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October 14th 2012 Honorable Kay Hagan United States Senate 521 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington,

DC 20510 Honorable Senator: We are highly indebted to your office in receiving a delegation from our community. The Gambian community in North Carolina comprises of approximately three to four thousand people, the majority of w hom reside in the Greater Raleigh and Charlotte regions. Whereas migrating to America and living the Dream of a great nation has been a blessing for this block of migrants, the journey for many started unplanned to escape targeted political persecutions at the directives of the incumbency. With no ending insight to the tyranny imposed on the community back home, Gambians in North Carolina came together in 2004 to form an organization know n as The Gambia Democratic Action Group (GDAG) The organization w as formed to purposely engage in the follow ing: 1. Creating a political caucus around w hich members can be sensitized to be politically active both here and home (back in the Gambia) 2. To respond appropriately in the struggle of bringing about a democratic system of governance and rule of law in our dear land. Since the creation of the organization, w e have maintained strong liaison w ith our congressional representatives especially the office of Brad Miller. It is in this vein, and in reaction to the current developments in the Gambia w ith the ex ecutions of nine inmates, that w e deem it pertinent to establish a viable and mutual relationship w ith your office. On August 15th 2012, the Gambian President w ent on national TV and vow ed to ex ecute all death row inmates by the end of the month, albeit the law s of the land and due process have not taken its course. On August 24 th 2012, nine inmates w ere executed including 2 foreign nationals, a mentally deranged inmate, and some prisoners of conscience. Please find attached a compendium of President Y aya Jammehs atrocities and human right violations since he undemocratically assumed pow er in 1994 through a military takeover. We thank you for your time and look forw ard to seeing you and your help to alleviate this disaster befalling on the people of The Gambia. The Gambia Democratic Action Group.

This list was compiled by Mathew Jallow. Prisoners execute in Mile 2 Prisons August 23, 2012 1. Lamin B. Darboe 2. Alieu Bah 3. Lamin Jarju 4. Dawda Bojang 5. Malang Sonko 7. Lamin F Jammeh 8. Gibril Bah (Senegalese) 9. Tabara Samba, raped multiple times before her execution (Senegalese, female) Gambians recently murdered on orders of Yahya Jammeh: 10. Abdoulie Colley, Abuko Village 11. Musa Badjie, collapsed and died in Mile 2 Prison, August 25, 2012 12. Wuyeh Colley, Kanunorr village, murdered August 22, 2012 13. Enor Colley, Kanunorr village, murdered August 22, 2012 Regimes witching-hunting Kangaroo Trials: 14. GAMCOTRAPs Dr. Isatou Touray and Co. trials 15. GNOCs Beatrice Allen and Co. trials 16. Suruwa Wawa B. Jaiteh and Dr. Loums trials 17. Dr. Amadou Jallow and Co. trials 18. Dr. Alasan Bah and Cos trials Recent arrest, detention and charged with treason. 19. Amadou Scattred Janneh, former minister of Information 20. Ndey Tapha Sosseh, former president of the Gambia Press Union 21. Mathew K. Jallow 22. Famara Demba 23. Modou Keita 24. Ebrima Jallow 25. Michael C. Uche Thomas (died in prison) Torture and Yahya Jammehs convoy related deaths: 26. Demba Sibey of Numuyel village 27. A third grader from Saaba Primary School 28. A young girl killed Yahya Jammehs motorcade/Gunjur prayer fest 29. Paul Bass NIA operative killed by Jammehs convoy 30. Arab businessman dead in collided with Jammehs convoy 31. A soldier from Sintet village killed escorting Jammehs convoy 32. A little girl killed by convoy during Mauritanian Presidents visit 33. A child killed by stampede for Jammehs biscuits at Sere Kunda market. In total since 1994 nearly twenty people; children and adults have died as a direct result of Yahya Jammehs speeding convoys and biscuit throwing to crowds.

