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The most important 10 things in my life

Muresan Marius Sebastian Clasa a XII-a B

1. My mother

Naturally, the most important person in my life is my mother. The reason is very simple: she is the woman who gave me the life, who taked care of me when I was small and helpless. I love my mother and I think that anyone should do the same, because we have only one mother and she is priceless. I repect my mother because she is my closest friend and every advice I receive from her is good and guide me through the life. Any good word that comes from her blessed soul makes me a better man and, I hope, a better son.

2. My girlfriend

If I was asked some years ago what is love, I would have given a totally different answer. When I say different, I am thinking of a immature love, a love without mistakes and problems. Now, I understand that love is the most important thing in our lives and if we find someone who loves us and we love that person also we are the richest people in the world. For me, my girlfriend is very important because I can tell har anything and she makes me feel safe and loved.

3. My religion

In a man`s life, the religion plays a very important role, because it shows our deep beliefs concerning the world and it`s Creator. Honouring God is the greatest commandment in the life, so we must respect that command, if we want to live in happines and peace. For me, be a religious person, and a moral man also, is a priority in life, and I can`t imagine a world without faith and someone to keep it. In that kind of world I wouldn`t live, because for me is crucial that the honouring of God is fullfilled.

4. My friends

We are socials beings, so we need communication and friendship. The last one is more important, because we can`t carry a discussion with someone we don`t know. It`s important that we make bonds of friendship between us, so we can make our first steps in the real world. Choosing our friends is very hard, but once you chose them, you can rely on them and you can bse sure that they will help you when you will be needed. I speak of real friends. I think that my friends they are few, I must admit it are loyal to me and can help me in various situations, when somebody else would reatreat.

5. My career

The results on every man shows us a small part of his mind, and we can say that a person without a career is a insisgnificant one, in the modern days. Naturally, they are some people that are very intelligent, but the financial resources didn`t allowed them to cotinue their studies. But for the modern man, having a career is as important as living the life, because without a career you have no monney, and without money you can`t live. For me, the career is important, but is less important than other things in life, like health and family. I don`t say that career has a small degree of importance, but we must not leave it to cover our lives.

6. Lecture

The books are the greatest treasure of humanity, and the knowledge of the countless centuries was kept in the their pages. Reading a book not only enrichs you mind with some important infirmation, but also put you in a connection with the author, and shares you some of his thoughts and his soul. I admit that I can`t read a book as often as I would, but when I have some spare time, I try to open a book and read some pages, beacause every page read makes you a richer man.

7. Music

Music is something special, something that not all people can fell or understand. If a music cand make you open your heart and literally feel the notes in your head, than it fullfiled it`s mission. The music must relax us, and give us some moments of peace. The music is important for me because I like singing and listening music. It makes me more calm and helps me find my decesions when I am confused and angry.

8. Travelling

When I travel somewhere, I feel more relaxed and happy. The views, the new places that I visit, the new cultures I encounter, make me a more informed man, and someone who loves the nature must travel as often as he can. I consider that travelling is a important thing in life because it is some sort of education, and a way to learn about the beauties of pur planet, putting in front the riches of our own countru, especially those related to tourism.

9. Sport

The sport is important because it makes us healthier and keeps us fit. Every person should practice some sport, because it`s benefits on our health are very great and plentyfull. I admit that I don`t practice a sport, but I enjoy running and playing football sometimes, and I do that not only for my health, but also for my pleasure. The sport makes me feel free and without concerns, and I love having this feeling.

10. My car

In my life, my car haves an important place. It helps me getting somewhere fast and I don`t depend on other persons to take me there. I was very happy when I received my driving`s license, because I felt a relief, and I knew that I will be more responsable. When I must go somewehere, I get up into the car and go in that way. That is very practical, and for that reason, my car is important to me

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