls. The issue of unlocking just took a step backwards, sadly. The latest exemption removes the previously instituted permission to unlock a phone for use with a new carrier. This change makes it so that only phones originally acquired from the operator of a wireless telecommunications network or retailer no later than ninety days after the effective date of this

exemption can be unlocked. Finally, the exemption on ripping DVDs makes the activity permissible for the purpose of using parts of the film in a documentary, noncommercial video, in non-fiction multimedia ebooks offering film analysis, and for educational use by college students and faculty and k-12 teachers in courses requiring the study of film and media excerpts. Decryption is also permissible for disability access, with individuals being permitted to access the playhead and/or related time code information embedded in copies

of such works and solely for the purpose of conducting research and development for theblind, visually impaired, deaf, or hard of hearing. Sadly, its still not permissible to space-shift, meaning that ripping a DVD on your computer so that you can watch it on your iPhone, for example, is not considered fair use. [ via Ars Technica] DMCA exemption makes jailbreaking smartphones legal, but not tablets is written by DMCA page 13

Curated News Edition



Strategy Analytics: iPads Loss Is Androids Gain In Tablets In An A Lackluster Quarter Of 25M Units Shipped
Ingrid Lunden (TechCrunch)

Strategy Analytics notes that anticipation for a new iPad model Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:20:12 PM which in fact was only With Apple just ending its announced this week cooled conference call for its quarterly buying somewhat. The other results, Strategy Analytics has major factor is lingering economic published its numbers on global uncertainty, which is impacting tablet sales for the quarter. Apple consumer spending for more than and the iPad remain in the lead just tablets. with 57% of all shipments, but Demand for tablets slowed due just as Apple missed sales to ongoing economic uncertainty expectations on the iPad, it also is a n d c o n s u m e r s h o l d i n g o f f losing some market share in the purchases in anticipation of tablet market overall, with multiple new models, like the Android picking up the slack to iPad Mini, during the upcoming reach an all-time high of 41% of Q4 holiday season, writes Peter shipments on overall shipments of K i n g , D i r e c t o r a t S t r a t e g y just under 25 million units. Analytics. Strategy Analytics says that Strategy Analytics calls Apples shipments were up by 43% on the 14 million iPad shipment for the same quarter a year ago, when quarter disappointing. Its also a they totaled 17.2 million. Thats clear decline of 7% on the same not actually as impressive as it quarter a year ago. And because might sound. The year before, the tablet market, even more than they were up by 289% compared the smartphone market, has been a to 2011 annually in Q2 2011. In two-horse race when it comes to fact, this is the slowest growth platforms, Apples loss has been rate Strategy Analytics has seen; A n d r o i d s g a i n . A p p l e s it started marking numbers in Q2 slowdown allowed the Android 2010. community to make gains, King Although Googles Nexus 7 and writes. Amazons forked-Android tablets Androids 41% this quarter (10.2 have been creating a lot of buzz, million units shipped, double the

number last year) is a big leap from the 29% share it had a year ago. And as it was the case in the earlier days of smartphones, there was no single vendor on Android that is coming close to Apple in terms of volumes, points out Neil Mawston, executive director at Strategy Analytics. The jury still out on whether Samsung will be able to repeat its eventual domination in tablets as it has in smartphones, especially since Amazon is now shipping its tablets globally, and Asus is behind the Nexus 7. That could all change in the next couple of quarters, with the introduction of Windows 8 although as it does in smartphones, Microsoft has a long way to go. SA notes that in this last quarter, shipments of Microsoft-powered tablets accounted for only 2% of the global total. Strategy Analytics notes that these numbers are for tablets-only and not e-book readers.

Video: Three minutes with Greg Asner at Wired 2012 Staff
Submitted at 10/25/2012 2:00:00 PM

On stage at Wired 2012, Greg Asner talked about the fact that most existing Earth observation tools do not provide the richness of data needed to understand the impact that humans are having on Earth. Asner and his team at the Carnegie Institution for Science have been building a system that

analyses the surface of our planet in much richer detail. Once off stage, grabbed him for a few minutes to ask whether the environment is doomed, how technology has changed the way he studies ecosystems, and the challenging of motivating behavioural change around climate change. By: Staff, Continue reading...

continued from page 12

Brittany Hillen& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All

right reserved.


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continued from page 11

Razr HD and Samsung Galaxy Note II (among others). Most of those devices have been slated for a Q4 release, such as the Note II, which goes on pre-order from the four major carriers (including TMobile) this week. Analyst Ben Evans provides these charts to show the percentage of iPhone sales among the top three U.S. carriers over time. Each carrier has a different dynamic when it comes to smartphone sales. AT&T consistently shows the strongest iPhone sales while Verizon is more split down the middle and Sprint (which does not provide firm non-iPhone numbers) skews towards the iPhone but also does a considerable Android business as well. The reason for AT&Ts strong iPhone sales is understandable. It was Apples exclusive partner for the iPhone from 2007 to 2011 before Verizon got the iPhone in March last year. People were introduced to the iPhone through AT&T and it is reasonable that they go back to the carrier when it

is time to upgrade to the newest device. Verizon has a strong brand partnership with Android manufacturers such as Samsung and Motorola, and much of its marketing spend it targeted at Droid devices. Sprint, which did not get the iPhone until the release of the iPhone 4S, has made a strong financial commitment to the iPhone and is using the device as a way to retain current customers while trying to poach users from AT&T and Verizon through its unlimited voice and data plans. Can Apple Continue To Dominate? The fourth quarter is shaping up to be a fascinating time in the smartphone sales wars. All the flagship and big-name devices that consumers have been waiting for this year will finally be available, most likely by the middle of November (Nokia has not announced when its Windows Phone 8 Lumia devices will hit carriers). Motorola has its three primary players already out with the Droid Razr HD, Maxx HD and Razr M. Samsung will have

the Galaxy S 3 and Note II and huge marketing campaigns behind them. HTC will release the One X+, the first quad-core LTE smartphone to land in the U.S. market and has the EVO LTE 4G on Sprint as well as its own Windows Phone 8 devices. Apples mid-year dominance is not guaranteed to continue heading into the end of the year. The iPhone will definitely sell extremely well in the holiday season, but there are more quality alternatives from respected competitors than ever before in the history of smartphones. The variety and choice spell out a big win for consumers. Whatever your preference, there is a smartphone that was built with you in mind. Are you planning on buying a smartphone for the holidays? (Ad What will your choice be? Let us ServeRSS) (AdServRSS Feed) know in the comments. Your gift to provide seeds, tools, and training will be multiplied 4 times by grant funds, and can mean the difference between life and death for hungry children.

Donate to World Vision

18 Halloween costumes for the slacker crowd

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:07:00 PM

So, youve been coerced into going to a costume party once again, but put the kibosh on the couples costume; whats a slacker to do? If the river of inspiration is running dry, feel free to steal one of these ideas and no one will be the wiser. Bubble gum on a shoe Error 404 code Full story at Pleated Jeans. Lazy holidays. Permalink| Leave a comment

Tom Hanks slam poetry ode to Full House [video]

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:34:00 PM

Perhaps only an actor of Tom Hanks stature can pull off slam

poetry about nobodys favorite 90s sitcom Full House, yet is it his masterful use of the language or the way that man rocks a black turtleneck that draws the audience


Guess it's all part of his manly mystique. Full story at Late Night with Jimmy Fallon @ YouTube via The Mary Sue.

Random slam poetry. Permalink| Leave a comment

Curated News Edition

Economy/ Culture/


continued from page 10

There has been a lot of questions the past few days as to why Apple would sell the iPad mini starting at $329 instead of say $299 or even $249, to get closer to the prices at which competitors are selling their smaller tablets. This is the reason. Apple is already dipping into uncomfortable margin territory for them. And even at $329, Apple clearly expects to sell a lot of iPad minis this holiday season, thus lowering the overall margin. The other major reason for Apples lower guidance is the iPhone 5 supply chain. Cook noted a few times that demand for the device remains huge and Apple cannot yet meet it. While he says conditions are improving, he would not commit to Apple being able to meet demand by the end of Q1. That means less iPhones sold than would otherwise be possible. That means less revenue. The iPad mini will be the true wild card for Q1. If it does sell really well, Apples revenues could shoot through the roof

again. But profit wont raise as quickly due to the margin. This is important to remember. Its also interesting to note that the average selling price of the iPad fell significantly last quarter. Oppenheimer explained this is because the $399 iPad 2 continues to sell well. Ive personally wondered why Apple is keeping the iPad 2 on the market with the fourth generation iPad and iPad mini now out there (and the thirdgeneration iPad being removed). Apparently, this is why: its selling really well. That also suggests the $329 iPad mini is going to sell really well. People want the iPad, but many seem to want it at the cheaper price points. Its not like the iPhone which is subsidized down to $199 with the carriers paying Apple the full price directly. Apple clearly also believes the iPad mini will cannibalize some of the larger iPad market. But Cook says theyre fine with that, as long as theyre the ones doing it. Still, the effect that will have on the margin is what will have

Wall Street worried. The iPad is already a lower margin product than the iPhone. The iPad mini is lower still. Thats why some people are disappointed with a $36 billion quarter that could lead to a $50 billion quarter next quarter. Apple has set a very high bar. And until they get a completely new product out there with a very high margin, theyll continue to fly closer and closer to the sun. To a lesser extent, they will continue to reduce production costs, thus bolstering margins. But can they do it fast enough? As for the just-unleashed Microsoft Surface tablet hurting iPad sales, Cook had this to say, I suppose you could design a car that flies and floats. But I dont think it would do all of those things very well. [image: flickr/ creative location]

NATE SILVER: Obama's Odds Of Winning Are Now Back Over 70%
Henry Blodget (Money Game)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:45:44 PM

first debate. On Intrade, meanwhile, Obama's odds have climbed back over 60% Obama's odds of winning re- from a startlingly low 54% a few election are rising again according days ago. Intrade's odds are still t o a l l t h r e e s o u r c e s w e ' r e much more favorable to Romney monitoring: Polling guru Nate than Nate Silver or Betfair. Silver and betting markets Intrade And, on Betfair, Obama's odds and Betfair. have climbed back to 70% from a All three say Obama's chances low of nearly 60% a few days have risen significantly in the past ago. week, despite the release of some In short, in everything but some polls that have looked great for of the national polls (namely, Romney. Gallup), Obama has a solid lead. Let's go to the data... And he has been extending it over First, Nate Silver now gives the past few days. Obama 71% chance of reelection. Please follow Politics on Twitter That's up from a post-first-debate and Facebook. low of ~60% three weeks ago, and Join the conversation about this it's climbing back toward the 80% story peak Obama hit just before the

Here Comes Windows 8, New Apple Hardware, and Super Home Theater PCs
Adam Dachis (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 7:00:00 PM

This week on the podcast we're

talking about Windows 8, Apple's new hardware, freedom of speech on the internet, and how to make a good impression at a new job. W e ' r e a l s o a n s w e r i n g y o u r

questions about building a super tablet. More home theater PC plus PVR combo, journaling in Dropbox, and printing from your Android


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Curated News Edition

SlashGear Evening Wrap-Up: October 25, 2012

Eric Abent (SlashGear)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 7:51:33 PM

Welcome to Thursday evening folks. Today was Microsofts big Windows 8 launch event, and though we didnt find out many new details, the company did share a few interesting tidbits of information. For instance, did you know that there are more than 1,000 Windows 8 certified PCs now? How about the fact that Microsoft has sold a whopping 670 million Windows 7 licenses? Microsoft also told us that the Windows Store will be available in 231 markets, and that Windows RT is supported by more than 420 million devices. Impressive numbers to be sure, but its important to remember why we were at this show in the first place: Windows 8 launches in just a few hours, so get ready for that.

Today we had two massive companies deliver quarterly reports Apple is looking pretty good despite a few underperforming sectors, but Amazon posted an operating loss of $28 million. Earlier in the day we heard that the LG Nexus 4 has a release date of October 30, and then more evidence of the rumored Nexus 10 surfaced in the form of a (supposed) quick start guide. iFixit gave the new 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display the teardown treatment today, while we heard whispers that Apple will launch a new online music service in 2013. EE confirmed today that it will be offering the iPad mini and the iPad 4, and Nokia was seen touting its NAVTEQ True technology today. Nintendo revealed that it will be selling the Wii U at a loss, and we learned

ever(since Assassins Creed: Revelations at least), and we caught wind that the rumored Nexus 7 3G cleared the FCC. The Sony Xperia TL will be hitting AT&T on November 2, and finally tonight, the iPad Mini goes up for pre-order tomorrow, so be sure to get those in quickly if you want to get one at launch. That does it for tonights evening wrap -up, enjoy the rest of your night everyone! SlashGear Evening Wrap-Up: October 25, 2012 is written by Eric Abent& originally posted on SlashGear. that T-Mobiles Galaxy Note II S p e a k i n g o f t h a t l a u n c h , 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All has hardware support for LTE. Microsoft laid out upgrade right reserved. Microsoft has turned Times options for Windows 8 today, and Square into its own Windows 8 told us that once we experience advertising space this evening, the glory of touch, well want it just in case you forgot that on everything. Today Ubisoft told Windows 8 and Microsoft Surface the world that Assassins Creed are launching tomorrow. III is its most pre-ordered game

Remains of the Day: SwiftKey Announces Flow, a Swype-Like Keyboard for Android
Joshua Rivera (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:00:00 PM

SwiftKey Flow brings Swypelike text entry to Android, Flipboard adds audio for Android users, Google experiments with

free mobile services, and Apple prepares to jump into the internet radio market. More

Curated News Edition

Technology/ Featured/


Daily iPhone App: Jumping Finn Turbo provides an addictive cycle with the Adventure Time crew
Mike Schramm (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 10:30:00 PM

Cartoon Network has been putting out some really impressive iOS apps lately under its Adult Swim brand, including the really great Monsters Ate My Condo. Jumping Finn Turbo is a new game outside of the Adult Swim banner. It's not quite as good as those offerings, but it is pretty addictive anyway. The title is based on the popular Adventure Time cartoon by Pen Ward, though instead of following the show's storyline, it's a "jumping" arcade game, where Jake has to kick Finn as high, far and fast across the show's setting as he possibly can. The best part isn't necessarily the kicking mechanic, which is actually kind of boring. You basically just wait for Finn to try

and hit something and hopefully go farther than before. It's the game's deep and surprisingly satisfying upgrade mechanic that's the most intriguing. Kicking Finn earns you stars, which you can use to upgrade Jake's kicking power or put more items and power-ups into the world. That

It's well worth it if you're an Adventure Time fan, but odds are that there are plenty of cheaper and free games that you haven't checked out yet, so you probably wouldn't regret waiting for a sale on this one. But, if you like the game's idea and would get a kick out of seeing your favorite Adventure Time characters mashed up like this, definitely grab Jumping Finn Turbo. Daily iPhone App: Jumping Finn Turbo provides an addictive cycle with the Adventure Time crew originally appeared on TUAW core cycle is actually really The Unofficial Apple Weblog on satisfying, and it means that Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:30:00 EST. Jumping Finn Turbo will probably Please see our terms for use of have you saying, "well, just one feeds. more kick," more often than not. Source| Permalink| Email this| You can see the game in action in Comments the video below, or you can buy it for US$1.99. The price is a little high for a simple game like this.

Apple's Hit-And -Miss Quarter In Charts

Dan Frommer (ReadWrite)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 4:40:00 PM

Happy Hour Links: Profiles

Michael Warren (The Weekly Standard)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:25:00 PM

Apple reported September quarter financial results Thursday: An $8 billion profit on $36 billion of sales, representing 27% revenue growth. iPhone sales 27 million were better than expected, thanks to the iPhone 5 launch late in the quarter. But iPad sales 14 million came in well below expectations, ahead of the iPad mini launch in November. And Apple's iPod business remember that? fell below $1 billion for the first time in 8 years. Here's the quarter in charts.

As goes Ohio State football, so

goes the nation?

Obama's credibility gap widens with Benghazi. John Kerry actually thinks it was the altitude in Denver.


