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University Number ofIslam 2 Cbiccxqo, tntintemple isudjucom

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Typzcul students University Islam of of



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The Detroit school, over years, the has had considerable


dit culties with local authorities. In 1984,the DetroitBoard oiEducation ' -,

E. F. :.

noted' certain Negro children oi iamilies were withdrawn being from

the public schools. Aninvestigation which instituted the was by Board
revealed that families involved were the members otthiscult andthat the children missing fromthe schoolsattending were the Universityoi

5 IR E.
&#39;3 it {<-

Islam, s school which had been estahlished by cult. An immediate the

examination od school was made, and it revealed that the "curriculum, the

e r r 4 1

thsteaching staff, the and equipment were entirely inadequate to aiiord

even most rudimentary education ior colored the children who were
but thesubject matter attending. Notonly wasthe school inadequate,

which was taught appeared be oi a to fantastic nature quite outside the

oi life."

Attempts which were made

to close the school by the

enforcement of school the" attendance laws resulted instrengthening the

5 4&#39; 92

resistance at the
$1 decision

cult, causing it and the school to operate

to retrain from rigid

in secrecy. A
eniorcement of economic

of the Board resolved

the attendance laws and to assist

"in adjusting

the underlying

and social problems oiother Negro iamilies oi the same class in order that
the movementmay not spread; andto were temporarily the irritating
h ml 1;.--1a.-.M:;.;wt-.a;=;i;; Lu,

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i ,:,.Dstroitschoolwasordered closedl1ythelocslDepartmentdBulldlngs -. -7 _ -.

Engineering. City oiiicials advised wasdedinite hazard, there a re

usllclnseeshadbeentanghtlnonedimlylightedroomwhichhadinadeqnate exits. The colt neverhadobtained permitto operate building s n the ss I
school. ". ~ e

K. ~ xi,-

_-The Detroit school, however, again is operating. is located It in

sdi erent building was which contracted the supposedly tor by cult onhnoney
Mvanced rzmmMuhammad. December, by m 1959,aninspection the oi school, stateandschool by board cials, determined theminimum. ot that state

requirements being were met. &#39;

Children of N01 members are emected to attend the cult schools instead ct the "devils" orwhite men : schools. A tuition plan is in e ect ,

st the Universityoi Islam Number2. For eachiamily sending childrento the


school, weekly is one the iee dollar the for first

second,third, andfourth child. All other
attend tree.

child 50cents iorthe and each

the samefamily

children irom

There is an additional lee for those children using the hm operated ,

bytheculttotransportstudentsbotheschool. &#39; Recent pamphl t Leena by

tm cult reveal that Elijah Muhammad


m the "threeR&#39;s. constantlythat " He tenchw


"the no-celledH%?O, vim



|. &#39; 92 . . .. _ - .... . _ .92. _


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&#39; 92

5 !

been the a victimcenturiesmis-education, a needs be re-educatedj to o_ _ W

his rightiul the suns such subjects1; &#39;. in as oi theplace also Black as the d Universities include Man." Thsrdore, history
&#39;2 K ct in &#39;. 7.

s. -&#39;-*4-&#39;19 J &#39;-.~ _. .-5&#39; &#39;-

the.B1sck Nation, the civilizationsman, oi knowledge oduniverse, the

and "all sciences."Some subjects, listedin s the as cult pamphlet tor
ths bene tcl "advanced students, " are startling to nonmembers.For

<92 Yw ~.

! gt
~4: ,. 2 .

example, "EndingSpook the Civilization, ""Tho Historical Display @ Spook Civilization 6000 Years, "Chronological History for " and from

13,000 B. to 10ea."~- Other c. examples the "scientific" ol subject

1 i 2 3 1 92 n ,. I L ~

matter taught canfound in cult be in Appendices. the the

" In s television interview duringyear, e the past mister oi
the New Yorktemple described children cultmembers were how oi taught hatred oi white the people. This minister said, "You can to go any small
&#39; nslim&#39;ask where hell and child him is or who the devil is and he wouldn&#39;t

r L I.

r 5 4 .
i r

i I I l

nu you hell down ground orthat devil um is in the the u something

invisible that can&#39;t tell you is right you see. He&#39;ll hell where he has been wtching it and he&#39;ll one who responsible himhaving tell you the is ior
received thishell is the del. " The devil is the whiteman tomembers dz thecult. -rm: is the type oi education which childrena the cult
& ~L&#39;JI3_QCl5d to N01 ochoole. in

r 5 %1

Ccmventioo brochure, The



"Islam onthe March, 16-page M!! pamphlet no publisher or date shown!


&#39; *._r &#39; &#39; &#39; > -.. ..

4 1
I .- _s .&#39;

. A Inadditlontothetwouniversitiesoltheenlt,

someotthelarger .53&#39;-3 -- &#39;

.=._.- t ,-_ I

temples also conduct adult education; programs. the During Spring 1059, el
the New York temple adult education program listed courses lollowingz in the penmanship, proper preparation, food spelling, learning and

reading, great Man&#39;swithout mathematics, Black history, physics and


G. Qnsinefss Enterprises


Muhammad preacheshis that followers must constantly strive

for theuni cation of so-called the Negroes, under leadership, achieve his to

complete economic independence 1-om man. Thus, has the white he encourage exclusively these places business. od enterprises utilise st of Host the the namethe temple in oi their titles,ior example, Temple Number 2 Restaurant,
Temple Number 2 Grocery and Market, and so iorth. . As ed Spring 1960, business the of the enterprises and property d

themoperate business to enterprises and alloi followers to has urged his trad<

the temple in Chicagoincluded the temple building school, and valued in exces: oi $250, 000; the home oi Elijah Muhammad; a bakery;n dress shop, a cleaner

and laundry", a grocery store; a restaurant; barber shop; a several apartment

building; and n 169-sore

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Atltheough other temples d


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mve businessesere which

operated forthe benefit the l*@L oi





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byFOX Cdpldlll Raymond 8hcnkH -

92 1 a Q

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l A D3108. _ D the convention atChicago &#39; q annual d tho cult in February,

- ; " -;s .&#39;~"&#39;<-

Jr 92. " - :&#39; . ..,-~ .


1960, specie! 0, closed meeting held leaders the _ wan for 11-om variom temples. leaders orderedstart -Tbelc were to their businesses own in

&#39; respective and advised &#39; their cities were tocontact businessmen intheir
own localities assistance. for Muhammad is currently placing economic the

independence 0!bis loilowera foremost inimportance, demands and he that ,

_, ,. -t;

all temples immediately concentrateon establishingbusinessesof their

own. 4

t 5


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Bee ent ~ m &#39;J, Conventions

lachyearontebruary 26, andnsnallyioradayortwob

after the 26th, the holds NO! its convention in Chicago. The term "convention? applied these meetings, when to is amisnomer. Although many

members temples throughout from the country attend these conventions, the not act as delegates iromtheir areas; they transact business have vr no and no ministers shout their praises for the "Messenger of Elijah Allah, " Oneanother, these ministers the after take rostrum to enlogine and j extol

Instead, convention is group the merely a oi sessions which various IQ at the

lluhammad. in addition, several during convention, times the Muhammad to deliver long and verbose messages, emphasizing mainly for whis hatred the
racesndhisclaimoithe superioritydthe"blackpeopls." Bealsonsesths

opportunity to hislstroog for repeat pleas more and greater contribution to _t

increasing number d projects constantly he proposes in efforts build his to h

The most recent convention was held

at theChicago Coliseum iron

February 36 Z8, to IMO. The newspapers which carry usually items thei on
ea Ran,i w -

et this convention was to be his

iinpressions oi recent his alleged trip Mecca. to However, lime was

si 0:

wbthssaw, otherthanhisclaimthatbesawssigno92itsldet which nonheiievers to the riskoi warned enter with their headlU11!




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he to impress followers his by describing warm the reception he _,

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__ _ . ,., .vy. 1-&#39; &#39;-92&#39;%_I~-

ua i- Livia lrom thoseauthorityevery he m at pm mam. Be


thethedidnothavetoannouncewho hewas, asthey hadalreadyheardoi hinsndknewailabonthim; thsthewasoiieredahome inlgypt; andttnt

he and followerswere welcome his there at anytime. ~ I

During these conventions, the misses opportunityextract N01 no to

a profitirom members attend who irom temples
v ,v f I

out oithe Chicago area. tee. They were &#39;

During the 1959 convention, visiting members required register were to

at theUniversity oi Islam andpay a $6.00 to registration


to contribute $5.00 daythe Housing Committee per to at the

University at Islam, which turn found in lodging for members. the They also were expected to attend a bazaar held in connection with the convention,

were expected their to eat meals

have their

at theN01 cafeteria, were expected to

cars serviced in the NO! prage and service station, and were

expected visit to and

0 l

make purchases N01 bakery grocery. at the and

B. Bazaars

. In connection with annual the conventionn, the Chicago temple

olthelialeohoi&abnzaar, thel960onebeingcai1edthe"Unity
" mi Qhtcngpo texnple required to purchase a to resell

certain number tickets to the bazaar, which oat they

i -19-

were expected

-- -

~_ , -11- -. >51-,__.-~,


:, -

-~ ~,

_ _

,-,-, HI. I

. ,_ _ .-

member 20, be paid members&#39 these by whether or not the 7=5 and bad totor the _.i&#39;i able to all. -_ resell them &#39;

00 each. F01required to_II01 -."; Bach member was buy " 92. 40

businesses, as oi Chicago well as other Negro-operated those Sal wereirom the craitwork, furniture, made exhibits oi clothing, and app
7. x {M 1 . -1* 2~~. ! R

The bazaardisplays oiChicago ca consisted oi various the

ioods, withbeing between thethe and the pro ts shared exhibitors ROI. a C Afterbazaar, it revealed exhibitors the was that nonmember that though they their theytheir even had rented Ior space exhibits, helper and

were required to the00 charge to the cul pay admission bazaar. T $1. enter refused toto any whichpeople were allot company inwhite space employ record shop was allowed oi Neg thatrented space sell had to only records ar

&#39;5 4

Throughoutother often bazaars in ow year, temples the hold their localities asd raising a means additional money tor the 101.
C. ffeasts" and Rallies_

2. 5. 5
F F a 1

Many oflargertemples the NOI hold annual or "feasts" rallies are attended surrounding temples by membersthe I1-om Elijah Muh sp

at many oi these "ieasts"; when unablehis pla however, appear,ti is he to is

publicized "feasts" oiuring the year piece

New York City.
-20 -

hie none more prominent d the or one the or! ministere. Twp mwt

E3. ,

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laySi,approximately 5,000 members gathered and visitors ,5; _


&#39;-spmmimmArenawumngwn, Among Feast" u in n. c. ". :6


those attenrhnce ministers captains in were and representing temples. 25N0! Automobiles than chartered were and more 30 buses used

members Boston, from Newark, York, New Norfolk, Carolinas, theand

other areas.
51. v<
e 1 9 92

Muhammad over hours usual spoke three tor in his

violent, manner. for antiwhite He called complete oi white segregation the

asdhlsck and races reiterated desire the his that Federal Government
furnish Nation Islamseveral the of states orderthatit in could setupits


own nation. completion service Upon oithe at Uline Arem, approximately

2,000 themoved of members toa rented mu, where they partook ois
cafeteria-type meal.
i .

0 was atSt. Nicholas held Arena New iii York G1 City p

L rally which


hi! I completely the tilled arena forced ofthe and many estimated 9, 000
to 10,000persons attendingths to a air stand onthe streets outside arena. the

Eliiah Muhammad he anxious declared was tospeak defense NO! out in ofthe
in order counteract charges earlier the to the made ln month ona New York
television show which charged withpreaching him hate. Muhammad claimed

he Emt was preaching was the hate telling truthhis but to followershe when
"R - .

Newspapers normally N0!news which carry erroneously. the claim attenchnce .

was 10,000 persons. _

-.~ ~ -1-9*. -- -*.&#39;-.&#39;-.= .~"&#39;< &#39;~ ~ I f -- &#39;- . ,

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_ O> ".&#39; 1.. ., 92

.4 <4-


-,, __ All

f;,_p by Muhammadraise funds, an-ac: . ..- to only nu but also public to to _" &#39; --~
the N01 to and enhance personal appeal uneducated masses his to the d
Negro people. ~

cl the conventions,rallies, "ea|ts&#39;f and y &#39; bazaars, ._._ , ,1-.&#39; _ utilised


During July, 19K!, lluhammad became very concerned much over

many recent accusations appearing press, Negro in the public both and
white, stating NO! a the was"BlackKu Klan. In attempt Klux his to
2 1.-92 t 3*-1

placate press and the obtain more "favorable publicity, " Muhammad
announced policy oi a new allowing white, persons be admittedpublic to to

&#39; N01

rallies. This new policy, however, still not did permit white persons

to enter regular, the routine temple meetings. _ The rst"open"held at the rally Chicago Coliseum I4, on July
as one member of press the reported, was attended only mere by "a handiul" of white persons. following The week at New York City,
* ,,. 1

|Muhammadspoke at another "open" was attended rally which by only


ten"white persons.

The apparent that tact Muhammad : early

not measurably improved his popularity

*:.*ith tats policy new have

with the press is shown one reporter&#39;s statement: by concluding Sensing

that the messenger or! who been Allsh, mid speaking for mar, an was just
.,_ ..,-.,-, 2%. ,-_ I"-4; ~>~*~-&#39;" ~&#39; *>>&#39;: 1 &#39;1. ._!~. &#39; "?*2 ? 924>r&#39;k> .~4i .;.=,...;l;;.;;J:2:;iI::.,;:,,; ,." "3;; _/F"; &#39; > &#39; &#39;~&#39; &#39; AA IV &#39; &#39; e I, i


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Puillcoi statements oi cials, NM as asinformation well set iorth

innumerom publications, umthe so: declare funds neededtheto by not
....,-_ vi . . "R .1 J

maintain"Messenger,"and the his family, the ministers rent and to and

operateproperties fromcontributions temple stem mainlythe oi the

members. contributionsbeen These have augmented byvarious activities
oi themembers raiseadditional to funds; namely, sale newspapers, the oi

3 i

theoi operation various business enterprises individual of the temples,

and numerous bazaars "tents" andheld byN01members.

Thecollectionmembers of donations numerous to the funds or treasuriesthevarious at temples appears beone themost to oi

important functimsthe oi many meetings allmembers which are

required to attend. Considerable each time at meetingtaken up isalso

by temple the officers eiiortsencourage intheirto and stimulate greater

X I 1

donations ix-om the members attendance. in

Islamic teachings has revealedhe that considers Muhammad lijah to be

g..*.&#39;r,,, ,. 1, .. t...v. _.i t IU . V .. /F- z .~ 91.7 W , K" . . ~. it 1., -8" , J382, ,L . ..

_ One irom the leaderamong iollowers American the oi orthodox _ 1


podzetbodas & the noneducated and ignorant people Regen for

gain Elijah oi Huhammadhis and henchmen." C


&#39; ..,


he, .1! F 3:-1 ~. 2!; Z _ .r.. 11.. P

,!_&#39;., 92
&#39; &#39; r92__---&#39;5" :

Recent incidents revealthinking on N01 the importance nancial




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0 -.



An1lG _l captainwas havinztroublewithamemher inquisitive aboutmoney wenteveryo where all of the when dona to all causes and often ind. HGT oi the they so inquired hluhammadstias should oi Elijah drives what The liuham to edshe do. capta advised her anyone who man ape to dismiss ask too ona. ITI Number were advised 2 members that member shou no have a account and bank owned should be the allinto moneythe membe giventhat excess spread by Islam temple order to word 0! the and-to helppurchase oi loansthey nnancia in that obtain buildings. new Also, advised the should to meet were.&# they their .
obligations to the temple.

While urging to all members to the annual contribute next conve the Supremethe F01present they Captain oitold those tint could sacrifice fortemplethe "white down the and let devil" it they were
devil" any ~ lie. -

paying for for a or furniture; thatitwas car all righttotel1

heavily to mvvori temple-it help the

An F01 captainhis members Muhammad d told that Elijah not w members whodonate, "bring in could not sh" prospective or sell papers.said a follower Hetrue oi Muhammad must do


A temple ministerasent all letter members to oi temple his in part: "Work cheerfully, do not atrald have and tear, no be to escritice. ilinence to other words,hrs iitnhes advance; in it takes to get ahead,iiand go make you want to progrese!, to dough. Don&#39;tAllah be nirnid is ever aware to give; oithose w spend cause in theoi truth. Give, W it hurts." Give, %
e.-i,. ,. V., - /.-V.V e,v - V, ~ W . , .1-__.W > 1&#39; .,,

One must wonder at abilitythe the oi iollowers "Meewer oi the

iunfi oftm tempiee.
Qu Z

.. ...., ,_5 , 1 _ , , ,-,. . ,


Live H.- -Q-/-_;.~u

. &#39; &#39; *&#39; &#39;7 J- ~_ e "&#39; I WII_IQfIUqnqq v 7&#39;&#39; .A- -I. . a -_. r. -

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is. &#39; I_ __ _ f__ }_

making iacilities conducting and nearly all iinancial transactions in cash,

lttle is known on these matters. However, the steady growth oi the cult reveals they have had
One oi the

certain success in obtaining the necessary funds.

most unusual methods oi collecting funds from cult

members was used in the New York temple


during the Summer oi 1959.

At an POI meeting, the members were weighed, and thoseconsidered

t 1

overweight were assessed one ior penny each pound were they overweight.
The names oi the hmds to which donations are made di er somewhat

among the various temples.

As a result,

there is

general contusion


the members as to the uses oi the

some oi these funds to which

numerous ixmds,

but the following are


members must


1. funds Which Are

Number 2 Poor

Sent to National
the Central

Point Fund--These are two donate ,

Treasury and

separate funds

to which members

oi the dliierent temples

varying amounts. The monies are completely under the control of

Ilijah Muhammad to dispose of as he sees t. p

8&V1OI"B our Fund--This anannual ma Day is through which 3 the


K r_~,&#39;V~~_;. _ &#39; em ks-,.; --is &#39;92.-3: Kwr A

rT ,

~&#39; , _ _::
~ vTJ:" L_

< -.~ _ kg ~ .. t ./ ~ < ;.1_t e.*.=1,*:,_.-i1&#39;~?92&#39;;" 11 s :sn92.~ . est 54 ~.. .1 ~<n&#39;v;~u i/1.

it _-" w

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&#39; &#39; ..p;.



