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Vol. II I

- Marty


Wyal I



- Mrs. Adele Scharr 12985 Old Jamestown Road Florissant, Missouri 63033

NANCY BATSON CREWS has earned her flight instructor's rating and is teaching at Rose Aviation (JEAN PARKER ROSE, 43-7) ;it Hawthorne Airport, Los Angeles, California. NANCY CREWS-JEAN PARKER ROSE Team placed 6th in the International Air Race in 1966. ADELE SCHARR was given a pendant charm, in the shape of the St. Louis Arch, at a meeting recently honoring her early flying days and continued participation in aviation. BETTY GILUES has had a busy ye ar actively engaged in Califfornia politics. She still flies their Beech Baron, and is now on a trip to Chile, South America. Betty and Allison have seven grandchildren; three in Rome, Italy and four "down the road apiece". 43-1 Secretary

RUTH ANN RUECKERT has a most rewarding hobby. Since 1954, RUTH has been a certified volunteer braille transcriber and a member of the Golden Gate Braille Transcribers Inc. They supply text books to blind students from first grade to junior high school. Transcribing braille takes many hours - one text book sometimes transcribes into 25 volumes of braille. RUTH's husband, Fred, is in the automobile business. They have one daughter, Marsha, a student at Sacramento State College. From their San Francisco home they can see Farralone Islands and traffic on land, sea and in the air. Fred loves to hunt, and RUTH loves to cook wild game. May 14, 1966 RUTH was present at San Francisco International Airport to bid farewell to "old" Mills Field. Her first instructor, Marshall George, stated at the cermonies that RUTH Marshall (at that time) was his first I!irl student. 43-4 Secretary - MRS. FAITH BUCHNER RICHARDS 7703 Caillet Dallas, Texas 75209 MRS. MADGE RUTHERFORD MINTON 4840 E. 77th St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 EDNA PEDLAR BISHOP has just graduated from the University of Southern Miss'issippi and is teaching in Hattiesburg, Miss. E~NA was found by MARION SCHORR BETZLER (43-2) thIS summer when MARION was flying the International Air Race (IAR). DOROTHEA G. SCHULTZ is back in USA and teaching in San Diego, California. In September DOTTIE f, RUTH GAMBER out to BETTY GILLIES country home for a surprise VISIt. . . LAURETTA FOY has 5 grand children who live close-by. LAURETTA still has a teen-age son at home who likes to fly as much as his mother. (See Whirly-Girl article.) NATAUE ELLISFAHY returned to the States in August, 1966 from Buenos Aires, Argentina, long enough to enroll their twins, Charles at N. Georgia State Military Inst. and Liz at the University of Georgia. NATALIE's husband, Bert, is a retired Colonel USAF who is presently with a petro-chemical company in Argentina. The FAHY's have an older son, Albert III, who is a cadet at the Air Force . Academy in Colorado. Their youngest daughter, Stephanie, is ten years old. Most of Bert's military life has been spent in South America, hence, the family is bilingual. They will be very happy to greet any WASPs traveling to Buenos _ Aires soon. NATALIE is actively engaged in the schools and has served on the school board. She also enjoys golf and fishing. ANNE HOWELL WATSON and her husband, Lt. Col. Cody U. Watson, USAF Ret. are back in Thomson, Georgia. INEZ WOODWARD WOODS is teaching social studies and journalism at Jefferson High School in Los Angeles. Her daughter, Barbara Anne, is the namesake of 43-4 BARBARA WARD LAZARSKY. Prior to moving to California and being married, INEZ was an executive pilot for a steel company and public relations manager for the Sheaffer Pen Company. VIRGINIA MALANY MELONEY was LOUISE BOWDEN's roommate at Romulas, Michigan at the time of LOUISE's spectacular parachute to safety. VIRGINIA had lost contact with LOUISE until the arrival of the 1965 Newsletter. VIRGINIA HILL WOOD f, CELIA HUNTER are obviously busy year-round. Their newsy "The Tundra Telegram" which arrives annually describes their hectic summer season organizing expeditions for their regular guests and some unexpected arrivals.

- MRS. DOTTIE YOUNG 6512 N. W. 20th Drive Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 MARJORIE M. GRAY is an active member of the Ninetynines. In 1957, MARJORIE was the recipient of the Hay Trophy. EVELYN S. GREENBLATT is employed with Flightways, Inc. at Atlanta, Georgia. MAJOR ANN R. JOHNSON has recently been transferred to Hawaii. ANN is anxious to contact the WASPs who are still on active duty in military service. - MRS. MA RION SCHORR BETZLER 3190 Dale Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43212 MARION SCHORR BETZLER is instructing at Lane Aviation, Columbus, Ohio along with being chairman of the Ohio .99 Chapter and housewife. She and her husband, Chuck, have purchased a Comanche 250. 43-3 S!;cretary - MRS. ESTHER POOLE BERNER 1057 W. 58th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 BETTY ARCHIBALD has just become MRS. RICHARD FERNANDES. Dick is executive pilot for Bowles Sealfast Corp. at Indianapolis, Indiana and Betty is in Traffic Control Tov,:er at Wier Cook Municipal. FLASH! November 23, 1966, DORA DOUGHERTY I:;Lester Strothers were married. Les is editor-publisher of the Texas-Metro Magazine and DORA is on the staff. (See feature article on Whirly-Girls). MAR Y BELLESMITH f, DORA DOUGHERTY recognized each other one day in March 1966. They had not been together since they were classmates in the WASPs. JEANE ROSS HOWARD travels to many conventions promoting the use of helicopters. Her current project is getting hospitals in the U. S. to install heliports for emergency accident service. There is a film available (10 minutes) for showing to your local groups. Just write JEAN for details. In addition to her aviation interests, JEAN was elected President of the American Newspaper Women's Club in 1966. A gal who gets things done! (See feature article on Whirly-girls) 43-2 Secretary