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Curated News Edition

Twitter predicts users' gender for targeted advertising

Dara Kerr (CNET News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:25:08 PM

PhotoPlus Expo 2012: Canon PowerShot Sx50 HS superzoom

Consumer Reports News (Consumer Reports)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 1:59:59 PM

Twitter is trying to suss out which of its users are male and which are female. And so far, it's gotten its prediction science down to a 90 percent accuracy rate. But, let me back up. Why in the world would the social network want to figure out the gender of its individual users? Why for advertising, of course. According to Twitter, the fairer sex might like to see a promoted tweet featuring cosmetics, while men would most likely ignore such advertising. All of this apparently matters when trying to generate ad revenue and monetize the site. Unlike some other social networks, Twitter doesn't have a gender checkbox. So, there's no real way to breakdown users by sex. But, lucky enough, there are

"contextual signals," Twitter's revenue product manager April Underwood said in a blog post today."Similar to our approach to interest targeting, we're able to understand gender by taking public signals users offer on Twitter, such as user profile names or the accounts she or he follows," Underwood wrote. "We have strong confidence in this approach. A panel of human testers has found our predictions

are more than 90 percent accurate for our global audience. And where we can't predict gender reliably, we don't -- and those users won't be targetable through this feature." So, now that Twitter can more-or -less ascertain who is female and who is male, it can help advertisers target those audiences. Besides rolling out gender targeting to all marketers, the social network has also upped its advertising chops with " interest targeting," " location targeting," and a massive expansion to mobile. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

PhotoPlus Expo 2012: Canon PowerShot Sx50 HS superzoom At PhotoPlus Expo, the Canon booth is displaying several recently announced modelsbut the most intriguing for me is the 12-megapixel Canon PowerShot SX50 HS, a superzoom camera. As you can see in my photo, this camera has an extremely long zoom lens: 50x optical. In terms of range, that's 24mm-1200mm. So in addition to a really long telephoto end of the zoom, you get wide-angle capability as well, allowing for quite a range of photographic possibilities. The Sx50 also features a 12megapixel back-lighted sensor, manual controls, RAW format

support, and full 1080p HD video. It's available now, listed for $480 at To find out about more superzoom models, take a look at our digital camera Ratings. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Amazon results disappont as LivingSocial drags down earnings

Telegraph Staff (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:33:56 PM

Amazon reported third-quarter results below Wall Street's expectations on Thursday including a large loss that was

weighed by its stake in online deals service LivingSocial and spending on its Kindle business and distribution centers to grow

its business.

Curated News Edition

Technology/ Gaming/ Finance/

19 now offers Passbookready coupons for 20 stores

Randy Nelson (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 10:00:00 PM

Microsoft takes its 'big step' into the tablet market

Christopher Williams (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:18:00 PM

Spirit Halloween Sweet Tomatoes ULTA Beauty Yankee Candle

If you've been looking for more uses for iOS 6's new Passbook app, you're in luck. Online coupon resource has begun offering coupons for 20 retailers that can be added directly to Apple's new digital wallet. To see what's available right now, point Safari at /passbook, then tap the Add to Passbook icon. It's probably the most seamless use of Passbook we've seen yet. Retailers offering Passbook-ready coupons through the site include:

Avenue Bon-Ton Carter's Champion Gordmans Harbor Freight Tools

Jo-Ann Lane Bryant Michaels OshKosh B'gosh PETCO Shopko

It's implementations like this one that should help to increase the usefulness of Passbook, which has admittedly gotten off to a bumpy start. now offers Passbook-ready coupons for 20 stores originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Microsoft has launched "absolutely critical" new software and a tablet computer that the company is betting will secure it a foothold in a booming market dominated by Apple and Google.

StarCraft 2 beta getting multiplayer XP progression system

Mike Schramm (Joystiq)

experience, on a race-by-race basis, as they play in matchmaking and custom games. The StarCraft 2: Heart of the Gaining XP for each of the Swarm beta is still ongoing, and various factions will unlock Blizzard has posted a preview of a special portraits and decals for new leveling feature coming soon player profiles. to the game-in-progress. Blizzard has plans for XP h a p p e n i n g s l i k e X P b o n u s Blizzard's adding a progression bonuses as well, either for specific weekends and other special system to the multiplayer mode, awards like your first win of the events. The leveling system is in which players will earn d a y , o r f o r m o r e g e n e r a l
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:00:00 PM

being added to the beta in the next patch (and will likely be reset a few times during testing), and will

eventually be available in Heart of the Swarm when it's released. StarCraft 2 beta getting multiplayer XP progression system originally appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments



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Clicking This Will Make You Stupider - By Uri Friedman and Ty McCormick
Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:53:38 PM

The 10 worst foreign policy campaign ads of 2012. BY URI FRIEDMAN, TY MCCORMICK| OCTOBER 25, 2012 We know -- it's late October, and you're sick and tired of campaign advertising. But the 2012 election is entering its final weeks, and that means over-the-top political messaging is in full bloom. This week, for example, Citizens Against Government Waste and the Americans for Prosperity Foundation are re-airing a famous 2010 ad in which a Chinese professor lectures his students in 2030 about how bailouts, Obamacare, and the deficit condemned the once-great United States to the ash heap of history. Meanwhile, on the fringes of the national conversation, the peacenik Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson came out with an ad featuring what looks to be a Predator drone and the lines, "Right now in Iran a lot of little kids are about to die." (Never mind that no one is actually suggesting the United States is conducting drone strikes in Iran.) Sure, international affairs hasn't featured as prominently as economic issues in presidential and congressional campaign spots

this year. But when foreign policy has entered the ad wars, candidates and their support groups have often played up the fear-mongering and played down

the facts. Here are some of the most bizarre, egregious, and entertaining examples. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images [embedded content]

AMERICAN APOCALYPSE First there was Rick Santorum's Obamaville ad, which took viewers on a tour of a dystopian future America menaced by a

nuclear Iran (in what some interpreted as a subliminal message, President Obama CLICKING page 22

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UnBonJuif - By Eric Pape

ERIC PAPE (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:37:03 PM

The return of French antiSemitism is a lot scarier than just a few nasty tweets. BY ERIC PAPE| OCTOBER 25, 2012 PARIS A lawyer for France's Jewish students' union declared recently that Twitter has agreed to remove dozens of anti-Semitic tweets, in a small victory against hate in France. Published with hashtags such as #UnBonJuif (#AGoodJew) and #UnJuifMort -to suggest that #AGoodJew is #ADeadJew -- the bad taste of the messages is astounding. One came with a photograph, published via Twitpic, that showed a pick-up pan full of dust, in an apparent reference to the Nazi crematoriums. Another is more explicit, showing a black and white photo of a starving young person on what appears to be a concentration camp cot. ( Le Monde newspaper put together a gallery of some of the worst.) While the anti-Semitic hashtag controversy has, understandably, garnered plenty of attention in the online universe -- #UnBonJuif was the third most tweeted hashtag in France on October 10 - this year has seen high-profile attacks in the real world that are infinitely more troubling. It wasn't merely hateful Internet trolling that led to a police crackdown on October 6. Amid a flurry of anti-terror operations around the country, they detained

11 suspected terrorists, later freeing five of them. That day began in dramatic fashion, when authorities killed a 12th man in a raid in the eastern French town of Strasbourg. They believe that the dead man was personally linked to an anti-Jewish grenade attack in a Parisian suburb in September,

that he headed a militant group with a list of "Jewish" targets, and that he was likely involved in channeling French citizens abroad to fight alongside radical Islamists. Paris court prosecutor Franois Molins declared in a statement that "a terrorist attack in our

country has been avoided" and that authorities have dismantled the "most dangerous" terrorist group assembled on French territory in more than a decade and a half. In reality, though, it doesn't seem to take a large group to inspire horror. The highest-profile attack

this year was the work of a young delinquent turned freelance Islamist radical named Mohamed Merah. In March, days after executing three off-duty French soldiers in southwestern France, he drove his motor scooter onto UNBONJUIF page 23


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appears for a split second on a television screen flashing images of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad). Now Newt Gingrich's Super PAC, Winning Our Future, is out with an ad that paints an even more dire picture if Obama wins reelection. With the help of soaring music and apocalyptic images, we're told that by 2016 the Middle East will burst into flames, Iran will go nuclear, and gas will be rationed. Never mind that four years into Obama's presidency, the world has yet to end. He'll have more flexibility in a second term, people. [embedded content] EXCHANGE STUDENT Conventional wisdom says that studying abroad in Europe will make you a radical, U.N.-loving environmentalist, but what fewer people know is that it's also associated with rowdy, ice-luge Jgermeister shots and corn-dog "triple doubling." Luckily, the South Dakota GOP has put together a television ad explaining how this happened to Democratic congressional candidate Matt Varilek. While he was off accumulating graduate degrees at Glasgow and Cambridge -- that bastion of subversive radicalism that produced Stanley Baldwin and Prince Charles -- Republican candidate Kristi Noem was at home raising a family on her South Dakota farm and serving "her friends and neighbors" in the state legislature. The choice for voters on Nov. 6: "radical ideas" or "South Dakota common sense."

[embedded content] ECONOMIC TRAITOR Playing off of Obama's call for economic patriotism, the laborbacked Super PAC Workers' Voice released an ad and accompanying website this week that accuses Mitt Romney of being an "economic traitor." In the spot, which seizes on the controversy surrounding Bain Capital's decision to outsource jobs at a company called Sensata Technologies to China, a Sensata employee explains that when Chinese executives visited his plant in Illinois, Bain ordered the staff to take down the American flag. (Obama campaign ads have also made questionable claims about Romney shipping jobs to China through Bain.) Romney does have holdings in Sensata, but Bain bought the company in 2006, four years after the GOP candidate left Bain Capital. That's some shaky ground on which to build the case that Romney is an economic Benedict Arnold. [embedded content] WAR HERO OR DRUNK GUY? Rep. Allen West (R-FL) is no stranger to controversy. So perhaps it's not surprising that the retired lieutenant colonel, who once called Obama supporters a "threat to the gene pool," has released one of the most provocative campaign ads of the election season. Filmed in the style of CSI Miami, the spot casts the freshman congressman as a war hero readying for battle as his opponent, Patrick Murphy,

drunkenly assaults a police officer in South Beach and is taken into custody. "Two men. A country in crisis," the narrator says ominously in closing. "You decide." The ad wins extra points for its liberal use of Murphy's mug shot and brazen portrayal of West's military career, which ended in ignominy after he pled guilty to assaulting a detainee during an investigation in Iraq. West was stripped of his command and forced to pay a $5,000 fine. [embedded content] APOLOGY TOUR Romney's favored line about Obama's supposed "apology tour" makes a comeback in this ad, despite having been thoroughly debunked by an army (though not a shrunken navy) of fact-checkers, including PolitiFact,, and the Washington Post, which awarded the claim four "Pinocchios." The "apology tour" first entered the political vernacular when Karl Rove wrote about the president's "international confession tour" in the Wall Street Journal back in 2009. But even Rove's best efforts to slice and dice Obama's speeches that spring did not yield the word "apology" -- or even a convincing case for the president's contrition about America's past. But here, again, we have Romney accusing Obama of "going on an apology tour of going to various nations and criticizing America." Not only that, the ad, which was released by the Romney-Ryan campaign after the last debate,

sneakily suggests the "apology tour" occurred in the Middle East, where the president "flew to Egypt and to Saudi Arabia and to Turkey and Iraq. And, by the way...skipped Israel." The only problem is that the tour Rove analyzed -- on which Obama never apologized -- stopped in Paris, London, and Prague. [embedded content] AIDING THE ENEMY The average American believes the federal government forks over roughly a quarter of its annual budget to other countries in the form of foreign aid. In poll after poll, Americans say that Washington's global welfare system costs more than the Pentagon and ought to be trimmed back -- to something closer to 10 percent of the budget. (Foreign aid actually makes up about 1 percent of federal spending, but that doesn't make it any less lethal on the campaign trail.) This scathing attack by Rep. Rand Paul's political action committee on Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is betting that voters in the Mountain State are at least as misinformed as the average American. "While our debt climbs higher and our roads and bridges crumble, Joe Manchin works with Barack Obama to send billions of our taxpayer dollars to countries where radicals storm our embassies, burn our flag, and kill our diplomats," the narrator intones. First on the chopping block, according to Rand PAC, should be assistance to Egypt, Libya, and Pakistan. Of course,

the ad leaves unexplored what would happen if the nucleararmed and al Qaeda-infested demographic time bomb that is Pakistan went bankrupt or if the Egyptian military decided it wanted to dissolve the country's peace treaty with Israel -something 77 percent of Egyptians supported in a recent poll. [embedded content] FIVE-STEP FOREIGN POLICY Ahead of the foreign-policy debate on Monday, the Obama campaign released an ad suggesting that Romney had a five-point plan for foreign policy as well: fudge facts, alienate allies, admit inexperience, consult neocons, and misidentify enemies. It's not as misleading as some of the other ads on this list, but it is short on context (yes, Romney said that America's "number one geopolitical foe" was Russia, but he labeled Iran the "greatest threat that the world faces" in the same interview). The ad also pokes fun of Romney for speaking French while promoting the Salt Lake City Olympics -- an attack straight out of the Newt Gingrich playbook. [embedded content] MENACING MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD In September, shortly after the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, the conservative group Let Freedom Ring released a highly deceptive ad denouncing Obama for inviting Egypt's Muslim CLICKING page 24

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the grounds of a Jewish school in Toulouse and coldly murdered a Franco-Israeli Jewish schoolteacher, two of his children and one of their schoolmates. The youngest victim was four years old. Merah later claimed in his rantings to police and a journalist that the school attack was in retaliation for the death of Palestinian children at the hands of Israeli forces. Days later, police cornered the 22 -year-old Merah in his apartment and, during a shoot-out, put a bullet in his forehead that launched him off of his balcony and to the street below. Perhaps it should have been the end of Merah's story, but it wasn't. Almost immediately after Merah's Natural Born Killers-like rampage ended, his name began to appear on scrawled ghetto graffiti, including these words insisting that he was a "valiant knight of Islam." (The author of that graffiti was sentenced to three months in prison for "apologizing for terrorism.") Immediately after his death, Long Live Mohamed Merah Facebook pages sprang up, with some lauding his antiestablishment ravings. Merah suggested that his murder of three off-duty military men (all ethnic minorities, incidentally) was some sort of resistance against the French State. And Merah, who filmed some of his murders, has inspired an array of video tributes, in some cases strange ones(notice the gun at the end). Online videos have long offered extremist recruiters a way to

inspire angry and lost young men, to shape them for a battle against Jews, the West, or both. They often confuse Jews with the unpopular policies of the government of Israel, but so do many people in France, Spain, and many other countries in Europe. Some 45 percent of French people surveyed believe that French Jews are more loyal to Israel than to France. In Spain, 72 percent believe the same, according to a survey by the AntiDefamation League. Anti-Semitism is a particularly sensitive topic in France -- it took until 1995 for a French leader, the incoming President Jacques Chirac, to acknowledge France's responsibility for deporting 76,000 Jews, in many cases, to their deaths during World War II. "These dark hours forever sully our history and are an insult to our past and our traditions," Chirac said 53 years after the first mass arrests of Jews in Paris. "Yes, the criminal folly of the occupiers was seconded by the French, by the French state." To this day, many French Jews remain suspicious of their government's commitment to protecting them. In the six weeks after the conclusion of Merah's rampage, there was doubling of anti-Semitic incidents (compared to that same period the previous year). A Jewish security watchdog known as SPCJ says that anti-Semitic acts leaped by 45 percent in the first eight months of 2012, and that Merah's actions have inspired others. In one notable attack near

the Beth Menahem Jewish school in Villeurbanne in southern France, a dozen or so men attacked a trio of young Jewish men in yarmulkes on June 2, first insulting and shoving them around, and then beating them with an iron rod and a hammer, sending them to the hospital. There has been other violence, too, including the strange midday attack on a kosher market in the Parisian suburb of Sarcelles on September 19, days before Yom Kippur. In that attack, two masked men dressed in black entered the store and detonated a weak grenade that shattered the front window of the shop, wounding a bystander who suffered an arm contusion. Sarcelles, a commune of 60,000 people north of Paris, is sometimes referred as Little Jerusalem because of its sizable Jewish community, made up largely of Jews who left North Africa in the 1960s. Police recovered the pin of that grenade and found the DNA of Jrmie Louis-Sidney, who antiterror authorities have said they first became aware of in the spring. A 33-year-old father of five children, Louis-Sidney was a resident of Cannes in southern France, but he often stayed with the mothers of his different children or friends outside of Paris or in Strasbourg. The son of Christians, Louis-Sidney -- who was known to many people as "James" -- did a stint in prison on a drug trafficking conviction where, some family members told

