CTET 2012 Solved Paper II Upper Primary Level

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CTET 2012 Solved Paper- II (Upper Primary Level) ~ ALL EXAMS PAPER

( Exam held on 29 January 2012) PART I CHILD DEVELOPM ENT AND PEDAGOGY 1. When a teacher involves a visually challenge learner in group activities with the other learners of the class, she is (1) acting according to the spirit of inclusive education (Answer) (2) helping all the learners to develop sympathy towards the visually challenged learner (3) likely to increase the stress on the visually challenged learner (4) creating barriers to learning for the class 2. A teacher uses audio-visual aids and physical activities in her teaching because they (1) facilitate effective assessment (2) provide a diversion to learners (3) utilize maximum number of senses to enhance learning (Answer) (4) provide relief to the teacher 3. A teacher engages her learners in a number of group activities such as group discussions, group projects, etc. the learning dimension it highlights is (1) learning through recreation (2) language-guided learning (3) competition-based learning (4) learning as a social activity (Answer) 4. Science and Art exhibitions, music and dance shows and bringing out school magazines, are meant to (1) train students for various professions (2) establish a name for the school (3) satisfy the parents (4) provide a creative channel for learners (Answer) 5. A teacher always helps her learners link the knowledge they have derived in one subject area with the knowledge from other subject areas. This helps to promote (1) correlation and transfer of knowledge (Answer) (2) individual differences (3) learner autonomy (4) reinforcement 6. Creativity is usually associated with (1) Imitation (2) Convergent thinking (3) Divergent thinking (Answer) (4) Modelling 7. A student works hard to clear an entrance test for admission into a medical college. The student is said to be motivated (1) experientially

(2) intrinsically (Answer) (3) extrinsically (4) individually 8. The doing aspect of behavior falls in the (1) Psychological domain of learning (2) Cognitive domain of learning (3) Affective domain of learning (4) Cognitive domain of learning (Answer) 9. Which of the following is predominantly heredity related factor? (1) Participation in social activities (2) Attitude towards peer group (3) Thinking pattern (4) Colour of the eyes (Answer) 10. Teachers should study the errors of their students they often indicate the(1) need for differentiated curriculum (2) extent of their knowledge (3) remedial strategies needed (Answer) (4) pathways for ability grouping 11. Seema learns every lesson very quickly but Leena takes longer to learn them. It denotes the developmental principle of (1) inter-relationships (2) continuity (3) general to specific (4) individual differences (Answer) 12. Environmental factors that shape development include all of the following except (1) culture (2) quality of education (3) physique (Answer) (4) quality of nutrition 13. According to theories of motivation, a teacher can enhance learning by (1) setting uniform standards of expectations (2) not having any expectations from students (3) setting extremely high expectations (4) setting realistic expectations from students (Answer) 14. Development starts from (1) pre-natal stage (Answer) (2) the stage of infancy (3) pre-childhood stage (4) post-childhood stage 15. Ability to recognize and classify all varieties of animals, minerals and plants, according to multiple intelligences theory, is called (1) Naturalist intelligence (Answer) (2) Linguistic intelligence (3) Spatial intelligence (4) Logico- mathematical intelligence 16. The statement M ajority of the people are average, a few very bright and a few very dull is based on the established principle of (1) Distribution of intelligence (Answer) (2) Growth of intelligence (3) Intelligence and sex differences (4) Intelligence and racial differences 17. According to Piagets cognitive theory of learning, the process by which the cognitive structure is modified is called (1) Accommodation (2) Assimilation (Answer)