However, their off-season panics are just as arduous; such as repairing bear damage whose vandalism is appalling, filling in washouts, tedious drives though fog and darkness, messages carried via garbage truck drivers, plus settling down to at last putting the finishing touches on the "Telegram" only to be delayed shoveling out from under a 2-foot snowfall. Their motto at Camp Denali is: "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs - then obviously you don 't understand the situation! " Quote: "We realize that Camp Denali is an anachromism in this age. It has been built and operates without a government subsidy or large sums of borrowed capital. Its success isn't measured in terms of growth and expansion, or profits and volume of business only. Camp Denali's existence is justified by the hundreds of guests (1500 in 1965) who have this to be the highlight of their Alaskan Visit. No matter what the future portends .. 'Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief, shining, moment .. '''. - Mrs. MARGARET RAY RINGENBERG 9902 Hosler Road Grabill, Indiana 46741 ANNE M. SHIELDS OF Philadelphia, Pa. is an Air Traffic Control Specialist at North Philadelphia Airport, which means ANNE works in the Flight Service Station. She is active in the 99's and especially interested in entering into the racing phase of flying. She placed 12th in the lAR flying a Cherokee 180. JILL McCORMICK has purchased a Beech Bonanza with 5 others. Jill says her Bonanza is a honey - it has "66" wings. (Who couldn't fly with 66 wings?) JILL'was Chairman of the 1966 Fair Ladies Annual Indiana Race (FAIR). (See ACADEMIC FLYING Article). __ ._ ---'~.~J' JANE THOMAS' CAMPBELL and her husband ar~ new H.olsteinFriesian breeders and milk producers. TheIr farm 1Slocated 65 miles from New York City in Kingston-in-Delaware County, N. Y. Since JANE'S occupation is a bit unusual for a Fifi she is anxious to know if other WASPs are connected with dairy farming or breeding. . HELEN PORTER SHEFFER is an instructor at the Montoursv1lle Airport, Montoursville, Pa. MARIANNE BEARD NUTT is in the control tower at Bethage, Long Island, New York during the wee~ an,d on weekends uses a light gun at Zahn's Airport, Am1tyv1lle, Long Island In 1964, MARIANNE was promoted to Major in the A~r Reserve. Her most interesting tour of duty was the A1r Recovery Program. Her chief goal at the present time is to get an instrument rating. Betcha won't forget her address either, she's the "only NUTT on Pecan Street". - MRS. EliZABETH McGEORGE SULliVAN Mt. Crest Orchards, Orrtanna, Pennsylvania 17353 ANN WALDEN CURRIER is not very involved in flying herself anymore, but is "the hottest hangar flyer in the Eighth Air Force". (ANN flew B-17's in the WASPS). The CURRIERs have been stationed for six years at Griffiss AFB, Rome, New York. Major Phillip Currier is pilot on KC-135 jet tankers. ANN and Phillip feel like natives of Rome and occasionally get to fly with local aero-club members. (See clipping) - MISS MARY H. BURKE 2306 McCue, Apt #229 Houston, Texas 77027 BETTY J. CLARK of Rifle, Colorado was elected pre.sid~nt of the Colorado Aerial Dusters and Spraying Assoc1atlOn. ISABEL TYNON MAR TELL teaches journalism and speed reading at Molalla High School, Molalla, Oregon. 43-8 Secretary - MRS. LOIS DOBBINAUCHERLONIE 26 Agawam Road West Acton, Massachusetts 01780 MAXINE EDMONDSON FLOURNOY found INSTRUCTOR JAMES P HILL who in turn found INSTRUCTOR KENNETH C. ECKLEY. MAXINE is married to an oil well drilling contractor and has three daughters. The live in Alice, Texas. 43-7 Secretary 43-6 Secretary 43-5 Secretary

LOIS DOBBINAUCHTERLONIE is a free-lance technical editor for various divisions of Raytheon Company. She flies her own Cherokee 180 and is active in the Ninety-Nines. JANA CRAWFORD EBERLYhasn't flown much since the WASPs until recently. JANA and her husband have purchased an old twin-engined Navion. Aside from hassling two small children, her main interest is golf. DR. BETTY E. CLEMENTS died of cancer June 19, 1965. BETTY was a well-known neurologist and co-founder of the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona.

44-1 Secretary - MRS. ALBERTA HUNT NICHOLSON 3450 Cleveland Circle Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 JEANETTE JENKINS happened to see and read BILL TISCHLER's picture and article in the United Airlines magazine "Mainliner" on a return flight from Oklahoma to her home in' New Philadelphia, Ohio. She had been viSiting WASPs RUTH JONES & IDA CARTER, both, 44-1 MARY A. O'ROURKE and her husband, Col. G. J. O'Rourke, have returned to the States after a tour of duty in Europe. They are now stationed at Robins AFB, Georgia. MARDO CRANE is currently writing books, Her most recent project is "Fly-down of the WASP. "

44-2 Secretary - MRS. MARGE GILBERT STEWART 55 N. Sheridan Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 MARGE NEEDHAM WALKER is instructing flying on weekends at Mariana, Florida. She has two boys, Joe and John Michael. ANNE BERRY LESINIKOWSKI is librarian at Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts. They ha ve three children. DORIS ELKINGTON HAMAKER is in Naples, Italy where Commander Hamaker is with NATO. They have three girls and two boys (twins). MARGE GILBERT STEWART is taking a course at Indiana Univer5ity Extension in Indianapolis, Indiana. MARGE and Ray have three children. MILliE GROSSMAN PLAMER was married in December, 1964. JEAN MOORE SOARD and her husband, Cliff, operate two cheese stores. One is located in the Winter Parl< Mall, Winter Parl<, Florida. They have just built a new home in Maitland, Florida. (See picture)

- MRS. JEANNE WAGNER SIMPSON 2341 DeCook Court South Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 ISABELLEMcCRAE toured India and several other countries while on the University of Seven Seas Ship in 1965. Her son was aboard as a student, and ISABELLEwas the staff , nurse. She attended the International Aero Classic at Palm Springs, California after her return home. MARY GILMORE WALLACE is actively engaged in civic work .in Corpus Christi, Texas. She has one daughter. DOROTHY MOULTON ROONEY has been:a civilian employee of the U. S. Air Force since WASP deactivation. DOROTHY is with the Director of Aerospace Safety Headquarters which receives all the ground, explosives, missile and aircraft accidents for the Air Force world-wide. Her home is San Bernardino, California. Secretary

44-4 Secretary - MRS. GREY ALUSON DUNLAP 704 Tennessee Avenue Alexandria, Virginia 22301 RUTH SHAFER FLEISHER is now living in Homestead, Florida. They are building a new home. RUTH was formerly in the tower at Biggs AFB, El Paso, Texas. ALYCE STEVENS ROHRER is teaching high school English at Arroyo High School, El Monte, California.

