The Guardian 24.10.2012

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Jenny Colgan Simon Hattenstone Rachel Shabi Georey Robertson Simon Jenkins

Wednesday 24.10.12 Published in London and Manchester 1.20 Mecca for architecture? A 9bn clocktower is just the start Badgers get a reprieve Government remains committed to cull Champions League comeback Manchester United overturn 2-0 decit

Patten defends BBC as Savile scandal grows

Chairman speaks out amid criticism of Entwistles testimony before MPs
Dan Sabbagh and Sandra Laville
The BBCs chairman, Lord Patten, launched a spirited defence of the corporations independence last night as ministers criticised an uncertain performance by director general, George Entwistle, in front of MPs and police prepared to make their rst arrests in the growing scandal over Jimmy Savile. Maria Miller, the culture secretary, spoke to Patten, the chairman of the BBC Trust, after watching what was felt to be a less than reassuring performance from Entwistle before the culture, media and sport select committee. She urged him to become more personally involved because very real concerns are being raised about public trust and condence in the BBC. Entwistle was repeatedly unable to give precise figures about the number of allegations of assault, harassment or inappropriate conduct that had been reported to the BBC and his two-hour testimony prompted further questions over the involvement of the BBCs head of news in Newsnights aborted investigation into Savile last year. But with the political temperature rising as the Savile crisis moves into its fourth week, Patten wrote back to warn Miller o criticising Entwistle. I know that you will not want to give any impression that you are questioning the independence of the BBC, the peer said. He added that his trust would keep her in touch with developments as two inquiries into the Savile scandal completed their work over the coming months. Meanwhile, preparations for the rst arrests are well under way as the scandal moves into a new phase. The police inquiry is understood to be examining individuals from dierent institutions as a result of claims made by alleged victims of sexual abuse who have come forward in the last fortnight. It is not clear, at this stage, if any of those likely to be arrested have worked for the BBC, but it is understood some suspects at the centre of the criminal investigation did have associations with Savile at the peak of his reign as a BBC celebrity. However, ocers have not established that a paedophile ring existed at any particular institution despite allegations from a lawyer representing victims on the Panorama programme on Monday night. When Entwistle was pressed by Philip Davies MP to state how many people employed by the BBC have had sexual harassment allegations made against them he struggled to answer. Initially he said that there were between ve and 10 serious allegations over the whole period in question but later he rened that to between eight and 10. A few hours after the meeting, the BBC refined its answer again, saying that there were nine new allegations of harassment, assault or inappropriate conduct made against existing sta, rather than over the whole period covered by allegations about Savile. The corporation could not provide a gure as to how many allegations had been made against former stars or employees, and Entwistle told MPs: What I havent done is ask the statistical question. The director general also told MPs that Helen Boaden, the BBCs head of news, had been made aware of the aborted Newsnight investigation into Savile last November and told Peter Rippon, the editor of Newsnight, that just because Savile had recently died it didnt mean skimping on the usual journalistic standards. Journalists at Newsnight at the time said they believed this conversation happened on November 28 or 29 of last year just before Rippon suddenly cooled on the idea of the investigation into Savile that they had been working on in the aftermath of his death and that it amounted to an invitation to the Newsnight editor to drop the investigation. A spokesman for Boaden confirmed she had made that remark, on or around those dates, but otherwise said that the circumstances

Sheer glamour Bond girls premiere

Tories bow to Europe on prisoner votes bill

Patrick Wintour Political editor
The government is planning a draft bill introducing limited prisoner voting rights to comply with the European court of human rights, despite erce opposition from Eurosceptic backbenchers. But embarrassed ministers are likely to defer the controversial announcement until just before a late-November deadline, allowing it to be made after the police commissioner elections on 17 November. One government source said: No party wants to put this in their last week grid for these elections. The nal decision will be made very late. The announcement is still causing friction, with one coalition source saying most of the dispute is now a blue-on-blue row, within the Conservative party. David Cameron has said it would make him sick to give prisoners the right to vote, but he allowed the then Cabinet Office minister Mark Harper to propose that prisoners serving a sentence of four years or less should be given the right. Harder-line Tory backbenchers, such as Dominic Raab, have argued there is practically no danger of a ne by the European court should Britain not introduce votes for prisoners, and absolutely no chance of the UK being kicked out of the Council of Europe. But the attorney general, Dominic Grieve, has told ministers they have to accept the ruling of the European court in Strasbourg after repeated appeals have failed. Liberal Democrat ministers still support compliance with the court, but do not want to be seen any longer to be in the vanguard on an issue that is likely to make them deeply unpopular. Labour does not favour prisoner voting rights, but does not want to be seen to be ignoring the court. The political advantage of agreeing to publish a draft bill is that the government would not be seen to be in open deance of the European court. Yet in practice a draft bill might take years to reach the statute book, since it would require wide consultation and allow amendment by a joint committee of both houses. The two alternatives to a draft bill are to table a fresh Commons motion, or to publish a bill. In a marathon legal battle going back to 2004, the court has repeatedly ruled


Continued on page 2

Naomie Harris and Daniel Craig at last nights premiere of the James Bond lm Skyfall at Royal Albert Hall in London Photograph: David Fisher/ Rex Features

Continued on page 2

Obama wins last debate but Romney may still emerge victor
f Mitt Romney is elected president of the United States on 6 November an outcome which is no longer the statistical implausibility it once was then historians will say it was the October debate season, which ended in the early hours of yesterday morning, that turned it around. Before he came face to face with Barack Obama in Denver three weeks ago, Romney existed in much of the American public mind as a cartoonish gure, a comic-book plutocrat so rich his wife had two Cadillacs and his cars had an elevator of their own. Extravagantly out of touch, he was Mittens, the pampered son of privilege who refused


The Republican challenger achieved his aim in TV duels to transform himself into a plausible president, says Jonathan Freedland

to come clean about his taxes and whose personal rate turned out to be a measly 14%. Ideologically, he was either unpalatably extreme a severe conservative by his own description, whose message to Americas undocumented immigrants was that they should self-deport or an insincere ip-opper who had reversed countless previous positions rst supporting, then opposing, abortion rights, for instance to curry favour with the hardcore faithful who pick Republican presidential candidates. And he was useless to boot: clumsily embarking on a summer overseas tour that alienated a string of allies, including Britain, whose imminent Olympics he hinted would be a op. As late as

September his candidacy seemed doomed to failure. He had condemned himself out of his own mouth, thanks to a covert video of a fundraising speech in which he wrote o 47% of the American electorate as feckless parasites who would never vote for him anyway. The conventional wisdom deemed Romney perhaps the most inept nominee of a major party ever to seek the presidency. Obama was on course for a blowout, tipped to retake states that, when he won them in 2008, had seemed like an unrepeatable uke. But that was before the debate Continued on page 2

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Guardian Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Telephone: 020 3353 2000 Fax: 020 7837 2114

Gove puts pressure on Labour MPs over underperforming schools

Letter invites backing for new education providers Call to tolerate mistakes for the sake of innovation
Patrick Wintour
Michael Gove, the education secretary, is writing to all MPs in areas where schools are said to be underperforming mainly schools in Labour-led authorities demanding that they side with him to open up the education system to the new providers who can raise standards. Gove started his campaign against the forces of conservatism by writing to MPs in Leicester and Derby yesterday asking them whether they want to keep the door closed to new solutions and stick rigidly to the status quo, which is failing the children in their areas. He says in both of these areas, standards are far too low, with too many primaries which are judged by Ofsted to be unsatisfactory, or which have performed below national expectations for many years 2012 results for 11-year-old pupils in each region are lower than the national average, lower than the average for the east Midlands region, far lower than pupils and parents have a right to expect. In Derby and Leicester key stage 2 results in English and Maths have been below the national average for each of the past ve years, education department ocials said. In both places children in primary schools underperform many inner city London areas with higher deprivation. The initiative follows the decision of David Cameron to position himself as the champion of an aspiration nation in which excellence in education is central to economic recovery. dren rst, or stand with the adults who are blocking school improvement. Gove tried to increase Labour discomture by lavishing praise on Lord Adonis and Tony Blair for starting and championing the academies movement. Adonis holds a frontbench role in the Lords and oversees Labour industrial policy review. Gove also vented his frustration at the forces blocking progress inside the civil service and parliament: Far too often the Whitehall machine is risk-averse. Media commentary rarely allows early errors to be seen in context as experiments which will generate improvements. And the National Audit Oce and public accounts committee are some of our fiercest forces of conservatism. Time after time the NAO and PAC report in a way which treats any mistake in the implementation of any innovation as a scandalous waste of public money which prudent decision-making should have avoided. And yet at the same time it treats the faults of current provision as unalterable facts of nature like the location of oceans and mountains which should be accepted as the design of a benign providence. What we need, across the Westminster village, is a decisive shift in the culture in favour of risk and openness and away from small-c conservatism. Gove also used the speech to mount an assault on Ed Miliband, saying it would be a category error to describe the Labour leaders one nation speech as a shift to the centre. Blue Labour thinking Ed Milibands thinking is not then a continuation or refashioning of Blairism, it is a critique and rejection of Blairism...Where Tony Blair used his speeches to identify the forces of conservatism and declare war on them, Ed Miliband has used his speech to celebrate the forces of conservatism and declare he wants to become their leader.

Patten defends BBC as Savile scandal grows

continued from page 1 around the axing of the film would be examined in the review led by the former head of Sky News Nick Pollard. In his evidence, Entwistle chose to heavily criticise Rippon a man he had defended earlier in the crisis saying he had made an error in completely aborting the investigation on 1 December of last year. I am rmly of the view that the investigation should have been allowed to continue, the director general said of the lm. If it had aired in early December, the lm would have been the rst time the allegations about Saviles sexual abuse of teenage girls would have emerged. The BBC chief said he was very disappointed indeed that the account Rippon had given of the reasons why he dropped

the investigation had turned out to be as inaccurate as it was. On Monday Rippon agreed to step aside on full pay after his account of the Newsnight aair had to be corrected three times. Rippons lawyers, Davis Price, said they had no comment on Entwistles evidence yesterday. Entwistle also said that he was not involved in the BBC discussions about the Savile lm, but said he was warned at a busy lunch by Helen Boaden on 2 December that Newsnight was investigating Savile and possible implications for the schedules because Christmas tributes to the late presenter were planned. Entwistle, then the director of vision, responsible for the BBCs television channels, said he inquired no further, reecting a determination not to show an undue interest in the matter because Newsnight was not part of his division of the organisation. This phase of his evidence prompted several critical remarks from the MPs present. A committee member, the Conservative Damian Collins, said: You sound a bit like James Murdoch. Simon Jenkins, page 31 Leader comment, page 32

Michael Gove said that forces inside Whitehall were blocking progress

The Conservatives are trying to expose divisions in Labour over its approach to academies and free schools, and to pin responsibility on mainly Labour-run areas for inadequate school standards. In a speech to the rightwing thinktank Politeia, Gove said: There are hundreds more underperforming primary schools, many concentrated in other disadvantaged communities, where we need to act. He was writing to MPs in areas of educational underperformance outlining why we need to act and drawing attention to the failure, so far, of those in positions of power in local councils to move fast enough in improving our schools. In a number of communities the local forces of conservatism have worked against reform and have thrown every possible obstacle in the path of potential academy sponsors and free school founders trying to make a dierence. He says the MPs have a simple choice: stand with those in the academies and free schools movement who want to put chil-

Draft bill over prison votes

continued from page 1 that a general and automatic disenfranchisement of all serving prisoners was incompatible with European law. The UK government was given six months from a judgment on 22 May 2012 to bring forward legislative proposals to amend the law. But the court has also accepted that member states should have a wide discretion as to how they regulate a ban on prisoner voting, in terms of the kind of oence, length of prison sentence, and the discretion given to individual judges to determine a prisoners right to vote. The British governments dilemma has been deepened by the Commons overwhelmingly passing a motion in February

2011 stating that it supports the current situation in which no sentenced prisoner is able to vote except those imprisoned for contempt default or reprimand. The motion was passed by 234 to 22. The debate was led by the prominent Tory backbencher David Davis and by the former Labour justice secretary Jack Straw. Davis argued: If you break the law, you cannot make the law. Straw asserted: The issue of prisoners voting rights was by no stretch of the imagination a breach of fundamental human rights but was a matter of penal policy which the minority of judges at Strasbourg said should be left to the UK parliament. He accused the Strasbourg court of trying to set itself up as the supreme court of Europe. Grieve, due to appear at the justice select committee today, has argued that prisoners might be entitled to compensation of between 1,000 and 1,500 if the UK continues in deance.

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Romney may still emerge the victor

continued from page 1 season. Now that its over, with Mondays encounter the last time the two men will clash directly, the landscape looks utterly dierent. Before the rst debate on 3 October, the national poll average showed Obama consistently ahead, usually with a four-point cushion. Now Romney has a lead: tiny, but a lead. Obamas cheerleaders used to point to his rewall, his advantage in the key nine or 11 swing states. But now the uber-pollster Nate Silver deems that rewall brittle, Obamas previous edge in Florida, Colorado and Virginia steadily melting away. Today a dierent Romney has succeeded in lodging himself in the public imagination: sane, reasonable, even moderate. He seems energetic and capable, his experience in business no longer a liability evoking questions about his private equity company, along with his record of outsourcing American jobs but an asset, a qualication for turning around the ailing enterprise that is USA, Inc. Mondays performance completed that new picture. Democrats had been painting Romney as the heir to George Bush, noting the hawks and neo-conservative outriders who form his circle of foreign policy advisers. That left the Republican with a single task for a debate dedicated to international aairs: he needed to reassure the American people that he was no warmonger, but a cool-headed realist. Accordingly, he


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lashed himself to his opponent, oering a me-too echo of Obamas foreign policy. He too would withdraw troops from Afghanistan by 2014. He too had no plans to intervene militarily in Syria. He too regarded war to halt a nuclear Iran as a last resort. Why, the only differences were ones of style: he would show Vladimir Putin backbone, rather than the exibility Obama had promised. And he would never apologise for America. Instead he declared: Mr President, America has not dictated to other nations. We have freed other nations from dictators. Most neutrals gave the debate to Obama, who regularly exposed inconsistency on Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran youve been all over the map and used humour when he rebutted the Republicans lament that the US Navy had fewer ships now than at any time since 1917. Obamas reply: Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our militarys changed. But for Romney, none of that much mattered. As David Frum, former speechwriter to Bush, tweeted: Romney reassured voters who fear he might be too hawkish; otherwise gave nobody reason to vote against him. Mission accomplished. That goes for the whole debate season. Romney needed to use October to transform himself from a near jokegure into a plausible president and he did. Thats why Republicans like to recall Ronald Reagan in 1980. Early that autumn, too many voters regarded Reagan as unt to be president. But during the TV debates, Reagan laid their fears to rest. This autumn also began with the US electorate disappointed in the occupant of the Oval Oce. But it rst needed to be reassured that it was safe to vote for the alternative. Romney may have lost two out of the three debates but it doesnt matter he did what he needed to do. Now a campaign that began nearly two years ago enters its nal stretch. There will be no more grand set pieces, just the hard graft of on-the-ground organisation, as both parties sweat to get out their vote. It will all come down to Ohio, says one former Democratic strategist. And it will be a district by district street ght. While Romney looks to energise miners in the south of the state, Obamas hopes will rest on bailed-out car workers in the north. Americas future rests in the narrow space that pollsters call the margin of error. Seumas Milne, page 30 Leader comment, page 32

Romney and Obama during the debate

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


Italian court sends shockwaves around the world as it convicts seismologists

Scientists face jail for not predicting LAquila quake Ruling compared to persecution of Galileo
Tom Kington Rome Lizzy Davies
Scientists around the world expressed outrage yesterday at the six-year prison sentence handed down to a group of Italian seismologists who gave false assurances in the hours before the LAquila earthquake, with one of the scientists describing the court that convicted him as medieval. As British academics joined calls for the truly shocking case to be dropped, Claudio Eva, a physicist sentenced on Monday along with ve other scientists and a government ocial, said the decision sprang from the parochial nature of the court. It was a very Italian and medieval decision, said the 74-year-old, who said he had received messages of support from colleagues in Britain, elsewhere in Europe and the US. The judge was local, the prosecutor was local and the public were local which judge would not have been persuaded by the atmosphere? he said. The 2009 LAquila earthquake levelled the city and killed more than 300 people. Yesterday, Enzo Boschi, who was head of Italys national geology and volcanology institute in 2009 and was also sentenced for giving insucient warning of the earthquake compared himself to Galileo, the so-called father of modern science, who was tried by the Vatican in 1633 for claim-

The verdict may have been understandable in the Dark Ages but today its embarrassing
ing the Earth revolved around the sun. It is an analogy that has echoed around the world since the ruling. Professor Lord May of Oxford, former chief scientific adviser to the British government and president of the Royal Society, said: The sentence handed down to six Italian scientists is truly shocking, revealing appalling ignorance of the basic nature of scientic inquiry within the Italian legal system. The verdict might have been understandable in the Dark Ages, standing alongside the persecution of Galileo, but in todays world it simply is an embarrassment to the Italian government and anyone associated with it. Many scientists warned that the ruling, if upheld, sets a dangerous precedent for others working in hazard prediction. Luciano Maiani, head of the Italian commission that monitors seismic risk, resigned yesterday, saying: I dont see the conditions are there for working serenely. His deputy also quit. Stefano Gresta, current head of the geology and volcanology institute, said: From now on, it will be very dicult to appear in public to speak about seismic activity in Italy. Eva said: From what I hear no one wants to join commissions. Italys environment minister, Corrado Clini, said: The risk is of conrming the principle that no doubt is permitted in any scientic evaluation. Roger Musson, from the British Geological Survey, and David Rothery, a senior lecturer in Earth Sciences at the Open University, both warned that the judgment might have an unwelcome impact on the work of volcanologists monitoring the behaviour of Vesuvius, near Naples. Musson said: The question being asked by people is: what is this going to do for future relations between the scientic community and the public and state? One can imagine that next time there are rumblings heard from Vesuvius, Italian volcanologists are going to be reluctant to make any statement, because they have no guarantee that they wont nd themselves arrested if they say one thing and it turns out to be another. The convicted scientists Italys top earthquake experts were members of a committee known as the Major Risks Commission in 2009. They were summoned by Italys civil protection agency six days before the earthquake on 6 April to consider a series of tremors in the LAquila area. Prosecutors alleged they gave incomplete, imprecise and contradictory information on the risk to locals. One of those convicted, the former deputy civil protection chief Bernardo De Bernardinis, who organised the meeting, said scientists told him the situation was favourable. He was also quoted as advising locals, before the meeting, to relax with a glass of wine. Thats just not true, he said yesterday. A journalist asked me if he should have a glass of wine while awaiting the end of the meeting and I agreed. Lawyers now await the judges explanation of the sentencing expected in 90 days to nd out if the group was conItalian emergency services rescue a survivor from a collapsed building after the magnitude-5.8 earthquake struck LAquila in Abruzzo in April 2009. More than 300 people were killed and much of the historic centre of the city still lies in ruins Photograph: Peri-Percossi/EPA/Ansa victed not just for failing to warn locals, but for actively downplaying the risk that a quake was on the way. A local official, Stefania Pezzopane, who backed the verdict, claimed that the experts had been called in by the civil protection agency specically to reassure people. Scientists, she said, should be scientists and not buoons. They reassured us and then we died in our homes, said a local resident, Domenico Di Giamberardino. But Eva insisted neither he nor his colleagues had given any reassurances in their 40-minute meeting. We always maintained it was not possible to predict or exclude an earthquake, he said. With two appeals permitted under Italian law, the scientists will not be jailed immediately, but Eva said his morale was devastated by the verdict. I do not feel guilty from a scientic point of view, he said. In court, the prosecutor referred to the failure in predicting Hurricane Katrina, but it is a lot easier to predict a hurricane than an earthquake, he said. LAquila, which still lies in ruins, was also damaged by earthquakes in 1349, 1461 and 1703. An earthquake is like an assassin that returns to the scene of a crime, said Eva, but you can never tell when. Leader comment, page 32

Today, on guardian.

