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Nancy Philip has developed a program for calculating the tax that an individual needs to pay.

The program needs to be tested for different types of inputs. Which type of testing will Nancy use to test the program? Unit testing

Susan Ward is a software developer in Supersoft2000. She has developed an application that offers e-commerce service for transacting business throught the internet. Which technique should Susan use to test whether the system correctly over a continuous period of time? Requirements testing

Which of the following is the first step in test effort estimation? Identifying components that need to be tested

Which of the following is NOT a test effort estimation technique? KPA

Statement A: A test Manager should criticize a team member on a one-to-one basic, preferably in a neutral location. Statement B: A test Manager should criticize a team member. Without considering the past performance of the team member. Statement A is True and Statement B is False

Statement A: test effort estimation is the responsibility of a test manager Statement B: test effort estimation helps in detemining the number of testers and time required for software testing Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True

Statement A: A Test Manager does not need to network with people outside the organization while making test management decisions. Statement B: A Test Manager should take important decision alone. Without any external or internal in fluence. Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False

Which configuration management activity does SQA monitor to ensure consistency and accuracy in the file naming conventions of computer programs. Software units, and associated software documents? Software configuration identification

Statement A: TPA is a technique for test effort estimation Statement B: FPA is a technique for risk analysis Statement A is True and Statement B is False

Statement A: FPA is used to estimate the size of a test effort Statement B : FPA is used to estimate the size of a software application Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False

Which of the following comprises of a step-by-step procedure of the actions to be taken in a test process? Test Script

Which domain of software testing involves large enterprises using complex applications to manage and intergrate business processes across multiple divisions and organizational boundaries? Enterprise Resource Planning

Which testing tool ensures that changes made to the artifacts are also tracked? Traceability tool

Raymond has developed an application software for a Ranch to keep a record of all the poultry and horses on the ranch. Parallel testing

Net Solutions Ltd has developed a software to create HTML pages without coding. Test summary

Roger has developed an application softwear for a musician to keep a record of all the different tunes created by him. Stress testing

Sam a developer has developed an application softwear for Tools 2000, which keeps track of the time spent by each empolyee on the different projects allocated. Alpha testing

Statement A: The selection of an appropriate tool is secondary aspect of the testing process. Statement B: The selection of an appropriate tool to an ease in the burden of test production and test execution. Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Which of the following bindings enables a reliable sission by default? WSDualHttpBinding

Which of the following features of WCF security concepts is the process of preventing the message that is being transferred between a wcf service and a users client application form being ready by another user? Confidentiality

Which of the following value of the Impersonation Option property specifies that impersonation is implemented when a client provides its credentials to the service? Allowed You want to create a component using .NET framework and want . Which of the following step will you perform to accomplish the preceding task ? 1. Expand the components node 2. Click the Activation tab in the Properties dialog box. 3. Expand the Component Service -> Computer -> My Computer -> COM+ Application node in the Component Service window 4. Right click the component in the application , and then select Properties. 5. Select the Enable Just In Time Activation check box and click Ok button. 6. Expand the COM+ application in which you want to implement JIT service. step3 -> step6 -> step1 -> step 4 -.> step 2 -> step5

Jim has created a component using .NET Framework. He wants that when a client application accesses the component . a copy of remote object the component is created and passed to client application . Which of the following code snipped will Jim used to accomplish the creceding task [SerializableAttribute] public class Class1 { } You have created a component using .NET Framework and hosted the component in a server application. Now, you want to define a channel to enable the component to communicate with .NET client application. Which of the following code snippet will you define the channel in the server application where the component is hosted? Using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channel.Tcp; namespace Remoting Server { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { TcpServerChannel channel = new TcpServerChannel(9932); } George has created a component using .NET framework and hosted it in a servers application. The component uses the HTTP channel to communicate with a .NET client application. Which of the following code snippets should George use register the channel in server side? HttpServerChannel channel=new HttpServerChannel(9932); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel); You are creating a WCF service that needs to be accessed by an AJAX-enable Web application. Which of the following WCF serialization classes will you use to serialize and deserialize an object of the service into a standard format to enable the service to communicate with the application? DataContractJsonSerializer Peter is creating a WCF service that will be accessed over the Internet. He want to authenticate a user through a membership provider. In addition , he wants that password provided by the user should be encrypted and stored in the database. Which of the following attributes allow him to do this ? PasswordFormat

