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Importance of Vedaangas in Vedic Study

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First of all : The Term "Veda" implies knowledge. Our understanding of the Vedas is similar to the
experience of some blindmen touching different parts of an elephant and saying that the animal is a
snake or a pillar etc., The Vedas are verily a ocean containing invaluable gems. We have only picked
up some sea-shells. Many have been making efforts to know the vedas. But interestingly the vedic
hymns go on revealing new meanings in accordance with the expanding intellectual faculties.
The study of the vedas contains two methods:
1. Learning byrote: It is a tradition from times immemorial to learn the vedas by rote under the
guidance of a guru with due care to sound and syllable. One who has well-read all the four vedas is
called chaturvedi; three vedas Trivedi, Two vedas, Dwivedi and one veda Rigvedi/Yajurvedi/Samavedi
and Atharva Vedi.
2. Self study: This method implies that the vedas are studied by the interested persons without
any guidance from any guru but with the help of studying Sanskrit grammar and understanding the
meaning of the vedas by self efforts. This method has come from the westerns.
Persons who have followed both these methods claim to know the vedas throughly. But the Rik
prathishakhya defines 'study' of veda as follows.:
{X d~pz{P dpx....
k {X ~k| y
%|X} kp %X} m~ %|X~}
{]dpx ~ kpX} m~
y{M} k XX {X ~k|
There are 5 different steps in vedic stdy
1. Studying vedas are not mere any litereture. It is Shruthi. Guru utter the manthrias in the ears of his
2. Learning by rote - abhyasana...................... the memorises.
3. Repetition - Japa
4. Reflection Vichara for expanding the sense of understanding and attaining knowledge.
5. Teaching - adhyapana (imparting knowledge to disciples)
Here {]dpx~ indicates the status of Shiksha one of the shadangas of the vedas.
II Vedangas:
Certain classes of works known as vedangas are regarded as auxiliary of the Vedas and designed to
aid in the correct pronunciation and interpreatation and the right employment of manthras in
ceremonials. The six angas are Shiksha, Vyakarana, Jyothisha, Niruktha, Chandas and Kalpa. The
entire vedas are likened to the form of a human figure called "Vedapurusha" with six limbs.
"Panineeya Shiksha" describes chandas as the legs, Kalpa as the hands, jyothishya as the eyes,
Niruktha as the ears, Shiksha as the vital air and Vyakarana as the mouth.
Shiksha means the science of proper articulation and pronounciation.
Chandas means the science of prosody.
Vyakarana is grammar
Niruktha is etymological explanation of vedic words.
Jyothisha is astronomy. (related to time)
Kalpa is ritual or ceremonial
l{ ~{ y {X K dRz ~tXy
uX} kd_ pdK ZyZkXy
d_ hZx y {X Xdpx W y
yWy gyX ZWd y
III. Shiksha:
It has been said ``d_ hZxy {X'' Which means that Shiksha is the very breath of the Vedas.
There can be no life or transaction without breath. Hence it is said ``X ]y{'' The vedas
are the breath of God.
The Thaithareeya Upanishad describes shiksha as follow:
d_ XfXX x ]p yZ y} .... i.e., Shiksha describes the
method of prounciation of syllable, (x) Sound (]p) Syllabic instant (yZ) (time needed to
pronounce) a Short vowel force () gentlepriaise () etc.,
There are about 27 Shiksha texts. Prathi Shakhya texts form the fisrt ones in the study of the Shiksha.
Prathishakhya means a grammatical treatise laying down rules for the phonetic changes of words in
the vedas. The Significance of the science of Shiksha may be pointed out with the help of a few
examples based on pronounciation.
Swajanaha people personality related or closely-Shwajanah: dog
Sakalam-total, Shakalam=piece
Vishaya-subject, Vishaya-doubt
Satyam vada=utter the truth,
Satyam Vadha=Kill the truth.