Tracey Brown When the free ow of scientic advice about health, drugs or earthquakes is prevented, people pay with their lives Bill McGuire Creating scapegoats after the LAquila tragedy will only lead to more deaths Martin Robbins If we sue scientists over LAquila, whats next? Suing Michael Fish? Plus Join the debate on the verdict on

It was a very Italian and medieval decision the judge, prosecutor and public were local
Physicist Claudio Eva, above, with Bernardo De Bernardinis, right

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012 National editor: Dan Roberts Telephone: 020 3353 4090 Fax: 020 3353 3190 Email:


British support for US drones may be war crime

Pakistani man seeks ruling on intelligence sharing Government refuses to conrm or deny role
Ian Cobain
The British governments support for US drone operations over Pakistan may involve assisting murder or even war crimes, the high court heard yesterday. In the rst serious challenge in English courts to the drones campaign, lawyers for a Pakistani man whose father was killed by a strike from an unmanned aircraft are seeking to have the sharing of UK locational intelligence declared unlawful. Noor Khan, 27, is said to live in constant fear of a repeat of the attack in North Waziristan in March last year that killed more than 40 other people, whom Khan says had gathered to discuss a local mining dispute. The British government has declined to state whether or not its signals intelligence agency, GCHQ, passes information in support of CIA drone operations over Pakistan, although the court heard that media reports suggest it does. The case opened as the RAF conrmed it is to double the number of its own drones ying combat and surveillance operations over Afghanistan. The ve additional aircraft will operate from Britain for the rst time, rather than the US. The UKs existing Reaper drones, which target suspected insurgents in Helmand province, have operated from Creech air force base in Nevada because the RAF has not had the capability to y them from Britain. Martin Chamberlain, counsel for Khan, said that a newspaper article in 2010 reported that GCHQ was using telephone intercepts to provide US authorities with locational intelligence on militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The report suggested the agency was proud of this work, which was said to be in strict accordance with the law. On the contrary, Chamberlain said, any GCHQ ocial who passed locational intelligence to the CIA knowing or believing that it could be used to facilitate a drone strike would be committing a serious criminal oence. The participation of a UK intelligence official in US drone strikes, by passing intelligence, may amount to the oence of encouraging or assisting murder, he said. Alternatively, it could amount to a war crime or a crime against humanity, he added. Chamberlain said no GCHQ official would be able to mount a defence of combat immunity, but added that there was no wish in this case to convict any individual. Rather, Khan was seeking a declaration by the civil courts that such intelligence-sharing is unlawful. Between June 2004 and September this year, according to research by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, drone strikes have killed between 2,562 and 3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom between 474 and 881 were civilians, including 176 children. With the number of drone strikes increasing sharply under the Obama administration, the London case is one of several around the world. In Pakistan, lawyers and human rights activists are mounting two separate court claims: one is intended to trigger a criminal investigation into the actions of two former CIA ocials, while the second is seeking a declaration that the strikes amount to acts of war, in order to pressurise the Pakistani air force into shooting down drones operating in the countrys airspace. During the two-day hearing in London, lawyers for Khan are seeking permission for a full judicial review of the lawfulness of any British assistance for US drones. Lawyers for William Hague, the foreign secretary, say not only that they will neither conrm nor deny any such activities, but that it would be prejudicial to the national interest for them even to explain their understanding of the legal basis for any such activities. For Khan and his lawyers to succeed, they say, the court would need to be satised that there is no international armed conict in Pakistan, with the result that anyone involved in drone strikes was not immune from the criminal law, and that there had been no tacit approval for the strikes from the Pakistan government another matter that the British government will neither conrm nor deny. The court would also need to consider, and reject, the US governments own legal position: that drone strikes are acts of selfdefence. It would also need to be satised that the handing over of intelligence amounted to participation in hostilities. The case continues.

On the site

Nick Hopkins on the new RAF drones that are beginning operations over Afghanistan

The bigger picture Wide wild western prints at the Royal Academy

Citys cuts herald end of local government

Patrick Butler Social policy editor
The UKs biggest local authority has warned that the bleak nancial outlook for council funding means it will have to make 600m in cuts, potentially reducing its services to core priority areas such as adult social care and child protection. Birmingham city council said the scale of the cuts it expected to face over a sixyear period marked the end of local government as we know it. It forecasts it will lose almost half its current controllable expenditure by 2017. It said a combination of government cuts and rising costs meant that by 2017 it would have had to have made cumulative savings of over 600m and shed 7,000 sta since the coalition embarked on its austerity programme in 2011. The Labour-run councils leader, Sir Albert Bore, said that in future there could be no more salami-slicing cuts to services and decisions would have be taken as to what the council could no longer aord to provide. He said: With the extent of the cuts over the past few years and with more to come, we have to start decommissioning services. I am not looking forward to this but it has to be done. The councils annual budget is currently 3.5bn, but because funding for some services, such as education, are ringfenced, any cost savings have to come out of the controllable area of the councils budget, currently about 1.2bn. The projections were calculated by an independent nance review carried out for the council by Birmingham Business School, part of the University of Birmingham. It said the councils forecasts appear to be well-judged and were consistent with other forecasts. The review said: We believe that the council should decide not only which services, delivering which priority outcomes, will take precedence in council spending, but also clarify explicitly which current services will not have priority status and which will be decommissioned in the face of the signicant budget cuts. The council said it had had no discussions about which services would have to be decommissioned. But one of the stated key priorities underpinning its budget setting for the next nancial year is safeguarding the most vulnerable. The council said it had already implemented a substantial savings plan, which had resulted in thousands of job losses. It predicts it will have to make 120m in savings next year alone, and may have to lose a further 1,000 jobs on top of the 1,100 already announced. It said: The extent of the future nancial challenge facing Birmingham will change the landscape of local government not only in Birmingham but nationally. A spokeswoman for the Department for Communities and Local Government said the citys economy would be boosted by new growth incentives. Birmingham is already getting government help to grow its local economy, through a city deal worth 1.5bn, the New Homes Bonus, an enterprise zone and 22m in Growing Places Funding.

The Big Country a narrative screenprint by the artist Stephen Chambers stretches around the walls of the Royal Academy in London. More than 75 prints feature in the exploration of atmosphere and landscape inspired by the 1958 western of the same name. Until 2 December Photograph: Graeme Robertson for the Guardian

New evidence delays report into Duggan shooting

Vikram Dodd
The Independent Police Complaints Commission has said signicant material about the death of Mark Duggan has emerged in recent weeks, meaning its report into his shooting by police will be delayed even further. The report into the shooting, which triggered the 2011 English riots, was due to be completed this summer. Yesterday the IPCC told a pre-inquest hearing that it could not say when its investigation would be nished. The new evidence emerged at the trial of a man accused of supplying Duggan with a gun, which ended last week with the jury deadlocked. Kevin Hutchinson-Foster, 30, denied selling or transferring a prohibited rearm to Duggan, who was shot in Tottenham, north London, on 4 August. HutchinsonFoster will face a retrial. Robin Tam QC, for the IPCC, told the coroner, Andrew Walker, that the new material would have to be assessed by investigators. The trial of Hutchinson-Foster heard from ocers who stopped Duggan, and from the marksman who killed him. The new material is believed to relate to their evidence and cross-examination. The trial was the first time they had answered questions about the shooting, after they declined to answer oral questions from the IPCC, providing written statements instead. The ocers are being treated as witnesses by the IPCC inquiry, not as suspects. Walker ruled that the inquest would start as planned on 28 January 2013, 17 months after the shooting, a decision that pleased the Duggan family. But the retrial of Hutchinson-Foster is yet to be scheduled and if it is not completed by the time the Duggan inquest is due to start, the coroner may have to wait. After the pre-inquest review hearing at north London coroners court, Duggans brother Shaun Hall said: Its the rst time we have left here with a bit of hope that we can get the truth. We are told that in January we are going to get our day in court. The coroner was not prepared to lie down. He does want to see this in front of a jury as we do. All we are looking for is the truth. In court, the familys barrister, Michael Manseld QC, said they felt a deep sense of injustice over widely publicised accounts of Duggans death which emerged during Hutchinson-Fosters trial. The trial at Snaresbrook crown court heard the marksman who shot Duggan said he had absolutely no doubt the 29-year-old was holding a gun and preparing to re. The ocer, known as V53, said his account of the shooting was compiled three days later, when he and his colleagues spent more than eight hours sitting together writing their statements. He said they were aware of the rules about ocers conferring and had discussed the incident among themselves before writing their statements. Hutchinson-Fosters defence was that he had not passed the gun to Duggan and that the jury could not be sure the evidence from police ocers was correct.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


Minister hails Olympic victory: it only cost 8.921bn

Final Games bill estimated at 377m under budget Deal on future of stadium in weeks, says Robertson
Owen Gibson
The government has said the nal cost of Londons Olympic Games will come in at least 377m under budget and promised the main stadium will not become a white elephant. Unveiling the governments final quarterly budget update, the sports minister, Hugh Robertson, said that at a conservative estimate the nal cost of the Games would be 8.921bn against an overall original budget of 9.28bn. But Olympic organisers conceded that over the course of the project about 1bn of public money had been diverted to the organising committee, Locog, for parts of the project. Locog, which had a separate, privately raised budget of 2bn to stage the Games, received an additional 16m towards the costs of the Paralympics, 26m towards capital works and 14m for Olympic Park venues and infrastructure during the last quarter. The key overriding imperative for government was to make sure that this project worked. By far the most ecient way of doing that was to transfer scope and responsibility to Locog, said Robertson. We have done that whenever it seemed the right thing to do and I would do the same again. The government argues that any funds released to the Locog from the public funding package have been for works that were within originally agreed parameters or were one-o costs such as the extra money diverted to the ceremonies budget. Robertson said it was by no means certain in 2007, when the Labour gov-

The Duchess of Cambridge chatting to Carl Hester, Charlotte Dujardin, and Scott Brash (left to right) at Buckingham Palace yesterday Photograph: John Stillwell/PA Wire

Olympic savings
Projected savings from the costs of the Olympic and Paralympic games Funding package

Projected saving Anticipated nal cost




ernment announced that the bid budget of 2.4bn had more than tripled to 9.3bn, that the project could be delivered on budget. He praised the delivery of the Games within the agreed budget, which included more than 2bn of contingency funds, as a tremendous success against the backdrop of a global recession. The work of the construction and delivery teams, from the ODA [Olympic Delivery Authority] and Locog, has set a very high standard and I have no doubt that London 2012 has set a new benchmark for the management of Olympic and Paralympic Games in future, he said. Talks are also still ongoing between London 2012 organisers and G4S to get it

to pay for the army sta brought in at the last minute. Robertson said the future of the 429m Olympic Stadium should be concluded in the next couple of weeks. Talks are ongoing between the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) and potential tenants, including West Ham. Negotiations with the club are at an impasse over who will pay for conversion costs of up to 160m to make the stadium suitable for football as well as athletics. The London mayor, Boris Johnson, is keen to explore the possibility of using some of the unspent contingency, which will ow back to the Treasury, towards the conversion costs.

Last night Great Britains Olympic and Paralympic heroes were celebrated at a Buckingham Palace reception hosted by the Queen. The athletes arrived in their official Team GB formal wear of suits, which included a special inside pocket for their medals. The Queen, joined by the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duchess of Cambridge, had watched the Olympic opening ceremony and the Queen took part. Team GB began the summers medal rush by winning 65 in total, including 29 golds, an achievement that was hailed as the athletes greatest ever performance by Andy Hunt, their chef de mission for London 2012.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Savile and National the BBC

A lack of curiosity: questions pile

Entwistle gives less than authoritative performance before hostile panel of MPs
Lisa OCarroll
It was a baptism of re for the director general, only ve weeks into his elevated role. For two hours, George Entwistle faced a battery of hostile questions from a parliamentary committee best known for skewering James and Rupert Murdoch over the phone hacking scandal. Despite the absence of star members Louise Mensch and Tom Watson, the culture, media and sport select committee came away with the upper hand, leaving the impression of a director general not entirely command of his operation. What did Entwistle know about child abuse and the mounting allegations about a paedophile ring? The BBC director general scored badly on this issue. Entwistle said he could not look back with anything other than horror on the allegations about Jimmy Savile. He was poor on detail, leaving an impression of a director general not rmly in charge of the crisis threatening to engulf the BBC. Asked how many cases of child abuse the corporation knew about, he stumbled before answering there were between ve and 10 serious allegations relating to the Savile period. Later he changed that to between eight and 10. This was not the sure-footed response needed to impress a committee that wrung a most humble day of life apology out of Rupert Murdoch a year ago. It made it easy for Tory MP Philip Davies, no BBC loyalist, to land a blow. He accused Entwistle of a lamentable lack of knowledge about the allegations of child abuse by now well-aired across every media outlet including the BBC. Davies quizzed him about what he knew about an alleged paedophile ring at the BBC and wanted to know who was responsible for bussing vulnerable schoolgirls to Savile shows. I dont know, Entwistle said, explaining the corporation was trying to piece together documentation in relation to this. Asked who allowed underage children to go backstage with Savile, Entwistle responded: We are trying to answer the questions in the same way. He fared slightly better when quizzed about the now notorious just the women email sent by Newsnight editor Peter Rippon to producer Meirion Jones. Our sources so far are just the women and a second-hand brieng, Rippon had said, explaining why he was standing Jones down on the investigation last December. Tory MP Therese Coey put it to Entwistle that the just the women showed the BBC still didnt take the allegations seriously. That phrase, on the face of it, is not in the least defensible. I do believe the culture has changed since the 70s and 80s but Im not convinced it has changed as much as it should have done, Entwistle replied. Peter Rippons decison to drop Newsnights investigation Entwistle decisively dumped on Rippon and, to a lesser degree, the BBCs head of news, Helen Boaden, who told the director general in a snatched conversation in December that Newsnight were investigating Savile. The director general insisted due process should take place and Rippon should give his version of events to the internal inquiry set up to nd out why Newsnights lm was dropped just weeks before several eulogies to Savile were broadcast. He rejected claims that BBC bosses had tried to hide allegations against Savile, but in doing so hung the Newsnight editor out to dry, saying Rippon alone was responsible for the decision: I have no evidence whatsoever that any kind of managerial pressure was applied. The decision was made by Peter Rippon. It was left to Labour MP Paul Farrelly to come to Rippons defence, pointing out this was unwarranted given that Rippon had not had his say. Who sat on him? asked Farrelly. Who helped him change his mind? Entwistle replied: Isnt it possible he changed his own mind? Later former culture secretary David Mellor said this could be the beginning of the end of Entwistle. If it appears that Rippon comes before the committee and says No, I was leant on before, then that blows Entwistles cover, said Mellor. Entwistles lack of curiosity about Newsnight This is the issue that baed MPs. It was no accident that three of them accused the director general of displaying a lack of curiosity about the investigation which was mounted shortly after Saviles death last October. After all, this was the committee that forensically examined James Murdochs lack of interest in a 700,000 payout to a football executive for phone hacking. You sound like James Murdoch now, Tory MP Damian Collins quipped when Entwistle said he had not asked Boaden what Newsnight was investigating. Later, he admitted it was relatively rare for the head of news to ag something up with the head of TV, again raising questions as to why Entwistle didnt make further inquiries. Its very hard to understand the lack of curiosity, said Farrelly. Entwistle explained he needed to observe the divisions between TV and news and could not be seen to interfere with editorial. Committee chairman John Whittingdale described it as an extraordinary lack of curiosity. I absolutely did not want to do anything that demonstrated excessive interest, Entwistle protested. How he dealt with Rippons blog Entwistle said it was a matter of regret and embarrassment that Rippons original explanation for dropping the Savile investigation did not hold up to scrutiny. He failed to ask any relevant questions about Newsnight before the piece was Jimmy Savile was the subject of a Newsnight report that was dropped, a decision attacked by MPs yesterday scrapped and was caught out again when the programmes editor rushed out an explanation as to why it was dropped almost a year later. Entwistle admitted there was a signicant breakdown of communications but said he had acted quickly once he became aware of a dispute and called in BBC Scotland director Ken MacQuarrie to talk to the journalists involved to get their version of the story. Davies was not impressed. Why didnt he go straight to the main players in the rst place, rather than leaving the BBC on the back foot for three weeks? When Davies worked with Archie Norman at Asda and something went awry, the quickest way to establish the facts was to go to the shop oor, he said. To this, Entwistle explained: It is not always appropriate to talk to people on the shop oor. Why was Rippon allowed to publish the misleading blog? This is a question that remains to be answered. The blog was published on 2 October and not corrected until 20 days later following internal objections by Jones and Newsnight reporter Liz MacKean. Farrelly accused Entwistle of trying to do the basic journalistic fact-checking after the blog had been published, but Entwistle said the situation was unprecedented; he had not seen a situation before where there was a dispute inside a programme of such virulence. Entwistle says Rippons blog was also seen by Steve Mitchell, deputy head of news. The correction to it, issued on Monday, was a corporate production involving lawyers and press advisers. Rippon was shown this blog update and did not challenge it.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


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up as director general squirms

Simon Hoggarts sketch Entwistling in the dark

ts the newest parliamentary ritual, now as xed as the Churchill statue in the lobby and the old cry of who goes home? Someone in charge of an enterprise in trouble a bank, perhaps, or G4S, or in this case the BBC is dragged in front of a select committee and humiliated. Like a miscreant in the pillory, they cant ght back at their tormentors even while the rotten fruit splats. They are terried that any show of deance would only rile the MPs and make their report more horrible. Mind you, George Entwistle, the director general of the BBC, did not make life easy for himself. American pre-school children follow an inquisitive cartoon monkey called Curious George. The BBC seems to be headed by Incurious George. The most excruciating moment came at the end, when he was asked repeatedly about a brief conversation he had last year with Helen Boaden, the head of news. He himself was in charge of television. At a lunch she warned him that Newsnight was investigating Jimmy Savile, and if it stands up, it may have an impact on your Christmas schedule. She meant the Savile tribute programme due to go out in the festive season, when schedules are as xed as protocol at a Japanese royal funeral. Anyone else might have wondered what Newsnight was investigating. A tax ddle perhaps? Membership of a terrorist organisation? Maybe he had been caught lighting up in a no-smoking area. Or something worse. But Mr Entwistle didnt even ask. It never occurred to him to consider pulling the tribute when he still had time. He assumed that if there were anything to worry about he would have been told. In the meantime it would have been wrong for him to show an undue interest. He made it sound as if asking Ms Boaden about Newsnights plans would be like inquiring about her underwear. MPs are now well-practised in histrionic expressions of astonishment and disbelief. Labours Ben Bradshaw looked like a man who sees an out-of-control steamroller crashing down his garden path. The Tories Philip Davies, never knowingly undersmirked, just looked very happy as another apparatchik squirmed under his questioning. It had all started quite well. Mr Entwistle arrived with an aide and two enormous men who sat behind him. If he had been an East End gangster, wed have known why they were there. As it is, they are unlikely to be retrained as presenters on CBeebies. Mr Entwistle himself has a high, domed head, which gives him the air of a distracted scholar, and a light unassuming voice, possibly deployed in the hope that a soft answer might turn away at least some of the committees wrath. It soon became clear that he was a perfect bureaucrat, for whom the rules were overwhelmingly important. The Savile case was a grave matter. But we have done the proper things and in the right order. But he had missed vital facts. Paul Farrelly said that the central question that Jimmy Savile was a paedophile would have been obvious to a one-eyed Albanian. (They should nd one, and get him to head the next investigation.) Over and over again he repeated that he had stuck to BBC procedures. (Which, he admitted, needed to be calibrated more carefully, whatever that management jargon means.) So pleased and so precise was he about the regulations that a scornful Damian Collins said the BBC seemed to be run by structure and process, rather than by seeking information and making decisions. Near the end, he said that he had been anxious not to do anything to show excessive interest. He meant, I suppose, to avoid interfering with the news, but it came out all wrong. Philip Davies said your determination not to show an interest applies to everything at the BBC, and the whole room burst out laughing, which must have hurt.

George Entwistle leaves Portcullis House after giving evidence to the culture, media and sport select committee Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Whos who

From the top: consultations, communications, inferences and emails

George Entwistle
Director general from September 2012 Before September he was Vision director, responsible for BBC1s Savile tribute, shown in December 2011. Helen Boaden told him of Newsnights Savile story on 2 December 2011 and warned schedules may have to change. Asked by MPs yesterday what he thought Newsnight was investigating, he said: I dont remember reecting on it It was a determination not to show undue interest.

Mark Thompson
Director general until September 2012 Thompson started his job as chief executive of the New York Times Company on Monday. He said he had never heard allegations or complaints about Savile while he was as DG, was never formally notied about Newsnights Savile investigation, and was only alerted to it when a journalist asked him about it at a drinks reception. He has oered to appear before the culture select committee. Thompson said he had not yet been contacted by the corporations review into the aair. Thompson said the BBCs editorial policy department had a list of potentially sensitive programmes but it did not often include segments of strands such as Newsnight or Radio 4s Today programme. He said. I do not believe the Savile investigation was included on it. Certainly I do not recall seeing it there.

Stephen Mitchell
BBC News deputy director Newsnight editor Peter Rippon consulted Mitchell and Boaden as the programmes Savile investigation developed during November 2011.

Helen Boaden
BBC news director As news director, she had responsibility for Newsnight. Entwistle said the message he took from the 2 December conversation was it wasnt clear to Helen whether or not [the Savile story] was going to stand up. They never spoke about the investigation again, he added: I inferred the decision had been taken not to go ahead.

