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School Trip Adventure

By Margherita and Isabe!e

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You have been dreading this moment a! year. It is almost time for your school trip and you rea!y dont want to go. The trip is to Scotland, and you know just how cold and wet it is there and you hate that place. Your airplane is at 6:30am. You have to wake up early, however, there is a party tonight. What do you do?

A) You go to the party B)You go to sleep early

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You go to a party
You arrive at the party, you start dancing with your &iends and smoke three cigarettes, you know your mum doesnt want you to ,but you dont care and continue dancing. You drink two bottles of beer and you feel bad and dizzy; you vomit on your &iends dress and they kick you out of the party.The police nds you and takes you to prison. You lost,to try again go back to the rst page

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You go to sleep early

You read an adventure book until nine oclock then you go to bed so that the next morning you wake up early and fu! of energy to go and get the airplane for Scotland.

You continue, touch to go to the next page

vendredi 26 octobre 12

The next morning you are rea!y grumpy and sad because you have to leave for two weeks. Your alarm clock rings and you fa! out of bed .You look out of the window and you see horrible weather and a! the things that you had le' outside are a! soaking wet.What do you do?

A) You continue sleeping B) You wake up

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You continue sleeping

You are too tired to move, you throw your alarm clock on the oor and it stops. You decide to stay and continue sleeping for ten minutes. You forget to wake up and by the time you arrive to the airport your plane has already le'.

You lost, to try again go back to the rst page

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You wake up
You wake up because you dont want to be late and you get in the &eezing cold shower water .You get out of the shower and you feel as clean as glass; you get dressed and put your new t-shirt on.You get out your room and you go to breakfast.

You continue, touch to go to the next page

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You go down the stairs ready to eat breakfast; you enter the kitchen and you see dierent types of food .You think you are dreaming but you are rea!y confused about what to get. You know your mum wouldnt be happy if you eat a! types of food that can let you get sick.What do you eat?

A)You eat bad food B)You eat good food

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You eat bad food

You eat a mars bar, three big pieces of cake, a chocolate bar and a bottle of coke. You feel sick and by the time you arrive at the bathroom you have already vomited a! over the clean oor of your house.You cant move &om the toilet seat; you try to get up but its too hard and when you arrive to the airport you nd out that your airplane has already le' &om ten minutes ago. You lost, try again and go back to the rst page

vendredi 26 octobre 12

You eat good food

You eat cereals with milk and a cup of juice. You grab your bag fu! of energy and you get out the door; a taxi passes and you get in and a'er ten minutes you are at the airport. You board ready to get the plane for Scotland!

You win, touch to try again

vendredi 26 octobre 12

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