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Motivating staff

Vocabulario del artculo

A good while - Un rato largo Cheerful - Alegra Counter - Mostrador Fair - Justo Growling - Gruiendo Grumpy - Gruon In touch - En contacto Leadership - Liderazgo Maternity leave - Baja por maternidad

Morale - Moral, nimo Pats on the back Palmaditas en la espalda Perform - Rendir Profit sharing scheme - Programa de reparto de beneficios Purchase - Una compra Rewarding system Sistema de recompensa Stock options - Estock options Tips - Consejos What makes you kick - Lo que te hace funcionar

A woman waits a good while at the counter to pay for her purchase. When an employee finally attends her she doesn't receive a smile nor a "thank you". Do you think this customer will return? Perhaps, but I assure you she won't be doing any word of mouth marketing for you. This type of attitude doesn't only have negative effects incustomer service, but also in other areas of the company: Imagine you arrive to work stressed andgrumpy, growling at everyone in your team. Now change that situation to a happy start, smiling and pats on the backs. Which day will your team be more efficient?

Now, you either have a very strange team or I'm inclined to think the answer is the second day.
So here are some quick tips to keep up the morale of your team:

Be cheerful and transmit happiness as in the previous example. Use motivational words. It's as simple as saying "good job" or "thank you". Make sure everyone knows what's expected from them. Talk to your employees on a regular basis and tell them when they are doing things well. Be fair and consistent in your disciplinary system when they fail to perform. Make time for people. Schedule regular periods where you can dedicate more time to them. Talk about their goals and help them develop and achieve these goals. Provide leadership. Guide them and never forget that a good leader can delegate all except their responsibility. Be disciplined. Motivating is a full-time job, you can never relax. Think about what makes you tick, I'm sure you are not too different from your teammembers. Establish a good rewarding system. Make employees feel part of the company through stock options or similar schemes, such as profit sharing.

Herb Kelleher, Chairman of Southwest Airlines explained to Mark Morrison (Managing Editor at BusinessWeek) the importance that the motivation of his people had played in the success of the company. He pointed out that they are always in touch with their employees even when they are not at work: maternity leave, sick, retired... showing that they value them as individuals, not just as workers.
And also, generous profit sharing schemes and stock options created the necessary team spirit that is essential for success.

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