Peter Rippon
Newsnight editor Stepped aside on Monday, while an internal review of the handling of Newsnights Savile investigation is completed, after the journalists behind the story, Meirion Jones and Liz MacKean, challenged his reason for why it was dropped. Rippon had a change of heart about the Savile investigation on 30 November 2011, less than a week after expressing his enthusiasm in an email, MacKean said.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


On the media site What next for print journalism?

Terror accused posed as charity collectors

Press Association
Members of the public were duped into donating thousands of pounds to fund a massive suicide terror attack planned for Britain, a court heard yesterday. Irfan Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, were among a group of men who posed as collectors from Muslim Aid without the charitys knowledge complete with T-shirts and high-visibility tabards, to carry out collections for cash in Birmingham and Leicester last year, their trial at Woolwich crown court heard. The charity received just a fraction of the cash in August last year, with the vast majority being kept to nance the plot, the jury was told. The court has previously heard that the men planned to detonate a series of suicide bombs in an attack that could have been bigger than the 7 July 2005 atrocities in London. Notes found by police suggested that they collected 12,100, but the court was told they also lost 9,149.39 of their gains by using it to trade in foreign currency over four weeks. All the men are accused of engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts, which they deny. Naseer is accused of ve counts of the oence, Khalid four and Ali three, all between Christmas Day 2010 and 19 September last year. Naseer, from Sparkhill, Khalid, from Sparkbrook, and Ali, from Balsall Heath, all in Birmingham, are alleged to have planned a bombing campaign, collected money for terrorism, and recruited others for terrorism. Naseer and Khalid are also accused of travelling to Pakistan for training in terrorism, and it is alleged that Naseer also helped others to travel to the country for the same purpose. The men also talked about putting sharp blades on the front of a truck and running into people, the court heard. Recorded speaking on 10 September, they discussed an idea for a weapon that had been published in an outlawed extremist online magazine called Inspire, under the headline The ultimate mowing machine. It was an article, the prosecution said, the defendants were aware of. Naseer said: So Ashik, it feel like Ive been driving a monster truck, you know. Khalid said: Yeah and do what AQ [alQaida] said, put that blades at the front of it and trample on everyone. He continued later: Just drive it into people in [a] crowded area. The men also discussed what would happen to their bodies after they had been killed in a suicide attack, the court heard. In what the prosecution called a very telling exchange, they discussed where they would be buried in Birmingham, while they were being watched by surveillance ocers as they drove through Birmingham on 11 September last year. Khalid said: Nah, Im just thinking most likely itll be Handsworth [cemetery], if theres a body left. Naseer replied: One thing, one thing, remember, once that, once you done, it doesnt matter where you get buried. Altman said: The exchange puts beyond doubt that they were planning a suicide attack. The trial continues.

Superblogger Clark Kent quits job to go online

Alison Flood

Journalisms future lies online at least according to Supermans alter ego Clark Kent, who is about to quit his job at the Daily Planet and found a version of the Drudge Report. In the new issue of DC Comics Superman series, out tomorrow, Clark will stand up in front of sta in a Jerry Maguire-type moment and resign, bemoaning how journalism has given way to entertainment, writer Scott Lobdell told USA Today. Clark, played by Brandon Routh, left, in Superman Returns, will call on his fellow reporters to stand up for truth, justice, and yeah Im not ashamed to say it the American way, said Lobdell. Rather than Clark be this clownish suit that Superman puts on, were going to really see Clark come into his own in the next few years as a guy who takes to the internet and to the airwaves and starts speaking an unvarnished truth. I dont think hes going to be lling out an application anywhere. He is more likely to start the next Hungton Post or the next Drudge Report than he is to go nd someone else to get assignments or draw a paycheck from. Clark Kent has worked at Metropolis paper the Daily Planet since the 1940s, though Comic Book Resources notes he has left the company in the past. Lobdell said his departure this time is what happens when a 27-year-old guy is behind a desk and he has to take instruction from a larger conglomerate with concerns that arent his own Superman is arguably the most powerful person on the planet, but how long can he sit at his desk with someone treating him like the least important person in the world? asked the writer.

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The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


Badger cull

Stay of execution as minister is forced into embarrassing U-turn

Paterson blames higher than expected numbers, bad weather and Olympics
Damian Carrington
Englands controversial badger cull has been postponed until next summer in an embarrassing U-turn by Owen Paterson, the environment secretary. Paterson said he remained absolutely committed to the plan, but opponents have pledged to continue the ght to persuade the government to abandon it. According to Paterson, the farmers charged with carrying out the cull, aimed at curbing the rise in bovine tuberculosis (TB) infection in cattle, were unable to carry out the scheme before the start of winter, in part due to higher than expected badger numbers. It would be wrong to go ahead if those on the ground cannot be confident [of completing the cull], he said. Paterson also blamed the wet summer, time-consuming legal challenges to the cull, and the Olympics, which had led to insufficient police being available to start culling during the summer. I must emphasise that there is no change to the governments policy, he said. Asked by the Guardian whether he was concerned about public opinion being against him, Paterson said: I will do what is right, not what gives me a warm feeling or gives protest groups a warm feeling. No 10 denied that David Cameron had intervened in the decision but said he had been aware and was consulted, and it was possible he had talked to farmers directly about their concerns. There had been a suggestion that the prime minister, whose constituency is a rural area in Oxfordshire, had caused a delay in the announcement at the end of last week because he was dealing with the resignation of his chief whip. It has also been mooted he had intervened to insist on a delay to the cull after an appeal from farmers worried that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Aairs was determined to press ahead. There have been discussions over the last few days about this, and No 10 and the PM have been involved in those discussions, said the prime ministers ocial spokesman. The shadow environment secretary, Mary Creagh, said: We have the right decision for the wrong reasons. The government has been twisting the evidence to t their policy. We warned for two years that this cull was bad for farmers, bad for taxpayers and bad for wildlife. Paterson and the National Farmers Union (NFU) will have to overcome a series of diculties if the cull is to proceed next year. Scientic and public opinion are strongly opposed, legal challenges remain, and the cost and logistics of culling will continue to present diculties. Peter Kendall, president of the NFU, said: For those that have suggested that this cull is irresponsible, I think todays decision shows that this is simply not the case. Postponement is the most responsible thing to do.


A costly and ineective plan

Politicians are sometimes driven to out public opinion and sometimes to out scientic opinion. But outing both simultaneously is doubly dangerous and this underlies the desperate trouble facing the plan to cull Englands badgers, now delayed. The environment secretary, Owen Paterson, in a performance in the Commons, has made it crystal clear he remains committed to the cull. If he has sought to portray the current troubles bad summer weather, the legal battle, and the police-diverting Olympics as a molehill he still faces a mountain to deliver the cull. The badger killing plan has two aims: to curb rising tuberculosis infections in cattle and to cut the cost of dealing with TB. Yet evidence that the proposed cull fails to address either of these issues was present from the start. No scientic expert I have found outside the government payroll backs the cull. Worse, they have derided it in extraordinarily outspoken terms. The veterinary surgeon who ran the trial, John Bourne, said the cull was capable of making TB a damn sight worse. The 32 eminent scientists who wrote to the Observer calling for the cull to be abandoned called the plan a costly distraction. They appear right. Stubborn ministers appear wrong. Damian Carrington


The musician Brian May, whose successful e-petition won the rst Commons debate on the proposed badger cull, scheduled for this Thursday, said: This is by no means the end of the line. What we need is a complete abandonment. He pledged to work with farmers on a pilot vaccination scheme that could come in months, not years. Gavin Grant, the RSPCAs chief executive, said: Hopefully this marks the beginning of the end for these unscientic, foolish and cruel plans to cull badgers. This must not be a temporary reprieve, but must mark an end to all cull plans. The cull delay follows an embarrassing U-turn in 2011 by the environment department on the sale of public forests and comes after a dicult week for the government in which Cameron was criticised over an apparently bungled announcement on energy bills, and the chief whip, Andrew Mitchell, resigned. Ministers and farmers have argued that a badger cull is essential to help stop the spread of TB, while opponents maintain that the main problem is disease transmission between cattle and warn that a cull could prompt badgers to disperse and so spread the disease more widely. Last year 26,000 cattle were slaughtered and the disease cost taxpayers 90m, which included compensation to farmers.


This goes to show how awed the cull was

Steven Morris
Its a mess, a bloody mess, said Carol Wainwright, who farms in the planned cull area in Gloucestershire. The governments messed the whole thing up. Its disgusting. Theyve put us through all this, promised theyre going to sort out the problem and then at the last minute they give up. Steve Jones, a farm manager in the Forest of Dean and a critic of culling, said: I thought it would be derailed. But I thought the train would at least get out of the station. This just goes to show how awed the cull was. Public opinion is against it, science is against it, commonsense is against it. Jones feels sorry for farmers who are having to cope with bovine TB but

believes they need to do more and be helped to do more to improve animal husbandry and biosecurity. Dairy farmers have a really big problem. The price of milk is so low that these farms are becoming more and more impoverished. They cant aord to look after the animals, he said. Roger Yeates, a Forest of Dean farmer and Conservative councillor, said the planned cull had been badly handled. I didnt think shooting badgers was the way to go that would mean killing the healthy ones that were running about; the infected ones tend to stay underground. Im pleased its o. The Forest of Dean district council had voted to ban badger culling on its land and was calling on all landowners within its boundary to do the same. Jackie Fraser, the Labour councillor

who proposed the ban on culling, said: Im pleased but cautious. I hope the government is going to look seriously at other ways of tackling bovine TB. Campaigners (right), including Gloucestershire Against Badger Shooting, expressed delight. Liz Gaer, a GABS spokeswoman, admitted she had tears in her eyes when she heard. We are so, so pleased we hope the government will not just delay but will decide not to pursue a cull as the evidence is clear that culling badgers is not the most eective, ecient or humane way of reducing bovine TB. People in Gloucestershire e have voiced their concern

over the rationale behind it and the safety issues involved. We believe the government may have taken this on board and we will continue a to campa campaign for a vaccination programme of cattle and badgers. program For now the saboteurs, who had n been ready to get out into the cull r zones in high-visibility jackets and carrying horns and rape alarms, carryi can stand down. Over the last few st months experienced saboteurs have been joined by many newcomers to joi the animal rights scene, keen to map anim setts and disrupt the cull. an Kayleigh, an activist, said: Its Kayl fantastic news; it takes the pressure fantast o us a bit but well continue to survey setts and continue to prepare. Well a also be making sure farmers dont start b taking the law into their own hands. takin


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


UK wellbeing 13% down and falling, ONS data reveals

Squeeze on families continues as prices rise Recovery slower than after previous two recessions
Larry Elliott Randeep Ramesh
A mix of deep recession and high ination has left national wellbeing in Britain more than 13% down on its level before the global nancial crisis, according to new government data. The Oce for National Statistics (ONS) said the hit to real living standards caused by the worst downturn of the postwar era had been almost double the fall in national output as measured by gross domestic product (GDP). The governor of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King, dropped a hint last night that the latest growth figures due out tomorrow would show the UK was about to emerge from its double-dip recession. However, data released by the ONS on wellbeing showed that net national income per head (NNI) considered to be the best guide to real living standards held up in the early stages of the recession but has continued to drop as a result of the squeeze on family budgets from rising prices. The ONS said that NNI per head fell by 13.2% between the rst three months of 2008 when the economy peaked and the second quarter of 2012. Over the same period, GDP per head fell by 7%. The gures indicate that the political battles over the squeezed middle will continue in the runup to the next election. Even if the data is adjusted to include the welfare state especially important in Britain with the NHS it still reveals a bleak picture. This gure, known as real household actual income per head, dropped in the second quarter of 2012 by 2.9% below its peak in the third quarter of 2009. Catherine McKinnell, a shadow Treasury minister, said: These gures show how the recovery from the global nancial crisis we had two years ago has gone into reverse under this government. Families and pensioners are worse o because of the lack of jobs and growth under David Camerons failing economic plan. According to the study, the decline in living standards has been more pronounced and longer lasting than in the UKs two previous recessions in the early 1980s and early 1990s. NNI dropped by around 6% in early 1980s, but was back to its pre-recession peak within three years. In the early 1990s, the decline was 4%, and the lost ground was recouped in two and a half years. The ONS said the latest recessions longer decline was partially a result of unemployment not rising to the same extent as in the previous recession, and historic low interest rates reducing mortgage payments for those on tracker mortgages. In contrast to the recovery from the 1990s recession, it said, as the economy emerged from the contraction that started in 2008, real household incomes began to fall; a downwards trend that continued to the start of 2012. The cause of this fall was primarily due to an increase in prices, such as fuel, utility bills and food. The data release marks a significant shift in the view of how UK economic changes aect peoples wellbeing. Since 2008, when a report for the French government by economists Joseph Stiglitz, Amartya Sen and Jean-Paul Fitoussi argued that governments should look at peoples income and consumption to evaluate their wellbeing rather than at production to assess progress, countries have begun to use such measures to size up a nations happiness. As the ONS admits: GDP was not designed as a measure of individual or national wellbeing Living standards are more closely aligned with net national income (the total income available to residents of that country) as GDP can expand at the same time as incomes decrease and vice versa. Speaking in Cardiff, King said that despite the probable increase in GDP it was clear that the recovery and rebalancing of the UK economy are proceeding at a slow and uncertain pace. At this stage, it is dicult to know whether some of the recent more positive signs will persist. He said the Banks monetary policy committee would think long and hard before deciding next month whether to create more electronic money through quantitative easing, under which Threadneedle Street has purchased 375bn of gilts. But should those signs fade, the MPC does stand ready to inject more money into the economy, King said. He dismissed the idea of handing cash to the public in helicopter drops, describing it as a backdoor way of relaxing the governments austerity strategy that risked either uncontrolled ination or the eventual insolvency of the Bank of England. The problems in the world economy mean that we shall have to be patient, he said.

Household income
Real household income per head is struggling to recover from this recession


1990 recession


100 Last quarter before recession = 100 95 Q2 Q4 Q6 Q8

2008 recession

Q10 Q12 Q14 Q16

Household savings
Increases in household savings are associated with worries about the future economic climate

8 6 4 2 0







Deportation of Tamils is halted

Shiv Malik
The high court has ordered that the imminent deportation to Sri Lanka of a number of Tamils be halted, amid claims the indiviuals could be tortured on their return. Three solicitors rms conrmed that a number of their clients had been given lastminute reprieves and would not be own out of the country on a specially chartered UK Border Agency ight that was expected to leave Tuesday afternoon. It is understood another 10 to 12 rms have lodged last-minute client appeals . Toufique Hossain, of Duncan Lewis solicitors, said he had received orders from the court on Monday night for three of his clients, two of whom had appealed against deportation on grounds they would face torture on their return to Colombo. It is not known how many injunction orders the court issued before Tuesdays ight, understood to be carrying about 60 passengers to Sri Lanka. A UKBA spokesperson said: We only undertake returns to Sri Lanka when we are satised the individual has no international protection needs. The European court of human rights has ruled that not all Tamil asylum seekers require protection. A Commons foreign aairs committee report published last week condemned the Home Offices lack of urgency and transparency on the issue. On Monday, Keith Best, chief of Freedom from Torture, suggested that evidence of a major risk miscalculation was stacking up.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


Analogue signal nally fades out for British TV

Northern Ireland last to go as switchover completed Five-year plan delivered on time and under budget
John Plunkett
As TV nales go it may not have generated the viewer anticipation of the last episodes of Seinfeld or Friends. But 76 years of television history came to an end at midnight last night when the analogue TV signal was switched o in Northern Ireland. The event completed the UKs ve-year digital switchover at a cost of more than 1bn, that began in Whitehaven, Cumbria, in 2007 and was rst mooted by then culture secretary Chris Smith in 1999. Dire predictions of TV blackout chaos one of the more sensational newspaper headlines that greeted the plan failed to materialise. Digital UK, the body responsible for coordinating the switch-over and information campaign that accompanied it, said it had delivered on time and under budget. It was not without a hitch: a new transmitter system caught re unfortunately for Digital UK in the Oxfordshire constituency of the broadcasting minister, Ed Vaizey. Service was resumed after a break in transmission that lasted a few hours. Clearly television is a very popular thing and getting it wrong would have been very public, said David Scott, chief executive of Digital UK. The potentially tricky switchover process was aided by advances in small-screen technology, not just from analogue to digital but concerning at screen TVs, high denition and 3D sets which encouraged people to purchase new televisions rather quicker than they once might. We were working with the grain of the market, said Scott, who acknowledged that there was a small percentage of viewers who would quite happily have stuck with ve or in areas without Channel 5, four analogue TV services alone. But viewers should not rest easy in their armchairs yet. The switch-o of the analogue signal has opened up the airwaves for the fourth generation of mobile phone services, or 4G, which is expected to arrive in the UK by next summer and will raise up to 4bn for the government. However, the new era of mobile phone communication could interfere with the digital TV signal and affect nearly 2m households around Britain watching via the Freeview service. The cost of the switchover to the government, licence-fee payers and commercial broadcasters was put at more than 1bn, a sum that included a 630m bill for converting more than 1,000 transmitters across the UK from analogue to digital. The media regulator Ofcom estimated that the switchover would cost each household an average of 132. But it is dicult to dierentiate between homes which would have upgraded anyway and those people forced to switch to digital because their analogue sets no longer worked. Dame Mary Peters was given the job of icking the switch at the Divis transmitting station in Antrim to shut down the analogue signal in Northern Ireland, 76 years after the first regular TV service began on 2 November 1936 when the BBC broadcast from Alexandra Palace, north London. The switchover also rang the death knell for the BBCs text service, Ceefax. Digital UK will return 74m of its 201m communications budget to the government, while the BBC is expected to return nearly half the 600m fund it had to help elderly and disabled people convert their television sets.

Laurie Sansoms production of The Holy Rosenbergs at the National Theatre in London last year Photograph: Tristram Kenton

Sansom will lead wherever Scotlands national theatre goes

Mark Brown Arts correspondent
Laurie Sansom is to take over at the National Theatre of Scotland when Vicky Featherstone leaves at the end of the year to become artistic director of Londons Royal Court theatre, it will be announced today. Sansom, who helped make the Royal & Derngate in Northampton one of the most exciting UK regional theatres, said the move was a thrilling challenge. The fact that the NTS does not have a building of its own a theatre without walls was a huge attraction, he said. There was some scepticism in certain quarters when it was rst set up, but it has been such a success in terms of the breadth of work that can be delivered. His canvas is enormous, he said, whether it is small development projects, big community works or large-scale productions that can tour internationally. Being able to programme on all those levels and develop new and classic work and work with unconventional theatre makers is really exciting. I dont really think there is any other arts organisation in the UK that is able to do that kind of spread of work. Sansom, 40, took over at Northampton in 2006, the year it reopened after a 14.5m redevelopment. The company won the inaugural Stage award of regional theatre of the year in 2010 and has won much acclaim, both under Sansom and his predecessor, Rupert Goold, with the Guardians Michael Billington naming it the most exciting regional theatre of the decade. Sansom, who was Alan Ayckbourns associate director at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough, will be the second artistic director of the NTS. Featherstone was with the organisation from its launch in February 2006. Laurie Sansom turned the Royal & Derngate in Northampton into one of the most exciting regional theatres in Britain The NTS has been a huge success, with 186 productions in 156 locations and some memorable shows, not least the megahit Black Watch, which is still touring the world and will this week open in Seoul. Sansom , who is not Scottish, said: Edinburgh is almost like a second home, but, yes, I will in some ways be coming to it with fresh eyes, which will have advantages and disadvantages. It will mean lots of conversations and lots of travelling.

Bad blood in Boxing Day killing

Press Association
A teenager died on Oxford Street in central London after being stabbed during the Boxing Day sales, a court has heard. Seydou Diarrassouba, 18, was knifed twice in the chest by Jermaine Joseph with such speed that no one realised what had happened, said Mark Heywood QC, prosecuting. He had been stabbed through the heart with such force that the knife broke in two at the hilt, Heywood said. Diarrassouba staggered out of the Foot Locker store and collapsed on the pavement on Britains busiest shopping street, where he died. The court heard that Diarrassouba and Joseph had seen each other on the street and ran into the shop, where Diarrassouba had just bought shoes, along with co-accused Thulani Khumalo. Heywood told the Old Bailey the case involved bad blood. Heywood said: The grievance was evidently a deep and powerful one. It led almost instantly to ugly, brutish violence in broad daylight in a packed street on the busiest shopping day of the year. You may think that was one of the days and places people could go in peace. Joseph, 23, from Tottenham, and Khumalo, 20, from Finsbury Park, both in north London, deny murder on 26 December last year. Joseph told police he had acted in self-defence, and Khumalo denied involvement. The case continues.

