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Su tm: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Both Andy and Chloe work in the most .clothing companies in Chicago. (A). succeed (B). success (C). successful (D). successfully They .money at the moment, and they are going to leave the city in a couple of years to make their dream a reality. (A). save (B). are saving (C). have saved (D). saved We are glad that you are going to stay in our home while you study English in Sydney. (A). very (B). so (C). such (D). quite About 55 per cent of American .and more than 13 percent of young people ages 6 through 17 are overweight. (A). adults (B). partners (C). lads (D). brides Children, please dont eat so .crisps., the mother said. (A). much (B). many (C). few (D). little From her mothers house, she got into her car and drove to the office of the newspaper .. she works. (A). where (B). which (C). that (D). who When mechanical clocks first ., they were immediately popular. (A). appeared (B). disappeared (C). packed (D). persuaded Police investigating a .yesterday were amazed when a squirrel helped them find the stolen goods. (A). slavery (B). cookery (C). summary (D). burglary Its not just well-paid attorneys .can work wherever they like. (A). what (B). when (C). why (D). who John is looking for a girl whose heart he loves, but face hes never seen. (A). who (B). her (C). whose (D). hers Police do not have a good of the two men because they were wearing masks. (A). description (B). describe (C). destruction (D). destroy Yesterday we had a(n) .about politics. (A). word (B). game (C). look (D). argument I fell and hurt myself while I . tennis. (A). playing (B). played (C). am playing (D). was playing In deserts in the world, the day the weather is hot, but it is cold at night. (A). during (B). while (C). for (D). when Carol cant change her husband now, so shell have . him. (A). put up with (B). to put up with (C). put on with (D). to put on with They also had a fishing line and a machine .made salt water into drinking water. (A). it (B). which (C). what (D). this For the next 50 days they caught about ten fish a day and ate them .. (A). raw (B). waved (C). rescued (D). disastrous The room was getting hotter. Suddenly an arm fell ...the ice statue onto the table. (A). off (B). out (C). in (D). on My English ..a lot after I lived in London for a month. (A). communicated (B). invented (C). improved (D). developed When Suzie left college, she a waitress, a shop assistant, a painter and a gardener. (A). worked as (B). had a job (C). worked for (D). worked like Kids in LA dont ordinary lives because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere. (A). come (B). leave (C). lead (D). go They both played with a lot of other bands before ..with each other. (A). sharing (B). choosing (C). teaming up (D). insulting

Trang 1

Su tm: 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. There were too many people in the living room, so he went into the garden for a bit of . (A). safe and sound (B). up and down (C). now and then (D). peace and quiet Im going out now, Mum. Bye ! OK. Have a good time. What time ..youhome ? A. do / come B. are / coming C. will / go (D). are / going Garys friends laughed at him for having so .. survival equipment, but it saved his life. (A). much (B). many (C). a lot (D). little Mary : Tonys back from holiday. Jane : I know. ..him a ring tonight. (A). Ill give (B). Im going to give (C). I give (D). Im give Students always look forward money from their parents at the end of the month. (A). to receive (B). to receiving (C). receiving (D). receive He said he was lucky in business and he wanted to help those unfortunate than himself. (A). less(B). little (C). more (D). as Finally she changed her mind and agreed him a favor. (A). doing (B). to do (C). to doing (D). did It is common knowledge that parents always want their children .well in life. (A). to do (B). do (C). will do (D). doing They promised . in touch with me by phone, but I never heard of them again. (A). keeping (B). to keeping (C). kept (D). to keep She decided .... her job because her boss was so unkind and goatish. (A). to leave (B). leaving (C). to leaving (D). left Alison is looking forward ..more free time to do the things she wants to do. (A). have (B). to have (C). to having (D). having While they were in Egypt, they took a boat ride down ..Nile River, which is .. longest river in the world. (A). / the (B). the / (C). the / the (D). / a Would you like to listen to ? I have just bought a new CD. (A). a (B). many (C). any (D). some Dennis Heal went to Oxford University in 1975, and in 1982 he has become an MP. became A B C D They lived in Oxford since ten years, and then moved to London in 1995. for A B C D Cherilyn has had three number one hits from her chart-topping album Believe, it has A B C which reached a whole new audience. D Newcastle, which is on the bank of the River Tyne, is quite big, with a populous of about A B C D population 200,000. They are fed with this hot weather. They think its so dry and unbearable. fed up with A B C D Russell Brown, a 3-years-old boy, believed that the burglars were friends of his family. A year B C D I dont like Philosophy. It seems like the more the professor talks, less I understand. A B C D the less Pete is having a shower at the moment. Ill just come and tell him you are here. A B C go D Parents should never accuse children on getting interested in playing computer games. Trang 2