using System.Data using System.Data.SqlClient; [MarshalByRefObject] namespace RemoteObject { public class Class1 { public DataSet TransDetails(string AccountNumber) { string constring=server=MyServer;database=ImperialBank;user sa;password=niit#pass; id=

string querry=Select Transaction_Id as Transaction Id, Transaction_Date as Transaction Date, Credit, Debit, Bal_Amt as Balance Amount from Transactions where acc_no = +AccountNumer+; SqlConnection con =new SqlConnection(constring); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(querry,con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds,Transactions); return ds; } } } However, while executing the application to verify the component, an error occurred. Which of the following code snipped will you use to execute the application successful? using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace RemoteObject { public class Class1:MarshalByRefObject // ko phi l [MarshalByRefObject] { public DataSet TransDetails(string AccountNumber) {

string constring = " server=MyServer;database =ImperialBank;user id =sa; password = niit#pass "; string query = "Select Transaction_Id as 'Transaction Id', Transaction_Date as 'Transaction Date',Credit, Debit, Bal_Amt as 'Balance Amount' from Transactions where acc_no = '" + AccountNumber + "'"; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds, "Transactions"); return ds; } } } using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels; namespace RemotingServer { class Program { static void Main(string[] agrs) TcpServerChannel channel = new TcpServerChannel(9932); } } However, while compiling the server application, she received an error. Which of the following code snippets will fulfill the requirement without using error? using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp; namespace RemoteServer { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { TcpServerChannel channel = new TcpServerChannel(9932); } Sam has created a component using .NET framework. He has created a server application to host the component and written the following code snippet in the server application to register a remote object: RemotingCofigruration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType (typeof(RemotingObject.Class1).RemoteObject,WellKnownMode.SingelCall);

However, while compiling the server application, he received an error. Which of the following options is the correct solution? The third parameter should be WellKnownObjectMode. Michael has created a COM+ serviced component. MyComponent using .NET Framework. After writing the business logic code in the component, he has performed the following steps to create a strong key for the component: 1. Right click the Properties node in the Solution Explorer Window, and then select Open 2.Clear the Protect my key file with a password checkbox, and then click the ok button 3. Select the New option from the Choose a trong name key file drop-down list 4. Select the Sign the assembly check box 5. Click the Singing tab in the BankComponent window 1. Right-click the Properties node in the Solution Explorer window, and then select Open. 2. Click the Signing tab in the BankComponent window. 3. Select the Sign the assembly check box. 4. Select the New option from the Choose a strong name key file drop-down list. 5. Type MyComponentKey in the Key file name text box. 6. Clear the Protect my key file with a password check box, and then click the OK button using System; [TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose = true,TransactionIsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted,TransactionTimeout = "00:00:30"] public class Service : IService { public string DisplayMessage() { return ("Hello Client"); } } However, after writing the code snippet in the service, he executed the service. While executed the service, he received an error. Which of the following code snippets should he used to execute the service successfully? using System.Transactions; [ServiceBehavior(TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose = true,TransactionIsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted,TransactionTimeout = "00:00:30")] public class Service : IService { public string DisplayMessage() { return ("Hello Client");

} } public class Service : IService { [TransactionAutoComplete = true,TransactionScopeRequired = true] public string DisplayMessage() { return ("Hello Client"); } } While executing the service , an error occurred. Which of the following code snippets will you use to execute the service successfully ? public class Service : IService { [OperationBehavior(TransactionAutoComplete true)] public string DisplayMessage() { return ("Hello Client"); } }


<configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <endpoint address="msmq:DIRECT=OS:localhost/private/requestqueue" binding="msmqIntegrationBinding" bindingConfiguration="Binding1" contract="MSMQApp.IService"> </endpoint> </service> </services> <bindings> <msmqIntegrationBinding> <binding name="Binding1" > </binding> </msmqIntegrationBinding> </bindings> </system.serviceModel > </configuration> When you executed the service , an error occurred. Which of the following code snippets will Susanne use to rectify the error? <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services>