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The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


adverts featuring Rachel Weisz, Christy Turlington, Julia Roberts and Penlope Cruz banned. Christian Dior said consumers expected images used in adverts for beauty products to have used professional styling and photography. It admitted Portman had not worn false eyelashes in the photoshoot, but it had added the appearance through digital enhancement using Photoshop. Christian Dior said a minimal amount of retouching took place in relation to increasing the thickness and volume of a number of her natural lashes. The main point of the airbrushing was to stylistically lengthen and curve her lashes and the look achieved did not go beyond what consumers could do with the products themselves. The ASA said: Because we considered that we had not seen sucient evidence to show that the post-production retouching on Natalie Portmans lashes in the ad did not exaggerate the likely eects of the product, we concluded the ad was likely to mislead. Mark Sweney

Retailers to adopt single trac-light label system

All major supermarkets will nally adopt a version of trac-light labelling to help end confusion about which are the healthiest and unhealthiest foods, the government will announce today. Ministers have agreed with industry ocials that leading food producers and retailers will use a consistent, UK-wide form of front-of-pack labelling from the middle of next year. Called a hybrid system by the Department of Health, it will combine colour coding, guideline daily amounts which research has shown many consumers nd baing and the words high, medium or low to describe certain ingredients, though the exact form has not yet been nalised. The aim is to make it easier for consumers to quickly tell the fat, salt, sugar, saturated-fat and calorie content of particular foods from the colour used. Morrisons, Aldi and Lidl, which had opposed trac lights, have now agreed to introduce them in some form. Health campaigners welcomed the move. We are delighted, said Charlie Powell, director of the Childrens Food Campaign. You wont have to be a maths genius any more to work out which is the healthier product to buy. Anna Soubry, the public health minister, said: By having a consistent system we will all be able to see at a glance what is in our food. This will help us all choose healthier options and control our calorie intake. Denis Campbell


Unconditional payout goes to more people

Disability charities cautiously welcomed a government announcement that more claimants are receiving maximum, unconditional disability benet payments, the apparent result of improvements to the testing system. The percentage of new claimants receiving unconditional employment and support allowance (ESA) payments has doubled since May 2010, according to the quarterly statistical release from the Department for Work and Pensions. New employment minister Mark Hoban attributed the increase to recent improvements to the work capability assessment (WCA), the test designed to determine who should receive benets and who should be classied as t for work. We are determined to carry on improving the assessment so those who are too unwell to work get the nancial support they need, while those who can work get the help they need to get a job, he said. With annual independent reviews and by working with medical experts and charities, we have substantially improved the WCA process. Paul Farmer, chief executive of Mind, said the test remained deeply awed though he said he was pleased fewer people were being inappropriately declared t for work, and that more will have unconditional access to ESA. Amelia Gentleman


Hospitals lose out on A&E patients

Hospitals are dealing with rising numbers of patients coming into accident and emergency departments but losing money in treating them, a survey of topperforming trusts reveals. The study, launched today at the Foundation Trust Networks annual conference in Liverpool, emphasises that fundamental problems remain on the funding of A&E and emergency services. Looking at 11 hospitals around the country, the network found that each received an average of between 79 and 123 for every patient seen in A&E, yet the cost of treating these patients is between 69 and 129 per patient. Only a minority of the trusts in the study broke even on their A&E work, says the report. The foundation trusts, which represent more than 200 NHS organisations, are calling on the government to re-examine the policy of paying for some emergency admissions at 30% of the standard rate. Chris Hopson, chief executive of the Foundation Trust Network, said: The amount NHS trusts are paid for doing this work is being trimmed by a policy designed to keep people out of hospital beds. But there is only so much that hospital-based services can do to change patterns of care. Randeep Ramesh


Court upholds payouts for delayed ights

Airlines face paying out millions of pounds to passengers after the European court of justice upheld a 2009 ruling that compensation should be paid for ight delays as well as cancellations. The court ruled that passengers whose ights arrive more than three hours late are entitled to compensation of up to 600 (488) each unless the delay is due to extraordinary circumstances outside the airlines control, such as strikes or bad weather. Delays could cause similar inconvenience as cancellations and therefore passengers should be similarly recompensed, it said. The judgment resolves a grey area in regulation and potentially opens up airlines to millions of pounds in claims, including many put on hold pending the European ruling. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said the verdict provided much needed clarity. The EU is separately reviewing its regulations on what assistance and compensation should be provided. A spokeswoman for easyJet, said the airline was disappointed but also welcomed the clarity. Long-haul and charter ight customers on holiday packages are most likely to benet. Passengers will still have to pursue claims individually. Gwyn Topham


ASA bans retouched Portman advert for Dior

A beauty advert for Christian Dior featuring Black Swan actor Natalie Portman has been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority for being airbrushed. Portman, right, appeared in a magazine advert promoting mascara, accompanied by the boast that the product delivers a spectacular volume-multiplying eect, lash by lash. Rival LOral lodged a complaint with the ASA that the advert misleadingly exaggerated the likely effects of the product. LOral itself has been one of the biggest oenders in the watchdogs crackdown on airbrushed and exaggerated beauty adverts in recent years, with


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Guardian prole Tim Montgomerie

The Tory who found a new way to get under his partys skin
Andy Beckett
ameron has been one of the most disappointing Conservative leaders. During his tenure, error has been piled upon error. His party is still seen as a party of the rich. His big society has been a complete failure as a message. In oce, as well as lacking a plan, his party has lost a sense of social justice Conservative rhetoric often borders on social Darwinism. Instead of a rightwing party with a heart, Cameron has created a centrist party with cuts. Even after months of Tory troubles, it is still a shock to hear these things from a lifelong Conservative. And not from some disgruntled activist or marginalised, anonymous cabinet dissident, but from one of the partys dominant gures, on the record, in the New Statesman, this newspaper and the Spectator over the past 12 months. Yet Tim Montgomerie is not like previous important Tories. Instead of a parliamentary constituency or ministry, or a personal fortune used for strategic donations, he has an unocial party website, ConservativeHome, and an increasing ubiquity in the rest of the political media. At 42, he is a uent, seemingly inexhaustible writer, broadcaster, thinker, alliance-builder and campaigner. Over the past dozen years, he has played multiple, apparently contradictory Tory roles: internal critic and cheerleader; intimate of the party elite; self-appointed voice of the grassroots; polemicist for a more populist Conservatism sometimes more, sometimes less right wing and dispassionate analyst of the partys ups and downs. Its a new role in British politics, said Max Wind-Cowie of the Progressive Conservatism Project at the thinktank Demos. Without being elected, originally without the endorsement of a national paper, standing outside the ocial structure of one of the main parties, he has established himself as one of the foremost voices about what that party should do. Robert Halfon, Tory MP for Harlow, who has known Montgomerie since university, said: Ive never met anyone like him. Hes got so much energy in his head. He is a political entrepreneur. Montgomerie founded ConservativeHome in 2005. Since 2009, it has been funded by the wealthy, perpetually manoeuvring Tory peer Lord Ashcroft. Edited by Montgomerie and four other sta, written by them and scores of contributors, it serves as a unique one stop shop for hundreds of thousands of rightwing Britons. ConHome, as it is known in Tory circles, oers punditry, gossip, political philosophy, policy wonkery, a comprehensive roundup of Westminster news, appeals for help with Conservative causes, sales pitches from ambitious MPs, and sometimes raw contributions from party members and supporters. I and almost everyone else I know in the party read it at least once a day, said Wind-Cowie. Jesse Norman, Conservative MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire, said: Very few younger MPs dont check it. Halfon added: There are a lot of people in the Commons who say we dont look at it when they look at it 50 times a day. Wind-Cowie, Norman and Halfon are all contributors few prominent youngish Tories are not but the site is also respected by bloggers on the left. Sunny Hundal, editor of Liberal Conspiracy, said: As a political operation I think ConHome sets the benchmark for everyone else. One well-connected Tory-watcher calls the site a party within a party. A Tory MP said: Being a ConHome reader has almost replaced the party membership. I dont think Ive looked at the ocial Conservative party website for about six months. Strikingly, senior Tories criticised on ConservativeHome, such as the former health secretary Andrew Lansley, the former Tory chair Lady Warsi, and the former justice secretary Ken Clarke, often lose their jobs. On BBC Question

Potted prole
Born 24 July 1970 Career Son of a soldier who discovered Thatcherism and Christianity in his teens, rose and then fell as an inuential behind-the-scenes Tory, then reinvented himself as a new kind of political player through his website ConservativeHome. High point Predicting before the 2010 general election that the rst-ever televised party leaders debates would be a big boost for Nick Clegg, and that the Conservatives might live to regret agreeing to participate. Low point Failure, as Iain Duncan Smiths chief of sta, to help protect the Tory leader in 2003 from a party coup. What he says Im not worried about ConservativeHome being too powerful. Im worried that Ill wake up tomorrow morning and nd a group of Conservatives with a lot of money behind them have launched a rival. What they say Hes a natural politician, says one Tory journalist. Hell make an alliance with anyone on a single issue. What if he had become an MP in 2001 like Cameron and Osborne? It was an incredibly weak intake; had Montgomerie been there, Cameron and Osborne would have had more competition since. for a polemicist, he retains an unusual zest for gures Montgomerie moved into full-time politics at Conservative central oce, rst under the leadership of William Hague, then under Iain Duncan Smith. Montgomerie saw his mission as strengthening the Tories social conscience while keeping them as a strongly rightwing party. Duncan Smith increasingly relied on him, rst as a speechwriter, then chief of sta. The fact that Duncan Smiths leadership went so badly has provided ammunition for Montgomeries enemies. As one MP put it: Tim is part of the problem, not part of the solution, some would say. The last time he had inuence, the party was not in a beautiful place. To some of his critics, Montgomerie combines a restless search for ideological purity with electoral naivety: The Conservative version of Michael Foots Labour party, wrote Matthew Parris in the Spectator last year. Others nd Montgomeries ever-quotable outspokenness sly or baing or self-indulgent, given the already-bueted government. He does cause a lot of angst, particularly in No 10, said the Tory blogger Iain Dale. But they still deal with him. Montgomerie is still invited to Downing Street drinks parties, and Cameron still talks to him at them. Few doubt that Montgomerie would prefer a dierent leader. He was one of the earliest Tory pessimists about the partys chances at the next general election, and ConservativeHome, some Tories speculate, will play a pivotal kingmaking role if Cameron fails to win. Montgomerie said carefully: One day, we could bring two huge assets together, Boris, as a presidential PM, and the [very rightwing] class of 2010. Yet Montgomerie is more complex than sometimes imagined. Disarmingly mild-mannered, he never forgets if he feels youve let him down, said Halfon. He lives in Salisbury, not London, most of the week. He is single, and able to work six days a week, he says, following biblical principle: on the seventh, he gets the train with his sister to watch Manchester United. Like many obsessive activists Montgomerie insists he never wants to be an MP he oscillates between optimism and pessimism, dissidence and loyalty. He recently launched another website,, dedicated, it appears, to campaigning for a Tory majority in 2015. He has described his political trajectory as a journey. He said: Perhaps Ive moved leftwards on the NHS and rightwards on crime. His ambition, he said, is for ConservativeHome to be handed over to someone else to run. Then what? There is an uncharacteristic pause. Maybe something in the [international] development world. Whoever is Tory leader then may breathe a sigh of relief.


Time in February, Clarke railed against Tim Montgomerie, who sets himself up as representing every active Tory in the country on his blasted website. Sometimes mockingly, sometimes fearfully, many Tories now refer to Montgomerie as the high priest of Conservatism. In truth, ConservativeHome is a little too broad in tone and content to be a personal mouthpiece. It publishes hostile reader responses to Montgomeries more controversial stances, such as support for a wealth tax (This is madness) and gay marriage (Youve sold your soul). Yet an argument for a particular sort of Conservatism pervades the site. Montgomerie and his online allies are sceptical about the EU, and about Cameron and his Tory modernisation, which they consider too metropolitan

One day we could bring together two huge assets, Boris as a presidential PM and the class of 2010

and gay marriage aside too socially liberal. Most Britons, they argue, want the party to be tough on crime, welfare and immigration; but also more socially concerned and less elitist rightwing with a heart, in Montgomeries phrase. Hes got a robust, highly intelligent, well-organised critique of Conservatism from within the right, said Norman. The hybrid that Tim is pulling together is rediscovering arguments from the 80s and 90s, but explicitly actuated by concern for the less well-o. The political eect of that is to reach out across political, class and emotional lines. Recently, there have been signs that the government is paying these ideas close attention. Conservative methods are not just good for the strong and the successful but the best way to help the poor, Cameron told his party conference this month. Montgomerie and ConservativeHome were even more prominent at the event than usual, their large, showily positioned marquee hosting events featuring Tory stars such as Michael Gove, Iain Duncan Smith and, most noisily, Boris Johnson whose party leadership credentials Montgomerie has been pointedly talking up. At Tory gatherings, Montgomerie is easy to spot: tall, more casually dressed than many, speaking in a seductively calm voice that combines politeness and jolts of candour. At conference this month, he was just king of the whole place, said one attendee.

Montgomerie said: I do not want ConservativeHome to be a party within a party. I want it to be the conference fringe that never stops. Have he and the website prompted the Tories populist turn? It is possible that I was a little bit ahead of time on the need for the party to support Britains strivers. But the focus groups and opinion polls have been telling them similar things. Conservative unpopularity, and trying to nd ways to end it, have been the near-constants of his political life. Born into an army family in Hampshire in 1970, his politics were Tory from the start. But his teenage Thatcherism was tempered, he says, by discovering evangelical Christianity at 16. At Exeter University, he helped run the Conservative Association with Halfon and two other current Tory MPs, Sajid Javid and David Burrowes. It was the end of the 80s and support for the Tories was ebbing. Tim had a BBC computer with an oldfashioned printer, said Halfon. Hed produce leaets, newsletters, posters. A complete workaholic. ConHome is just an outgrowth of that. At Exeter, Montgomerie and Burrowes also started the Conservative Christian Fellowship. Inuenced by the US religious right, Montgomerie ercely promoted what he now calls traditional views on homosexuality. That was my upbringing. I dont hold those views any more. After working briey in the 1990s as a Bank of England statistician

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012



Salmond accused of misleading Scots on EU membership

First minister forced to make Holyrood statement Legal advice only sought last week, deputy reveals
Severin Carrell Scotland correspondent
Alex Salmond has been accused of misleading voters about the legal advice given to his government about the right of an independent Scotland to join the European Union. The rst minister has repeatedly said that Scotland would be an automatic member of the EU, be free to adopt sterling as its currency and would inherit all the UKs opt-outs on EU immigration and border controls. He has asserted that this position was supported by his governments legal advice. But Salmond was forced to make a statement to the Scottish parliament late yesterday after opposition leaders accused him of lying and covering-up following an admission from his deputy, Nicola Sturgeon, that no specic legal advice had been given by Scottish law ocers on EU membership. His critics highlighted an interview by Salmond with Andrew Neil on BBC1s Sunday Politics earlier this year in which the rst minister said he had been given clear legal advice by Scottish law officers. Asked by Neil whether he had sought advice from the Scottish governments own law ocers on membership of the EU, Salmond replied: We have, yes, in terms of the debate. Asked what that advice said, Salmond responded: Well, you know I cant give you the legal advice or reveal the legal advice of law ocers, but what you can say is that everything we publish is consistent with the legal advice we have received. But in an unexpected disclosure yesterday to the Scottish parliament, which capped an already dicult day for Salmond after two SNP backbenchers resigned over Nato, Sturgeon revealed that the Scottish government had only sought legal advice from its law ocers in the last week. The Scottish government was due to appear at a two-day hearing in Scotlands highest civil court in December in an attempt to overturn a historic ruling by Rosemary Agnew, the Scottish information commissioner, that this legal advice should be published in the public interest. However, this court action will now be dropped, Sturgeon said. I can conrm that the government has now commissioned specic legal advice from our law ocers on the position of Scotland within the EU if independence is achieved, she said. [The] Scottish government had previously cited opinions from a number of eminent legal authorities, past and present [but] has not sought specic legal advice. She also suggested that getting legal advice was only possible now that Salmond and David Cameron, the prime minister, had signed the Edinburgh agreement to legally establish the independence referendum. In a brief statement to MSPs, Salmond denied misleading voters but again said every Scottish government statement and policy paper on EU membership had drawn on its own legal advice, appearing to contradict Sturgeons earlier statement. He said he was talking about general advice, adding: All of these documents are underpinned by legal advice by our own law ocers. They have to be. That is the reality. Many legal experts argue that an independent Scotland would have to reapply as a new state, a view that appeared to be supported by the European commissions president, Jos Manuel Barroso, last month, leading to suggestions it must then join the euro. Catherine Stihler, the Labour MEP for The Scottish government had previously cited opinions but had not sought specic legal advice Nicola Sturgeon Scotland whose first freedom of information request led to Salmonds legal challenge, said: When I attended the court of session in September the Scottish government must have known that their legal advice was just a blank sheet of paper. Thousands of pounds later and now we are told they are seeking legal advice. You couldnt make it up; its lies, lies and more damned lies. Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Tory leader, stopped short of accusing Salmond of lying, but said: This has been a cabinet cover-up right from the beginning, using taxpayers money to try and hoodwink the Scottish people. This is conduct unbecoming of a rst minister and his government and exposes the depths to which they will sink to realise their independence dream. The controversy added to what was already a dicult day for Salmond, which saw his overall majority at Holyrood reduced to two seats. Earlier yesterday, two rebel MSPs Jean Urquhart and John Finnie, resigned from the party in protest at an SNP conference vote at the weekend to join the nucleararmed military alliance Nato.

Absent friend Battle of Britain pilot dies aged 99

Peter Walker
A former Spitre pilot thought to be the oldest surviving Battle of Britain veteran, who bailed out of his stricken plane over the Channel and wrote poetry to commemorate his fallen comrades, has died aged 99. Flight Lieutenant William Walker, the London-born son of a brewer, died in hospital on Sunday after having a stroke three days earlier, the Battle of Britain Memorial Trust said. Walker, pictured left with Dame Vera Lynn in 2010, was 25 when he signed up to the RAF Volunteer Reserve as a trainee pilot in 1938, making him older than many of his Battle of Britain contemporaries. He remained active and had been due to attend the trusts annual gala dinner last Thursday, the organisation said. His habitual role at the event involved toasting fellow Battle of Britain pilots after reading Absent Friends, one of his poems about the campaign. Last year a book of Walkers poetry went on sale to aid a trust appeal to build a learning centre at Capel-le-Ferne in Kent, site of a Battle of Britain memorial. The memorial includes a copy of another Walker poem, Our Wall, which is carved in stone on the edge of the wall. Richard Hunting, chairman of the trust, described Walker as warm, engaging and friendly. He said: He knew how important it was that we continue to tell the story of what he and the rest of the Few did in 1940.. On 26 August 1940 Walkers Spitre was hit over the Channel and he bailed out, with a German bullet lodged in an ankle. He was rescued by a shing boat. His memorial trust obituary says Walker told how, as the surgeon prized the armour-piercing bullet from his ankle it shot out and hit the ceiling. He kept the bullet as a souvenir. Photograph: Lewis Whyld/PA Obituaries, page 42

Blacks back and belligerent, with swings at Paxman and Boulton

Lisa OCarroll
Disgraced former Daily Telegraph owner Conrad Black is back in town, throwing verbal haymakers at all and sundry ahead of a guest hosting turn on Fridays Have I Got News for You. In barely 24 hours since touching down in Britain after a three-year jail stint in the US, in his tour of London TV studios the former mogul has already branded Sky Newss Adam Boulton a jackass and told Newsnights Jeremy Paxman hes a priggish, gullible British fool. This after telling the Mail on Sunday that Rupert Murdoch is a psychopath like Stalin, except that he doesnt kill people. After serving 37 months in the US for defrauding investors and obstructing the course of justice, viewers might have expected more humility from the former press baron. In round one with Paxman on Monday night, the Newsnight presenter appeared to adopt Muhammad Alis rope-a-dope strategy, goading Black with repeated suggestions that he was a criminal with spectacular results. Black came out swinging: Let me tell you something. I am proud of having gone through the terribly dicult process of being falsely charged, falsely convicted and ultimately almost completely vindicated without losing my mind, becoming irrational, ceasing to be a penitent and reasonable person and actually being able to endure a discussion like this without getting up and smashing your face in. Yesterday, he popped up for his second round on Sky Newss Boulton & Co. Stop being a jackass, youre just being abrasive, he chided when Boulton asked him where he was going to live when his native Canada, where he is on a one-year temporary visa, turfed him out. I am not a refugee. Let me tell you something, he added, before stopping to ask Boulton: Whats your name again?