French media, that he turned to radical Islam. He eventually grew a long beard. His conspiratorial post-incarceration worldview is on display in a 2009 excerpt of a hardcore rap video he recorded for a song titled, "21e sicle" (21st Century). "September 11 is just the tip of the iceberg," he declares in a rap that mentions trafficking kids and body organs. He goes on to warn viewers: "Know that you are manipulated. If you don't understand, inform yourself, prepare yourself, arm yourself with knowledge. Now it is up to you to see." He ends with the words " Allah Akbar." If the video comes across as something of a hardscrabble inspirational tool for potential radicals, police believe that LouisSidney later recruited childhood friends from Cannes and the suburbs of Paris to his group, and that at least one had left prior to the police crackdown to join militant Islamists fighting in the Middle East. That is part of why, on October 6, anti-terror police armed with clubs and sniper guns penetrated the Esplanade neighborhood of Strasbourg, in eastern France, where Louis-Sidney was at the apartment of the mother of his baby. According to the police version of events, as they emerged from the elevator, preparing to arrest Louis-Sidney, they discovered that he had placed a glass object in front of the door to alert him of arrivals. Authorities say that Louis-Sidney "immediately" unloaded the barrel

of his Magnum .357 at the officers, striking one in the chest area of his bulletproof outfit, and that the anti-terror squad returned fire and killed him. (French media found several friends of LouisSidney who cast doubt on the official police version of events.) Six of the Frenchmen arrested by authorities in the crackdown in Cannes and Paris stand accused of attempted assassination and of having links to a terrorist enterprise. Perhaps most troubling, French authorities discovered five wills "addressed to Allah" (although two were blank). One was found at the apartment of Louis-Sidney, who they said had just shaved his beard; a potential indicator that he was preparing to take part in an attack. Police believe that at least one friend of his, known as Mahouachi, had already left Cannes for Syria without warning his family, to join Islamists who are among the forces fighting the Bashar al-Assad regime. (Other than Louis-Sidney, it remains unclear who else signed their own wills.) But the arrest of one of the 11 men, Jrmie Bailly, 25, in the Parisian suburb of Torcy, brought a disturbing discovery. Bailly, who is one of the six men who now face charges, had a storage space where authorities discovered an array of products handy in making improvised explosives: a pump, potassium nitrate, sulfur, saltpeter, pressure UNBONJUIF page 24


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Brotherhood to the White House and sending Cairo $1.5 billion in foreign aid. (A more recent ad by the group Secure America Now condemns the administration for investing millions in Egypt rather than U.S. schools.) The ad begins by showing a fiery speaker pledging to establish a capital in Jerusalem at what the narrator describes as a "Muslim Brotherhood rally for their new Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy." But what the narrator doesn't mention is that the speaker is the Egyptian cleric Safwat Higazi, not Morsy. To support the claim that the new Egyptian leader wants to revive relations with Tehran, the ad references a Reuters report on an interview with an Iranian news agency that Morsy denies giving. And not only does the narrator make the contentious claim that Iran is "building nuclear weapons," but she cites a line from a 1991 memorandum for the Brotherhood's North American wing to prove that the group's "top leaders" are interested in "taking over America." [embedded content] CAYMAN ISLANDS Obama may have taken a bit of

right-wing heat for criticizing Romney's Big Bird comments on the campaign trail and in a campaign spot, but the Super PAC American Bridge 21st Century wins the award for the most gratuitous use of Big Bird in an anti-Romney ad. After criticizing the Republican candidate for stashing his money away in Switzerland and in the Cayman Islands, the ad inexplicably cuts to Romney's remarks about cutting funding to PBS as what appears to be an anvil smashes Big Bird, sending yellow feathers flying everywhere. The unanswered question, of course, is what happens to Mr. Snuffleupagus if Big Bird's not around? [embedded content] CAPTURE THE FLAG Where to begin? This ad, released by the super PACs Secure America Now and RightChange, takes the Obama administration to task for not recognizing more quickly that al Qaeda was behind the deadly consular attack in Benghazi on September 11. To identify the perpetrator, the narrator chastises, the president "only needed to look at the al Qaeda flag desecrating our ground." On screen, a black

flag can be seen waving amid billowing smoke -- except the footage was clearly taken at the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, some 650 miles away. Elsewhere, the ad features a second "al Qaeda" flag -- actually a similar flag that is common among Salafis throughout the region -- again implying that it was located in Benghazi. Upon closer examination, however, it's the flag that soccer hooligans hoisted over the U.S. Embassy in Cairo-hardly the damning Libya evidence the ad's makers are suggesting. The ad's final message: "Just tell me the truth. What happened?" We might ask the producers the same thing. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

cooker-type containers, and headlight bulbs. They also found a handgun and a shotgun, according to the prosecutor. Most troubling, in their searches, police also found what they believe is a terrorist target list of "Israeli structures" that also included the name of a Jewish lawyer who has been active in battling anti-Semitism cases. (He is now under state protection and police are withholding his identity.) In the aftermath of the arrests, President Franois Hollande met with Jewish and Muslim leaders in France to communicate his strong convictions in the battle against radicalization, terrorism, and anti-Semitism. Following the rampage by Merah, police tightened security around synagogues and Jewish schools. More recently, the government introduced legislation to broaden police powers to monitor the Internet, and to make it a crime for French people to travel abroad for terror training. (Given that such people don't tend to selfdeclare such travels, however, it is more likely to be punitive than dissuasive.)

France still has a ways to go in rooting out its anti-Semitism, and in comforting a sensitive Jewish population that has a living memory of the nations complicated history. Theres no shortage of common ignorance across the political spectrum about the vast majority of Jews relationship to France, Israel, and even to their own religion. But the true challenge is to soften the anger in French ghettos that sometimes inspires crazy conspiracy theories among young men capable of meting out pain and even death, in part so that the era when Jewish lives were swept away by murderous hate can be left to the dustbin of history. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Presidential Election Preview 3: Swing States And The Horserace

Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:12:51 PM

The 2012-2013 election season is exceptional, with more than 100 elections in economies accounting for approximately 60% of global GDP. So far, Goldman notes that markets have navigated through elections in Russia, Egypt, Greece, France, Mexico and Venezuela, among others. The closely watched Presidential election in the US will take place shortly, followed by the culmination of the political transition in China. Later on, markets will see countries like Italy, Iran, and Japan go to the ballots too. This extraordinary election season brings several questions to the forefront: Why are elections important market events? What are the main factors affecting that market-driving impact and its seasonality? And which states are key? Critically, Goldman finds that a divided government has on average produced considerably tighter fiscal policy - not a good sign. Why elections matter There are at least three reasons why elections matter for markets. First, the political stakes in elections often translate into policy changes that reshape the economic environment. Second, the regularity with

which elections take place may lead to cyclical patterns in government and investment behavior. Third, elections can markedly increase uncertainty. These factors can affect all asset

classes, especially equities because of their strong sensitivity to changes in the economic outlook. Election cycles and equities: Bad news for the first 2 years The US Presidential election cycle matters for equity returns, at

home and abroad. US Presidential election cycles (four-year cycles that always start between the second and eighth of November) since 1928, have tended to produce considerably lower US equity price returns in the first two years of the four-year cycle

than in the last two(with historical averages around 3%-4% vs. 10%12%). This is true even when attempting to account for other seasonal, market and economic factors. US election process explained The US presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Voters do not, technically, participate in a direct election of the president. They choose electors, who are pledged to one or another candidate. This is known as the Electoral College. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Each state has a certain number of electors to the college, based on the size of its population. Specifically, each states entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus one for each of its two Senators. In almost every state, the winner of the popular vote gets all the electoral college votes in that state. Because of this system, a candidate can take the White House without winning the popular vote. The exceptions to PRESIDENTIAL page 26



Curated News Edition

Fukushima Fish Still Glowing As Brightly In The Dark One Year Later

continued from page 25

this are Maine and Nebraska, where the state winner receives two Electors and the winner of each congressional district receives one Elector. The District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. On the first Monday after the Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge) particularly high among species the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear second Wednesday in December dwelling at the bottom of the plant, operator Tokyo Electric after the presidential election, the Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:33:11 PM ocean, as sinking radioactive Power Co. said in a statement in electors meet in their respective states, where they cast their votes In the immortal words of Bruce- materials tainted the seafood, the May. t h e - s h a r k f r o m F i n d i n g research showed. The findings, More than 80 percent of the for President and Vice President Nemo:"Fish are friends, not published today in the journal radioactivity from the nuclear on separate ballots. Each states food"; but in Fukushima, they are Science, suggest there is a plant was released offshore or into electoral votes are counted in a neither! As Bloomberg reports, continued source of radiation the ocean from waters used for joint session of Congress on the radiation levels of fish caught off from the seafloor that will have a cooling, according to the study. 6th of January in the year the coast of Northern Japan are as l a s t i n g i m p a c t , s a i d K e n Radioactive cesium levels in following the meeting of the high as they were a year ago with Buesseler, the studys author. seafood havent dropped as of electors. The Vice President, as contamination levels particularly This means that even if these August, except perhaps in fish President of the Senate, presides high among bottom-dwellers. sources were to be shut off t h a t l i v e n e a r t h e s u r f a c e , over the count and announces the There remains a fishing ban on completely, the sediments would Buesseler said. Two greenlings results of the vote. The Presidentthese bottom-dwelling fish as remain contaminated for decades caught in August closer to shore Elect takes the oath of office and 40% are still above the limit for to come, said Buesseler, a senior off Fukushima contained more is sworn in as President of the human consumption. As one s c i e n t i s t a t W o o d s H o l d than 25,000 becquerels per United States on January 20th in scientist noted, "This means that Oceanographic Institution in kilogram, compared with the the year following the Presidential even if these sources were to be Woods Hole, Massachusetts. maximum permissible level of election. shut off completely, the sediments In waters off Fukushima, where 100 bq/kg set by the Japanese If no Presidential candidate wins 270 or more electoral votes, would remain contaminated for there is a ban on fishing for government, the author said. the House of Representatives decades to come." So, today's bottom-dwelling species, 40 ... Average: lesson is, Fukushima fish are percent of fish are above the limit Your rating: None Average: 5( 2 decides the Presidential election. The House would elect the neither friends nor food, but more for human consumption based on votes) like lava lamps we suspect. J a p a n e s e r e g u l a t o r y l i m i t s , This entry passed through the President by majority vote, Via Bloomberg: Buesseler said. Full-Text RSS service if this is c h o o s i n g f r o m t h e t h r e e Fish caught in waters off the ... your content and you're reading it candidates who received the coast of northern Japan, where an Three-Reactor Meltdown on someone else's site, please read greatest number of electoral votes. earthquake triggered a radiation About 3,500 terabecquerels of the FAQ at The vote would be taken by state, leak at the Fukushima power radioactive cesium 134 and 3,600 only/faq.php#publishers. Five with each state having one vote. It plant, are still as contaminated terabecquerels of cesium 137 may Filters recommends: Incinerating would be up to the group of today as a year ago, a study have leaked into the sea between Assange - The Liberal Media Go found. March 26 and Sept. 30 last year To Work. Contamination levels were after a three-reactor meltdown at

representatives from each state to decide among themselves how their state would cast its one and only vote. Smaller states like Wyoming, Montana and Vermont, with only one representative would wield as much power as California or New York. The House would have until the 4th of March to select a president. Source: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), US Federal Register. The Electoral Votes And Presidential Leanings The Swing States... And their Employment Picture... But the bottom line is that this looks ending with a DividedGovernment - which bodes very poorly historically for the fiscal laxness that so many Keynesians are demanding... Charts: Goldman Sachs Average: Your rating: None Average: 5( 1 vote) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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The 8 Worst Housing Markets In America

Mamta Badkar (Money Game)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 4:48:00 PM

Father of Slain SEAL: Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son?
Daniel Halper (The Weekly Standard)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:18:00 PM

National home prices are expected to rise 1.7 percent from Q3 2012 - Q3 2013, according to Zillow's latest report. But not all markets are experiencing a recovery. 191 metropolitan areas saw declines in home prices in the third quarter, up from 125 metros in the second quarter. Were likely seeing home values fall back into the negative range in some markets due to the close of the traditional home-buying season, said Zillow Chief Economist Stan Humphries in a press release. Looking forward, we expect to see home values bump along the bottom for some time, before increasing at a slow and steady pace." We drew on the report to rank eight cities where home prices are projected to decline the most in the next year. We also included an estimate of when home prices bottomed, and the actual value of a home. Note: The list is based on projected home price depreciation between Q3 2012 - Q3 2013. Cincinnati, Ohio

Newscom Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, who was killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, reveals details of meeting Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at the publically broadcast memorial service for the slain Americans at Andrews Air Force Base only days after the attack. And, in a recent radio appearance, Woods publicly questions who Change in home prices 20122013: -0.2 percent Projected bottom in home value: Q1 2012 Price in Q3 2012: $123,100 Source: Zillow Cleveland, Ohio Change in home prices 20122013: -0.2 percent Projected bottom in home value: Q1 2013 Price in Q3 2012: $108,900 Source: Zillow Charlotte, North Carolina Change in home prices 20122013: -0.3 percent Projected bottom in home value: Q2 2011 Price in Q3 2012: $135,200 Source: Zillow See the rest of the story at Business Insider Please follow Money Game on Twitter and Facebook.

made the call not to send in backup forces to possibly save his sons life, as well as the three other Americans killed in Benghazi (which includes the American ambassador to Libya).