. _

,_ I , ... , _.u H ,.H_92:!___H w MV -"""&#39;92&#39;92 Y" 92 &#39;.v.. -_


J n

durinl the each Annual yes:Iebrm-1 ! Convention on I, birthd y oi oi the D. Ind. 1% the iounder W. - _: N01, Laborers Travelmmnmed an ma--re um urm Q, rm, I-nu:

i . ;,,{.r.

- -_-_. ,3

s usually s tiij l solid temple: turnilh that leader, money so een nrioue templesorder in to Muhammad, ancourier can 1 act betw
&#39; l

1 I

l I

transmit end money these to . T messages Chicll 1-om temples


4 Iv I

purpoee these with to niioi to iuninh couriersthemh is money

independently--without employment. _ . ,_ _
.~ V, ? _;._.,_ _

Public Re

latione Fund--This inthat Iiihll fund collectorder is to money


his iollowerssome iuture etnrts might at date newt

5 i &#39; ~ r I .

oi their present, some hmd is own. At oi the in money emu this mzintnd-n newspapers as th with relationsto the ouc iriendiy N01,
weekly Neg

ro newspapers, the Loo Angelee Herald-D ml th

* 924~<>.. _&#39;. , _,,

5 |

r ! , .


Eosque Fund Fund-&#39;-eolleo or 2 Humber Lend wntainl the Hie the various are used on to T temples; which to make the payments
r~@m:@= k.@. QJ. .. ; y ;.. , 92 ;y

Nev Jersey Herald News.

needinbuildingthepropoeedl -mil

Elijah mmmmd mmily. nn his



-1" .#.# -4;2-t_ -* n _&#39; * V &#39; ~/"av. -. V, 92 _ av -Ir. I~ ~&#39; <2 . ~ e . .


he 11-. &#39;
&#39; pr . lwI &#39;~ -4-_. ,,--4-a92 > -*7- F4! -

" " 1: .- - ,. __ ~_._.v

Q "

&#39;. . I?" >3; &#39;1- 1. _--_ ~ ., .b~_.- L___:J__ ___..~=-y-.__,&#39;., _ _---;._ -. __ t_._,92..4._.92_92_A_:;;7_;_* .792&#39; ,-< _:;_~_:<. .&#39; I~-"---~-.r,&#39; _~= .>&#39;. ,f_. I!I&#39;<,>_ 92 _-_ &#39; ."-&#39; ,_ n -.=_&#39;:&#39;: -&#39;, - .-I--. :.>-

4 -7 .1,-} :?."" -~ F .;r*-


_, _c__ r**r~ I X

&#39; ,.

&#39; . ~ I ..

._, -~ _ _ ., !_,~~,--__ v-



I. Quads jhich areKept for Que at localTenl>le_s_ the

in numberand purpose.The following sets list forth
funds collected for local use:

_ _ ,

The funds collected by individual the temples varyconsiderably . some d the

General Treasury New Temple Fund F01


Farm hind Treasurer

Minister- s Trip Fund F01

V Insurance Fund HGT

Captain Fund
Captain Fund

E E i

Equipment Fund
Minister&#39;s Treasury

School Fund
Bus Maintenance

Temple Rent

Bummer Canning Fund

. Minister&#39;s


B. lfroposed Centerin Chicago During theFebruary, 1958, N01 Convention Chicago,El ah at Muhammad rst publicly announced plansfor thebuilding oian educational, his

industrial, and religious center.The center was to contain a mosque temple!,


a university, and other buildings oimodern most

architecture. Muhammad

said he would need

approximately three one-hall and million dollars.Be &#39;

included this proposed centera part oi his "Blueprint for the Black men as in



A1: the 1959 N01 Convention, Muhammad

. ,- _ ,.

again mode .2. strong

,1 Bgx.1 F. xx 7;. lg, ._ i.-Lia. f&#39;...llTl._,.,~ ..,,,. ,_,. , .,1. ,.7 _,,_ -. ;-.&#39;/ ._. ,, V m. ., &#39;1 . . ~~!,>,! P"-.,.,: Lt:>e u.l .3.5_.-I iiy -P *1 _ 1&1. /K .. ,. ; L~ .2, t. . ..-.:.z W : It 1:. uii ;..-.5,92 L . ..

bullt at 85th and South Park Avenue in Chicago.

- ~<~ ~1&#39;=:;~. &#39;

By this time, the


~-_~~;.%.&#39;. .-. . ~7 J _"J"_ ,5 e-E : 1 i - if r .

-37- C

_~ _ _ ~-_-_ Av. .-92 92 3 ~ &#39; -.~. 2* -<:r- &#39;3, . .,.-... -/; -;,_,5-_,;&#39;__|:;.e>t.>_. .

,___- _ --.... .-...-_,,.._a~.,-&#39; . E ......___, I I

Z 1

&#39; _

&#39;~ ,~<__......&#39;..._-,~...-..._ ___ ...T.,_._,,_, ,__ ___ .......,.c.... . , &#39; --~ . V .1..."-.&#39;. 92,_&#39;...1.....2..._un2.r._~.._a~<--.-a.~...x-a-..~.1 .. &#39; -t t ~ I ._~-.~ -~ . V > .

&#39;_&#39; - ,, __ """e~-..--.._. _

" ~41 -"-1-.* ....._ &#39; . < I&# _


he requested increased. the had considerably attending wer Persons

_ L. 4-1I 1" 1 k. 1 ! Z

1.. y-. . "!&#39;~ ->0

given containing pamphlets message a personal nhammld, irom prt

I I 1 i. i .i

~..1 now forward Communitypin . are looking mun toi cum. the mt In or! this ior usAmerica, is building monument all in oi $30,000,000 nO0D Th pamphlet mosque,institute, hospit describededucational and wh the library,

will included center, with be in the new alongrestaurants and shops. Just an written recently, article by Muhammad land stated that {O the the center been new has now purchased. that at none He stated the also
equipment, Livestoc and
in the Chicago area.


being collected center used tarm mode toward the will to be purchase land,
A 3 I > I 0


kto further the economic independence oicult membe

. . __

i t K
1 | 92

1 1

C. Proposed Building New Temple in Washingtoi-1_, V D. C. The Washington, oi N01 purchased D. temple has C., the land B: and

1 ..

built considerable anew Xn 1960, up a fund for building temple. April, nctm constructionbuilding,emected $100,0 began on this which isto cost about

t I

The ministero:i!lTINumber ihas saidthiswouldbetheiirs eve

i :

1 1 _ .0 v-_.. -_ . &#39;4 x
1 &#39; _ ,.


built N01 United All texnplee are by in the the Statee. other new old in
t~ h Li"inl :?53 e *I 1 . s LI . &#39; r . _ .e it " , .

be paid back; each was to must therefore, member expected $i.00 oontribtte p

an- Cannon uqlllllllb &#39; IIOSOU!

I 5
Z PO$P92ul S IO092 4 lllhlv

&#39;1-._ &#39;_1





. _

___,,_,,,.-,._, >. "&#39; ~| ... _ . _ ._ >. _ __ _ _AH_ H_ >


.. .


_ .1 -_

. &#39; _ .... "1 f.4 :

_ __ __ ,___,___,,____ _,__,,,.-_._H._A.___,,_..._,._..,;;;.a;=-<~>~:--~__,, -~ -. =- -._< _._- _ _i?&#39;;92,.;.~t,&#39;.. :. &#39; ~&#39;."r. . -7 17 _ _v_ ?7,n_;_.v I . -"_. Y -. _-__ I~&#39;-is &#39; ,, " .0 . .



v1,~a~ . r&#39; > .Z;_;1 _ .. , _.-7*?-. "Z



&#39;~, -

>-I T.
i r.__:7


:,__-_-h_;,~"|_-___-_&#39; I , _,_ M 1..-I2 |.&#39;|&# ;- ,i

Q <I

- -~

._ _ . ..

... _/._.., |_. &#39; &#39; -

......./ ..


__ ,_,_ ,....-_. ,_ ..~ ._.. .....,._,.,......~_.__.... ;. _,.;.-- q "4 .~_-

v. rusucrrr
L Pnbllcitl

also nscaunusmfor usmssns _


Elijah Muhammad not has overlooked the importance d publicity

in his promotion oithe N01. During the Summer l957, N01 iormed or! the a

lhhlic Relations Committee. The duties oithis committee have been to

Y 0

hndle presireleases, advertising, adviceministers local to cl temples,

4 3

.. .
.-. ..

the preparation distribution and oi educational material. Many individual T

temples also havetheir own ~ An Public Relations Committees. cl ~ article in a recent NOI pamphlet, published byminister the


the Newyork temple, cnntains articleentitled "The an Power of Press.. . the .


The Pen MightierThan the is Sword!" Excerpts _!rom this article reveal the importance being placed upon the Negro press the by N01: -


should be able to rely

Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword. The weapon you

upon most is the Negro Press.

. i !

1 l

strong, well-loaded, independent and ready. "

Therefore, youwould be wise to keep it in good condition:

I -true plight ofour oppressed peoplethe world." to

H $i" l&#39;92 :1 . 1 . &#39; &#39;. &#39;--i. ;. rs 92.>

". ..&#39;!&#39;he is our only medium voicingthe Negro Press of

5&3._:&#39;_ &#3 _..&#39;4 .1~. ~~.&#39;

92t 1 _&#39; ~ 5* ~~ 1 .>5 . _~>,.;92

.4 .:~

" vi &#39;>v? &#39;~" --I

-. ,~._

"&#39;i_-1 ~_ _. ~V , &#39;
._ _..~ ,.. _>

0 .39" --4 P:&#39;*;;-- .._ ..-"

- -~
c . _ I=&#39; V, ~ -,._,-

.Jv-. -.~ ".~; = --.-~= -&#39;s"~ - 2&#39; 92 ;1- ~_.

&#39; .&#39;,-&#39;-_92! -F, .

< -&#39; = i

~ -e

..::",1=-.-..; "-~:-_&#39;P? *5 9?".-#14. .1 ;. -. .-&#39;-_. --;.-&#39;..~.=3,. -L la.:-&#39;1: ~- -k; .;ear"$ -". : 1-" .7 :~.,.~f_-&#39; ---

.-. .2;. ;.,.~_,. "_._,~.;&#39;*..&#39;;*&# . . .




.------ ~~-

;:-_---- -_- -




the oneyou iindto bethe mostfearless, uncompromising, ud

outspoken in behalf oi our downtrodden peopled

"Examine each oi the diiierent Negro papers, then support

5 2

"The Pen ls llightier Tlnn the Bword. The best way for those who are interested in The Liessenger&#39;s teachings and his program, to keep up date, and get the beat understanding is by subscribing to
to the. ..papers."*

The pamphletfrom which the abovequotation wastaken describedlonr Negro newspaperswhich then

carried items on the

MJI and/or articles written by

Elijah Muhammad.

The most prominently mentioned newspaper wasPittsburgh the Courie 1-1-1in which the "Messenger&#39;s" column entitled "Mr. Muhammad Speaks, "appeared regularly from
oi the

June, 1956, until August,

1959. A brief

explanation of the technig

newspapers are oi raising

N01 concerning

the use oi this paper will oi recruiting

reveal how Negro

need, not only as a means

additional funds for the

members, but

also as a means


1 .l ttsburgh



This Negro newspaper, established in 1910, is published weekly in several editions for zarious cities and areas throughout

the whole country.

.1." .


we L

;f 92,.. _ ,1, ,2 ii ._, ... w.*XaTi Fr ,,.,2 -,,. .,_"er =_, ,t.1;,...:,,,._ . P,1. =1 rm". if@j.<_.; , 5, qr. !: 1_,.&#39;.i . hi: Q.ts; 1&1; ix . a _; . :i..:..a!L::. .-35;. r,.. . I 6.l.%;&#39;*:

* "2 -5 . r;__

The Messenger Magazine, Vol. 1, Ho. 1, 1959, page 2-0. _ I..

~ w


&#39; -

-&#39;: > _T-___~&#39;.& _

. &#39;l-D ~,;. __ _ -

&#39; .92 &#39; , &#39;


E. 1- ..

h Jme, use, whenCourier mm; nun the um started

er z3 .,. av ., .

E1 Q2;-:_- & "

-w .

Muhammad&#39;s management oipaper column, the the realised this column

~. 1.] 3 3

would controversial but be thought that create reader it might interest. &#39; In addition, Muhammad Elijah guaranteed the the newspaper owner of that he would require all members or! his organization salesmen of to become

the Courie which would increasecirculation by its several thousands at _.._.__1&#39;_

92.u I

copies each There increase in after week. was asizable circulation soon
being to buy forced a certain numbercopies each The at week. members
were then supposedget their to money back reselling papers. by the

the columnThis accomplished oi all members began. was a result N01 as it

;.~ l I 5

Subsequent changes in the financial arrangements Muhammad between and

s i
1 92 I

the management oi the paper were worked out,oi all whichincreased the
8 r

income the N01. early of By 1958, the was NO! reportedly subscribing to

100,000 copies and weekly receiving a commissionfrom of $500 $625 to per

month an additional cents copy sales a plus two per for overcertain number.
-This arrangement proved to beneficial both partiesthe N01 until

began use "pressure to tactics" in iurther attempts higher commissions. to get

The N01 attempted this suddenlycutting by their subscriptions from 100, 000

3. I -&#39;

to 12, copies $30 Weekly. Because this would proved to have ruinous

&#39; .-.


___ _



to higher commissions. As went the time on, diiiiculties continusdlter Qny I001 temples to ior tailed pay their papers the made and N01 demands lor more
and more space each issue, paper in the cancelled lluhammad&#39;s column in

August, 1959. Thereupon,members immediately selling NO! stopped the Courie


and were ordered to concentrateselling the Angeles erald-Disggh, on lios which the members many temples already selling with Couri of had been alongthe

3, I
1 92

2. hos _n_geles gegd-Disggh


< ~1

This Negro weekly newspaper established and has was in 1952 s

circulation approximately000 copies. publisher his of 30, The and wile, who acts as editor, are both N01 members. Bince October, 1958, a staii writer, six months during the latter part 1957 early oi and 1958, and regularly since

also an N01 member, written has a column support theN01. For in d approxim

January, 1959, issues this paper oi have carried Muhammad s Elijah column.
n. . v .,_

Every one Muhammad s oi columns closes "Hurry with: and join onto your own
kind. Thetime of this world atband. Write Muhammad ! is to: Temple
i I
i f

Number 2, 5335 South Greenwood Avenue, Chicago 15, Illinois." Elijahlduhamr and his followers have been more successful controlling this in paper than they
tn become

were the 93_r_i_e_i_ . Both the editor his have and wiie visited Muhammad in Chlca representatives in various sections country. _.g;;, oi the
- " ?iL .
~ 3-

>"&#39;1. -Q .--1".

5Bince&#39;the1960, 19, Hay issue of paper, the word "mosque" replaced has "temp
continue to use "temple. _ " &#39;
.92 .

in liuhammadcolumn. However, s other papers reprinting Muhammad&#39 column


__ .-. :5_r. . .

. 92," 1 -tn.-*~ <-.~.&#39;&#39;._ .,_. -. _ 92&#39; - _


~ ~ ~"~- 4*. 4 -92&#39;_p f 92 -. ..1.-.....=-:.._92.w-..-_-it-&#39;=....-.-._,,_~.._. ...< ... ~&#39;- ..__.-./ , .; .1 1.&#39;~--.92-~-*"~4.. .. .. ... ..4 ..






4 -


_ .


.__ ...

_ y

_ .

-..92-... ..&#39;.._ ,~. . &#39;*-.3 . .-.._.~.,. . _ ._ . .

-~-. i_&#39; _., <;!&#39;. 92.."3-92. _&#39;.r " " . &#39; -

-_ _ 92-_
. -um

._7 .______ _. ., ._,_.A._...,,.- .. ,__ .;._.

... <1-A

8. QtherNewspapers and Publications



hi addition the to above-mentioned newspapers, articles ,

;concerning N0! the and columns N0! by leaders have appeared on numerous occasions the New in York Amsterdam 8 " the New New Jersey Herald News,

&#39;s &#39;1: -.s a

the BtLouis * &#39;-Airo APE, and the -

&#39; Elijah American.Articles iavorabie to


L llulnmmad the also and M!! have apparedpublications, Ebony in the and

$7 ?
A 4 I 4


ItheHosiem World the andU.S.A. &#39; Theexpended e ort by N01 members in

pid to
V . i

g the selling mentioned aboveby publications can be the commission shown

the N01 Ebony by magazine. in Spring 1958, the oi N0! olficials and
the publishers Ebony of made arrangements N01members to annual ior sell V subscriptions themagazine. Part themoney irom to of each sale was
lorwarded to the publishers, and the remainder was retained by the N01.

F, s P .

Prom Hayto September, Ebony 1958,

1 ,

publishers paid commissions oi more


:-&#39;< Y i ;than$13,000

tor sale nearly the of 8,000 magazine subscriptions members by

i960, The New Cruszuier, 2: weekly Z"?iegro

l_ the d Chicago N01 temple.

92 x i X E s

h March,

published in Chicago, started regularlycarry to Muhammad&#39;s column, as

well as other articles about the N01. As with other papers, .

$2.? .15 lhlegofweekly are newspapers; the Afro-ftrnericzgi, sitetionsl issue,

New York Amsterdam News, New Jersey ?~ ;%iy_ej,

+ a fgegro semiweekly newspaper; isa Ebon -__-__-*~ Negro magazine monthly; and jioslem Woridand is not publication, but the U.8.A. now in this magazine was irregularly anas according editor, published attempt, to the to promote _,

understanding between and West. Islam the

, :.

,3 .-

&#39; .af_.92&#39;. i;:,.V4 ;: -l-._". | _

< _ .1 .92,.~ .. ,.,1. ._



as &#39;i-: - ~&#39; _ -~ - 1.

1 _~-2_~-. -_.;- 3;-F3}; -k , &#39; __ ,...

_&#39; . T ".5:

_ _


H! ~ ___

~ -



e -.


_ .

.__o_ -; ?:_0l_ Ia

~ ;f&#39;-

~_ I

C 7&#39;. .

thet lappearetobeusingthetechniqueolconetantly
-spacewhilepromising the NO! increase paper&#39;s that will the
B. NO1Publication| &#39;

Q. .1 ac .92 in >-


*2 F

The N01 has publiehed and sold many pamphlets and throwawaye.

1 *1 . .4 0 ~1

Beveral oi them havehad very wide

distribition and are constantly t ised an

i <r a t it -. k

meansfurthering N01 teachings activities. Examples include: oi and

The 8u reme Wisdom--a 56-page tabloid setting lorth &#39; -

thelteachings"message" of Elijah Muhammad, or

The Messenger Magazine--a 40-pagepamphlet with many .
Mosque &#39;

oi the son-in-law oi Muhammad, and plans for the Natioml

Bicturee of cuIt&#39;Businese*ee, convention, family 1958 the the


The Islamic News- ~an eight-page tabloid containingpictures and a transcript oi the speech oiElijah Muhammadat the .

