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Jackie Ader UNIV 391 10/25/12 Reflection C: Research and Leadership Leadership is a key ingredient in any research project.

There needs to be a person or persons leading the research group to make sure the goals of the research are accomplished and to enhance communication amongst all researchers, organizations, etc. If there is no leadership existent in a research group there will not likely be progress or positive outcomes. In my provost research project I am seeing the importance of strong, effective leadership even more and am myself beginning to take on a leadership role as we have recruited several undergraduate research assistance whom I oversee. The leadership theories I read about this week directly connect to my own development as a researcher. The explanation of transformational leadership, or socialized leadership, definitely relates to how social workers must address their research. In my field of research, social work, you are frequently working with others (groups, colleagues, clients, etc.) to find a solution to a problem or increase the knowledge base of an important issue. Therefore, when conducting a study one needs to possess transformational leadership qualities and be concerned with the collective good. The four factors of transformational leadership listed in the readings connect to my personal development as a researcher. The first factor is charisma or idealized influence, which means leaders are the role model that followers want to emulate. Also under this first factor is the idea that leaders provide followers with a vision and sense of mission. I think possessing this research quality is extremely important because every great social work research project starts

with a vision. A leader who is passionate about making a change will be able to motivate and convince others to join his or her cause (join the research team/efforts). For example, I have a vision and passion driving my desire to do my research with Project Prepare Ethiopia. I envision that one day all orphan children in Africa and around the world will have a successful transition into adulthood and continue to prosper in their societies. This issue is close to my heart because I spent the past summer working with 98 orphan children in Kenya whose fate is similar to that of the children I study. This passion and vision have definitely made me dedicated to this research project. My enthusiasm has allowed me to lead others on the team to become as dedicated and excited about the work, which connects to the second factor of transformational leadership, inspirational motivation. The third factor of transformational leadership is intellectual stimulation, which focuses on leadership that allows followers to be creative, think on their own, and try new approaches. I think this is very important in research because if the leader is making all the decisions or not encouraging others to share their knowledge and ideas, then it is likely they are missing out on some valuable input. Research should be a collaborative effort; all members should feel their contributions are welcomed and valued. This third factor also conveys that leadership should allow followers to challenge their own beliefs and values, as well as those of the leader or organization. I believe a good leader is also open-minded and does not restrict welcomed ideas only to those that fit their beliefs or values. In my development as a researcher I am learning how to have this intellectual stimulation factor by observing my Provost Faculty member (Dr. Julia Pryce) execute it extremely well. Dr. Pryce is always encouraging people to add any ideas or comments they have during our meetings and throughout team tasks. She never leaves out the student research assistants when asking for input because she believes everyone in the group, no

matter their position (professor, executive director of an organization, or student), has something valuable to add. Having this openness and collective learning atmosphere, I believe, will make this research project exceed our very expectations. The last factor of transformational leadership listed was individual consideration, which has to do with leaders listening carefully to the individual needs of followers. I think this relates to my development as a researcher in my work with a vulnerable population that I may not be as familiar with as I think. I have compiled an extensive literature review on orphans aging out of care and feel I now have a good knowledge base on the subject. However, I need to remember I cannot assume the information from the literature I read simply applies to all orphans. Every orphan has a different situation, and the typical case varies from place to place (different countries or cities). It is important as a researcher that I acknowledge the diversity within the vulnerable population I am studying. As our research project develops further, I think it is important we listen carefully to the needs of our followers in this case the orphan children to better understand their lives and the major issues. Our research team must remember the orphan children are the experts on their own experience. By continuing to ask orphan children for input and what their needs or feelings are, we will be able to more effectively help them. As my hope is to continue participating in my research project, I believe my development as a leader will contribute to my success. I was relieved and excited to read that research has shown us leadership is a learnable, because I never really saw myself as a born leader. I think in the future of my work on this project I would like to gain the needed skills and qualities to become a transformational leader in this research study. I believe, because of my life experiences and immense enthusiasm for our work and vision, my leadership would help expand the involvement and create a persevering, encouraging atmosphere. It makes me a little nervous

thinking about leading and having power, but I have the capability and would not misuse a leadership role. And like the reading said, leadership is everyones business.

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