40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

Su tm: 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. A B of C D She hasnt begun doing her homeworks yet because she is still helping her mother. A B C homework D First the teacher arrived, and then the class began immediately. When the teacher arrived, the lesson began. Milton Petrie gave millions of dollars to the poor. However, he still had millions left. Although Milton Petrie gave millions of dollars to the poor, he still had millions left. Mount Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. The police stopped Alan in his car because he was doing 120 mph. While Alan was doing 120 mph, the police stopped him in his car. Joanna had her pen in 1995, and now she still has it. Joanna has had her pen since 1995. The ancient Greeks were very good . public speaking, drama and philosophy. (A). at (B). on (C). in (D). with Mr. Barrack Obama, I wonder if I could have a day . next Friday. Im going to my sisters wedding. (A). out (B). of (C). up (D). off She decided .... her job because her boss was so unkind and goatish. (A). to leave (B). leaving (C). to leaving (D). left Mary : Tonys back from holiday. Jane : I know. ..him a ring tonight. (A). Ill give (B). Im going to give (C). I give (D). Im give Would you like to listen to ? I have just bought a new CD. (A). a (B). many (C). any (D). some Guy and Suzie have been together as Style 1997. They met at a recording studio. (A). in (B). since (C). on (D). by Nicole Kidman broke up with Tom Cruise .. he was so inconsiderate and selfish. (A). because (B). although (C). however (D). but Kids in LA dont ordinary lives because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere. (A). come (B). leave (C). lead (D). go They both played with a lot of other bands before ..with each other. (A). sharing (B). choosing (C). teaming up (D). insulating There were too many people in the living room, so he went into the garden for a bit of . (A). safe and sound (B). up and down (C). now and then (D). peace and quiet Swedish people like to leave the town and get back to .at weekends. (A). cottage (B). nature (C). sauna (D). mountain My son is working hard for the entrance exam this year, so with a bit of luck, hell university in September. (A). be off (B). go off (C). going off to (D). be off to Mel really wants to see how ...people live their lives. (A). difference (B). different (C). differently (D). differ After the earthquake, the country needed a lot of to look after the wounded. (A). medicine (B). meditation (C). meditate (D). medical When you visit South Africa, you can see a lot of wildlife in the . (A). barbecues (B). varieties (C). game reserves (D). bungalows Carroll said her husbands ..was a result of the poverty of his early years. (A). generosity (B). generous (C). general (D). generation Trang 3

