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INGREDIENT Strong flour Dried yeast Butter Castor sugar Cold water Softener Milk powder

BASIC UNIT 500 7.5 50 115 250 58 20

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Scale all the ingredients and make sure the ingredients is weighed accurately. Mixing all the dry ingredients and milk powder. Mix until all the ingredients mix well for 3 minutes. Then, make a hole. Pour the cold water gradually into the hole and knead the dough. Add the softener and continue knead the dough. Add the butter gradually and knead until the dough not sticky If you see that the dough is sticking to your hands do not add any flour, just keep kneading until it doesnt stick anymore (10 minutes) 9) Let the dough for proving about 3 hours 10) After first proving, knead the dough lightly and divide the dough into 80g and 60g sizes 11) It really helps if each piece is the same size. This will help to make the buns cook evenly 12) Roll each piece into a ball and cover for 10 minutes 13) Place buns in a gresed and floured square tin and prove until double in size 14) Preheat oven at 200c and baked until golden color


INGREDIENTS Bread flour Bread improver Instant yeast Salt Cold water Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4)

BASIC UNIT 250 4 4 5 165

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Ml

Mix all the dry ingredients for 3 minutes Add the water slowly until the mixture become a dough Continue kneading the dough until the dough become smooth and elastic Ferment the dough for 1 hours in warm room temperature covered with damp cloth until the dough become double in size 5) Divide the dough into 2, round the dough and leave for 15 minutes 6) After that, shape the dough into a long cylinder for 30 cam long 7) Look the tip of the cylinder to ensure it really tight 8) Proof the dough in a dry warm place for 2 hours 9) Before bake, scoring the dough with razor/ balde 10) Bake with 230c for first 10 minutes with a bowl of water inside the oven 11) After 10 minutes take out the water and continue baking until the bread become golden brown color


INGREDIENTS Sponge: Strong flour Instant yest Water Dough: Strong flour Milk powder Bread improver Dried yeast Sugar Salt Cold water Shortening Method of preparation: Sponge:

BASIC UNIT 175 2 105 75 8 4 4 15 5 50 15

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

1) Mix dry ingredients; strong flour and instant yeast for 2 minutes 2) Pour the water slowly into the mixture and knead until it becomes smooth surface dough 3) Leave the dough for 2- 3 hours Dough: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Make sure the sponge is ready to use then only the dough can be prepared Mix all the dry ingredients for 2 minutes Slowly pour the water into the mixture, knead until become the dough C ut the sponge into pieces and mix slowly into the dough Lastly put the shortening and knead the dough until smooth Fold the dough and round it, leave it for 10 minutes After that, divide the dough into 2 parts and then rolled the dough and shape each of it into cylinder long 8) Cut the dough into 3 part and put the dough inside the greased baking tin 9) Let the dough proofing for 1 hour until the dough rise for 1 cm from the baking tin level 10) Cover the rise dough with greased covered and bake for 230 c for 25- 40 minutes or until the dough become golden brown


INGREDIENTS Bread flour Soft flour Baking powder Salt Shortening/ butter Castor sugar Uht milk Egg Sultana Method of preparation:

BASIC UNIT 150 150 18 3 120 37.5 135 45 As needed

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

1) Mix the bread flour, baking powder, salt and fat into a mixing bowl and apply rub in method 2) In measuring jar mix the castor sugar with milk and egg until dissolve 3) Pour the millk mixture into the dry mixture and mix until it become the dough 4) Put the sultana as needed and cut the scone according to the appropriate size and thickness 5) Prepare the grease baking tray and bake the scones at 180c for 20- 30 minutes


INGREDIENTS Ingredients A: Self raising flour Castor sugar Salt Ingredients B: Egg Uht milk Vanilla esseence Melted butter Filling: Blueberry Peach

BASIC UNIT 100 50 1 30 70 3 40

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

M ethod of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) Mix all the ingredients A using wooden spoon in a mixing bowl Combine the ingredients B using wire whisk until well blend Mix ingredients A into ingredients B by stages Using teaspoon scoop the mixture into muffin cup and put the blueberry filling in the middle of the mixture 5) Bake the muffin at 200c for 20 minutes until golden brown