_ Washington, D. C., "ieast".On May 1959 81,



i92-. I" 92 i

During May, 1960, two

additional publications were released which a

are receiving wide distribution. They are: _

16-page tabloid, se xloecribe Mm. Muhemmnzd 5 w size-- Z h..e:

1 4. 1 !

-green headlines, hie statement: "We Must Have Some 14nd!" The paper contains excerpts [mm Muhammad : speech at the 1960 nnnml
I a 3. 1 ms

published inNew Yorkand sellsfor 15 cents percopy. The trait pageolthetiretisstieieatureeapictureonllluhaxliznadsaid, Inhold

Mont:;&dicated to forBlackis " Justice the Man,

.-i;_1 , information

V, places

he visited in the wddle Esta.

&#39;1, ;j_*&#39;&#39; I0-million-dollar in - funds tor the proposed center Chicage;"? 5f

H in

Africa. One full pageis devoted anappeal fromMuhaminadbr to

New York City, and articles onNegro nationalistic

concerning the N01, policebrutality againnt

This issue also Ems

.__ _ __

e _

-_-.ra~e_:. _ _. .

It&#39;ll-&#39; r

v< 0

"&#39; pocket-else aa w 61?>h puhl on 13expected issued tohe semimonthly Chicago. magazine, h-om The seli-described as"The
llagasine Dares Tell theTruth, contains articles that to " two bylluhammad articles other members. and by lb! All
&#39; :1;

Iuhammad Speaks the,_Biack to Man--The tirst

issue isa 84-page ;;.&#39;

JD &#39;_Q: Q : &#39;0_.

-J. PiQ -~ .1.



e ?-*i
1 &#39;_e .4

articlesare in keeping theNO!tacticoi ridiculing with the white manandthose Negroes iavoring integration theraces, oi whileheaping praiseonMuhammad hisfollowers. and ljIOILeaders



z . I

Although Elijah Muhammad, several hissons, a few the of and of ,_4 "0

a .


leading travel ministers constantly speaking visiting-and the at various~- ;

temples throughout United the States, was it justrecently the that

_ i,

"Messenger" completed along-planned the trip to Middle and East an

alleged pilgrimage Mecca. Bis main to purpose
|~ va 1-

&#39; _ i

in makingtrip, the


i Q g.
K 2

.it is believed, so he was thatcould gain publicity thereby inhis and help
. effortsto achievean aura of respectability his teachings to for and "i


Z impress andgeneral his tollowers public. the &#39; _~ i &#39; Throughout all the 1959, year memberswere 01 nor solicited the U
~ .

_&#39;_ __~&#39;.__.J.

for donations theproposed oi the "Messenger." July, hialoolm for trip In E,


the minister New temple, 0!the York travelled Middle "to to the East act
as goodwill a ambassador Muhammad"arrangemeetings Ql iorElijah and to for
v H

between Muhammad GamalAbdelNasser, Presidentoi and


&#39;1. :"_92w92 ___ =51

-I . -__ ~.; .4 v
. ; v. ,_


.:&#39;i-< x, -_ 1. ,@:.&#39;.~~.:~., 11&#39; &#39;r _. ~ -V. v1. ~:-~- . 92 . H H r ,_,.,.,_.-_&#39;:._~ L-5 1_ .,f&#39;. p. l ._ ,~. 1.

-&#39;* 92 -* -..r~_.! -_4..~-_.._.4. 45, ii ,_,_92*;-|1&#39;v1A,;u@ul.<$>nIAa.l -an-_gw&#39;_r-a~~.awv ; nl4I92*- H. -|_ -. _ _ ~92JY!&#39;a__92G __ ,_-Q- l &#39;~_ 1 &#39; ~ &#39; &#39;.


. .___...<._.,. . . . _ ,..e.,.-,. _,,..t___, -1; -&#39;.<-,, ....a-..,.-..,..~ .._- _ . __m.___,. A , -_ ..c_._ .


&#39; _&#39;


United Republic, andleaders. um llalcoln Arab other n appears x nun, on rm, mm he ma visited and mi his he um not Mecca, as

~| .


I -

. l

Ilijahliuhammad oontinnledtomakeplans Herbert and would Akbar accompanyhis trip. Inpreparation for on him taking

numerous photographs and of his father various Arabian leaders, Muhamm son Herbertpurchased $1, 500 equipment, including nearly worth of
50 rolls oi black andwhite lm ior a reflex camera. __

camera, 100 movie tilrn, 85-millimeter colo magazines oi 300 rolls oi film, and
Muhammad and sons began airplane New his two their tripat York City on November and 21, the laidplans a N01 for triumphal meetingearly in

February, 1960, Angeles upon at Los completion oiround-the-world the trip.

During trip, Muhammad the continued his the Herald-Disgch column in with
articles date irom variotu -lined the cities that visited. described he He places he had visited and continually stressed the wonderful receptionreceived at he

each stop. in Late December, according to his column, and his he eons mum
both Mecca and Medina.

Although Muhammad was supposed around the to travel world arrive and in Les Angelee early February, 1960,and two in he hie none eo enly arrived
back in New York on City January 6, 1960. explanation,yet, has No as

madethis change &#39; for ci plans. ea -&#39;.

> Q F


.- -

_ __ .=;1_;~;;:.-ze 3 ,_?._;,

__ -

; .p
92 &#39;. 92 1 92 l I I

&#39;-&#39; -.4"-,__ ~ I ;. 1 - .1 _ &#39;1&#39; I_ .A1 .4J52,7; : ~92- " &#39;;&#39;_- ~- >:5 I,"" 4!&#39;&#39; _ --&#39;2-v ._vs &#39;.

w O

L .5 . .-:.~..

D. 3ecrui_ng Ilethods

Q. -

&#39; publicity Ihile the resultingnewspapers, mngazinsl, trom .



pamphlets, and well conventions, basalts, throwaways, as as "leash,"

and the oi leaders, aided ROI becoming better travel cult has the in known ironghout Elijah Muhammad leaders the country, and his cult . have resorted techniques designed iollowers to numerous to new add to
this growing cult. &#39;

:1; V. &#39;. . 9. &#39;< .1--_O I. -1 I &#39;



*-1&#39; .-"1, 1
._ 92<
_i_.2 Q _..-

l Probably the important was inaugurated most of these by _ Iuhammad the Summer Ata during oi 1958. meetingcult of leaders in &#39;Iuhammad&#39;she decided to he annolmced thathome, "de-emphasise had

t ., =~: J. sum J! Aw , 1 I of . 4

the religious his teachings the economicts aspects oi and to stress bene to be derivedNegroeswho joinedN01. those by the Muhammad stated that, changing this Ielthe in emphasis, the Negro would a show Keener interest in the program improve his which would everyday life, rather thana program in which would religious views change his so completely. This policy shown change is articlesMuhammad which in by
set forth so-called his "EconomicPrint for Black " Blue the Man.

Muhammad statedNegroes must stop the so-called in America looting towardwhite justice jobs and theman for and should the {allowing take
v/:92;<jI _ . 4.|&#39; .1


_ 92.. . ,&#39;. 2 71&#39; -.. &#39; 8, &#39;_. =- _

, _"_ H

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-92-> __ ,u*~q;---3--. , ?,. ,~._L. . &#39;1&#39; ,"

.. . ~ -&#39;~ ! &#39; 3"

.4 -

--11.- _;-1&#39;.-_- "q mi | ~, ,. ." &#39;<-->;~:.. _-.- ,,,.-on _, - L;.-41. .-4-~~ .-_ .: .~. - -.- -~---:* ~&#39;f -"l_&#39;,i$_ ._+~. .&#39; ._-:"i;&#39;.~;~ ..

, ,,,.

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"1. Recognize the necessity for unity

_ activities!.

and group


&#39;92. Pool yourresources; physically

as well as

~&#39; &#39;

I i I
! 92 k . s s i

"8. Btop wanton criticismof everything is black-owned that

and black operated. "4. Keep in mind--Jealousy Destroys from Within.


Observethe operations the WhiteHan. He oi is

He makes no excuses for his iailures.
s collective manner. You do the same.


He works hard--is


Spend your

money with your

own kind. "*

At varioustimes, the N01 hasemphasised concerted

e orts towardth

recruitment themoreintelligent educated oi and Negro and,

emphasis is placed on

at other times,
the past,


the illiterate and dissatisfied Negro. While in

teaching N01 ministerswas designed inflameandagitatethe followers, oi to


throughthe years
F 0

the teaching has been softened so

that, at least bring the

a _.

i x I

meetings opento visitors, t is notas inflammatory.

g &#39;

s E
0 s

Members of all temples regularly engagein "i ishing&#39;* "dead" for the a
a method of gaining recruits. "Fishing" consists of going out into the streets pr

tomeetingsinanattempttobringthe "dead,"nonmembers, intothetempls. It

example, all F01 members oi the Washington temple are required to "fish" on

Sundaysfrom ten in the morning until


two o&#39;clock, the meetiw begin. when

. ... " s&#39;-7:


_&#39;_Los Herald-Disgtch,Chicago Angeles edition,January 1960 0,

v .

_ Q I _ -I _ -- -_- _._-,< -

1&#39; _- <5-.;&#39;._-~"-~_>#.&#39;$ ._&#3 ....&#39;

.,.. &#39;.&#39;.. . &#39; . a I -._w




3 2
.-I .

I. _l_lembership Procedures
&#39;1&#39;hose persons desiring membership in lollow certain procedures before they are considered

O r;

the N01 are required to full-iledgeckmembcs.


_While there some exceptions, the following steps are iose generally are
required oi new members.

A prospective member is first given the following letter which


he is to copy in his own handwriting. In the event an error

handwritten letter,
applicant rewrite

appears in the

it will be returned from Chicago with a request that the

the application. .V

- "Address

City and State

i 1

Date "Mr. W. F. Muhammad

1 1


4847 So.

Woodlawn Ave.

Chicago 15, "Dear Savior

Illinois Allah, Our Deliverer:


lhave been attending the teachings oi Islam by

one of your Ministers, two or three times. Ibelieve in I1, and lbear witness that there is no God But

Thee, and that Muhammad is Thy Servant and Apostle. Idesire to reclaim my Own. Please give me my
Original name. My slave name is as follows:

City and &ate" .~*92 -:*:4"&#39;%~+&#39;-



. .;

.~. _~r~:d!*:*_ E __s. .i .771, &#39; 1,. . ___ :&#39; ""&#39; y-&#39;.~~2 &#39; -- 1;

: -.


Q__ q- ... If-Z1 _-~_ . .~ I. . P;.. :. .

-e ._

- _ _.a~ 1 >-


92_ _ L:.._

1t -.{-


. -... -5 ~-&#39; . -I_&#39; ..~l~&#39;2

.1 ,.


;. 92L

Upon acceptance application, of the a letter is directed to Q0ll tcant

i r
92 i 1 i

enclosing question answered. these forms to be Accompanying forms rsqne

thatif applicant the is married, the spouse should sip his hernanas l! or and Idea 18 years age, parents sign. oi the should The
"Question form number. 1

question forms asfollows are


K F 4. "I c. 5.y 5 i.
8 ! 1 t 9 > i


accept Please Islam

"All questions be must answered correctly all who - 100% till your-seli, use out ink!
._ .

. Are youliving together

Are you married? .

Have youa marriage license? .. Are you divorced? . .- .

.. Have you divorce papers? . . .

at thepresenttime? .. .
. &#39;

. Do you have children? .

. Please state names and

. Sign the

enclosed iorzn - Declarationoi Hisor HerOwn. &#39;

ages ofyour childrenunder Remarks


i z

"Application ior Declaration or Her the oi His Own

?. 0- .


.4~ . A.->~

s~- 4, +~~w~aM.92

__., ,4M .

_,, _

I.4 ...92-_-xi; "~~ ,: -I__ ; evil_J

_ ,_-on-~..-,_;.__7_,._ .. n,..-.o..,_w.,-,e-..-_..l,-.n _ -- l r -er--nvvq-r ~.-.-- -,-.-_-ii

nu-m.... moses &#39; melee



M4 _,


ohm: ma ________.._--- -1-II

-list questions, enrollment." oi ten called the "student The enrollme "student i

Included forms with the above are several and lists d"tacts" a




questions must correctly and to answered Chicago mailed beiore the

applicant his receives "X" otiicial name. . The minister New templeexplained the oi the York has the use cl
"X" nameas lollowe: &#39;


"During slavery,slaves the were as John, known Sam, Luke, George, Allwere as etc. known Jones slaves, Smith&#39;swhatever name have slaves, the or last might

been. the Bince original had been names long dropped along our and with culture religion,took masters &#39;we&#39; our name we treed. you alter were When become member, a your name slave isdropped are an and given you &#39;X"lmtil _ your name real is given t back." V. Within temple, each tor example, man John the first namedreceivn

hisXname X, next wo=uldbeJohn the wouldbeJohn $evera1 H,andeoiorth. ,


&#39; tomembers thesame an G numbers with giv mm_

temples membership in_ " having havehigh assignig a large gone I&#39;ll as as
&#39;_; ."&#39; "/,3." "4 . k-r 5,. Q4- .

&#39; <".1*I_&#39; . -;
&#39;_ J1.

. A1 ;

,_;&#39;* _


~ ~r. .

&#39; 92 .. >

,__ .__....__.o_. ...-c .._ ___

. -

< -



&#39; Q &#39; I " :51.-.__, .92

.. T

92 _ 5 .&#39;-_.&#39;&#39;f~ ; . - .


3? oz

Alter complcting the mro1lmcntiT&#39;q 1rm t" u "cc"I, lppliblni isusually introduced N01 at regular meeting stud nova: 1 IN! to IN"
"hgppy" be anNOImember. to

mu h "31quggtionl a npooch the N &#39;1& md abort before &#39; Q make F009

,. .___ _r,,_i.*. 1 ;i 1 .


, _ .___,J_. ,_-,1 " _

-.__,, . V &#39;-- . l I. &#39;1<__*"<;.%&#39;:<&:*:e-&# &#39; &#39;-tw&#39;.J_


- - ~ M4 ~~->.-_.-.. .....=...,..,.__,_._,.



*- _1_.*!-BE
~ .

."<. Iv4 &#39;_-, -39 .1




All lI0ltemples conchcttvo types oi meetings, Qslb-~ 1 ~ those

the general those conductedonly. nae public and tor members number and trequency of these vary considerably. ot attendance meetings The regularity by members also among temples. In temples, the varies the individual some

members are attendmeetings. At temples, required to all these a member whounable to is attend must temple before of the &#39; call the the beginning meeting to acceptable excuse. lurnish an Nonacceptahle excuses result in temporary suspension. require attendance two Other temples at one or only
meetings a week.

Severalthe larger ot temples conduct meetings everyof nipt

_ l&#39;hese temples meetings,for t H usually conduct open or two twothree or more

the general membership,and separateF01 HGT. ~ sessions forand . &#39; the
Emaller temples have meetin , ell often fewer but have some and epen some closed meetings.air ct An secrecy pervades and strict all meetings, rules forbid discussion activities outside the oi temple the temple.
._ 3_P,,~ 3. c " &#39;
7* .. ~

the week, both with afternoonevening sessions the and ciiring weekends.

~ ,. ~0%-"l;&#39;92 .,. . ___~__;,~ =1 Q &#39; &#39;

1 I~.. i#35: _-.... 1*"&#39; "&#39;~s

&#39; 7 &#39;1&#39; -7 .~

, <

. ,-&#39; ~-*r, &#39;;-

ti Lid.... &#3 .__.. V "_; 7; .

.92F~ Y

--&#39;; -5e. ," ,&#39;_, _.., ., -l , &#39; ~ ~--&#39;-,~&#39;~-:-..=.. ."" _.I~._ ~_";__-;_,A. _.~.. *= *~ .7_~.... ;&#39;.f &#39;1~,-.-<1". e 2"{-a!$.Z?>.@2-&#39;;.-.,1;:>s:.. -.<~E_>.e=;<-.?.,~, ,~ &#39;1w~ ~;":z :&#39;-;&#39;4;.*".~:;1.=.=

_- 1 -.&#39;v.. _ ,, v _"&#39;. .; v- f. - ~".A , H, -. , -v-A1.-.f-_ 3 e-:" .""&#39;&#39;_ &#39;"&#39; - _., &#39; &#39; . &#39; ~~ &#39;-"1@*~;"&#39;;;T 1 :>~4- ti-~.~&#39;2&#39;:~ =*.. -

-&#39; ;&#39; -if-__,.&#39;3"&#39;5l"&#39;92_f~"&#3 -*~< ._1.1,, &#39;1 "-,.,-- .i..-&#39; :__... &#39; Y&#39;-&#39; ~v,.*... *&#39;.-.._..,;_____ < &#39; - -S.-_ P-. -&#39;.i%&#39;_:..&#39 7&#39; ~,._ &#39; 1-:"?&,&#39;? ..=~* ,~__,__. .-_ _ . .~ ~_: &#39; -.: --_;-_, -" &#39;_, . ~:=~9292J .-~ .. . .|_--

e _~ ~:4~Ju-&#39;-4&#39;.r ;_,,.- e_. , if


~,_.~,....,-_ ,

.... ..-....~...-as--.;_. ~._.i....c..;~A .--..._. .1-.~..a -. .

_ l_

._... _ n

.. ...._ ___.._. .__. ..~ ., ._ .

~._-. ._. ~.-.n~-~.~.~. -,-. 0r , . --~

i I lI 1,

5 .

l g -.-,

Both members and nonmembers attending NO!meetings are

thoroughly searched before entering templehall. A11 the males

are searched

92f. Q . /

Ior liquor,guns, knives, tiles, or any sharp instrument. Not caily are those
items not allowed in the temple, but also cigarettes, gum, papers, packages,
or such items are taken from the man. He is then furnished a claim ticket

with which to reclaim his property on leaving the temple. Females are taken
i l 3 v

to another part at the building, searched for weapons oiany kind, and svsn
-_ relieved at possessions such as lipstick and cosmetics. They, too, receive


ticket to reclaim their property

upon leaving temple. the

? 1 .,

After being thoroughly searched, the individuals are admitted to the temple meeting room ,where section, women in another.

the members are seated separately, men in me _ open meetings, where visitors are in attendance, At

%. It i 1

. I

the visitors are alsoseatedin separate section.During meetings, a guards are around theand hall in the aisles. They are changed regular at

. X I


Z intervals. The guards revealed duties are in "general orders guards" for
.. which

were issued

by the Chicago temple: and all temple property invisw.