Disgraced press baron Conrad Black out of prison and unabashed

24 hours in pictures The most arresting news photography from the last 24 hours guardian. inpictures


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

US election

Obama puts on a positive spin after nal debate victory

Negative ads make way for second term planning Romney all over the map on foreign policy
Ewen MacAskill Boca Raton
Barack Obama tried to seize back the political initiative yesterday by abruptly switching to a new, positive strategy for the nal stretch of the White House campaign after dominating the third and nal presidential debate. After months of criticism for negative campaigning with a relentless and costly stream of advertisements attacking Republican candidate Mitt Romneys character the Obama campaign will now emphasise what the president would do with another four years in office. With the debates behind them, Obama and Romney hit the campaign trail yesterday, beginning a series of gruelling tours of the battleeld states that will hold the key to the election on 6 November. Obama spoke at a rally in Florida before heading to Ohio, while Romney held events in Nevada and Colorado. The consensus in the US media was that Obama had dominated Mondays 90-minute debate on foreign policy in Boca Raton, Florida, but that it was not enough. Although Obama won then a CBS instant poll after the Boca Raton debate put him on 53% to Romneys 23% and last week, these victories do not compensate for the debate that really mattered, when the president gave a lacklustre performance in Denver that allowed Romney back into the election race. Democrats and undecided voters have been pleading with Obama for months to set out in detail his second-term agenda, on which he has been vague so far. The campaign is printing 3.5m copies of a 20-page leaet to be distributed in the battleeld states setting out his proposals for economic recovery, domestic energy, education, tax, healthcare and pensions. Obama was backing it up with a minutelong advert in nine battleeld states from today. Although it is an important strategic switch, there is little new in the leaet, merely repackaging plans outlined over the last few months. In spite of going positive on this, the campaign will not abandon its attacks on Romneys character. Obamas main adviser, David Axelrod, in a conference call with reporters, described the debate as a great springboard for the last two weeks [of campaigning]. He denied rumours that the Obama campaign was abandoning North Carolina and Florida as already lost, insisting the races in those key states remain tight. Well know whos blung and who isnt in two weeks, Axelrod said. As the two campaigns set out on the nal two-week slog, the Romney team seemed to be the jauntier of the two, hoping that the momentum that began in Denver will carry them through to November 6. Stuart Stevens, one of Romneys main advisers, said: We came in [to the Monday debate] in a strong position and left in an even stronger one. He identied Ohio as a pivotal battleeld state. He will be in Ohio a lot, Stevens said. The Romney campaign is continuing with its negative campaigning, with an advert focusing on a line from the debate in which Romney accused Obama of having gone on an apology tour of the Middle East early in his presidency something the president vociferously denied. Meanwhile Restore Our Future, one of the super-political action committees (PACs), began a $17.7m ad blitz for Romney. In the third debate, Obama repeatedly portrayed Romney as all over the map on foreign policy. He described his opponent twice as wrong and reckless. The president worked through a list of issues on which he said Romney had been wrong, from support for the 2003 Iraq invasion through to opposing a timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan. On issue after issue, from Iranian sanctions to withdrawal from Afghanistan, there was little dierence between Romneys position and that of the administration, but Romney insisted he would have projected American strength more eectively. Continuing his shift into a more moderate, centrist position, he insisted that, in spite of past bellicose statements, he was not looking to engage in another war. One of the most telling moments came when Obama, in a flash of arrogance, lectured Romney on military developments. Responding to a pledge by Romney to increase military spending and a complaint that the navy had fewer ships, Obama resorted to heavy sarcasm. You mentioned the navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1917. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our militarys changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nucle submarines, nuclear Obama said. But Romney recovered in the second recovere half of the debate. On the Middle East he said an attack on Iran would be a last resort and that he was against direct US miliagains tary involvement in Syria. invol He sought to neutralise soug the advantage Obama adv enjoys thanks to the killth ing of Osama bin Laden O by insisting that his own insist policy was about more polic than going after tha the bad guys. th We cant just kill our way out of this mess, Romney said.

How they see the world

Number of times Obama and Romney mentioned foreign countries



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Factcheck Bayonets and the coast of Iran

Claim Barack Obama, seeking to deride Mitt Romney, said that just as the navy needed fewer but larger ships, Americas armed forces also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military has changed. Fact The US certainly use many fewer horses. The bayonet issue has been disputed, however, with many soldiers posting pictures of their bayonets online. In fact, old-fashioned bayonet charges are no longer part of US army basic training. The last time one was carried out in combat was in Korea in 1951. Knife combat is now taught to new recruits. Claim Obama said Romney had described Russia, not al-Qaida, as Americas biggest geopolitical threat. Fact In a March interview this year, Romney told CNN that Russia was without question our number one geopolitical foe. In Mondays debate Romney claimed that in the same paragraph he had said Iran was the greatest national security threat. But Romney only mentioned Iran in March after being prompted by a surprised interviewer, and described Russia as the major power behind the worlds terrible actors. Claim According to Obama, Romney had said the US should have more troops in Iraq right now. Fact Romney had faulted Obama for the abrupt manner of the pullout from Iraq after Washington and Baghdad failed to negotiate a status of forces agreement giving US troops immunity from Iraqi prosecution, but did not directly argue for more troops. Claim Romney said Obama had been silent over Irans Green revolution in 2009 rather than speaking out in support of the protesters. Fact Obama was initially reticent in part because his advisers feared that overt US support for the opposition during the 2009 election campaign would simply add weight to the depiction of them as western stooges by the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The White House also judged nuclear negotiations with Iran, then at a hopeful juncture, were its foreign policy priority. It was 10 days after the election, widely believed to have been rigged, before Obama condemned the violent suppression of demonstrators. Claim Romney said he would indict Ahmadinejad under the genocide convention, claiming he had incited genocide against Israel. Fact Ahmadinejad called in 2005 for the Israeli regime to be expunged from the pages of history, and it has istory, been disputed whether this meant ther physical destruction of the country. n The convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide does not list incitement ist as an indictable oence. Claim Romney said Syria d was Irans only ally in the y Arab world and Irans route to ans the sea. Fact this seems to ignore gnore Irans 1,500-mile Gulf ulf coastline, and the fact that Iran has no o border with Syria. Julian Borger

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On the ground

Foreign policy? The issues jobs,

Ed Pilkington Mentor, Ohio
Opinions will be divided over Monday nights nal presidential debate, but for Glenn Hener, a Romney volunteer in the bellwether town of Mentor in Ohio, the message was clear his man did the job that was needed and metamorphosed on camera into a president. I think Romney demonstrated that he is presidential, that he can lead this country not only here but internationally as well. The president of America is not only our leader, he is in a real sense president of the world. Two weeks ago, Hener, 66, had a couple of stents put in his heart. Now hes back up, knocking on doors and making calls, showing the determination that Mitt Romney is hoping will put him in the White House. Lake County is a microcosm of Ohio, and Ohio is a microcosm of America. The state has sided with the winning candidate in the past 11 presidential elections. The same could be said of Lake County no other part of Ohio has clung so closely to the prevailing mood of the state in recent times. Its signicance as perhaps the prime swing state of them all in this election is enhanced by its rich crop of 18 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. While Obama has a variety of dierent routes to victory on 6 November, Romneys hopes are next to moribund unless he wins here. Which helps to explain why the state is being pummelled with TV adverts from both campaigns and trampled over by nonstop visits from the candidates; both presidential nominees and their running mates are in Ohio this week. Until the fateful rst presidential debate, which Obama was widely deemed to have unked, the president was well ahead, registering a 10-point lead in the Quinnipiac University/CBS poll. That advantage has now slumped to ve points, far too close to a statistical tie to oer comfort to the incumbent. Hener, a retired business owner, said he felt the prevailing mood radically shift in the Mentor neighbourhoods he canvassed on the morning after the rst presidential debate on 3 October. I felt strongly that night that Romney had performed great, but I didnt have any sense of how it would play on the street. But when I went knocking on doors I was amazed. People said to me Im so glad to see you!, which, believe me, Im not used to hearing when I go out talking about politics. For the third and nal presidential debate, Hener was attending a victory watch party at the Romney eld oce in Mentor one of about 40 eld oces the Romney campaign has set up across the state. The oce is a converted shopfront in a strip of burger bars and diners towards the middle of town, and as you enter it you are greeted by a full-sized cardboard cutout of Romney standing under an image of the Republi-

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Race for the White House News, analysis and the latest polling


Debate over Clockwise from left: Mitt Romney and his wife Ann greet members of the public; Bob Schieer, moderator of the third debate, watches the candidates; Michelle Obama joins her husband; Richard and Carol Smith watch the debate in Boca Raton, Florida Main photograph: Saul Loeb/ AFP/Getty Images

Oliver say Republicans in crucial Ohio Burkemans election diary

can mascot, an elephant. The room was full with about 30 Romney volunteers making phone calls to undecided voters. As 9pm came around, they downed tools to watch the debate, largely in silence, though the discussion was punctuated by occasional outbursts of cheering and, when it came to Obama, derisive guaws. The lustiest cheer of the night had nothing to do with the debates theme, foreign policy, but came in response to Romneys routine promise to repeal Obamacare. Another big round of groans of disapproval around the room and even some mutterings of shut up!. I didnt like that, Hener said after the debate had ended, referring to the horses and bayonets remark. That kind of response is sophomoric to me I think it sounds unpresidential. Jenny Best, 46, who was also at the watch party, didnt like the horses and bayonets line either. Shes been volunteering for Romney since April, turning up at the oce with her entire family every Monday evening to hit the phones for two hours to persuadable voters. Theres been a lot of talk about women voters, with more female voters still undecided than male. But Best has no hesitation about how she will vote, nor any qualms about the policy positions held by her candidate. That binders full of women sensation? I thought it was just great that he took the trouble to nd successful women for his [Massachusetts] cabinet. She thought Romney did a fabulous job over the Middle East, education, gender equality and his ve-point plan for the economy. She was a bit hazy over the ner details of the foreign policy disagreements, apologising that Im not familiar with a lot of that, thats my own weakness. I dont think it will play that much when I go out knocking on doors tomorrow, Hener said. Israel, Iran, whatever those issues are important, sure, but try talking about them on the doorstep to someone whos lost his job. Monday nights foreign policy debate oered little illumination on foreign policy assuming you dont count the striking consensus between the candidates that America is, all things considered, totally awesome. But the post-debate commentary vividly demonstrated how dierently American conservatives and liberals respond to a loss by their man. When Obama ubbed the rst debate, the inuential blogger Andrew Sullivan led the freakouts, declaring the election all but over and accusing the president of self-immolating, while MSNBC host Chris Matthews screamed Where was Obama tonight? live on TV. Yet on Monday, when Obamas superior performance won accolades in the insta-polls, the right was ready. I think its unequivocal, Romney won, said columnist Charles Krauthammer. Romney won the debate, added talk show host Michael Medved, by oering an image of even-tempered geniality, good-natured self-assurance, and

unshakable commitment to cautious, reasonable, and peace-loving leadership. Many others agreed. Put simply, writes Kevin Drum of Mother Jones magazine, diagnosing gnosing a longstanding phenomenon in n US politics, we liberals dont t have enough bloggers/ pundits/columnists/talking heads who are willing to cheerfully say whatever it takes to advance the party line, no matter how ridiculous it is. One side-eect of this syndrome is especially troubling: it provokes feelings of warmth for conservative rebrand Glenn Beck (below), whos incapable of self-censorship. I am glad to know that Mitt agrees with Obama so much, Beck tweeted late on Monday. No, really. Why vote? Anyway, much more importantly, the ag pin Obama wore during the debate was smaller than Romneys, and that means he must be less patriotic, according to a detailed analysis by the National Reviews Charles Kesler, which he appears to have produced without the aid of psilocybin mushrooms.

Though hes tried to put Sixtiesstyle anti-Americanism behind him he hasnt quite succeeded, Kesler writes. Never let it be said that political discourse discour avoids the substantive issues. issu u Although, for their part, left-wing critics p werent really justied in w complaining about the absence of drones from Monday nights debate. M Wolf W Blitzer was there, hosting CNNs coverage, as h ho always! alw w Meanwhile, on the matter of horses and bayonets: not everyone responded positively to Obamas eorts to provide a stimulus for the internetmeme industry on Monday night. An entire psuedo-controversy has arisen, based on the presidents claim that bayonets were no longer used at all. Actually, NBC Newss Chuck Todd informed his audience, bayonets are still actively used by the military, while Dan Riker, of the military surplus company Bayonet Inc a man who may conceivably have grounds for being biased was incensed. The comment was ignorant because our soldiers still use bayonets, the website TMZ quoted him as saying. He should get educated on it. Right. Yes. Never mind that what the president actually said in what was, in any case, a throwaway line was that fewer bayonets were in use. In a campaign where most voters have made up their minds, facts dont get in the way of a promising microscandal. Its enough to make you want to stab yourself in the face with a sharp object of some kind.

I didnt like Obamas horses and bayonets remark. I think it sounds unpresidential
applause followed the Republican candidates invocation of Obamas comment to the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, that he would have more exibility on contentious issues after the US presidential election. Obamas boast that America was stronger now than when I came into oce received a collective outburst of laughter. When the president made his most scathing comment of the night, ridiculing Romney for saying there were fewer ships in the US Navy today than in 1917 by pointing out that we also have fewer horses and bayonets, there were

days to go


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012



EU-wide quotas for women in boardrooms rejected

Commission rebus law proposing 40%-minimum Row over possible all-male leadership of central bank
Ian Traynor Brussels
EU plans to enforce a much higher prole for women in the European business elite have been thrown into disarray, with a Brussels commissioner being told to try again on legislation to compel female quotas on company boards. The defeat for Viviane Reding, the commissioner for fundamental rights, came amid another row over sexism at the apex of the EU. Herman Van Rompuy, the European council president, pleaded with the parliament in Strasbourg to endorse the appointment of Yves Mersch (a man), from Luxembourg, to the executive board of the European Central Bank (ECB). Merschs appointment, which looks inevitable despite being delayed by parliamentary opposition on grounds of gender, would make the six-strong ECB executive all male, and its governing council of 23 also exclusively male. Reding has been pushing through draft EU legislation insisting on 40%-female quotas for company boards across Europe, with sti penalties for noncompliance. The proposals fell foul of British-led opposition among the EU member states, with at least 10 governments reluctant to impose quotas. Those countries argued that the issue should not be legislated at EU level but rather left to national policy-making, and that policies already being pursued in member states to redress the gender imbalance should be given time to work. But Redings biggest immediate problem was a lack of consensus within the European commission on the contentious draft legislation. This split caused some to question why she was trying to force the issue, if she was unable to get it past this rst hurdle. It is highly unusual for the commission to draft a law that will not pass muster among the 27 commissioners. The dispute was not split along gender lines. Quite the contrary: on Monday, Reding said she had the support of ve prominent male commissioners. But four leading female commissioners from Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark opposed the proposals. Reding said she refused to give up on the issue, and the topic would be returned to the commission next month. The European parliament is to vote

Existing examples
France, Spain, Belgium, Denmark and Italy have introduced quota laws, as have non-EU nations Iceland and Norway, which has had a quota system since 2006 that requires at least 40% of either sex on all listed company boards. Firms were given only two years to comply. The Spanish law, passed in 2007, obliges quoted rms with more than 250 employees to aim for a 40%-female minimum on their boards by 2015. France passed its law in 2011, forcing large companies to reserve at least 40 % of boardroom positions for women by 2017. It applies to 2,000 companies in France that are either listed, have more than 500 employees or revenues over 50m.

tomorrow on Menschs appointment to the ECB, after the chambers economic and monetary aairs committee rejected the German-style ination hawk on Monday on gender grounds. Va n Ro m p u y t o l d t h e p a r l i a ment yesterday that female underrepresentation in top posts was blatant, and that he was working to remedy it, but still believed Mersch should get the job. Merschs appointment would delay any real chance of redressing the total imbalance in the ECB executive until 2018. Sharon Bowles, the Lib Dem MEP and economic committee chair who is running for governor of the Bank of England, said: What we heard today is no dierent to all the promises on equality that have universally failed: we need more than just talk and promises. We are objecting to the EUs most powerful institution being run by only men for the next six years.

Qatari emirs ying visit to Gaza brings Hamas in from the cold
Ian Black and Harriet Sherwood
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani is used to basking in the limelight. But when the emir of Qatar arrived in Gaza yesterday the rst Arab leader in years to visit the impoverished coastal strip he was hailed for breaking its siege, demonstrating his countrys huge and growing inuence in the Middle East. Palestinians rolled out the red carpet for the emir as his black Mercedes bumped along a rutted main road that he has promised to rebuild, past white and maroon Qatari ags, the song Thank You, Qatar playing endlessly on local radio and TV. Sheikh Hamad ew to Egypt and crossed the border into Gaza, a move billed as breaking the blockade in force since the Islamists of Hamas took power in 2007. It also underlined the ability of the tiny, fabulously rich Gulf state to punch above its weight internationally. He arrived with 90 tonnes of aid and pledged $400m (250m) to invest in housing and infrastructure to replace property damaged in the 2008-09 war with Israel. Flanked by his wife, the elegant and high-prole Sheikha Mozah, he spoke to a large crowd at Gazas Islamic University, the biggest event of a six-hour stay. The last head of state to visit the strip was King Abdullah of Jordan, who went there in 1999 for talks with then Palestinian president, Yasser Arafat. Predictably, the royal visit was the top news item on al-Jazeera, the satellite TV channel owned by the emirs family and which has been an unabashed and inuential cheerleader for the uprisings of the Arab spring from Tunisia to Syria. Qatars ambitious move was a stunning boost for Hamas, shunned by Israel, the US and western countries as a terrorist organisation. Ismail Haniyeh, its deposed prime minister, called it a historic event that had broken the unjust blockade. The visit gives Hamas legitimacy in the Arab world and internationally, said Mkhaimar Abusada, an independent analyst at Gazas al-Azhar university. It was further striking evidence that Qatar, whose per-capita income is now the highest in the world, is in eect using its enormous oil and gas riches and close ties to Islamist organisations to expand its regional inuence in the wake of its involvement in the uprisings against Libyas Muammar Gadda and Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The emir is conrming that Qatar is the principal supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Egypt and everywhere else, said Ahmed Asfahani, the respected al-Hayat columnist. Qatar is using the Brotherhood to promote its own interests. It also shows that Qatar is trying to replace Iran as a major player on the Palestinian issue. Observers in the region also see the visit in part as a reward to Hamas for ending its support for Assad. Until a few months ago, the movements exiled

leadership was based in Damascus, helping bolster Syrias credentials as a key member of the axis of resistance confronting Israel, along with Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. But its veteran leader, Khalid Mishal, decamped to Doha. And Haniyeh came out in open support of the right of the Syrian people to oppose Assad. Mahmoud Abbas, the western-backed Palestinian president and leader of Fatah, had let it be known that he was furious about the visit. Nobodys happy about it, said one Palestinian source. It denitely makes a statement. And there is a track record of Arab regimes playing into intra-Palestinian politics. The PLO welcomed any help with reconstruction in Gaza, but called on all Arab brethren to use their leverage to ensure an end to the division and the policy of creating a separatist entity in the Gaza Strip, as [this] principally serves the Israeli agenda. There is also an unspoken fear of eroding the claim of Abbass Palestinian Authority to be the sole representative of the Palestinians. Israel angrily condemned the Qatari visit as well. We nd it weird that the emir doesnt support all of the Palestinians but sides with Hamas over the Palestinian Authority [in the West Bank] which he has never visited, said its for-

eign ministry spokesman, Yigal Palmor. The emir has chosen his camp and it is not good. In the background, it is possible to discern a new pattern of relations emerging in a political landscape transformed by the Arab spring in which a key player is the Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi. In the era of Hosni Mubarak, Qatar was often at loggerheads with Egypt, which, like many other Arab governments, hated al-Jazeera and saw it as a disruptive instrument of Qatari policy. Even now, Doha is being more radical than Cairo. Formally, Egypt considers Abbas as the representative of Palestinians and Gaza as under PA authority. The emir called publicly for eorts to promote reconciliation between the Palestinian rivals to confront Israel. It will be interesting to see if Qatar is now going to play a more active role in mediating between Hamas and Fatah, or even Hamas and Israel, said Abusada. Doha has won admiration and irritation in equal measure in the Middle East and beyond. Uniquely, it maintains cordial, if low-key, relations with Israel as well as Iran, hated by other Gulf Arabs. It is also home to a large US air base. Its wealth speaks eloquently. In September, it announced plans to invest $18bn over ve years in Egypt. Its aid also helped reconstruction in south Lebanon after the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel. At that time, the emir worked closely with Assad, only to turn against him when the Syrian uprising began 19 months ago. In Libya last year, Qatar bankrolled the anti-Gadda rebels but channelled resources through Islamist brigades only to face criticism that it was behaving in a manipulative manner. Now Qatar has become a key supporter of the armed Syrian opposition, amid concern in the west that the weapons it pays for are reaching jihadi-type groups. Rachel Shabi, page 32