- MRS. JEN HILL MOSELY 7532 Chef Menteur Hwy (Space 25) New Orleans, Louisiana 70126 PATRICIA KENWORTHY NUCKOLS started another chain of locating lost Fifis. PAT found BEVERLYBEESEMYER, 44-6, who in turn found DOROTHY AVERY, 43-7. SANDY SAUNDERS WILLI-SON doing a lot of flying; ferrying, is sales demonstration, student work, pilot checkout, multiengine instruction (; instrument instruction. This is in addition to her job as office manager at Southern Airways, Orlando, Florida. JENNIE GOWER WYNNE is selling real estate in Malibu, California for six years, but makes yearly trips back to Tennessee. If some lonesome Fifi just happens to be flying between California and Tennessee, call JENNIE. She would love the chance to fly with you. GLORIA HEATH is now consultant to the Cornell-Guggenheim ,Aviation Safety Center and is currently developing programs for improvement of aviation safety with respect to flight instructors, and a fascinating program called Downed Aircraft Position Locator system. DOROTHY SWAIN LEWIS is teaching at a private school for boys and girls, the Orme Ranch School. Besides being in the history and art departments, she has at times' instructed from the local airstrip in Mayer, Arizona. Her son graduated from Orme in June, 1966. During the summer, DOROTHY migrates to Idyllwild, California and teaches art at the USC-Idyllwild Arts Foundation. Some of DOROTHY's Art work was recently published in Book III of Prize Winning Graphics, 1966. JEANNE "BECKY" McSHEEHY spent 1965 on Sabatical Leave. She no longer flys, but is a Major in the Air Force Reserve. Her home is Coronado, California. - MISS JEAN HIXSON 804 Havenwood Drive Akron, Ohio 44313 JOAN MICHAELS LEMLEYis employed in the FAA Academy, Field Training Materials Branch, at Oklahoma City. MARY RETICH WELLS is back in the United States after three "wonderful" years in Spain. She did some flight instructing over there and is hoping to return to teaching school. this year . Her husband, James, is a retired Colonel in the Air Force who is now in the First National Bank in Albuquerque, New Mexico. MARY is anxious to find the "Squirt Squadron of 44-6 ": JERRY TRIBBLE VICKERS, ANN WARDEN GRIFFITH, BETTY WHITE SHEEHAN, MARY REINEBERG McDARGH (; MARY WELLS. JERRY is the only "squirt" besides MARY that Fifi Headquarters has been able to find. BEVERL BEESEMYERis part owner of an employment agency Y in Bever! y Hills and Westwood Village, Los Angeles: Beverly-Cross Agency. BETTY JANE WILLIAMS was the designer of our Fifi in the clouds (the original emblem was in a circle) which is on the Newsletter. BETTY was national president of the order of Fifinella 1946 -8. She has been writing, directing and producing aerospace films for Lockheed since 1954, currently doing work on vehicles designed to travel at Mach 20 - hypersonics. In April, 1966 BETTY made her second trip this year to Germany for Lockheed. As President of the Los Angeles Advertising Women, Inc., she toured Honolulu, Tokyo, Osada (; Kyoto, Japan, Hong Kong, and Manila in 1966. This has been her year to travel, you might say. In 1948, BETTY was commissioned in the U. S. Air Force Reserves. She currently holds the rank of Major as motion picture producer and also as information officer.

44-5 Secretary

FRANCES WINTER BROOKINGS and family are living in Shreveport, Louisiana. Their oldest daughter has just completed a year on the Van Cliburn Scholarship in Baylor University. They have three boys who are very active in both sports and music. BETTY PETTITT NICHOLAS has just purchased a Cessna 150 to replace their stalwart original Cessna 140. BETTY discovered an unused balance of $17. 3~ in the Indiana Chapter of the Order of Fifinella, which became inactive in the 1950's. This amount was transferred to our present Order of Fifinella Account. (Perhaps there are other chapters with unused bank accounts. ) PEG PARISH GARLAND sent us the sad news confirming the ~act that WINNIE L. JONES, 44-7 was killed April, 1946 III a crash of a BT 13A in Texas. She was caught in a storm, reportedly. PEG and her husband, Newton, now live in Burlington, Vermont where he is an engineer with General Electric Company. They have two teen-age sons and enjoy sailing, skiing and all that goes with living in Vermont. The airport is lovely and inviting to all! 44-8 Secretary

- MRS. JOAN GOUGH FROST Rydal Road Rydal, Pennsylvania GERALDINE FULK CROOK is secretary to the Commanding General at Shaw AFB, South Carolina. Dr .. MARY W. LAMY is guidance consultant in the Placer County Schools which is a large county between Sacramento California and Reno, Nevada. The last major flying Mary has done was the 1949 AWTAR from San Diego and Miami. She would love getting a call from Fifis traveling through Applegate, California. 44-9 Secretary

44-6 Secretary

- MRS. BETTY PETTITT NICHOLAS 125 West 82nd Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 BETTY JO STREFF REED has just earned her multi-engine rating. The Reed's own a Cessna 310K. BERNICE DANNEFER PINKERTON wrote a note from Rome, Italy. They have been living in Rome and Cairo since 1947. Plan to return to the State s in the summer of 1967. Her husband is employed by Trans-World Airlines. They have one son in college.

44-7 Secretary

- MRS. BETTY STAGG TURNER 7746 Blue Crystal Court Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 JEAN DOWNEY HARMAN has posed a question which no one seems to know the answer: "Where do you write for grade transcripts from WASP training ground school?" JEAN's husband, John is a retired Navy Commander, and now is a systems analyst for the Southern Pacific Railroad. All WASPs who were in 44-9 and would like to get together again this year, please call JEAN if you live in the Bay Cities Area. VIRGINIA POTTHOFF TRUMBULL and her husband, Fred, work together in his CPA office. BETTY MARTIN RIDDLE (; MARTY MARTIN WYALL, 44-10, had a chance to visit for a few minutes in October, 1966 at the Wagon Wheel Lodge, Rockton, Illinois. It was their first meeting since the 1947 WASP Reunion in Ponca City, Oklahoma. DOROTHY ESTEP is assistant director of child welfare and attendance for 12,000 students in the Sequcia Union High School District, Redwood, California. VIRGINIA ETHERTON SPEAR (; CLAY SPEAR (an instructor at Sweetwater) are living in Bryan, Ohio. CLAY is still flying, and was Mr. Eisenhower's personal pilot several days in 1965. They have a son, Lewis, who has his degree in law and a daughter, Marilyn,in college. VIRGINIA is a legal secretary. ROBERTA JANE FOHL is teaching in the physical education department of the Hollywood High School in LosAngeles .. She attended the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo and then continued traveling around the world. ELAINEHARMON has been sending newsletters yearly to all the members of Flight #1 since 1944. Her continuous m method of keeping in touch has been a great help in finding lost Fifis. Many of the Trainees at Sweetwater may remember ELAINE's husband, Bob. He made regular visits. A sad note from ELAINEstates that Bob had a stroke and died within a few hours September 9, 1965. ELAINE is in real estate business in Silver Spring, Maryland. They have one son, Robby, and daughter, Terry, in Colorado State University, plus another daughter, Chris. MARGARET GEE is radiation laboratory technician, and is very involved in the political issues in California.

