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2100 Geng Road, Suite 210 Palo Alto, CA 94303 www.gfk.


Interview dates: December 23, 2009 January 10, 2010 Interviews: 1,037 adults Sampling margin of error for a 50% statistic with 95% confidence is: 3.04 for all interviews Interview dates: August 30 September 11, 2012 Interviews: 1,071 adults Sampling margin of error for a 50% statistic with 95% confidence is: 3.78 for all interviews

Link: 2008 results

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Racial Attitudes Survey CONDUCTED BY GfK October 26, 2012 NOTE: All results shown are weighted and are percentages unless otherwise labeled. Results represent all respondents unless otherwise indicated. Numbers may not add to 100 due to rounding.

MD1NEW. Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction or in the wrong direction?
2010 45 55 0 2012 34 65 1

Right direction Wrong direction Refused/Not Answered

FAV1. For each of the following individuals, please select if you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of that person. If you dont know enough about the person to have an opinion, you can say that too.

Barack Obama Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Dont know enough to say Refused/Not answered Michelle Obama Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Dont know enough to say Refused/Not answered
2010 30 24 15 14 17 1 2012 32 26 14 17 10 1 2010 28 24 15 26 7 0 2012 24 24 13 31 6 1

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Joe Biden Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Dont know enough to say Refused/Not answered Mitt Romney Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Dont know enough to say Refused/Not answered Ann Romney Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Dont know enough to say Refused/Not answered Paul Ryan Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Dont know enough to say Refused/Not answered
2012 17 16 14 22 29 2 2012 19 19 13 14 34 2 2012 16 23 17 28 14 2 2010 11 31 19 19 20 0 2012 11 24 19 27 17 2

APP1. Overall, do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
2010 19 22 26 10 24 0 2012 13 21 27 10 27 1

Strongly approve Somewhat approve Have mixed feelings Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered

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APP2. If you had to choose, do you lean more toward approve or disapprove?
2010 28 27 45 0 2012 27 30 39 4

Lean towards approve Lean towards disapprove Still have mixed feelings Refused/Not Answered


APPOBAMA. Overall, do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
2010 19 29 12 17 24 0 2012 13 29 11 18 27 1

Strongly approve Somewhat approve Have mixed feelings Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered

APP3. Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling each of the following issues?

Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Taxes Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered The situation in Afghanistan Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered

2010 11 25 19 19 25 1

2012 8 19 18 20 32 2

2010 9 18 31 19 24 1

2012 13 17 23 19 25 3

2010 9 26 28 21 16 1

2012 8 22 31 18 18 2

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The situation in Iran Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Health care Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Environment Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Energy Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Gas prices Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Relationships with other countries Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered
2010 21 23 25 14 17 1 2012 15 20 30 14 19 2 2010 7 18 42 19 14 1 2012 4 12 28 19 35 2 2010 12 24 34 14 16 1 2012 10 23 30 14 22 2 2010 12 23 38 11 16 0 2012 10 23 35 13 17 2 2010 14 22 16 15 32 1 2012 18 17 16 17 31 2 2012 10 20 32 18 18 2

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Federal budget deficit Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Terrorism Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Unemployment Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered Immigration Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered
2012 10 19 24 16 29 2 2010 10 22 24 21 23 1 2012 7 20 22 20 29 2 2010 11 26 27 18 17 1 2012 15 26 29 12 15 2 2010 8 16 25 20 31 0 2012 6 16 22 18 35 2

APP3A. Overall, do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the way Barack Obama handled the raid that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden?
2012 42 23 26 4 3 1

Strongly approve Somewhat approve Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Refused/Not Answered

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FAV2. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of


The Democratic Party Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Refused/Not Answered
2010 16 35 23 24 2 2012 16 30 27 24 3

The Republican Party Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Refused/Not Answered LV1. Are you registered to vote? Yes, at my current address Yes, but at a different address No Not sure Refused/Not Answered LV6. How often would you say you vote? Always Nearly always Part of the time Seldom Never Refused/Not Answered
2012 42 25 12 7 13 2 2012 77 6 13 3 1 2010 7 31 37 23 3 2012 12 28 26 30 5

LV7. Do you happen to know where people in your neighborhood go to vote, or not? Yes No Refused/Not Answered
2012 78 21 1