<endpoint address="msmq.formatname:DIRECT=OS:localhost/private/requestqueue" binding="msmqIntegrationBinding" bindingConfiguration="Binding1" contract="MSMQApp.IService"> </endpoint> </service> </services> <bindings> <msmqIntegrationBinding> <binding name="Binding1" > </binding> </msmqIntegrationBinding> </bindings> </system.serviceModel > </configuration> Which of the following is an effective technique for resolving disagreement in a defect acknowledgement process? Meetings between the testing and development teams to determine the understanding of the defects What is the role of Manual testing in the Test Execution process To ensure that the people interacting with the automated system accurately perform their functions. Which of the following is the exit criteria for executing Unit test plans? Check whether or not the control is passed from one subprogram to another in accordance with the program specifications Which is the following best defines Regression Testing? Process of ensuring that the newly modified code still complies with its specified requirements and that related code has not been affected by defect correction. Statement A: the tester while creating test case estimates the expected test results, whereas, the actual test request occur during execution of these test cases. Statement B: when the tester executes a test script, the tester must be aware of the test conditions, the general test objectives, and the specific test objectives listed for that test script. Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True. Statement A: an effect signifies the underlying reason for the statement of condition. Statement B: a cause signifies the severity of a statement of condition. Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False. Which of the following represents a typical defect life cycle? Raise a defect, Report a defect, get the defect acknowledged by developer, and verify the defect.

Statement A: Validation comprises checking consistency, completeness, correctness of the software at each stage and between each stage of the SDLC


Statement B: Validation is an activity that provides objective evidence that the output of the product meets the specified requirement of the product Both statements are FALSE

Jim Lewis is a user of a newly developed software application at New Shoes Ltd. Operational Techniques James Cooper, a certified software tester, has been asked by CompCord Inc. to test their application that provides information about the login and logout time of the employees. Audit Trail Safe Software Ltd. Is developing a software application for mobile phones. Inspection Jan Matthews has been assigned to test a Java application developed by Java Max Corp. Multiple Condition/Decision Coverage P and L Software Solutions is a software development organization. The developers can upgrade the software code to create an error log file that states the environment when an abnormal or unknown condition occurs within the system.

Jim Morrison was asked to test a software developed by HRM System Inc. Identify the procedures used in producing the condition. Statement A: A Test Manager is supposed to provide quality check parameters for the product but not actually do it after the software is ready Statement B: A Test Manager should design a test strategy the best suits the project at the start of the project Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Peter Cooper has recently been appointed as the Test Manager in ICIS Ltd. Demonstrating personal effectiveness Statement A: model is an extension of W model Statement B: The cost of correcting a defect that is detected early in the development life cycle is much less than the cost of correcting a defect dectected at a later stage

Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Statement A: White-box testing is a static testing technique Statement B: Black-box testing is a dynamic testing technique Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Tim Jones has been appointed by Vertex Ltd. Recognize past efforts of the team and motivate the team to give their best performance this time also.

Statement A: Test procedure specification document is solely developed from the test case specification document Statement B: The test procedure specification document describes how a tester will physically perform a test, the physical set-up required, and the procedural steps that should be followed to perform the test. Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Statement A: Structural test case design techniques are used when test data is developed from documents that specify the intended behavior of application software. Statement B: Equivalence partitioning, a structural test case design technique, uses a state model relationship to derive test case Both, Statement A and Statement B, are False.

Problem: Inform Bank has developed an application software to protect the passwords of its Internet banking customers, Security is of crucial importance in this application software. What is the task that should be performed to identify the people and portential points of penetration in the code so that an investigation can be undertaken if necessary? Solution: A Penetration Point Matrix should be developed to evaluate the probability of penetration in the application software. How well does the solution address the problem? Meets the requirement and is an outstanding solution

Problem: Net Solutions Ltd has developed a software to create HTML pages without coding. Operation testing needs to be carried out on the software. The test manager needs a document to bring together all the important information about testing, including an assessment of how well the testing has been done. The number of incidents raised and an assessment of the quality of the system. Which kind of document should the test manager prepared to assimilate all this information? Solution: The test manager should prepare a test log. How well does the solution address the problem? Does not meet the requirement although it appears to work

Problem: Perfect Solutions has developed a Java code, which behaves defferently for inputs of the same classs with defferent variables. Which test case design technique should be used to perform testing on this Java code? Solution: Boundary value analysis technique should be used as it does a thorough check at the boundary values of a class. How well does the solution address the problem? Meets the requirement but is not a desirable solution Web Solutions Corp. has developed a software for a customer that provides information about the login time of the employees. Complexity of the requirements defined in the project plan Which of the following options is a feature of single-tier architecture? Is not flexible. In which type of application architecture, the data access layer is divided into data access layer and data layer? N-tier architecture