DOROTHY DEANE FERGUSON is a practicing attorney in Washington, D. C., and an officer n the Woman's Life Founding Association. This is an insurance company she helped organize. HELENJOHNSON CANNON is an active member of the Clark County School Board in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her husband, Robert, is Vice-president and general manager of the Tropicana Hotel. PINKY BRIER is flying charter at the Tri-city Airport, San Bernardino, California. DIXIE DIXON KELLEYexpressed the sentiments of many of BILL TISCHLER's students in the WASPs when she commented, "he, to me, is the most tremendous instructor in flying. " 44-10 Secretary - MRS. SARA PAYNE HAYOEN 22 Stadium Road Methuen, Massachusetts MARY CEYANES WAGNER is able to have a choice of airplanes. They have a Cessna 180 and a Cessna 310 in the family, and a friend with a fully aerobatic Stearman with a 300 hp Lycoming engine. MARY is also a "ham". Her station is WN5 NMA and she listens on 7155,60,74,84 (;. 95. She probably has numbers constantly in her head whether she flies or yaks. PETE GIMBLEMcADAMS is a Ham Radio Operator as well as MARY CEYANES WAGNER. PETE located JANICE GREGG WHEATLEY in Bakersfield, California through a ham who had a telephone book handy. MAJOR NINA K. MORRISON is stationed in Hawaii along with MAJOR ANN R. JOHNSON, 43-1. MURIEL MORAN is teaching school in Honolulu, Hawaii. LOUISE MAGOON THO KEY combined a family visit in June, 1966 with a national meeting of the Christian Church in Lafayette, Indiana. Her two children, Debbie and David visited cousins in Ypsilanti, Michigan while LOUISE attended the conference. The three of them jetted to Detroite from New Orleans. SUZETTE VAN DAELL DOUGLAS was found this summer. SUZETTE now lives in Arlington Heights, Illinois which is near Chicago. THELMA HENCH MILLER was busy this summer instructing her son, Craig, in their Cessna 182 Skylane. He was 16i.n in September, 1966. "T. K." made an uns.cheduled stop In Fort Wayne, Indiana one stormy afternoon l.n July .. It was just time enough to visit and snack at the aIrport wIth MARTY MARTIN WYALL, who is only 5 minutes from the field. T. K. and her daughter, Mickey, were enroute to Lafa yette, Indiana. DOROTHY DAVIS has a friend in the post office at San Francisco. Her mail was forwarded after ha ving moved away for over sixteen years. JANICE GREGG WHEATLEY enjoyed a 44-9 Reunion (she was a wash-back) in San Franciso early in 1966. Hopes to se~ all WASPs passing through Bakersfield which is on the maIn route between northern and southern C llifornia. At least CALL! MARY JANE LIND SELLERSis presently interested in gettin? . back into flying, but she hasn't been too far away from It since dear.tivation. MARY went to Lima, Peru as an employee in the Office of the Air Attache in 1945. While there she met and rna rried Capt. Coleman Sellers. Thro~gh the years, MARY and f~mily have been.~tationed in Panama, New York, CalifornIa, Japan, Hawall, Colorado, and now back in California (Hamilton AFB). Col. Sellers is a jet pilot, and has just retired. MARY JANE has continued to be busy as mother to two lovely daughters, selling real estate and fashion modeling. (See. picture) ETHEL LYTCH MILLER is living with her famIly In Colorado Springs, Colorado. DOTTIE NAGEL IRELAND is busy looking up lost WASP contacts since her husband, Brick, has retired from the Air Force. They live in Northridge, California, and LIBBY POWERS is practically her neighbor. DOTTIE has traveled extensively since 1944. Only seven years ago she was teaching at a private elementary school in Hawaii, and through a series of circumstances involving an erupting volcano and a plane flight that didn't return, DOTTIE met

Brick Ireland. Soon they were married. Together, they have 4 children; her Chris and his Gina, Betsy and Bill. Several years ago, DOTTIE met CAPT. BOB TA YLOR (now Lt. Col) at a cocktail party in Honolulu, and at another time DOTTIE (;.HELEN PAINE DAVIS met in Hawaii. HELEN is married to a Navy Commander, but Fifi Headquarters does not have HELEN's address. BETTY STABLER SHAFER was the gal who was located by HELEN PORTER SHEFFER, 43-5, BETTY in turn, gave Fifi Headquarters DOTTIE NAGEL IRELAND's address. Thanks to both of you! JACQUELINE RILEY ZERLAUT is now living in Coloma, Michigan, and was quite happy to be located by the WASPs again. Coloma is close to Benton Harbor. JO BARDSLEY GERMAINE and family are living in a new house on the banks of the Tippecanoe River in Leiters Ford, Indiana. RUTH REES PHILLIPS is gradually returning to civilication again by flying to San Antonio for 99 meetings, which i~ easy access from her Mexican Ranch. UNCLASSIFIED INSTRUCTOR RIGDON EDWARDS is still in Sweetwater, Texas. Golf has replaced flying and his three daughters are no longer at home. Two are married and the third teaching home economics in the Irving High School, Irving, Texas. E. O. HALLY STIRES has two addresses: one with MADELAINE ALLAIRE BENNETT, 43-7, in Tucson, Arizona and the other with BETTY JANE WILLIAMS, 44-6, in Woodland Hills, California. It was through HALLY that we received the sad clipping about BETTY CLEMENTS, 43-5. C. O. OSCAR A. HEINLIEN has moved to Boulder City,Nevada. INSTRUCTOR KENNETH ECKLEYwho had students from 43-5 to 44-2 is now flying both domestic and military runs for United Airlines. The military run is to Saigon. After the WASP program, KEN flew the China "Hump", Crop dusted in Alabama and Texas (with INSTRUCTOR PAPPY RYAN) and joined UAL in 1948. He is planning on the 1969 Reunion. INSTRUCTOR JAMES P. HILL was found by MAXINE EDMONDSON FLOURNOY, 43-8. He is the International Harvestor Equipment dealer and owner of Hill Machinery Company, Inc. in Alice, Texas. After instructing at Sweetwater the classes 43-W-5 thru 43-W-7, MR. HILL joined the Ferry Command in Memphis, on to North Africa, and finally "the Hump" in India. Presently, he is in the Reserves for the Air Force as -::ommander of the 68th TC Sqdn and flying C-119's for the 433 rd Troop Carrier Alamo Wing at Kelly AFB, Texas. INSTRUCTOR WILLIAM TISCHLER in 1966 had two awards given to him by United Airlines. The Flight Operation Man-of-the - Year Award and The Outstanding Contributions to Flight Operations in 1966 Award. His seniority with United has put him on the Boeing 727's, and he hopes to move into the DC-8's soon. By 1969, the 490-passenger 747's will be in service, and in 1972, the SST (Super-sonic Transports ). WASPs still on active duty in the Air Force Are: Capt. Major Major Major Ca pt. Capt. Major Doris Williams, 43-8 Yvonne C. Pateman, 43-5 Ann R. Johnson, 43-1 Margaret Lowell-Wallce, 43-6 Marion R. Tibbetts, 43-6 Virginia H. Yates, 43-6 (retired) Nina K. Morrison, 44-10

BOOK TO BE PUBLISHEDSOON! ! ! ! ! MARDO CRANE 44-1 has been working on a novel about the WASPs since 1944. She expects to have it published soon. It is "FLY-DOWN OF THE WASP", and tells of the life and death of our beloved service. Watch for it!

SHEEPSKINWITH WINGS, printed from the FAA AVIATION NEWS, February, 1966 features JIll McCORMICK, 43-5, a major in the Air Foree Reserve and instructor in the flight simulator at Purdue University.

STRAIGHT A FOR ATLANTA, printed from FLYING April 1966 features two WASPS, Georgia Eidson and MARTHA ' SMITH BULLOCK, 43-6. GEORGIA EIDSON doubles as world history teacher mornings at Henry Grady High School aDd as flight instructor afternoons. MARTHA SMITH BUU.OCK has been with the program from the beginning and teaches ground school at Dykes High School.