Su tm: 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Im going out now, Mum. Bye ! OK. Have a good time. What time ..youhome ? (A). do / come (B). are / coming (C). will / go (D). are / going Today its their tenth wedding anniversary and some friends for drinks at 8.00. (A). go round (B). are going round (C). come round (D). are coming round When they arrived at the hotel, they ..their suitcases. (A). unpacked (B). disappeared (C). smashed (D). crashed The police stopped David on the motorway because he .at 120 miles per hour. (A). travels (B). traveled (C). is traveling (D). was traveling While we a drink, a waiter .a pile of plates. (A). are having / drop (B). were having / dropped (C). had / was dropping (D). had / dropped Children their parents to stay at home and give them care and attention. (A). like (B). would like (C). agree (D). decide Students always look forward money from their parents at the end of the month. (A). to receive (B). to receiving (C). receiving (D). receive He said he was lucky in business and he wanted to help those unfortunate than himself. (A). less(B). little (C). more (D). as Finally she changed her mind and agreed him a favor. (A). doing (B). to do (C). to doing (D). did It is common knowledge that parents always want their children .well in life. (A). to do (B). do (C). will do (D). doing They promised . in touch with me by phone, but I never heard of them again. (A). keeping (B). to keeping (C). kept (D). to keep People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell, .nobody comes shopping here. (A). but (B). because (C). although (D). so She loves him very much ...he is not rich or handsome. (A). because (B). although (C). however (D). but their holiday, Bill and Simone saw a large group of whales. They were very excited. (A). While (B). During (C). For (D). As As human beings, we can communicate with other people ..many ways. (A). with (B). in (C). by (D). on .Henrietta Green was, she became. A. The richer / the more mean B. Richer / meaner C. Richer / the meaner D. The richer / the meaner The football season has nearly finished, but Drogba hasnt scored Ronaldo. A. more goals as B. as much goal as C. so much goals as D. as many goals as Children in Los Angeles can decide ... to make their own meals or go out to restaurants. A. when B. what C. whether D. who He feels really the moment. Nothings going right in his life. A. excited B. depressed C. interested D. amazed Both Andy and Chloe work in the most success clothing companies in Chicago. successful A B C D We are very glad that you are going to stay in our home while you study English in Sydney. A B C D so 38. Boys and girls can spend hours and hours to listen to music without being fed up with it. A B C listening D 39. They live in a two-rooms flat, which is small but very comfortable. A B room C D

Trang 4

Su tm: 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. When mechanical clocks first appear, they were immediately popular. appeared A B C D In deserts in the world, while the day the weather is hot, but it is cold at night. during A B C D John is looking for a girl whose heart he loves, but her face hes never seen. whose A B C D He cant go out with his friends tonight because hes got too many homework . A B C D much The doctor told him to drink these tablets three times a day. take A B C D I felt and hurt myself while I was playing tennis. fell A B C D First he gave her a diamond ring, and then he kissed her gently. When he gave her a diamond ring, he kissed her gently. He was very kind to her. However, she still left him. Although he was very kind to her, she still left him. Im unhappier than any other man in the world. Im the unhappiest man in the world. Two things are love and loyalty. You cant buy them with money. Two things that you cant buy with money are love and loyalty. My father had his car when I was born, and now he still has it. My father has had his car since I was born. When Suzie left college, she a waitress, a shop assistant, a painter and a gardener. A. worked as B. had a job C. worked for D. worked like Kids in LA dont ordinary lives because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere. A. come B. leave C. lead D. go They both played with a lot of other bands before ..with each other. A. performing B. forming C. teaming up D. playing There were too many people in the living room, so he went into the garden for a bit of . A. safe and sound B. up and down C. now and then D. peace and quiet Swedish people like to leave the town and get back to .at weekends. A. cottage B. nature C. sauna D. mountain My son is working hard for the entrance exam this year, so with a bit of luck, hell university in September. A. be off B. go off C. go off to D. be off to Mel really wants to see how ...people live their lives. A. difference B. different C. differently D. differ SHTP is the .part of my hometown. There are lots of factories and businesses. A. industry B. industrial C. industrialization D. industrialized After the earthquake, the country needed a lot of to look after the wounded. A. medicine B. meditation C. meditate D. medical When you visit South Africa, you can see a lot of wildlife in the . A. barbecues B. varieties C. game reserves D. bungalows