LV3. How much interest do you have in following news about the campaign for president, a great deal, quite a bit, only some, very little, or no interest at all? A great deal Quite a bit Only some Very little No interest at all Refused/Not Answered
2012 20 28 26 14 10 1

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CND1. How much thought, if any, have you given to candidates who are running for president in 2012? A lot Some Not much None at all Refused/Not Answered
2012 44 34 14 7 1

LV31. On November 6, 2012, the election for President will be held. Using a 1-to-10 scale, where 10 means you are completely certain you will vote and 1 means you are completely certain you will NOT vote, how likely are you to vote in the upcoming presidential election? You can use any number between 1 and 10 to indicate how strongly you feel about your likelihood to vote. 1 Certain will NOT vote 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Certain to vote Refused/Not Answered
2012 10 1 1 1 7 3 3 4 7 62 2

VOT3B. If the 2012 general election for President were being held today and these were the candidates, would you vote for

Barack Obama, the Democrat Mitt Romney, the Republican Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate Someone else (specify) Dont know Refused/Not answered

2012 42 33 2 1 2 18 2

VOT3BA. If you had to choose, is there one of these candidates that you lean more toward?
[RANDOMIZE THE FIRST TWO] 2012 15 10 1 0 36 36 2

Barack Obama, the Democrat Mitt Romney, the Republican Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate No, dont lean toward any of these candidates Dont know Refused/Not answered

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VOT3BB. Are you certain to support (FILL RESPONSE FROM VOT3B) or do you think you might change your mind?
2012 88 11 0

Certain to support (RESPONSE FROM VOT3B) Might change my mind Refused/Not answered


VOT3BC. If you had to choose between [Barack Obama, the Democrat] and [Mitt Romney, the Republican], who would you vote for?

Barack Obama, the Democrat Mitt Romney, the Republican Refused/Not answered

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IMG8. Please mark the words and phrases below that you personally believe describe [Barack Obama, red font color]. Please check all that apply.
[RANDOMIZE ITEMS, SHOW IN 2 COLUMNS] 2010 42 23 14 18 19 62 36 48 49 30 27 7 39 31 1 14 4 26 21 21 12 31 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 2012 26 24 9 18 18 50 30 28 31 26 27 11 32 24 4 15 5 24 11 12 21 25 13 23 13 28 7 21 38 6

Inexperienced Out of touch Elitist Un-American Christian Intelligent Honest Will bring about change Popular Inconsistent Courageous Strong military leader Down to earth Straight-talker Past his prime Corrupt Hot-tempered Patriotic Independent Unifying Experienced Ethical Stubborn Socialist Radical Inspiring Foreign Liar American Refused/Not Answered

IMG8a. In your opinion, what other words describe [Barack Obama, red font color]? [To be coded]

The Associated Press Racial Attitudes Survey October 26, 2012

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IMG8. Please mark the words and phrases below that you personally believe describe [Mitt Romney, red font color]. Please check all that apply.
[RANDOMIZE ITEMS, SHOW IN 2 COLUMNS] 2012 14 32 21 4 22 39 21 26 11 29 12 4 15 16 5 16 4 27 8 8 25 21 10 2 7 14 0 23 45 11

Inexperienced Out of touch Elitist Un-American Christian Intelligent Honest Will bring about change Popular Inconsistent Courageous Strong military leader Down to earth Straight-talker Past his prime Corrupt Hot-tempered Patriotic Independent Unifying Experienced Ethical Stubborn Socialist Radical Inspiring Foreign Liar American Refused/Not Answered

IMG8a. In your opinion, what other words describe [Mitt Romney, red font color]? [To be coded]

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CIS8. How well do you think [CANDIDATE, red font color] understands how the federal government works? Barack Obama Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not Answered Mitt Romney Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not Answered
2012 14 26 27 16 13 4 2010 20 27 26 12 14 1 2012 22 30 22 10 14 2

CIS10NEW. How much time and effort is [Barack Obama, red font color] spending working on the issues you want him to work on the most?
2010 15 20 28 20 16 1 2012 12 18 25 20 23 3

A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Refused/Not Answered

CIS10. If [Mitt Romney, red font color] is elected President, how much time and effort do you think he would spend working on the issues you want him to work on the most?
2012 11 17 26 21 22 3

