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Csr activities I would outline the following framework to design the CSR:

1. Several big Companies deprive their workforce of the Basic rights... - Keep a large number on "Kucchha Rolls - Minimum Wage - Increments - ESI, PF, Bonus, Gratuity benefits

2. Provisions of Factories Act are not complied with...Canteen, Welfare Officer, Creche, Ambulance Room etc. etc.. Likewise such organizations blatantly violate provisions of basic labour laws. Can proper and compliance of Labour laws be the first step. 2.Adopt a nearby Village or a colony and address: - Create means for self suporting vocations avenues - Pomote education - Sanitation - Clean drinking water - energy is a very good solution - Communication - Entertainment - Medical facilities and Medical help

Etc. etc..the list can be very long.

Take up the "Do-able" tasks and actually enjoy the satisfaction of seeing such "Do-able" projects get completed in good time. This will prove to be a great motivational tool to take up and do more.

Good work you are doing already, keep up the good work.

Vasant Nair

- environmental issues - use of RTI - impacting the physical environment in an around the work place or the city - education of the underprivileged - societal needs like old age homes, orphanages, palliative care - an outreach based CSR like adopting a village and ensuring its upliftment - support / employment to the disadvantaged or challenge 1. Adopt a small village 2. Educate the people on sanitation, cleanliness, good habits thourhgcounsellorsappoitned by company 3. Tree plantation in the approach roads 4. Clean the beach areas /rivers with a voluntary team 5. Take the orphanage children for a movie/outing 6. Talk to the old age homes and arrange some entertainment to them 7. Help the old age home inmates writing letters to theri near and dear ones 8. Give them used/old mobile sets with incoming call facility 9. organize free medical/blood donation camps 10.Giving used clothes, shoes , school bags, books to the deserved ones 11. Free service at Govt Hospitals, where our attention is required by group of service minded people

12. ARrange dust bins for collecting garbage in vilages 13. Opening Employment bureau , collect opportunites list for all kind of people and coordiante with unemployed youth to engage them gainfully 14. Offer Project trainee opportunities to unemployed youth fresh from colleges ( MBA, Grdautes/Post graduates, Engineers, Diploma holders, ITIs) give them training of minimum 6 months ( unpaid apprentice like) and give them a certiificate of completion of training. 15. Organize Yoga/physical fintess camps

HOpe above will be useful to you.

Procedure to plan csr activities

Students work as a team to create a program model to recommend for inclusion in Johnson & Johnsons corporate social responsibility portfolio.

Key Learning Students will

understand the benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). respond to a scenario based on a community in need, addressing key areas of corporate social responsibility: volunteerism, community giving, and product donation and emergency relief. practice teamwork skills in a simulated workplace environment. learn the key components of program design and the importance of a Program Model. develop a PowerPoint presentation to persuade Johnson & Johnson to implement the proposed program model. Implementers BTE site coordinator or other BTE partner

Implementation SESSION 1: Introduce the Topic of Corporate Social Responsibility and Investigate the Issue (1 hour)

Pose the following questions to students: What is your understanding of corporate social responsibility? How would you define it? How should it influence Johnson & Johnsons decisions as a company? Introduce students to the topic of Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) using the following points: Corporate social responsibility is the recognition that what a company believes and does has important consequences for some of the worlds most considerable challenges. Johnson & Johnsons CSR activities fall in three main areas: Volunteerism. People and values are Johnson & Johnsons greatest assets. Johnson & Johnson supports volunteer initiatives inspired by the credos commitment to improve the quality of life in communities where their employees live and work. Johnson & Johnson believes in setting a corporate example of caring and rewards employees who dedicate time to causes that are close to their hearts. Community Giving. Johnson & Johnson and its many operating companies support community-based programs that improve health and well-being. Johnson & Johnsons global mission focuses on saving and improving lives, helping community members build skills, and ensuring they have the resources for proper health care and disease prevention programs. Product Donation & Emergency Relief. Johnson & Johnson first provided disaster relief in 1906 and today still responds consistently to hot spots that require emergency relief due to natural or manmade disasters, providing wound care, infection prevention, analgesic and orthopedic products. Johnson & Johnson also works with local affiliates and international relief partners to provide consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical products to needy patients and medically underserved people in developing countries. For more than 120 years, the desire of the people in Johnson & Johnson companies to make a difference has inspired every invention, every product, and every breakthrough the company has brought to human health. This commitment to serving the needs of others is guided by the Johnson & Johnson credo. The credo challenges Johnson & Johnson to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first.