HIGH SCHOOLAVIAnON COURSE UNIVERSITY DEGREEIN PROFESSIONALPILOT TECHNOLOGY Conservative forces in our universities still regarding flying as "just for fun" with no academic value. But the next generation of professional pilots. are beginning to see the need for technical studies to cope with the advances in commercial aviation. Purdue University has had a long aviation history. In 1931 Purdue had the first university-owned airport, and was one of the first schools to be used by CAA for flight training (1938). Purdue Aeronautics Corp. (PAC) was established in 1947 which eventually purchased DC-3's for the purpose of getting into the air caITier business. CAB refused to approve any large scale operations as an airline, however . After many yeark of planning and vision, Professor James R. Maris has at last succeeded in building up the pilot training course to the point where it became acceptable for a 4-year t;legree at Puroue. JIll S. McCORMICK, 43-5, arrived at Purdue University in 1955 to write the cUITiculum for and teach in Professional Pilot Program.and to teach. The first two years of the basic program combine general flight technology with university cour ses for students working toward B. S. degree. The last two years are a concentrated program of techniques in flying DC-3's and DC-6's plus academic courses in English, math, physics, speech, industrial management, engineering, etc. The students log some 200 hours in carrying cargo and passengers for PAC. Pilot trainees are also offered courses in aviation maintenance and electronics. It is an excellent opportunity to gain a solid background for the vocation of being a professional pilot. The first normal graduation will be held in June, 1968. The first of the general aviation students have moved into their junior year September, 1966. An Associate Degree is given to these students, and most are currently enrolled for the four-year degree. The final step was accomplished recently by combining the two courses into one curriculum for the highly regarded B. S. Degree in Professional Pilot Technology. The Atlanta, Georgia school system offers high school students a non-credit course in aviation. Naturally, kids are fascinated by the opportunity to fly at a nominal cost and the prestige of being accepted is an encouragement to keep the program growing. There are 50 students at the present time. The curriculum is divided into five different ways of instruction: reading, seeing, hearing, discussion and doing. The objective of the course is not to produce professional pilots, but to provide a situation of learning. The aviation course is treated as a combination of many high school subjects put to a practical purpose; namely, social studies, economics, engineering, mathematics, science as well as a vocation. Three high schools in the city of Atlanta are participating during this first year of operation. Piper Aircraft Corp. loaned the school system one Cherokee 140 at first, but now the planes are used on a rental basis. The classroom courses are supplemented by Sanderson films, FAA and Zweng manuels. Both the ground school & flight school are FAA approved. The flying part of the program is optional to the students at $7.50 per hour. MRS. GEORGIA (BETTY) SLOANEIDSON 44-8, is the only flight instructor. She also doubles as world) history teacher at Henry Grady H. S. "I love flying, " she says. "And the kids just love it. This really provides a stimulus for them, and it'll make real people out of them quicker than anything else. Kids want a reason for existing. " There are three ground school teachers: Mr. Julius Alexander at Luther Judson Price H. S., MRS. MARTHA SMITH BULLOCK, 43-6, at Dykes H. S., and Miss Joan Basler at Henry Grady H. S. MARTHA has been with the program since the beginning in 1965. She read about the course starting in Atlanta, applied and was hired. Representatives from the FAA are interested in seeing a program such as this develop in other communities in the state of Georgia as well as other states. The eventual plan is to offer a 3-year course in aviation as a prerequite to students entering the universities which extend B. S. degrees in Professional Technology and Aeronautical Engineering. The results of the course may motivate these students to acquaint themselves with the opportunities for careers in aviation, which is fast becoming indispensable in our way of live. \

Bell Helicopter

Compa,,~ Photo



In 1955, during the American Helicopter Society (AHS) Forum, thirteen women helicopter pilots met to form an exclusive club whose only requirement to join was a helicopter rating certified by the Federal A viation Agency or its foreign equivalent. From that meeting on April Fool's Day, this group was called The Whirly-Girls and their get-togethers are llhoverings". It all began back in 1954 at the International Air Pioneers' Dinner held in Washington, D. C., during the observance of the 50th Anniversary of Flight when two people got to talking about helicopters: The late Larry Bell, President of Bell Aircraft Corp. and JEAN ROSS HOWARD, Assistant to the Director of the Helicopter COllncil, Aircraft Industries Assn. JEAN was anxious to take instruction, and Mr. Bell offered to arrange a sch'edule for JEAN to learn on Bell Helicopters at their plant in"Fort Worth, Texas, JEAN was there a week later! The course took 30 days and 30 flying hours. Many pilot3lwho fly helicopters ha ve learned what JEAN realized - that you have to Unlearn many things about flying fixed-wing aircraft when you transition to rotocraft. In a helicopter, you push the stick forward to land instead of gradually pulling back, and you land at a constant speed, instead of reducing speed. Curious JEAN ROSS HOWARD set out to find out how many women had qualified and received their helicopter rating. There were twelve others, five of which were not living in the United States. The First Hovering was attended by the thirteen charter members of the Whirly-Girls: Mademoiselle Valerie Andre, Paris, France - W -G #6 Madame Jacqueline Auriol, Bretigny, France - W-G #8 Mrs. ANN SHAW CARTER, Fairfield, Connecticut - W-G #2 and WASP 44-10 Miss Marilyn Grover (now Mrs. Heard), Carmel, California - W-G #5 MISS JEAN ROSS HOWARD, Washington, D.C. - W-G #13 and WASP 43-3* Miss Clara E. livingston, Dorado, Puerto Rico - W-G #11 Mrs. Nancy Miller Livingston, Corvallis, Oregon (now Juneau, Alaska) - W-G #4 Mrs. Marilynn Himes Riviere, Washington, D. C. - W-G #9 Miss M ry Rosholt, Los Angeles (now Palo Alto), California - W-G #12 Mrs. Ethel Jones Sheffler, Bound Book, New Jersey - W-G

WhirlY-Girls meet with President Kennedy on the White House lawn in 1962, citied need for a down-town heliport for the Nation's capital. Left to Right: Jane Har, JEAN HOWARD, Danna Kusianovich Henderson, Hanna Reitsch, DORA DOUGHERTY, Judy Short, Ellen Gilmour, President Kennedy, Jean Wilson, Barbara Kiernan, Charlotte Kelley and ANN SHA W CARTER. ANN SHAW CARTER, 44-10 & W-G #2, is the first woman in the United States to get a helicopter rating. ANN soloed in June, 1947 in a Bell Helicopter at New York's Westchester Airport. She became a pilot for Metropolitan Aviation Corporation which was one of the first helicopter passenger services in the U. S. ANN is married to Edward (Ted) Carter, one of the top engineers with Sikorshy Aircraft. They have three children. Due to a bout with polio in 1955, ANN has not been able to fly helicopters, but she remains active and is still interested in aviation through her husband's career. ANN is a charter member of the Whirly-Girls.

