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1507 Orthodox Street Frankford will be held on

Tuesday Evening, December

at 7.45 o'clock.

14, 1943

At 8.15


will address the meeting on

A thrilling historic and tragic story.

MR. JACKSON, a native Philadelphian, is a man of outstanding ability. He is well known as a historian, artist, architect and editor. At different times he was Art Editor of the Public Ledger; News Editor of the Public Ledger; Columnist of the Evening Public Ledger; Editor of "Building," "Building Arts," "Pennsylvania Architect and Engineer." He was Assistant Director of the Philadelphia Pageants. He has written for many of the national magazines - World's Work, International Studio, The Antiquarian, Pennsylvania Magazine of History, etc., etc. Wrote the article "Philadelphia" for the new Encyclopedia Britannica. Wrote eighty (80) articles for Dictionary of American Biography. He is alife: member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Honorary Member of the Philadelphia Chapter, American Institute of Architects; member, Independence Hall Association. Received the Poor Richard Medal for Achievement, 1934. Mr. Jackson has written and published the following books and pamphlets 1900 Notes on the History of Lithography in Philaelphia. 1902 (Contributor) King's Philadelphia and Notable Philadelphians. 1910 History of the Germantown Academy (Issued Anonymously for the Alumni). 1911 Thackery in Philadelphia. 1912 Dickens in Philadelphia. 1918 Market Streef, Philadelphia. 1919 Jackson's Year Book of Philadelphia, 1920 Jackson's Philadelphia Year Book. 1920 Foreword to "English Notes" by E. A. Poe. 1922 Quaint Corners in Philadelphia (Introduction and Chapter on City Hall Square). 1923 Early Philadelphia Architects and Engineers. 1924 American Colonial Architecture. 1925 Development of American Architecture. 1926 Introduction to "The Aliens," A Patriotic Poem by Humphrey Marshall.

1926 America's Most Historic Highway (Revised Edition of Market Street.) 1926 Prints, Documents and Maps, Illustrative of Philadelphia 1937 Bibliography of Charles G. Leland. 1927 Historic Hotels of the World (with D. R. B. Ludy). 1927 An Old House in a New Home (Drexel & Co.) Anonymous. 1928 Introductory Essay on Poe in "Philosophy of Animal Magnetism" by E. A. Poe. 1930 Bibliography of )George Lippard. 1931-1933 Encyclopedia of Philadelphia (4 vols.) 1932 Washington in Philadelphia. 1934 Iconography of Philadelphia. 1937 See Philadelphia - A Visitor's Handbook. 1939 Literary Landmarks of Philadelphia. 1940 Philadelphia Past and Present. 1940 See Philadelphia (Revised Edition).

Pamphlets 1903 The Liberty Bell (Moses King Booklet). 1903 The Philadelphia Mint (Moses King Booklet). 1908 The Book of the Pageant (with Dr. E. P. Oberholtzer). 1908 The Historical Pageant (Moses King Booklet). 1911 David James Dove, An Eighteenth Century Schoolmaster 1911 The First Balloon Hoax. 1920 An Old Landmark, A Famous Book Store (Leary's). 1924 Where Jefferson Wrote the Declaration of Independence. 1927 A Famous Book Store in a New Home (Leary's). 1928-1929 Campion's Book Notes - 8 pamphlets. 1918 History of Hat Making in Philadelphia (for John B. Stetson Co.) Serial, Not In Book Form 1913 History of Arch Street. 1915 Early Advertising in Philadelphia. (OVER)

Come and Bring a Friend

and any books or publications you may have, written by Mr. Jackson, and he will autograph them that evening.

CAROLINE W. SMEDLEY, Secretary. JOHN C. MENDENHALL, First Vice President Chairman of Program Committee

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