- "1.

To take charge oi this post,

,2. To walk my post in a

&#39; alert.

perfect manner, keeping always on the


To report all violations 0! orders I

4. To report all cells ir-om post, more

instmciezl. ts:s:ro1"ce. .
rms; ieznpie

i; than
1 5.

To quit my post, only whenproperly relieved.

To receive, obey and pass on the sentinel, who relieves me, to all orders iirom the commanding officer, officers oi

my own.


_! 1

v~-, .. ~ ,.


qwvv .~ v &#39;--,~<~ 51~._92;-_""-I. .n_ -&#39;>-- .. pa ...*._1v -$.11 . -

"._.i A-.*
3 -.
:3 -:1 f-1.2. ._ - .. "."&#39; 3}-l7&#39;_.&#39;= .2-4 -.."&#39; .-.&#39;._-> :1-_ ~ __. . .-.221" __-30." .&#39;_:._ .,". .

A 4 1 v

_.3: 92 V &#39; . -" I

/Pc JV * Q i <.~rQ1



&#39; .&#39;; 92 ._

~ &#39;


~_- y


!%92:~:a-. &#39;1.
in February1957 4
-.: 4-7 r

_ ~~:;>. .. ., . Typical uqnqqmd atNOI uatinq meetings. occasionthe This was Chicago convention. .&#39;-c&#39;~.1 ?;;.; ,;_}z

1" _ ._,. " &#39;-&#39;.!. gift . _ ./,.".".&#39;

,, -. . 4 _>..-__-1-2 _. I

> ._


2_ Note: VFOIquc1rdsuni! atcniomd Ln

_ . - . <. _ " " r-~ ~-- &#39; &#39; -. &#39;-. - ._. _ . ._ -&#39;41 _ . .. ~ < _ -


<-if . -1,3.9&#39;~_~ $1 . 92".~

&#39;" -*j;:3,_-__192. .I-- _92_&#39;|,.. , .&#39;;-~E,"l: .&#39; .:~, .. -~ vf L -c ."x= ".=,v,:=rqr &#39;,92 &#39; -I * .~ J1. n ;,_5~;:-&#39;=>*.,_~,~;..~~~;~-,.

&#39;~&#39; , . ._ I_,.. _ .., ! -_i&#39;-.;" -v&# ~ &#39;,&#39;92,- % _,.., . ""&#39;1"X"v&#39;: _ . .~ .-._--__._-.-__g&#39;92_ _

.. ~. . 9292.. _. ..~..~.,.-&#39;..~..u ..~a.v;.i.a--4.-=...._. _-_..,l.;1.;.a.L.~..._..waaa.-.1......,..._-...i .. .....<..-_-..-...._..,. .. .1. l.,1.1v1a4 .-.._..,.._:...,_--,..,-. !>!92~ _ . 7~>&#39; -*1! -"-; !~ 9&#39;>~ ._,._~.. ... I. &#39; I&#39; 92 " &#39;""_. " ._"._$&#39;92&#39;_ _7v_&#39; &#39;2 J _ _ _ .. .. .- -. . _ > _. .

3 l
In case
To allow

I~ 8

a _ A, 92 Q Q P

oi disorder to give the alarm.

no one to commit all otiicers a nuisance on or near

- In

any cases not covered by instructions,

To salute and standards

call the

A To be otalktonoone,onlyinthelinedduty. &#39;l especially watchful at nights during the time oi

I s

not cased.

_ 4
s I Q

During meeting-s, guards are stationed not only within the temples
but also on patrol on the streets around B. Protection oi Elijah Muhammad the temple. &#39;

% z
> > l u s. I 0 :1. S 5 I k F 92 . t 0 1 l ! I l

I. I Z

Elaborate security protection is afforded Elijah Muhammad at all

times. Much oi this protection is undoubtedly ceremonial or ritualistic "


evidence oi the respect Muhammad&#39;s during 1958,

This caused

followers hold for him.

Nevertheless, .

a threat was reportedly made against the liie of Elijah Muhammad.

much concern among cult members even during the oi the K. K. though the threat never head 0! the

materialized. Also, Christian Knights

Bummer of 1059, J. B. Btoner, K. ,wrote a letter


i J

4 v was full

to Muhammad which another letter to the the


0! invective.

At the same time, Commissioner which

Btoner wrote

Few York City Police

offered the services oi the commissioner

l ! Klansmen to rid the city oi "Muslims" ii


would furnish

them with guns and ammunition. Muhammad

was very much concerned about

the K. K. K. threat and causedboth of

1 S. I

Stoner&#39;s letters to be reprinted



newspapers which carry concerning 4 normally items the N01

Very recently, a source advised that tor several weeks the tor the protection at speakers andtemple officers.
1 -48-

&#39; L _
1 -=~.

guards onduty
~ ;-

_ *

during meetings in one temple have been carrying revolvers under their belts

____ ___,&#39;_,___F__ ___,.,.._.._

_ . -.-_:._e .. _.~.. V

_ ___ . _r _ 1,. . _. . ..&#39;;a.....,O-- w _,92,~ ~ . J_a1.__. . _- -A x .92q _

._ ._.. _-,. .........~ - -~- ~&#39; """" " """ "7"" """"i ~- . -- .___. _

2 8

0 .~

Muhammad has, time, mm-uy-euuemusi for a been lmg 1952, whenviewing iirst thehe was then house purchasing tor his &#
lluhammadwas airaidtoenteraroommtilitwasiullyli stedndque. entering, immediately checked the window locks. After moving the into house, Muhammad his had followers cut away all shrubbery around the from
the house cut away treebranches a height six toeight tedso and the to oi

.- .; _ . 3M ---1"-a /~." _~s -_ _ e , .-_, ;-_ T &#39; &#39;

2 9 I I

that no could one approach the house without

being seen. L

When Elijah Muhammad travels irom away Chicagoythe &#39; PM

adequate security protection. The precautions taken and during prior to
the Uline Arena "feast" at Washington, C .,in D. Hay, 1959, provide i_ a

memberswhichever city hevisits areresponsible for at furnishing him&#39;.;T

good example of this security. &#39;_

;-. ,_ .

.- 1 92~-

Priorto Muhammad&#39;sat arena, members ly arrival the POI thoro at strategic places inside outside building. and the Another grow Q PU iI members, about dozen_automobiles, tothe in a drove airport to meet

searched the entire building hidden for devices or bombs and stationed guards

I 1 1

Muhammad. They searched airport iirst the area looking suspicious tor person

andthearrival of Muhammad&#39;s onto the and on plane, marched eld

;:~"=" -s "

between two columns of guards becka to waiting

entourage escorted Muhammad Washington minister&#39;s to the home,

_&#39; . .- a .. _ . _-

"-j*&#39;;i" i5:"

had been guarded several POI by members since morning.N w . &#39; early ,.;-&#39;~.*if ,--__ ".&#39; _~ -. ._

1 &#39;~ :: <_v


_ 1,

.- , _, ___

_ ._

-I-new . _ &#39;.,

vs *1

-_ - _, ._. -

... .,

&#39; &#39;

"k .

.&#39; . _, rib ,1.

0,_~_ , 5-92<.,;r.. 1% -9 .&#39;= -.&#39;2_~r<-~&#39;.:. .~-_ .~ -;. ~.;-;92-~&#39;, *...-~,_. &#39

&#39;;:.:.=":&#39;,;-".<=..._ ~ s,92>.-_~-*~..~~_ . . T. -

w _., . &#39;-a .>~ &#39; ~. . -ea. _ -_ ~_..t" . . 1 -</i _, 92 *-. 1. .-. . 3" -. .;&#39;-*~"&#39 -_ ~.&#39; . .. --_ y .-..--.- - . .__ _. 4-- .,~&#39;a"_A. _,->*!.;~._.-.;&#39;-.-_,;._ 1E * ;-~:_,; ~,_ -I-.._-.-c. -&#39;.;<. .

,~" _--*:f<~"!-1i-."*&#39;>-___i,_ .?&#39;_i r925:_*_. j&#39;1&#39;

t. .


5 8



&#39; &#39;,;_""" _" _"" ""!""*&#39; ..



_. _

&#39; _


La _.&#39;- _ _. -_

I &#39; -t--:&#39;:e*..-.~. ;_ _.+4;-,"~&#39; II! -.s 1~ w-*5-_;_t:_&#39;. =.- -A&# &#39; "&#39; "1r".=..

3 ; ,.-,_q o;.,_ . ,_

_, .__. <::--;&#39;a-92-.1 .._._, t _ .. i . ,-

s ior themto escort to thearena. Uponarriving at arena, Iluhammsd him the i walkediromthecar, intothearena, andalltheililllitotherostrnm

3 carloads guards oi remained stationed the outside house until necessar y&#39; it was

between two lines oi

approximately 750 membersstanding shoulder I01 to

shoulder. The same precautionswere taken when Muhammad the arena. left

During hisstay in Washington, special food was

preparedby NO! members

ho avoid any possibility oi Iluhammad&#39;s being poisoned.

C. Discipline and Trials oi Members
t Individuals associated with Elijah Muhammad for a considerable

period have advised that although Muhammad appears bea to mild-mannered person, it is obviousthat heis capableof dominating and impressing his
&#39; " iollowers. This
members. s

ability is shownby the

strict discipline maintained overcult



As mentioned this study, military-type earlier in the organizational &

setup extends throughoutphasesnot activities. all oi Individual temple
ministers, with the assistance oi the temple F01 captains, exert control over
the members of their own temples. The only higher authorities in the

organization are Elijah Muhammad and National F01 CaptainRaymond

Sharrie . To maintain thisstrict control, the variousministers, or FOX ~


captains, hold "trials" toexpel or discipline membersvarietyoi for a

. -47-.


I-I, i &#39;


.. .,..~ ._.,/ ;:>~&#39;,_-st;-_t :*,92<1Il#_-92M,-&#39;|-}A~.92.:_ ~>.. . ,1... ~ -lllili-921 &#39;1&#39;.92a492li4Il_:LlI=dh;~} zn92- i&#39;~i;n~92_J_9292t-4Ll>,_ """?&#39;i&#39; &#3 _ . . ."..<. .. .. &#39;.~.<7--~ - ~-" 92 " &#39; "&#39; &#39 &#39; wi


_ ..

&#39; - ~

~ -2


1-; 3.-.. "..--,&#39;:-;-tr,- -&#39;. :&#39;.&#39 1 &#39;

&#39; we .
I 1 3


.. we ._ ...-. Q it. :1

.41 so-called"the is before these cu-am,violator called

minister or the POI captain,sometimes before regulartemplememberthe
ship meetingandsometimes not. The charges are read andthe sentence

pronounced.The memberis notallowedto defend himseli andhasno right of appeal;the decision the minister of or POI captainis final.

;. 5. =4

The mostseveresentence imposed memberis permaned on a expulsion from theN01. Another sentence frequently imposed is called the ~~

v. v. .. uh. Q &#39;>&#39;K. .--l > > r&#39;

"Class sentence. sentence torthe P" This calls expulsion member oi the
for a

definiteperiodof time, duringwhichhe cannot talk to N01 membersnor

attend templemeetings.Manyoi thistypeoi sentence for 90 days a are for


minorviolation, upto iive years a more with for serious violation.Usually theiive-year sentence given a provision if the is with tlnt, individual he
9 3

lived accordingtherules,he to might apply readmission one ior after year,

butonlyii heshows unusual an willingness cooperate furtherthe to and
N01 program.

i $r

1 n v f

For minor

violations calling expulsion thetemple, not for from the

Class sentence imposed. C" is Thisrequires themember that perform


laborfor certainoi a period timewitha working group thetemple. at

numerous followingexamples: and varied. area V The but iew 4

-..&#39; , . -e ~. , . . A .-. . . ~. -, . .. A . ,. .. _._ >- -~.-.1 Q -=09 ~ l 1- &#39;_.&#39;u. = ~< Z392-.&#39;..- "-- :;~&#39;v. _ "-L 4-~; "";" _,.,_ _..;xn.-_,

The violationscause which member brought a to be to trial

1- -,r_"L-..~ &#39; ..?&#39;. &#39;1. 1-9-u.!_ .-

i i f x

&#39; ~


1. Reporting
8. Committing

temple activities
adultery .

to a nonmember

3. Using narcotics 4. Not attending temple meetings 6. Ilisusing funds collected for the temple 6. Using "unbecoming" language before female members Failing to bring "lost-founds" visitors! to meetings
Eating or selling pork Mentioning before temple members
die for "Allah"

that he would refuse


10. Failing 11. Allowing 12. Sleeping


to pay extra dues for being overweight a visitor to enter temple under in uence of during temple meeting


D. In!ormant*&#39;!&#39;hreatFBI and the

During the past year, Muhammad and various NOI ministers lnve

evidenced considerable interest in and attention to the possibility that have entered their ranks. They have threatened dire treatment


for any

"spies" they catch, while promising that any

N01 member "found guilty of

reporting information on temple activities to g the will he killed. white "

. One minister advised his followers that "the FBI devil" cannot

come tothe templehimself, so he sends some of"our ownin the black form"
to hear what is going on in the temple. The will pull their minister then threatened that "we

tongues out if we catch them or iind out who they are. "

kt en article epgearinglast summerin the Lee Angeles Heml,d-&#39;

Dis tch, Muhammad wrote, "The FBI, who has watched a for chance to do .1 -.--. -. 1,57"

the worst with paid Negro pigeons evento against us their stool among us,
Q . 49. &#39; vs

. _

~., 92-<._~u92~ gr aa--~,e-=&#39;"; _| r 4, =-&#39;*;&&#39;=%e-=t,:-~ "~.:~.,-92...~ ea-v-;;&#39;<.&#39; ~_":&#39;_&#39;. ?-&#39;:=&#39;.._;, "&#39; Q Y ~.,._~.~1-- . .~_-.



1 !

3 I

making ialse charges oi stealing the clarity given ior the expensesQ the

temples and will nu." laborers , all i 1

Again at the 1960 N01 conventionChicago, at

b_ _
Iluhammad was .

reported to have talked about spies stool and pigeons

off the heads of spies and i T
o &#39;1 8.

and toldabout cutting

stool pigeons

and hanging them up and putting tags

on them.&#39; ~
In spite oi the
would take against "spies" nonmembers to it necessary
N01 activities to

N01 leaders repeated violent threats oi action they
and Muhammad&#39;s that claim N01 activities would tail, all attempts of

4 J

learn of

the ministers

have found not divulge

to take other precautions


so that members would

9 3

One minister

advised his

members concerning

talking to


G 3

Agents. He cautioned, "Some oi you

may think it is

wise to engage


conversation when they come to your house but this is wrong. They will trick you into saying something even though
will go to other Muslims ior little

you think it is small, than thy

and when they compile

bits oi information

it, they have

sometimes you

quite a hit.
will think

They are trained to ask

you ere not

you leading questions and


~ ,~Y{_t ~* I1 M ~. ,.. 5"; .;,.,1" ,1 ,- _ I < ... - .~

-, f4~I&#39; l&#39;~:""f -,_ -3 5->" ,, "-t-&#39;~._ ,1. f>_<~ ~1 v <. i "1 &#39; ~ _ _, ~92=: g ,IQ /f.; -an _ we ~ _ ; I-, .,~... :&#39;_,./= =t _,- .1 - 4.4.,,,. .,.-;,_ <_ __ A f/ 6. . 1 <2,Z ~5 . .92 4, ~, .., s1_ .- &#39;~-1 _. e B Ev -_.~ . .. t. . 5.-xai _-,...1

your house. Ti theyhavea warrant ior you then go peacefullywith them.

they do have not a warrant then close door walk your and away






"i &#39; * 1 - &#39;

-"er &#39;~<-.1. -&#39; ~ ".1-*-:2&#39;;~=:=f."p:~=i=&#3 &#39; -Y. -~


._. k
it 0 Q 92

3.. a . .. ..5 5.


vn. mcmsrrrssuroncxunur wrrs LAW orncms

e e e e

M15 ii:- s- pf:-% " *&#39; ~".$&#39;


*1- V, _..I

;_,_ {H _" p


There a are nnmher Negro of inmatesprisonsseveral at in states

who affiliation the claim with N01.lome those oi claiming followers to he of

Muhammadarepresently Federal who inthe Penitentiary atLeavenworth,

i: had difficulty penal and were Ti Kansas,caused inother institutions subsequently transferred Leavenworth. of to llost these inmates, as well asmany state in Z
E at 2

prisons, embraced have the "Muslim" subsequent nement faith tocon and do
not actually a very-cut have clear idea Muhammad&#39;s of teachings. are . They

t ,z. 7. 2. a
i i


primarily interested features enable tocomplain inthose which them about

prisonconditions and racial discrimination.

Forexample, theFallof1959, convictsa New in four at York State

prison claimedhe who to followers ofMuhammadlepl action filed against &#39;

the warden claiming hewas that denying enjoyment them of religious freedom

u 1 I
i 1

while his in prison. They made had demandsspecial for foods, prtyate _ meetings, special equipment,other andspecial considerations. No final
action resulted has fromthese complaints, hut much friction developed has because thisincident, theN01hasneed 3&5 of and it e. he


. _ ._ V .&#39;._ _-11-404 . ,"_

*** ;, z -as an

J &#39;"
l 4 92 p-


&#39;, _




&#39; -&#39;

"~=&#39;?v&#39; 92"=:="---":1. -.- 7&#39; ""1143--&#39;.&#39;

"> _,. 1 " &#39;1.



- l


: ?t:


At another 8tate penitentiary, Pennsylvania, inmate in an

claimed to be a follower oi Muhammad, assaulteda guard alter drinking

Q 2
i 3 tn bi 5-

some homemade liquor. Whenhe was placed in segregation, I. was


discovered tint more than 20 other inmates, all iollowers ed Iluhamnmd, _ ind gathered and hadplanned to cause adisturbance. Fortunately, the plan

y. te- rr 92 t rI Q ,, E.
1 i I .92 -


was discovered in time to prevent what could have been seriou incidd. a
B. Local Law Officers 7 &#39;

Muhammad and ministers nature at the members. They

oi the N01 take pride in citing the fearless incidents where the

speak with pride at various

NOI members have engaged the police.

when large numbers d "lius1ims"

3 e , U I z -, P ha
i -_:.

gather and white persons are present, there seems to be a sort ed eagerness to demonstrate their iearlessness. _.

. __
the male

in July, 1958, an

annual "least"

sponsored byHT! Number I was


heldataha1linNewYorkCity. Becausedlimitedspacehthehall,i|anyd
N01 members were orcedto standoutside the entrances tothe &#39;

- .


