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Being Introduced Into His Presence Apostle Guillermo Maldonado When in the presence of God, dont keep your

arms crossed. Celebrate His presence and learn to receive from Him. Respond to Him. Dont quench the Holy Spirit. When you move in the glory of God, you just have two things you can count on the leading of the Holy Spirit and the rhema word. There is no specific pattern or structure that exists for you to go by. Attract His presence with your worship and hunger. No one should tell you how to worship to instruct you to raise your hands or to put words in your mouth. It is like telling a husband that he needs to tell his wife he loves her. And one cried to another and said: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory! Isaiah 6:3 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14 The Three Dimensions of the Supernatural We cannot understand the glory if we dont first understand faith and anointing. The battle preachers always have is introducing people into the presence of God. 1. Faith Faith is a voluntary act based on our knowledge or conviction. It is the legal entry to the invisible or supernatural realm. It is the key to operate and work in the eternal realm. It is the ability of the believer to believe something that is unreasonable. Faith is NOW and requires a revelation from now. You cannot have a present faith without a present revelation. We dont see miracles today in the church because miracles occur in the NOW, not yesterday. Most of the decisions we make are based on time, not on faith. If it is not now, it is not faith. Faith is the prerequisite to enter into the glory. Many people want to enter the glory but dont even know what faith is. In essence, it is the substance of the spiritual world. When Jesus heard that, He said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it. - John 11:4 Faith has been given to each and every one of us by measure. You must first believe in order to see the glory of God. Entering in His glory is a reward of your faith; it is His greatest reward. Faith is supernatural but we have reduced it to something natural. We have reduced it to optimism and motivational messages. But when you preach faith, the most amazing miracles take place because it is NOW from a present revelation. 2. Anointing The anointing is an aspect of the supernatural power of God that empowers us to fulfill the purpose and calling here on earth. It is one of the aspects of His power working through us. It has been given to each and every one of us by measure. We need each other because we have measures that others dont have, and vice versa.

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christs gift. Ephesians 4:7 We dont have it all in ourselves; we need each other. Anointing is the power of God working through you. It is the seal in your spirit you to experience the glory. In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, - Ephesians 1:13 The anointing was given to us for the earth. There are no blind, deaf or sick people in heaven. There are none who are brokenhearted and oppressed. You do not need anointing in heaven; it is for the earth. It is not for your pride or for your fame. God wants to release His anointing to humble people who love the people. If you are a pastor and you wanted to die with that mantle, it is best if you start transferring it. The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; - Luke 4:18 God give us anointing because we all fell short of the glory of God. Man was under the glory, not anointing, before sin and so God gave us anointing. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, - Romans 3:23 3. Glory The glory of God is the manifested presence of God Himself. It is the realm of eternity. It is eternity revealed, without limits or restrictions. It is the atmosphere of God Himself. Each manifestation is from the nature and character of God Himself. It is not His power operating through us, but rather it is God Himself doing His own works. We have limited God because we think He has to do His works through a human being. While this is true in the anointing and in faith, in His glory He works by His own initiative. It is beyond your measure of faith and anointing. It is God Himself, in all of His attributes and majesty. When God performs a miracle in you without you having the faith to believe for it or the anointing to manifest it, it is God Himself touching you directly. The Apostle has been in meetings where, without even touching anyone, miracle after miracle begins taking place. It had nothing to do with his faith, anointing or gifts but the glory of God! Faith, Anointing, and Glory Faith is not the anointing; anointing is not glory; and glory is not faith. 1. Faith places a demand on the anointing of man. Where faith is exercised, it attracts anointing and pulls from the mantle; faith and anointing work together. When you go to a service, pull from the mantle of the man of God! There have been times when the Apostle wanted to end a service but he could not

because people were pulling from the mantle. Their faith was pulling from him. If you came tormented, pull! There is a miracle anointing on the mantle of this ministry; put a demand on the mantle! Many of you stopped receiving from your pastors because you became familiar with their mantles and you stopped pulling. Start pulling transformation and changes! God has sealed you and has marked you to have an experience with the glory! 2. The Glory of God places a demand on God Himself. Do you want a part of God or God Himself? In the anointing, the man is seen. Unfortunately people look at the man as the one with the great anointing but when God uses humanity, people become mistaken and begin to idolize the man. In the glory, God demands to be seen Himself! Many people know how to stretch their hand to the mantle but dont know how to receive directly from God. Dont put God in a box. By faith, take what is yours directly from God. God wants to introduce you to the glory Himself today. Anointing vs. Glory The anointing was given to us to heal the sick, in the glory of God, sickness is illegal. There is a supernatural immunity that is given in the presence of God. We are addicted to the anointing of man. Yes, anointing is from God but you can come out of there and go directly to Him. In the anointing, Christ is our Healer. In the glory, He is our Creator. We need Him as both! In the anointing, we work. In the glory, we rest. The anointing was given to cut the head off of giants. In the glory, giants dont enter.

God wants to take you from glory to glory. If you are missing an organ, bone, flesh, or hair in any place on your body, Gods glory is coming upon you now! If you have a limb shorter than the other, receive your miracle now! Any mental problems in your life or in your kids lives, right now it is fixed in the name of Jesus! Worship Him! How do we make the transition from anointing to glory? For many years, the Apostle prayed and fasted for creative miracles and spiritual acceleration but nothing would happen. One day, God spoke to the Apostles wife to pray for him because God wanted to take him to a new dimension. His entrance into this new dimension was first birthed through his wifes intercession. The greatest level of faith that you can have is to let God be God. People want to control everything in the service and God cannot be God under those conditions. Let Him do whatever He feels like doing in your life and in the life of your church. It is the highest level of faith you can have. God has wanted to take you to a new level for a long time but you do not have the hunger for it. The reason why God took him to this new dimension is because of his hunger for the presence and glory of God! His concern is not for what people think about him; he is hungry and thirsty for God! He is tired of preachers with a big ego who want to be in the spotlight. God wants to be seen! Many pastors do not know what it is to enter into the presence of God. Pastor, when was the last time you cried in His presence? When was the last time you were broken down? You have hardened your heart! Let God penetrate you. Open your mouth and cry out for Him again!

People going through crisis today are people who did not make the transition when God wanted to. Some ministries are no longer on television because they wanted to continue in the anointing but God wanted to take them into the glory. Right now, make a decision to let go and let God be God. Make a decision to give God His place. Let Him be seen! If you have to weep or cry out like a crazy person, do it! Humble yourself again before God and right now seek Him until you are no longer the same! God wants to release His glory. Jesus preached the kingdom, power and glory. Glory is the movement of God. Where did you get stuck? What did you conform to? You need to hunger and thirst for God again. You need the passion for the new things that God has if you want to make that transition. Do you want the gift of man or His presence?

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