How Scribd Became The Worlds Largest Online Library

scribdsf (The Scribd Blog)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 6:08:30 PM

A Total Disruption shares the stories of some of the worlds brightest entrepreneurs. Today they premiered their short film on our CEO Trip Adler. Thanks to Ondi Timoner, who asks Adler how Scribd became the worlds largest online library.[embedded

content] This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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Exclusive: U.S. Rushes to Stop Syria from Expanding Chemical Weapon Stockpile
Noah Shachtman (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:00:00 PM

A U.S. Army chemical weapons crew takes samples from an M55 rocket. Photo: U.S. Army The regime of embattled Syrian dictator Bashar Assad is actively working to enlarge its arsenal of chemical weapons, U.S. officials tell Danger Room. Assads operatives have tried repeatedly in recent months to buy up the precursor chemicals for deadly nerve agents like sarin, even as his country plunges further and further into a civil war. The U.S. and its allies have been able to block many of these sales. But that still leaves Assads scientists with hundreds of metric tons of dangerous chemicals that could be turned into some of the worlds most gruesome weapons. Assad is weathering everything the rebels throw at him. Business is continuing as usual, one U.S. official privy to intelligence on Syria says. Theyve been busy little bees. Back in July, the Assad regime publicly warned that it might just use chemical weapons to stop external forces from interfering in its bloody civil war. American policy-makers became deeply concerned that Damascus just might follow

through on the threats. Since the July announcement, however, the world community including Assads allies have made it

clear to Damascus that unleashing weapons of mass destruction was unacceptable. The message appears to have gotten through to

Assads cadre, at least for now. they were going to use it Talk of direct U.S. intervention in especially back in July, says the Syria has largely subsided. EXCLUSIVE: page 29 There was a moment we thought

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U.S. official, referring to Syrias chemical arsenal. But we took a second look at the intelligence, and it was less urgent than we thought. That hardly means the danger surrounding Syrias chemical weapons program has passed. More than 500 metric tons of nerve agent precursors, stored in binary form, are kept at upward of 25 locations scattered around the country. If any one of those sites falls into the wrong hands, it could become a massively lethal event. And in the meantime, Assad is looking to add to his already substantial stockpile. Damascus has continued its pursuit of chemical weapons despite the damage to its international reputation and the rising costs of evading international export control on chemical weapons materials, the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, a leading think tank on weapons of mass destruction issues, noted in an August profile of Syrias illicit arms activities. Exactly why is unclear; Assad is perfectly capable of mass slaughter with more conventional means, like tanks and cluster bombs. Perhaps his chemical precursors are relatively unstable, and he needs fresh supplies; perhaps this is a late shopping spree before the international noose tightens

completely; perhaps he wants to send a warning to potential adversaries in Jerusalem and Washington. Whatever the rationale, Assad is continuing his attempts to buy the building blocks of nerve agents like sarin. The CIA and the U.S. State Department, working with allies in the region, have recently prevented sales to Syria of industrial quantities of isopronol. Popularly known as rubbing alcohol, its also one of the two main chemical precursors to sarin gas, one of the deadliest nerve agents in existence. The other precursor is methylphosphonyl difluoride, or DF. The Syrians were also recently blocked from acquiring the phosphorous compounds known as halides, some of which can be used to help make DF. At a recent meeting of the Australia Group, an informal collection of international government officials dedicated the stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction, participants discussed the extensive tactics including the use of front companies in third countries [that] the Syrian government uses to obscure its efforts to obtain [regulated equipment], as well as other dualuse items, for proliferation purposes. Bottom line: Syria continues to be a country of proliferation concern, with active

biological and chemical weapons programs. In June, Janes Defence Weekly reported that North Korean engineers were spotted in Syria working on Scud-D short-range ballistic missiles, which can carry chemical warheads. Two months later, witnesses tell the German magazine Der Spiegel, Syria testfired several of its chemicalcapable missiles at the al-Safirah research center east of Aleppo. To Leonard Spector, deputy director of the James Martin Center, these reports are signs that Syria has not stopped the weapons of mass destruction program. Among American policy-makers, theres a growing sense (perhaps a bit wishful) that Damascus will eventually fall to the rebels despite Assads brutal crackdown on the uprising, and despite an often-haphazard international campaign to help the rebellion. On Thursday, rebel group announced that they had seized two more districts in the city of Aleppo. U.S. intelligence agencies are believed to be helping with the training of opposition groups, while the Pentagon denies shipping arms to the rebels. In public, American aid has largely been limited to organizational advice (Washington is trying to set up a council of opposition leaders in Doha in the next few weeks, for instance) and technical

assistance. Several hundred Syrian activists have traveled to Istanbul for training in secure communications, funded by the U.S. State Department. The rebel leaders received tips on how to leapfrog firewalls, encrypt their data, and use cellphones without getting caught, as Time magazine recently reported. Then they returned to Syria, many of them with new phones and satellite modems in hand. In the background, the U.S. is also starting to strategize for how it should operate in a post-Assad Syria. And that includes scoping out plans for disposing of Assads stockpiles of nerve and mustard agents. It wont be easy: Iraqs former chemical bunkers are still toxic, a decade after Saddams overthrow. The U.S. recently said it wont be done disposing of its Cold War chemical weapon arsenal until 2023. Disposing of chemical weapons might not be as touchy a political issue in Syria as it is in America. But Assads nerve agents will still be tricky to render (relatively) safe or demilitarize, in weapons jargon. DF, for example, can be turned into a somewhat non-toxic slurry, if combined properly with lye and water. The problem is that when DF reacts with water, it generates heat. And since DF has an extremely low boiling point just 55.4 degrees Celsius it means that the

chances of accidentally releasing toxic gases are really high. You could easily kill yourself during the demil, one observer tells Danger Room. Naturally, this process could only begin once the DF and the rubbing alcohol was gathered up from Assads couple dozen storage locations. Then, theyd have to be carted far, far out into the desert to make sure no bystanders could be hurt along with the enormous stirred-tank reactors needed to conduct the dangerous chemistry experiments. And when it was all done, there would the result would be a whole lot of hydrofluoric acid, which is itself a poison. In other words, even if the U.S. stops every one of Assads chemical weapon shipments from here on out, the legacy of his illicit weapons program will linger on for decades. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



Curated News Edition

Romney, Ryan Talk More About Poverty Than Obama, Biden

(The Christian Post)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 2:26:10 PM

October 25, 2012| 3:26 pm In the presidential race, the Republican ticket, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, have spoken much more about poverty than the Democratic ticket, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Since poverty is traditionally a Democratic issue, the stark difference has surprised many. In the three presidential debates, Romney used the word "poor" seven times and the word "poverty" six times. In the vice presidential debate, Ryan said "poverty" eight times and mentioned "the poor" once. Obama and Biden never mentioned poverty or the poor in any of the debates. On Wednesday, Ryan delivered a 25 minute address at Cleveland State University in Ohio devoted exclusively to the topic of poverty, unusual in a campaign season that has been mostly focused on addressing the problems of the middle class. Romney and Ryan generally

discuss poverty in five different contexts. First, they mention poverty statistics when criticizing Obama's record as president. For example in the first debate, Romney said Obama's presidency "is not working, and the proof of that is 23 million people out of work. The proof of that is 1 out of 6 people in poverty. The proof of that is we've gone from 32 million on food stamps to 47 million on food stamps." Follow us Second, they mention poverty when discussing their plan for reforming Medicaid, a government health insurance program for the poor. Romney and Ryan want to block grant the program, which means states would be provided with the funds but would be given flexibility in how the program would be implemented. "We can care for our own poor in so much better and more effective a way than having the federal government tell us how to care for our poor," Romney said about state governments in the first debate.

Third, poverty is discussed by Romney and Ryan in relation to the high unemployment rate and their plans for job growth. In the third presidential debate, Ryan said the Romney plan is "about getting 12 million jobs, higher take-home pay, getting people out of poverty into the middle class." Fourth, Romney and Ryan mention poverty in relation to school-choice reforms. In speaking about education in his Wednesday speech on poverty, Ryan said, "We owe every child a chance to succeed. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, we owe them 'an unfettered start and a fair chance in the race of life.' Upward mobility is the central promise of life in America. But right now, America's engines of upward mobility aren't working the way they should." And fifth, Romney and Ryan mention the poor when criticizing the Obama administration's birth control mandate. The mandate has a religious exemption, but that is so narrow that faith-based organizations that seek to alleviate poverty are not exempt. Many

Catholic groups have complained that Obama is forcing them to choose between violating the teaching of their faith and helping the poor. "Nothing undermines the essential and honorable work these groups do quite like the abuse of government power," Ryan said in his poverty speech. "Take what happened this past January, when the Department of Health and Human Services issued new rules requiring Catholic hospitals, charities and universities to violate their deepest principles. Never mind your own conscience, they were basically told from now on you're going to do things the government's way. This mandate isn't just a threat to religious charities. It's a threat to all those who turn to them in times of need. In the name of strengthening our safety net, this mandate and others will weaken it." In a Monday editorial for The Washington Examiner, conservative columnist Byron York also noticed that Romney and Ryan are the only ticket that speaks often about the poor. York

believes that Obama does not speak often about poverty because it is inconsistent with his campaign theme that things are getting better. "In short, even though the fight against poverty has long been associated with Democrats, and even though he is in a tight reelection race, and even though poverty is a particularly compelling problem at the moment, Barack Obama ignores the issue when it comes time to campaign. A sky-high poverty rate doesn't fit his theme that things are getting better. So he doesn't talk about it," York wrote. C o n t a c t : m,@NappNazworth(Twitter) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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iPhone Dominates Apple's Q4 Earnings; Cook Talks iPad and iPad Mini
Christina Bonnington (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:45:00 PM

The iPhone 5, and Apples entire iPhone line, showed tremendous adoption this quarter. Photo: Alex Washburn/Wired Only in the world of inflated expectations that is Apple could a quarter of record device sales, record revenue, and record earnings be a disappointment. But Apple stocks dipped slightly on Thursday just after the company announced its best Q4 ever, which included $8.2 billion in earnings on $36 billion in revenue. Were very proud to end a fantastic fiscal year with record September quarter results, Apple CEO Tim Cook said in a press release. Were entering this holiday season with the best iPhone, iPad, Mac and iPod products ever, and we remain very confident in our new product pipeline. Leading the pack for Apple was the iPhone. Apple sold 26.9 million of them this quarter, which ended Sept. 29 and included one week of iPhone 5 sales. This beat analyst estimates of 25 million and was up 58 percent over the same period last year. iPhone sales were significantly lower than expected in Q4 last year due to anticipation

for the then-yet-to-be-released iPhone 4S. iPad sales werent quite so stellar, though. Apple sold only 14 million this quarter, down from 17 million last quarter and below Wall Street estimates of 16 million. The disparity caused Apple stock to dip before sales were halted at 4:50 p.m. EDT. Cook attributed the iPad numbers

to seasonal sales patterns for families with school-age children, an effect compounded by regular high iPad sales in the June quarter. Apple continues to see the PC market as the biggest opportunity for the iPad. We continue to be very confident that the tablet market will surpass the PC market, Cook said. It is already extremely compelling for

many many customers to choose a tablet, in particular an iPad, over a PC. And when you look at the size of the PC market there is an enormous opportunity for Apple there. As for the just-announced iPad mini, Cook and CFO Peter Oppenheimer tempered public, media and analyst expectations over its pricing and purpose.

When we set out to build the iPad mini, we didnt set out to build a small, cheap iPad, Oppenheimer said. We set out to build a small iPad with the full iPad experience. The difference between the iPad mini and the competition is profound. Cook added that Apple is not concerned IPHONE page 33


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Hobby Lobby Injunction Against HHS Mandate set for Court

(The Christian Post)

Healthy Birmingham
(Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:30:00 PM

chain opposed the mandate. "The Green family has no moral Submitted at 10/25/2012 3:11:28 PM objection to the use of preventive contraceptives and will continue (Photo: The Becket Fund) its longstanding practice of covering these preventive October 25, 2012| 4:11 pm An contraceptives for its employees," Oklahoma-based evangelical reads the statement. Christian-led business will present "However, it is in violation of the a r g u m e n t s i n f e d e r a l c o u r t Green families' faith to provide or regarding a preliminary injunction pay for the 'morning-after pill' and against the HHS Mandate next the 'week-after pill,' believing that Thursday. life begins at conception, when an Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., a egg is fertilized." retail chain with an estimated Follow us 22,500 employees, will present its In September, Hobby Lobby filed argument for an injunction before a lawsuit against the Department the U.S. District Court for the of Health and Human Services Western District of Oklahoma in over the controversial "preventive Oklahoma City. services" mandate. While several At issue is Hobby Lobby's businesses had filed suit against owner's opposition to the HHS H H S o v e r t h e p a s t s e v e r a l Mandate, which would compel months, Hobby Lobby was the the business to provide the certain first non-Catholic business to do medical services considered so. contrary to the owners' beliefs. David Green, founder and CEO Hobby Lobby, which is owned of Hobby Lobby, explained in a by the Green family, is being teleconference press meeting why represented by the Becket Fund h e w a s s u i n g t h e f e d e r a l for Religious Liberty. In a g o v e r n m e n t . statement, the Becket Fund "We simply cannot abandon our detailed why the arts and crafts religious beliefs and comply with

group "Faithful America." Becket Fund attorney Kyle Duncan, who is helping represent Hobby Lobby, told The Christian Post in an earlier interview that the petition was "misleading." "It makes it seem as if Hobby Lobby is seeking to exclude birth this mandate. We know that we control from its health plan all have been blessed by God's grace together. That's just not true," said and believe it is because we have Duncan. chosen to live our lives and to "The Green family and Hobby operate our business according to Lobby do not have any religious His Word and we are very objection to birth control per se. grateful for that. But our faith is T h e i r p l a n s h a v e c o v e r e d being challenged by the federal preventive contraceptives and will continue to do so." government," said Green. Later that month, Hobby Lobby According to the Becket Fund, at would receive a petition from a present there are a total of 33 r e l i g i o u s a c t i v i s t g r o u p different ongoing suits against demanding that they drop the H H S o v e r t h e " p r e v e n t i v e lawsuit against the HHS mandate. s e r v i c e s " m a n d a t e . About 80,000 signatories were This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is listed. "Don't use your Christian faith as your content and you're reading it an excuse to obstruct health care on someone else's site, please read reform and deny women access to the FAQ at control. I won't shop at your only/faq.php#publishers. Five store until you drop this lawsuit, Filters recommends: Incinerating and I'll tell my friends to do the Assange - The Liberal Media Go same," reads the petition from the To Work.

Healthy Birmingham Dining Like any Southern city worth its salt pork, our hometown serves up good food of both the high and low variety: fancy or casual, but always friendly. And we know how to make a cold drink for a hot day, too. About 15 years ago, Birmingham became an early signifier of a new style of Southern cooking: local ingredients, regional approaches, a lighter and brighter sensibility. In the last five years alone, the James Beard Foundation has recognized six Birmingham chefs and restaurants, an impressive accomplishment for a city with a metro population of about 1 million. One chefthe still-on-his -game Frank Stitt started a chain reaction thats making this a truly magical city in which to eat and explore. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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continued from page 31

about the iPad mini cannibalizing sales of the iPad or any other Apple product sales. Apple is also adamant that the 7.9 -inch size puts the mini in a separate class from 7-inch tablets, which Steve Jobs famously dismissed for being too big to compete with a smartphone and too small to compete with the iPad. Jobs dubbed them tweeners and said theyd be dead on arrival. We would not make one of the 7 -inch tablets, Cook said. We dont think theyre good products. Per an analyst question, Cook addressed another potential iPad competitor, Microsofts Surface tablet, which goes on sale on Friday. I havent personally

played with a Surface yet, but what were reading about it is that its a fairly compromised, confusing product, Cook said. I suppose you could design a car that flies and floats, but I dont suppose it would do all those things very well. In other Apple device news, the iPod line continued its downward spiral with only 5.2 million units sold, down from 6.6 million in Q4 2011. Cumulative iOS device sales totaled more than 44 million for the quarter, though. Mac sales remained steady at 4.9 million (1 percent more than the same quarter last year). With the launch of the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display Tuesday and the ultra-thin new iMacs over the next two months, perhaps that

number will rise during the December quarter. Were dedicated to making the very best products in the world, Cook said. This will always be the driving force behind Apple. Were managing the company for the long run. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Photos: George McGovern Memorialized At Prayer Service - News in photos

(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:36:54 PM

New York Daily News Photos: George McGovern Memorialized At Prayer Service News in photos Members of the public come to show their respect at the public viewing for former Democratic U.S. senator and three-time

presidential candidate George McGovern at the First United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls, S.D., Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012. McGovern... Photos, video: Large crowds expected at George McGovern services Sioux Falls Argus Leader all 1,089 news articles

The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Symphony

Jessica Conditt (Joystiq)

called and what's it about? Our game is called Symphony. Submitted at 10/25/2012 10:00:00 PM It's a vertical shooter that's 100 Indie developers are the starving percent driven by your music. artists of the video-game world, Your music is under attack by a often brilliant and innovative, but mysterious evil entity and you also misunderstood, underfunded must fight to liberate it. and more prone to writing free- What's the coolest aspect of form poetry on their LiveJournals. Symphony? We believe they deserve a wider We really pushed to have the audience with the Joystiq Indie tightest connection possible Pitch: This week, Francois between the emotions, events and Bertrand and Matt Shores of mood of your music and the Empty Clip Studios discuss the game. The characteristics of each battle to liberate your own of your songs - the beats, the musical library with PC game energy and the spectrum, all Symphony. What's your game contribute to generate a unique

level. We also wanted to add a lot of replayability and wrap everything into a coherent storyline so you have a satisfying, long-lasting gameplay experience.