Sheikh Hamad and Sheikha Mozah are received in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip. Below left, Palestinians wave the Qatari ag Main photograph: APA Images/Rex Features

We nd it weird that the emir sides with Hamas. He has chosen his camp and its not good


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


Theme park plan for humble home of Mo Yan

67m proposal to mark Nobel win bemuses family and residents in village
Jonathan Kaiman Pingan
On a brisk day in mid-October Nobel prizewinner for literature Mo Yans 62-year-old brother, Guan Moxin, stands outside their childhood home in Pingan village, Shandong coastal province, posing for photographs with a steady stream of brightly dressed tourists. He smiles as a teenage girl in a pink sweater puts her hand on his shoulder and ashes a peace sign at the camera. Everybody wants to understand what Mo Yans life used to be like, when we were young, says Guan, leading a small crowd inside the abandoned house to a room where Mo, now 57, was married. A broken antique radio a wedding gift, Guan says sits on a crumbling concrete bed, untouched for decades. Pingan, population 800, may soon be hard-pressed to maintain its rusticity. Authorities in Gaomi, the municipality that administers Pingan, plans to build a 67m Mo Yan Culture Experience theme park around the writers old home, according to the Beijing News. The plan adds a touch of avarice to the range of reactions with which China has received Mos Nobel victory. The el author has worked with the Chinese h Communist party for decades many outspoken dissidents were outraged by the award. For many ordinary Chiy nese, however, the prize was a sign that ze Chinas cultural inuence may now rival nce its economic clout. For Gaomi city or cials, it could prove to be a goldmine. Inspired by Mos 1997 novel Red 97 Sorghum, which Zhang Yimou g adapted into an award-winning -winning lm, the government also plans to create a Red Sorghum Culture and Experience Zone in Pingan. ngan. Although villagers counter nter that they stopped growwing the cereal in the 1980s, the governGaomi residents are intensely proud of their Nobel laureate, whom they refer to as Teacher Mo Yan. Long red banners congratulating Mo hang from the sides of concrete homes along major thoroughfares. Mo Yans works have elements from Gaomis culture, said Mao Weijie, who oversees a government-aliated Mo Yan museum in a local high school. He writes about Gaomi paper-cutting, for example, and sometimes he writes using our Gaomi dialect. The Nobel prize committee praised Mo for his hallucinatory writing in the vein of William Faulkner and Gabriel Garca Mrquez. Yet in China much of the discussion surrounding Mos prize is less related to his works literary merit than his relationship with the authorities. A longtime Communist party member, Mo began writing in 1981 while serving with the Peoples Liberation Army. He is now the vice-chairman of the ocial China Writers Association and receives his salary from the culture ministry. Authorities welcomed his win with breathless commentaries in the state-run press. Outspoken dissidents have chastised Mo for keeping his head down and toeing the party line. Artist Ai Weiwei called the Nobel committees decision an insult to humanity and to literature. Yet Mos works show an undeniable capacity for sharp-edged criticism. Many involve subjects such as corruption, the tragedy of the cultural revolution, and forced abortions under the countrys one-child policy. In Pingan the atmosphere is still more celebratory than soul-searching. Guan Yifan, Mos father, said Mo did not come back home often, but when he does, we just talk about whats happening in our home how the tomatoes are growing, that type of thing. Inside the house faded family pictures hang on newspaper-covered walls; outside, the courtyard overows with shucked corn. Although Guan says that he has never read his sons books, he is proud of Mos achievements. Were all just happy, he says. Very, very happy.

Guan Yifan, the 90-year-old father of , the author Mo Yan (below), sits outside ( the abandoned family home in Pingan, fam Shandong province, China province Photograph: Jason Lee/Reuters

Every Everybody want wants to know what Mo Yans life used to b be like

ment is reportedly planning to pay local farmers to plant 1,600 acres (650 hectares) of the unprotable crop. The Gaomi press centre director, Wang Youzhi, told the ocial Xinhua news agency that the theme park was more a vision than a concrete plan. Although the idea sounds promising, we have yet to take the whole situation into consideration, he said. This might be the regulatory commissions long-term plan over ve or 10 years. But a large-scale tourism project in Gaomi remains unsurprising, analysts claim. According to Tao Ran, an economics professor at Renmin University in Beijing, local governments often borrow massive sums of money from state-owned banks to nance expensive development projects, hoping that they will drive up the value of local property.

If you go to almost any Chinese county or city, youll see that theyre building new cities, new industrial parks, and new theme parks every day. In July authorities announced a 810-hectare, 2.9bn Tibetan Culture theme park, currently being developed on the outskirts of Lhasa. Last week ocials in the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region unveiled plans to build a 600,000 Malan Military Expo Park at Chinas rst atomic bomb test site. Mos brother, neighbours and 90-year-old father say they have not heard of plans for a theme park. Its impossible that the government here would spend so much money on such a surface thing, Guan said. Mo Yan, who was born Guan Moye his pen name means dont speak could not be reached for comment.
Running with white people Fun run through suburbs and townships of Johannesburg exposes bitter racial divisions, says Lindokuhle Nkosi Military regime posing as democracy Boubacar NDiaye analyses the situation in Mauritania, where soldiers accidently shot the president German amnesia Herero deserve reparation, says Dan Moshenberg

Film-maker on antidepressants before suicide

Ben Child
The British lm-maker Tony Scott was on antidepressants and had taken sleeping medication before he leapt to his death from a Los Angeles bridge but he did not have cancer, an autopsy report said. The LA county coroners office conrmed that Scotts death had been suicide. His reason for suicide remained a mystery. A number of suicide notes reportedly contained no details as to why he had chosen to kill himself. The preliminary autopsy report said the directors immediate cause of death was attributed to blunt force trauma and drowning. Non-toxic levels of the antidepressant mirtazapine and the prescription sleeping pill Lunesta were in his body. The last person to see Scott alive was a passerby parking his car on the Vincent Thomas bridge over Los Angeles harbour. He saw the director leap into the water just after noon on 19 August. Scotts body was recovered few hours later. The bridge, a well-known suicide spot, stands about 56 metres (183ft) above the harbours navigation channel. It connects the port district of San Pedro to Terminal Island in the harbour. Preliminary reports following Scotts death hinted that he might have had inoperable brain cancer, but the directors family denied the suggestions. Scott, 68, the younger brother of Ridley, also a director and his production partner, had made big-budget features and worked with A-list stars over a long career. His hits included The Taking of Pelham 123, Man on Fire, The Last Boy Scout, Enemy of the State, and True Romance. At the time of his death Scott was reported to be working on a sequel to Top Gun, his most successful lm at the box oce. The director, who was born in North Shields, Tyneside, had reportedly scouted the Vincent Thomas bridge for a remake of the cult comic book adaptation The Warriors. A coroners spokesman said a final report was two weeks away.


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The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012



Fighting spirit


Gatherings of more than 20 banned after protest

Kuwaits rulers have banned public gatherings of more than 20 people after clashes between police and demonstrators over electoral law changes that opposition gures labelled a constitutional coup. The protests on Sunday were among the largest seen in the Gulf state. The gathering of more than 20,000 people was dispersed with teargas, a rarity in Kuwait, which sees few displays of open dissent. The opposition is angry over moves by the government, which is dominated by the western-backed al-Sabah family, to limit the number of candidates permitted to contest a general election called for 1 December. In past elections up to four candidates could stand in voting districts, but a decree has limited that to one. The move is likely to disadvantage opposition groups, who have been energised politically by a series of government crises, most noticeably a corruption scandal earlier this year, and by uprisings in other Arab states. An auent and highly organised society, Kuwait has avoided the ramications of the Arab spring. Its citizens have some of the highest incomes in the world, and have enjoyed several decades of stability. However, Kuwaits parliament has barely functioned this year as ever more assertive and condent opposition groups have clashed with government MPs on numerous issues. Kuwaitis are staunchly protective of their political and constitutional freedoms, and have vowed to continue to challenge the changed electoral laws before the poll. Martin Chulov

PM under pressure over ministers yakuza links

Japans prime minister, Yoshihiko Noda, is under pressure to call early general elections after the resignation of his justice minister, Keishu Tanaka, 74, over past connections to organised crime. Tanaka, who was appointed three weeks ago in a reshue intended to boost support for Noda, stepped down yesterday after a magazine revealed he had acted as a matchmaker at the wedding of a senior yakuza gang member, and attended a party organised by the same gangs leader 30 years ago. Soon after becoming justice minister Tanaka admitted receiving 420,000 yen [3,200] from a foreign-owned company

Martial arts students perform kung fu at the Shaolin temple, Dengfeng, for the ninth Shaolin Wushu festival held each year in China Photograph: ChinaFotoPress/Getty

between 2006 and 2009. Japan forbids politicians from knowingly accepting funds from foreign sources. His oce said it had returned the money. Tanaka claimed he had been unaware of the yakuza connections. His resignation which the government ascribed to poor health after he was admitted to hospital last Friday with chest pains has attracted fresh criticism of Nodas judgment. In September 2011 his trade and industry minister, Yoshio Hachiro, resigned after describing an area in Fukushima, scene of last years nuclear disaster, as a ghost town and joking about radioactive contamination. Noda has resisted calls for an early general election, with polls suggesting his party would lose, three years after it swept to power in a landslide. He also faces criticism over his handling of the economy. Justin McCurry Tokyo

Gulf of Aden

Sharp decline in pirate attacks o Somali coast

Somali piracy has fallen to a three-year low because of co-ordinated action by international navies and the enlistment of armed guards by shipping companies, according to a maritime watchdog. Seventy attacks were reported by ships in the rst nine months of this year, compared with 199 incidents in the rst nine months of 2011, the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) said. From July to September only one ship reported an attempted attack by Somali pirates, as opposed to 36 incidents in the same three months last year. International navies have stepped up action against pirates, including strikes on bases on the Somali coast. Last year Somali piracy in the Gulf of Aden cost the world economy some $7bn (4.39bn), gures from the American One Earth Future foundation show. The decline comes as a new president attempts to bring stability to Somalia. Pirates o Somalia are still holding 11 vessels for ransom with nearly 200 crew members as hostages. David Smith Johannesburg Clar Ni Chonghaile Nairobi


Baseball fans celebrate World Series record

Venezuelans are celebrating their homegrown baseball heroes as a record contingent heads into the World Series with the Detroit Tigers and San Francisco Giants. Nine Venezuelans, including ve with the Giants, will feature in the series, the most ever. Its the rst time, but it had to happen one day. All the time there are more and better Venezuelan players in the major leagues, said Alberto Mendoza, who was among dozens of fans in Caracas celebrating the Giants win over the St Louis Cardinals in the National League Championship Series. Venezuela is a power in baseball. The games star was one of their own, Marco Scutaro (above), who was named the most valuable player of the series. Baseball is the most popular sport in Venezuela, sharing the passion with Caribbean neighbours the Dominican Republic and Cuba. AP Caracas


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012 Business editor: Julia Finch Tel: 020 3353 3795 Fax: 020 3353 3196 Email: Follow us at

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Claims cab maker knew about fault long before recall

Manganese Bronze could face FSA investigation Union looks at legal action over stock market delay
Simon Neville
The maker of Londons black cabs knew about vehicle steering problems, that led to the companys collapse, for more than a month before it ordered a recall of 400 taxis, according to drivers and unions. The manufacturer, Manganese Bronze, which is due to call in administrators this week, could face an investigation by the Financial Services Authority, or the Insolvency Service, if it is proved directors knew about the problems before informing the stock market in a timely manner. The RMT union, which represents black-cab drivers in London, has said it is consulting lawyers about possible legal action to recoup any nancial losses from the rms collapse this week. The union has also called on the London mayor, Boris Johnson, to suspend his scheme to ban any taxi of more than 15 years, due to the recall that is leaving fewer cabs on the road. It has also been revealed that the two incidents that nally led to the company recalling the cabs took place in London and Edinburgh on 4 October and 30 September, but that the rm continued selling the 35,000 vehicles. One sale to a driver occurred only hours before the recall. The companys collapse has left 1,500 cab drivers across the UK without a warranty on their vehicles, while the 300 owners of the faulty TX4 models are still unable to use the cabs. Martin Adkins, a taxi driver from Carshalton, south London, said he drove his brand new TX4 o the London Taxi Companys showroom forecourt on the afternoon of 11 October. At 7.30am the following morning shares in Manganese Bronze were suspended and later that day 400 cabs were recalled. He said: I bought the taxi in good faith and did a shift that same night. Then a day later I was told the cab had been recalled. I was absolutely gobsmacked. I couldnt believe it. They must have known that there was a problem when they sold it to me. Jason King, a driver from Hertfordshire, who has been driving black cabs for 10 years, said he rst informed Manganese Bronze, which trades as the London Taxi Company, on 4 September of steering problems after he bought a cab. King said: Immediately, I could tell there was a problem with the steering and called up the company. They told me to bring it in a few days later and the tracking was tightened, which made a slight dierence. However, it was still pulling the vehicle towards the kerb. I phoned on three occasions and was told it is a characteristic of the cab. Even when I bought the cab I had heard about problems with the steering, but had been assured these had been xed. Between the time King contacted the company and the recall on 12 October the rm had sold a further 99 cabs. Manganese Bronze did know about steering issues in 2011 and decided to replace steering boxes with parts from a new supplier in February this year, although directors did not think it necessary to inform the stock market at their annual results in March. However, the new parts also failed and the steering reliability was an ongoing issue for several drivers. Yesterday Manganese Bronze declined to comment. Steve McNamara, general secretary of the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association, said the company had known about steering issues for several months. He said: Drivers I have spoken to have been experiencing steering problems for some time, long before this recall. The company has tried to x the problems in the past but obviously this time they cant. It has left 1,500 drivers without a warranty, 300 without a cab, and theres not a single taxi in London available to rent. Mike Tinnion, of the RMT, said eight union members had submitted details which were being looked at by the unions lawyers. He said: It is dicult to believe the rm didnt know about the steering problems before the recall. The company announced plans to call in administrators on Monday after an emergency cash injection from its Chinese partner, Geely, failed to materialise. About 300 jobs at its Coventry plant are under threat. A spokesman for the Mayor of London said: To help drivers affected by the recent recall of vehicles we have temporarily suspended the requirement to source taxis from inside London, although all taxis operating in the capital will continue to have to meet the 15-year age limit.

Mulberry bag maker battered by fall in Asian orders

Zoe Wood and Simon Goodley
Mulberry, the luxury handbag maker, took a battering yesterday with nearly 190m wiped o the Somerset companys value after falling out of fashion in Asia. Mulberry warned annual prots would be below last years after a double whammy of weak orders from overseas department stores and the decision to stop supplying small retailers in Italy and Belgium whose stores it considers too downmarket. Panmure Gordon analyst Philip Dorgan cut his profit forecast for the year from 42m to 31m. Last year Mulberry made 36m profits. Given that it has had a tremendous run in terms of both share price and profits, it is now at the crossroads, said Dorgan. Either, we are wrong about the scale of its international opportunity, or this is just a blip. While we are not entirely satised about all of the reasons given for the prot warning, we tend towards the latter view. The shares closed down 314p, nearly 24%, at 10.06. The scare comes after luxury fashion house Burberry issued its own profits warning last month, blaming stuttering demand in the Chinese market over the summer. China is the big prize for the luxury goods industry and is expected to become the biggest single market by 2015. The prospect of weakening demand has prompted fears of another downturn in the sector. The prot warning is a fresh setback for Mulberry, whose bags are carried by, and indeed named after, celebrities including Alexa Chung and Lana Del Rey and which has been a stock market darling. Disappointing annual results in June jolted the shares and combined with yesterdays warning the stock has lost 60% of its value since May. Total sales increased 6% to 76.5m in the six months to 30 September. Within that, retail sales rose 13% to 46.5m but wholesale shipments fell 4% to 30m. The nance director, Roger Mather, said Mulberry was not a brand in trouble but was experiencing growing pains under Bruno Guillon, who joined as chief executive from Herms in March Mulberrys Bayswater and Alexa bags usually sell for 800-1,000 and Guillon sees scope to move further upmarket, designing bags commanding price tags of up to 1,500. He was behind the decision to cull wholesale accounts though the result is a 5m sales shortfall this year. Its handbags were being sold alongside cheaper labels rather than the likes of Gucci and Prada, which it regards as its rightful competitors. Mulberry is pressing on with plans for a new factory in Bridgwater which will create 300 jobs and double its manufacturing workforce in Britain. Mather said it would break ground in 10 days with the plant expected to open in May. In Asia if customers think they are buying a bit of English craftsmanship and design they want the label to say made in England, he said.

Mulberrys spring/summer 2013 collection was on display at London Fashion Week in September Photograph: Suzanne Plunkett/Reuters

Brussels clears way for Tobin tax in 10 EU countries

Larry Elliott Economics editor
A group of 10 eurozone countries moved a step closer to introducing a financial transaction tax yesterday when Brussels gave its approval to the idea of placing a small levy on trades. Europes tax commissioner, Algirdas emeta, removed one of the nal obstacles to a nancial transaction tax (FTT or Tobin tax) becoming a reality when he announced there were no legal obstacles to the proposal. Jos Manuel Barroso, president of the European commission, said: I am delighted to see that 10 member states have indicated their willingness to participate in a common FTT along the lines of the commissions original proposal. This tax can raise billions of euros of much-needed revenue for member states in these dicult times. This is about fairness: we need to ensure the costs of the crisis are shared by the nancial sector. Although the commission originally hoped all 27 EU members would adopt an FTT, opposition to the idea was spearheaded by Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands. The 10 countries that have agreed to it are Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Estonia is likely to follow once its parliament has been consulted. The plan will have to be accepted by the EUs members, via a qualied or enhanced majority vote, and by the European parliament. The commission is proposing the FTT be levied at 0.1% on shares and bonds, and 0.01% on derivatives. David Hillman, of the Robin Hood Tax campaign, said: This shows it is possible to put the needs of the public over the prots of a privileged few. Its unforgivable in this age of austerity that the UK government is turning down billions in additional revenue to protect the City. Matthew Fell, the Confederation of British Industrys director for competitive markets, said: The government has made absolutely the right decision not to adopt the European FTT in the UK. At a time when we should be completely focused on growth this tax could have the opposite eect by increasing the cost of capital for businesses. It would also fall heavily on investors, including people saving for their future through pensions. The Association for Financial Markets in Europe, a lobby group for nancial rms, said: FTT is regrettable and likely to serve as another brake on economic growth.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012



BAE dees shareholder calls for resignations at the top

Firm sticks with plan for chairman to depart in 2014 Collapse of EADS merger brings demand for change
Dan Milmo Toulouse
BAE Systems yesterday said it remains fully supportive of its directors after receiving a letter from its largest shareholder demanding the resignation of the chairman, Dick Olver, and the senior independent director, Sir Peter Mason. Invesco Perpetual, which controls 13.3% of BAE shares, was joined in its call by two other institutional investors, understood to be Artemis and Henderson. The trio argue signicant change is needed in the boardroom after the collapse of BAEs attempt to merge with EADS. BAE said it intends to stick with its plan for Olver, chairman since 2004, to depart in 2014 and claimed most shareholders were supportive. The company is aware that a minority of its institutional investors have recently made public their own views on board succession planning, which differ widely from those of the board and the majority of the companys principal shareholders, it said. The row came as a senior executive at Airbus, owned by EADS, said BAE and the Franco-German group have missed the last opportunity for consolidation in the European defence and aerospace sector. Gnter Butschek, chief operating ocer at Airbus, said the maker of the A380 and A320 planes would now focus elsewhere, indicating that the failed 34.5bn (28bn) merger between the UKs largest defence contractor and the European industrial conglomerate would not be revived. We have missed an opportunity, possibly the last opportunity to consolidate on a European level. It is a critically important industry for Europe the world will still spin and we are re-focusing on new opportunities, said Butschek. The A350 will carry up to 350 passengers and is a European manufacturing project, with wings made in the UK. The merger would have lessened BAEs reliance on UK defence and EADSs on civil aerospace, giving the Airbus maker access to the US defence market and reintegrating BAE with Airbus the arms rm sold a 20% stake in the superjumbo maker in 2006. Speaking in Toulouse at the inauguration of the nal assembly line for the

Business analysis
Pressure is building for change at the top, says Nils Pratley
The curse of the award strikes again. Guess who picked up top prize in the annual Non-Executive Director Awards (yes, they really exist) in March? It was Dick Olver, chairman of BAE, whose advice to the assembled worthies was to lead extraordinary change. Change is what BAE needs, extraordinarily quickly, thinks the companys largest shareholder. Neil Woodford at Invesco Perpetual wants Olver out, plus the companys senior independent director, Sir Peter Mason. Woodford usually gets his way (just ask David Brennan, departed chief executive of AstraZeneca) and his funds 13.3% shareholding represents a big obstacle to Olvers ambition of leaving in May 2014 after a decade at the helm. Olver clearly wants to try. BAEs position is that the majority of the companys principal shareholders are supportive. Well see if that statement looks robust in, say, a fortnights time. If it does, Olver may be able to dig in. If not, its surely game over. Woodfords only wingmen at the moment are Artemis and Henderson. One purpose of their joint letter to the board, it would seem, was to encourage undecided shareholders to make up their minds. Three or four big-name recruits to the cause would probably be enough. Few chairmen can survive if opposition to their presence passes 20%. Olvers main problem is that he cant point to many recent successes. Hes been at the helm for eight years but the share price currently stands at 2005 levels, depressed in part by the perception that BAE overpaid when buying United Defense Industries and Armor Holdings in the US. Those deals, and the sale in 2006 of the 20% stake in Airbus, set the companys course towards the US defence industry. But last months proposal to merge with EADS was a belated embrace of the civilian market and Europe. Strategic confusion or free-thinking opportunism? Thats one debate. Another is whether the opportunity ever really existed. The deal collapsed because of politics in Berlin but could have been felled by any number of other hurdles not least the opposition of Woodford himself. Add it all up, and Olvers chances of staying until 2014 look about 50-50. Heres a view from an undeclared shareholder: The company is at a crossroads. In those circumstances, it is often helpful to have a change at the top. Olver has his work cut out.