COM stands for ___________. Component Object Model. Which of the following options is a component that implements program logic and provides functionality that can be accessed by disparate client applications over the Web? Web services Which of the following COM+ services enables a component to maintain data integrity and consistency by grouping various related operations as an atomic unit? Transactions Which of the following classes specifies whether components in the assembly run in the applications process or in a system process? ApplicationActivationAttribute

Which of the following classes contains the InstallAssembly method? RegistrationHelper

Which of the following challenges leads to a problem for an application to interpret the data sent by another application because the applications are built on different platforms? No defined standards for interoperability In WCF, you want to expose a peer to allow communication among multiple peers over a P2P network. Which of the following options enables you to expose the peer? netPeerTcpBinding

Kelly is creating a WCF service. She want to create a user-defined class and serialize it into an XML format. Which of the following methods should Kelly use to convert an object into its XML representation? WriteXml() Liza is creating a WCF service that must implement transactions. She has set the transactionFlow attribute of the binding element to true. Which of the following values of the TransactionFlowOption property should she use to accomplish the preceding task? Mandatory Henry Blake was assigned the task of testing an application that provides automated solutions for the electronic marketplace. Henry has to create relevant test cases on the basis of which test plans will be executed. Henry has to check whether the application runs successfully on all supported hardware and software environments. In the execution of which test plan will the creteria be satisfied successfully? System Test Plan Henry Ford was assigned to test a Java application developed by Smart Java Co. While testing a particular Java code. Henry suggested to his team that if they want complete code coverage, all the the Boolean sub-expressions must be separeted by logical || and && operators, Also, the test cases created require a logical operator truth table. The truth table will describe the relationship of logical operators for a particular condition. Identify the relevant Code Coverage measure in this situation. Multiple Condition Coverage Safe Software Solutions is developing an E-Commerce Web Site for Small Crafts Ltd. An organization that builds small size aircraft. The management at Small Crafts Ltd wants to use the Web Site for all its vendors from across the world to place their respective bids. The testing team at Safe Software Solutions decides to use a Windows based defect tracking tool for tracking the defects in the Web Site. Which of the following should be the team ensure while choosing the defect tracking tool? The Browser Compatibility Reem IT Solutions Ltd: is working on a project to automate the inventory management system used by Super Stores Ltd. A renowned retail chain of stores. However, on

delivery of the inventory control software, the customer finds an alarming number of defects in the application. The senior management decides to analyze the following: The efficiency of the defect removal processes The average amount of defects found in the application The quality of the testing processes Testing cost of the project Which of the following sets of metrics can be used by the senior management to analyze the problem? DRE, DD, Quality of testing, Test Cost D & A software solution Inc is currently developing a software application for Kewl Ships Ltd. Which is a ship designing organization. The stakeholders need to know the average time period after which a defect occurs in the software project because the accurate functioning of this software is very critical. Which metric should be gathered? MTTF Which of the following bindings supports message queuing? netMsmqBinding Which of the following options is an add-on to Microsoft .NET Framework and provides security policies to secure a Web service? WSE Which of the following components form an endpoint in WCF?Address,Binding,Contract Which of the following contracts acts as an entry point to access a WCF service? Service contract You want to modify a SOAP message to provide application specific error information related to the body element by using the Detail subelement of the fault element. Which of the following code snippets will you use? <detail> <field> <name>ProductId</name> <error>ProductId does not exist.</error> </field> </detail> Which of the following code snippets can be used to combine the httpsTransport element and the reliableSession element to create a reliable https based binding ? <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <customBinding> <binding name="MyBinding"> <reliableSession ordered="true"/> <httpsTransport/> </binding>

</customBinding> </bindings> </system.serviceModel> You need to consume a Web service in a client application. Identify the correct sequence of steps required 1. Add a Web reference of the Web service in the client application. 2. enerate a proxy class for the Web service. 3. Create an object of the Web service proxy class. 4. Access the Web service by using the proxy object. protected void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Service obj = new Service(); DataSet dsObj = QueryModel(txtModelNo.Text); if (dsObj.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { IblMessage.Text = "Model Not Available"; } else { GridViewl .DataSource = dsObj.Tablest()]; IblMessage.Text = ""; } GridViewl .DataBind(); } However ,while executing the service,you rcevied an error in the application. Which of the following code snippets will you use to execute the application successfully? protected void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { QueryWebRef.Service obj = new QueryWebRef.Service(); DataSet dsObj = obj.QueryModel(txtModelNo.Text); if (dsObj.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { lblMessage.Text = "Model Not Available"; } else { ridView1.DataSource = dsObj.Tables[0]; lblMessage.Text = ""; } ridView1.DataBind(); }