(3) Schema (4) Perception 18. When previous learning makes no difference at all to the learning in a new situation, it is called (1) Absolute transfer of learning (2) Positive transfer of learning (3) Negative transfer of learning (4) Zero transfer of learning (Answer) 19. Thinking is essentially (1) a psychomotor process (2) a psychological phenomenon (3) an affective behavior (4) a cognitive activity (Answer) 20. In a child-centered classroom, children generally learn (1) mainly from the teacher (2) individually (3) in groups (4) individually and in groups (Answer) 21. In co-operative learning, older and more proficient students assist younger and lesser skilled students. This leads to (1) higher moral development (2) conflict between the groups (3) higher achievement and self-esteem (Answer) (4) intense competition 22. The major frustration that children with hearing loss face in the classroom is (1) the inability to take examinations with other students (2) the inability to read the prescribed textbook (3) the inability to participate in sports and games (4) the inability to communicate or share information with others (Answer) 23. Dyslexia is associated mainly with difficulties in (1) reading (Answer) (2) speaking (3) speaking and hearing (4) hearing 24. Gifted students will realize their potential when (1) they learn with other students (Answer) (2) they are segregated from other students (3) they attend private coaching classes (4) they are tested frequently 25. A good textbook avoids (1) social responsibility (2) gender bias (Answer) (3) gender sensitivity (4) gender equality 26. The stage of cognitive development according to Piaget, in which a child displays object permanence is (1) Formal operational stage (2) Sensorimotor stage (3) Pre-operational stage (Answer) (4) Concrete operational stage 27. Inclusive education refers to a school education system that (1) emphasizes the need to promote the education of the girl child only (2) includes children with disability (3) includes children regardless of physical, intellectual, social, linguistic or other differently abled conditions (Answer)

(4) encourages education of children with special needs through exclusive schools 28. According to Kohlberg, the thinking process involved in judgments about questions of right and wrong is called (1) M oral reasoning (Answer) (2) Moral realism (3) Moral dilemma (4) Morality co-operation 29. A student is aggressive in his behavior towards his peer group and does not conform to the norms of the school. This student needs help in (1) Higher order thinking skills (2) Cognitive domain (3) Psychomotor domain (4) Affective domain (Answer) 30. Teachers are advised to involve their learners in group activities because, besides facilitating learning, they also help in (1) Socialization (Answer) (2) Value conflicts (3) Aggression (4) Anxiety M athematics 31. Rizul is a kinesthetic learner. His teacher M r. Neha understood his style of learning. Which of the following strategies should she chose to clear his concept of multiplication? (1) Counting the points of intersection on criss-cross lines (answer) (2) Forcing him to memorize all tables (3) Use strings and beads of two different colours to get the multiples of 2,3, etc. (4) Skip counting 32. Use of Abacus in Class II does not help the students to (1) understand the significance of place valu (2) read the numbers without error (3) write the numeral equivalent of numbers given in words (4) attain perfection in counting 33. In which of the following divisions, will the remainder be more than the remainder you get when you divide 176 by 3? (1) 174 / 4 (2) 175 / 3 (3) 176 / 2 (4) 173 / 5 (answer) 34. 500 cm + 50m + 5 km = (1) 500 m (2) 555 m (3) 5055 m (answer) (4) 55m 35. Sum of place values of 6 in 63606 (1) 60606 (answer) (2) 6606 (3) 6066 (4) 18

36. The difference of 5671 and the number obtained on reversing its digits is (1) 4906 (2) 3916 (3) 7436 (4) 3906 (answer) 37. Study the following pattern: 111 11 11 121 111 111 12321 .......... .......... = = = What is 11111 11111? (1) 123454321 (answer) (2) 12345421 (3) 123453421 (4) 1234321 38. Recognition of patterns and their completion is an essential part of M athematics curriculum at primary stage as it (1) develops creativity and artistic attributes in students (2) prepares students to take up competitive examinations (3) helps the students in solving Sudoku puzzles (4) promotes creativity amongst students and helps them to understand properties of numbers and operations 39. Which of the following is correct? (1) Predecessor of successor of 1000 (2) Predecessor of predecessor of 1000 is 999 (3) Successor of predecessor of 1000 is 1001 (4) Successor of predecessor of 1000 is 1002 40. A shop has 239 toys. Seventy more toys were brought in. then 152 of them were sold. The number of toys left was(1) 239 + 70+ 152 (2) 239 70 + 152 (3) 239 + 70 152 (answer) (4) 239 70 152 41. A pencil costs two and a half rupees. Amit buys one and a half dozen pencils and gives a 100 rupee note to the shopkeeper. The money he will get back is (1) Rs 45 (2) Rs 65 (3) Rs 30 (4) Rs 55 (answer) 42. In the product 3759 9573, the sum of tens digit and units digit is (1) 7 (answer)(2) 9 (3) 16 (4) 0 43. What time is 4 hours 59 minutes before 2:58 P.M .? (1) 9:59 A.M. (2) 10:01 A.M. (3) 9:59 P.M. (4) 9:57 A.M . (answer) 44. If 567567567 is divided by 56 , the quotient is (1) 111 (2) 10101 (3) 1001001 (answer) (4) 3