Priscilla H. Swenson, Wellington, New Zealand (now Stratford, Conn.) - W -G #3 Mrs. Edna Gardner Whyte, Fort Worth, Texas - W-G #10 and Fraulein Hanna Reitsch, Frankfort, Germay, W-G #1 who really started all this in 1938. These thirteen women were not only peoneers in the field of rotocraft, some were even heronines. One night back in 1938, a huge crowd gathered in Berlin's Deutschland Halle to witness an unusual event. Unbelieving eyes watched a strange -looking twin-motored rotocraft - the Focke-Achgelis Helicopert. It maneuvered sidewa ys, backwards, straight up, around in circles and landed softly, all inside this big indoor arena. The pilot was a woman: Fraulein Hanna Reitsch, famous German glider pilot and record holder, who at this moment became the world's first successful helicopter pilot man or woman. Mlle. Varlerie Andre, famous French brain surgeon, went to Viet Nam in 1949 as a Captain in the French Army. She was assigned to a French paratrooper unit, and it waSll't long until she realized that a helicopter was needed to bring out the wounded in this rough terrain. Mlle. Andre returned to France, learned to fly a helicopter, flew back to the battle zone and managed somehow to get a helicopter assinged to her headquarters near Hanoi. Time and time again, MIle Valerie Andre flew through enemy gunfire, picked up the wOllnded, returned to the hospital area, and then became the surgeon who saved the lives of the wounded. Altogether, she flew 120 helicopter missions and evacuated more than 165 wounded. The Whirly-Girls are working towards two specific goals: to promote women's interest in and acc~ptance. of helicopters and the establishment of a helicopter flight trallllllg scholarship. It is amazing how these Whirly-Girls get around and t~le bound of high regard they hold for each other. When there IS a "hovering",. it is cer~ain to be well ~ttended ~nd e?"Joyed by all. One cunous fact IS that the W-G s always Identify themselves by their W-G number rather than by name. The following Whirly-Girls are also WASP's, eight at the present but there are more to be added soon. Mrs.

.. '



JEAN ROSS HOWARD dreamed of organizing women helicopters pilots when dubbed "Whirly-Girl" by her flight instructor. JEAN ROSS HOWARD, 43-3* & Whirly-Girl #13, is the founder of the Whirly-Girls and assistant director of the Vertical Lift Aircraft Council of the Aerospace Industries Association. JEAN joined Aerospace Industries in 1945 as staff assistant of the public relations director of the Personal Aircraft Council. In 1950, she was promoted to her present position. A native Washingtonian, JEAN received her AB degree from George Washington University and did graduate work at American University. After serving as trainee in the WASPs, JEAN served with the American Red Cross as Program Director of the Air Force Rest Camp on the Isle of Capri during World War II.

Bell Helicopter



lAURETTA BEATY FOY, 43-4 & Whirly-Girl #46 has beer, instructing on helicopters for five years, and is currently at PacAero, a division of Pacific Airmotive Corporation in Burbank, California. LAURETTA is also an FAA designated Flight Examiner for helicopters. Most of her work is instructing, but she does some air taxi, charter and photo work for the movies. It has been a decade of pioneering for both heli-. copters and women pilots who are dedicated to the difficult job of making helicopters a paying company business.

Helicopter record holder is DR. DORA DOUGHERTY who in 1961 broke two world rotary-wing marks formerly held by Russia. She received the Women's International Association of Aeronautics trophy for her achievement. DR. DORA J. DOUGHERTY, 43-3 & Whirly-Girl #27, is Human Factors Engineer at Bell Helicopter Company, Fort. Worth Texas. DORA has received many honors and contnbuted ~uch through research and accomplishments in the field of aeronautics. In February, 1961 DORA broke two world helicopter records previously held by the Soviet Union. More recently, DR. DOUGHERTY received the 1966 Achievement Award of the American Association of University Women, This award is in recognition of the contributions through research to a specific field of specialization. Along with the award was also a cash amount of $3, 000. In June, 1966 DORA was appointed Chairman of the Federal Aviation Agency Woman's Advisory Committee on Aviation (WACOA), succeeding Mrs. Janie Hart. Vice-Chairman to the Committee is Mrs. Betty Miller, famed pilot who was the first woman to cross the Pacific in solo flight. It is interesting to note that all three women are Whirly-Girls.

A MOMENTOUS OCCASION -- JENNIE LONGACRE OF Southern Airways of Texas Inc. poses with Southern Airways MetHods of Instruction staff members. At left, John MacFarlane, Dale Lewis, JENNIE, Huey Long. Photo was made November 25, 1966, the day she passed her military acceptance ride. GENEVIEVEBROWN LONGACRE, 43-4 & Whirly-Girl #14, is the only woman instructor for the U. S. Army Primary Helicopter Schools-. She is teaching at Fort Wolters, Texas on Hiller OH 23-D's. This is the culmination of a dream she has been working toward since JENNIE earned her commercial rotorcraft rating 12 years ago. During the WASPs, JENNIE flew B-17's and C-47's. Following the war, she owned and operated flying schools at Porterville and Delano, California. In addition to charter work, JENNIE has flown for the Forrestry Service, hauled parachute jumpers, and weather engineers. Just for fun, she ~as num.erous trophies won in the Powder Puff Derby, InternatIOnal AIr Race and efficiency cross-country races. In addition to her commercial helicopter rating, JENNIE holds a valid FAA airplane, single engine, multi-engine, land & sea instrument, instrument instructor ratings. currently, GENEVIEVEBROWN LONGACRE is.residing in Mineral Wells with her 3 children. Her comment about her newest challenge is, "It's wonderful! ! "

lAURETTA BEATY FOY picks up Actor Dick Van Dyke at Sunset & Vine in Hollywood to take him to a luncheon at one of the local Country Clubs. (He was only clowing for the photographer's benefit. )

BETTY HAAS PFISTER and husband Art raise Norwegian horses like this one, and quarter horses, on theh' 700-acre ranch at Aspen, Colorado.

Helicopters, horses, fighter planes, skiing and soaring are all interests'.in BETTY HAAS PFISTER's life on the Lazy Chair Ranch in Aspen" Colorado. BETTY, Whirley-Girl #52, was the first woman in Colorado to be a licensed helicopter pilot. In the WASPs, Class 43-5, BETTY was pilot on the B-17 "Flying Fortress" Bombers, but welcomed the opportunity to fly fighter planes. Shortly after V-J Day, she purchased a P-39 Bell Aircobra from war surplus. BETTY modified it for racing and named it "Galloping Gertie". Bell Aircraft Corporation later purchased "Galloping Gertie" and it is now a permanent part of th.e.Air Museum collection in the Smithsonian Institute at Washington D. C. After becoming an airline stewardess for Pan-American Airlines, BETTY joined:tha Air Force Reserve Program opened to all WASPs. The PFISTERs now own a Cessna 32- Skynight, and club members of a Schweizer 2-32 soaring plane. BETTY was.the prime mover in gettillg a heliport at Aspen Valley Hospital. A hair raising landing between trees, wires, parked cars and inadequate lighting on the hospital parking lot with an emergency mountain accident, made it easieI' for BETTY to get the hospital to donate land adjacent to the emergency entrance for a heliport 100 feet by 60 with no obstructions. The heliport which was put into operation November, 1966 is the first and only one for hospitals in the state of Colorado.