John has written te following code snippet in a Web service: using System.Web.Service; [WebService(Namespace="".Description="<b>A Simple Web Service</b>")] public class MyService:WebService { public MyService(){Constructor code} public string HelloWordWebMethod(){return "HelloWord";} } Compiling and executing the Web service dose produce any error.However John is unable to access the HelloWordWebMethod() method from a client application.What could be the reason? The HelloWorldWebMethod() method should be attributed with the [WebMethod] attribute. Smith has development a Web service to get the details of a particular bank account. He has written the following code snipet in the Web service: [WebMethod] public string QueryAccount(string acno) { SqlConnection conObj=new SqlConnection ("server=MyService;databse=MyBank;userid=sa;password=niit123") SqlDataAdapter daObj=new SqlDataAdapter ("SELECT * FROM AcctDeatils WHERE AcctNo="+acno+"".conObj) DataSet dsObj=new DataSet(); daObj.Fill(dsObj,"AcctDetails"); return dsObj; } Where he compiled the code,he got an error message.Anzalyze the code and find out the reanson for the error? The QueryAccount() method should return a string value. <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <customBinding> <binding name="MyBinding"> <reliableSession sequence="true"/> <httpsTransport/> </binding> </customBinding> </bindings> </system.serviceModel> However,you did not get the desired functionality due to an error in the code snippett.Identify the reason for the error and provide the correct code snippet <system.serviceModel> <bindings>

<customBinding> <binding name="MyBinding"> <reliableSession ordered="true"/> <httpsTransport/> </binding> </customBinding> </bindings> </system.serviceModel> You have created a WCF service and hosted it as a Windows service so that it starts automatically when the user's computer starts and stops automatically when the computers shuts down. To enable the user to access the service, you also need to create a client application.Which of the client applications will you create to access the service?Windows client application Robert has created a WCF service and hosted it in IIS. To access this service, Robert is creating a Web application and adding the reference of the service to create a proxy abject. Which of the following options is required by Robert to create an object of the service in the client application?The class of the service. Smith has created a WCF service and hosted it in .NET application. After hosted the service, he created a client application to access the service. In the client application he used the ChannelFactory<TChannel> class to create a channel to enable a client application to send message to a WCF service. Which of the following options he would have passed to the constructor of the ChannelFactory<TChannel> class to enable the client application to communicate with the service? The object of a binding class and the endpoint address of the service. You have created a WCF service that uses TCP in addition to the HTTP protocol to communicate with client applications. In addition, you want that the service should implement features such as process recycling, idle shutdown, process health monitoring, and message-based activation. Which of the following options will you choose to host your WCF service? WAS Which of the following attributes will you use to specify that the information stored in the header of the message should only log? logEntireMessage Which of the following attributes allows client application running on users computer to log information that includes the username and the password of the user? logKnownPii Which of the following values of the performanceCounters attributes specifies the information provided by the ServiceModelService, ServiceModelEnpoint, and ServiceModelOperation performance counters? All David has created a WCF service that is accessed by multiple users over the Internet and over the intranet. He has implemented message logging in the service to track the

message received and sent by the service. The information related to the logged messages is critical and confidential. Which of the following security concerns David should consider to secure the information from multiple users? Ensure that the log or text files are protected by Access Control Lists. Joe has created a WCF service that communicates with a client application over the Internet. She wants to log the information related to the conversion of the exchanged between the service and a client application into a standard format. Which of the following trace source allows Joe to log messages? System.Runtime.Serialization You want to track the flow of control from a WCF service to the client application.Which of the following options will allows you to do so? Transfer You have created a WCF service and set the value of the includeExceptionDetailInFaults attribute of the serviceDebug element to true in the Web.config file. Which of the following options could be the reason of setting the value of the includeExceptionDetailInFaults value to true? To send the exception details to the client application. An error message thrown by a WCF service should be converted into a standard format that can be interpreted by any type of client application.Which of the following enable you to convert an error message into a standard format? SOAP <listeners> <add name="MyTraceListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData= "c:\Trace\MyTraceFile.txt" /> </listeners> <system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging" logKnownPii="true"> <listeners> <add name=" MyMessageTraceListener " type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData=" c:\Logs\MyMessageLogFile.txt" /> </listeners> </source> </sources> </system.diagnostics> [ServiceContract] public interface IService