45. 19 thousands + 19 hundreds + 19 ones is equal to (1) 21090 (2) 20919 (answer) (3) 19919 (4) 191919 46 How many 1/8 are in 1/2 ? (1) 8 (2) 4 (answer)(3) 2 (4) 16 47. M ost appropriate strategy that can be used to internalize the skill of addition of money is(1) Use of models (2) Role play (answer) (3) Solving lots of problems (4) Use of ICT 48. A teacher uses the following riddle in a class while developing the concept of base 10 and place value: I am less than 8 tens and 4 ones. The objective of this activity is (1) to have some fun in the class and to break monotony (2) to reinforce the concept of base 10 and place value (3) to do summative assessment (4) to introduce the concept of tens and ones to the students 49. The objective of teaching number system to Class III students is to enable the students (1) to see the numbers as groups of hundreds, tens and ones and to understand the significance of place values (2) to master the skill of addition and subtraction of four (3) to master the skill of reading large (4) to count up to 6 digits 50. To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher shall take the following materials to the class (1) Centimeter ruler and measuring tape (2) Rulers of different lengths and different units, measuring rod, measuring strip used by architects (answer) (3) Measuring tape with centimeter on one side and meter on the other side (4) Relation chart of various uni 51. The concept of areas of plane figures can be introduced to the students of Class V by (1) measuring the area of any figure with the help of different objects like palm, leaf, pencil, etc. (answer) (2) calculating the area of rectangle by finding length and using the formula for area of a rectangle (3) stating the formula for area of rectangle and square (4) calculating the area of figures with the help of counting unit squares 52. Computational skills in M athematics can be enhanced by (1) Describing algorithm only (2) conducting hands-on activities in class (3) clarifying concepts and procedures followed by lots of practice (4) giving conceptual knowledge alone 53. M s. Reena uses a grid activity to teach the concept of multiplication of decimals. A sample is illustrated below: 02. .03 = .06 Through this method, Ms. Reena is (1) focusing more on conceptual knowledge and problem-solving and less on problem procedural knowledge (2) using traditional approach of learning (3) focusing on developing problem solving skills (4) focusing more on procedural knowledge and less on conceptual knowledge 54. To assess the students competency on

solving of word problems based on addition and subtraction, rubrics of assessments are (1) comprehension of problem, identification of operation to be performed representation of problem mathematically, solution of problem and presentation of problem (answer) (2) understanding of problem and writing of correct solution (3) identification of problem, performing correct operation (4) incorrect, partially correct, completely correct 55. While planning a lesson on the concept of fraction addition, a teacher is using the activity of strip folding: The above activity is a (1) content activity (2) post-content activity (3) wastage of time (4) pre-content activity 56. A suitable approach for explaining that a remainder is always less than the divisor to Class IV students can be (1) perform lots of division sums on the black remainder is less than the divisor (2) explain verbally to the students, several times (3) represent division sums as mixed fractions and explain that the numerator of the fraction part is the remainder (4) grouping of objects in multiples of divisor and showing that the number of objects,not in the group, are less than the divisor 57. While teaching the addition of fractions, it was observed by M r. Singh that the following type of error is very common: 2/3 + 2/5 = 4/10 M r. Singh should take the following remedial action: (1) Give more practice of same type of problems (2) Give pictorial representation to clear the concept of addition of unlike fractions, followed by drill of same type of problems (3) Advise the students to work hard and practice the problems of fraction (4) Explain the concept of LCM of denominator 58. The figure consists of five squares of the same size. The area of the figure is 180 square centimeters. The perimeter (in cm) of the figure will be(1) 45 (2) 48 (3) 72 (answer) (4) 36 59. The NCF (2005) considers that M athematics involves a certain way of thinking and reasoning. The vision can be realized by (1) giving special coaching to students (2) adopting exploratory approach, manipulative, connecting concepts to real life, use of involving students in discussions (3) rewriting all text-books of Mathematics (4) giving lots of problem worksheets to students 60. The solid as shown in the figure is made up of cubical blocks each of side 1 cm. The number of blocks is (1) 52 (2) 60 (answer) (3) 72