Johnson & Johnson understands that human health and the health of our planet are interconnected. Johnson & Johnson also believes that employees who are valued, respected, and treated fairly bring dedication to their work and make important contributions. And, Johnson & Johnson knows that companies operating with good corporate governance and ethical business practices make sound decisions that benefit everyone. 2. Divide students into teams of three or four and assign each team a location where there is at least one Johnson & Johnson local operating company and a community or population in need. Because Johnson & Johnson has more than 250 companies located in 57 countries around the world, aim for geographical and demographic diversity in the chosen locations. (Note: if using the Community Scenarios and not designing your own scenarios, use the following locations: Bangkok, Thailand; Pakistan; and Oakland, California.)

Ask students to research Johnson & Johnson companies in their assigned location, as well as the range of consumer healthcare products produced by the Johnson & Johnson family of companies around the world. Ask students to respond to the following questions about Johnson & Johnson in or near their assigned location. What Johnson & Johnson local operating companies operate in this area? What are the local or community-based organizations focusing on healthcare operating in the area? Develop a list of 25 consumer healthcare products produced by Johnson & Johnson. Include a range of consumer products and consider products produced by a range of different Johnson & Johnson local operating companies around the world. Record the product name, price, and purpose. The Investigate the Issue worksheet may help students record their work and organize their thoughts. SESSION 2: Address a Community Need (2 hours)

Give students an introduction to the Program Model. Using the PowerPoint Presentation , offer the following overview: Ask students: What determines your health? Give ample time for students to respond. Be sure that the following are identified: Behavior actions takenfor example, smoking, exercise, good nutrition, etc. Genetics family history, genes, or genetic make-upfor example, family history of cancer or high blood pressure.

Access to Services ability to obtain key health services and supportsfor example dental care, medical care, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc. Environment surroundingsfor example, the local community, parks, etc. Indicate that while genetics cannot be changed or altered, external forces, such as government policies, laws, and community infrastructure, can influence access to services and environment. Behaviors, on the other hand, are influenced by peoples knowledge, skills, attitudes, perceptions, selfesteem, and intentions. Many community-based programs, services, or educational experiences focus on influencing behaviors. The theory is that if we improve/change someones knowledge, skills, intentions, etc., then we influence/change behavior, which in turn will improve health outcomes. This theory of change can be illustrated or depicted through a Program Model. A Program Model is a diagram of what will be done (activities) and what will be changed (outcomes) among a target population. If time permits, consider leading the large group through the development of a new program (and a Program Model) that addresses a health need in their communities. Read the scenarios as stated in the PowerPoint Presentation. Recording group responses on a blank Program Model or flip chart, initiate the exercise: Ask the group: What population will be served? Who do you want to work with? Encourage students to specify the characteristics of the target population (gender, ethnicity age), as well as the number served. For example: All parents of pre-kindergarten students at Hillcrest Elementary School. Instruct students to determine the long-term outcomes for the program (changes in behavior). Ask: What changes do you hope to see in the target population? For example: Increase in the number of preK parents sending their children to Hillcrest Elementary school (i.e. decreasing the absenteeism rate). Prompt the large group to identify the short-term outcomes by asking: What changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, perceptions, and intentions do you hope to see in the target population? For example, Pre-K parents understand what health systems require a child to be absent from school; Pre-K parents believe that their children can attend school with minor health issues, such as the common cold; or PreK parents learn how to keep their children healthy and avoid common childhood illnesses; or all Pre-K parents and their children get a flu shot at the start of the school year. Identify the program activities. Ask the large group: What are we going to do to achieve these shortterm outcomes? For example, Parent Information Sessions, Parent Newsletters, or Free Flu Shot Clinic.

Encourage the large group to identify the resources that are available to support these program activities. Ask: Who or what can help? For example, the school nurse, the local hospital, the flu vaccine manufacturer, the local elementary school, or Pre-K teachers. Finally, pose the question: Does our Program Model address the challenges at Hillcrest Elementary School? Provide each team with a different scenario (based on locations used in Session 1) in which Johnson & Johnson products, employee volunteers, and charitable giving could address a community need. If using the pre-developed Thailand, Pakistan, and California scenarios, provide students with the Community Scenario Worksheet.

