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Catching The Flight

By Marina and Gabriele

vendredi 26 octobre 12

Its a Friday Evening and you have just booked your tickets for your ight to London. You need to go to bed early because your ight takes off tomorrow at 8:15 am and lands at 2:05 pm. *** Now, its Saturday morning and the sky is grey. Your noisy alarm clock starts beeping. Will you make your ight? You know that you have a long day ahead of you... Click here to start
vendredi 26 octobre 12

The Introduction Continues

Your annoying alarm starts barking like an electronic, robot dog. You are really tired because its only 6:30 am. You just start a neverending yawn that goes on for three minutes, so its pretty obvious that youre very tired. Do you... 1) Wake up and get in the shower? or 2) Sleep a little longer?

vendredi 26 octobre 12

Wake Up And Get In The Shower

That was a good choice, now you are refreshed and ready to eat. Your stomach is grumbling like an ogre and you are starting to get really hungry like a beast that has just woken up from hibernation and will eat anything it sees. Do you... 1) Have a big breakfast of : 12 pancakes, 3 cans of coke, 2 mars bars and 2 twixs? or 2) Have a healthy cereal with multifruit juice?
vendredi 26 octobre 12

Eating Healthily
Good choice, you have eaten healthily and are full of energy. So, now its time for you to get on the bus to the airport. Youre happily waiting at the bus stop when suddenly, a stranger comes up to you and says Dyou wanna can obeer? Do you... 1) Accept the can of beer from the stranger? or 2) Reject the can of beer from the stranger and get on the bus?
vendredi 26 octobre 12

Reject The Can Of Beer

Great choice, you rejected the can of beer and feel great. You arrive at the airport and need to buy a lunch for your ight. You walk over to the snack shop and ask the waitresse Are there any special menus? she says There is Menu 1 which is a 1.50 tuna sandwich, a 0.50 25cl bottle of water and a free fruit salad or, a Menu 2 which is a cheeseburger, a litre bottle of cherry cola and a variety box of Krispy Kreme donuts all for 50. Do you... 1) Buy a Menu 1? or 2) Buy a Menu 2?
vendredi 26 octobre 12

Healthy And Cheep Lunch

You chose well, now you will have enough money to rent your hotel room and buy some nice souvenirs. You are now in the line to board your plane to London. You are about to get on the plane when suddenly, you spot your friends about to board their plane to L.A and try not to catch their attention. Unfortunaly, they spot you and try to persude you to go to L.A with them. Do you... 1) Refuse to go to L.A with your friends and continue on your track? or 2) Go to L.A with your friends?
vendredi 26 octobre 12

Go On Your Trip Not Your Friends

YAY: You have completed your trip and have made all of the right choices. You met the people in London and were good in the meeting. Luckily, your boss got really happy with you and gave you a PROMOTION! Well Done! Click here to play again

vendredi 26 octobre 12

Sleep a little longer

End: You slept for a long time and when you woke up your alarm clock said it was 12:50 so your ight had taken off 4 hours and 45 minutes ago. Your boss gets really mad and res you. Sleeping in is bad because you can miss things and it also becomes a bad habit. Click here to start again

vendredi 26 octobre 12

Eating Unhealthily
End: You ate to much unhealthy food and you feel sick. Your stomach starts growling and you feel really bad. You run to the bathroom but its not quick enough and youre sick all over the oor. Its bad to eat to much unhealthy food because you can get sick and overweight. Click here to start again

vendredi 26 octobre 12

Accept The Can Of Beer From The Stranger

End: you take a sip of the beer and you feel sick. You have a bad taste in your mouth. You dont feel like taking the ight. You were sick everywhere and someone shouted Eww, youre so disgusting! Its bad to drink beer because there is too much alcohol in it and its very addictive. You can also get sick and violent. Click here to start again
vendredi 26 octobre 12

Expensive And Unhealthy Lunch

End: All of that unhealthy made you sick. You also lost a lot of money on that lunch. You will have to sleep on the streets because your have not got enough money to rent your hotel. Its bad to buy expensive food because you lose money. Its also bad to eat junk food because you can get overweight. Click here to start again

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You Went With Your Friends

End: You went with your friends instead of getting on your plane for work. Your boss gets mad and you get red. So now you have no job to get money. You have lost everything that you have. Click here to start again

vendredi 26 octobre 12

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