Trang 5

Su tm: 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Carroll said her husbands ..was a result of the poverty of his early years. A. generosity B. generous C. general D. generation Alison is a happily married woman. She loves her baby son and she her husband. A. adore B. adores C. adored D. adoring Im going out now, Mum. Bye ! OK. Have a good time. What time ..youhome ? A. do / come B. are / coming C. will / go D. are / going Today its their tenth wedding anniversary and some friends for drinks at 8.00. A. go round B. are going round C. come round D. are coming round When they arrived at the hotel, they ..their suitcases. A. unpacked B. disappeared C. smashed D. crashed The police stopped David on the motorway because he .at 120 miles per hour. A. travels B. traveled C. is traveling D. was traveling While we a drink, a waiter .a pile of plates. A. are having / drop B. were having / dropped C. had / was dropping D. had / dropped Children their parents to stay at home and give them care and attention. A. like B. would like C. agree D. decide Students always look forward money from their parents at the end of the month. A. to receive B. to receiving C. receiving D. receive He said he was lucky in business and he wanted to help those unfortunate than himself. A. lessB. little C. more D. as Finally she changed her mind and agreed him a favor. A. doing B. to do C. to doing D. did At the moment they .a summer job to make money for the next semester. A. think of finding B. are thinking to finding C. are thinking of finding D. are thinking to find It is common knowledge that parents always want their children .well in life. A. to doB. do C. will do D. doing They promised . in touch with me by phone, but I never heard of them again. A. keeping B. to keeping C. kept D. to keep She decided .... her job because her boss was so unkind and goatish. A. to leave B. leaving C. to leaving D. left Mary : Tonys back from holiday. Jane : I know. ..him a ring tonight. A. Ill give B. Im going to give C. I give D. Im give Last week Steven Spielberg signed contract for new film set in China. A. a / some B. some / a C. a / a D. the / the While they were in Egypt, they took a boat ride down ..Nile River, which is .. longest river in the world. A. / the B. the / C. the / the D. / a Would you like to listen to ? I have just bought a new CD. A. a B. the C. any D. some Dont you remember ? Shes the girl that inherited fortune from her father. A. the B. some C. a lot D. a Kevin Costner studied film-making at university in the 1970s, and he ... a film director for over 20 years now. A. is B. was C. have been D. has been Guy and Suzie have been together as Style 1997. They met at a recording studio. A. in B. since C. on D. by

Trang 6

Su tm: 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Nicole Kidman broke up with Tom Cruise .. he was so inconsiderate and selfish. A. because B. although C. however D. but People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell, .nobody comes shopping here. A. but B. because C. although D. so She loves him very much ...he is not rich or handsome. A. because B. although C. however D. but their holiday, Bill and Simone saw a large group of whales. They were very excited. A. While B. During C. For D. As The ancient Greeks were very good . public speaking, drama and philosophy. A. at B. on C. in D. with Mr. Yokohama, I wonder if I could have a day . next Friday. Im going to my cousins wedding. A. out B. of C. up D. off the next 50 days they caught about ten fish a day and ate them raw. A. While B. During C. For D. As As human beings, we can communicate with other people ..many ways. A. with B. in C. by D. on .Henrietta Green was, she became. A. The richer / the more mean B. Richer / meaner C. Richer / the meaner D. The richer / the meaner The football season has nearly finished, but Drogba hasnt scored Ronaldo. A. more goals as B. as much goal as C. so much goals as D. as many goals as Young men drive .. more recklessly and dangerously than old people. A. very B. so C. much D. too Children in Los Angeles can decide ... to make their own meals or go out to restaurants. A. when B. what C. whether D. who He feels really the moment. Nothings going right in his life. A. excited B. depressed C. interested D. amazed He has been to Canada and he is staying there for three weeks. has gone A B C D I didnt eat bread you gave me because it was stale. the bread A B C D 98. Boys and girls can spend hours and hours to listen to music without being fed up with it. A B C D to listening 99. I live in a two-rooms flat, which is small but very comfortable. two-room A B C D 01. Tony and Alice watered the plants when they suddenly heard the alarm go off. were watering A B C D 02. Now she is understanding what he has told her to do. A B C D 03. The girl, her father is a chef at a famous restaurant, cannot cook. understands A B C D 04. He cant go out with his friends tonight because hes got too many homework . much A B C D 05. The doctor told him to drink these tablets three times a day. to take A B C D 06. I asked the teacher for help, but unfortunately, I didnt understand his explain. explanation A B C D 07. First The Prime Minister arrived at the airport, and then the plane took off immediately.