Recent Arrests of journalists: 34. Sports Editor Nanama Keita, facing witch-hunting/Kangaroo Trial 35. Ahmed Alota, arrested, detained, released. Executed and Murdered Civilian and Military: 36. Ousman Koro Ceesay 37. Deyda Hydara 38. Sidia Sanyang 39. Omar Barrow 40. Lamin Sanneh 41.Chief Manneh 47. Momodou Sowe 42. Sarjo Kunjang 46. Haruna Jammeh 48. Lieut. Gibril Saye 43. Ebrima Barry 49. Sergeant Dumbuya 44. Ousman Ceesay 50. Corpl. Mendy 45. Saja Kujabi 51. Lieut. Basiru Camara 52. Yaya Jammeh 53. Lieut. Bakary Manneh 53. Lieut. Buba Jammeh 54. Lieut. Momodou Lamin Darboe 55. Cadet Officer Sillah 56. Daba Marena 57. Lieut. Basiru Barrow 58. Cpt. Sadibou Hydara 59. Lieut. Almamo Manneh 60. Lieut. Abdoulie Dot Faa 61. Staff Sergeant Manlafi Corr 62. Sergeant Major Alpha Bah 63. Lieut. Ebou Lowe 64. Lieut. Alieu Ceesay 65. Sgt. Fafa Nyang Gambians detained, released in Jail or murdered between 1994-2012: 66.RSM Alpha Bah (executed) 67. Major Ebrima Bah 68. Lt Momodou Alieu Ba 69. Corporal Samba Bah 70.Tijan Bahoum: Power Supply Director NAWEC

71. Kemo Balajo: ex-National Intelligence Agency 72. Foday Barry: ex-NIA; director of Intelligence 73. Ourani Barry: ex-Senior Civil Servant 74. Lamin Bojang: Medical Research Council 75. Ebrima Camara: ex-police officer 75. Omar Barru Camara: ex-MP APRC 76. Captain Wassa Camara 77.2nd Lt Alieu Ceesay 78. Lamin Ceesay: Politician 79. Madi Ceesay: President, Gambia Press Union 80.Awa Darboe Cham: wife of alleged coup leader Ndure Cham 81. Lamin Cham: ex-Daily Observer, BBC correspondent 82. Lamin Cham: Politician 83. Momat Cham: former minister 84. Momodou Cadi Cham: former politician 85. Superintendent Abdoulie Colley: ex-police officer 86. Retired Colonel Abdoulie Conteh: former KMC Mayor 87. Staff Sergeant Manlafi Corr 88. Captain Bunja Darboe 89. Lamin R. Darboe: Politician 90. Lamin Saiba Darboe 91. Captain Yaya Darboe 92. Adama Deen: former Managing Director Gambia Ports Authority 93. Demba Dem: ex-MP APRC 94. Momodou Demba: Politician 95. Mariam Denton: Human Rights Lawyer 96. Raif Diab: Businessman 97. Ramzia Diab: former nominated MP, APRC 99. Musa Dibba: ex-NIA Director of Finance 100. Sheriff Mustapha Dibba: ex-Assembly Speaker (Murdered) 101. Baba Drammeh: ex-Independent Electoral 102. Commission (IEC) officer 103. Omar Faal: Marabout 104. Ansumana Fadera: ex-Senior Civil Servant 105. Jerreh Fatty: Politician 106. Lamin Fatty: journalist, The Independent newspaper 107. Mariama Fatty: Politician 108. Kebba Faye: ex-Senior Civil Servant 109. Tamba Fofana: Head Master 110. Abdou Gafar: journalist, Daily Express newspaper 111. Lamin Gassama: Security Manager, Banjul International Airport

112. Antouman Gaye: Lawyer 113. Pa Njie Guirigara: General Manager, VM 114. Sarane Hydara: ex-Senior Civil Servant 115. Captain Abdoukarim Jah 116. Karamo Jaiteh: former Managing Director, Gambia Roads Authority 117. Suruwa Wawa B Jaiteh: former Permanent Secretary 118. Staff Sergeant Buba Jammeh 119. Haruna Jammeh. Villager 120. Kebbaringo Jammeh: Councilor 121. Marcel Jammeh. Villager 122. Lance Corporal Babou Janha 123. Amie Jarju. Villager 124. Cherno Ndure Jarju: Politician 125. Lamin Jarsey: Politician 126. Tamsir Jassey: ex-Deputy Inspector General Police, Director of Immigration 127. Dudu Kassa Jatta: Politician 128. Ousman Rambo Jatta: Councilor 129. Colonel Vincent Jatta: ex-Chief of Defense Staff (deceased) 130. Momodou Jaw: ex-IEC officer 131. Abdoulie Kanaji Jawla: MP, APRC 132. Baboucarr Jobarteh: ex-Protocol Officer 133. Maimuna Jobarteh: Politician 134. Abdou Jobe: Managing Director, NAWEC 135. Alieu Jobe: ex-Accountant General 136. Duta Kamaso: ex-MP, APRC 137. Kanyiba Kanyi: Politician 138. Lamin Keita: ex-Senior Civil Servant 139. Nato Keita: Politician 140. Abdoulie Kujabi: ex-Director General, NIA 141. Jasaji Kujabi 142. Dr. Badara Loum: ex-Permanent Secretary 143. Lt Ebou Lowe 144. Mustapha Lowe: College student 145. Bamba Manneh: ex-NIA operative 146. Chief Ebrima B. Manneh: journalist, Daily Observer newspaper 147. Fatou Jaw Manneh: journalist 148. Kebba Yorro Manneh: Politician 149. Daba Marena: ex-Director General, NIA 150.Malick Mboob: ex-Daily Observer, RVH 151. Sulayman Sait Mboob: ex-Minister, IEC Commissioner 152. Sergeant Buba Mendy