You're not just playing individual songs - you're fighting to liberate your music collection. As you progress through the game, you'll fight boss battles, unlock

difficulty levels, get rewarded for reaching score targets, collect items and customize your ship. Every song in your collection contains an item you can discover, equip and upgrade. Continue reading The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Symphony The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Symphony originally appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments



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Pharmacists Confirm Pressure From Management To Refill Prescriptions Automatically

Chris Morran (The Consumerist)

A pharmacy tech who previously worked at a Publix store says that starting in 2009, directives started Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:04:57 PM coming down from on high to the ( Since we began P h a r m a c y M a n a g e r t o following the stories of CVS automatically sign up patients for pharmacists who appear to have automated refills if they met been pressured into automatically certain conditions like refilling customers prescriptions, 1. Patient had to have at least 6 regardless of whether or not a months of history with that refill has been requested, weve specific pharmacy. received enough e-mails from 2. Patient had to have a f r o m b o t h c u s t o m e r s a n d medication that also met the pharmacists at a number of requirements. companies who say these are not 3. Medication had to be a isolated incidents. maintenance med Most everyone is doing it, 4. Patient had to fill that med at wrote one pharmacist. You have least 5 times in 6 months. to go to great extremes to stop it Once those requirements were too and the computer will try to met, I was told to automatically start up again the next time refill those medications, writes someone gets a new script. the tech, who said it happened to Then there was this note from a him about once a week. This was former CVS pharmacy tech: strictly a numbers game More There absolutely is pressure on t h a n 7 5 % o f t h e m e d s w e the pharmacists and techs alike to automatically filled without the fill prescriptions automatically. p a t i e n t s k n o w l e d g e w e r e The auto-refill count is tallied eventually put back to stock. Of weekly and totaled monthly. course we harassed the patient by Upper management would come calling them multiple times saying down on us pretty hard if the their med was ready, which numbers didnt meet the goal for caused so many phone arguments the month. So we would have to like I didnt call that sh*t in, stop call customers for enrollments in calling me. the auto refill program. It was One pharmacist from an terrible. unidentified retail store did write

and doesnt pick them up, we credit them back, the claims are reversed, and we arent paid, he write. If they pick the medications up, we are paid. Fraud would be falsifying records to show that a customer picked up medications when they did not. We gain nothing by doing this, since an angry customer can easily transfer to another pharmacy and take all of their business with them. But that might be a naive assumption his part, according to a CVS pharmacist who explains to Consumerist: in to defend the practice of autoReadyFilling a prescription refilling patients prescriptions. allows CVS to bill the pharmacy This service is presented as a benefit manager the day it refills convenience for customers to the prescription. If the patient improve their medication does NOT pick up the adherence, and there is no prescription within 14 days, the pressure for them to take them, pharmacy staff reverses the claim writes the pharmacist. If they do for the script and returns the n o t w a n t t o p i c k u p t h e medication to stock. In this 14medication, we will return them to day period, the patient has usually stock, and they can later tell us been called or texted to remind when they want them filled, him/her to pick up their meds at simple as that. least 3 times. CVS basically has H e a l s o t a k e s i s s u e w i t h payment for the prescription from allegations that auto-refilling the insurance company within 3-4 prescriptions is a way to defraud days of originally filling the Medicare/Medicaid or insurance claim so even if the meds are companies. returned to stock after 14 days, If the customer asks for refills, the money has been available to

CVS for several days. Think of it as being an interest free loan. When you consider that there are more than 7,000 CVS locations, and millions of customers, the company could stand to make a nice little pile of interest on that money before it repays the insurers. And this isnt just CVS, writes this pharmacist, who claims that a friend of hers works at a Target where the insurance company is rebilled even after the meds have been restocked, which gives them another two weeks before they have to repay the insurer. Beyond the money question, auto -refill can also result in huge problems for customers, especially when they fill a prescription at a store other than one they usually visit. One reader from Pennsylvania had her medication refilled at a CVS in Connecticut while visiting family. She wasnt asked about and didnt consent to being placed into the auto-refill program, but weeks later shes getting robocalls from the CT CVS telling her to pick up her refill, which she obviously could not. The calls continued until she went to her PHARMACISTS page 35

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continued from page 34

PA store, where she had to have them transfer the prescription back. Another Consumerist reader says that CVS ReadyFill is now a huge pain in the butt because she can no longer use CVS pharmacies. Her new insurance requires her to use an in-network pharmacy and CVS is not part of that network. And yet, this hasnt stopped CVS system from robocalling her several times a month to remind her of refills she cant pick up. She tells Consumerist that before she even finished the switch to her new insurer, she tried to cancel her ReadyFill enrollment, and that she has asked multiple times since for CVS to stop calling her all to no avail. The worst part is that I still have an east coast phone number, but live in California, so their automated system phones me at early morning Eastern time hours, she writes, adding that because her job requires her to be on-call, she cant turn her phone off or mute it in case someone needs to reach her. And since CVS calls from multiple numbers, she cant block the calls. Im about at my wits end with them. A reader from Washington, D.C., says she forgot to bring her meds on a trip to San Francisco, so she had the prescription filled at CVS in California.

She somehow got enrolled in the ReadyFill program and gets repeated notifications that her refills are ready. But theres a problem. Every time I request a refill online, CVS sends an email saying that the pharmacy was notified and that the medication will be ready at the requested time, but when I go to pick it up, the pharmacists say they never got notification, she writes. Were going to guess that if she hopped a plan to SFO, shed find her prescriptions waiting to be picked up there. And then where was the Walgreens customer who had been taking one prescription medicine for a few months but stopped taking it after his diagnosis was changed. Yet all the while he was in the hospital, Walgreens continued to text him that those old meds were ready. After he got out of the hospital, his wife went to pick up his new set of meds at Walgreens, where she was also given several refills of the old drug all at once. Apparently they would refill them when the time came up, toss it in the bin and some system would send me a text message, writes the patient. Getting them to take all of the medications back was pretty painless, though it makes me wonder how easy it would have been to tamper with

them as they didnt do anything more than open the bags and check the pill counts. Finally, theres the reader whose wife took prescription blood thinners that need to be tightly controlled but which CVS just kept refilling indiscriminately. My wife had to go to for blood tests every two weeks and based on the results she would either refill the current script for another two weeks or be given a new dosage, the husband explains. Over the course of the six months she ended up with three different scripts all for the same drug, but in differing strengths. When we received the first automated call from CVS that there was a script ready for us to pick up, we assumed that it was the new dosage from the last round of tests, he continues. It wasnt. It was a refill for the older, higher dosage that was not the current the amount she needed. Thus, every time his wife needed a refill during those six months, she had to be very careful that the meds being handed to her by the pharmacy were for the correct dosage. Recalls the husband, There would be times that there would be three scripts waiting for her, in three different dosages, at the same time. Of all reader-submitted stories,

CVS was by far the most frequently mentioned pharmacy, followed by Walgreens, Target and then Rite-Aid. But we also heard about people being enrolled at auto-refill programs without their consent and independent and small, regional stores. So its likely that the volume of complaints received is representative more of the size of the businesses involved. This is not something to blame your local CVS pharmacist for, says one pharmacist about all the problems with auto-refill systems. This is CORPORATE and this is their CULTURE. CVS gives lip service to pharmaceutical care, but the people who care about the patients are the pharmacists and technicians in the store, not anyone in management or corporate. Often the hardest working teams are the least valued. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

The Engadget Mobile Podcast, live at 11:30pm ET!

Brad Molen (Engadget)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 10:53:00 PM

Ready for a fireside chat? We are, and we're delighted to have a special guest with us: it's Richard Lai, Editor-in-Chief of Engadget Chinese and the main character involved in the now-infamous (and slightly viral) NSFW ASUS Padfone 2 video! Don't let your imaginations run wild -- check it out here, while you're waiting for the podcast to start. But open up a new tab to do so, because we want you meet us right back here after you're done. October 25, 2012 11:30 PM EDT Continue reading The Engadget Mobile Podcast, live at 11:30pm ET! Filed under: Announcements, Mobile The Engadget Mobile Podcast, live at 11:30pm ET! originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:53:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments


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Seattle May Leave Hygiene Standards To Cab Drivers Instead Of Dictating Cleanliness Rules
Mary Beth Quirk (The Consumerist)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 4:00:29 PM

( KOMO News) The city of Seattle currently regulates the dress code and hygiene of its cab drivers setting standards such as an absence of offensive body odor and well groomed facial hair, with clean clothing that doesnt have unrepaired rips and tears. But the city is now considering handing those requirements over to the drivers themselves. After all, theyre adults who dont want to scare away business with bad B.O., say some drivers, who believe it should be up to the cab companies to regulate such things. The citys proposed changes in its budget packages for next year include eliminating the current dress code and hygiene standards, something many drivers support, reports KOMO News. Basically theyre saying, Treat

Western Washington. Most of the hotels are appalled at the level of service that the taxis are giving, he added. Now Seattle is saying, Hey, lets make it worse. Proponents of allowing drivers to choose how they look and smell say its going to be a no-brainer, us like adults, said Denise as theyll want to keep business Movius, deputy director of the hopping. And theres nothing Department of Finance and more off-putting than when your Administrative Services, which business/cab smells like well, oversees taxi regulations in the use your imagination. city of Seattle. We dont dictate We want to know to any other business in the city Take Our Poll Seattle proposes eliminating how they should dress. hygiene standards for taxi But then there are opponents of such a plan, including those in the d r i v e r s [ K O M O N e w s ] hospitality industry who want to This entry passed through the make sure Seattle is seen and Full-Text RSS service if this is smelled in its best, fragrant light. your content and you're reading it Were trying to be a world-class on someone else's site, please read city. I dont think this goes in the the FAQ at direction, said Eli Darland, only/faq.php#publishers. Five w h o o w n s b o t h a f o r - h i r e Filters recommends: Incinerating company and a limo service in Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

The AR.Drone 2.0 Is the Ultimate Gift for Flight Nerds

Matt Petronzio (Mashable!)

the air, and then share them from the palm of your hand. The app Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:31:19 PM runs with iPhone, iPad and Who wouldn't love the gift of Android devices using a Wi-Fi flight this holiday season? A connection. The AR.Drone 2.0 cutting-edge take on the remote- even comes with a removable controlled helicopter, the Parrot indoor hull that protects your AR.Drone 2.0 is a smartphone- furniture, children and pets from controlled (or tablet-controlled) the quadricopter's large rotor q u a d r i c o p t e r w i t h a h i g h - blades. definition camera beneath its hull. Built SEE ALSO: An In-Depth Review Continue reading... of AR.Drone 2.0 More About: Gift of the Day, With the AR.FreeFlight 2.0 Mobile, Tech, features, holidays mobile app, you can record videos 2012 and take photos up to 165 feet in

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Thread: Olbermann don't sell out!

(Dave Winer)

voice as yours. What we want is something no one else can provide -- you! Your insights, If you know Keith Olbermann your ideas, your angst! please send him a pointer to this. Then, later -- once you've got a I've tried tweeting to him, but I regular thing going on the net, never get a response. Tell him I'm you can get distribution from one for real, that I've done this myself of the networks, on your own with great success. (I have!) You terms. Don't stop distributing your can make a lot of money doing Twitter feed. And lots of fans. stuff on the net, that's your I n t e r n e t b r o a d c a s t i n g . A n d You could very easily start f a l l b a c k i n c a s e t h e y s t a r t Olbermann, someone we know something on the Internet and excercising control over your well, is the perfect guy to do it. keep all the profits for yourself, content. Last time around the two people I and run your own show, and if I'll help. No charge! I just want read or listened to most were you pissed someone off that you to do it. Nothing more. Frank Rich in his weekly column would be good because it would What we, your fans want, is the at the NY Times, and you. get more people to watch and/or pure unadulterated Olberman This time around neither of you listen. Experience. We want to know are out there. Your voice has been I used to think creating an we're hearing what you really missed. Internet-distributed radio show have to say, not what some Sam Laird (Mashable!) A c c o r d i n g t o N e w Y o r k was hard, but it's not. You can do network executive will let you Magazine and other bits here and it with an iPod. A video show is a say. There's already so much of Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:32:26 PM there, it seems you're looking for little more work. People don't care that. It's boring. Give us what we NBA player Delonte West, who a job at a broadcast network. I much about production value, esp crave. Olbermann. Don't sell out! has been diagnosed as bipolar, think this would be a serious for someone with as well-known a went on an alternately bizarre, mistake. You have a popular bitter and heartbreaking Twitter rant Thursday after being suspended by the Dallas Mavericks. West was suspended indefinitely for "conduct detrimental to the team," according to a sparsely worded statement by team president of basketball operations Donnie Nelson on Thursday
Submitted at 10/25/2012 4:32:08 PM

NBA Player Goes on Heartbreaking Twitter Rant After Suspension

morning. The Mavericks plan to waive West permanently within the next few days, the Dallas Morning-News reported that afternoon. West told that he was being unfairly blamed for an altercation between teammates that he was not involved in following an exhibition game loss on Wednesday night, and that he was to Continue reading... More About: NBA, Sports



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Which Is Worse: The Study About Women Voting With Their Hormones, Or The Trolly Story About It On CNN?
Colin Lecher (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:00:39 PM

Screenshot From CNN CNN"There's almost no way to stop [the study] from being spun into the 'war against women' story," coauthor Vladas Griskevicius says. Is he right, or was the study the problem? After public blowback over a CNN article about a study suggesting that women vote according to their menstrual cycle, one of the study's authors, and the journal itself, are standing behind the research--if not the actual CNN story that prompted the backlash in the first place. (That story has since been pulled, but you can still read it here.) The thrust of the forthcoming study is that single women who are ovulating are supposedly more likely to vote for Barack Obama, while women who are married or in committed relationships are more likely to vote for Mitt Romney. That's by a pretty wide margin, too, the study suggests: as much as 26 percent. (The full study, "The Fluctuating Female Vote: Politcs, Religion, and the Ovulatory Cycle," is available here under "Selected Works.")