Trang 7

Su tm: When The Prime Minister arrived at the airport, the plane took off . 08. Milton Petrie gave millions of dollars to the poor. However, he still had millions left. Although Milton Petrie gave millions of dollars to the poor, he still had millions left. 09. Airbus 380 is bigger than any other passenger plane in the world. Airbus 380 is the biggest passenger plane in the world. 10. Students are going to fail the exam. They havent worked hard. Students who (that) havent worked hard are going to fail the exam. 11. My father had his car twenty years ago, and now he still has it. My father has had his car for twenty years. Parents must realize that their behavior will have a huge .on their children. A. experience B. influence C. expectation D. explanation Some people are so ..that gradually they become inconsiderate and cruel. A. hesitative B. generous C. ambitious D. persuasive A friend in need is a friend indeed means when youre down and troubled, hell come running A. comfortable B. comfort C. to comfort D. comforting Kids in LA dont ordinary lives because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere. A. lead B. leave C. believe D. change Jane Bland says that the houses in Sweden are much better .than those in Britain. A. insulated B. insulation C. insulate D. insulating Because of the love for their children, women have .drunken husbands. A. to put up with B. to put on with C. to break up with D. take away with She sometimes thinks that she feels .English lessons. A. bored B. tired C. fed up with D. frightened Cities all over the country have a lot of small .that sell mens and womens clothes that arent too expensive. A. boutiques B. pavements C. paradises D. manufacturers Trent Maguire, who has a driver, credit cards and un unlimited cash to do what he wants, is very ..and ambitious A. worth B. spoilt C. surgery D. ordinary rd When the earthquake began, they the office on the 23 floor. A. are working B. working C. worked D. were working In the Sahara Desert, .the day it is extremely hot, but it is very cold at night. A. during B. while C. in D. when He bought .. jumper and .pair of jeans at .shop. Unfortunately, . shoes are wrong size. Hell take them back to the shop tomorrow. A. a / a / a / the / a / B. a / a / the / the / the / C. a / a / the / - / a / D. a / a / the / the / - / My son is a very fast runner. He says one day he in the Olympic Games. A. would run B. would like running C. would like to run D. likes running Mary : I havent got enough money to get home. John : .you some, if you like. How much do you want ? A. Ill lend B. Im going to lend C. I lend D. Im lending When she saw how I was dressed, she started . A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to laughing ..the next 50 days they caught about ten fish a day and ate them raw. A. For B. During C. While D. When Dubai is the most interesting .. all cities I visited last year because its so different

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Trang 8

Su tm: from any other place. A. in B. for C. with D. of Todd thinks that Melbourne is hot, but it isnt so hot .in Dubai. Dubai is the hottest. A. than B. that C. as D. so When she saw the accident, she ..the police immediately. A. was phoning B. phoning C. phones D. phoned Why did you invite Mary to the party? Because . her I love her here, at the party. A. I tell B. Ill tell C. Im going to tell D. I like telling After she finished ..the kitchen, she had a bath and went out to the shop. A. painting B. to painting C. to paint D. painted Often there is no parent at home most days, so children can decide make their own meals or go out to restaurants. A. when B. what C. whether D. who Her first book came out in 1980. Since then, she .more than five million copies. A. sells B. sold C. is going to sell D. has sold The buildings in New York are more modern than the buildings in Rome. A. very B. too C. much D. so Mels finished her first year at Bristol University, and now she is going to have a year .. A. on B. of C. off D. out He feels really the moment. Nothings going right in his life. A. excited B. depressed C. interested D. amazed Those girls can spend hours and hours .. on the internet. A. to chat B. chatting C. for chatting D. chat Hes looking forward to .more time to do the things he wants to do. A. have B. having C. has D. had She lost her glasses. She looked .but she couldnt find them. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell, .nobody comes shopping here. A. so B. because C. but D. where The man ..children I teach was on television talking about problems with teenage children last night. A. his B. him C. who D. whose She a letter from him yet. Thats why shes worried. A. doesnt receive B. hasnt received C. not receive D. isnt Hetty Green is the girl ..inherited a fortune $7.5 million from her father. A. that B. what C. she D. which The more thoroughly you do the job now, will be when you have to do it next time. A. the easy B. easier C. the more easy D. the easier Terry and Donna mean the world to each other, so neither of them will do spoil it. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing. And when I came back, he told me this story. He waited for a long time (36) line, and when he got to the front of the line, the clerk gave him a form ..(37) out. He sat down to fill it out, but when he read it, he couldnt figure out how to answer the questions. He couldnt make any sense out of it. He sat there for ages, feeling terrible. He .(38) English for several years, but he realized that he had never learned to read a form (39) this. So he sat there for a long time, hoping I would come back to help him. But I wasnt back yet, so he finally went up to the clerk, and asked .(40) help in filling out the form. The clerk looked at the form .(41) and then said, Oh, sorry. I gave you the wrong form. This one is in Spanish ! Here, take a new form. John (42) me that he couldnt believe that he hadnt

