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Hoping for an end to the season of Bullying

Good Morning! I hope that everyone has a great Friday, and gets a chance to attend at least one of the many Halloween events and haunted houses which are scheduled for this weekend. As I've been watching the leaves change color, and the weather turn colder, I've been a little sorry to see the end of summer-like weather. But, I've learned how to accept Michigan weather during the Fall and Winter seasons. I think that there is a danger of becoming too accepting of bullying. There are some mindsets which say that it has been with us forever, and so it is something that people will always need to deal with. It might be true that bullying will never completely go away--we will have a potential for conflict whenever people are involved--but we shouldn't accept this type of behavior when it occurs. And, technology has unfortunately helped bullying evolve into something much worse. Rumors that might have once been shared with only five or ten people can now be literally spread around the world if someone has access to the right channels. Live Now Leadership represents a season change for bullying. This is not only our chance to speak out against Bullying, but to put our heads together and do something about it. Because, this is a problem that needs to be resolve on two fronts: both the bullying victim, and the bullies themselves who usually suffer from poor self confidence and are sometimes victims themselves. In the future, I'm going to be sharing some suggestions on how you can participate in Live Now's mission. For now, I hoping to hear everybody's thoughts about bullying. Have you experienced bullying as a child? Have you experienced it as an adult? Has your son or daughter been bullied? If so, how was it handled or resolved? What do you think are some things that should be done to stop bullying? As time goes on, the weather turns colder, and snow starts to make its appearance, I will at least have the comfort of knowing that the seasons will continue to change, and that eventually we will see warm weather again. Bullying is a lot like this, because once you've endured it and hopefully found a resolution, life can go back to normal again. Unfortunately, for the victim of bullying it can sometimes seem like they are stuck in an everlasting Winter of teasing and torment. I hope that any teens who have followed this page and are experiencing bullying will remember that Live Now Leadership is your resource.

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