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INDIA and USA changing dimensions.

When the largest democracy of the world engages with the oldest democracy of the world it becomes the 'talk of the world'.This becomes more significant for the world community when the two are engaging as a friend.Supporting each other in times of crisis but putting firmly and clearly what they believe is right.This i s the sign of mature friendship. India US relation has withstand the winds of adverse situation.Today it is expan ding in different areas.From being a mere donar recipient relation it has elevat ed to the position of strategic relation.Among the various interfaces of Indo US engagement like the trade relation, the nuclear deal, internal security matters ,defence deal and others its the people to people contact at academic level whic h is the most interesting of all. The reason for this are many.First it provides amalgamation of ideas,ideologies, intelligence,and above all knowledge.This amalgamation is between that of a deve loped nation and developing nation, a rare feat to observe at international leve l.The synthesis of diversity between the two nation will definitely strengthen t he friendship bond.It of interest to see how this synthesis takes place. Secondly the people to people contact will help to know the culture of each othe r.The Indian lesson of spirituality in US are very popular like wise the pop mus ic, dominos and Mc Donald have influenced many in India.Both the nations depend upon the technological superiority of each other.While India provide IT skill to US at cheap rate US has the potential to help India in Technological field like nuclear,Climate Adaption,Weather forecasting and others. People to people conta ct will help to speed up the process of such integration. Thirdly the people to people contact will not be biased by any ideology. It will provide a organic flavour to the Indo-US relation.This will further help the na tions of the world to engage with each other forgetting the ideological differen ces.The dream of 'Global village' will definitely be realised. Lastly but not the least different u\interfaces of Indo-US relation invokes diff erent emotions : Trade Relation :- Entrepreneurial skill/Business Acumen Internal Security:- Concern for each other Security Health Sector: Care for each other Education Sector:- Compete with each other While the people to people contact invokes "Love" which the core stone of any relation.And its this aspect which makes Indo-US relation at the level of people to people contact most interesting. Thus Indo Us relation has been in a building process since late 1940's. It has e xperienced ups and downs.And today it is gearing up with both countries giving e qual priority to strengthen the relationship.

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