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Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI)

Call for Applications and Nominations: Director of KMDI & BUL Chair In HCI
The Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) invites applications or nominations for two positions: Director, Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) Bell University Labs (BUL) Chair in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) KMDI is an interdisciplinary institute housed in the Faculty of Information and embraces all four-university divisions. Founded in 1996, the Institute is dedicated to interdisciplinary research, human-centered design, critical scholarship, and graduate education at the intersection between knowledge, media and the practices of their design and use. The work of the Institute spans study of the ways in which knowledge media shape and are shaped by human activity, and the practical work of founding an interdisciplinary nexus for the human-centred (re-)design of such media. Our focus is to help inform the emerging design processes guiding development of knowledge media that enable people to build and share knowledge. KMDI is physically located in the main floor of Robarts on the downtown campus of the University of Toronto. KMDI has a Collaborative Graduate Program with twelve collaborating units from across campus. Collaborating units include: Architecture; Computer Science; Curriculum, Teaching & Learning; Institute of Medical Science; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Sociology; Theory and Policy Studies/History and Philosophy of Education; Visual Studies; Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies and Study of Religion. KMDI has also been successful in securing several million dollars worth of grants as well as partnering on grants administered elsewhere. KMDI seeks to be recognized as the focal point at U of T for innovative digital media ventures and is pursuing EDU-B status with its own appointed faculty and graduate program. We provide an extensive network of potential collaborators and an administrative infrastructure suited to interdisciplinary research endeavors. Additionally, KMDI seeks to help fashion curriculum across campus in the emerging knowledge media design area. KMDI is searching for candidates for two positions that combined in a single individual or in concert can provide intellectual and administrative leadership that will further these institutional ambitions. While the two positions of Director and BUL are distinct, with separate appointment recommendations, preference will be given to candidates applying to both positions or who potentially synergistically complement leading candidates for the other. Candidates for either position should be faculty members presently at the University of Toronto with a research record in a cognate area related to knowledge media design. Both appointments are for a five year term beginning January 1, 2013 (negotiable). The Director position comes with course release(s) and support for mobilizing the KMDI research network in applying for major interdisciplinary research projects as well as curriculum development. KMDI is looking for someone with international stature, strong KMDI Call for Applications 1

interpersonal, community building and administrative skills, and a lively interest in advancing the activities and reputation of KMDI. For further details see the Director position description on the KMDI website. The BUL Chair in HCI is primarily an honorary position, held since its inception by KMDI founder, Professor Ron Baecker from the Department of Computer Science. The Chair holder receives a stipend of $10,000 per annum and course teaching release. The Chair holder has a responsibility to respond to requests for information (eg., a report of activities) from the sponsor or the faculty, but this is not a significant reporting burden. The search committee welcomes submissions from all faculty, both senior and junior. However, university guidelines dictate the Chair holders will often be selected from among the senior members. It is therefore unlikely that a Chair position would be held by an untenured faculty member. On the other hand, senior faculty members who are planning to retire soon may want to keep in mind that the committees choice will be based in part on future research plans. It should be borne in mind that faculty members who are on leave, or on partial leave, have not traditionally been appointed to Chair positions. For further details on this Chair, including its research focus, see the BUL Chair in HCI description on the KMDI website. A letter of application identifying the position(s) sought and addressing as appropriate the qualities mentioned above, together with a CV and names of three references should be sent to Expressions of interest or nominations may also be sent to this address. Applications or nominations will be considered until the position is filled, although the Search Committee will begin reviewing applications no later than November 12, 2012. Given the tight timing, expressions of interest and nominations will be considered as soon as they are received, so should be sent as far in advance of this date as possible. Women and members of under-represented groups are encouraged to apply. The KMDI Search Committee will make recommendations to the Dean of the Faculty of Information, Seamus Ross, as to who the next KMDI Director and BUL Chair holder should be. The Dean makes the final determination, and can accept the recommendation, or return it to the committee for further work. The committee operates under the general principle that the search and selection process shall be transparent and merit-based. To assess merit, the committee will consider applicants research excellence and research contributions as well as their future research plans as appropriate to the particular position. Currently the members of KMDIs Search Committee are Antje Budde (CDTPS), Mark Chignell (MIE), Andrew Clement (FI - Chair), Howard Mount (IMS), Peter Pennefather (Pharm), Lisa Steele (Visual Studies), Barry Wellman (Sociology) and Anthony Wensley (ICCIT/UTM). Additional members will be announced before application reviewing begins. Should you have any questions or comments please contact Andrew Clement, Interim Director at, Subject: [KMDI Search]

KMDI Call for Applications

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