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Gmail - POLITICO: Mandel Switches Abortion Stance

David Nir <>

POLITICO: Mandel Switches Abortion Stance

David Catanese <> Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 9:50 PM


Josh Mandel shifts abortion stance By: David Catanese October 25, 2012 09:34 PM EDT
Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel has shifted his position on abortion in the final days of his acrimonious battle with Democrat Sherrod Brown. The Republican state treasurer now says he supports an exception to a ban on abortion, nine months after he filled out a survey indicating he did not. During his final debate with Brown in Cincinnati Thursday night, Mandel said he supports a womans right to choose an abortion if her life is endangered. But in a survey for the anti-abortion group Right to Life that he filled out in January, Mandel checked yes next to the box asking whether the candidate supports federal and state legislation to ban abortion-on-demand from fertilization to birth. A separate option, which Mandel did not mark, was Yes, with exceptions. Republican candidates positions on abortion have come under greater scrutiny since Missouri Rep. Todd Akins explosive comments on legitimate rape in August and Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdocks remark Tuesday night that pregnancy from rape is something God intended to happen. I do support an exception to protect the life of the mother, Mandel said toward the end of an hour long debate broadcast statewide on NBC affiliates. This is an issue that I know is a very divisive issue. I know its an issue where people are very passionate on both sides. While Mandel advocated for focusing policy on areas of common ground like adoption and taxpayer funding of abortion, he also dubbed Brown an extremist three different times for supporting late-term abortions. Sherrod Brown has an extremist position and actually supports abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy. Senator Brown, can you explain to the people at home tonight why

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Gmail - POLITICO: Mandel Switches Abortion Stance

you support abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy, Mandel asked. Brown replied, Ive never heard anybody say that before Josh, Im not aware of that. The first-term senator then characterized Mandel as the candidate with the most extreme position for opposing abortions in cases of rape or incest, a charge that is true. There are tens of thousands of women in this country that get pregnant from rapes every year. May not be something people look like us want to acknowledge, but it happens, Brown said. Thats why in the end, I will always trust Ohio women to make their health care decisions, plain and simple. Mandel first telegraphed movement on the abortion issue Wednesday while being questioned by POLITICO on Mourdocks statement. Asked if he believed in any exceptions to his anti-abortion position, Mandel said, I think its important to protect the life of the mother. He was one of the few GOP Senate candidates to not denounce Mourdock for his own controversial comments, first saying he was unaware of them and then on Thursday telling radio host Laura Ingraham that he accepted Mourdocks apology. He was not specifically asked about Mourdock during the debate. Brown and Mandel spent the bulk of the time sparring over the auto bailout, Medicare reform and taxes and spending. Mandel repeatedly attacked Brown as a creature of Washington as the Republican avoided specific answers to pointed questions. Mandel would not say how he wouldve voted on Rep. Paul Ryans budget and declined to say if there was any circumstance in which hed vote to raise taxes. Brown has consistently led Mandel in the polls, but the race has closed to single digits in the waning weeks of the campaign, which has attracted tens of millions of outside spending. The incumbent, though, expressed a flash of confidence at one point, prefacing his answer with, Not that your chances of going to the Senate are that high, Josh.


David Catanese POLITICO

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Gmail - POLITICO: Mandel Switches Abortion Stance

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