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Trang 9

Su tm: realized that. He was really..(4). But he sat down and filled it out quickly. It really wasnt any .(44) for him at all. When I.(45), he told me it was one of the most embarrassing things he has done here. A. at B. on C. in D. for A. filling B. fill C. filled D. to fill A. has studied B. studies C. study D. is studying A. like B. same C. the same D. as A. to B. with C. by D. for A. fastly B. immediately C. quickly D. suddenly A. said B. spoke C. talked D. told A. embarrassed B. frightened C. scared D. terrified A. thing B. problem C. event D. detail A. arrive B. arriving C. was arriving D. arrived 46. People who are in their sixties will have to stay physically fit. A B C D 47. There are five bridges over the River Tyne, which link Newcastle to the next town Gateshead A B C D 48. Sean would like all the people in the world and all the animals in the world to be happy. A B C D 49. Victoria Adams has had six number one records more than any other single artist. A B C D 50. Pete is having a shower at the moment. Ill just go and tell him you are here. A B C D 51. He made a 120-page long will in which he left $150 million to 383 people. A B C D 52. She is looking for this months edition of Vogue, but she doesnt know where it is. A B C D 53. At five oclock yesterday afternoon, she finished her shopping and went home. A B C D 54. She hasnt begun doing her homework yet because she is still helping her mother. A B C D 55. The buildings in New York are much more modern than the buildings in Rome. A B C D Mary is the most intelligent student in the class. Mary is more intelligent than any other student in the class Old people dont usually drive as fast as young people. Young people usually drive faster than old people. He worked really hard for the exam. However, he didnt pass it. Although he worked really hard for the exam, he didnt pass it. Trang 10

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

56. 57. 58.

Su tm: 59. 60. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I had my motorbike five years ago, and I still have it now. I have had my motorbike for five years. Women dont go to work. They often feel unhappy at home. Women who (that) dont go to work often feel unhappy at home. Her parents wanted her to quit hockey when she decided a family, but she refused. (A). raising (B). to raise (C). raised (D). to raising She didnt ..him because he had had a haircut. (A). recognize (B). see (C). meet (D). hide Some scientists believe that in the future people wont even need to . cell phones or handheld computers. (A). carry (B). grow (C). lose (D). promise Im sure that we . find intelligent life on other planets, but the first message . take million years to get to us. (A). might / will (B). will / might (C). would / would (D). would / may My grandfather is just so optimistic about life. He always sees the bright side of things. And he makes me . (A). to laugh (B). laughing (C). laugh (D). laughed are in trouble, the best friend will do anything to help you. (A). Where (B). Unless (C). While (D). If They had had a violent .and some terrible things were said. (A). communication (B). quarrel (C). condition (D). answer I think Jason should have a word with his company and come to .with them (A). a satisfaction (B). a qualification (C). a problem (D). an arrangement Chris McCandless didnt ..with his father, who had a very successful business. (A). get in (B). get away (C). get on (D). get off Passengers wear seat-belts all the time, but they ....wear them at take-off and landing. (A). shouldnt / should (B). dont have to / have to (C). dont have to / should (D). should / dont have to There is a NO SMOKING sign. You ..smoke in here. (A). dont have to (B). mustnt (C). shouldnt (D). dont If you dont do it, you what you have missed. (A). dont know (B). didnt know (C). wont know (D). wouldnt know If there is something in your life .. makes you unhappy now, this will follow you. (A). that (B). it (C). what (D). who Clare is going to America next week. She can stay with her American cousins .. shes in Los Angeles. (A). after (B). before (C). until (D). while China is .a country where absolutely everything is owned by the state. (A). no longer (B). no any more (C). not more any (D). not more longer Shenzhen is a .place, like nowhere else on earth that I have ever seen. (A). shocked (B). shocking (C). shock (D). shocks The traffic will be like in Bangkok, where people spend hours ..every day. (A). commute (B). commuting (C). to commute (D). to commuting She was reading when she ..a voice saying that she had a brain tumour. (A). hear (B). hears (C). heard (D). had heard The more mistakes you .when you learn English, the better you will be. (A). get (B). have (C). make (D). do