Costa Coee
Nothing frothy or ashy just solid business sense, says Simon Bowers
It is wise of Costa Coee bosses not to hold their breath for hordes of tax campaigners, intellectuals and poets rushing to patronise its 1,479 cafes in protest at the tax aairs of Starbucks. Reminiscent of Pariss Left Bank establishments they are not. Nevertheless, YouGovs latest brand preference survey suggests Costa is continuing to show a clean pair of heels to Starbucks in UK aections. Costas parent group Whitbread has avoided the kind of tax acrobatics that last week provoked outrage against Starbucks. It has long resisted the siren calls of nancial engineers promising an easy boost to the bottom line and to boardroom bonuses. There is nothing clever or ashy about Whitbread. And this explains a lot about how the group has found itself a standout success story in Britains embattled leisure industry. Yesterday it delivered yet another strong set of results, with half-year revenue bursting through 1bn for the rst time Growth has been generated by new Costas and Premier Inns across Britain, and many more overseas. There are 10,000 more British jobs promised over the next three years. If Whitbread has outperformed its UK-listed peers, the contrast with other competitors is even more stark. Starbucks is mired in controversy about whether it has been meaningfully profitable in Britain for the last 14 years. Travelodge, private equity-backed, has presided over a calamitous destruction of value and was forced into a rescue deal with landlords last month. Those at the top of Whitbread have never enjoyed anything close to the pay windfalls seen at competitors which then went on to fare so poorly. But better builders of long-term shareholder value, in the leisure sector at least, you will struggle to nd.

The A350 on the nal assembly line in Toulouse, France. An Airbus CEO said a last opportunity had been missed Photograph: Jean-Philippe Arle/Reuters

long-distance A350 plane, Butschek said Airbus doesnt have any need to change our industrial footprint, referring to the companys pan-European manufacturing strategy. Because Airbus has no advanced plans for an entirely new plane, Butschek said, there was no need for a decision on the location of future Airbus work. As long as the decisions are not made [about next generation programmes] there is no need to decide on the allocation of the work package, said Butschek. However, the A350 carries an additional boost to UK manufacturing: it uses Trent XWB engines made by Derby-based Rolls-Royce. The UK accounts for around 15% of all Airbus manufacturing and the com-

pany has a workforce of 10,000 in Britain, largely at its wing manufacturing plant in Broughton, north Wales, and at its design and testing facility in Filton near Bristol. The rms production footprint is a legacy of its complex origins as a combination of aerospace manufacturers. EADS, the Airbus parent, is controlled by the French and German governments, who hold 22.35% each of the business. Concerns over their inuence in a combined BAE/ EADS helped scupper the deal, with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, considered the most implacable obstacle. The Airbus chief executive, Fabrice Brgier, indicated the company will focus on markets such as China and the US.

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Nuclear plans in balance, EDF boss tells MPs

Fiona Harvey Environment correspondent
The future of nuclear power in Britain is hanging in the balance, the head of the company charged with building new reactors has said. Vincent de Rivaz, chief executive of EDF Energy, told MPs at a select committee hearing yesterday that he had still not made up his mind whether to go ahead with a construction programme for the rst new nuclear power stations in Britain for decades. He said the company was waiting for further details from the government on what assistance it will receive. This includes assurances on the disposal of waste and the decommissioning of plants at the end of their life, and a regulatory regime that should favour nuclear power through the provision of long-term contracts for dierence that will penalise fossil fuels in favour of lowcarbon forms of energy. We are on the brink of delivering an infrastructure project similar in scale to the London Olympics, de Rivaz told the energy and climate change select committee, adding that like all investors in capital intensive infrastructure projects EDF needed a compelling business case. A Department of Energy and Climate Change spokeswoman said: We are condent that the UKs stable policy environment and the measures in the energy bill to be published next month [on 5 November], will provide the detail and certainty that investors need.


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Eyewitness Mecca, Saudi Arabia

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


Global gathering Pilgrims wait for the start of prayers at the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Muslims from all over the world have been arriving in the city for the hajj, which starts today Photograph: Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


Deal makes Vekselberg richest man in Russia

Simon Goodley and Luke Harding
He may not be the most famous businessman in Russia but Viktor Vekselberg is now the richest. That is the status the natural resources investor has been accorded by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, following AARs sale of its 50% stake in TNK-BP to Rosneft for $28bn (17.5bn) on Monday. Vekselberg is one of ve Russian oligarchs who control the AAR consortium along with Mikhail Fridman, Leonard Blavatnik, German Khan and Alexey Kuzmichev and his latest deal means he is now worth $18bn and the worlds 40th richest person. That puts him more than $700m ahead of the metals and technology investor Alisher Usmanov. The deal also added $1.2bn to Fridmans fortune, moving him past Roman Abramovich, Chelsea FCs owner, and the steel and mining billionaire Alexey Mordashov, according to Bloomberg, and making Fridman the countrys fth-richest person. Meanwhile, Blavatniks fortune rose $1.5bn to $15.4bn, making him the 46th richest person in the world, ahead of Microsofts co-founder Paul Allen, while Khan is worth $10.3bn and Kuzmichev $8bn, according to the index. Vekselbergs rise is fascinating. Born in western Ukraine, he trained as an engineer and went into business in 1990, in the dying months of the Soviet Union. By 1996 he had risen to become chairman of Tyumen Oil (TNK) and negotiated TNK and BPs 50-50 partnership. He also cofounded his own aluminium group, later part of the huge Rusal, with his business interests now run by his Renova Group. During the bitter row between BP and its Russian billionaire partners, Vekselberg took a back-seat role, with Fridman and Khan leading the attack on BP. Managers of the British company had a better relationship with Vekselberg and Blavatnik. In a private 2008 meeting with the USs then ambassador in Moscow, John Burns, Vekselberg suggested the Kremlins response to the economic crisis had been slow and bemoaned that bureaucrats and ministries cant make decisions without permission from above. He also described himself as halfAmerican his wife, Marina, and their two children are US citizens. He also pleaded for open communication between Russian business and the west. His pragmatic attitude is at odds with the ferocious anti-western rhetoric frequently emanating from the Kremlin. Nevertheless, Vekselberg, 56, understands the rules in Russia: rich businessmen should stay out of politics. The fate of Mikhail Khodorkovsky once Russias richest but now in jail is obvious to all. In 2004 Vekselberg bought nine Faberg eggs from the Forbes family in New York. It was a patriotic gesture likely to endear him to those in power. The eggs were later shown o in the Kremlin.

Blow for Greece No agreement on cuts

A student plays the trumpet during an anti-austerity protest yesterday in front of the Greek parliament in Athens, where political leaders failed to agree a 13.5bn package of spending cuts and tax increases Photograph: Yorgos Karahalis/Reuters

Costa fails to spot Starbucks defectors after tax row

Simon Bowers
Chris Rogers, the incoming managing director of Costa Coee, has said the chain has yet to see any rm evidence of customers defecting from its chief rival, Starbucks, following damaging allegations of tax avoidance. Last week it emerged that years of aggressive tax engineering had left the American group paying minimal tax in Britain for 14 years. Rogers, who next month shifts from his current role as nance director of Costas parent group, Whitbread, suggested that the furore had, if anything, been bad for all corporations with well known brands. If I was to be honest with you, all this noise around Starbucks probably isnt good for big-branded businesses, full stop. Asked about repeated calls from tax campaigners and politicians for a boycott of Starbucks, Rogers said there was no evidence yet of a signicant shift. Some days are up, some days are down. Current trading remains pretty solid. I know Margaret Hodge [the chair of parliaments public accounts committee] did a fantastic job on Newsnight for us but Im not sure we can see that in the numbers. Outraged at the ndings of a Reuters investigation that showed Starbucks had paid 8.6m in corporation tax on sales of more than 3bn since 1998, Hodge last week told Newsnights Kirsty Wark: Im not going to buy Starbucks tomorrow. I think everybody should go and buy Costa. Even before the flurry of coverage around the Starbucks brand, said Rogers, Costa had been well ahead of its American rival, according to a UK brand preference study conducted by YouGov. Asked about tax arrangements at Costa and across the wider Whitbread group, Rogers said: We are paying our full whack on UK corporation tax. Whitbread reported a 10.6% rise in underlying pretax prot for the six months to 30 August, to 193.4m. Turnover was up 14.2% to 1.02bn. Underlying prot at Costa was up 29.9% to 36.1m.

guardian. Breaking news all day

Eurotunnel trac boosted by Olympics

Gwyn Topham Transport correspondent
Eurotunnel says a post-Olympics eect should see revenues continue to increase in 2013 after summer trading rose 16% on the previous year. The shuttle service in the Channel tunnel saw 10% more passenger trac and 17% more trucks from July to September 2012 than a year earlier. Despite a slight drop in passengers using Eurostar train services, overall revenues increased 13% to 274m (223m). Groupe Eurotunnels chairman and chief executive, Jacques Gounon, said: This summer, on the back of a dynamic rst half-year, Eurotunnel again set new


The share of the total market of cross-Channel tunnel and ferry services that the Eurotunnel group now handles

trac records. Our exibility enabled us to provide an excellent quality of service and to attract new customers away from the airlines. He admitted: Eurostar was slightly disappointing, but we had signicant levels of trac in the Olympics period and the Paralympics too. He estimated the additional level of trac due to the Games to be a boost of 3%. The group now accounts for 43% of the total cross-Channel market of tunnel and ferry services. Gounon said: The strong gures arent just the direct deliveries and visitors but the indirect effect the Olympics had in generating interest in London. We believe that there is a kind of post-Olympics eect that continues to generate business and supports the market. He added: We believe that the truck market will continue to grow at 3% a year in 2013 although still below 2007 levels.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Reviews Reviews

Autumn leaves From Twombly to Titian, the artists take on the turning season

Glitter, gold and utter self-belief but shes still Jenny from the block
Jennifer Lopez 02, London
Its surprising to learn that Jennifer Lopez had never headlined her own tour before her current jaunt. Most divas in her glittery league consider an occasional sweep of global arenas essential for keeping fans on side, but then again, J-Lo has always given the impression that her pop career is fairly low on her list of priorities. Shes better known as an actor, entrepreneur and emblem of Hispanic America than she is for any of her albums. Banks of empty seats at this show suggest she may have left it too long. Now that shes nally got around to it, though, shes giving it the 1,000% customarily demanded by talent show judges. The theme of the set is New York, alluded to by a backdrop showing the Statue of Libertys crown studded with diamonds, and Lopezs every atom is permeated with the citys go-getting condence. Shes not the strongest vocalist in the world, and too many of tonights 18 or so pop-R&B tracks leave no aftertaste, but Lopez could teach Madonna a thing or two about selfbelief. Thundering around the stage, shaking hands with overwhelmed fans (Dont cry! she sternly instructs), shes warm, funny and, despite the gloss, very real. Im just a simple girl from the Bronx, she informs us with a gurative wink and nudge. The show takes the girl-from-the-hood idea and runs with it. Ushered on by a troupe of dancers dressed in Broadway-inspired top hats and tails, she immediately rips o her oor-length skirt, revealing a sequined leotard. Thus dressed for battle, she steams in and roars through Get Right, Love Dont Cost a Thing and Im Into You. These three summarise her musical breadth as well as anything skittering hip-pop, bouncy bubblegum and handsin-the-air club fare but they would be so much generic dance-pap if Lopez werent there, giving them life through sheer alpha-female force. A costume change later, shes in a boxing ring, singing Goin In; then she clambers into a gold tracksuit to go back to the Bronx, where she leads the dancers through a quickstep Jenny from the Block. Were transported to an oldschool uptown theatre for Hold It Dont Drop It, and to the ctitious Club Babalu during Papi. All these vignettes are executed with such moxie that she can be forgiven a ve-minute video montage of her with her four-year-old twins. At the end, it isnt J-Lo the mother or even J-Lo the diva who sticks in the mind, but Jenny from the block, who still knows where she came from. Caroline Sullivan presented in Exaudis 10th-birthday concert. Typically, the programme juxtaposed old and new, with madrigals taken from the third and fourth books by Monteverdi, and the fth and sixth by Gesualdo, performed with the same fastidious attention to detail, one singer to a part, that the group brought to each contemporary work. There was a benchmark for the new pieces, too, in three of Salvatore Sciarrinos 12 Madrigals from 2008 brief, exquisite Italian settings of Japanese haiku that instantly conjure Sciarrinos unique soundworld of sighs and whispers. None of the new pieces equalled Sciarrinos for vividness, nor matched the brilliant mix of narration and evocation of the other miniature in the programme, Morgan Hayess 2010 E Vesuvio Monte. Larry Govess Sherpa Tensing Stands Up from the Piano set a repetitive text by Matthew Welton in a vaguely Italianate way, though the joke wore thin rather quickly, while Christian Wol had used brief, deliberately everyday texts by John Ashbery for three austerely homophonic pieces. Evan Johnsons Three in, ad Abundantiam, took scraps of a Petrarch sonnet and atomised them further into isolated sounds and syllables, while in Sesto Libro di Carlo Gesualdo, Michael Finnissy added further decorative layers to the already rich mix of Se la Mia Morte Brami from Gesualdos nal collection, neatly bringing Exaudis celebration full circle. Andrew Clements

Lazarus sounded far more powerful with Klezmatics support than on her album, and the collaboration continued with a stirring and jazzy klezmer-swing workout, and the celebratory nale of an old socialist Yiddish anthem. They should do this again. Robin Denselow


Joan Rivers Royal Albert Hall, London
The Albert Hall doesnt look as stately as it did but its still incongruous to see Joan Rivers in this grand old rotunda, making the air curl with malice, mischief and the monstering of pieties. She prowls the stage, with the bristling energy of someone half her age (actually, scratch that: Im half her age and was out of breath just watching). And tonight, her rants against the Kardashians, the Germans, thin people, and, crucially, herself brook no opposition. Its a far cry from Rivers recent outing in a small-scale play on the Edinburgh fringe about her life. That was introspective, whereas tonight Rivers is a sequin-studded up-yours to reection of any kind. Her act is what happens when speech precedes thought, a devil-onthe-shoulders stream of consciousness venting every prejudice and neurosis, and to hell with how we usually dress up those impulses for public consumption. Its not always witty. Wit isnt the point; audacity is. She shouldnt be able to get away with saying: Mexicans are so ugly, they make Haitians look attractive. But she does because the joke is clearly on Joan, a persona that brings to a head the me, me, me vacuity of consumercelebrity culture. Its also because of the emphatic absurdity of it all, as when she depicts the chain-smoking Japanese midget who plays Tom Cruises infant daughter for a living. Occasionally, the shallowness grates, as with her Union ag-bedecked encore, when she hymns the adorableness of Kate Middleton. I found this more oensive than her Chinese-bashing shtick, which is somehow beautiful in its brutality (We dont eat dog! We dont eat dog! And theres a fucking leash hanging out of their mouth. They fucking eat dog!) At 79, Rivers is ageing heroically, getting nastier and livelier where others are stoical. This isnt raging against the dying of the light its throwing yourself headlong into the darkness and coming back with a supernova. Brian Logan

A Midsummer Nights Dream Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh
Towards the start of Shakespeares comedy, the fairy queen Titania tells her lover Oberon how their quarrel has turned nature upside down. The seasons alter, she says, and the mazed world knows not which is which. Much later, as the play nears its conclusion, would-be husband Demetrius confesses that his love for Hermia is now melted as the snow. Neither line usually catches the attention, but here in Matthew Lentons production, both leap out. This particular Midsummer Nights Dream is set in the depths of winter: fairies in white toss snowakes into the air, the rude mechanicals huddle in their overcoats and, at moments of greatest tension, blizzards blow up. To prove their mettle in front of Helena, rivals Demetrius and Lysander strip down to their bare chests in a feat of icy endurance. Its an idea that minimises the plays sense of feverish midsummer madness, but replaces it with a vision of rebirth and renewal. With the return of sanity come spring owers pushing through the frozen stage and the promise of a fertile future. The image is reinforced in a framing device, in which Jordan Youngs excellent Bottom sits at his wifes hospital bedside, waiting for signs of recovery. The whole play is his dream complete with the funny and surreal image of his fellow mechanicals doubling as fairies during his transformation into a donkey and its resolution oers him personal hope. Despite these arresting ideas often realised with striking beauty th on Kai Fischers set the hers production scores less well in n making you care about the u lovers. Dressed in primary ssed colours, like extras from a 1970s ke sci- series, they do better at s, comedy than romance. an Because we dont fall e in love with them h ourselves, their eventual union carries no special frisson. son. Mark Fisher er Until 17 November. Box vember. oce: 0131-248 4848. -248 248 Excellent Jordan Young in A Midsummer Nights Dream eam

Arena diva Jennifer Lopez at the O2 Photograph: Samir Hussein/Redferns

World music
The Klezmatics with Sophie Solomon Union Chapel, London
The Klezmatics have been one of the most adventurous roots bands in New York for more than quarter of a century. Their starting point is klezmer, the music that was traditionally performed at Jewish weddings and celebrations across eastern Europe, which has enjoyed a revival in the west, thanks in no small part to this band. Its not just a dance style, as they showed with their rst song, a thoughtful lament in Yiddish sung by the black-hatted Lorin Sklamberg, a multi-instrumentalist with a haunting, soulful voice, backed by cimbalom, ute, violin and trumpet. Then they were o, starting with a brassy reminder of how klezmer fused with jazz in America, followed by dance songs driven by Sklambergs accordion and violin solos from Lisa Gutkin. Then they switched styles again for a set of songs in which they matched their own music to lyrics written but never m performed by Woody Guthrie. p Now they sounded like a classy N American folk band, stomping A sedately through Mermaid Avenue sed and showing o exquisite, six-part s harmonies on Holy Ground, which harm sounded more like a spiritual than sound klezmer. They are impressive kl musicians, all they lacked was the m little extra verve and attack that l those songs required. t They were joined for part of their set by special guest Sophie Solomon, a classically trained violinist who has clas had an uneven career. She started out with the adventurous London klezmer-fusion band Oi Va Voi, but then klezm aimed for the mass market with Poison aime Sweet Madeira, a less successful solo Swee album. Now shes artistic director of album the Jewish Music Institute, and still an J engagingly amboyant player. Her song enga

Exaudi Wigmore Hall, London
Its a decade now since the conductor and composer James Weeks and soprano Juliet Fraser brought together a group of young singers, a consort rather than a choir, to perform contemporary music. Exaudi have gone on to build an international reputation, with a steadily increasing list of important premieres to their credit, and have marked their anniversary by guaranteeing themselves a lot more, inviting composers to contribute short settings to a 21stcentury book of madrigals. The rst results of that initiative were

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Determined and well-dened though this performance was, it needed more warmth and vibrancy George Hall on the BBCSO and Mark Wigglesworth at the Barbican, London Tweet your reviews using #gdnreview


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012



Seumas Milne The presidential foreign policy debate showed how close the candidates were and how far from their own public opinion