INGREDIENTS Sponge: Strong flour Instant yeast Water Dough: Strong flour All purpose flour Milk powder Baking powder Bread powder Instant yeast Sugar Salt Egg Water Butter Method of preparation: Sponge: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

BASIC UNIT 350 4 210 50 100 30 10 8 8 75 5 30 40 60

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram G ram

Prepare the sponge by mixing flour, yeast and water for 3 minutes Ferment for 3- 4 hours until the dough is about 3 times the original size Prepare the dough by adding all the ingredients into the mixing bowl Add cold water and eggs followed by sponge cut into a few pieces and knead until half develop Add butter in stages and mix for 10 minutes until dough is fully developed Leave the dough for fermentation for about 1 hour until the dough is double insize Punch the dough and do the cut using doughnut ring Leave the dough for final proofing in warm dry place for about 1 hour, deep fry the doughnut until golden brown using slow heat cooking


INGREDIENTS Pau flour Baking powder Sugar Shortening Instant yeast Luke warm water Method of cooking: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

BASIC UNIT 100 5 30 6 7.5 50

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

Mix all dry ingredients followed by luke warm water Knead the dough until fully develop and smooth Leave the dough until double in size and cover with clean towel Punch the dough and start portioning the dough each 20 gram Put the red bean filling each of the dough Let the dough proofing for about 40 minutes Make sure the steamer is ready, put inside the pau into the steamer and steam about 15 minutes


INGREDIENTS All purpose flour Bread flour Milk powder Bread improver Instant yeast Castor sugar Salt Egg Cold water Butter Pastry margarine

BASIC UNIT 212.5 212.5 25 8 10 50 10 125 140 40 225

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

Method of preparation: 1) Sieve the flour and salt into a bawl and stir in the sugar 2) Blend the yeast with the milk, stir in the beaten egg and mix with the flour and sugar. Knead on a lightly surface until the dough is smooth and elastic 3) Place the dough in a plastic bag and allow it to rest in the refrigerator for 10 minutes 4) Shape the pastry margerine into a flattened. Roll out the dough to a 12 inch (30cm) square, place the pastry margerine in the center and wrap the dough neatly around it, pinching the edges well together 5) Roll out the dough to a large rectangle about twice as long as it is wide. Fold the short sides to the middle, then fold in half again. Seal the edges by pressing them together with the rolling pin. Return the dough to the plastic bag and chill it for a further 10 minutes 6) Repeat the rolling and folding process, chill for 10 minutes, repeat again and chill for 20 minutes 7) Shape the dough into variety of design such as apricot puff, butterfly, cocks comb, duchess, peach roll, triangle, twist, windmill, rosette 8) Proof for 1- 1 hour 9) Preheat the oven to 425 F (220c). Bake for 18- 20 minutes


INGREDIENTS Strong flour Margarine Water Castor sugar Salt Egg

BASIC UNIT 125 100 250 3

METRIC Gram Gram Lit Tsp Tsp Nos

M ethod of preparation: 1) C ombine the liquid, butter and salt in a heavy saucepan or kettle. Bring the mixture to a full boil 2) Add in flour, stir the mixture quickly with wooden spoon until it forms a ball and full away from the side of the pot 3) Allow the mixture to cool for 15 minutes 4) Add in whole egg, one at time until it binding together 5) Using the large star tip placed into piping bag and pipe according to the varieties that you need onto the grease baking tray


INGREDIENTS Egg Castor sugar Vanilla essence Custard powder UHT milk Method of preparation:

BASIC UNIT 1 50 1 25 250

METRIC N os Gram Tsp Gram Ml

1) Warm the milk. Mix the sugar, eggs, corn flour and custard powder together 2) Once the milk warm add in the custard mixture and cook until the mixture become thick


INGREDIENTS Soft flour Shortening Ice water Salt

BASIC UNIT 125 88 37 Pinch

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram

Method of preparation: 1) Mix flour, salt, shortening then rub it until become bread crumb 2) Add ice water and knead the dough for few minute 3) Roll the dough and cut, put into the pie mould and fill with filling


INGREDIENTS Sardine Tomato puree R ed chillies Butter Garlic Onion Salt Method of preparation:

BASIC UNIT 200 100 1 10 1 1 As needed

METRIC Gram Gram Nos Gram Nos Nos

1) Heat the butter 2) Saute onion, garlic and add in tomato puree, sardine 3) Put in red chillies and season with salt and paper