__ _ .. >~ -~. _ ,._.-->1-, 1.->_.,. 0. . rtys, --. 7&#39;? "&#39;> "_ ,_ &#39;t . ~~-&#39;-:-*~ -&#39;"v 92. " &#39; .




<4 l + -,._

Typical thecontradictory at statements bylluhamnad .-F!y ff. made and V;

his ministers concerning violent action theinstructions are given
vi 1": 4~ it 1 9&#39; I = 4 1 I

Ii 3-= V
9 v s7 K

5 &#39;0


NewYork ministerontwooccasions within tewchysoi each s other:

should not resist law enlorcement otilcers at

4 ,._ -. "&#39;. i 2, ~92 1 at

any time. We are not against the laws, we

because Allah will

laws. Ii the law o icer is wrong we must still obeyhim

are to obey the

take oi him. g care

"We are not aggressive but peaceful people. The next time

snypolicemanputshis handsonaltuslimhewiilnotgoto

temples theN01advising oi the
st each meeting until were clear and well

Also, during 1959, Muhammadwrote a letter addressedto all

ministersto readthis letter before the


&#39; - 1 I


suchtime as the minister was sure that

the contents

mderstoodby everyone. The letter said that the "Muslims"


5 $5? n92 :,. 5 +

were getting

into too muchtrouble with the local law enforcement authorities


andthatthis diiilcultywhich "Muslims" the werehaving throughout mltion the notinterpret these

P: I 92~ I i

i _wasgivingthemabadreputationandwascostingtheN0lagreatdealolmon

n However, letter continued, members the the should

92 &#39; t R r

instructions mean they to that should theother turn cheek they when are
nmznnnennnngzngnn . ..

y attacked. stated It "when arefought you against should back.Infact, youfight

0 Mwe in 1950," " leaders&#39;- not met discuss national . ofthe to their




&#39; concern numerous icts members enforcement: growing over con between and law
1 . ..


_ _

_ ___ -&#39;1 - .. w _ e -p~-<~.- 1-~_ _=&#39;f&#39;-;&#39;.~ .-1; "&#39;1 ~ &#39;1 sk ,.._;!:_ 1&#39;. 4---_-q92,&#39;=~.-_"g!,&#39; . &#39;_


92 J

are taught tear, become to have they sell-confident and no

resultsfrequent clashes members in between and white Q d person. the

Authorities. They sou mt the who beca um because Negroes


leaders likened to tiers,ssyin,you sleeping the members "Ihen awake s tiger, you a must harnessalso, otherwise he [rest put on him may do s
deal oi damage. "
spread their message hate. _ of

&#39; "

In spite apparent concern, oi this I01 publications D continue "

The first oi new N01 issue s monthly publication called


Hr. Muhammad 1960, contains conc Speaks, dated Hay, s long article

two incidents involving clashes York City between New police icers Ind members of In boththese the N01. of cases, members interfered N01 with

omcers who attempting were to make arrests in the end, ensuing noise the N01 membersthey been seriously cases y claimed Ind injured. Both resulted in and long involvedlction, the WI using legal Ind is 10111 &#3

battles to up members enforcement authorities stir the against lsw and white people in general. _ V.
I H x hn~~, ---1 >5: &#39;4 3;-;;;&~ , , ;&~s&#39;-=.&#39;

7V V. ;;&#39; . x . _ "" . .,&#39; - .--1- .-*1 &#39; "w _ ,

@i~@s----ns-~n92-_~~.-- ~ ~" >~"

" 54 .,

A 5;_ ,vI -_--"r~

V -_ 3 -.,
92 &#39;92 ~_- _. _ "92&#39;- _,.~. _*.. f.-. .-K21 &#39;._.-. .~..~- _Y.g -_ T-" we~,_ < _&#39; &#39; I 3. Hm- _.~ __= __ *_ .,__;.- w. __

4, ;

A&#39;:~g~_Y&#39; " &#39; .__ __ -4-.47-1&#39;; ,.&#39;,r-,, ""-&#39; Q "-I"f&#39;-. ._-__,..*2.--92;- 1i-"P.-; "_;*"_. ,_;k _Z,_ ~1-1"-3* -..~_,_,_.- 1*#-= ._. , .-.-?&# _.:._._ ._*_-. F?-92 __;_" _k&#39;_&# ff .> __,H 0-: ,-_ _ ;_.E-_,*?,~._" . , ~ ~ _,..,__92. ___:9. f~ - .-j-=...-_ ~< ~&#39;,_ .-.-1ea ~_92 --. - -*~. -i _&#39;x;, 4.--;:.,_1_ ~ ~ -

.._ .- ____i_,._, _


I , ti.!

if &#39;> ..&#39;_ ~_ &#39;8 I 1 _&#39;__ &#39;_

r .3 , .

> G.

gm. pox nocrmuss, A&#39;l TlTUDE8,

Although Elijah Muhammad constantly claims he is a believer in

T? &#39;1 0 I.


zhe recognizedreligion oi Islam, many orthodox lluslims aim as a fraud, who is using their

openly denounce

w &#39;-

religion to deceive and exploit the American

and rules which his followers
- 1 Q 8 X

iegroes. Muhammad

lays down the doctrines

nust accept. As there is

no one

written document setting forth the teachings occasional changes in emphasis

and beliefs of the Nation of Islam cult, nave been noted. Therefore,
DI have been compiled 1! his more prominent r 1 It


the following doctrines, attitudes,

writings and

and dogma of the

from the ministers.

speeches of Muhammad and several

must be remembered

that N01

ministers and

assistant ministers

Ithe various temples throughout the country areindependent of one quite

i.. inother and the national headquartersin Chicago. For this reason, the of
r 0 3.


es/chings andattitudes re ected

amples and on different

by the followers of Muhammad at various

vary from mild defiance against the

occasions often

irhite man "his and government" to insane hatredall for facets the "white of

Lads society. " &#39;

i i i K . F .



:_ -r

<~ -t

.-., .~ .~.._- " :.* -/~.&#39;w


"-""&#39;-i ~_,
1 nw==eOpen: M--w.


The following doctrines are those openlytaught by lluhmumd

and his ministers through numerous the meetings the ID! visitor: of
or "lost-tounds, " may attend. They are also loudly proclaimed at pbllc meetings and conventions and throughthe manypublications andnewspapers

in which articles by Muhammad appear.

1. Allah Himself

Agaointed Muhammad Messeqg as the

"Allah came to us from

the Holy City of Mecca, Arabia, In 1880. My mme isMahd1, lam od, loam

He used the name Wallace D. Fard&#39;. also signed His name ..He as W. F. Muhammad which stands for Wallace Fard Muhammad

He came alone....He said,

to Guide you

see the Hereafter. . . .He chose meto hear the Message0! Lite Islam! to my people here. , ,=I have been raised and chosen by
God bteach and lead you to Him, that you may see the Hemmer
to {ollowand obey me...." may do well

into the right path that you

may he successful and

and you

Muhammad, Moalem World and the USA June-July, 1.553 HH H "lam sent !romAllahandhave thehacklngoll lahandthe powers of heaven and earth to reclaim our people in America
{rem their tormentors. "

Muhammad,New Crusader,

Iehruary 2

communication with
*4" ,>.,.._1 -, g ,

"Ieamed1rectlyfromGod.IarnguldedhyGod. lamb:
., ,. 1 /_..H. .5 .. ,.,, __ .~ ,, 1 _ . 7, . ,1 , ,5 ,7 Ff

God andknow God. Hlmdnsatmwn vV ., , ~ ,1 W .-w"f:I-_-,= IW; ,t 5.1__ r I.-:,.-, - ._ & . _ _&#39; Vrd:

,. ,A . ..;; A _,. Jo f.:: -




was with me, l would not

- aj-.1


heiore anyone

andspeakaslspeak. IiGod1snotIlthme,
-56- &#39;

::; .
Q .- e &#39; -

~.&#39; &#39;2? - . ..>,,.3y;<_. &#39; t-_s_&#39;. - _. "_..., &#39;;.1B" . -~



1T &#39;c<. &#39;. -_-._ .__>,&#39;. &#39; __, ._t ,:,.. ,-.l&#39;a$&#39;.~ l>:_. v ._ , -.,._&,&#39;~,5:==~,-4; ., ,._..eV<;_- ; J" &#39; * ma, &#39;3. .-_;*-


&#39; &#39; &#39;

&#39; &#39;"1.-w .&#39;I,&#39;~/Ii-I _ --"-&#39;492-~fvw-.=;v1&#39; - <~a


protecting me, And andI fearman how come things can!say no other has said get with why should the Devil and away it?
when God me has given knowledge the cl Devil.". .
U C IO I I I =1 I {x 1


going take youheaven, to to they going tske you hell. are to to

"I only warning that am you your Christian brothers are not

E" .~.&#39; Q.
i 1 1

Islam, believe will see hereafter. in Allah you and the "
l&#39; Muhammad, lgr. Muhammad Speaks, llay, 1960 lI
2. Christian Religion Is a Hoax

The only place you saie ior today to follow believe is me, in


. I, 5. u

"The Christian religion isa hoax because teaches Jesus it was

born without beneiit natural the of man-woman relations and

it wasfabricated in Romehis alter

claimsJesus the son God. was oi ...Jesus was buta prophet like Moses and many others and was a believer in Islam. . .

Christianity as a religion was never known by Jesus because

Z 5; .92 92
I i 1 P 4 1 I ,.

not the religion oi black the man but instead a is tool oi the white man being used enslave to black men..Throw the .. Christian religion the in garbage pml then the and take pail and tight hell.. like "
*Muhammad, Chicago Convention,
February, 1960

death .. 6 Christianityis

destroys love seliand kind. puts the desire the for It in heart

"the kind oi Christianity that thewhite man teaching us is

d the blackman to and love adorethe white race. . .Thegod,

prophets as painted by White the race. " 4

the angels, the and prophets have always been painted white by the Christians. This false picture God, is a of and his

. 7

l&#39;2i spat&#39;ch, Samiary $8, 19%


_,::>,~. :.:,n.m,;1,.<.~; ,a,.,&#39;.-.&#39;.f =;J-.>ni- bi.-, 6 M5 ~;d92"J A3? iv .-_l.<._-&#39;

&#39;T7 92;* &#39;tw."&#39;=, &#39;-av5:1 --.. ~&#39;*;;~&#39;!,;&#39;.~,*?, &#39;5-2* &#39;

. 4 , .

&#39; 1 &#39; &#39; " &#39; _ - .&#39; v&#39;-1V.,I#&#39;.$-&#3 &#39; &#39;&#39;1 ;~_ , &#39;

f 1

"Christianity was given to the Negro by the white man. Giriltinlg

promises all things aiter death. Negroes need them now. Negro

talking about. .Jesus was nota . white man and not_&#39;iomd&#39; did _
Christianity. The Bible was
Bible is
1 I

ministers do not understand Bible the and

lies made up by white man

don&#39;t what they an know his death. he

written years alter

to tool the black mm. &#39; minister, Boston, October 11, 1959

_ N01

3. White Lian the Devil Our and Enemy

"The false teachings of his god andreligion, poison foods, drinks,
and drugs, have brought the so-called Negroes into a state oi

mental death. They haveno knowledge sell, nor anyoneelse, oi and are persecuted and killed all day long by the white man, their open enemy the Devil!, who has deceivedthe Negroesinto even
loving him as they should love Allah God!. "
April 7, 1960

Muhammad, Los Angeles Herald-DisEat__c_h

"The world knows that Iam teaching youthe truth and, most oi all, desire justice for my people in America, with whom Ihave


sufferedall my life. Allah God!has given me the keyto of to loosen them 1-om the power and bondage of ever-relentless, our know theirGod ouronly true
merciless, evil, indecent murderers, our open enemies, the devil slavemasters; so that our people may be free indeed and
them and the world

who have deceived

i -1

friend! andtheir enemies

of the black natims.

the devils!,

.August llijah Muhammad

who we are, to tell us

Muhammad, Pittsburgh Courier, 15, 1959 e on the right path and to tell us

f 1

1 gI

p v.

"We are thankful to Allah for raising up from amongstus

to lead us
who is our God snd to tell us who is

ieiuhsmmsd taught us he is top of the groamri. "&#39; r

&#39; N01

minister, New York, *1

December 18, 1959 3?

_ ,_ . .

, ..,.. .7

.,_ -1 ;-.y;x;;!_ I-3&#39;-"~_~ _921

/"5 F3 ...-


". . . allwho are iound believing devils bedestroyed 55.-_;=.;_ inthe will .=-. .

with devils." the

SeptemberI959 17, _
4. yhite Ian aslnslavedthe lackllan "The white race

Muhammad, Loo Angeles Herald-_1Q_i_gga 7

wentto Africa, robbed her of someof her native

to America to slave for them. These man has

sons and daughtersto bring

theso-called Negroes! werecutcompletely from contact off with

their native people for 300 years; these blacks the white

canuse one

robbed completely his teachings trainings,thatnowhe so of and

against other." the


i P

April 7, 1960

Muhammad, Angeles Los Herald-Digatch, &#39;

homes l

"In 1555

our mothers and fathers were taken from their

by some Christianmen white Our mothers fathers and would

not acquire any knowledge

they were allowed to have children. Whenthe children came &#39; of themselves. Our mothers and

andtaken this to country in chains. not submit willingly slaverylo to -

5 &#39; 1&#3 .

forththeyweretaken awayfromtheir mothers thattheywould so andwe, the children,had

No one to tell us where we came .r

fatherswerekilledby thewhite man

no one to tell us who we are.

fromandmostofalinoonetoteliusthatourGod&#39;snameis 1 Alllh. ie 5

A .

NOI New December minister, York, 18, 1959

on earth?"

"TheNegroes been have blind,deafand dumb to theknowledge of themselves thepast400years. A man for cannot respect have for himself unless has knowledgehimself.Thisis why he a of ourslavemasters ourhistory kept away fromus. How could they
use us if we hadknown that we are the best people
&#39; _ . ?

New York,


?7 7?~"***



- so -

1,-~. . ...1" 4; > 3. -I? 7_ > -1&#39; .-_.; Qt; _.;~._-,1; f.-T;-.,~ >-&#39; * -.,..Y ~ 1 , &#39;..~&#39;;; ~&#3 V

-<.&#39;. ~T;-1

- I

J. _


$9. -"-.1 g
. ~ . ._ _

< = g. r ~ 3

&#39; 1 t, "&#39;*-" -"*1"11 -- 1 &#39; T" 5 . >


a i

s. wmge ManWill Be Destroyed

, _._.

,,92i " .,. _-3T ;-. . 1--"F.;.2. P _. f-


2 R r

s t l f 5 2 Y P 1 92

1 >.

E , ,.

timeoiourenemieshascometoansndandthat lromtheiaceo:ttheearth...." V their destruction.



". ..God,Himseli, hates wicked the devils and set day has a tor

Muhammad, Los Angeles Herald-

Disgch, October 89, I959


i 1;

n 1

so-called Negroes in America, who are living under power the d the people are to destroyed all thepeople on . .." who rst be of earth.

allowfor time the awakening black man, especially of the and the

"Alloiusknowthatthetimeotthewhiteracewssupinlilqtbe ~ extension time that oi they have been granted given was to them to -_, 0

Dispatch, February 1935 18, _

n a.

Muhammad, Loe Angelel Herald-

the res

will soon destroyed. All those who himwill also be love rm-nin
of destruction."

The devil used forhis benefit, his has us but timeis up, and he
M!! minister, New York, June I, N59


e. Black Man can solve your own problems.

mm Be Awakened -

"You, the so-called American with help ofGod! Negro,the Allah


--- ~ &#39;:"-&#39;, 1&#39; 4

-my a -Q. .-_ ; .117 4


dead people. . . . "

"Allah has risen me to preach the llessage of Truth to llluhammad,

my mentally

.- ,,.._1"

a1&#39 - .

Los AngeleaHeraldshould be Muhammad has


Dispatch, 39, October 1965

"We, the so-called Negroes, here in North America, thankful to Allah for giving us Elijah Muhammad.
brought us face to


face with our

open enemy.

Before we met

Elijah Muhammad our knees used to shake when we saw a white

man. Muhammad has taken away our fear. "

N01 minister,

New York, January

8, V

2 4

7. Black Man Mustand Unify


Gain Economic Independence

Negro from the slave master and

"1 have this message for my people, the so-called American Negro; truth for you is like givinglife to one who physically dead. lhe is
aim is to separate the so-called

- 1

P .. rt 1 8 F. E; if 1 : u 7- 92 r l 1 1

sit them in heaven; to give them a thorough knowledge of the


self, of God and of the Devil and the scriptures pertaining to them. Unite them all to their own kind, the next qualification for self independence on the planet earth, in a place they can call their own.

Stop depending on others to do for you what you can

do for yourself.

"Unite, pool our income to help create, build a future for our peqale regardless of whether they are Hoslems or not. Buy land, help e

build homes, schools, hospitals,

employment for
with our own. ".

businesses, factories tohelp mahe _

fellow man. These things may be

yourself and your


accomplished by you and

me uniting together, spending our money

Muhammad, yr.f Muhammad peakg, e.3e, 1&0 *if W if

&#39; , _f Y. H. , -


Q .4

J; ,->. L*5; 2" . &#39;

-v .

-IF . T
cf ;

x V

.~- *~ 1%
_ A1 _&#39; g


1 -q1



.. .



__ "&#39; &#39;~<&#39;-~&#39;. >" . &#39;__ V ~

,.,_ ..,,_.&#39;_.,!.

_. e__


I I!

92 Y t t , ! I 1 , ..


;r&#39; L
A white

"Some us have oi hundreds and thousands oi dollars, lying the in

man&#39;s banks...sit down with meandthinkonyourown
billions. " -


&#39; 1 for
92 J

i people&#39;s

yourseli, and your poor nation, which will return

A Muhammad,

condition, as Ihave and let me havethis money, to me

to you in

millions and

New Cnmader,

March 26,
a. Black Man Must Have il Landof

Own e

"We must have

some land.

. . .Let

there be

no mistake

about it.

We must

come out

from among

the wicked and be separate. We

Ii years Q-v

should be given land of our own, a subsidy

our fatherswere used

as bondsmen, and then left to [0 be


in payment for the

Muhammad, Hr.



May, T535

and givena home on this earth that they can call their 0wn."_

"The so-called Negroes must separated the be from White race

Huhammad, Los

_ Dispatch,

November 5, 1955

Angeles Herald-

"Muhammad&#39;s plan the United States to give is for Negroes

either a tract of land, or several states, form their own government. &#39; wherein they


"His point was that in accepting this land Negroes would not be accepting gratuities, but would merely be receiving payment of
salary earned during the many years of slavery. "
;?i :_;&#39;E .;:"% ii l&#39; &#39;



~. 4; . < :.~&#39;*->;-~=~z " . , _,,,,_ .&#39;; . T-Yi -1,...