(4) 48 Environmental Studies 61 Samir of Class V usually does not submit his assignments to the EVS teacher in time. The best corrective measure could be to (1) bring it to the notice of the Principal (2) stop him from going to the games cl (3) find out the reasons for irregularity and counsel Samir (4) write a note to parents about his irregularity 62 While teaching how different food items can be kept fresh for some time, Radha enumerated the following (a) Put it in a bowl and keep the bowl in an (b) Wrap it in a damp cloth (c) Spread it open in sunshine (d) Cut it into small pieces and keep it in the dark Which one of the following food items is she referring to, correspond above? (1) Cooked rice (answer) (2) Onion, garlic (3) Green coriander (4) Kaju Burfi 63 While teaching the topic Friction to Class V students, a teacher gave a number of examples to explain that friction is also useful to us in many ways. Which one of the following examples was quoted by her incorrectly? (1) We are able to write due to friction between the tip of the pen and the paper (2) We are able to walk because of friction between our shoes and the ground (3) An object thrown vertical always comes back to us due to friction (answer) (4) A vehicle stops on application of brakes 64 While performing experiments with water, but a small iron nail sinks in water. This can be explained by the (1) iron is lighter than water and steel heavier is than water (2) force on a steel bowl is more than its whereas force on an iron nail lesser is than weight (answer) (3) force on an iron nail is more than its weight whereas force on a steel bowl is l than its weight (4) iron is heavier water and steel is lighter than water 65 Which one of the following four teaching methodologies followed by four different Science teachers for teaching the topic Air Pollution is most appropriate? (1) Dictating the answers to all the questions in the exercise after completing the topic (2) Showing a documentary film on Air pollution to the students (3) Asking the students to collect air samples before and after Diwali, study their quality and tabulate the fin (4) Asking the students to read the topic form the text meaning of concepts/terms 66 A teacher can identify a stressed child when the child shows the following behavior: (1) Aggressive behavior (2) Full concentration in studies (3) Excessive talking (4) Hyperactivity 67 The major purpose of periodic parent-teacher interactions is to (1) share the information about ongoing events in the school (2) discuss the childs strengths and weaknesses for reinforcement and improvement (answer) (3) develop a social relationship with each other (4) highlight each others shortcomings 68 All big cities are facing the problem of environmental pollution as a result of a large number of vehicles on the roads. The best way an individual in towards environmental protection is by (1) getting the engine of personal vehicle checked regularly for environmental safe limits