153. Captain Pierre Mendy 154. Omar Ndow: former Managing Director of Gamtel/Gamcel 155. Ndondi S.Z. Njie: former Chairman of IEC 156.Alhagie Nyabally: ex-President, Gambia Student Union 157. Alassan Nyassi 158. Balla Nyassi 159. Dr. Badara Loum: Former Permanent Secretary, Agriculture 160. Private Alagie Nying: Gambia National Army 161. Sam Obi: Daily Express, RFI correspondent 162. Baba Saho: ex-NIA director, External Security 163. Musa Saidykhan: former Editor-In-Chief, The Independent newspaper 164. Bertrand Sambou 165. Dodou Sanneh: former journalist, GRTS 166. Ebrima Sillah Sanneh: ex-IEC officer 167. Lamin Sanneh: former Permanent Secretary 168. Sergeant Abdoulie Sanyang 169. 2nd Lt Pharing Sanyang: Gambia National Army 170. Commander MB Sarr: Gambia National Army 171. Lt M. Savage: Gambia National Army 172. Ebou Secka: ex-Senior Civil Servant 173. Nourou Secka: ex-NIA operative 174. Momodou Senghore: ex-Senior Civil Servant 175. Ousman Sey: Marabout 176. Musa Sheriff: journalist, Gambia News & Report magazine 174. Amie Sillah: journalist, women activist 175. Alieu Singhatey: ex-NIA operative 176. Kebba Singhatey: Politician 178. Modou Sonko: journalist, Daily Observer newspaper 178. Private Ebrima Sonko 179. Juldeh Sowe: journalist, The Independent newspaper 180. Issac Success: journalist, Daily Express newspaper 181. Azziz Tamba: Politician 182. Ebou Waggeh Arrest and Detention of Journalists: 183. October 2005 - Abdoulie Sey 184. 2005 - Musa Saidykhan 185. March 2006 - Musa Saidykhan 186. March 2006 - Madi Ceesay 187. April 2006 - Lamin Fatty Journalists on Exile in Senegal, Europe and the US: 188. Pa Ousman Darboe

189. Alieu Badara Sowe 190. Pa Ousman Darboe 191. Musa Saidykhan 192. Sulayman Makalo 193. Omar Bah 194. Alhagie Mbye 195. Ebrima Sillah 196. Augustus Mendy 197. Bankole Thompson 198. Papa Colley 199. Sulayman Darboe 200. Fatou Jaw Manneh 201. Pa Omar Jatta 202. Momodou Thomas 203. Musa Saidykhan 204. Ansumana Badjie 205. Pa Samba Jaw 206. Sarjo Bayang 207. Pa Nderry Mbai 208. Cherno Baba Jallow 209. Ebrima Ceesay 210. Baba Galleh Jallow 211. Ebrima G. Sankareh 212. Yankuba Jambang 213. Mathew K. Jallow Military/Security mysterious deaths: 214. Captain Tumbul Tamba 215. Captain Musa Jammeh 216. Colonel Vincent Jatta 217. Lieut. Solomon Jammeh 218. Pa M. Jallow 219. Manlafi Sanyang 220. Boye Bah 221. Momodou Bah 222. Illo Jallow Military/Security/Civilian recently detained: 223. Lang Tombong Tamba 224. Bore Badjie 225. Omar Bun Mbye 226. Demba Njie 227. Lamin Fatty