_- _ ! -. .--.

e. ~ .&#39;:-* _~ , &#39; -7 :.n*l_-P 11:- -{-.&#39;M;7~~- ~- &#39; 0 Q _ . wn - . $_ .<


. .


Q _- v >-92, n-,7;- 81-,_ 0- -. &#39; ." cf ._

.-. &#39; #1

B. Attitudes lqgressed in Closed Meeting

&#39;the openly Ihile stressed doctrines iorth thepreceding set in
reveal some d the belids cl the

Muhammad, the resl

l ., . . .bri- ,. .. . I " A ..~_ :&#39;~--. ~ e~&#39;<.. . V . Y. i_ .~4l".*92 _, , &#39;~Q&#39; %

._ _ ..,-&#39;_,


lollowers d Elijah

feelingsthe members cannot shosm d be through statements made at open &#39;

meetings irom or
meetingsdo many

articles in generally available publications. Onlyin closed

d these true attitudes reveal themselves
l. &#39; Attitude toward Violence "


Muhammad continually publicizes the peaceful ways IDI, d the

andthough openly publicized the doctrines declare
1 _ &#39;

that thewhite racewill he



I .

Mstroyed, itis saidthis destruction come will about through power I. d > T5 the
Allah; Etatements

&#39;_ &#39;- 7&3&#39;~ v_ .-__~ . 5 ~-_ .

Q 7. V E

made in temple meetings reveal that Allah

l i

1will get



help from ll!! members, if recent instructions of ministers are followed by

the members:



e man to bury the hatchet. We&#39;ll bury


=1 ta 1

7 -O

_ "




01- ~--~;- _- ;".;1r:,v 92&#39;e _ _-.. _. _ ._. -,.-_---_- -15 !?4: &#39;_ "


&#39; I

s f

_ &#39;.-

_V "l --in .~




white man, you must

"Ii anyonegives information theorganisation to on the

take care oi him.

"* &#39;1"! " "1"&#39; -" i

Take that persai

A&#39; "

"Beads will roll if the white man molests a Negro woman. ..&#39;. When you kill a snake, that is not hate.

baby! should " be killed.

in slavery,

"Ii one is lynched, EB or black man awhite man

heads will roll, and it won&#39;t lm ." be

"Because thewhite race is attempting to keep Negroes _


2. Attitude toward American ,I&#39;lag_anddQovernme

Muhammad openly advises his followers to show respectlor the

American and the flag authority oi Government. the However, temple ~&#3 at
meetings, theministers speakof our ag as the "rag" and repeatedly

denounce the "white man&#39;s government" which they

claim gives them no freedom .

justice, orequality. As aid the an to ministers in their derision ourlagof

and Government, nearly every temple is equipped with a large blackboard; the


part ofwhich contains drawing theAmerican ag a of and theag 0! the

N01. Y

&#39; Following

are statements recently made closed in meetings:

to the,,n said, "Our children are
end mm eons ere

Minister pointing
expected to pledge
, .-.r


he it tiny a tree.


picture of
. "=55-# ~&#39;

a Negro

- *;

,. t .: ....~: *"-,- V ""- .&#39;. ,.,

t r

"535? ,~ I .&#39; eJ_~A-zit

-..,,:u~ -5&#3
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&#39; .

- .~

.~.-&#39; 92. ,~ ~

".- no -r , -





_ "United States ag represents ireedom, justice and equality tor . ,

mily the white people; red the stripe in U8 is freedom, the flag for
just asit is the Muslimag, the crescent, but in there a is white stripe iollowed by another red stripe which means there is


-only freedom ior the whiterace. "

; .3_ ...

Stop beingtool,you have a no part in United States the Government. " equality. Under Muslim the flag, the crescent and you star, will
receive ireedom,justice, and equality. The American flagis ior

"Black manhas nothing protectin the white man&#39;s to government. L

"You have no justice under the American flag no and ireedom and

v ,_

i 3

white men only."

8. Attitude

oi theN01 decides tor

toward Selective Service and Armed Forces

Muhammad publicly states thatmember each


himself concerning registering under Selective the Service Act entering and the
Armed Forces. He claimsthe members emected obeythe Government are to
1 i

and make the Government proud d them.

However, when speaking beiore temple meetings, says he he that does

not order any of followers refuse comply his to to with the Selective Service

z i

5 &#39;2 1 l

laws but heagainst any cooperation that is with the

not considered be a memberoi the ml whilehe to is
&#39; if

white man

on the part ofhis

Armed Forcesis .

followers. He also tells them thata memberwhojoins the

serving in the ArmedForces

mgr ,.r. , -_:

ltsit can, he lends ea if righteous we after leaving service, the eeiurn to $1. the
&#39; _ _ .

.. ; _ >~.

. _.___,>. -i. 4 .. qr -.

~ t-t~- W sh ,3 .&#39;~ -- l .l=

_.,,_1a_,__ , Ga 3, _. .-~..~-...=~..~4a _~ I - . er.-.--&#39; - =;;<:.t-,... .4-_.. ._ ~-Ha . . ._ . *92 1&#39; ___._. _ _*_".-v ..__.-92.- .r.. _92-1.; &#39; -L.


~- i_~



92 r-cry;.:t*Yc":*~#2&&#39;F51i &#39;-"T"_i&#39;= 1.-

_ r

< ~
_ -

m1 short lm, made Muhammadcurrently being by and at


92 ;&#39; -my :2 : H. ;.~ Q . ..- ~

Q ~ Ha

varins temples throughout the country, lluhammad states:

do not

register forthe draftbecause they no owe allegiance to lhlted Rates. &#39 the Ihy shouldMuslims protect a country which does honor not them ortheir

women,in which the and Muslims do receive not lreedom, equality, nd justice?" -i -7
Muhammad&#39;s ministers spoken against have also elective Service.

he advised members his to discuss Selective Service with himybefore

registering because membership in N01entitled them statusas the to

conscientious objectors. Another told members he his that would rather pl

to prison fightthe than in "white man&#39;s army.&#39;

NOI members regularly are being arrested tailing register for to arrested, said "had reason register, asthey were they no to " "registered

under the Selective Service Recently Act. several members, being &#39 upon

with stunMuhammad&#39;s " own son Wallacepresently "tree is mbond pendin

order i

appeal" a three-year of prison sentencetailing obey draft for to his board&#39;

T23? Aw-fvtes H9!i!@123.1s: bx


the beliefs the Islam, the f0l10I&# or credo oi Nation oi consider Q

or "facts" which NO! members are expected to Alll -taught and accept.

. ha

addition the Preceding to doctrines and attitudes Which 1%

- *

__ H .. . &#39;&#39;- ~&#39; . &#39;5.;-F -, I- &#39; &#39;&#39; ~_ . ~ =LQ~ .",,;-&#39;: , &#39; &#39; .34 I &#39;_ L.

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f" -~_&#39;!vf &#39; I -":&#39;_- i "

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&#39; 5&#39; -&#39;=".;;&#39;* ,;&#39; j;@&#39;- ~;;t &#39;,-&#39 1-f:

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5 "*~&#39; _

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&#39; &#39;

-. -.


-.. . , _-._ .,_ ..,.,.. _&#39; ._.....,__.__.__.._.=_.3. ._.__,. _ -"&#39;1" - .. -~ &#39;: &#39; .u; ,5; J,jy&#39;.:"_-:~= 1&#39;;::3.," - :-&#39;_,~-*-.-w ",-" -. 9 &#39; ~ _,- &#39;_

.46-sax.--a 1. ,,.
:1? 1. . -&#39;~



> ,1.92:&#39; .&# . &#39;?

the following excerpts have been taken recentarticles orspeeches lrom d


Muhammad and several of his more prominent ministers. ._


:V"*"j; " 1-

vlweh "

"60 trillion years ago the planet earth andthe moonwere one


. I .&#39;u ,.

ago and wanted to destroy everybody because he could not make everyone speak the same language. dug shaftin He a
the center of the heart oi this planet, filled

"One of our wise black scientists got angry sixty six trillion years it with explosives

92 I

&#39;3 &#39;i X

andsetitoffthinklnghe wasgoingtogetridofalloins. He only blew it into parts; the part you call the moon was blown awayand droppedall the water on this side. "


"The whole planet

earth was knownas Asia.

The black man


lived in heaven in the place called lfecca today. In

days there was no one in Africa until one of the scientists

asked for permission to take his family into Africa so that

black man Africa in today. _ "

>. 1 I i If *4

they would be closer to nature. , This is why you find the "Originally all people onthe Barth were black;
man named Yakub took some brown people toan

4 2"

however, a
island and

by a process ofselective breeding, which took hundreds of

years, produced a man who hadwhite skin, but who was
said that after the white

5 u i &#39;.
. k |

weaker than the black man. Be

man wasproduced thatthe black man chased him out of Asia, and into the caves of Europe. He said the white man
lived in caves with dogs, and
-a time

ate raw food. He said that after

Moses was sent to teach the white man how to live,

but Hoses found thecaves so dirty that he could not teach the white man anythingso Moses called together all the wise

scientist; ;,to prochce an animal thateat would the lth of

He said the scientists tried the dog, the

the white man.

rat, and the cat; however, none

of these were suitable, and

1 frat, the dog, and

> &&#39; za. *

ey nally produced hog, the who


w=~1=*= Iv =1 we -===== "am

._ ._92 ..

the cat,and the cleaned the hog up filth

&#39; . _ _

la a combination we oi
. -... ~ . he-. ma! .. .. 11>. -.~~-.;-


"-~*m "&#39;

< -&#39;

0 -

&#39; &#39; ~&#39; &#39;1 -1 &#39;1&#39; . _~ _

. ._

~L92, I-47; ... ,,_s92 - ~ -1.


__-, . >_{ _ ._ . F-_ _

"The pyramids were

built by the black man.

The white I&#39; &#39;

called this one oi the wondersoi the world. The white nan thinks it tookus 800 yearstobulldthepyramidsbtltitrsally took us only 20 years. we could havedone it hi ii years but we only worked on the pyramids when wewere on our

_ _ t



I 92

the opportunity to hear the truth as it is taught by klam"


The white race is living on borrowed time and the reason God has not yet destroyed the white race is that Allah ls waiting until all righteous people dark races! have Md

rule the earth and the so-called white race was given &#39; &#39; 6, 000 years to rule the earth which period expired in 1914 .

"Allah allows only alimited amount time to anyrace to of

"An angel, a human being, is ying in an airplane with a mission to give the people the last warnings which will be in pamphlet form. These pamphlets will be written
the only country that the Revelation is directed to. Hie

or printed! in two languages-Arabic and English -and they will he droppedfrom a terriiic height over America, everlasting Gospel,&#39; means, the last true which warning


1 1

to the so-called Negroes and foreign Muslims will take

place betweeneight and ten days before the final day

&#39;" i- "

oi gravity

which would result in North Americabeing engulfed tire which in

"North America will be destroyed by short circuiting

a P

would last 800 for years. "_

very well

1 a
> " 2&#39;

"The visionof !zekiel&#39;s in a wheel true it carefully wheel is understood. Thereis a similar wheel inthe skytoday which
answers the description of lsekiel&#39;s visim.. . . Your

This wheel-like plane, its like never before seen. You

cannot build one like it and get the same results.

brains are limited. I! youwould make

you could n0t get it up oti

one tolook like it,

. -:

_ L
=.~~.~ .~ -v .= -,7 ."~_ . $,.. it &#39; , xv. &#39;> v- .1

the earth into outer space.

&#39;2-,5 ,

0 ~ , .:. "

--n.,.*:&#39; . ... .-./;7* .,~". 3;



&#39; _- .-.-. -," :;;;-,. :-&#39;1. -- ,"~ ;. . -.-..:5&#39;.&#39;,. ,~*.*&#39;r&#39;4".~..~ Q . i -"","--*.~" x .-"-if." -?"i&#39; 5 .. &#39; &#39; &#39; ~ <--~$-&#39;:&#39;:w ~ ~&#39;-15*" "
- _.v


- &#39;


. ~.

.i---92&#39; -. -


Iothersl _

gest small.

"The present wheel-shaped plane tn Planes, is one-hall byhsli-mile a

mechanical man-made in object th
> 1 1

humanplanetmadeiorthepurpose epresant worldotthe enemies The planeThe oiAllah. brains build staggeringl costtobuildsncha is nest were used to it. ueis capable inouter six to of staying space twelve
without comin months at a tim e g
deadliest explosives.

I ?

I carries iiiteen hundred bombing planesmost with

into earth&#39;s the gravity.

"The bombsequippedmotors and toughest are with the oi steel was making them. steel and used in This drills takesthebombs intotheearthatadepthoione mileand is timednot to explode roaches until it one into the mile earth. This explosion produces one mile a mountain high; not one bomb will into tall water. They all on will tall
cities. "

2. i <1. 5

wicked natim white race!."

"Allah has Muhammad Allah, will told that He, destroy the
name and religion and unite with Islam."

"The so-called Negroes shouldup slavemaster&#39;s give the

. Lg . 5

I f

_"l&#39;they do notwith Islam they destroyed by unite will be

shall destroyed Allahwith be by along the beast! "

Allah. He wearsnamethe &#39;beast&#39; thatthe oi white race!

Additionalare included "iacts E Lessons tor A the N01 members

re ,.;_

set iorth in the Appendices. _


_: ,, ,. ,- T. A


w -

-,;_ "> _ . ._,.:

,_. .. ,,_ .~__


V 1; .. ; .. .

. &#39;__? ~< $21 ~r -.--A,

Q3- ~ ------c I

The Nation of Islam are expected to study and learn.


utilizes several These lessons

lessons which set forth additional

members "facts"

which are supposed toclarity to the members their history and the history
of their so-called religion.

Each lesson is studied and mastered before proceeding to the

next one.
2&1 .1 u &#39;

1 &#39;


Who is the original Maker, cream
Father of "2. Who is the

1. "1.

man? of the planet Earth, God of the Universe and


The Original Man is the Asiatic Black Man, Owner,


colored man?


_ Answer:

The Colored

Yacobs grafted devil, skunkof theplanet Barth.

Man is

the so-called

white man


What is the population of the original in the Wilderness America and all over the planet Earth?

of North

Answer: The population of the Original Nation in the Wilderness


of North America is a little over 17, 000, 000 lost-founds, plus 000, 000 Indians makinga total oi 19, 000,000 and all over the
Earth 4, 400, 000, 000.

"4. What

is the population of the colored people in the Wilderness of

and all over the planet Earth?

North America

Answer: The population of the Colored People in the Wilderness

of NorthAmerica is 108,000, 000

and all over theplanet Earth,

400, ooo,ooo.

Q: Qgb

What is square the mileage of Earth, how

is water?

much is land? How much

Answer: Themileage square

miles is water. &#39;

miles. 57,255,square miles island, 139, 000 000 685,square

of theEarth is196, 940, 000 square


What is square the miles of useful land used every by entire day the
population of the planet Earth?

3 1. i.*f&#39; ,_ -=

Answer: The square miles useful of land used the by entire -population every day 29,000, 000 is square miles.

Whatthe square miles useful is of land used the by Original Man?

Answer: The miles square of useful land used theOriginal Man by
. is 23, 000, 000 square miles.


What is square the miles of useful land used by Colored the Man?
Answer: The square miles useful of land used the by Colored
Man is 6, 000, 000 square miles.


What is the birth record of said nation of Islam? Answer: There is no birth record of said nation of Islam.



What is the birth record of said other than Islam?

Answer: The birth record of said other thanIslam ls:

e A l 1

approximately000old. 35, years

years old."

Christianity--approximately 551



ll -

! DH

u _

1. Why

isn&#39;tdevil settled the

on the best part of the

Planet Barth?

Answer: Because the earth belongs to the Original Black Han and knowing that the devil was wicked and there would not be any peace
among them,

He put him out in the worst part

devil. Arabia is in the far

of the earth and kept

east and is bordered

the best part preserved for himself every since he made it. The best part is in Arabia at the Holy City Mecca. The colored Han or
is the

by the Indian Ocean on the South. 2. Why did Moses or Mossa have a hard
C. ?

time to civilize

the devil

2000 B.

Answer: Because he was a savage. Savage means a person that has

lost the knowledge of himself
was a half original man,
In the before Christ.

and who is living a beast life. Mossa

thousand B.
in the

and a prophet. Two

Asiatic world it was

C means

eleven thousand

year. Civilize human family

means to teach the knowledge and wisdom of the Or: the Planet Earth. &#39;

3. Why

did we let

half original man Columbus discover the poor part of

the Planet


Answer: Because the original man is the God and owner of the earth, and lmows every square inch of it and has chosen for

himself the best part. He did not care aboutthe poor part. Columbus wasa half original man andwas born in Italy, which
is southeast Europe. His full name was Christopher Columbus
North America. He found the and the place he discovered was

Indians here, who

from India.

were exiled

seventeen thousandyears ago

made devil from the What kind of life root of civilization

They are
Yacob and his

original people. call it

Why did we run

over the hot desert, into the cave of West Asia, as they now

Europe? What is the meaningof Eu

with him?

and Rope? How longago? What

did he live and how

did the devil bring

long before Mossa came teach devilof theforgotten Trichiollegy? to the

- I2-

14 , Q!


Answer: Because they had started making trouble among the

righteoustelling lies. accused peoples, people They the rightecns causingiight fatherdevil. Be an the to to was one another. was them icillthe Yacob devils and oi original black man, the and taught

do this devilishment. The root civilizationat the oi inArabia is Holy City iirst where planet iound, Mecca, which the and knowledge means wisdom oi the original started. When was we man ran the devils the over Arabian Desert. We took them from everything except the madewalk everythe way; language andhim step oi it was twenty-two miles. hundred Hesavageand lived went in the caves oi Europe. hillsides and Rope means Eu is the bind rope to in. Itwas thousand and ago. Mossa two six nineteen years came thousandlater taughthowliverespectful and years him toa liie, how build ior himseii sometricknollegy that to a home and of the Yacob taughtWhich devilishment,lies, him. was telling stealing, and how the original Mossa hali a to master man. was original, prophet was predicated which by the twenty-three in scientists the year one, thousand ago, today. iiiteen nineteen years
Answer: Because righteous one our of brothers,wasprophet whoa byname Jesus buried he uses name the of was there, and his to shield dirty religion, called Christianity, his which is alsodeceive to the people will believe Jesus teaching so they in him. was not Christianity, it Freedom, Equality; in is was Justice Jerusalem South Europe. isa Jerusalem givenJews, which name by means founded in it was built the peace, andfirst by original man, which was called Jebus, also Salem, Ariel.We the city and took irom
the devils about seven hundred iiity years ago.