The Maha Bhashya of Pathanjali points out how the words take different meanings according to
changes in the sound. Paninis grammar also throws light on the same. -|-||r|-| ||| |||| ||
|-|||||||| -| |-||-||r | |||-|| |-|-||-| |r-||| ||: -|| |||-|||||
A change in just one syllable or sound makes the one who chants it suffer. Eg: Indrashatruh means
enemy of Indra (Vruthra)
Indrashatru means Indra. (himself)
The vedas are known as Shruthis i.e., those that are heard. Hence the traditional method prescribes
listening, repeating and learning by rote. This tradition has eleven types of learning methods viz.,
Samhitha Patha, pada patha, Krama Patha, jata patha, Ghanapatha and the like. The vedas should be
learnt under the guidance of a guru.
Grammar is likened to the mouth of the veda purusha. Hence the saying Xdpx W y. At
present the study of grammar is not taken up as one of the Shadanga:- But as a tool to know the
language only. Paninis Astadhyayi is a text written to know and to explain the vedas and not just as
a language-tool. Grammar should be studied along with the vedas and not separately. Mere knowledge
of grammar is sterile, grammar contains many aphoristic rules related to Kalpa. The study of Kalpa
is also essential for Grammar. Specific methods prescribed by grammarians like Panaini establish the
close links between Karma Kanda (Kalpa), Vyakarna and Shiksha. There are hundreds of aphoristic
rules concarning the syllabic instant and syllable of the vedic hymns. mere learning by rote the hyms
or grammatical rules without the guidance of a guru is unproductive.
V. Chandas:
It is a metrical Science (Prosody)- specific metre is prescribed for specific group of syllables. Hence
the saying {d_p ~x yk{ The Chandogya Upanishad narrates the story of the 'Gods who
took shelter in the coverings of the Vedic hymns to save themselves from Death. { yX
Xy yZ {X ~Z} y l{ AyW} %k{} { pk{} yk{ l{
Chandas is thus known as covering also. The Pathishakya texts contain detailed explanations of a
variety of metres/chandas.
Pingalacharya in his science of chandas (l{X) deals with both vedic and nonvedic metres in the
precise and aphoristic manner. It must be clearly understand that even a slight variation of the metre
defeats the very objective or the utility of such a chanting just as variations in the breathing and heart
beats upset the balance of the body, mind and inellect. In sacrifices or homas like ]Ddy. in deekshnee
yeshti of Somayoga One who desires to have divine aura should use Gayathri chandas. Similarly to
enjoy longivity one should employ ushnik metre or chandas.
gyZ X ]Ddy ym", IJ A" %}D ]gd
Chandas is essential to know God as enunciated in the veda manthra.
{yy+ %Q... y R yZp{Z]{{y...
It is also interesting to observe that a chanting technique is mentioned wherein hymns of Anustap
chandas can also be chanted in the Gayathri chandas. Similarly 11 Samadheni riks are converted into
15 hymns and chanted according to another technique. These are all metrical mathematical processes
that deserve research.
VI. Niruktha:
It has been said ``pdK ZyZkXy,'' meaning Niruktha is the ear of the veda purusha. This
Science enables the chanter to understand the correct meaning of the vedic words as also varius
shades of meanings of words. For instance the word Rathri (pZ) is explained as ~Zp y
}dK k i.e., beings who move at nights/pleasing to thieves. Yaskacharya gives a number of meanings
to words. For eg: the letter na (}) na is used in the negative sense in the worldly dealings. But the
same is used as simile (d) in the vedas. If 'na' comes in the middle of the line of a verse it
suggests a simile, if it comes in the beginning, it is in the negative sense. eg:- {{ }
p (n) } yX ~Z %K () {Z: Iy {ZyXWy A~ (Ocean) Water gets evaporated
Thus Niruktha is a continuation of the study of Vyakarana, in an advanced form.
VII. Jyothisha:(uX} kd_)
Jyothisha deals with the Jyothi light coming from So many stars or planet.
k{Z } uy
We can see the recation been
E kX p~ pX dy.