INGREDIENTS UHT milk Egg Custard powder Castor sugar Vanilla essence Method of preparation:

BASIC UNIT 250 25 50

METRIC Ml Nos Gram Gram Tsp

1) Combine all ingredients 2) Put the pot moderate heat and stir the mixture until condense


INGREDIENTS Soft flour Margarine Icing sugar

BASIC UNIT 300 200 70

METRIC Gram Gram Gram

Method of preparation: 1) Cream sugar and butter until slightly creamy 2) Add 1 UHT milk, lastly add in flour and mix well 3) Rest the dough before use


INGREDIENTS Green apple Granulated sugar Corn flour Cinnamon Lemon juice Butter

BASIC UNIT 3 1 As needed

METRIC Nos Cup Tbsp Tsp Tsp

Method of preparation: 1) Brown the sugar until slightly caramel 2) Add in apples, cinnamon powder, lemon juice and butter 3) To thicken the filling add in the corn flour and bake at 200c for 5- 10 minutes


INGREDIENTS UHT milk Castor sugar Eggs Essence vanilla

BASIC UNIT 150 20 1

METRIC Gram Gram Nos Tsp

Method of preparation: 1) Combine all ingredients 2) Strain the filling 3) Pour the filling into crust and bake at 160c for 45 minutes


INGREDIENTS Butter Icing sugar Soft flour Salt Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4)

BASIC UNIT 112 25 125

METRIC Gram Gram Gram A pinch

Cream the butter and icing sugar until light and airy Put the soft flour and salt, mix well Do the makeup techniques piping bag into a baking tray Bake at 180c for 10- 15 minutes or until brown


INGREDIENTS Butter Castor sugar Soft flour Corn flour Milk powder Vanilla essence Meringue: Egg white Icing sugar Corn flour Cocoa powder M ethod of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4)

BASIC UNIT 125 50 150 75 1 1 1 125 1 A pinch

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Tsp Tsp Nos Gram Tbs A pinch

Cream the butter, castor sugar and essence vanilla until light and airy Then, add the soft flour, corn flour and milk powder, mix well Using rolled techique cut the cookies accordingly At the other bowl whisk egg white and add essetially the icing sugar followed by corn flour until the mixture become thicken 5) A cookie makeup method in which the dough is baked in sheets and cut into portions


INGREDIENTS Butter Brown sugar Soft flour Chocolate chip Essence vanilla Nib almond

BASIC UNIT 100 25 120 60 1/4 30

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Tsp Gram

Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) Cream butter, brown sugar and essence vanilla until light and airy Add the flour together with chocolate chip and roast nib almond Take a fork and scoop the mixture into a baking tray Bake at 180c for 15 minutes or until brown


INGREDIENTS Green pea powder Soft flour Icing sugar Salt Baking powder Corn oil Egg yolk Method of preparation:

BASIC UNIT 150 150 100 1 150 1

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Tsp Tsp Ml Noss

1) Mix all pie powder, baking powder, soft flour, salt, icing sugar and egg yolks 2) For the second, slowly add oil until it becomes dough 3) For the last step is shape becomes round and bake at temperature 160c for 30 minutes


INGREDIENTS All purpose flour Corn flour Custard flour Butter Egg yolk Egg yolk for egg wash

BASIC UNIT 100 100 20 150 2

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Noss

Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Mix the butter, all purpose flour, corn flour and egg yolk. Save this dough in chiller for 10 minutes Shape into a round and complete filling in the shape Rolling the dough and shape by creativity Bake at temperature 168c for 30 minutes


INGREDIENTS All purpose flour Sugar Baking powder Salt Anchor butter Butter flavor Eggs Almond nut (whole)

BASIC UNIT 400 240 4 6 100 8 160 300

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) Mix the butter Add all ingredients excpt elmond nut. Mix until well blended Becomes dough mix well, add almond nut Bake at temperatures 160c for 45 minutes


INGREDIENTS White dough: Cake flour Butter Castor sugar Chocolate dough: Cake flour Castor sugar Cocoa powder Butter Method of preparation: For white dough: 1) Mix butter and castor sugar 2) Mix cake flour