Such dramatic findings have raised questions about the validity of the study; some even wonder whether it should've been conducted at all. But perhaps the most controversial aspect are the

conclusions the authors drew: "We believe that the key difference between these two groups is that the married/engaged women have more invested in their relationship, and therefore

have considerably more to lose if their current relationship were endangered," they wrote. As the lead author, Kristina Durante, was quoted as saying in the CNN article: married/ engaged women

are "overcompensating" for those feelings, then going ever-morecertainly for the safe, conservative candidate that represents traditional values. In short: Not only is ovulation causing changes in voting, but it's because of women's husbands. Double whammy controversy. It's the same for single women voting liberal: They're more open during their ovulation cycle, the authors argue, and not concerned about spousal feelings. Durante, a University of Texas at San Antonio professor, didn't respond to request for comment, but one of the co-authors of the study did: Vladas Griskevicius, a professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Minnesota. He stands by the study, but doesn't feel the same about the CNN article. CNN gives the most real estate to talking about the study, but is careful to distance itself (multiple times) from the study's conclusions. You might not have gotten that it if you didn't read past the headline: "Do hormones drive women's votes?" After that, it's mostly detailing the study and quoting multiple researchers who WHICH page 39

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carefully plugged holes into the conclusions. The main conclusion to the answer in the headline seems to be: "Probably not, but one study says yes." The CNN author, Elizabeth Landau, later tweeted about the outcry. @ jorcohen@ kyliesobel@ skenigsberg Hi everyone, I included several political scientists saying these conclusions are not valid. Elizabeth Landau (@lizlandau) October 24, 2012 For the record, I was reporting on a study to be published in a peerreviewed journal & included skepticism. I did not conduct the study. Elizabeth Landau (@lizlandau) October 24, 2012 "It was taken into a media spin of the study," Griskevicius says. In the context of the article, he says, it looked like the study suggested, "whereas women vote with their hormones, men will vote with their brains." And that certainly was one of the concerns raised: Paul Kellstedt, associate professor of political science at Texas A&M University, was quoted in the CNN article as saying, "The reader [of the study] may be left with the impression that women are unstable and moody in ways that extend to their political preferences, but that men are comparative Rocks of Gibraltar." Griskevicius says there's plenty

of literature to suggest men make behavioral decisions based on changes in hormones-testosterone, specifically--but that it wasn't what the study was about, and so it wasn't included. What it was about, he says, was answering a question: Do ovulation cycles have an effect on how women vote? The researchers found that the response was yes, he says, and so they can't be (or shouldn't be) held liable for the public outrage that results. It's "being published in a top peer-reviewed scientific journal," he says, and went through the normal vetting process for studies like it, so why the anger? "There's almost no way to stop it from being spun into the 'war against women' story," he says. They could've, of course, included that existing body of research. As for skepticism about how much the cycle could actually influence voting, Griskevicius insists the study-which will be published in the next six to eight months--is sound. The researchers were surprised by the numbers the first time, too, then ran a second study to test them out and got the same results. Which doesn't really prove anything: That might make the findings less of an anomaly, but it wouldn't correct for potential problems with the study's

methodology. Susan Carroll, a professor of political science and women's and gender studies at Rutgers University, is quoted in the CNN article--with some of the most vocal concerns about the study--and expanded in an email about the study's use of MTurk. I would also point out that the study apparently analyzes survey data, not data from a lab or field experiment. Since the authors used MTurk, their samples certainly are not random and there is no guarantee that they are at all representative. Although the research is not based on experimental design, the authors apply statistical techniques (ANOVA) generally used for experimental research to the survey data, making the fact that these are survey data less obvious. The use of survey data makes all the more problematic the authors' failure to apply statistical controls for demographic variables, such as age or income, which may well account for the observed differences between women who are single and in committed relationships, since these variables are not controlled for through experimental design. Eric Eich, the incoming editor of Psychological Science, directed questions to a spokesperson for a comment, who gave an official statement from the Association for Psychological Science, which

publishes Psychological Science: It has come to our attention that CNN has reported on a forthcoming paper in Psychological Science, which argues that women's ovulatory cycles may influence their political decision making. Specifically, the paper offers evidence that ovulating single women tend to report attitudes that are more liberal and more pro -Obama, while ovulating women in committed relationships tend to report attitudes that are more conservative and more proRomney. While we recognize that studies of gender and behavior are often controversial, we stand behind the integrity of this study and the journal. The research went through the regular peer-review process before it was accepted for publication. The article is currently in production and will be published in its final form at some time in the near future. We direct further media inquiries to the lead author of the paper, Kristina Durante of the University of Texas, San Antonio, whose comments about the research are hers alone. "Whose comments about the research are hers alone"? Uh-oh. That doesn't sound particularly good for Durante, even if the journal does stand behind the facts in the study. A word on peer review: It's the

best process we have for making sure only the most scientifically valid studies make it into publication, but they're emphatically not a full endorsement from the scientific community. There are plenty of other studies that make it through review--into other top journals, too--and still end up getting plenty of flak after publication (or, in this case, before it). In that sense, CNN probably doesn't deserve the heat it's getting, or the journal at least deserves to be getting more. CNN, for the record, didn't respond to requests for comment about why, exactly, the article got pulled. All we know on that end is what's pasted where the story used to be: A post previously published in this space regarding a study about how hormones may influence voting choices has been removed. After further review it was determined that some elements of the story did not meet the editorial standards of CNN. We thank you for your comments and feedback.


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ACLU sues over taking photos at border crossings -

(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:15:50 PM

ACLU sues over taking photos at border crossings SAN DIEGO (AP) Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties

Union have sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security over restrictions on taking photos and video footage at ports of entry. The ACLU said Thursday that it filed the federal lawsuit on... and more

Mississippi Chinese Lady goes home to Korea

How To Properly Butcher And Eat A Triceratops

(Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:30:00 PM

Music blares from a doors-open car about 20 yards away from where a woman dances in an open, grassy spot. The tune is a Clay Dillow (Popular Science with that huge bone and keratin decapitating its fallen prey to Korean folk song, twang and New Technology, Science frill in the way it was notoriously expose that succulent neck meat. strings and a tinny singer, and the News, The Future Now) d i f f i c u l t t o g e t t o . N o w , The best part of all this, of course, petite dancer glides across the paleontologists at the Museum of are the sketches outlining exactly grass as wind whirls the trees Submitted at 10/25/2012 4:31:12 PM How To Eat A Triceratops Nate the Rockies in Bozeman, Mont., how this happened (one of which about. She is wearing a hanbok, a Carroll via Nature Step one: have developed a new theory for you can see above). Click through t r a d i t i o n a l K o r e a n f o r m a l Remove head. how the T. Rex devoured the best to Nature to see, frame by frame, dresshers a cropped, fitted When it came to dining on part of his meal: beheading. how pencil-sketch-T-Rex made white jacket over a billowing red skirt with intermittent white Triceratops, the Tyrannosaurus According to an analysis of bit Triceratops into a meal. flowers. She twirls and ripples her had a problem. That nutrient-rich m a r k s a n d s c a r r i n g o n t h e [ Nature] outstretched arms gracefully, skirt meat in the Triceratops neck was recovered bones of triceratops, T. following in crimson waves. a Late Cretaceous delicacy, but R e x d e v i s e d a m e t h o d o f

Every now and then, white satin slippers peek out from underneath. Cars drive past. I can't see if their occupants are staring, or even interested. It's a spring day in Korea, and I am here with my brother, Tim, enjoying this unexpected performance with some wonderful people I've just met. They are my family. My uncle, Chi Bong, has driven us to the lakeside spot, and his wifewhose name I don't even knowis the dancer. Before pulling over, she confided, "I'm a little shy, but I have a surprise for you and your brother. I rented a MISSISSIPPI page 41

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dress." Now Chi Bong whoops and claps and encourages, and his wife begins to dance. I do not know this woman, but she has overcome her shyness to dance for us, people she has barely met and will likely never see again. I well up: I think she is showing us we are Korean. By being here, by being connected to these lovely people, 7,000 miles from home, by the mere fact of it, Tim and I are finally Korean. Gratitude for this feeling takes me back to the moment, six months earlier, that led to my decision to come here. I was sitting in an elementary school cafeteria in Birmingham, Alabama, with my 6-year-old twin boys. An older child, maybe a second-grader, looked at us on his way to put up his tray. He grinned and said, "Hey, Chinese lady!" It was a stab to the heart, not much different from words I sometimes heard as a 7-year-old girl growing up in the Mississippi Delta, sitting in my own elementary school cafeteria, listening to friends who puzzled over my otherness. They knew white and they knew black, but they certainly did not know what I was. Nor, exactly, did I. A life in the South I am the daughter of a beautiful woman from Busan, South Korea, and a blonde-haired, blue-eyed farmer's son from Mississippi. They met on a blind date in 1967 while my dad was stationed in Korea with the Army. That, anyway, was half of the story. Turns out that the date, arranged

by a friend of my father's, was more serendipitous than blind. My mom, as it happened, was my father's barber, so they had met before. Now they really talked for the first time. "I knew within the first minute of talking to her that I was going to marry her," says my dad. The barber said no to the proposal several times before agreeing. They were married in a peculiar ritual that I always loved hearing about: First, they went to the U.S. Embassy in Seoul. "Suzie was outside the room, and I got married to her," explains my dad. "Then, we went to Seoul City Hall. She went in, and I went to a coffee shop across the street. And she got married to me." Afterward, they went to a Methodist church where my mother's uncle was pastor for a wedding attended by friends and relatives. Then they moved to the States, where they would raise my brother and me in small towns in which there simply weren't many others like my mom. I was born in Winona, Mississippi, which listed my mother's state of birth, on my birth certificate, not as Korea but, bizarrely, Manchuria. My mother moved through this strange landscape quietly and, to me, bravely and gracefully, and I can't recall her complaining that she ever felt like an outsider. But we'd be in the grocery store, and her accent would prove too foreign for the clerks or cashiers to bother with. They would raise their voices and lock eyes with the little girl whose Luke Skywalker or

Bandit T-shirt implied sufficient Americanization, waiting for me to translate. In those moments, blood rising in my cheeks, I resented both sides: the clerk for not trying, my mother for just being Korean. I'd go home and imagine that I had blonde hair and blue eyes and looked like my friends and had a mother who could speak and be understood. Of course, as a southerner does, I love the South, long for Mississippi, feel the South everpresent in my blood and my soul. During my elementary school years, we lived in the Delta, whose bleakness I still find mysterious and beautiful whenever I go back. I remember, as a child, passing sharecroppers and seeing white families picking cotton together while a combine stirred up dust in the next field. The poor, dark, tragic, funny, beautiful South: I remember hard dirt clods loosened by the plow in my grandparents' garden that were perfect for pitching at my cousins; angry crawdads waving in the ditches after a rain; people of at least three colors loitering outside the tamale stand; tiny razor cuts painfully discovered at bathtime after running through the corn patch; a pail of purple-hull peas in the breeze-way waiting to be shelled; the delicious salt-lick brine of boiled peanuts at a ramshackle gas station. These are the scenes and the foods of my childhood, yet they are bracketed, as none of my friends' lives were, by other memories and different flavors:

the joys of slurping up slippery cellophane noodles whenever my mother made japchae(noodles with vegetables); my clumsy fingers trying to control tangled chopsticks as they chased a muddy-colored crowder pea across the plate into a pile of sticky rice; the shiny Korean clothing sent to us by our relatives for special occasions; the frightening pungency of kimchi. Southern to the bone, I don't look it. I look Korean or, as I sometimes still overhear in the South, "some kind of Chinese." But I speak no Korean and, before going on my pilgrimage, knew embarrassingly little of the culture. To me, Korean heritage was mostly about food: the traditional dishes my mom would cook every now and then, after driving up to Memphis for ingredients at the closest Asian market. We loved some of the dishes she madeespecially sweet-salty marinated meat and any kind of noodle dish. But she also made funky soups, always in this little gold-colored pot. The rest of us wouldn't join her, wary of the burly flavors. Those were dishes my mother made for herself: comfort and consolation, taken in solitude. I imagine how it must have been for her to make food alone and not have anyone to share it withsad for any mother, especially in a place where no one spoke her language and where this was the only part of her culture she could re-create. I ask her now if this hurt her feelings. "No. No,

noooo," she says. "Because the food was so different. So strange from what Westerners are used to." My mother, I discovered, didn't have the luxury of learning to cook from her mother; instead, she taught herself to cook in America. "I just guessed," she says, "remembering the taste I had a long, long time ago." She adds, with a confidence that makes me proud, "I'm pretty creative, you know." Our family never went to Korea when I was a kid, and later I assumed this was because Mom, having escaped, was in no hurry to return. Fine by me. I didn't want to go. I was ruled, well into high school, by a childish hunger to just be like everyone else. But as my dad now explains, "We just didn't have the money to do it." It wasn't until college that I began to use the K-word to define myself. That's also when I started researching and cooking Korean food, workingas my mother didfrom memory rather than instruction. Finally, at 42, having long been immersed in the world of food, I figured it was well past time for me to go to the place from whence, through my mother's side of the family, I halfcame. Food would be the obvious door-opener. On the Web, I easily found food bloggers and experts who would welcome me. I would eat my way around Seoul, nibble through the coastal city of Busan, where my mother is from, and then head to the small town of MISSISSIPPI page 42



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Hapcheon, where I would finally meet my Korean relatives. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at

only/faq.php#publishers. Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

New Zealand: Rivers Are People, Too

Andrew Travis (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 3:10:29 PM

Homers epic The Iliad tells the story of Achilless near-fatal encounter with the Xanthus River. After Achilles slays many Trojans in the river, the river rises up in the Trojans defense, nearly killing Achilles in the ensuing struggle. While Homer took poetic license in his personification of the river, New Zealand has taken this idea a bit too literally. In a move that would make the Xanthus River proud, the government of New Zealand and the Whanganui iwi indigenous people recently agreed that the Whanganui River will be legally recognized as a person. The agreement has given a whole new meaning to the term natural rights by literally bestowing rights upon nature. The river will now hold legal status as a person because of its role in sustaining the Whanganui iwi people. According to a spokesman for the Minister of Treaty Negotiations,

the river will be recognized as a person in the same way a company is, which will give it rights and interests. The complete details of the agreement have yet to be finalized, so it remains to be seen what rights personhood will entail beyond legal standing in New Zealands courts. This agreement is only the latest installment in the ongoing

be used wisely, and humans should exercise stewardship of these resources in order to preserve them. Extending the rights of personhood to nature does nothing more than strip personhood of any real meaning and make a mockery of the concept of rights. If we want to protect the environment for the long term, stewardship, not personhood, is the wisest path. Andrew Travis is currently a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation. For more information on interning at Heritage, please visit about/departments/ylp.cfm. c o n t r o v e r s y o v e r d e f i n i n g suit filed on its behalf against a This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is personhood. Last year, People for provincial government. the Ethical Treatment of Animals People do happen to be made up your content and you're reading it filed a suit on behalf of five orca of mostly water, but this is where on someone else's site, please read whales at Sea World, claiming t h e s i m i l a r i t i e s e n d . T h e the FAQ at have been enslaved in Whanganui iwis concern that only/faq.php#publishers. Five violation of the 13th Amendment. their precious natural resource Filters recommends: Incinerating In 2008, Ecuador preempted New w o n t b e p r o t e c t e d i s Assange - The Liberal Media Go Zealand by recognizing the legal understandable, but granting it To Work. rights of its mountains and rivers. personhood is clearly not the way In fact, the Vilcabamba River in to protect the river. Ecuador has already won a legal Earths natural resources ought to

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As Fiscal Cliff Looms, Medicare And Medicaid Face Uncertain Budget Futures
Julie Rovner (Shots - Health News)

class action lawsuit settlement all have the potential to change dollar signs as lawmakers address the Submitted at 10/25/2012 4:29:00 PM impending fiscal cliff. Two new studies and a proposed i S t o c k p h o t o . c o m class action lawsuit settlement all No matter who wins the election have the potential to change dollar on Nov. 6, official Washington signs as lawmakers address the will have to deal with something i m p e n d i n g f i s c a l c l i f f . called the " fiscal cliff" before the i end of the year. Two new studies and a proposed What's coming is a perfect storm

of expiring tax cuts, scheduled budget cuts, and various other spending changes scheduled to take place Jan. 1 unless Congress and President Obama (who no matter what will still be president until next Jan. 20) agree on a way to avert them. As two of the largest spending items in the federal budget, the Medicare and Medicaid health

programs are expected to play a role in how the deal gets done. Under the provisions of the law that created the budget deal Congress will attempt to undo, Medicare is subject to a two percent cut in provider payments, while Medicaid is exempt. But two new studies and a proposed class action lawsuit settlement suggest a lot of dollar

signs could change as lawmakers start to think about how to address the impending mess. The first, the proposed settlement in a long-running dispute between advocates for Medicare patients and the federal government, is actually likely to increase Medicare spending, although how FISCAL page 45



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Fewer Americans Need Vitamin D Supplements Under New Guidelines

Helen Thompson (Shots Health News)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 5:24:00 PM

For vitamin D supplements, more isn't necessarily better. Jimmy Anderson/ iStockPhoto i For vitamin D supplements, more isn't necessarily better. Jimmy Anderson/ iStockPhoto Researchers largely agree that

about half of Americans are probably not getting enough vitamin D from the places we've traditionally gotten it: food and sunlight. And that's a problem because vitamin D keeps calcium from leaking out of our bones; too little vitamin D can also be a factor in kidney disease and skeletal problems. Public health institutions have

debated how much is enough, and when to add supplements to the diet. Two years ago, the IOM reported that having about 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of vitamin D in your bloodstream was sufficient (about 600 units per day). Meanwhile hormone specialists at the Endocrine Society have told consumers to stick with the old cut off: 30 ng/

mL. Doctors aren't sure whose rules to follow. A new study supports the IOM guidelines for a lower minimum vitamin D requirement vitamin D supplements. The study, led by Holly Kramer, a nephrologist at Loyola University Medical Center, found that mortality rates don't change much whether you have levels of 20 ng/ML or 40 ng/