A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Refused/Not Answered

CIS11. How well do you think [CANDIDATE, red font color] understands the important issues the country will need to focus on during the next four years? Barack Obama Not at all well Slightly well Moderately well Very well Extremely well Refused/Not Answered
2010 23 18 22 20 16 1 2012 25 12 17 23 20 3

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Mitt Romney Not at all well Slightly well Moderately well Very well Extremely well Refused/Not Answered
2012 22 16 24 20 15 4

EC13. Now thinking about the economy in the country as a whole, would you say that over the past year, the national economy has gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse?
2010 5 34 20 21 20 0 2012 3 28 27 20 21 2

Gotten much better Gotten a little better Stayed about the same Gotten a little worse Gotten much worse Refused/Not Answered

EC14. Now thinking about the amount of unemployment in the country as a whole, would you say that over the past year, unemployment has gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse?
2012 2 25 30 22 18 3

Gotten much better Gotten a little better Stayed about the same Gotten a little worse Gotten much worse Refused/Not Answered

EC15. Now thinking about the stock market in the country as a whole, would you say that over the past year, the stock market has gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse?
2012 7 28 37 18 7 3

Gotten much better Gotten a little better Stayed about the same Gotten a little worse Gotten much worse Refused/Not Answered

EC16. Now thinking about gas prices in the country as a whole, would you say that over the past year, gas prices have gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse?
2012 1 7 23 30 36 3

Gotten much better Gotten a little better Stayed about the same Gotten a little worse Gotten much worse Refused/Not Answered

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EC17. Now thinking about the prices for products and services in the country as a whole, would you say that over the past year, prices for products and services have gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse?
2012 1 6 24 40 27 3

Gotten much better Gotten a little better Stayed about the same Gotten a little worse Gotten much worse Refused/Not Answered

EC13B. How much influence do you think the president has over the economy in the country?

A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Refused/Not Answered

2012 13 25 37 19 5 2

EC16B. How much influence do you think the president has over gas prices in the country?

A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Refused/Not Answered

2012 9 18 32 23 16 2

IMG4. Do you happen to know the religion of each of the following people? If you dont know, you can mark that too.

Barack Obama 2010 Protestant Catholic Mormon Jewish Muslim Some other religion No religion Dont know Refused/Not Answered
26 4 0 0 17 8 2 41 1

28 5 0 18 10 2 35 2 28

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Mitt Romney 2012 Protestant Catholic Mormon Jewish Muslim Some other religion No religion Dont know Refused/Not Answered
2 2 67 0 0 1 0 26


IMG4A. Do you happen to know the religion of [Barack Obama, red font color]? If you dont know, you can mark that, too. [text box] To be coded

IMG4B. Do you happen to know the religion of [Mitt Romney, red font color]? If you dont know, you can mark that, too. [text box] To be coded CQ8. Does [CANDIDATE, red font color]s religion make you more likely to vote for him, less likely to vote for him, or have no effect on whether youd vote for him? Barack Obama More likely Less likely Has no effect Refused/Not Answered Mitt Romney More likely Less likely Has no effect Refused/Not Answered
2012 5 15 77 2 2012 6 15 77 2

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HC1. In general, do you support, oppose or neither support nor oppose the health care reform plans being discussed in Congress? 2012 wording: In general, do you support, oppose or neither support nor oppose the law changing the health care system that the U.S. Congress passed in March 2010?
2010 28 12 24 22 12 1 2012 16 17 24 14 26 3

Strongly support Somewhat support Neither support nor oppose Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Refused/Not Answered

RAC7. How much do you like or dislike each of the following groups

Whites Like a great deal Like a moderate amount Like a little Neither like nor dislike Dislike a little Dislike a moderate amount Dislike a great deal Refused/Not answered
2010 34 22 5 38 1 0 0 1 2012 33 15 4 43 0 0 1 4

Blacks Like a great deal Like a moderate amount Like a little Neither like nor dislike Dislike a little Dislike a moderate amount Dislike a great deal Refused/Not answered Hispanics Like a great deal Like a moderate amount Like a little Neither like nor dislike Dislike a little Dislike a moderate amount Dislike a great deal Refused/Not answered
2010 28 15 8 41 4 2 1 1 2012 25 13 6 46 3 1 2 4 2010 31 17 6 40 3 1 1 1 2012 24 16 5 45 3 2 2 3