BASIC UNIT 227 177 75 185 75 42 177

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

For chocolate dough: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Mix butter and castor sugar Mix the cake flour and cocoa powder Rest dough for 10- 15 minutes After 10- 15 minutes, rolling the dough Cut the dough white and chocolate and put a dough chocolate Rolling the dough and rest for 10- 15 minutes


INGREDIENTS Cooking chocolate Butter Eggs Sugar Salt vanilla Bread flour Cream cheese Sugar Vanilla Egg yolk

BASIC UNIT 200 290 200 150 2 7 115 225 55 2 1

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Ml Gram Gram Gram Ml Nos

Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Mix the cream cheese and sugar. Stir the mix well Mix vanilla, egg yolk. Stir the mix well Mix chocolate a have cooking and bread flour Put the dough chocolate at the tray and put cream cheese at chocolate Stir with spoon and shape by creativity. Lastly, mix sliced almods on the chocolate. 6) Bake at temperatures 180c for 10 minutes


INGREDIENTS Butter Confectiones sugar Egg whites Cake flour Garnish Sliced almonds Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

BASIC UNIT 90 120 90 105 75

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

Cream the butter and icing sugar. Mix well until blended Mix egg white slowly add oil Mix cake flour Put the dough on the shape and same with use scrap. Bake at temperatures 180c for 10 minutes


INGREDIENTS Egg Castor sugar Salt Emusifier sponge High ratio flour Cocoa powder Baking powder Anchor UHT milk Glycerine Anchor salt butter Vanilla Method of preparation:

BASIC UNIT 415 275 2 30 215 15 6 100 25 100 5

METRIC Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram Gram

1) Met the butter and keep it cool 2) Beat the eggs, castor sugar, emulsifier and all dry ingredients with high speed until fluffy 3) Sift high ratio flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt together 4) Then put in the liquid ingredients: UHT milk, sorbitol and vanilla 5) Lastly fold in melted butter 6) Pour the mixture into round baking mould 7) Bake at temperatures 180c for 20-25 minutes


INGREDIENTS Eggs yolk Eggs Castor sugar Emulsifier High ratio flour Corn flour Baking powder Cold water Corn oil Melted butter Method of preparation:

BASIC UNIT 6 4 175 30 100 60 25 50 50

METRIC Nos Nos Gram Gram Gram Gram Tbsp Gram Gram Gram

1) Mix eggs yolk, eggs,castor sugar and ovellet until expand 2) When the ingredients have expand , mix high ratio flour, corn flour and baking powder. The rotate until mixture 3) Mix cold water and corn oil a slowly to dough. Rotate until mixture 4) Mix the melted butter. Stir until mixture 5) Divide to two part and place a color to decorate 6) Flatten a dough with using scraper 7) Make shape a batik and bake at temperatures 180c for 22 minutes 8) Place cream an above swissroll and rolling 9) Cut to swiss roll batik


INGREDIENTS Dough: All purpose flour Margerine Cooking oil Salt water Filling: Potatoes Minced meat Curry leave Curry powder Onion Garlic Salt water Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

BASIC UNIT 250 2 2 A bit 100 5 200 5 1 1 2 A bit A bit

METRIC Gram Tbsp Tbsp Gram

Gram Pieces Tbsp Noss Noss

Sieve the flour a mixing bowl. Add margerin, cooking oil and salt Squazze mix of material to be breadcrumbs Warm water little by little and knead it until becomes dough Relax dough Provide core. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Add curry powder and fry for a while Enter minced meat and potato dices, add water and cook until the potato is soft When the potato half cooked, add the curry leaves and core. Cool Dough 0.3 and apply thick round. Core content and seam Fry until golden brown


INGREDIENTS Batter: All purpose flour Water Egg Salt Green color Pandan leaves juice Filling: White grated coconut Gula melaka Tapioca flour Sugar Pandan leave Salt

BASIC UNIT 125 220 1 1 As needed 1 80 1 1 1

METRIC Gram Ml Nos tsp Tbsp Gram Pieces Tsp Tbsp Piece Tsp

Method of preparation: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Melt the brown sugar, granulated sugar and salt Enter When almost dry. Add tapioca flour Stir, remove and leave to cool To batter mix flour, eggs, salt, pandan leaves and water color gren Stir and make batter Heat a non stick pan, lenser with a little oil. Pour a little batter, spread When cooked. Lift, put the filling and roll

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