DOTTIE YOUNG is the first woman to obtain an Airline Transport Rating for helicopters. She is chief helicopter pilot for L.D. Catlin Aviation Company of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Another outstanding Whirly-Girl is DOTTIE YOUNG, 43-1 #16, who became the first and only one of two women in the world to obtain an Airline Transport Rating for helicopters. She is Chief Helicopter Flight Instructor at Catlin Aviation in Oklahoma City. DOTTIE is a dedicated instructor and is also an FAA Designated Flight Examiner (at this writing, DOTTIE & LAURETTA FOY are the only women Flight Examiners for helicopters). DOTTIE and her husband, Pete, make an unusual husband-wife team. Pete is an Air Carrier specialist with the Federal Aviation Agency in OKe. DOTTIE just completed two years as editor of the publication of the NinetyNines, Inc., and she is also a member of the WOCOA for the FAA having been appointed by the late President Kennedy.
& Whirly-Girl

Whirly-Girh attending a breakfast "hovering", January 25, 1966, Arlington, Texas, during HAA Convention. Standing, left to right, Shirley Thomas, #102; LAURETTA FOY, #46; Charlotte Kelley, #21; Tony Page, #67; Judy Short, #29; Hazel McKendrick, #85; DOTTIE YOUNG, #16; Sparky Cannon, guest; FAITH RICHARDS, #74; Nancy Livingston, #4; DR. DORA DOUGHERTY, #27, Seated, left to right, CealOrpen, #48; JEAN ROSS HOWARD, #13;'Edna Gardner Whyte, #10; and BETTY PFISTER, #52. FAITH BUCHNER RICHARDS, 43-4 & Whirly-Girl #74, is the type of person who first gets the idea (flying helicopters) -and then the idea gets BUCKY. She was hooked and convinced into becoming W-G #74 after talking to #27 and #16. FAITH saved her money and arranged her vacation time to go to Oklahoma City for a "crash" program - concentrated, that is _ with DOTTIE YOUNG as her instructor. In nine days and 23 helicopter hours later, BUCKY could breathe easy again. The light, highly maneuverable and temperamental Brantly B-2 deliberately frustrated BUCKY so many times that she "wanted to get out and beat it with a stick". This all took place just one month before the 1964 WASP Reunion in Cincinnati. It was another WASP Reunion which brought BUCKY, then the international president of the Order of Fifinella, to Dallas in 1949. She is a Chicago girl who flew from the same airport in 1941 as DORA DOUGHERTY before either one joined the WASPs. Her. degree from Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa came through while FAITH was stationed at Sweetwater. During the WASPs, she flew B-24's, B-26's on test flights and weather missions. Although, BUCKY does not fly helicopters commercially, she is connected with aviation as Reservations Supervisor with Braniff Airways in Dallas, Texas.

CAPT. WILLIAM TISCHLER is Jingles the Clown at San Francisco Children's Hospital, July 1966.


- 44-10


- 43-6

STILL FLYING mGH - Maj. Phillip N. Currier, a KC-l35 'jet tanker pilot with the 41st Air Refueling Squa'dron at Griffiss AFB, gives a cockpit briefing to his wife, Ann, at a tanker trainer. .At the right, Mrs. Currier is shown at the controls of a B-17 bomber during World War II when she served with the WASP's and met her future husband.


'nIe good.looklllll.palricien. aharpl)' clre!sed clerk of I!le Clark counly IChooI board Uflfd her eyel from her note pad and IoIsed a warm Ill\lIe to a lCboolboy who ftnl to the IChooI boerd with lome lort of proteal. "YOU COME again any lime," Helen Cannon told 1M boy III a voice wIilcll can be husky, liItJnI, 1fllW1)',/IIlllt. 11Illor loy cold wIl!IllI I h lame sentence. "We'd like 10 _ a lot. more studentl like )'OII,"1he assured him. TIlls wal I!le melUna voice. lIle ft'lI I. way~' touch. 'I11e Itudent, wtIo " a II brought III a IfIpe and thought he wa. lolIlln a bombshell at I h'. IIChooI board, bJushed.and bar. I y managed to Ilam mer his thanks before lie relnl.led from tile mike In fronl of tbe board'i rostnml. Helen Cannon had worked her cbmn. She did It II women generally do - In a contradlc. tory way. Onty minutes ,before, I h e sharp - minded, quIek wli. I~ wife. ol a 8lrlp bolel ex. ecutlve had betII lecturinl a bulldllll conlr.ctnr, lakllll him over the coala for \leJays III a 1Cboo1. projed. TBAT "AI a IllCOIId Helen Call1lOn: the buolneuwll1llan. the chl1ly~ed keeper of lhe public ~strlIIIl. In lhal n\Ood,her IOfIvoice can..cnl hard, can even slaah Ihe air. This Is a woman who hasn'l got '11 me or guile enough to conceal her alii. ludes. "It', hiconcelvable," I he once Iold her fellow school board memberl In , discussion aboul Iree lunches for nee d y children, "that we should llIrn down anyone who needs 10 be fed." Bul another time, she broke them up wllh this dead. pan piece of economic phil. osophy.. "There would be few. er people on relief," she said, "if there ftre no relief programs." Mrs. Cannon, who once lesl~ew warplanes al 10,000 feel, Is ImptllIMI with people Ihe feels have not taken ad. nnlalt of their opportunl.




husband Cliff

& family

LOUISE BOWDEN - 43-4, in Miraj Medical Center,

examines X-Ray files Maharastra, India

"I llF:T IIIC1t," she volunteered III an inlernew al her pleasant, lasleful horne 01\ KflIII)' Way, "of people who ..,. the)' 'toUIdn't go to col. beC'lute tIlere was INI lIlOIIl!y. "I wen! to collece and l!lert waa INI money Ih my famll)' Mrs. Cannon. who was born Helen Cue In Cameron, Wis., yean 110, worked her way