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Trang 11

Su tm: 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. When Paul Clay was a boy, he used at weekends with his father. (A). to go walking (B). going walking (C). to walk (D). walking Her computers broken, and she doesnt understand the manual. Its so . (A). confusing (B). frightening (C). disappointing (D). surprising He has spent ..much money this week that he doesnt know where its all gone. (A). too (B). so (C). very (D). such Teenagers in the United States prefer fast food . family meals. (A). than (B). from (C). with (D). to The ancient Greeks ..chewing gum was good for their health. (A). believed (B). popped (C). told (D). advertised ..millions of people all over the world chew gum every day, they have no idea what it is made of. (A). Although (B). Because (C). But (D). When If he you, he .for that job. (A). was / wouldnt apply (B). were / didnt apply (C). would be / wouldnt apply (D). were / wouldnt apply Ancient Greek women really enjoyed ..mastica as a way to sweeten their breath. (A). chew (B). chewing (C). to chewing (D). chewed A boy told his parents that he had seen an old man in a funny hat. (A). three-years-old (B). three-year-old (C). three-year-olds (D). three-old-year The road is dangerous that people have to drive very slowly. (A). very (B). too (C). so (D). such My parents let me birthday presents early. (A). open (B). to open (C). opening (D). to opening John eventually .in passing his driving test after failing three times. (A). managed (B). resulted (C). succeeded (D). believed When Saskia and Bradley got married, they .each other for a week. (A). know (B). knew (C). have known (D). had known His back hurts because he . the garden. (A). dug (B). was digging (C). has dug (D). has been digging So far he .about ten copies, but he isnt worried because its still early. (A). sells (B). is selling (C). sold (D). has sold The headmaster ..confess that he had forgotten my name. (A). has (B). has to (C). had (D). had to The path was about three foot wide and there were holes in it. feet A B C D Dont talk to me. I have anything to say to you. nothing A B C D The police stopped everyone and asked that they knew anything about a kidnap. if A B C D The strangest thing about gum today is that nobody knows what it is made by. of A B C D If I were you, I bought a new car. Yours is so old. would buy A B C D He doesnt know what to do. He loves France, so he will live in Paris for a while. might A B C D Theyre tired because they have played tennis for three hours. have been playing

Trang 12

Su tm: 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. A B C D Earlier that day she bought his favourite food for dinner, now she threw it away. had bought A B C D Would you please look my cat after while Im away ? after my cat A B C D But she added that she was now married with Tony Marsh, the politician. A B C D Have you ever played a Shakespeare role ?, the interviewer asked Laurence. The interviewer asked Laurence if he had ever played a Shakespeare role. Dont give up hope., my father told me. My father told me not to give up hope. They have produced Diet Coke since 1982. Diet Coke has been produced since 1982. What time did you come home last night, Mary ?, he asked her. He asked Mary what time she had come home the night before. (the previous night) She advised him to look for another job. If I were you, Id look for another job.

Trang 13

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