(2) using a public transport system for travelling (Answer) (3) avoiding frequent travel outside the home (4) not keeping a personal vehicle like scooter, car etc, 69 While teaching the topic on Air is everywhere, a teacher asks the following questions from the students: (a) Is there air in the soil? (b) Is there air inside water? (c) Is there air inside our body ? (d) Is there air inside our bones? Which one of the following skills is the teacher trying to develop in the learners? (1) Classification skills (2) Thinking skills (3) Emotional skills (4) Observation skills (answer) 70 Which one of the following is a good coking practice (1) Washing the vegetables nicely and than cutting (2) Cutting the vegetables and then washing these in running water (3) Keeping the vegetables in sunshine for some time before cutting and cooking (4) Cooking the vegetables by deep frying to kill bacteria 71 While teaching the topic on Air an EVS teacher wanted to demonstrate air has weight and occupies space. Her colleague suggested the following four different activities for this purpose to her: (a) Place an empty inverted beaker on the surface of the water and start pressing it down(b) Suck the juice through a straw (c) Blow air in a balloon (d) tie two inflated balloons to a rod and establish equilibrium. Then puncture on of the balloons. Which of the above inverted beaker on the surface of the water and start pressing it activities will lead to demonstrating the desired result? (1) a and b (2) a and d (answer) (3) b and d (4) a and c 72 A Science teacher administered a test after teaching the topic on Respiration and obseved that majority of the students did not understand the difference between breathing, this could be due to the reason that (1) she could not explain the related concept effectively in the class (2) she was not their class teacher (3) the students could not understand the question correctly (4) there was usually lot of indiscipline in her class 73 in order to separate a mixture of sand and salt, which one of the following four sequences of processes has to be used? (1) Filtration, decantation, evaporation, sedimentation (2) Evaporation, sedimentation, (3) Decantation, sedimentation, evaporation, filtration (4) Sedimentation, decantation, filtration, evaporation 74 Rekhas mother adds Phitkari (Alum) to water collected from the pond every day in order to (1) decolourize water (2) sediment light suspended impurities (3) change hard water into soft water (4) kill germs in water 75 Weight-lifters are generally required to make more muscles and body mass. For this purpose, they need to take a diet which is rich in (1) Proteins (answer) (2) Carbohydrates (3) Fats (4) Vitamins

76 Which one of the following teaching strategies will be most, effective for maximum involvement of students in teaching the concept of food chain? (1) Ask students to collect related information from internet (2) Ask students to copy all examples of different food chains written on the black board (3) M ake play-cards of organisms and ask student groups to arrange them to depict different food chins (4) Ask students to explore possible food chains operating in differ 77 An air-pump is kept in aquarium in order to (1) make water cleaner (2) provide more carbon dioxide to water plants (3) allow more oxygen to dissolve in water (4) enhance the beauty of the aquarium 78 Anjalis friend suggested the following four ways to avoid tooth decay: (a) Brush your teeth twice a day (b) Wear braces to avoid enamel decay (c) Avoid sweets, chocolates and carbonated drinks (d) Rinse mouth after every meal Which of the above ways should Anjali follow? (1) b, c and d (2) c, d and a (answer) (3) d, a and b (4) a and c 79 Study the Venn diagram given below: Which of the following animals can be placed at X? (1) Crocodile (answer) (2) Eel (3) Shark (4) Fish 80 Which one of the following pairs of life processes occurs both in (1) Growth and food making (2) Reproduction and found making (3) Reproduction and germination (4) Growth and reproduction 81 In which one of the following groups are the words intimately related? (1) Mosquito, Malaria, Anaemia, Iron (2) Iron, Malaria, Anaemia, Blood (3) Iron, Haenigkibub, Anaemia, Amla (4) Mosquito, Dengue, Iron, Jaggery 82 A fish dies when it is put in an aquarium filled with previously boiled water but cooled to room temperature. This happens because the water in the aquarium is (1) unfit for swimming by fish (2) depleted in oxygen (3) unfit for drinking by fish (4) depleted in minerals 83 Which one of the following best describes the features on the surface of the M oon? (1) No, air no gravity, smooth surface