5. Why take Jerusalem did we from devil? long ago? the How

6. Why does the call people devil our Africans?

Answer:make our North Americathat To people oi believe the people on continent that are the people have are only they and all savage.bought He a trading in Jungle oi continent, post the that the original oncontinent they the who people live this and are ones r strayed awaycivilizationare a irom and living jtmgle The liie. original people call this continentbut the Asia, devils it Airica, call totry divide them.wantsthink all are to He us to we diiierent.
&#39; -13-

Q, i

< >
people illiterate?

&#39;7 Why the devil keep does our

Answer: So that he can use them for a tool and also a slave. He keeps them blind to themselves so that he can master them.

illiterate means



does the devil keepour people apart, from his social equality?
Answer: Because he doesnot want us to know howfilthy he is and
all his affairs, he is afraid because when we learn about him we

will run him from among us. Socialist meansto advocate. A society of men or groups of men for one common cause. Equality
means to be equal in everything.

Why does Mohammed make devil the study

on the upper part of the

from thirty five to fifty

years before he can call himself a Moslem Son? And wear the greatest and only Flag of the Universe? And he must add a sword

Holy and Greatest Universal Flag of Islam?

thirty five or fifty years trying

Answer: So that he could cleanhimself up. A Moslem does not love the devil regardless to how long he studies, after he has devoted

He could come and do trading among us and we would

to learn and do like the original man.

that is who hasnot gone
not kill him

or made from the beginning, and holy is somdhing that has not been dilutect mixed or tampered with in any form.

the greatest only known.The Universe everything and flag is Sun, Moon, and Stars. Theyare planets.Planets are something grown

five fifty years, permit him to wear our Flagwhich is the to we Sim, Moon and Stars. He mustadd the on sword the upterpart. The sword an emblem Justice, and it was used theoriginal is of by man inMohammed&#39;sThus, it was placed theupper part, time. on oi the flag sothat thedevil canalways see so he it, will keep in mind, that any timethat he reveals the secrets. We gave him this chance so that hecould clean himself upand come among us. His head would taken by the sword. The Holyflag of be off Islam is

under this study. After goes he through with labor this from thirty

as quick as we would the other devils,

-7 -

. !i&#39;>
10 Whydoes llohammad any and Moslem murder devil? is the What

theduty each Moslemto oi in regards four devils? What reward

does Moslem receive by a presenting the devils one four at time? Answer: Because isonehundred he percent wicked and will not keep and obey laws Islam. His ways the oi and actions are
and alsoii he be allowed live, he to could sting someone else. Each Moslem required to bring four devils, and by is bringing

likea snake the of grafted type. hiohammed So learned that he

could not reform the devils so they had bemurdered. All to Moslems will murder the devil because know they he a is snake and presenting atone time reward a button to four his is wear
City Meccato seebrother Mohammad."

on the lapel oi coat, his also a iree transportationthe to Holy

1 r


0 "

~~o>*t#-" "&#39;-:&#39;"*:"
21 &#39;

"LESSON 2 N0. .

1. Who made the Holy Koran or Bible? How long ago? Will you tell II why does Islam re-new her history every twenty-five thousand years? Answer: The Holy Koran or Bible is made by the Original People who is ALLAH, the supreme being, or black man! Asia; The of
Koran will expire in the year twenty-five thousand. Nine thousand and eighty years from the date of this writing the Nation of Islam

is all wise and does everything right, and exact. The Planet Earth, which is the home of Islam and is approximately twenty-five
thousandmiles in a year
years. 2. What is the circumference?

circumference, so and thus every time

the wise man of the Bast his history lasts twenty-

black man! makes history or Koran, to equal his home circumference,

to every mile

five thousand years, he re-news it ior another twenty-five thousand

Answer: 24,

B96 miles Approximately

25, 000 miles.

"3. What is the


diameter of the planet?

Seven thousand nine htmdred twenty-six

Answer: &#39;7, miles. 926

"4. What is the

total square mileage?

000 miles. One hundred ninetysix

Answer: 196, 940,

nine hundred "5. How much is the


forty-thousand square

land and water?

Answer: 57, 255,

of water.

000 square

miles of land. 139, 685, 000

square miles

&#39;6. What is the total


weight ofour Manet?

Answer: Sixty sex trillion tons. A nmit followedby twenty-one


7. How iast does our planet travel Answer: 1,037 1/3 per hour? miles per hour.

8. What makes rain, hail, snow and earthquakes? Answer: The

,. >3 -<

Approximately 3/4th surface. I he and of its Sun Moon, having attracting powerour on planet while planet our making the terrific
speed oi 1, 1/3 037 miles
draws this water up into theEarth rotation, whichis called
becomes heavier than gravitation,then she

Earth is approximately

covered under water.

on itsway around t.he Sun.

The Sun

gravitation, a in fine mist that naked can the eye hardly detect.
But asthis mistascends higher increasing other and with mists of waterin different currents of atmosphere when the until she Earth the in form of drops wateror dropsoi ice, of which
distilis back to the

on how heavy the was the mist in current of airit was in; there or in a lightfluffy form which is called snow, this but water is
above six miles fromthe Earth s


very swift

are some layer or currents oiair real cold and warm and some not ever drawn surface by the

cold currentsit becomessolid ice in small round drops form . in Sun and Moon; the reason I rain s back on ourplanetis because

and changeable the so when water strikes onethese oi

it cannot out the get of Earth Sphere itshighspeed rotathg . with of

the Son Lian experimenting on high of by explosion;fact that in
all the above is caused by the Son of Man.

around the Sun makes impossible. Earthquakes are it caused by

.1A l :

" &#39;8. does devil Why the teach the eight-five per cent, that a mysteryGod
brings all this?

they cannot

Answer: To conceal theGod true which isthe Son Manand make of slaves outoi the 85% by keeping them worshiping something knows he

their labor; the 85% knowthat rains, hails andsnows hear it it also thunder above head. But theydo nottry to learn, whoit that his is causes allthis to happen by letting the 5% teach them;he believes in
the 10% on face value.

see invisible! he and lives and makes himself from rich


ii *"

w7*"? &#39;

92 --13

"10. Who is that mystery God?

Answer: There is not a mystery God. The Son ofHan has unable to find a mystery God. Sothey have agreed that the

searched for mystery that God for trillions of years and was

2 2
<. i Q. I

for that that does not exist.

only God theSon of is Man. So they lose time no searching

&#39;11. Will at home, wait the you set and for mystery Godbring food? to you
Answer: EmphaticallyNo. Me and

l .5 l&#39; i

I 1

oi doors,also wasbeat and killed by the ones who advocated that kindof Godand no releif cameto us until the Son oiMan came toour aid, by thename of our Prophet,W. C. Fard.

and we recieve nothing hard but times, hunger, naked and out

tried this called so mystery

lost from home for three hundred seventy-nine have and years

my people who have been

God for bread, clothing a andHome,

12. Tell us why devil the does not teach that? V

Answer; Because desiresto makeslaves out all he can. he of Sothat can robthem and in luxury. he live

13. Whatbring rain,hail, snow and Earthquakes?

z fl
5 s P

Answer: They continue daily,teach 85% all that to the that this you
that he never will come back tell living and the weather he lied
This isbelieved by 85%.The 10% the know that when man dies
see such rain, snow, hail. as Earthquakes comes that from mystery God that noone will ever beable tosee untilhe dies.

ever been able to come back a 1-om physical death. Butthere is a chancefor mentaldeath, because lostfound was the once dead
physically dead just
"14. Who is the 85%?

All theHistory oi Islam never reveals anything no that man had

mentally dead.

or not because the never known dead is to return from the grave.

mentally and many of them revived it. from But they were not


Answer: The uncivilized people, poison animal eaters, slaves from


or their origin in world they this and worship that know they not
into the right direction.

what. Who easily in wrong are led thedirection hut hard lead to

"15. Who is the

&#39;2 -I if

is .1

poor lies, believe almighty, true living isa to that the and God spook and cannot seen the physical Otherwise be by eye. known
as the blood sucker of the poor.

Answer: The the rich, slave makers poor, who of the teach the

"18. Who is the 5%in this poor part of the Earth?

Answer: They the are poor, righteous teacher, who not do believe in the teaching the 10% are oi and all wise and know the who living
1 P

being the black man!Asia; teach of and Freedom, Justice and

God is and teach the that living God theSon Man, the is of supreme known as civilized people. Also isMoslems and Moslem Sons.

Equality to the all human fanily the of planet Earth, otherwise

Q 92. 1 I I

"17. _ What themeaning of is civilization? Answer: One having knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture,
refinement and is not savage. Pursuit of happiness.

"18. What is the duty ofa civilized person?

Answer: To teach the uncivilized people are who savage, civilization,

righteousness, knowledge of the himself, the science everything of

in life, love, peace and happiness.

:1 zI
. v 1 E.1

"19. if a civilizedperson does perform duty not his what must done? be
Answer: If a civilized person does perform duty not his which is

teaching civilization to others they should punished, a be with severe punishment. Ezekiel, ChapterVerse; St. Luke 3, 18
Chapter 12, 47 Verse. A


_ gt 1

What is prescribed oi Islam said the law oi person oi ability? that

Answer: That
uncivilized andmust be punished thenation ofIslam. he by

the civilizedis person held responsible the for

"21. Who was the founder unlike attract like of and repel?
year eight

Answer: Anoriginal man who was scientist the a by name oi Yacob born twenty miles from the holy cityMecca, in the
thousand iour hundred.

How old was the founder ?

Answer: When Yacob was years six old, whileplaying with two pieces steel,he discovered piece magnetic oi one had in it andthe other piece did not. Thenhe learned that piece the with magnetic attracted the piecethat not have did magnetic them tricknolleged they and would rule six thousand years. for
"23. Tell us what he promised his Nation he would do? Answer: That he would make a devil graft him from his own would makea nation that would be unlike and hewould teach

in it; then he his told people that when he was enough old he

six thousand years.

92 u I

people and he that would teach them how rule his people to for
washis idea of making devil?

&#39;24. What

E ii

thousand four hundred yearshe before was born. 80 was he born with a determined idea tomakea people to rule for six
thousand years.

Answer: It was predicted himthat hemake oi would

devil eight

How long did it take him to make devil?

him from

Answer: Six hundred yearswas grafting he in devil, or making~

the black man.

I. 4 a I Q




------ q
26 What year was that?

@-- A

I I IB 92 7 I


Answer: It in the year was eight thousand hundred, means four which
and sixhundred years before thebirth of Prophet llossa.

from the date of present our history or Koran, or about two thousand
What was name theplace where manufactures devil? the of he the Answer: Pelan.The same is that called Patmos in Rev; the Chapter I,
9 Verse; an island
manufacturing the

i &#39; 0
e iv

that is situated in the


0&#39 .

&#39;28what kind rulesand regulation And of including allenforced laws



2-i -v

strong and good breeders. hesent if not, them

Answer: Yacob rule first was

to see that allhis followers were healthy,

that was good multiplying that not in and they should marry at age the of
sixteen. Next,Yacob gave people law birthcontrol tobe his the on
enforced while manufacturing the devil. That was todestroy thealike and save unlikewhichmeans the blackbabies! and the kill save the brown babies. This law was given thedoctors, theministers, the to nurses and :remator. The doctorslaw wasto examine that the all

back. All that he found


x 1

marry and was law this his that anyone desiring to marry must be first qualifiedthe doctor, and by in turn he qualified disqualified or them to
The nurses was kill law to the
in the brain of the babies feed to somewild beastandtell or it the in heaven. But saveall the brown ones andtell their

the minister. The minister would marryonly theones that were unlike.

black babies at birth by sticking a needle

mother thatshe

that her baby was an angel baby, and itwas only that taken heaven and to some when the day mother dies baby her would have secured her a home Q
was lucky that herbaby was a holy baby and should she take good care cl her baby,educate and some itwould be great it day a man. All nurses, doctors ministers, and Yacob put them under a death penalty to fail to carry out thelaw asit was given tothem. Also, the cremator death forthemif they reveal thesecret. He also had other rules and
laws which are not mentioned in this lesson.


who wouldburn the black babies when thenurse brought it to him; also


7 &#39; 92

4 u

-. omamuan-na{l&#39;gaumH-QuAuuuMMQnn1na

3 I



Tell us, why he was

successful in

all his undertakings?


Answer: Because the people who were his followers obeyed Yaoob laws. Reguardless what he told them to do, they did it. If not, i they paid with their lives for every law they brdse. Yacob did not build prison houses to imprison his people when one fell victim
of the law; the penalty was death and was enforced on every
&#39; Tell us what and how the devil is made? 30


Answer: The devil is made from the original people by grafting; by separating the germs. In the black man there exist two germs;
one a black germ and one a brown germ. Yacob, with his law on birth control, separated the brown germs from the black man and grafted it into white by destroying the a black germ. After

following this process for six hundredyears, the germ became

white and weak and was no more original. Also by thinning the original blood it became weak and wicked and it is no more the same. Thus, this is the way Yacob made the devil. 31 To make devil, what must you rst do? A

Answer: To 32

make devil, one must begin grafting from original. real devil?

Tell us the mental and physical power oi a Answer: The mental power of a

real devil is nothingin comparison are grafted

one third that of

with the original man. He only has six ounces of brain, while the original man has seven and one hali ounces ct brain which are

original. The devil has six ouncesof brain. They

brain. The devil&#39;s physical power is less than weaker than the original man.

the original man. The devil is weak bone, weak blood, because he is grafted from the original; therefore his mental and physical
power is much
"33 What is a devil?

Answer: A grafted man which is made weak and wicked, or any

grafted live germ, from original, is devil.


.. ; Q

0 -


And can you reform devil?

Answer: No. All the prophets have

but were unable, so they

have agreed that it cannot be done unless

numbers only one to

tried to

reform him devil!

we graft him

back to the original man which takes six-hundred

years. So instead of losing time grafting him back, they have

decided to take him oii the planet, who every eleven original people.

Tell us the exact date of

Answer: Expired

the expiration oi the devil&#39;s civilization?

in nineteen and fourteen.


Tell us the exact number of years, months and days, of devil being
birthed on the planet? Answer: Six thousand and twenty years. And seventy-two

~ at
J r: .., gr <,. l Q I1

thousand, two hundred and forty-one months. Two million, one hundred ninty-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-one days, the date of this writing , 020 years, 72, 241 months, 2, l97,35l
days! the eighty -five per cent that the God,

Tell us what the devil teaches

is a righteous

and unseen being, exist everywhere?

_l ., {

Answer: ALLAH is God, in the Earth, and in the heaven above and is just and true and there is no unrighteousness in him. But is not unseen; is seen and is heard everywhere, for he is the all
eye seeing.

Then, &#39;88.

why did God

make devil?

Answer: To show forth his power, that he is all wise, and righteous, that he could make a devil which is weak and wicked and give the devil power to rule the Earth for six thousand years and then destroy

the devil in one day witholli falling a victim

< otherwise to show and prove that ALLAH and always will be.
- -83-

to the devil&#39;s civilization;

is the God; always has been _

92 E n 0 92

w. Z

"89. Now, tell us would youhope to live to see that the Godswill take the devil into hells, in a very near future? Answer: YES, Ifast and pray, ALLAH.
Prophet, W. C. Fard.

In the name of his

in his own goodtime takes the devil oi! our planet. v

That Isee the hereafter when ALLAH

"40. What will be your reward in reguards to the_destructionof the devil? Answer: Peace and happiness. Iwill give all I have and all within my power to see this day, ior which I have waited 379 years. This

contains ,, &#39; 3 i I! |. l92 X "&#39;v L

l I i I 1

lesson No.2 was given byour Prophet,W. D. Fard, which 40 questions answered by ELIJAH Mohammed, of one the lost found inthe Wilderness NorthAmerica, February20th. of
1934. "

:_:_.:;_~J-_-5-=-.h - -_-_- --_ ._.-_




Cult of the Black Muslims

May, 1965

Federal Bureau
92 l 1

of Investigation

United States Department of Justice John Edgar Hoover, Director


TABLE or coursurs




Q Q Q Q a

n o u n

Q a no;

summamr AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . ..

0 Q n Q 0 u 0 Q I0 Q 0 I 00

I 111

A. B. Summary Conclusions

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . ..


0 0I

a a n 0 n Q n IO

n c u0 0 u Q Q0 0 O O



. . . . . . . . . . NOI N01

. . . . ..

. . .

Iii vi
1 2 4


. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Q u n I u I o n

Q Q o I0 00 I I

0 00 0 Q

Conditions in United States Affecting N01 Changing NOI Tactics . . . . . . . .. .

Communist Interest in NOI . . . . .. .

Q u o I0

American Negroes Reaction


o to NOI . . . Q Q . Q n .. . .n . .0


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

u c n |n u u n 0

A. B. National Officials. Dissidents .


. . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . . ..

0 c n I Q u o 00

15 15


. . . ..

. . . .
. .

20 28

National Headquarters . . . . . . .. National Membership . . . . . . . ..

n u u Q o u Q 00 Q c 0 0 I a a n Q n < n O 0 n0 I u p o 0 I 0 00 I o 00 u u o Q0 n = -0 0 Q I I I o Q I O O II a a Q Q c Q 00 n o n Q g

Temples or Mosques . . . . . . . .. Temple Officers . . . . . . . . . .. Fruit of Islam F01! . . . . . . . ..

. . .

Muslim Girls
Schools VI. . .
I&#39; . I

Training MGT! . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
c O I

. ..




O 0

Q o I0

uI I0 II

0 0

A. Sources

of Income
1. Funds

. . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . . ..



2. Cult


. .

. . . . . . . . ..

. . .

28 28 30 31 36 38



3. NOIBusinesses.............

4. Public

Activities--Bazaars and

. . . . . ..

C. "Muhammad&#39;s 3-Year Economic

D. Educationa1Center,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, VII. RECRUITMENT AND MEMBERSHIP

Savings Plan"



A. Recruitment

. . . . . . ..

. . . . . . . ..

B. Membership
Q0 nc ua

Procedures . ..
Ic Q 0 0 c |u no n Q

. . . . . ..
s Q 0 U o 0 0

A Publications

. . ..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B. Exploitation

of Negro Athletes . ..

. . . . . ,

. . . . . ....

IX. tsacumfrrumsugss

AND i31_sc1i>Lms . . . . . . . .

x. NQ1


Security Measures
Contradictions .. Police Jurisdiction Prison Confinement

.. . . . . . . .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Protection of Elijah Muhammad . . . .. Discipline and Punishment . . .. . . ..