Inform teams that their challenge is to create a CSR response for Johnson & Johnson that addresses the community need. (See the Addressing a Community Need Worksheet) Ask teams to develop a Program Model or theory of change. As a first step, teams should identify the target population and long-term outcomes. Students should consider the key needs of this community and population and how to build on community assets. Then, instruct students to determine the shortterm outcomes that will most effectively achieve the Long-Term Outcomes.

Target Population: _______________________ (number, age, ethnicity, gender, etc.)

SESSION 3: Prepare a CSR Response (2 hours)

Each team should complete its Program Model, including recommended actions or activities in three key areas of corporate social responsibility: volunteerism, community giving, and product donation and emergency relief. (See the Preparing a CSR Response Worksheet.) Prompt students to think about their Short-Term and Long-Term Outcomes. Then, brainstorm volunteer activities that will ensure the outcomes are achieved using the prompts below.

Volunteerism What Johnson & Johnson local operating company(ies) operate in the area you serve? What is the companys focus and how many employees will be available to volunteer?

What are the current community service efforts Johnson & Johnson is making in this area? Brainstorm some specific volunteer initiatives or activities that Johnson & Johnson employees will be able to engage in. Think about the impact of these activities on local communities: Who will they help? How many will they help? How will they improve the quality of life in communities where the employees live and work? Activities Impacts

After 30 minutes, inform students that the total team budget for community giving and product donation is $200,000. Then, brainstorm community giving and product donations that will ensure the outcomes are achieved. Use the questions below to start the brainstorming.

Community Giving How much monetary support should Johnson & Johnson provide to local community-based programs or non-governmental organizations (NGOs)? $____________ What activities will these resources support? Product Donation & Emergency Relief Brainstorm a list of four Johnson & Johnson products to distribute to the community in need. Resources are limited, and you will need to choose carefully to make sure that your donations do the most good. Product Quantity Price Rationale

Why did you decide to distribute your resources this way? What makes your response cost effective? Have teams complete the Program Model, adding all CSR activities. (See the Program Template.) Ask students to work together to develop a PowerPoint presentation lasting about 10 minutes (with 5 additional minutes for Q&A) to convince Johnson & Johnson to invest in this program model. SESSION 4: Present the CSR Response (1 hour)

Students will present the program model and their recommended CSR activities to a mock Johnson & Johnson Corporate Contributions Committee, comprised of Johnson & Johnson representatives, or school and university BTE partners, to encourage them to donate to this community. Encourage students to think about the Johnson & Johnson credo when developing their ideas, and how the plan reflects the ideals of corporate social responsibility. The program model should be both valuable to the community and cost effective. After the presentation, ask the students to complete a written self and team evaluation that asks: Please list your personal contributions to the team effort. Be honest and complete. Please list the areas in which you think you could have done better. Be constructive. How well was your team able to delegate responsibilities? How will you apply this experience as a member of a team in future school work, internships, or employment? Key Concepts & Vocabulary Corporate Social Responsibility:

Volunteerism. People and values are Johnson & Johnsons greatest assets. Johnson & Johnson supports volunteer initiatives inspired by the credos commitment to improve the quality of life in communities where their employees live and work. Johnson & Johnson believes in setting a corporate example of caring and rewards employees who dedicate time to causes that are close to their hearts. Community Giving. Johnson & Johnson and its many operating companies support community-based programs that improve health and well-being. Johnson & Johnsons global mission focuses on saving and improving lives, helping community members build skills, and ensuring they have the resources for proper health care and disease prevention programs. Product Donation & Emergency Relief. Johnson & Johnson first provided disaster relief in 1906 and today still responds consistently to hot spots that require emergency relief due to natural or manmade disasters, providing wound care, infection prevention, analgesic, and orthopedic products. Johnson & Johnson also works with local affiliates and international relief partners to provide consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical products to needy patients and medically underserved people in developing countries. A program model is a diagram or visual representation a hypothesisthat shows the links between: what you will do and what will be changed among a target population

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