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WIN9. Who do you think should have been the Republican Partys candidate for the 2012 presidential election?
2012 30 9 16 7 3 4 4 13 13

Mitt Romney Rick Santorum Ron Paul Newt Gingrich Michele Bachmann Herman Cain Rick Perry Some other candidate (Specify) Refused/Not answered


DIV1NEW. After this years elections, which of the following would you prefer?
2010 52 43 NA NA 5 2012 45 7 7 34 7

Barack Obama as president and Democrats controlling the Congress Barack Obama as president and Republicans controlling the Congress Mitt Romney as president and Democrats controlling the Congress Mitt Romney as president and Republicans controlling the Congress Refused/Not Answered

CIS13. How liberal, moderate, or conservative do you think [CANDIDATE, red font color] is? Barack Obama Extremely conservative Moderately conservative Slightly conservative Moderate Slightly liberal Moderately liberal Extremely liberal Refused/Not Answered Mitt Romney Extremely conservative Moderately conservative Slightly conservative Moderate Slightly liberal Moderately liberal Extremely liberal Refused/Not Answered
2012 21 31 11 21 4 2 3 6 2010 2 5 4 23 13 23 28 2 2012 3 4 5 23 15 19 25 7

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RAC8. When it comes to politics, would you say that each of the groups listed below has too much influence, just about the right amount of influence, or to little influence?

Whites Too much influence Just about the right amount of influence Too little influence Refused/Not Answered
2010 21 64 13 2 2012 23 60 12 4

Blacks Too much influence Just about the right amount of influence Too little influence Refused/Not Answered
2010 14 53 31 2 2012 15 56 24 5

Elderly people Too much influence Just about the right amount of influence Too little influence Refused/Not Answered
2010 9 37 52 2 2012 9 49 38 4

Wealthy people Too much influence Just about the right amount of influence Too little influence Refused/Not Answered
2010 78 17 3 2 2012 69 24 4 4

Hispanics Too much influence Just about the right amount of influence Too little influence Refused/Not Answered
2012 16 54 25 5

Immigrants Too much influence Just about the right amount of influence Too little influence Refused/Not Answered
2012 26 42 26 6

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RAC11. How well does each of these words describe most blacks?

Friendly Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Determined to succeed Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Law abiding Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Hard-working Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Intelligent at school Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered
2010 9 15 48 19 6 3 2012 6 17 39 20 8 9 2010 9 21 43 17 7 3 2012 8 23 35 17 8 9 2010 5 16 43 24 9 3 2012 5 17 38 21 10 9 2010 9 17 44 19 8 4 2012 6 18 35 21 10 10 2010 10 26 43 13 5 3 2012 8 24 40 14 6 9

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Smart at everyday things Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Good neighbors Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Dependable Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Keep up their property Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Violent Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Boastful Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered
2010 6 15 36 21 18 4 2012 7 13 30 18 23 9 2010 5 10 33 28 20 4 2012 6 10 27 23 26 9 2010 6 16 42 23 9 4 2012 5 18 38 21 9 9 2010 7 19 44 20 7 4 2012 7 20 37 18 9 8 2010 9 21 45 15 6 4 2012 7 22 38 17 7 9 2010 7 21 45 18 5 4 2012 7 19 40 18 8 9

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Complaining Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Lazy Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Irresponsible Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered
[RANDOMIZE ITEMS] 2010 3 7 31 30 25 4 2012 5 7 26 25 27 10 2010 3 7 29 28 30 4 2012 5 9 23 24 30 8 2010 8 17 32 23 16 4 2012 8 15 26 23 19 9

RAC11W. How well does each of these words describe most whites? Friendly Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Determined to succeed Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Law abiding Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered
2010 6 22 53 11 4 4 2012 7 25 47 8 4 9 2010 8 26 51 9 3 4 2012 9 31 41 6 3 9 2010 7 26 49 12 3 4 2012 7 26 46 9 2 9

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Hard-working Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Intelligent at school Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Smart at everyday things Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Good neighbors Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Dependable Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Keep up their property Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered
2010 7 28 50 8 3 4 2012 10 30 41 7 3 9 2010 6 24 49 15 3 4 2012 7 26 46 8 4 9 2010 7 26 51 9 3 4 2012 9 31 43 6 3 9 2010 6 21 53 12 4 3 2012 8 24 46 10 4 9 2010 8 26 53 7 3 4 2012 10 26 46 6 3 9 2010 8 24 51 10 3 4 2012 9 28 45 7 3 9