{ [OperationContract] [FaultContract(typeof(SqlFaultException))] DataSet InsertDetails(string ProdID, string ProdName, int ProdCost); } [DataContract] public class SqlFaultException { [DataMember] public string Message; } Which of the following code snippets can be used to implement sercurity at transport level ? <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="SecurityByTransport"> <security mode="Transport"> <transport clientCredentialType="Ntlm"/> </security> </binding> </wsHttpBinding> you want to implement queuing in a WCF service.Which of following code snippets will you write in the configuration file of the server application to Implement queuing? <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="MSMQServerApp.MyService"> <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8020/msmqservice" /> </baseAddresses> </host> <endpoint address="net.msmq://localhost/private/requestqueue" binding="netMsmqBinding" contract="MSMQServerApp.IService" bindingConfiguration="Binding1" /> </service> </services> </system.serviceModel> </configuration> Which of the following code snippets can be used to specify the Operation Behavior attribute to implement transactions in a WCF service? public class Service : IService

{ [OperationBehavior(TransactionAutoComplete = true, TransactionScopeRequired = true)] public string ShowHello() { return ("Hello!!"); } } Which of the following code snippets can be used to specify the ServiceBehavior attribute to implement transactions in a WCF service? using System.Transactions; [ServiceBehavior(TransactionAutoCompleteOnSessionClose = true)] public class Service : IService { public string DisplayMessage() { return ("Hello Client"); } } Which of the following classes provided by the syndication API represents an author or contributor of syndication content? SyndicationPerson A restful service is a collection of _________that contain the data or information to be sent to client application. Resources Which of the following components comes under the service model layer? Data contract

CustomBinding cb = new CustomBinding(); cb.Elements.Add(new TcpTransportBindingElement());

IChannelListener<IReplyChannel> lis = cb.BuildChannelListener<IReplyChannel>(new Uri("net.tcp//localhost:8000/ MyWCFService"), new BindingParameterCollection()); lis.Open(); IReplyChannel repchnl = lis.AcceptChannel(); repchnl.Open();// repchnl.Open(); sau IReplyChannel repchnl = lis.AcceptChannel(); RequestContext rc = repchnl.ReceiveRequest(); // phai co cau lenh nay Message reqmes = rc.RequestMessage; Message repmes = Message.CreateMessage(" Message Created"); rc.Reply(repmes); reqmes.Close(); rc.Close(); repchnl.Close(); lis.Close();

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> // phai co <channel> <title>LuxuryDrive Car Details</title> <link>http://localhost:8000/Service</link> <description>Details of Cars available at LuxuryDrive </description> <item> <title>Model One</title> <link>http://localhost/QueryCarDetailsClientApp/M001.aspx</link> <description>This is the content for Model one</description> </item> </channel> </rss> Public class Service :IService { [ServiceContract(TransactionAutoComplete=true,TransactionScopeRequired=true)] Public DataSet InsertDetails() { DataSet ds; Return ds;

} } When Paul executed the service ,an error occurred.Which of the following code snippet should Paul use to rectify error? public class Service : IService { [OperationBehavior(TransactionAutoComplete = true, TransactionScopeRequired = true)] public DataSet InsertDetails() { DataSet ds; return ds; } } Peter has created a WCF service using .Net Framework.He has implemented custom binding in the service to use reliable sessions as well as the https protocol in the same binding.He has written the following code snippet to create the custom biding: <system.serviceModel> <customBinding> <ReliableSession ordered=true/> <httpsTransport/> </binding> </customBinding> </system.serviceModel> When Peter executed the service,he got an error.Which of the following code snippets will he use to rectify the error? <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <customBinding> //<binding> ri mi n <customBinding> <binding name="MyBinding"> // thuoc tinh name nam trong binding <reliableSession ordered="true"/> <httpsTransport/> </binding> </customBinding> </bindings> </system.serviceModel> Statement A: Control chart is used to determine whether a process is in control. Statement B: The objective of a control chart is to monitor the variation of a statistically stable process wherever activities are repetitive. Both, Statement A and Statement B, are True.