. ..

. .

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .

FBI Investigations

. ..



. . ..

. . . .



A monograph entitled "The Islam" issued 1960, Nation oi in October, examined the background, organization, activities, and nature violent of this fanatical, all-Negro United which on distorted cult the States is in based a

interpretation oi principles of is motivated the religious Islam and by hatred


of the white race.

This new monograph has compiled both been from public and

confidential sources additional information to furnish on this antiwhite group,

Iv if gr . 1

which received a has considerableof publicity. have amountTrials occurred involving prisonerstheir religious were during who claimed rights denied them their incarceration; law enforcement have harassed officers been and assaulted

5 3.

by lawbreakers to be who claimed Black Muslims;of Islam and Nation NO!!

members have in verbal as as actual engaged battles, well altercations, with
former cult members.

Even members Elijah Muhammad&#39;s of leader own family have

condemned him. Muslims, the "Black "since assassination in 1965, February,

of Malcolmwho the X, was dissident number-two has leader, become a


familiar term nationwide to who many before had never awarethe been of group. His murder deepened cleavages allegations. has and multiplied Resulting publicity national that benefitsN01, created interest in part the

because thispublicity tends to
proportion to its importance.

magnify the cult : position out of all

The public news mediagenerally refer to all

Negroes claiming

cult membership as Black Muslims, and this name apparently hasbeen accepted byElijah Muhammad and the N01, but attention shouldbe given
to the fact that not all persons classified by the press as Black Muslims

are actually

members of

the NOI.

This monograph

will clarify

some oi the distorted images of the

cult andreveal thetrue consequence this organization. of


&#39; Ci!,

smmnnv sun A. Summary


~ Elijah

Muhammad has continued as absoluteruler over

the Nation

ofIslam since assumed theof Messenger following NOI! he title the of Allah"
the disappearancethecult founder,D. of W. Fard, in 1933. Elijah Muhammad

formulates and NOI policy maintains approves all and complete control over
all funds and properties of the organization. Although he still lives in a luxurious style, his empire has beenshaken byrecent publicity concerning

his immoralities involving many his young secretaries by defection of and the of
several members of the cult hierarchy.

The expulsion in early 1964 of former the leading spokesman of the

cult, Malcolm X Little, was thefirst outward sign of a growingdissidence

among cult

followers. Malcolm s expulsion was followed by defection the of

two of Elijah&#39;s sons andgrandson. had a All been cult leaders and made all
many virulent accusations against formerleader, who their had preached morality and promised wealth an and independent, segregated paradisehis to
Black Muslim adherents.

The last week of February,

ciiinsuaed hectic

14; 92*"/iv A

The dissident Malcolm was murdered February while X on 21 standing to

addressa meeting of Negronationalists inNew York City. Immediately,





charges were made that Elijah had been responsible this murder, and for threats were made against Elijah&#39;s life. To further confuse image the of

Elijah and his organization, a few days later at the annual convention of

the N01 Chicago, in Elijah&#39;s dissident apologized his previous son Wallace for accusations against and was his father reaccepted into NDI. the
At present, approximately5, 000 cult followersattend meetings
;v . l s

of the 37 numbered temples and unnumbered 31 groups, themajority of

which are located in the East andthe Midwest. Nearly half of the total

9 Q

membership belong to only six temples.

Each templeis led by a minister,

a Fruit of Islam

F01! captain,

and as many other-,lesserofficials as are necessary. Within each temple,

the male members compose the FOI and the females compose the Muslim

Girls Training :-. 51 E


MGT!. Both are operated under strict, military-type


All NOI activities arekeyed to raising the of money. Each

member is required to contribute to several special funds of his temple. Each member&#39;s contributions vary among the individual temples regular from about $6 to $13. 50 per week and are used to operate the local temple
sand tosup ii nzid the iieadi:;u..;ar ters in Ciiicago. Gther

K t

revenue to suppat the

Nation comes

from bazaars

and rallies,


of the

cult newspaper, and from the

profits of businesses run by the temples.

__,__ ,1 ..--


,. .....__...._._.--Q!.....___..___ -..l

Since a large

share of the money raised by the individual temples is forwarded

to the Chicago headquarters, Elijah Muhammad has amassed considerable

wealth and property. Recently, Elijah his followers is a "3-Year inaugurated two new programs to which he requests first set up a

and other "so-called Negroes" Economic Plan"

to make contributions. The with which to

designed to collect money

Muslim bank as soon as $1, renews an earlier plan for

000, 000 has been contributed. His an educational

other program These

center to be built in Chicago.

new programs Speaks."

are given much attention in the

cult newspaper. "Muhammad A

E1ijah&#39;s teachings been carried in had

other Negro papers which

accordingly cult members had been required to sell; then, Elijah decided to start his own newspaper. "Muhammad biweekly tabloid until February,

in the

Fall of


Speaks" was a Every issue

1965, when it became a weekly.

contains by-line articles of Elijah and his featured columnists on certain phases of Elija.h s teachings. Nearly everything printed in the paper tends to aggravate

the soreness of race relations in

the United States and throughout the world.

Always, the white man is portrayed

as the innocent victim.

as the brutal oppressor and the black man,

Elijah recognizes the importance of publicity and uses to aid it

recruitment. In N01 member Muhammad All--heavyweight boxing ciampion

1 . 1 I

Cassius Clay--Elijah a has widely publicized athlete whose devotion to the N01 exploited recruitment is for pl1l&#39;p0SS. Elijah also broadcasts on radio, and he advertised has unsuccessfullymeans of by cards on
public transportation vehicles.


the past year, violence

has erupted numerous on occasions events of past the year, the security

between NOI members and "hypocrites, Elijah&#39;s term " for dissident former

members. Becausethe violent of many

protection given Elijah. primarily ritualistic in past, become the has

complete and serious.

Though Elijah Muhammad publicly denies that teaches he or advocates violence or disobediencethe to "white man&#39;s militant laws, " a

approachactually pursued is through obstruction and prison of police

authority, excessively harassing demands for the "religious" rights of

NOI prisoners, deliberate and violations the Selective of Service Act.
B. Conclusions

1. The apocalyptic religious doctrine that Elijah Muhammad, the self-proclaimed "Messenger Allah, " of espousesthe in
N01 is a distorted version of Islam.

2. Elij,ah&#39;s to Black appeal his Muslim followers not lies so

much inthe pseudo-Islamic religious aspects his org;aniza~ of tion as his strong condemnation oi in white society.

3. BecauseElijah has been unsuccessful in recruiting educated

Negroesaccept his to teachings, a1lt&#39;s future the will depend


1 E

f F.


-Q _--- - --~ _.~ ~ J; -_-- -Q4-QQA. _.



-.Q 4Q

F ,. i 3.
L I 75

upon success of the his concerted the less-educated appeal to and, less-privileged Negroes who are dissatisfied and frustrated with
their lot in the United States.

4. Elijah&#39;s ambivalent teachings baffle his followers.public, he In vows that N01 the does not advocate violence, in meetings while cult he preaches antiwhite, Christian, anti- and anti-Government conduct and threatens"hypocrites. the " Violence erupted past has in the and
will continue as long as confusion, accusations,doubts prevail. and

p x i r

_< ..I >-

5- Thedeath Elijah Muhammad the in a of would place cult perplexing predicament. claimsbe the Apostle Elijah to last ofAllah has and made provisionsa no for successor; therefore, upon death his an
its leader undoubtedly would to strive supply own "brandconhis of

opportunistic member who knows good life N01 about the the provides
cocted religious teachings" to assuming justify leadership of the
Nation of Islam. _

3 a 1

A v

v 1 t | !

ii..=i...s...._.._..._.._":}. ........ --..._-...-_... - ..





One at the

FBl&#39;s many responsibilities is that of investigating who are dangerous

members oi "basic revolutionary organizations or groups"

or potentially

dangerous to the internal security oi the United States.

Persons includedunder this responsibility are leading functionaries

I 8 .

and active,militant membersof the Nation ofIslam N01!,who because of their fanaticalantiwhite and anti-United States Government teachings beliefs and

I x

would be potentially dangerous likely seizeupon the and to opportunity presented

by a national emergency to endangerthe public saiety andwelfare.
Therefore, the FBI must determine the identities, whereabouts,

and activitiesindividuals constituting of these a threat the to internal security,

and must develop sufficient information and evidence to sustain appropriate
.3 .&#39; I I s

action against

such individuals

or to

control their

movements and activities

in the event of a national emergency.




A previousmonograph explainedNation Islam how the of

originated as many militant cultist one of and groups whicharisen had in

the northern industrial citiesthe of United States following WorldI. War Brie y, the N01, known at various as timesAllah s Temple of Islam and Muslim of Islam, the Cult developed in Detroit, Michigan, out of the teachings ofW. 1- ard. Fard a oneD. wasdoor-to-door peddler in

the Negro neighborhoods of To stimulatesales, told that city. his he his customers his products from home that came their country from he which
also come. His had rather mystic personality apparently entranced his

customers, and long instructing before he was small gatheringswith tales oftheir origin." In "true this the tenetsthe were way, of cult developed. Little factual was learned data ever concerning and after 1933 Fard; May, when ordered authorities to Detroit, by local leave he dropped outofsight
and no trace ofhim has ever been found.

Following I- ard&#39;s of one disappearance, his followers, a Georgia-

born Negro named Elijah assumed the cult. Poole, leadership of Poole 6?ZllZliUd that Allah Fard had himself, had renamed"Z:.lija.h been him
Muhammad, the Messenger of Al1&h,"3iP-ii had him ordereci to coxiiinue

teaching lost-found people in wilderness America. "the black the of North


..-t_-_~ . --.....en;>.-.s._._...e..e

Elijah was active inDetroituntil late

in 1934, when,

because of

trouble with local authoritiesover theoperation ofthe cult school, hemoved

to Chicago. There, he established Temple No.which became and 2, remains

the national headquarters of
t at K.

the N01.

During the succeeding

30 years, Elijah Muhammad&#39;s teachings

aroused theinterest of many personswho joined the N01. But E1ijah&#39;s

s. l 3


unorthodox approach and his

its members

demands for absolute control over thecult and

. v

disenchanted many after only short periods of membership.

Still, the has influence and following. cult a certain a considerable There
are now numbered 38 temples ormosques, one whichis inactive, and 31 of unnumbered groups the United States. Most arecentered the Midwest in in
and theEast, with a few groups in the South and few in the Far West. a


5 >



"> COPY 141








v vv

_ .;_ I

.&#39; I ir H
,.92 1 I I 2 3 ,, 5 I I 1 1 I T T


.I Q;

.~ :





Title of monograph and "Nation date:

Monograph recommended Monograph approved by: by:

of Islam," May, 1965

R. W. Smith

Mr. Tolson

Purpose of monograph:

To clarify
and to

the distorted


image of this organization

reveal its

v . ,.. .

Monograph is part
six months

of a series.

Monograph will have current value as a reference work after a lapse of or a year.

. 1 i K

Z 1

t *<



A. {Conditions States NOI in United Affecting What conditionsinthe States allow prevail United which this

unusual organization appeal its present-day notoriety? and Why is the N01 seemingly more important at timeits today any inhistory? than

Prominent Negro scholars point new to a assertive mood,

tir?; ~

frequently Nationalism, the called"t&#39;B1ack "rising Negroes among in this country. leaders in interpretation But Negro differ their and A use to made mood. be of this However, into whateverthey causes channel this allrecognize concept--theNegro mood, one common American is H a with group aheritage taking to the of suffering, action forcewhite
majority torecognize and itslegal fulfill rights.

, . i 2 bl s

We observe mood actions this in the new and activities of the

voter registra

maioritynonviolent of the demonstrations,integration such as school

tion, boycotts, et cetera,the of major rights civil organ-

izations."Black The Nationalism" rights of civil organizations these

is expressed in dedication their to integration within the of Negroes the

present framework ofsociety.

However, avowals despite ofnonviolence, been there has a


growing tone activities rights militant the to of Negro movements the


2 L



K 92Z

Public attention, therefore, hasbeen increasingly focused on most the unorthodox Negro organization--the NOI, "Black Muslims, "whose or

v it

particular form "Black of Nationalism" expresses inopen denunciation itself

of thewhite raceand constant demands for complete separation from white
society. .

E! -1
a f, Z ~-1

B. Changing

NOI_ Tactics

During 30 years the that ElijahMuhammad has absolute been ruler over the N01, changing conditions in United the States have noticeably altered the emphasis has he placed on various the aspects of teachings. his This change of emphasis has reflectedchangeof policy has not a but been merely
a response to external pressures and realities.

.~&#39;u -92 $.~92 1

For sometime, Elijah faithfully followedthe originalteachings


of Fard, who preached theblack that people


ci NorthAmerica werenot

Negroes but members the tribe Shabazz, were of lost of stolen by white slave
traders from the HolyCity of Mecca many years ago, and that he himself
had come America to find and bring back to life his lost brethren, who to

I 1 1

must learnthat they were


the original people and must regaintheir true

Elijahfurthered Fard&#39;s that avowal Christianity wasa tool of the


7 3

white man

formed for the sole purpose of keeping theoriginal black man

enslaved, and only that through following laws Allah the of would


l 5


.-_ Q ,_

-. ____.


J I &#39;2&#39;!

original people the Paradise which had stolen. return to from they been
1 4

ta"J 4 t
1-._ . .- r~ s.. I . . 51;. P, 1+ ;~~=-

Elijah indoctrinated his followers the with belief that the United States Governmentoi, by,and for white only, that was the man the black people did belong not to Americabut were citizens Mecca, of

and that, therefore, their allegiance belonged to Muslim flag, the which
would give freedom. them justice, and equality, notthe to American flag, which would themslavery, injustice, and bring only death. By 1958, however, fearing possible Government prosecution, Elijah ordered ministers temper militant his to their teachings.

. h , .

g. 1
e I


Though making any not fundamental changes, he deemphasized the religious aspectscult and of the stressed economic benefits the to be
derived by those Negroes who joined the N01.

Daring this same period, NOI the constantly emphasized the

cu1t&#39;s efforts in the rehabilitationNegro criminals, addicts, of dope

and alcoholics, those had joinedand had by publicizing who the N01
bettered their position in society. The former leading spokesman oi

5 r 3 I

the cult, Malcolm who was X, assassinated in February, 1965, been had
instrumental in spreading claim the the that N01 had phenomenal had

success in rehabilitating these Negroes. Malcolm, who publicly acknowl-

edged he had a that been narcotics addict and a criminal before joining the


~~ .1-1

. .1


.-&#39;< I

Still another N01 emphasis the steadily change of resulted from rising influence of the present-day civil movement an Negro rights This caused increase of N01 open denunciation ofNegrorights other civil organizations and Negro Christian support them. leaders the ministers who Negro of the

civil rights called byMuslims leading the and groups are the "the blind blind" "puppets ofslave masters." Christian called the white Negro ministers are "parasites living their poor brothers, the on the blood oi Black ""tools of
whiteman, and "educated " Uncle Toms. "

-...92 U1 _~ -t t

l=D~trally in New CityFebruary when the York on 16, the deposed Malcolm 1965, X ,. chargedwas a conspiracy organizations that there that between these was "not -a
in best interest people. " the of black Malcolm&#39;scame just angry charge two
thrown on orders Elijah the of Muhammad. _

An alliance between the and Ku Klan N01 the Klux KICK! and now then has been in press. Again, rumored the a connection reported was following

days afterhome been tire by whichclaimed were his had damaged bombs he
Malcolm&#39;s chargeis not oia conspiracy borne outthe by facts. The


N01 and mutually antagonistic issue. only they KKK are on the race The aim hold common is in complete separation Malcolm of the races. himself unproductively with KKK January, for land negotiated in leaders 1961, where the N01 up own businesses, could set its commerce, and government. On another occasion months the several later, minister of Atlanta the Temple


. it f

attended a public Klan rallyand his presence was acknowledged by the

Klan leader. The N01 minister was merely an observer and took no part

in therally, following
5. .

which, he told newsmen did approve he not of the

Muhammad told a group of his followers

Klan. Still later in 1961, Elijah


that a representativeof KKK had the asked to come to NOIto an meeting tell howthey supported Elijah&#39;s work. saidthat "if they showed Elijah up
they would be carried out. "

.v.;&#39; ,f


Not all N01 hatred is vented on other extremists, civil


groups; andChristian ministers. The Communistand Party

Workers Party"are similarly denounced and avoided.

the Socialist

Q 4
; &#39;a~_

Dis ident N01 members have reportedElijah that

communism on many occasions
denunciations are echoed in the

has denounced

while speaking at temple meetings. Ilijah&#39;s

statements of his ministers. One N01

1 we &#39;P92-,4 4 292

minister told

his followers,

"The N01 does not favor the

communists and

will not have anythingto do with communism. Muslims hate communists

worse than the white people hate the communists and Russia. Communism

92 ; I al

is no good for

anyone. "

Noncooperation with groupwhite people isthe BlackMuslim any of

i t.

rule. The

N01 prohibits its followers from participating

in or

lending support

to any organization or meeting which non-Muslim Negroes whitepeople or

sponsor. For example, an N01 minister on the west coast had agreedto

Designated as subversive pursuant to Executive Order 10450.

92 1 b

&#39; 92


R 1

participate forum 1964. he learned DeBerry, a in in When labor May, that Clifton
the Socialist Workers candidate for theof States, also Party President United was scheduled the to speak forum, minister asked at the N01 headquarters if he might part. was immediately the and still Denial take forthcoming, minister
"92 &#39; 1 ra&#39;3

cancelled his


C. Communist Interest in N01__

The Communist USA Party, CPUSA!, sympathetic to while the N01, has a current policyadvocating and of supporting integration rather than

1. 30 :.

segregation of whites in Negroes andcountry. this Ironically, the CPUSA for many years official policy pursued an of "self-determination, " orseparate a
nationAmerican Negroes. for In 1959, Party concluded when the that a such

t ~ i I

segregationist policy communist the civil was inimical interest in rights to movement, the its constitution. spokesmen Party changed CPUSA since that time condemned the former figure, Malcolm X, have N01 and N01 the the late
as "ultrareactionary among people,once out forces" the Negro singled and
Malcolm an "opponent Negro X as of thepeople. "


.- V. .

However, the has Party recently moderated toward the its attitude

N01, communist spokesmen the program as and now usually N01 refer to being somewhat "Utopian"and not with communist "divisive, " in keeping thus, doctrine In this regard,Party has the N01 represent the the stated that does not large majority of this country, seek Negroes in who equality the context within of an
integrated society.


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