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Violent Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Boastful Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Complaining Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Lazy Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered Irresponsible Extremely well Very well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all Refused/Not answered
2010 2 6 39 34 15 3 2012 2 4 34 30 21 10 2010 2 6 36 35 17 4 2012 1 4 32 30 23 10 2010 4 17 41 22 11 4 2012 4 13 36 23 15 9 2010 6 17 44 18 12 4 2012 6 14 37 20 13 10 2010 2 8 36 33 16 4 2012 3 3 31 31 22 9

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RAC11H. How well does each of these words describe most Hispanics?
Extremely well 9 9 5 20 5 7 8 9 7 3 3 4 2 2 Very well 23 22 15 28 15 15 19 22 16 7 7 6 4 5 Moderately well 41 39 42 32 41 41 40 40 38 28 29 27 24 29 Slightly well 13 14 21 6 22 21 18 14 21 30 25 26 26 28 Not at all 5 6 7 5 7 6 6 6 8 23 26 26 34 26 Refused/Not Answered 9 9 10 9 10 9 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 9

Friendly Determined to succeed Law abiding Hard-working Intelligent at school Smart at everyday things Good neighbors Dependable Keep up their property Violent Boastful Complaining Lazy Irresponsible


RAC12. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: Irish, Italians, Jewish, and other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without special favors Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Refused/Not answered
2010 8 10 32 28 20 3 2012 7 10 32 25 21 6

Its really a matter of some people just not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder, they could just be as well off as whites Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Refused/Not answered
2010 12 16 38 22 9 3 2012 11 13 35 22 11 7

Generations of slavery have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Refused/Not answered
2010 27 19 27 16 8 2 2012 27 21 26 15 5 6

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Blacks are demanding too much from the rest of society Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Refused/Not answered
2010 12 15 35 23 12 3 2012 10 12 35 23 13 6

Over the past few years, blacks have gotten LESS than they deserve Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Refused/Not answered
2010 19 19 45 11 3 3 2012 18 20 42 10 4 7

Most blacks who receive money from welfare programs could get along without it if they tried Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Refused/Not answered
2010 8 14 38 26 11 3 2012 7 12 35 25 14 6

Government officials usually pay less attention to a request or complaint from a black person than from a white person Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Refused/Not answered
2010 14 18 40 20 6 2 2012 15 16 38 17 7 7

Over the past few years, blacks have gotten more ECONOMICALLY than they deserve
2010 16 18 44 14 5 2 2012 14 13 47 13 7 6

Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree Refused/Not answered

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RAC13. Some people say that black leaders have been trying to push too fast. Others feel that they havent pushed fast enough. What do you think?
2010 24 19 53 5 2012 23 20 51 7

Trying to push too fast Havent pushed fast enough Pushing at about the right speed Refused/Not Answered

RAC14. How much of the racial tension that exists in the United States today do you think blacks are responsible for creating?
2010 3 20 58 17 1 2012 4 24 48 18 6

All of it Most Some Not much at all Refused/Not Answered

RAC14W. How much of the racial tension that exists in the United States today do you think whites are responsible for creating?
2010 4 22 61 9 3 2012 5 19 57 12 7

All of it Most Some Not much at all Refused/Not Answered

RAC14H. How much of the ethnic and racial tension that exists in the United States today do you think Hispanics are responsible for creating?
2010 5 8 66 19 1 2012 6 8 56 24 6

A lot of it Most of it Some of it Not much of it Refused/Not Answered

RAC15. How much discrimination against [GROUP, red font color] do you feel there is in the United States today, limiting their chances to get ahead? Blacks A lot Some Just a little None at all Refused/Not Answered
2010 13 37 35 12 2 2012 11 39 29 16 5

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Whites A lot Some Just a little None at all Refused/Not Answered Hispanics A lot Some Just a little None at all Refused/Not Answered Asians A lot Some Just a little None at all Refused/Not Answered Men A lot Some Just a little None at all Refused/Not Answered Women A lot Some Just a little None at all Refused/Not Answered Evangelical Christians A lot Some Just a little None at all Refused/Not Answered Immigrants A lot Some Just a little None at all Refused/Not Answered
2012 19 40 22 14 5 2012 5 17 29 44 6 2010 13 40 32 14 2 2012 10 39 31 15 4 2012 5 14 23 54 5 2012 2 24 37 31 6 2010 11 45 30 11 2 2012 10 42 28 15 5 2012 5 21 29 40 5