Michelle, a software tester uses a control chart to determine whether a process is in control. After analyzing the data on the control chart. Michelle concludes that there is a process shift. What did Michelle observe in the control chart to come to this conclusion? Multiple data points above and below the central line of control chart In which phase of Software Development life Cycle (SDLC).the software acceptance criteria is defined ? Requirements What is the purpose of Acceptance Testing? To test whether or not a software satisfies the pre-defined customer requirements Identify the person responsible for defining the acceptance criteria of a software . Customer In Which phase of Acceptance Testing, a customer must acquire full knowledge about the software ? While defining the acceptance criteria Statement A: Word processing packages are used to generate test report formats. Statement B: All organizations use a standard test report format. Statement A is True and Statement B is False. Statement A:Metrics can serve as a basis for cost estimating ,training planning,resource planning, scheduling and budgeting. Statement B:Test metrics can be directly observable quantities or can be derived from one or more directly observable quantities. Both, Statement A and Statement B are True. Statement A: Pareto voting is based on praetor principle. Statement B: Pareto principle states that 20% of the problems result from 80% of the possible causes. Statement A is True and Statement B is False. The development team knows the number operators and number of operands used in a software project. How can they use this information to calculate the size of the program? Software Size= Total number of operator tokens used + Total number of operand tokens used // khong co chu unique Which of the following ensures quality in a development process? Quality assurance Infinity Ltd. is developing a payroll system. The system has to be delivered to the client in three months. The probability that the project will exceed its deadline has a value 0.7 on the rating scale and the impact of the risk has the value 3. What is the risk factor for the risk? 2.1 Statement A: Risk probability is determined during the risk analysis process .

Statement B: A risk has the same probability of occurrence in all software projects Statement A is True and Statement B is False Statement A: Installation testing checks the software installed on the system. Statement B: Documentation testing checks the accuracy of documents. Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Which of the following is used to determine whether or not interim deliverables meet their specification . Verification Which of the following defines the scope of the testing activity? Test Specifications Statement A: Frequent and periodic reviews of projects are not required to identify the potential risks to future project. Statement B: Project plans can be reviewed to gather relevant information. Statement A is False and Statement B is True. Which of the following evaluates compliance of the final software product to the established standards? Product Evaluation Which of the following phases in the Testing Life Cycle involves evaluating software quality using metrics? Quantitative measurement Trivia Ltd. is developing a software application whose production cost might exceed the planned budget. Also the software application will have to compete with similar application in the market. What type of risk can the application face? Business Risk Which SQA activity do you need to perform in the Software Construction phase? Formal Technical Review of code. Which review checklist helps you to check whether design has been properly translated into code? Coding Review Checklist Infinity Solution is developing a voice recognition system. A sister concem of the company has tested a similar application. The testing team of Infinity Solution wants to use the experienced testers of the sister concem for indentifying risks that can occur during testing. Which risk identifying risks that can occur during testing. Which rick identification tool will these experience testers use in this case? Interview Which of the following types of errors becomes visible when different modules are integrated with each other? Compatibility errors

Trinity Ltd. is testing a Position Tracking system. The company is testing this kind of a system for the first time. In order to identify the risks that can occur during testing the Position Tracking system. The participation of the entire testing team is desired. Which risk identification tool can be used in this case? Brainstorming Which of the following information is NOT required to register a remote object in the server application? The client activation mode of the object. Which of the following options is an operating system service embedded in IIS 7.0 that is the built-in Web server for Windows Vista? WAS The TChannel attribute of the ChannelFactory<> class represent a/an_______. The name of the interface of the service Which of the following ways of hosting a WCF service allows the service to communicate with a client application through HTTP protocol only and acquire the feature such as process recycling , idle shutdown, process health monitoring, and message-based activation? Hosting a WCF service in IIS Which of the following WCF serialization classes can be used only when both the serializing and deserializing ends share the same CLR types? NetDataContractSerializer Which of the following encoding types supports JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and Plain Ole XML (POX) encoding? WebMessageEncoder Which of the following advantages of a P2P network allows peers to share content over a network without the involvement of the server? Content distribution Which of the following classes is used resolve a peer name? PeerNameResolver Which of the following properties of a transaction ensures that the changes made to the system after the successful completion of a transaction are pemanent? Durability

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