228. Yankuba Drammeh 229. Malamin Jarju 230. Kawsu (Bombardier) Camara 231. Ngorr Secka, NIA 232. Ensa Badjie 234. Bun Sanneh 235. Sarjo Fofana Military/Security/Civilians: detained, released, fled: 236. Captain Bunja Darboe 237. Capt Yahya Darboe 239. Capt. Wassa Camara 240. 2nd Lt Pharing Sanyang 241. Alieu Jobe 242. Tamsir Jasseh 243. Omar Faal 244. Demba Dem, 245. Col. Ndure Cham 246. Abdoulie Kujabi 247. Kemo Balajo 248. Alieu Singhatey 248. Foday Barry 249. Landing Sanneh xecuted Military and Security officers 2006: 250. Daba Marenah 251. Alieu Ceesay 252. Alpha Bah 253. Manlafi Corr 254. Ebou Lowe tudents Massacred April 11th. 2000: 55. Reginald Carrol 256. Karamo Barrow 257. Lamin A. Bojang 258. Ousman Sabally 259. Sainey Nyabally 260. Ousman Sembene 261. Bakary Njie 262. Claesco Pierra 263. Momodou Lamin Njie 264. Ebrima Barry 265. Wuyea Foday Mansareh 266. Bamba Jobarteh

267. Momodou Lamin Chune 268. Abdoulie Sanyang 269. Omar Barrow 270. Burama Badjie Gambians Missing and Disappeared Since 2005: 271. Ebrima (Chief) Manneh: arrested July 2006 272. Kanyiba Kanyi arrested September 2006 273. Haruna Jammeh arrested in 2005 274. Marcie Jammeh arrested in 2005 275. Alfusainey Jammeh arrested in 2005 276. Momodou Lamin Nyassi arrested in 2005 277. Ndongo Mboob arrested in 2006 278. Buba Sanyang arrested in 2006 279. Alieu Lowe arrested in March 2006, 280. Sgt. Sam Kambai arrested in 2006 281. Bakary Gassama arrested in 2007 282. Kebba Secka arrested in 2007 283. Ebrima Dibba arrested in May 2008, 284. Ebrima Kunchi Jammeh arrested in May 2008 285. Cases of Regime ordered Arsons against media personals. 286. August 8th. 2001, Radio Station 1 FM, was set ablaze around 2 a.m. in the morning, after roprietor George Christensen and his watchman were doused with hazardous chemicals in the hope of ncinerating them. The two victims survived the ordeal, but the station was a total loss. 287. August 10th. 2001, the home of Alieu Bah, Radio I FM journalist, who moderated debates and discussions between prominent personalities, was set ablaze around 3 a.m. while he, his wife and children were asleep. The family narrowly escaped death, but the house was gutted to the ground. 288. April 13th. 2004, the Kanifing printing facilities of the Independent Newspaper was set on fire around 2 a.m. by six individuals dressed in military fatigue. The printing machinery and other hardware equipment were completely destroyed. 289. August 15th. 2004, the home of B.B.C reporter, Ebrima Sillah was set on fire as he slept. He narrowly escaped. 290. October 17th. 2003, The Independent Newspaper premises were set on fire around 3 am in the morning when three unidentified masked men stormed the building, assaulted the night watchman and then sprayed him with fire hazard chemical in the hope he would burn to death. But he luckily survived the assault. The premises were destroyed beyond recognition. Arrests and Detentions of Journalists: 291. September 19th. 2003, around 6 p.m. Abdoulie Sey, the Editor-in-Chief, The Independent Newspaper was arrested from his office by intelligence agents and held incommunicado. He was released four days later. September 2005, Musa Saidykhan, Editor-in-Chief, The Independent Newspaper, was detained for interrogation for a brief period of time shortly after returning from a South African journalist conference.