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NEW1. Do you think that the things Barack Obama has done as President of the United States has made most White Americans better off, worse off, or made them neither better off nor worse off overall?
2010 13 25 61 1 2012 15 32 49 4

Better off Worse off Neither better off nor worse off Refused/Not Answered

NEW2. Do you think that the things Barack Obama has done as President of the United States has made most Black Americans better off, worse off, or made them neither better off nor worse off overall?
2010 29 13 56 1 2012 28 17 51 5

Better off Worse off Neither better off nor worse off Refused/Not Answered

NEW3. Do you think that the things Barack Obama has done as President of the United States has made most Hispanic Americans better off, worse off, or made them neither better off nor worse off overall?
2010 21 12 65 1 2012 32 17 48 4

Better off Worse off Neither better off nor worse off Refused/Not Answered

BKS1. How similar do you think Barack Obama is to most Black Americans? Extremely similar Very similar Moderately similar A little similar Not at all similar Refused/Not Answered
2012 5 12 27 26 24 6

BKS2. How similar do you think Barack Obama is to most White Americans? Extremely similar Very similar Moderately similar A little similar Not at all similar Refused/Not Answered
2012 3 13 29 25 24 6

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BTH1. Where was Barack Obama born, as far as you know? [text box, to be coded]

BTH1A. Is it your best guess that Obama was born in the United States, or in another country?
2012 49 39 12

In the United States In another country Refused/Not Answered

BTH2A. As far as you know, is Hawaii one of the 50 United States of America, is it an unincorporated territory of the United States of America, or is it not a part of the United States of America? One of the 50 United States of America An unincorporated territory of the United States of America Not part of the United States of America Refused/Not Answered
2012 91 4 2 3

BTH2B. As far as you know, is Hawaii not a part of the United States of America, is it an unincorporated territory of the United States of America, or is it one of the 50 United States of America? One of the 50 United States of America An unincorporated territory of the United States of America Not part of the United States of America Refused/Not Answered

BTH2. As far as you know, is Hawaii not a part of the United States of America, is it an unincorporated territory of the United States of America, or is it one of the 50 United States of America?
2012 89 4 2 4

One of the 50 United States of America An unincorporated territory of the United States of America Not part of the United States of America Refused/Not Answered

[IF BTH2A OR BTH2B = ONE OF THE 50 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA] BTH3A. As far as you know, was Hawaii one of the 50 United States of America in 1961, or was Hawaii not part of the United States of America in that year? One of the 50 United States of America Not part of the United States of America Refused/Not Answered
2012 82 14 4

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[IF BTH2A OR BTH2B = AN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA] BTH3B. As far as you know, was Hawaii an unincorporated territory of the United States of America in 1961, or was Hawaii not part of the United States of America in that year? An unincorporated territory of the United States of America Not part of the United States of America Refused/Not Answered
2012 62 33 6

DIV2. What do you think are the chances that the majority of people in the U.S. House of Representatives and the majority of the people in the U.S. Senate after the November election will be Democrats? Please give an answer between 0% (meaning this definitely wont happen) and 100% (meaning this definitely will happen). Mean = 52.97 Median = 50 Mode = 50 Std. Dev = 26.36 CIS12. Would you prefer that the new president be politically conservative, liberal, or moderate?
2012 29 21 43 7

Conservative Liberal Moderate Refused/Not Answered

CQ11. Does that fact that Barack Obama is the first Black president of the United States make you more likely to vote for him, less likely to vote for him, or does it not affect your vote either way? More likely to vote for him Less likely to vote for him Not affect your vote either way Refused/Not Answered
2012 8 7 80 5

GV1. If you had to choose, would you favor a small federal government providing few services or a big federal government providing many services?
2012 53 39 8

Small federal government providing few services Big federal government providing many services Refused/Not Answered ID1. Generally speaking, do you consider yourself
[REVERSE SCALE FOR HALF OF SAMPLE] 2010 8 17 40 23 11 2

Very liberal Somewhat liberal Moderate Somewhat conservative Very conservative Refused/Not Answered