Jyothisha is the science of astronomy and is regarded as the eyes of the veda pursha. It is orginated
from the world jyothi meaning the light that depends on the sun, the moon and the stars. The vedic
statement tells that the sun is the soul of the world.
pX AyW, mgy
He is the source of existance of all beings and vegetation. The sun is the indicator, nay, creator of
time also. Creation, sustenance and dissolusion-all depend on time. Our transaction also are time
According to Siddhantha Shiromani,
{Ky mCdpW ~ZyK uC ~ZdK y y dZx,
the Vedas tell us about yajnas or sacrifies. Yajnas are linked to time. Jothisha as a science indicates
time. One may notice the change of atmosphere with the change in time. It also suggested changes
in our physical and mental transactions. Various sacrifices and rites are performed to set right this
imbalance. Time is prescribed to perform a variety of rites known as Garbhadana, seemantha,
pumsavana etc., Similarly time (seasons) is prescribedto performs sacrifies like Agnihortra, Agrayana,
Darshapoornamasa, Jyothistoma vajapeya etc to obtain the desired results. For instance, Brahmin
should do agnya dhana
y ZW %Q}{y ZW..............
in the spring (Thai Brahman and Ashwalayana shroutha) Marriage and other samskaras be done
during the first half of the month in Uttarayana. I{g} A~pXx~d_ (A. g) (Summer solstice,
Progress of the Sun to the north), Choula (first hair removing ceremony of the child three years after
the child is born) should be performed during the third year of the child. Sacred thread ceremony
I~}} be performed to a Brahmin by at the age of eight and for a Kshatriya at the age of eleven.
K dR ~tXy
VIII. Kalpa:
Kalpa has been treated as the hands of the Vedapurusha. Kalpa explains the various vedic rites to be
performed. Without the knowledge of the rites (Karmas) it is impossible to know the vedas. Brahmana
Texts also deal with various vedic rites/rituals. Shrouth Suthars, Gruhaya Suthras, Shulba Suthras,
Dharma Suthras are the four kinds pertaining to Kalpa. Shroutha Suthras deal with Agnistoma,
Jyothistoma, Ashwamedha, and other yajnas. IdL X, v, %pyZ... m~, Gruhya suthra
explain the sixteen purificatory steps (Shodasha Samskaras), Paka Yajnas etc., Shulba Suthras con-
tain geometrcal details regarding the construction of different sacrificial altars (Yajnavedis) in fact,
the Shulba Suthras already explained the pythogoras theorum and other theorum. The Dharma suthras
deal with the social principles approved by the vedas.
It is not out of context to mention that in addition to the six limbs of the Vedas (Vedangas), there is
need the know the science of Mimamsa, (It chiefly deals with the correct interpretation of the vedic
rituals and settlement of the dubious points in regard to vedic texts) Tanthra Shastra, (religious treatise
teaching magical and mystical formularies for the worship of dieties or to attain superhuman power),
Alankara Shastra (figure of speech) etc., for the vedic words connote special meanings based on
symbols and sound. Also Sankhya, Vysheshika, Nyaya, Yoga,. Vedantha are Important to know
vedic wisdom.
Chatvari Shrunga thrayo asyapada (ky]g yZ %X {) is a hymn variously interprted
bymany a vedic scholar. For instance Pathanjali has defined the word Chatvari (four) as the verb, the
noun, the indeclinable word, and preposition (Kriyapada, Namapada, Avyaya and Upasarga whereas
Yajnika says that the word stands for the four vedas. Vedic words connote meanings attached to
them by our seers after realising the same in their superconscious state. Routine meanings limit our
understanding of the Vadas.
In fine learning the vedas does not mean learning by rote the hymns or knowing the meaning of the
words. It is not mere literature. The real meaning of the words of the vedas cannot be realised in their
articulate utterance, because the vedas are not human compositions. As such the vedas should be
studied with the help of the Shadangaas.

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