ML in your bloodstream on a daily basis. Kramer's findings, out this week in PLoS ONE, also suggest that supplements may not necessary for the 80 million Americans who meet that 20 ng/mL level, and taking a bigger pill could be overkill. (Check with your doctor FEWER page 45

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much remains unclear. The suit was brought by the Center for Medicare Advocacy on behalf of a class of patients with chronic conditions who had been denied Medicare coverage for home care, nursing home care or other services on the grounds that the patients' conditions were not expected to "improve" with care. The settlement, assuming it is approved by the judge in the case, means that "the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual Will be revised to correct any suggestion that continued coverage is dependent on the beneficiary improving," said the organization in a statement. The change is expected to affect as many as tens of thousands of beneficiaries with conditions ranging from multiple sclerosis to Parkinson's' to diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. But while it will boost spending for Medicare by preventing many of those patients from spending themselves into poverty, it could well end up saving money for Medicaid. And a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that after one of the fastest

growing years for that program, Medicaid spending growth slowed dramatically in 2012. Total state Medicaid spending grew by an average of two percent in fiscal 2012, "among the lowest rates of growth ever recorded," according to the study. By contrast, spending in fiscal 2011 rose by 9.7 percent. Part of the slowdown was due to a recovering economy, which made fewer additional people eligible for the program, the survey found. Part was also due to states imposing their own cost controls on the program, in part stemming from the end of additional temporary federal funding that came as part of the 2009 stimulus law. And that spending could go down more a lot more if Mitt Romney is elected and implements his plan for Medicaid, according to yet another study out this week. This one, commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation and done by researchers for the Urban Institute, looked at the potential impact of implementing the plan approved by the Republican-led House. That's similar to the one

Romney is proposing. The study found that the combination of repealing the Affordable Care Act (which calls for a major expansion of Medicaid) and limiting federal payments for Medicaid could together reduce federal Medicaid spending by $1.7 trillion from 2013 to 2022. That represents a 38 percent cut in federal funding for the program. The study estimated a range of how many people would lose coverage, depending on how states react. The estimates, however, range from a low of 31.3 million fewer people being covered to 37.5 fewer million people being covered. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

to see if you qualify.) "There are a huge number of people who lie in that border zone," says Kramer. Kramer and her colleagues came up with the conclusion after examining 18 years of vitamin D level data from 14,002 people who didn't have kidney disease and 1,097 people who did, using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, or NHANES. Then they checked it against mortality statistics from the same years: 1988 to 2006. They also factored in age, gender, race, smoking status, medications that could influence vitamin D levels, and the individual's history of cancer, heart disease, or stroke. Based on measured vitamin D blood levels, the researchers put people in six groups ranging from less than 12 ng/mL or less to more than 40 ng/mL. Then they crunched the numbers on mortality rates. Surprisingly, mortality rates didn't change significantly for people with vitamin D levels between 20 to 40 ng/mL. "We know that being very, very deficient is bad, but I think the body can make up for low vitamin D levels up to a point," says Michal Melamed, a nephrologist

and associate professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. That point seems to be around 20 ng/mL. So is more vitamin D really better? Probably not. Supplements have also been linked to a higher risk for kidney stones and prostate and pancreatic cancers. "The enthusiasm for vitamin D is outpacing the evidence," says JoAnn Manson, an endocrinologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who heads the Vital Study, a clinical trial of 20,000 people looking at whether high levels of vitamin D can prevent cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and other illnesses. "Potentially, it's sort of like Goldilocks," says Melamed. "Not to little, not too much, just right." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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David Frum
(David Frum)

Andrew Sullivan complained yesterday that I had engaged in a McCarthyite attack on Ron Paul by writing the following: A politician isnt answerable for the antics of every one of his supporters. But theres surely a reason, isnt there, that racists, anti-Semites, 9/11 Truthers, and Holocaust deniers are so strongly attracted to the Paul campaign. They hear something. They continue to hear it too, no matter how firmly Ron Pauls more mainstream supporters clamp their hands over their own ears. Andrews riposte: Notice how pure the smear is, enabled and not diminished by the first sentence. Notice the key concept of Beltway ideological policemen: there is a mainstream and a non-mainstream. Dabble with the latter at your peril. Since David has perished by the cult of the mainstream, its odd he should deploy it against others. But to throw in Holocaust denial and 9/11 Truthers for good measure! Really. And notice how particularly cheap and easy it is to use such tactics against a libertarian. The traditional left is often based on collective associations, building a movement out of oppressed groups and their grievances, whether it be class or race or even

sexual orientation. Libertarianism is the opposite. Its about dis associating. When you listen to Paul saying he will not turn anyone away from supporting his platform regardless of their motives or beliefs, you are hearing a reflection of his libertarianism, not his bigotry. He will accept support from any quarter and compared with the corporate money flowing into the other candidates coffers, he is about as independent as a presidential candidate can be. Because he is a radical individualist, he doesnt even understand why he should somehow explain the belief of others, or justify their support. You should ask them, not him. This kind of gotcha-association game is particularly easy because libertarians favor liberty above all, and that will necessarily mean liberty for bigots as well as others. A principled belief in states rights will doubtless lead to more racist and homophobic policies in many states but also, of course, more enlightened and successful inclusive states like Oregon or New York or Massachusetts or California. A rejection of statism might lead to more discrimination in the private sector. But it doesnt mandate it. And it need not encourage it. A noninterventionist foreign policy will allow evil to triumph elsewhere in

the world, because it believes its none of our business or too riddled with unintended consequences to try extirpating. That may be right or wrong, but it is not an approval of the evil of Assad or Ahmedinejad or the North Korean junta. And again, it is actually much deeper an American tradition than permanent warfare. But if you can trot out David Duke or Ayatollah Khamenei as potential Paul supporters, you have a very easy, cheap and essentially McCarthyite target. It saddens me that this kind of tactic works. I still believe that the newsletters, because they were in Pauls name, require a clearer explanation from Paul than the muddled ones he has given. He should not be left off the hook. And his proposals deserve a thorough vetting and discussion. But there is something awry when a candidate is assessed not on his arguments and proposals but on the shadiness and ugliness of some of his fringe supporters. Ron Pauls supporters ask that their candidate not be judged by his associates. Or by the people he chose to employ. Or by the newsletters he published. Or by the book he wrote. Or by the way he earned the largest part of his living when out of office in the 1990s. Or by his purchase of the mailing list of the Holocaust-

denying Liberty Lobby. Or by the radio shows he chooses to appear on. Or by his strategic decision to reach out to racist voters. Or by the conspiracy theories to which he lends credence, from government creation of AIDS to Israeli culpability for the 1993 bombing to a putative 9/11 coverup. And here I thought that libertarianism was a doctrine of personal responsibility? May Ron Paul at least be judged by the words he has spoken with his own mouth within the current campaign? The supporters say no again. When Ron Paul tells an interviewer that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made race relations worse, were not supposed to consider what he might mean by better. When Ron Paul warns that a border fence would be used to prevent fleeing American citizens from exiting the country, were not supposed to conclude that hes a paranoid crank. Andrew deploys what might be called the ontological defense of Ron Paul, as follows: 1) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 2) Libertarians espouse individualism. 3) Racism is a form of antiindividualism. 4) Therefore Ron Paul cannot be a racist. That is a demonstration of what

might be called the deductive method of reasoning. But theres another way to study reality: induction. Like this: 1) Ron Paul has again and again exploited bigotry, paranoia, and hate as fundraising devices. 2) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 3) So yes, I guess it is possible for a libertarian to do that. Heres my question for Ron Paul supporters: why the denial of the undeniable? Perhaps you like Pauls message of legalized marijuana? Why not just say so? You dont think its important to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons? Argue it forthrightly. If you regard Social Security and Medicare as literally the moral equivalents of slavery, go ahead, make your case. But all this excuse-making, special pleading and jiggering of the rules of evidence so as to exculpate Ron Paul from the record of his whole political life? For what? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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The Contraception Misconception

Alyene Senger (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 4:25:37 PM

The contraception debate in a nutshell: There is no contraception debate. No oneneither Republicans nor the more than 100 individuals and organizations suing over the HHS mandateis calling for a ban on contraception. Governor Romney has said that with regards to contraceptives, of course, Republicans, and myself in particular, recognize that people should have a right to use contraceptives. Theres absolutely no validity whatsoever to the Obama effort to try and bring that up. As for religious employers and organizations, they simply dont want to have their religious beliefs trampled on by being forced to pay for contraception and abortion-inducing drugs in violation of their faith. Heritage legal expert John Malcolm explains that this position would not preclude any women, including those who work for religious institutions, from using or obtaining contraception or abortifacients. Employers who favor providing contraceptive and abortion drug coverage to their employees would retain their right to do so. So now lets focus on the real issue: Under Obamacare, the government is mandating which benefits an insurer is obligated to

cover, and its far more than just the infamous contraception and abortion drug mandate. This will have a deleterious effect on health coverage for both women and men. For instance, Obamacare requires that any recommendations made by the United States Preventive Services Task Force that receive an A or B rating must be

covered by insurers at no cost sharing. This requirement may have been intended to create a floor for covered benefits, but it could have the opposite effect, creating a ceiling. The high cost of covering every recommendation will be coupled with higher utilization rates, because no cost sharing is allowed. Under

financial pressure, insurers are likely to cover only the preventive services required, leading to the exclusion of services that arent rated A or B by the task force but are nevertheless crucial for specific patients. Obamacares authors may have already conceded that this effect is likely to take place. In November 2009, the task force

updated its 2002 recommendation for all women ages 40 to 49 to receive routine mammograms, lowering it from a B to a C and changed its recommendation from annual to biennial screenings for women ages 50 to 74. This would make breast cancer screenings for women under 50 a CONTRACEPTION page 48



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non-required benefit under Obamacare. Intense controversy followed the change, which led to a unique exception in Obamacare. Section 2713 (a)(5) states that the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force regarding breast cancer screenings, mammography, and prevention shall be considered the most current other than those issued in or around November 2009. This means that Obamacare mandates insurers to cover the old recommendation (2002) and ignore the current recommendation (2009). Why include a specific exception if the authors didnt think insurers might drop coverage for this nonrequired service? In a recent New York Post article, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, listed some of the other benefits that dont receive an A

or B rating and likely wont be covered under Obamacare, including cervical cancer screenings in women over 65, teaching breast self-examination, and ovarian cancer screenings. Prior to Obamacare, task force recommendations were expert advice to help guide doctors and patients. Under Obamacare, it may be the difference between coverage and no coverage. And finally, because nothing can be too obvious, it must be pointed out that an insurer is not going to charitably pick up the tab for covering birth control or any other new benefit. You will likely pay for it through increased premiums, whether you use the benefit or not. The bottom line is that this debate is not about contraception; its about the horrible health policy contained in Obamacare. As Heritages Ed Haislmaier writes, The new federal benefit

requirements represent a blatant assertion that Congress and federal bureaucrats know best how to design health insurance policies. The effects will be onesize-fits-all coverageso that patients are not confused by having choices. The contraception and abortiondrug mandate is just a glimpse of what is to come from Obamacare. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Quotes of the day

Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:43:43 PM

continued from page 48

Greenberg urging Obama to define his second-term agenda more clearly. *** Its almost certain that President Obama released his agenda, titled The New Economic Patriotism, the night before a Donald Trump blockbuster announcement designed to derail Obamas reelection. He had to have been hoping dearly the Trump stinkbomb would take all the oxygen away from any second-day stories about the plan for jobs and

middle-class security the campaign published. Its not just that the plan is the first voters have heard of any Obama has for his second term two weeks before Election Day but that the brochure is about as cheesy a cheap shot as they come. Unfortunately for Obama, Trumps pathetic gambit failed to trump the headline that Obama is trying to pass off recycled retreads as new plans and that he was forced to do so after losing the first presidential debate to

Mitt Romney, plunging in the polls and sending Democrats into a state of nauseated panic. How, they asked the campaign, could the president possibly win a second term in such a tight race without having outlined an agenda for the next four years? And so an eleventh-hour glossy appeared to answer the charge that Obama had nothing in mind for 2013-2017, with pretty pictures and pabulum to prove it. Brace yourself, the QUOTES page 49

posted at 10:43 pm on October 25, 2012 by Allahpundit Obamas Chicago-based brain trust had intended to highlight four years of solid, steady progress in the final days of the race, several Democrats told POLITICO, with a healthy dose of hammering Romney a strategy that had given Obama a lead going into that fateful first debate. Instead, the pressure is now on Obama to prove himself and oh so late in the game. That led his campaign on Tuesday to

release a detailed, bullet-point plan for his second term a formal agenda his team had long resisted despite appeals from the likes of Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and James Carville, and an army of basic-cable liberals, who said the president needed to spend less time cutting down Romney and more time elevating himself Maybe its not too late, but wouldnt it have been cool to have a great document put out the day after the convention when everyone was riding really high, instead of now? asked polling analyst Erica Seifert, who wrote several memos with Carville and QUOTES page 48

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plans include a tax plan that cuts the deficit and creates jobs, energy made in America, a reminder of all that is good about ObamaCare, a pledge to stop Medicare or Social Security from being privatized, reviving manufacturing, investing in education and growing small businesses. *** Why would the president wait until 14 days before the election, after the conventions and the debates, to release his plan? And then print 3.5 million copies of it, making the plan a publishing phenomenon to rival Dreams from My Father? Its the panicked realization that his campaigns attempted destruction of Mitt Romney hasnt worked and isnt enough to win. The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll this week found that 62 percent of people want major changes in a prospective Obama second term. Four percent thats almost down to Obama administration officials and immediate family want more of the same. So the president needed someone to get on QuarkXPress to paste together a new plan and then run down to FedEx Kinkos pronto. But he couldnt hit print during debate season, lest he give his opponent another target.

Surely Romney would have loved to cite the risible document as Exhibit A for Obamas status-quo presidency. *** Mr. Obama likes to say he inherited the most severe economic emergency weve had since the Great Depression, but then he claims that it didnt matter that he staged a two-year fight to remake one-sixth of the economy and threatened to remake another four-sixths. If recessions following financial crises really are worse than normal, as the President also told the Iowa editors, then why didnt he take special care to postpone legislation that would add new costs to business, undermine confidence and thus weaken the recovery? Mr. Obama didnt really answer the Registers question, so we will. He didnt focus on the economy because he didnt and still doesnt understand how the private economy works. He doesnt understand that incentives matter, or how government policies and regulation can sabotage growth. He really believes that government is the engine of economic prosperity. *** Why was the first debate so toxic for the president? Because the one

thing he couldnt do if he was going to win the election is let all the pent-up resentment toward him erupt. Americans had gotten used to him as The President. Whatever his policy choices, whatever general direction he seemed to put in place he was The President, a man who had gotten there through natural gifts and what all politicians need, good fortune. What he couldnt do was present himself, when everyone was looking, as smaller than you thought. Petulant, put upon, above it all, full of himself. He couldnt afford to make himself look less impressive than the challenger in terms of command, grasp of facts, size But maybe these questions are all off. Maybe what happened isnt a mystery at all. That, anyway, is the view expressed this week by a member of the U.S. Senate who served there with Mr Obama and has met with him in the White House. People back home, he said, sometimes wonder what happened with the president in the debate. The senator said, I paraphrase: I sort of have to tell them that it wasnt a miscalculation or a weird moment. I tell them: I know him, and that was him. That guy on the stage, thats the real Obama.