DOROTHY NAGEL IRELAND - 44-10 and husband Col. Loren E. Ireland, USAF

So who Is reading the Plato which Ilea open on I IIvillfl room lable? "MY SON Robin (actually Roberl cannon 1I1l. 00 you Ibrough college as a secre- know," she added In a sud. iiif)'. a dlshwuher, "any. denly warmer and sofler voice. "he actually read some nf 1lIIng I could gel." Always athlellcally Inclin- Ihis aloud to me? He got in. ed - she today possesses a w.resled In II lOme way." <Robin.who Is 17and a JUDllunnllll\ly .lim fillure - Hel. en Cate fin~11y got a sum. lor at Wealml Hiett, must be mertlme Job as a gym in- <VI IOInt kind of a kick. The struclor. She laughl phy.ical book. clullerinl hII bedroom education fo.r four years aft. are bralner than those reer her graduation from Ihe qutred In lith lI'ade EntIlsh class.) Universlly of WIsconsin. A second child. Alice, wlto IVRVEYtNG her elellanl living room. she confided, In Is 13 and who goes to Hyde a rough-and-ready voice fam- Park Junior High, CJlrrles oul lUar 10 malingering IIChool the athletic side of her moth. dislrlct contractors. "I al. er's nalllre. Alice's greal love ways hated to have four walls of the moment Is her hone, slabled nol far from home. around me," Mrs. cannon's outlook on 'I11ecall of physical freedom was 10 lead lhe young gym III\!,whlcll could be described teacher to Its farlhell heighls: as Spartan, Is reflecled In lIflelearned to ny. paying for her dress (simple and lendher lessons by working In Ing 10 the levere, seldom with jewelr)') and her premalurely airports. too The lessons paid off. Alter IIray hair ("11& mucllirou. a World War II stinl as a ble to d~ It.") lesl pilot in the WASP pro- . Her oullook on other things frequently enlivened gram, she taught flying al ha, Stephens College In C0lum- ochool boerd meelings Itner. bia, Mo. And she .mel her ally cIlaraelerlzed by tIleir hullband, Robert O. Cannon, lacIl of color. ONCE, during Ihe money now vicellresldent and genof eral manager of the Troplcana sque1!7.e 19l13.board memHotel, while he was slalioned bers were casllng cool eyes with her at Lulle Air Base In on "frill" courses no( neces. sarily essenlial 10 education. Phoenix. They came to Las Vegas in 1947 when Cannon Each member spotled a field was named an official nf El he or ""e could do wilhoul. In her husklesl, mosl mal. Rancho Veflas Last P'ronller. ~f.facl tones. Mrs. Cannon How did the school board I. zeroed In on band uniforms gel into the picture! "My friends persuaded me and olher adjunels of musical I should ron," Mrs. cannon activily. Mu,ic. she seemed to replied. To hear her lell It, Imply, i~ somelhing a child can forego - if he has 10. It's Just as simple IS thaI. Afler a Revlew.Journal reHER FRIENDll perlUaded porter wrole a backhanded her twice. with Ihe resu\l1hal she was re~Jected 10 a aec. Implication Ihat the lough. ond four-year lerm thl. month minded Rym.Ieacher might be by a stumlllg margin of vic. anli.musical or lone deaf, she jumped him during Coke break tory. Mrs. Ctmnon denln thai II al the nut boIIrd meetinI. was some kind of Inlellectual "I am not anll-mualdal!" fervor which led her to devole Ihe 1IIIftOIIldd.TbIs wu lilt herself to the demandlnll, un touch, cold l'ok*. "I pll)'ed paid lask nf keeping an eye trumpet in my bllh achoaI on tile school syslem. band!" "Don'1 gel me wron.," she THEN, 10 show thai. there lold her Intern",er. "We'~ were INI hard feelln.s, she no Intellecluals." Again the tooIl a swig of lhe reporter's ennlradlctlon: There Is no Coke. room In her home In which Helen Camon wlS never one books - and good ones - are 10 stand on ceremony. nol shelved or alacked.

LOLA RICCI, holds trophy presented to her March, 1966. She was dubbed "Woman Pilot of the Year" by the San Fernando, California Chapter of Ninety-Nines.

MARY LIND SELLERS, 44-10, & Capt. Coleman Sellers relaxing on the base at Hamilton, AFB, Calif.

Eight Cherokees with pilot and co-pilot flew in formation during the ceremonies of Airport Day at Santa Clara, California Pilots in back row, left to right, Stephanie Hancock, Verna West, Jeanne McElhatton, JACKIE HUGHES PETTY, 44-9, Phyllis Pierce, Sandy Forrest, Jackie Sachen and PATRICIA THOMAS GLADNEY, 44-8. Front row, left to right, MARGARET STANDISH, 44-8, Marion Barnick, Rose Dee, Mary Lail, Sherry McDonald, Natalie Bossio, Esther Hainey and Alice Taylor.

jottings from the editor's desk -The article on the aviation courses as a part of the ClITriculum of our public schools and:the professional pilot courses in universities is in no way written to have you believe that these are the ONI.Y schools with such a program. There are other school systems and other WASPsworking in them, al j Fifi Headquarters would ,appreciate additional information for our records. In order to keep office work to a nrlinimum at Fifi'Headquarters, the class secretaries are asked to address mailing stickers for their respective classes. This year, the mailing is done directly from Headquarters, so as to have a better reco of the time mailed and addresses used. Also, 18 people will be more likely to find lost Fifis than just Headquarters. Th~ editor is very grateful for the willingness of each individual class secretary in doing this chore. Money is always a touchy subject, but each year the expense of newsletter mailing seems to just be under the amount in the treasury ($170.00). The total number of Fifis is now 170: 1965, 107 and 1965, 62. More lost addresses are found and fresh contacts are established each year. We, at headquarters, hope to get a better response for membership cards, or the newsletter will have to be curtailed. Please be prompt in your good intensions and mail in your membership form. WASP Information Form is an attempt to preserve present hsitory and have a future reference for vital information. Each individual can vividly remember what airplane she flew in training and at her assignments, but years later, \\Tho .wiE know? For posterity, make it YOUR responsibility to give Headquarters a chance to have a complete picture of the WASP training program and duty assignments. Also, what percentage remained in military service, or the field of aviation.


For.c ~ja yne , ~~~~09

210.35 Disbursements: Printed Newsletter, Nov., 1965, 1080 125.00 File Cards, envelopes & off. supplies 7.06 Bulk mailing to secretaries 4.71 Postage, 8504t stamps 34.00 Printed Fifi Stationary 20.40 Postage on returned newsletter, 112 @l 8e1: 8.96 Returned newsletters remailed, 21 @l 6e1: r.26 P'ostage & Mailings rosters, Membership 6.71 Heavy duty manila envelopes, 50 @l 4t 2.00 Additional Postage ~ Cash on hand, October 31, 1966 SUPPLIESON HAND Rosters Fifi notepaper 5 26 boxes / 25 5,25 $ 387. 95



On june 28, 1946 CLARA jO MARSH, RUTH MARY PETRY and HALLY STIRES subscribed their names to the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Order of Fifinella. One particular paragraph may be of interest to several, "The purposes for which said corporation is formed are: (1) Promote, develop and further the status of women' in aviation. (2) Establish a scholarship as a Living Memorial to WASPs who gave their lives in the service of their country. (3) Provide a media for maintaining contact with whose formerly in the WASP program and individuals and . groups interested in the advancement of women's pla.:e in aviation. (4) Establish and foster a publication devoted principally to aeronautical employment and other pertinent information relative to women in aviation. Perhaps the Living Memorial Scholarship could be established even now in the form of scholarships to young women who have expressed a desire to enter one of the universities or colleges in order to study a subject relative to aviation,...,..Ig,e NinetyNines, have a scholarship to members of th (groliJ?':i;q"r further training and WASPs have been awarded's scholarsIlip'since it was established in 1941. Namely, PA ~G:IA WO~S GlADNEY. JEAN HIXSON, ANNE M. S g;tDS, JI;- S;;) McCORMICK and VIRGINIA SWEET. Z ~terliational has an Amelia Earhart Scholarship for' women stu~ents with a"\iegree who are going on to graduate school in the'loi 14 df' aeronautical engineering. Would you be willing to contribu~to a WASP Scholarship? (See the WASP Information Form)

$212.29 $175.66

Price - $1.00/ set

NEW WASP ROSTER IS BEING PRINTED The new 1967, Third Revision, of the WASP ROSTER is now being printed. It will be indexed to include: Alphabetical List, List by classes, Geographical List, Military List, Deceased, and Unknown Addresses. Price - $1. 50.

ESTHER POOLEBENNER- 43-3 - Now wor for Indiana Aeronautics Commission, Esthe passenger, Lieutenant-Governor Robert L. the terminal after one of trips that help pr and industry for the state.

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