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IDENTIFYING THE STRONGMAN AN UNCLEAN SPIRIT RETURNS - MATTHEW 12: 43 - 45 "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes

through dry places, seeking rest, and find none. Than he says, "I will return to my house from which I came." And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first." 1. Demons walk, they travel from one place to other. They are disbodied spirits, that they want to manifest in the flesh of the man. Devil is Deceiver.

The name for Devil is Accuser, Deceiver. Demons seek to inhabit the body.
2. Demons seek , they have personalities and they search for people who can be bound and oppress. They seeking rest in the body. 3. Demons rest, they seek the body, demons have emotions, they feel tired. 4. Demons can see, they have spiritual eyes. Matthew 12: 44 5. Demons can say, they can talk to each other or ourselves. 6. Demons have will, they will return to the house. They can think and decide. They have imagination. They will return to the previous house. 7. Demons have faith, they have believed that they will return to the house. 8. Demons have memory, they remember their house. 9. Demons can examine your room and assess that is empty. Demons always come back and examine your room. He remembers that he got you one time. They are smart. He comes to his own house and he see it is empty. 10. Demons plans to invite other seven wicked spirits. Demons knows how to call for help. Demons inside call for the Strong man.

MATTHEW 12: 29 - "Or else how can one enter a strong man`s house, and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man." There are twelve Strong men in the Bible. To each of them is connection with all the
demons around us. Demon can be cast out, but when the Strong man is inside, he will come back and his state will be worse than before. Deal with the Strong man first.

1. Spirit of Jealousy - Revenge is a demon, but Jealousy is the Strong man. Deal with the
Strong man first, quit dealing with the small demons. 2. Spirit of Lying - They are spirits of adultery and homosexuality, but the strong man is Lies. .Profanity is bound by lying spirit, vanity is connected to the spirit of lies, hypocrisy is also from tis spirit of lies. Strong man - you lying devil, you lying spirit - we cast you out in the Name of Jesus. If you want to be total free - you must cast this devil out of you. The same lying spirit is in church. But the most devastating spirit in the church is the spirit of religion. Spirit who is continually condemning others, standing higher than others, isolate themself. Only his will is right, continually accuse others, still telling , I know truth. Always happen looking for perfection in others. They have no rest, always accuse, always on the move to search for another church. I am right and everybody is wrong. This devil is The Lying Spirit. We can never win an argument with him. Every time you talk, they always talk lies. Ignore that person and avoid him. 3. Familiar Spirit -Familiar Spirit it is all forms of occult and witchcraft and many more. 4. Perversion Spirit - To prevent means to twist, to corrupt, to turn the truth around. It does apply to sexual.things." They who Lust after woman, they shall ate perverse things. 5. Spirit of Heaviness -It is devil of grief, of self-pity, of rejection, loneliness, gluttony. 6. Spirit of Harlotry - Demons here are: Idolatry, Love of World, Love of Money. Strong man Harlot.

7. Spirit of Pride 8. Spirit of Infirmity -

9. Dumb and Deaf Spirit 10. Spirit of Fear 11. Spirit of Bondage 12. Spirit of Antichrist -

We have the same spirit of faith. II Corinthians 4: 13 spirit, this is the spiritual force.

Faith is a

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