292. March 27th. 2006, Musa Saidykhan, Editor-in-Chief, The Independent Newspaper, was arrested again by security agents a few days after publishing an article critical of Yahya Jammehs reactions in the wake of an alleged coup attempt on March 21, 2007. He was released after three weeks in detention. 293. March 2006, Madi Ceesay, The Independent General Manager, arrested by the regimes agents, was released after three weeks of detention. 294. April 10th. 2006, Independent reporter, Lamin Fatty was arrested from his home by NIA agents and released after two months in detention and charged with false publication. 295. April 25th. 2006, Independent receptionist, Juldeh Sowe, was arrested and released after several hours. 296. July 7th. 2006, Daily Observer journalist, Ebrima Chief Manneh, was arrested by NIA officials from the Observer premises, was seen in public once after two years detention, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, sick and emaciated. Six powerful U.S Senators; Edward Kennedy, Richard (Dick) Durbin, Russell (Russ) Feingold and Joe Lieberman among others wrote to Yahya Jammeh asking him to release Journalist Manneh after being held for nearly three years. Manneh has since been confirmed murdered by J ammehs agents. 297. May 24th. 2006, following the hacking of the online, Freedom Newspaper, five Gambian journalists whose names appeared on the papers readers list were arrested and detained for different lengths of time. After several months they were released. They are: Musa Sheriff Pa Modou Faal Lamin Cham Sam Obi Malick Mboob Other arbitrary arrests against journalist: 298. September 2006, a Gambia Radio and Television Services reporter, Dodou Sanneh, was arrested and detained, and later fired, rehired and fired again from his job government job. March 28th. 2007, Fatou Jaw Manneh, a U.S. based Gambian journalist, was arrested at the airport, her traveling documents seized and charged with sedition. Her Kangaroo trial lasted more than a year. Her heavy fine was paid with donations from family and friends from all around the world. 299. December 16th. 2005, police ruffed Ramatoulie Charreh up after the participants in a conference she attended, attempted to visit the spot where journalist Deyda Hydara was gunned down. 300. 2006, Njaimeh Bah, Point Newspaper reporter, attacked by unknown assailants, was severely beaten. 301. December 12. 2006, Baron Eloagou, reporter for the Daily Express, was severely beaten by unknown assailants. December 2006, Abdougafar Olademinji, reporter for the Daily Express, was attacked by unknown assailants and beaten severely. 302. June 14th. 2009, seven journalists and members of the Gambia Press Union (GPU), were rounded up from various locations by heavily armed paramilitary agents and detained at NIA headquarters before being transferred to the notorious Mile 2 prison outside Banjul. The group listed below, were granted bail and charged with publishing seditious material and their case is ongoing despite protestations of re gional and

international organizations such as Media Foundation for West Africa, Amnesty International, Community to Protect Journalists. Emil Touray, Secretary General Gambia Press Union Sarata Jabbi Dibba, Vice President, Gambia Press Union Pa Modou Faal, Treasurer, Gambia Press Union Pap Saine, Managing Director, The Point Newspaper Ebou Sawaneh, Editor, The Point Newspaper Sam Sarr, Managing Editor, The Foroyaa Newspaper Abubakr Saidy-Khan, journalist, Foroyaa newspaper. 304. June 16th. 2009, Abdulhamid Adiamoh, Publisher of Today Newspaper, was arrested for false publication and detained at National Intelligence headquarters. Forced to plead guilty or face deportation back to Nigeria, he was fine an extortive amount of money or face six months jail time . June 22nd. 2009, Augustine Kanja, a reporter for The Point Newspaper, was arrested and detained by ecurity agents. He was released June 25th, 2009. 305. Attempted Murders: Fled Gambia: Ousman Sillah: Attorney/Lawyer Mai Fatty: Attorney (Attorney/Lawyer 306. Foreign nationals executed in Gambia: 44 Ghanaians 2 Senegalese 1 Togolese 2 Nigerians 307. 72 Ministers Appointed and Fired: Mass Axi Gai Angela Colley Kanja Sanneh Neneh Macdoual-Gaye Therese Ndong-Jatta (resigned) Maba Jobe (hired & fired before taking office) Momodou Lamin Sedat Jobe (resigned) Joseph Henry Joof (resigned) Satang Jow (retired) Yankuba Kassama Margaret Keita Ousman Badjie Samba Bah Lamin Kaba Bajo Musa Bittaye Amie Bensouda Fatou Bom Bensouda John P. Bojang

Momodou Bojang Nyimasata Sanneh Bojang Mamat Cham Ebrima Ceesay Momodou Nai Ceesay Ousman Koro Ceesay (murdered) Sulayman Massaneh Ceesay Bakary Bunja Dabo Fasainey Dumbuya Samba Faal Omar Faye Sadibou Haidara (murdered) Sheikh Tijan Hydara Blaise Jagne Balla Garba Jahumpa Momodou Sarjo Jallow Dr Amadou Scattred Janneh Manlafi Jarju Tamsir Mbowe Dominic Mendy Alieu Ngum Bakary Njie Omar Njie Susan Waffa-Ogoo Hawa Sisay Sabally Sana B. Sabally Abdoulie Sallah Hassan Sallah Momodou Sallah Sidy Morro Sanneh Kebba Sanyang Samsudeen Sarr Cheyassin Secka Musa Sillah Edward Singhatey Raymond Sock Amina Faal Sonko Baboucarr Jatta Famara Jatta Kumba Ceesay-Marenah Mustapha Marong

Fafa Mbai Musa Mbenga Sulayman Mboob Bolong Sonko Bai Mass Taal Fatoumatta Tambajang Bemba Tambedou Yankuba Touray Crispin Grey Johnson Antouman Saho Lamin Bojang Marie Saine Firdaus Edward Gomez Mamburay Njie Compiled by Mathew K Jallow

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