*** Click the image to watch. *** President Obama really hasnt given us a vision for a secondterm agenda. Just a couple of days ago he came up with a slick new brochure, you know, with less than two weeks left, to say, Oh, I do actually have an agenda, Ryan said. It is a slick well, comic bookthat was his word, the Wisconsin congressman repeated after a man in the crowd shouted out the suggestion. To me, a slick repackaging of more of the same. And look at what it has gotten us. [embedded content]*** [embedded content] This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Father of SEAL killed in Benghazi: Hillary told me, We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted
Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:46:34 PM

posted at 9:46 pm on October 25, 2012 by Allahpundit Via Glenn Beck, the bit about Hillary comes at the start of the second clip but both are worth listening to as an insight into how O, Biden, and Clinton allegedly operate in semi-private circumstances. The awkward cueballs line from Biden rings especially true, although I think he meant it as a compliment in his own oafish, hey-hiya-howareya way. With all due respect to Beck and Mr. Woods, though, I find Hillarys comment about the movie significant for reasons different than they do. They seem to take it as evidence of a lie. She was pretending that the movie was to blame when we now know that the White House was tipped off to a terrorist connection in the earliest hours after the attack. Fair FATHER page 50


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enough, but that gets back to the point I made last night: As far as I can tell, even now, the White House isnt treating the spontaneous outrage over a YouTube movie and organized terrorist attack narratives as mutually exclusive. As recently as last week, long after the entire administration had finally gotten on board with the idea that this was in fact terrorism, the State Department was still looking at what role the Mohammed movie might have played in inspiring the attack. The going theory, I guess, is that the attackers seized on the uproar over the film elsewhere in the region as an incentive to hit the consulate in hopes of ingratiating themselves with people angry about the movie. That seems unlikely given how many people were involved and the sophistication of the weapons they used there had to be some planning beforehand to pull this all together but it beats the

chump theory that none of this would have happened if jihadists delicate sensibilities hadnt been inflamed. The assault on the embassy in Cairo pretty clearly used the movie as a pretext, to flex Islamists muscles; in theory, the attack on the consulate was a more vicious exercise towards the same end. As I said last night, The One and Hillary owe us a firm explanation on what their theory is. What I found significant about this wasnt the movie protest versus preplanned attack element, it was the fact that Hillarys promise of vengeance to the father of a fallen SEAL wasnt that wed get the jihadis who killed him but that wed punish the filmmaker. Thats perverse, but in keeping with the fact that she decided to run ads on Pakistani TV apologizing for the film while Islamist cretins menaced American diplomats across the region. Even if you

give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she had no intention of prosecuting the filmmaker but was merely telling Woods something she thought would console him, why on earth would she zero in on the filmmaker as the target of blame instead of the degenerates who actually shot his son? She and O need to answer. Lets see how much they really value free speech. Simple question for both: Is Woods a liar or not? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Sandy on Path to Be East's Uninvited Halloween Guest


continued from page 50

damage. In Virginia, where the storm may make landfall as early as this weekend, officials from the states Department of Emergency Management are advising residents to make preparations in advance and to closely watch local forecasts. We are taking the forecast seriously, VDEM spokeswoman Laura Southard told We are in close contact with the National Weather

Service and the National Hurricane Center, so were getting the best information we can. Residents in the storms expected path, Southard said, should have a three days supply of water on hand, or one gallon per person per day, enough for drinking, cooking and some bathing. They should have at least a 3-day supply and food that doesnt need electricity to prepare it, she said. To combat extended power

outages, Southard suggested residents purchase batterypowered radios and extra batteries. Pay attention, she said. Expect that theres going to be some effect and go ahead and make some preparations. Southard said state officials likely will add more employees at its emergency center in Richmond beginning on Saturday. SANDY page 51

calling a "perfect storm" that could wreak havoc from North Submitted at 10/25/2012 10:06:55 PM Carolina to Massachusetts early next week. Sandy will likely maintain its hurricane status as it passes over the Bahamas and may Emergency management teams bring tropical storm conditions and utilities along the East Coast along Floridas southeastern coast are bracing for what could be a $1 by early Friday. billion punch as Hurricane We are taking the forecast Sandy's 100 mph winds barrel seriously." toward the heavily populated - Laura Southard, Virginia region between the Carolina coast D e p a r t m e n t o f E m e r g e n c y and Cape Cod. Management The Category 2 storm, which has Jeff Masters, a meteorologist for killed 21 in the Caribbean, Weather Underground, called the including 11 in Cuba and 9 in hurricane a "perfect storm," and Haiti, and is now hitting the predicted early next week that it Bahamas. It may combine with could cause $1 billion or more in other, rain-heavy weather systems SANDY page 50 to create what meteorologists are

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It looks like things are coming together, she said. And it never, ever hurts to be prepared. In New York, Consolidated Edison is warning its 9 million customers in Westchester County and New York City to stay away from any downed power lines if and when the storm strikes the Empire State. Treat any downed line as if its alive, Con Ed spokesman Christ Olert told Stay away. Olert advised residents to charge portable devices in advance and to have extra batteries on hand in the event of outages. Were watching it and well be prepared, Con Ed spokesman Chris Olert told Well have extra crews available and, if need be, well go to 12hour shifts. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said the storm was located about 60 miles southeast of Eleuthera late Thursday afternoon as it neared Cat Island in the central Bahamas. The storm was moving north at 20 mph, with maximum sustained winds of 105 mph. It was expected to remain a hurricane as it moves through the

Bahamas. A tropical storm warning has been extended northward as far as Flagler Beach and a tropical storm watch was issued for the northeastern Florida coast. "It'll be a rough couple days from Hatteras up to Cape Cod," said forecaster Jim Cisco of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration prediction center in College Park, Maryland. "We don't have many modern precedents for what the models are suggesting." On Ragged Island in the southern Bahamas, the lone school was flooded, "we have holes in roofs, lost shingles and power lines are down," said Charlene Bain, local Red Cross president. "But nobody lost a life, that's the important thing." People across the Bahamas formed long lines to stock up on water, canned goods, flashlights and other items, leaving grocery store shelves nearly empty. Steven Russell, an emergency management official in Nassau, said that docks on the western side of Great Inagua island have been completely destroyed and that the roof of a government

building was partially ripped off. "As the storm passes over Eleuthera and Cat Island, they should get a pretty good beating," he said. "There are sections of Eleuthera we are concerned about." The massive Atlantis resort went into lockdown mode after dozens of tourists left Paradise Island before the airport closed, said George Markantonis, president and managing director of Kerzner International, which manages the resort. He said the resort is now less than half full, but all its restaurants, casinos and other facilities are still operating. White House officials, meanwhile, said President Obama has been briefed on Hurricane Sandy and urged people within the storms projected path to monitor local weather reports. Federal emergency management officials have been working with local authorities to prepare, spokesman Jay Carney said Thursday. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Print Email Share

Comments Recommend Tweet Related Images Oct. 24, 2012: People remove a boat from the water ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Sandy in Manzanillo, Cuba. Related Stories Northeast braces for worst as Hurricane Sandy pounds Cuba Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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Fukushima fish contamination raises fears of ongoing radiation leak

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concentrations to decrease if the spigot is turned off, Buesseler told the Associated Press in an AFP Photo / Toru Yamanaka interview.There has to be Fish caught off the coast of Japan somewhere they're picking up the following the Fukushima nuclear cesium. disaster are still contaminated, Option one is the seafloor is the bringing speculation that leakage s o u r c e o f t h e c o n t i n u e d from the reactors has not been contamination. The other source fully stopped. If true, it could could be the reactors themselves, threaten area marine life for he said. decades to come. Radioactive cesium is a human-A recent article in Science m a d e r a d i o a c t i v e i s o t o p e reveals that 40 per cent of bottom- produced through nuclear fission dwelling marine species show of the element cesium. It has a cesium-134 and 137 levels above half-life of 30 years, making it normal. extremely toxic. In examining the data, collected Contaminated fish have a huge by Japan's Ministry of impact on the Japanese A g r i c u l t u r e , F i s h e r i e s a n d population, as the country ranks Forestry, the articles author Ken h i g h e s t a m o n g p e r c a p i t a Buesseler, a marine chemist at the c o n s u m p t i o n o f s e a f o o d . Woods Hole Oceanographic Most marine species from the Institution in Massachusetts, Fukushima coastline are banned discovered that the levels of from the domestic market and contamination in most fish have export. not declined a year after the But in July this year, Russia March 2011 tragedy. August acknowledged that it faced a samples of bottom feeders had threat from fish caught off its cesium levels some 250 times the coast near Japan. level the Japanese government Speaking about the Fukushima considers safe. disaster, Gennady Onishchenko, The numbers aren't going down. the head of Russias consumer O c e a n s u s u a l l y c a u s e t h e protection agency, stressed that it
Submitted at 10/25/2012 9:30:43 PM

Given the 30-year half-life of cesium-137, this means that even if these sources were to be shut off completely, the sediments would remain contaminated for decades to come, Buesseler wrote in the article. Other experts in the field support Buesselers study, adding that the plant will carry on contaminating the ocean until cracks and other damage to its three reactors are fully repaired. The current levels of contamination in the fish and seafood from the Fukushima coast will continue for a while, perhaps more than 10 years, judging from the progress in the cleanup i s t h e f i r s t t i m e w e h a v e wasextremely high, but said it process, Hideo Yamazaki, a encountered a contamination was detected only in the kinds of m a r i n e b i o l o g i s t a t K i n k i University, told the AP. threat from another state. fish found closest to the plant. The tsunami-crippled Fukushima We have yet to arrive at a This entry passed through the Daiichi nuclear power plant No.3 situation that allows an overall Full-Text RSS service if this is reactor building is seen from atop lifting of the ban, Chikara your content and you're reading it of No.4 building in Fukushima Takase, a government fisheries on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at r e f e c t u r e , O c t o b e r 7 , official, said. 2012.(Reuters / Kyodo) Tokyo Electric Power Co., only/faq.php#publishers. Five -In May, contaminated tuna F u k u s h i m a s o p e r a t o r , h a s Filters recommends: Incinerating reached as far as the California confirmed that radioactive water Assange - The Liberal Media Go coastline of the United States. used to cool the plants reactors To Work. Japan has acknowledged that the leaked into the ocean several number of contaminated catches times, most recently in April.

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Cannibal cop arrested in New York

RT (News RSS : Today)

into a large piece of luggage and wheeled out to my van. Valles mobile phone usage also Sketch artist Jane Rosenberg revealed that he had made calls on shows reporters her drawing of the block where one intended Gilberto Valle III, 28, when he victim lives. pleaded not guilty to criminal In May, Valle tapped into a charges in the U.S. District Court federal database to get in Manhattan, in New information on one of the women. York.(Reuters / Keith Bedford) The FBI tracked down ten of the NYPD, home of New York's women on the list, and all finest, now turns out to be home acknowledged knowing Valle. of one of the most gruesome. A Preet Bharara, the US Attorney police officer has been charged for the Southern District of New for conspiracy to kidnap and York, said the investigation is plotting to torture, cook and eat ongoing. women by using a law Gilberto Valle's alleged plans to enforcement database. kidnap women so that they could -Gilberto Valle, a six-year veteran be raped, tortured, killed, cooked of the New York Police and cannibalized shock the One of the files found by the FBI his intended victims. Department, left a trail of on his computer was The federal complaint also conscience, said Bharara.This evidence via emails, electronic namedAbducting and Cooking outlined supposed methods of case is all the more disturbing documents and instant messages (Victim-1): A Blueprint. The file fitting bodies into an oven, and w h e n y o u c o n s i d e r V a l l e ' s particularizing his cannibalism also contained information such highlighted how"tasty" Valle said position as a New York City blueprint. police officer and his sworn duty as the birth date and bra size and a one woman looked. The FBI arrested the 28-year-old list of "materials needed" to carry The complaint also asserts that to serve and protect. alleged cannibal cop after a tip out the plot such as a vehicle, the cop discussed the kidnap of Valle has been suspended from from Valles estranged wife chloroform and a rope. another woman for someone else, the NYPD. If convicted, he faces triggered an investigation. The same document reads,I was writing,$5,000 and she's all life in prison and a maximum fine A complaint filed by Bureau on of $250,000. thinking of tying her body onto yours. Thursday describes Valles efforts some kind of apparatus cook I think I would rather not get This entry passed through the to target women. her over low heat, keep her alive involved in the rape, Valle said Full-Text RSS service if this is "The allegations in the complaint as long as possible. according to the complaint.You your content and you're reading it really need no description from Overall, Valle compiled the paid for her. She is all yours, and I on someone else's site, please read us," said Mary E. Galligan, the profiles of over 100 women on his don't want to be tempted the next the FAQ at head of the FBI's New only/faq.php#publishers. Five computer, the FBI claimed, but time I abduct a girl. York office."They speak for there was no information that I will really get off on knocking Filters recommends: Incinerating themselves. It would be an anyone was harmed. He claimed, her out, tying up her hands and Assange - The Liberal Media Go understatement merely to say according to the complaint, that bare feet and gagging her, he To Work. Valle's own words and actions he was acquainted with many of added.Then she will be stuffed were shocking."
Submitted at 10/25/2012 8:05:28 PM

Senate Race in Wisconsin Takes a Nasty Turn

Submitted at 10/25/2012 10:06:55 PM

In the Wisconsin Senate race, Tommy Thompason, a former Republican governor and Bush Cabinet secretary, and Democratic Rep. Tammy Baldwin are locked in a surprisingly close race. With so much on the line, including the possibility it may determine which party holds the majority in the Senate, the tone on the campaign trail has gotten nasty. "This is a classic race between somebody that works with both political parties and somebody like Tammy Baldwin who is so extreme that even her own political party doesn't pass her legislation," Thompson told Fox News. Baldwin declined a request for an interview, but at a recent rally with former President Clinton, Baldwin blasted her opponent. "What Tommy's not telling you is SENATE page 54



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what he's been up to since he left the state of Wisconsin ... because, you know, he went to work in Washington for George W. Bush and helped turn Bill Clinton's surplus into a deficit," Baldwin told supporters. Recent TV ads from the two campaigns have focused on the emotional topic of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Tammy Baldwin had the opportunity to vote to honor the victims of 9/11, and she voted against it, Thompsons ad tells Wisconsin voters, referring to a 2006 resolution. Baldwins campaign called the ad a disgrace and responded with one of its own. The truth: Time and again Tammy Baldwin has supported honoring victims of 9/11, said Baldwins advertisement. Thompson defended the message, saying it tells Wisconsin voters

who she is. "It just points out how extreme she is, out of mainstream, Thompson told Fox News. She's an individual who leans far left and she's a taxer and a spender, and believes that stuff." Experts say the harsh tone is having an impact. "Voters describe them both in terms of the negative commercials that have been aimed at them, Charles Franklin, director of the Marquette Law School Poll, told Fox News. And so, this is not a race to the top, it is a race to which one is less negative by Election Day." The latest Marquette Law School Poll of likely voters has Thompson leading Baldwin by one point 46 percent to 45 percent -- while other major polls are also within the margin of error. Print

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AirBot and WaterBot help localize pollution data collection (video)

Brian Heater (Engadget)

continued from page 54

will give you a reading of the cleanliness of the water being used to refill. That information can then be uploaded to the web via a USB port. The lab is shooting for a $50 price tag on the device. The big thing here is the ability to let the community take its own readings to build a bigger picture of water and are purity levels

through online applications. More information on all of the above devices can be found in the video below. Gallery: AirBot and WaterBot help localize pollution data collection Continue reading AirBot and WaterBot help localize pollution data collection (video) Filed under: Misc, Science

AirBot and WaterBot help localize pollution data collection (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 25 Oct 2012 22:17:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

quality in areas when apartment hunting. The lab has made six prototype devices (one of which Want to do something about was on-hand during our visit), and pollution in our water and air? is aiming to bring them to market Carnegie Mellon's CREATE Lab next year. is working on a few interesting WaterBot, meanwhile, is set to solutions to the problem of bring the solution to streams near localizing pollution data with a you. Stick one end in a body of trio of devices aimed at making water near your home and it will t h e p r o c e s s a c c e s s i b l e a n d upload water purity information to affordable for regular people. the web via a built-in ZigBee First up is AirBot, a "particle module. CREATE's also cooked counting robot" that monitors up the Catfish, a method for pollutants that can contribute to recording such information in breathing problems like asthma. your home via, yes, your toilet. Aimed at a $99 price point, the Dip one end in the reservoir and little black boxes are portable the box on top of the tank, and it enough to bring around with you, AIRBOT page 54 so you can, say, compare the air
Submitted at 10/25/2012 10:17:00 PM

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