2012 5 15 41 24 10 5

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PID1. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, an Independent, a supporter of some other party, or none of these?
2010 37 24 24 1 13 1 2012 35 27 20 1 12 4

Democrat Republican Independent Some other part y None of these Refused/Not Answered


PID2. Would you call yourself a strong [Democrat/Republican] or a not very strong [Democrat/Republican]?
2010 52 48 0 2012 54 45 1

Strong Not very strong Refused/Not Answered


PID3. Do you think of yourself as CLOSER to the Democratic Party or to the Republican Party?
2010 33 27 39 1 2012 29 24 37 10

Closer to the Democratic Party Closer to the Republican Party Neither Refused/Not Answered

[COMBINED VARIABLE, PID1 AND PID3] PARTYID. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, an Independent, a supporter of some other party, or none of these? 2010 49 34 7 1 8 0 2012 46 36 14 4 46 36

Democrat Republican Independent Some other party None of these Refused / Not Answered

TP4. Do you consider yourself a supporter of the [MOVEMENT, red font color], or are you not a supporter of the [MOVEMENT, red font color]
2012 21 72 7

Supporter Not a supporter Refused/Not answered

The Associated Press Racial Attitudes Survey October 26, 2012

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TP4A. Do you consider yourself a strong supporter of the [MOVEMENT, red font color], or are you a moderate supporter of the [MOVEMENT, red font color]?
Strong supporter Moderate supporter Refused/Not answered [COMBINED VARIABLE, TP4 AND TP4A.] 2012 32 68 1

TP4SUPPORT. Do you consider yourself a supporter of the [MOVEMENT, red font color], or are you not a supporter of the [MOVEMENT, red font color]
2012 7 14 72 7

Strong supporter Moderate supporter Not a supporter Refused/Not answered

REL1. Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not?

2010 36 61 2 2012 31 64 5

Born-again or evangelical Christian Neither born-again nor evangelical Christian Refused/Not Answered

REL2. What is your religious preference?

2010 29 19 2 1 21 25 1 2012 30 23 2 2 15 24 5

Protestant Catholic Mormon Jewish Some other religion (Specify) None Refused/Not Answered

The Associated Press Racial Attitudes Survey October 26, 2012

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REL5. To which Protestant church or group do you belong?

2010 23 14 9 6 4 5 5 1 1 0 1 15 12 3 0 2012 22 15 12 7 4 4 2 0 1 0 2 13 11 7 0

Baptist Methodist Lutheran Presbyterian Pentecostal Episcopalian Church of Christ or Disciples of Christ Holiness Reformed Adventist Church of God Nondenominational or Independent Church Just a Protestant Something else (Specify) Refused/Not Answered

REL3. How often do you attend religious services?

2010 14 21 8 24 32 1 2012 10 20 9 28 30 3

More than once a week Once a week A few times a month A few times a year Never Refused/Not Answered

The Associated Press Racial Attitudes Survey October 26, 2012

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DEMOGRAPHICS AGE 2010 22 27 28 24 2012 21 26 28 25

18-29 30-44 45-59 60+

GENDER 2010 48 52 2012 48 52

Male Female

EDUCATION 2010 13 31 29 28 2012 12 31 29 28

Less than high school High school Some college Bachelors degree or higher

RACE / ETHNICITY 2010 69 11 5 13 1 2012 67 12 6 14 1

White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Other, Non-Hispanic Hispanic 2+ Races, Non-Hispanic

CENSUS REGION 2010 19 22 36 23 2012 18 22 37 23

Northeast Midwest South West MARITAL STATUS Married Single (never married) Divorced Widowed Separated Living with Partner

2010 55 24 9 5 2 6

2012 52 6 9 1 24 9

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METHODOLOGY The survey was conducted using the web-enabled KnowledgePanel, a probability-based panel designed to be representative of the U.S. population. Initially, participants are chosen scientifically by a random selection of telephone numbers and residential addresses. Persons in selected households are then invited by telephone or by mail to participate in the web-enabled KnowledgePanel. For those who agree to participate, but do not already have Internet access, GfK provides at no cost a laptop and ISP connection. People who already have computers and Internet service are permitted to participate using their own equipment. Panelists then receive unique log-in information for accessing surveys online, and then are sent emails throughout each month inviting them to participate in research.

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