(2) No water, enough air, high mountains (3) No water deep craters, high mountains (4) No air, no gravity no water 84 Arti noticed the following precautions related to prevention of spread of a disease on a poster: (a) Do not let water collect around you (b) Keep water pots, coolers and tanks clean (c) Spray oil if water has collected at some place (d) Use nets to protect yourself The poster is aimed at creating awareness about the spread of (1) Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis (2) Small pox and Malar (3) Dengue and Eye flu (4) Typhoid and Cholera 85 After having been taught about the rich flora and fauna in India, the students of primary classes were taken to Ranthambhore National Park by the school. This would help the students to (1) develop respect for nature (2) co-relate classroom learning to real-life situations (3) develop skills for environmental protection (4) have fun and enjoy 86 In order to introduce the topic on Nutrition in class more effectively a teacher should (1) show the model of human denture (2) ask the students to open their Tiffin-boxes, see the contents, followed by teachers explanation (answer) (3) give examples of different foods rich in nutrients (4) draw the diagram of digestive system 87 Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate are five important Es in relation to effective teaching of Science To provide practical experiences to the students related to the concept of Necessary conditions for germination, a Science teacher asks them to do the following activities: (a) Soak seeds overnight and keep these is a wet cotton cloth . (b) Observe the seeds after two days and record the changes. (c) Read the book and attempt the given worksheet Which of the five Es given above are not being covered in the above activities given by the teacher? (1) Engage and Evaluate (2) Explain and Elaborate (3) Explain and Evaluate (4) Engage and Explore 88 The topic Depletion of Petroleum and Coal was taught to Section A of a class by using multimedia capsule while the other Section B was taught through diagrams drawn on the Green Board. It was found later that students of Section A understood the topic to a better extent. This could be due to the reason that (1) Green Board is not a good visual aid (2) Multiple approach is closer to everyday life situations (3) Use of multimedia aids is comparatively more economical (4) Audio-visual aids engage all the senses for better retention 89 There are four below average students in a class. Which one of the following strategies will be most effective to bring them at par with the other students? (1) Make them sit in the front row and supervise their work constantly (2) Identify their weak areas of learning and provide remedial measures accordingly (answer) (3) Ensure that they attend the school regularly

(4) Give them additional assignments to do at home 90 Which one of the following sequences of steps is the correct way of preparing a balanced question paper? (1) Preparing a design, preparing a blueprint, writing and editing the questions, writing the marking scheme (2) Preparing the design, writing the questions, preparing the marking scheme, matching with the blueprint (3) Writing and editing the questions, matching with the writing the marking scheme (4) Writing the questions, preparing the blueprint, matching with the design, writing the marking scheme English II 121 Comprehensive Evaluation refers to assessment of (1) co-curricular activities (2) academic subjects (3) both scholastic and co-scholastic areas (answer) (4) summative assessment tests 122 A mixed ability group is heterogeneous in (1) economic status (2) gender and age (3) social strata (4) knowledge and skill (answer) 123 Teachers should not give corporal punishment to learners because (1) it makes parents very angry (answer) (2) it is risky (3) it creates stress and fear in learners (4) it is only an emotional release for the teachers 124 Pre-reading tasks are meant for (1) evaluating the reading skill of the learners (2) giving the meanings of difficult words and phrases (3) introducing the main idea and motivating the learners (answer) (4) explaining the grammatical items used in the reading text 125 When a teacher asks her students to write a letter after having a group discussion, she is (1) adopting the Direct Method of language teaching (2) integrating different language skills (answer) (3) following a traditional method (4) likely to confuse the students 126 Speaking skill can be best developed by enabling the learners to (1) read challenging and difficult texts (2) communicate in real-life situations (answer) (3) listen to the model provided by the teacher (4) avoid all errors while speaking 127 Curriculum is an educational programme which does not does not state (1) The lesson planning details of the topics (answer) (2) the educational purpose of a programme (3) the content (material, etc.) teaching strategies and learning experiences which will be necessary to achieve this purpose (4) the means of evaluating whether these educational ends have been achieved or not 128 A good test on reading comprehension will have questions (1) that focus primarily on the structures and words used in the text (2) that test the textual knowledge thoroughly (3) that encourage learners to write answers without errors (4) that test inference, interpretation and evaluation besides comprehension (answer)

