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Silent Suffering: The Inability of the Church to Deal with Demonic Kidnappings, Satanic Mind Control, and Chronic

Illness Not all of a persons suffering is caused by personal sin. Not every chronic illness is a demon. Trying to cast out something that isn't there leads to nothing but a destruction of faith, a waste of time and energy on behalf of the person seeking deliverance and exorcism and the person handing it out. I cannot stand the satanic hive mind BORG collective attitude in current christian fellowship. TOW THE LINE! Or be mocked scoffed made fun of ridiculed called names kicked out gossiped about etc. TAKE YOUR HAT OFF! DON'T WEAR SHORTS! KING JAMES ONLY! All of these are traditions of men which came from doctrines of devils. All of these traditions mean nothing to me nor do I see why its necessary. Traditions of men quench the spirit. I hate traditions of men. I hate doctrines of devils. I will not fellowship anywhere where any such thing is occurring period. I am still trying to find out what exactly happened to me. Peace is very hard to find even though I seek it. Blaming the victim for their suffering is satanic and I will not fellowship with anyone that tells me that. I will not have fellowship with anyone who calls me names. I will not have fellowship with anyone who calls me delusional. I will not have fellowship with anyone that calls me paranoid. No I will not go to your self righteous prayer group and pray and then see nothing happen night after night for months and months. Oh but we walk by faith not by sight!. Thats just an excuse you say when your prayers don't get answered. God works in mysterious ways!. Thats what you say to justify your own unbelief. When a person is seeking help what positive outcome can there be when you immediately blame the person? Oh you just need to get out of the way so God can work. What a satanic hypocritical thing to say to someone seeking help. It's just empty christian platitudes that mean nothing but It's your own fault you messed your own self up deal with it. That's garbage. I do not know how many satanic implants, microchips, or chips I may have. Nor do I know why I was taken in the first place. I was first taken when I was four. I don't know how many times I have been taken. I don't know the exact things they did to me while I was gone and in their lair. I know for a fact I have at least one chip or implant in my left ear. All people that are kidnapped by demons receive implants. The secularists and those that don't believe in God and even some of those that do believe are deceived by the alien abduction phenomena. I shake my head when I hear those that name of name of Christ professing a belief in aliens. The demons work with the government and use highly sophisticated fallen angel technology to kidnap people. Portals, walk through wall technology, cloak technology, time travel technology. It's all real. It exists and if you deny it you are either ignorant or you are in on it. Think about it. How can someone be gone from their bed at night for hours and hours and no one notices it? I believe they take the person at lets say 1 AM then work on them satanically for lets say 4 hours then

they use their time travel technology to drop them off at 1 AM again. Last year (July 2011) my handlers or whoever was in charge of spying on me noticed I was getting too close to the truth so they had to activate the mind control chip in my ear. I heard a man's voice in my head like a recording saying Go to sleep. over and over and over again. I guess this is called the go to sleep program. Anyway lets rewind a little bit. That night I had woken up suddenly. It was dark it was the middle of the night. On the surface of the situation everything appeared to be normal. My first thought was ,Why am I awake? It was extremely odd because I almost never wake up in the middle of the night. Obviously their was a reason I had awoken. I believe that on that particular night I was being programed or maybe activated to do something. I just don't know. Anyway not even 10 seconds later the go to sleep recording began playing in my mind due to the chip in my ear. I was powerless to fight the programing even though I tried. I failed to stay awake. It took one moment in time for me to close my eyes and then it was later on in the night. Even though I only closed my eyes for what appeared to be five seconds. I suspect one of the things they did was upload more demons into my body a process the devil worshipers call energizing. Shortly after this event satanic paranormal demonic activity increased greatly. Sleep paralysis, graphic sex dreams ( I mean super HD graphic extreme sex dreams), my bed moving by itself, shadow people in my room (demons), doors opening by themselves, footsteps at night when no one is there, weird rumblings, pots and pans moving in the kitchen, ufos firmly entrenched floating above the house all night (either demons or spaceships), fake plane laying chemtrails over the house almost daily (never saw a chemtrail in my area before they ussually spray in parallel or x pattern), either real or fake turbo prop planes doing circles over the house daily (never had planes flying over the house before house is not located in a flight zone), either real or fake helicopters doing flyovers over the house weekly (never had choppers fly over the house before), fake planes following me around town as I drive etc. Some of these things still occur namely the fake planes that shapeshift and the ufos. They are still around I don't know how to make them go away. The modern day church is not equipped to deal with this. The church I was going to was a 501 c3 corporation fully yoked up to the beast in order to receive their non taxable status and a host of other goodies (Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues). They even have a board of directors like a real corporation! They refuse to believe that there is any government involvement (1Jn 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness). The church I was going to has no knowledge of satan's fallen angel demonic technology. They rejected my claims of the fake shape shifting planes. They rejected me when I told them the truth about how these fake shape shifting planes follow me around everywhere (Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also

reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children). The church I was going to thought everything contrary to what the church believed was somehow demonic or a demon. They thought every sickness and illness was a demon. Example I told them about a certain chronic illness that has been bothering me. They immediately tried to cast this demon out. Guess what nothing happened. I felt absolutely no difference. Whenever I had a question concerning deliverance immediately they tried casting out the demon of spiritual confusion. Guess what nothing happened no difference. I felt no better or worse. Since the fellowship thought everything was a demon, they only had one response to every problem that was to cast the demon out. And guess what happens when they are sitting there for hours casting this demon out and nothing happens? It's immediately the person seeking deliverance's fault. Instead of looking at themselves and their approach to the problem they blame the victim for their failure like the devil. At the end the self righteous prideful arrogant my way or the highway hypocrisy in the leadership of the church drove me away. They cannot help me in anyway when they deny the problem. They cannot help me when they cannot see the problem for what it is (Pro 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish.) There are people out there getting kidnapped and implanted tortured and raped and killed by demons and the demon possessed everyday using fallen angel technology to take people from their cars homes rooms and very beds and the church cannot see it. They won't talk about it. They won't acknowledge it. They won't look at it. They won't investigate it. Since they it didn't happen to them it doesn't happen. Sure they will play the blame game and other demonic games but when it comes to actually putting a stop to this atrocity they are deaf dumb and blind to it both spiritually and physically. In the church world I have already accepted that no person can help me. I have to go directly to God for my deliverance. I have to go directly to God to help with my mind control and their satanic demonic implants and microchips. I have to go directly to God for my miracle healing. I have had so many christians pray for me, pray over me for my healing etc., and there is no difference in my condition. Most start to play the blame game when they see nothing happening (you dont have enough faith etc). While some otherd start play the wait game (just hurry up and wait you have to really beliiieeve then you will recieve). I have come to the conclusion that their prayers are not whats needed for me to be healed. I believe that there is something deeper inside of me that needs to be fixed and when the Lord Jesus Christ my God fixes it my healing will come. The church has failed utterly and woefully when it comes to seeing people healed. How many church services are you going to where divine and miracle healing and other miracles are occurring often and on a consistent basis? How many limbs have you seen grown when people pray for them? How many blind

people have had their sight restored after people pray for them? How many deaf people have their hearing restored after people pray for them? How many people have you seen get up and walk out of their wheelchairs when people pray for them? How many depressed christians are walking around out there depressed mocked, beaten, ridiculed, torn down, whipped by demons, other christians and just people in the world in general? How many christians have committed suicide just this month because they just couldn't take it anymore? There are people out there right now suffering silently everyday and the church is powerless to help them. The church is powerless to heal them. The church is powerless to deliver them. The church is powerless to set them free. I've heard every excuse in the damn book as to why nothing is happening when people pray for others. And you have to excuse my language but all their reasons are bull **** wrapped in a chicken **** sandwich. I refuse to go to any church where I don't see the miracle healing and power of God moving on a consistent basis. I just will not go to that church (2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away). Where there is a lack of power, satan and his false teaching and the false teachers that teach them will quickly fill the gap with traditions of men which are nothing more than doctrines of devils(ex. hey instead of preaching against satanic government mind control lets preach about the rapture rapture rapture, tithe to me and God will bless you don't tithe and God will curse you, I curse anyone that comes against my ministry, lets pray death over the people that would go against us lord I pray you would destroy and take out any person coming against me etc). There are so many false doctrines and satanic prayers being prayed in the name of Jesus, and false teachings in the church. And where there is false teaching the power of God won't be there (hey lets all get slain in the spirit this sunday read: lets all go to our satanic false pastor and get a kundalini awakening this sunday!). Hint: these satanic false pastors, new age gurus, and other practitioners of kundalini yoga, meditaion and other new age spirituality won't tell you that kundalini gives you cancer and is in fact an evil spirit that wants to steal everything you own, destroy everything you love and then after you have suffered enough kill you. Satan and his devils have replaced the power of God in the church with false power and false signs and wonders, false healing, and false miracles traditions of men, doctrines of devils, activities, fundraisers, bake sales, car washes, christmas parties and cookie drives. Is the point of the church of Christ to have a bake sale or a car wash? Or is it's purpose to see the captives healed delivered and set free from sickness illness and mind control and every other satanic bondage of satan? This is where christian astral projection, christian mediation, christian yoga come in. Since the church is not healing people or delivering people satan has to use a counterfeit sign or wonder to deceive and to keep the masses enthralled and busy with all the festivities.

It is my guess that there are more satanist behind the pulpits than there are true believers of Christ. The only thing I can say to those that are truly seeking after Jesus is to go to Him directly yourself. Pray to Him for what you need directly yourself. Skip the satanic blame and wait game that the christians without answers like to play and go directly to the Lord Jesus Christ for yourself. For those of you involved in the satanic mind control, the demonic kidnappings disguised as alien abductions, the spying and stalking of others, the implants and the chemtrails I forgive you and I pray you repent or you will burn for ever.

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