129 Teaching grammar is useful to improve (1) accuracy (answer) (2) fluency (3) literacy (4) numeracy 130 Picture comprehension is effective to promote (1) artistic skill (2) speaking skill (answer) (3) listening skill (4) literary skill 131 Seating arrangement should be flexible in a language classroom because (1) it facilitates pair work and group work (answer) (2) it reduces the responsibility of the teacher (3) it helps the teacher in maintaining discipline (4) it helps learners change their places frequently 132 Learners acquire a language by (1) using the language in a natural interactive environment (answer) (2) analyzing the structure of the language (3) studying the literature of the language (4) learning about the culture of the speakers of the speakers of that language 133 All-round development of a child implies (1) providing vocational education for the learner to function in any work environment (2) harmonious development of physical, emotional and mental faculties (answer) (3) specialized training to make the learner a Jack all Trades (4) Following the natural stages of child development 134 The most important feature of an effective language classroom is opportunity for learners to (1) relax (2) interact (answer) (3) evaluate (4) imitate 135 In learning a new language, multilingualism is (1) a methodology (2) an asset (3) an interference (4) a burden (answer) Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions (Q. NO. 136-141) that follow by choosing the most appropriate option. The study of history provides many benefits. First, we learn from the past. We may repeat mistakes, but, at least, we have the opportunity to avoid them. Second, history teachers us what questions to ask about the present. Contrary to some peoples view, the study of history is not the memorization of names, dates, and places. It is the thoughtful examination of the forces that have shaped the courses of human life. We can examine events from the past and then draw inferences about current events. History teaches us about likely outcomes. Another benefit of the study of history id the broad range of human experience which is covered. War and peace are certainly covered as are national and international affairs. However, matters of culture (art, literature and music) are also included in historical study. Human nature is an important part of history: emotions like passion, greed, and insecurity have influenced the shaping of world affairs. Anyone who thinks that the study of history is boring has not really studied history. 136 By studying history we can (1) question the authority (2) repeat mistakes (3) predict the future (4) avoid mistakes (answer)

137 Which method of teaching history would the author of this passage support? (1) Analyzing wars and their causes (answer) (2) Applying historical events to modern society (3) Using flash cards to remember specific facts (4) Weekly quizzes on dates and events 138 History is all about (1) maps, information and detailed data (2) memorizing names, dates and places (3) understanding international affairs (4) studying about a broad range of human experience (answer) 139 History is not boring because (1) it is about the mistakes we make (2) it covers both war and peace (3) it studies human nature and culture (answer) (4) it is full of historical events 140 What is the main idea of this passage? (1) Students should study both national and international history (2) Studying history helps us to learn from the past (3) Studying history is not just memorization (4) the role of history is to help students deal with real life (answer) 141 Pick out a word from the first paragraph that means the same as results. (1) outcomes (answer) (2) benefits (3) inferences (4) forces 142 What, according to the passage, is the duty of human beings? (1) To digest knowledge (2) To study correctly (3) To acquire knowledge and develop the mind (answer) (4) To make ourselves cultured 143 M ind has been compared to (1) (2) (3) (4) a a a a perennial spring bucket (answer) deep well deep sea

144 For human beings, their brain is one of the two products of evolution. The other is their (1) (2) (3) (4) self-culture and knowledge keener sense of sight instinct for living in a society (answer) physical strength

145 What is man like if he does not develop and use his brain? (1) (2) (3) (4) He is greater than gods He is akin to the motionless statues He is like an angel He is akin to the beasts (answer)

146 What will knowledge and mental self-culture confer upon man? (1) Untold miseries (2) Richness of knowledge (3) Money and material things (4) M any blessings (answer)

147 If one acquires knowledge and develops mental self-culture, one will not be the victim of (1) superstition and demagogy (answer) (2) breed (3) lust and carnal appetites (4) pugnacity 148 The author implies that most men and women (1) are manipulated by priests and politicians (answer) (2) are arrogant in their behavior (3) lack social instinct (4) do not possess capacity for free judgment 149 Pick out a word from the first paragraph that means the same as inexhaustible (1) imponderable (answer) (2) aeons (3) convolution (4) perennial 150 The word untold as used in the second paragraph is (1) an adverb (2) a verb (3) a noun (4) an adjective (answer)

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