Aung Americans would also gain EuropesKyi San Suu from scaling back the empire

Georey Robertson

The US empire is in decline, hastened by overreach in the war on terror and paid for in blood and treasure

hoever runs Washington heads a global empire. American politics aects peoples lives in every part of the world, often as a matter of life or death. So its scarcely surprising that more than 40% of those polled around the world say they want the right to vote in US presidential elections. After all, the American revolution was fought on the slogan of no taxation without representation. So long as the US government arrogates to itself the right to impose its leadership by force across the world, a contemporary version of the colonists demand might be: no global power without accountability. And with George Bushs blooddrenched presidency still fresh in the memory, its only to be expected that 81% want to see the less belligerent Barack Obama re-elected. Only in Pakistan, target of relentless civilianslaughtering US drone attacks, do a larger number prefer his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney. Of course, enfranchising foreigners is fantasy. Only US citizens will have a say in these elections, and barely half of them are likely to bother to vote. Their choice will be made overwhelmingly on domestic issues, not how the administration should deploy its fearsome arsenal on the other side of the world. The race is tight mainly because the economy is still hobbled and poverty has risen 19% since 2000. But for all Obamas disappointments and an electoral system in the grip of the wealthy, the domestic choice is real enough: from spending and taxes to healthcare and abortion facing a challenger who thinks 47% of Americans are scroungers. But for most of Monday nights candidates TV debate on foreign policy, it was hard to put a credit card between them. They competed to demonstrate unconditional commitment to Israel, determination to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons at all costs and their rm intention to compel China to play by the rules. Romney had sharply toned down his more menacing rhetoric. Apart from grumbling about Obamas lack of strong leadership, his inner hawk only really broke cover to insist on direct arming of the Syrian rebels and the necessity of yet further decit-defying increases in the already gargantuan US military budget. At one point the Republican rightwinger even criticised Obama for behaving as if the US could kill our way out

of this mess in the Muslim world. That shouldnt be taken too literally. If nothing else, the experience of Bush who presented himself as a compassionate conservative with a humble foreign policy in 2000 and went on to launch the most devastating war of aggression in modern American history is an object lesson. But Romneys determination to shake o his image as a warmonger reects the need at least to nod to US public opinion. Unlike the Washington establishment, large majorities of Americans believe neither the Iraq nor Afghanistan wars were worth ghting, polling shows; more than three-quarters think the US plays world policeman more than it should; and most want military spending cut, reject a US strike on Iran, and oppose arming Syrias opposition. But that also underlines how little inuence most people in the US (as in Britain) have on their governments foreign policy and military adventures. For all Obamas tone of reason and his stand against the Iraq war, his record is anything but pacic. He accelerated withdrawal from Iraq, but escalated the war in Afghanistan and failed to subdue armed resistance, at a cost of thousands of extra deaths. He sharply intensied the drone war in Pakistan, spreading it to Somalia and Yemen, personally vetting the kill lists while expanding legitimate targets to include all military-age males. He backed Natos war in Libya, ratcheting up the death toll at least tenfold

and unleashing mass ethnic cleansing; supported the suppression of Gulf protest; and managed a violent coup in Honduras to a successful conclusion. With a little help from Congress, he reneged on his pledge to close the Guantnamo internment camp, acquiesced in Israels refusal to end illegal colonisation of Palestinian territory, and has now dispatched US troops to sub-Saharan Africa and Jordan. Whatever the personal views of the politician at the top, the US empire is a system, not a policy, underpinned by corporate and military interests. Romney would very likely be a more dangerous leader, but almost every US president has sanctioned military action, and the risk of war with Iran or growing intervention in Syria would remain under a second Obama term. But its also a system in evident decline, hastened by overreach in the war on terror and paid for in blood and treasure both by Americans and across the world. US military spending is larger than the combined spending of the next 20 powers combined, its troops stationed in a majority of countries. Of course the rest of the world doesnt really want a vote in American elections but the US o its back. Far better for most Americans, too, if that bloated military budget were to be slashed, troops withdrawn and bases closed and the money spent instead on jobs, schools and health in the US itself. Twitter: @SeumasMilne

Stalinist justice was used to crush Ukraines former prime minister. Today the UN will hear of her plight
ulia Tymoshenko, heroine of the orange revolution and the only woman ever to achieve prime ministerial oce in the former Soviet republics, is not allowed to stand in Ukraines current national election. For the last 15 months she has been in prison, convicted for actions that would not amount to a crime in any other democracy. She is subjected to the grossest invasion of her privacy (almost every movement she makes is videoed) and constantly defamed by the president and his tame prosecutors. Europe seems to have abandoned her; but today, at the UNs human rights committee, the UK can bring her situation to the worlds attention. Her innocence of any real crime is clear from the judgments at her trial and nal appeal. She was convicted of the vague charge of abuse of oce by reaching a deal with Putin which resolved a gas crisis in January 2009 that risked causing deaths in central Europe. Russia had cut o gas to Ukraine and through it, to a number of countries and was going to continue doing so unless transportation charges were increased. With the encouragement of the EU and Angela Merkel, Tymoshenko ew to Moscow and reached a compromise. Her opponents thought she should have held out for better terms. The issue was fully canvassed over the next few months in the presidential election, in which she was narrowly beaten by Viktor Yanukovych (winner of the rigged 2004 election that the orange revolution overturned). An example of functioning democracy, you might think. But not in Ukraine, where Tymoshenko was then prosecuted. It was not suggested she had made a penny out of the gas deal, or had been dishonest or criminal in any accepted sense of that word. Her crime, according to her judge, was that she had acted in her personal interests, desiring to create for herself the image of an ecient leader of its state who could deal with the gas crisis shortly before the presidential elections. In other words, she had acted as any other populist leader in a democracy she had resolved a crisis, then submitted herself and her conduct to the electorate. The charge had been used by the regime to silence a political opponent. Ukraine maintains the Stalinist system whereby the prosecution service (its top ocials appointed by the president) controls the courts. Its judges have no independence. This can be proven by a single statistic: the conviction rate in criminal cases is an incredible 99.8%. On his appointment, Tymoshenkos prosecutor, Viktor Pshonka, declared himself on the presidents team and his deputy appears regularly on TV to defame her. If judges rule against the prosecution in a political trial, it then prosecutes them for the oence of being untrue to their oath. They do not have tenure until they serve loyally for ve years. Tymonshenkos judge was plucked from a small town court and given the most important trial in Ukraines history. He showed his colours by a brutal early decision to put Tymoshenko in prison. Her sentence seven years and an order to pay $186m was calculated to destroy her. And all for acting as a prime minister should, to avert a humanitarian crisis in central Europe. Once, Stalinist systems delivered telephone justice a call to the judge from the party boss. In Ukraine it is megaphone justice: the president and his prosecutors publicly declared Tymoshenko guilty before her trial, and a lickspittle judge then did their bidding. The Council of Europe has passed motions condemning her treatment but has done nothing to sanction her persecutors or to suspend Ukraines membership. When Britain speaks at the UN, it must make clear that Yulia Tymoshenko has become Europes Aung San Suu Kyi. Georey Robertson is the author of Crimes Against Humanity

Still locking up children

Diane Taylor Nick Clegg boasts that child detention is over, but the coalitions own gures reveal otherwise

he report published yesterday by HM Inspectorate of Prisons into the governments rst family friendly detention facility for parents and children awaiting forced removal from the UK is a mixed bag. The chief inspector of prisons, Nick Hardwick, describes the unit Cedars, near Gatwick as an exceptional facility. But there is also plenty of criticism in his report. Hardwick highlights the unacceptable force used against a pregnant woman in a wheelchair and ags up force used on six of 39 families placed in the facility. He adds that children became very distressed during removals, and says it was not possible to measure the psychological impact of that process on them. Incidents of self-harm along with shortcomings in healthcare and training were also pointed out. What this report does not do is address two of the continuing controversies surrounding the detention of children for immigration purposes. But its publication is a timely reminder that they are a long way from resolution. The rst concerns the fact that the coalition government in general, and deputy prime minister Nick Clegg in particular, have maintained a consistent narrative that child detention has ended. The governments own data relating to numbers of children detained proves this is not true. The second is the continued and controversial involvement of the childrens charity Barnardos, which has a contract with government to sta the

centre alongside G4S, the rm behind the Olympics security asco. G4S has been the subject of many allegations of assault by immigration detainees including Jimmy Mubenga, who died during an attempt to remove him. The Lib Dems promised to end child detention in their 2010 manifesto, and they insist they have delivered on this objective. Clegg received much adulation from the organisation Citizens UK at his partys conference last month for ending child detention. Basking in their gratitude, Clegg said: Were not accustomed to being thanked for pledges weve kept. Yet the governments own gures show that the number of children they are detaining is on the rise. A total of 91 children were detained last year. In the rst six months of this year 107 children were detained, 35 of them not in the family friendly Cedars but in ordinary immigration removal centres such as Tinsley House, near Gatwick. Clegg is engaging in a form of doublespeak. In the face of the statistical evidence from his own government, he continues to insist that child detention has ended. And what of Barnardos, which attracted a urry of controversy when it was announced that it would be working with UK Border Agency to help sta Cedars? The childrens charity insisted that if certain red lines were crossed, it would walk away from the contract. The red lines include disproportionate use of force, use of Tinsley House as an overow facility, and the detention of families more than twice. Hardwick stated that one family was detained three times, and several were detained

twice, as well as describing the use of force on the pregnant woman as unacceptable. Alison Worsley, Barnardos deputy director of strategy, insists: We have always been clear that our involvement at Cedars does not stop us speaking out on behalf of asylum-seeking families. We raise any concerns with UKBA at the time that they arise at the appropriate level, from operations up to ministers, and have already spoken out twice publicly. The government insists that only families who have exhausted their appeal rights will end up in Cedars. Yet nine of the 39 families who have been detained there were released, suggesting that their appeals were not exhausted, and so they should not have been there in the rst place. The government has tried extremely hard to convince us that child detention has ended, but this years gures continue to creep upwards. Those who are campaigning to end the detention of children say their work is not yet done. In the meantime Clegg and the organisations who champion him for ending child detention need to stick to the facts. The xtures and ttings at Cedars are prettier than in the rest of the governments immigration removal estate, but Hardwicks report has highlighted some of the same concerns that existed about child detention in its previous incarnation in various immigration removal centres. If the government really wants to end child detention, it should stop detaining children. Diane Taylor is a freelance human rights journalist and author

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012 Follow us on Twitter @commentisfree Join us on Facebook

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Diary Hugh Muir

After ruinous criticism over the Savile expos that never was, is there any way back for Newsnight editor Peter Rippon? One diculty that would prove insurmountable would be his assertion that the Savile story couldnt run because those providing the evidence were just the women. And this is one of the mystifying things about what has transpired. For far from underplaying the role of women or issues important to women, Newsnight run by Rippon sought to give gender issues and representation higher prominence. This prompted items on domestic violence, sexual abuse and female genital mutilation. Until last Friday, Newsnight also had two female deputy editors, Shaminder Nahal and Liz Gibbons. Nahal has just gone to Channel 4 News. With Rippons departure, Gibbons is in charge. One siren voice would refer to the regime just past as a gynaecocracy, but that was far from the default view, so just the women doesnt make much sense. But then, much of this farrago dees logic. And as those Savile investigations gather pace, something for Lord Justice Leveson to ponder. He may have taken a view of Nick Owens of the Sunday Mirror, who came before him hoping to scotch suggestions that he had been willing to buy celebrities private medical records. The claim was made by a documentary maker trying to make a point about errant journalistic behaviour by hoaxing selected tabloids into running fake stories. Owens Leveson appearance, punctuated by accusations and denials, will not have been the high point of his year, and the report may make grim reading. But set against that, one might also consider the exclusive Owens ran in the Sunday Mirror in January nine months ago, a month before his rubber-hosing at Leveson, and in the face of resistance from the BBC. It said: The BBC launched a two-month probe into sex claims against its own iconic presenter Sir Jimmy Savile ... only for it to be axed by executives. Reporters investigated historic allegations about inappropriate behaviour relating to the Jimll Fix It legend. But they were eventually ordered to scrap the report, which had been due on screen only days before a BBC1 Christmas special. The scoop ran on page 9, for it couldnt compete with the Duchess of Cambridge, but the rest is history. Sometimes reporters misbehave, but scandals rarely emerge by accident. In other news, the man to cut through the obfuscation on Heathrow has arrived. Simon Third Degree Burns, new aviation minister, stepped into the breach on Monday when transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin absented himself from the Airport Operators Association conference. He carefully toed the party line on the toxic political question of airport expansion, saying that the Conservatives would simply consider the recommendations of the commission led by Howard Davies, reporting safely after the 2015 election. Alas for Burns, Andrew Neil, moonlighting as host, pressed mercilessly on whether this was just kicking the issue into the long grass. Burns yammered; Neil prodded; would a Conservative government accept and implement Daviess recommendations in full? The goaded Burns could twist no more. Yes! he declared, announcing a major shift in aviation policy. This is as good as it gets these days. Government by outburst. Still, one assumes things will run smoothly tomorrow night when the prime minister opens No 10 for the launch of the Powerlist, the survey of whos up and whos down in Britains black communities. Tories were very keen to host the event there, for they too dream of One Nation. It was Monaco when last we checked. Finally, good news for a favourite of this column: veteran presenter of the World Tonight, Robin Lustig. Hes standing down after 23 distinguished years. But the best comes last, and so he has been singled out for the Beard of Autumn Award 2012. Organisers say this specic accolade reects the more rugged appearance often associated with autumn. From which we conclude that he might not have fared so well in summer. Still, ever the master of timing. Twitter: @hugh_muir

Simon Jenkins In our rush to apportion blame for the actions of an individual, we risk becoming blind to the real issues of the day

The Savile witch-hunt sets us on a path to paranoia

s Jimmy Savile and the BBC the biggest story on Earth? Apparently so. Yesterday the British media placed it above Romney versus Obama, above the implosion of Lebanon and above the birth of the worlds largest oil company. Savile was bigger than killer drones in Lincolnshire, bigger than Camerons prison policy, bigger than the sensational Birmingham terrorism trial. The mere standing down of the editor of Newsnight led the BBC news, as if the corporation had sub-contracted itself to its house journal, Ariel. While Britains domestic and overseas predicament cries out for clarity from those who purvey public information, the purveyors have lost all proportion. The media has gone collectively tabloid. Savile clearly did terrible things to young people, which authorities failed to notice or investigate. But he is dead, damned, gone for ever. Those who promoted and, to some degree, protected Savile, which included the BBC, the NHS and some charities, bear a portion of the culpability for the harm he caused to young people. It is right that they come clean and apologise on Saviles behalf to those who suered. It is also right that they review how his doings were concealed and, in the BBCs case, how a programme about him was not aired. That is happening. This does not make the BBCs director general, George Entwistle, a manager of a paedophile ring, or an appeaser of sexual harassment, as implied by much of yesterdays questioning by the Commons culture committee. His artlessness seemed honest and was plausible. What appeared a conspiracy over the cancelling of Newsnight was, on his evidence, a regretable cock-up. The trouble is that the media hates cock-ups as they dilute guilt. A mistake must be rendered a lie, a cover-up and a crisis, so that the cry can go up for heads to roll. As we saw in the Andrew Mitchell case, when the blood is up, nothing will satisfy the political community but a body in the street. Entwistle gave the appearance of a man who can count angels on the head of a BBC pin, but is at a loss to notice when the pin is skewering him. He now knows what it was like to be James

The problem with the BBCs metropolitan programmers was that they could not tell a Savile from a Cilla Black

Murdoch in the same seat last spring, giving much the same answers, if less elegantly. The BBC is an archetypal case of corporate elephantiasis, an organisation too big to take clear and swift decisions. Its senior managers are lost in a corporate maze of directorates, divisions, Chinese walls and spectrums of delegation. He could not begin to explain how an editor-in-chief was not a chief editor, or how the head of television was not, in fact, the head of television. The BBC makes the Vatican seem like a corner shop. The corporation may be commended for the vigour with which its disparate empire, from news to Panorama, reported on the miseries of its elders. But if there is one group that BBC journalists hate even more than the Murdoch family, it is their own bosses. For two days, the Today radio programme revelled in their distress. Its presenters could not stop talking about it, hauling in fellow employees to declare the crisis the worst in 50 years, and their superiors to be close to toast. The reality is that the BBCs survival depends on its self-abasement. Given its unique status as a statutory body and its near monopoly of broadcast news, anything less than total disclosure would be inexcusable. Jimmy Savile mesmerised the BBC in life, as now he does in death. Its metropolitan programmers indulged him outrageously, assuming him to be the authentic voice of working-class eccentricity. Their problem was that they could not tell a Savile from a Cilla Black. It is hard to see what real benet will come from any of this. The case is awash in malice, vilication, exaggeration and litigation. After yesterdays grilling, the BBC might well decide never again to let a child near a male studio presenter. Hospitals will be advised to recruit chaperones for males in childrens wards. MPs would apparently deplore anyone permitting children near adult strangers. Nor are children the only consideration. The Commons yesterday elided paedophilia with sexual harassment. Again the consequence must surely be for the BBC, and any entertainment organisation, to deny lone females entry to mens dressing rooms unaccompanied, for fear of having permitted

sexual harassment. This already applies to school and university tutorials, irrespective of the age of those involved. Soon doctors, lawyers and priests will have to practise, like the police, in pairs. Responsibility for our behaviour apparently no longer rests on us as individuals but on anyone whom a lawyer can claim was responsible for our contact with others. We are no longer our own masters. This is the royal road to Orwellian hell. The recent disproportionate treatment of phone hacking is threatening the media, not with the already existing criminal law, but with statutory restrictions on its work in respect of personal (and perhaps corporate) privacy. These restrictions seem likely to be out of all proportion to the harm they seek to avert. The same may now apply after Savile.

hose running big organisations, in the public and private sectors, face a lethal pincer movement. On the one side is a rising tide of risk aversion, seeping into every factory, oce and profession, stiing enterprise, reassessing risk, clogging decision. On the other is a fear of what happens should this process fail. Just as the concept of an accident has slid from legal status, so has the honest mistake. When Entwistle yesterday admitted and regretted his mistake in not asking in more detail about the Savile programme, his tormenters hardly noticed. Honest mistakes do not exist, being replaced by only the most serious and probably criminal negligence, t only for the pillory, the stocks or the gallows. We now have a new form of accountability, to an inquiriat, a cackle of inquisitors and lawyers jumping to the bidding of public opinion, apping round every executives head and piling accusation on every error. This can only lead to ever more defensive behaviour in every sphere of public life. It is the paranoia of the modern state. Every document is open, every conversation on the record and your friend today is tomorrow the witness against you.


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

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The American elections

He said, she said

The US presidential campaign still has two weeks to run, but it is already possible to say that whichever man wins, democracy will be one of the losers. There has of course never ever been a perfectly fair and honest election in any of the countries which claim the democratic title. Dirty tricks are part of the process, understood, fallen for, seen through, and sometimes even relished by the voters. Trollope wrote of an election agent profoundly puzzled by the proposition that bribing citizens with free beer was in some way unethical, while Mark Twain satirically advised politicians to Get the facts rst. You can distort them later. Yet the failings evident in the American contest this time may be of a new order, and they could be critical. To put it at its simplest, the election is so close that its outcome may be determined by whether the lies told during the campaign, above all by the Republican side, stick or not. Because the candidates are so close, because the country has been so submerged by wave after wave of negative advertising, and because the falsehoods and unacknowledged shifts of position have come so thick and fast, mendacity could triumph over merit. If it does so, it will be because democracys main tool for checking deception, the media, have fallen short of their duties. When politicians nd they can make assertions and perpetrate falsehood without fear of being exposed, or at least of being exposed in front of the broader public, some of them will do so. The reasons are various. Elements of the American media, like Fox News, are partisan to the point of outright distortion, while others are hampered by what Paul Krugman has called the cult of balance, refusing to directly contest misleading statements by politicians and instead only oering the other side the opportunity of rebuttal, or leaving to columnists and commentators the task of judging political assertions. Contradicting politicians in news stories was not done. Barack Obama has himself justiably complained of false balance, implying that this so-called he said, she said narrative, ostensibly even-handed, misleads, confuses and bores the citizen. Both partisanship and the problem of false equivalence, assigning equal weight to each sides position in the search for balance, have contributed to a steep decline in trust in the accuracy of reports in the American media. The United States is not alone in these developments, but it is, unfortunately, further down this road than other nations in the democratic family. Where the partisan press cannot be trusted to check the facts oered by the politicians they favour or accept the versions oered by those they do not, and the more independent or liberal press will not do so in either case, democracy is clearly in trouble. It is true that, as the campaign has run its course, some American journalists have raised their game, nudged along, in part, by the social media. Political assertions have been contested in news stories, while one moderator, Candy Crowley, brusquely contradicted Mitt Romney in the second presidential debate when he tried to maintain that Mr Obama had not termed the attack on the Benghazi consulate an act of terror. The stunned expression on Mr Romneys face when she did so showed, however, how rare such interventions remain. Republicans then heaped abuse on her, helped by the fact that she was herself guilty of an error, although a lesser one. Whatever the rights or wrongs of that incident, the fact checkers have got their act together rather late in the day. American voters will thus soon be deciding on issues that have been presented to them in a particularly distorted way, and making a judgment on character clouded by the way in which one candidate, Mr Romney, has segued from the aggressive right of the spectrum to somewhere near the centre, particularly in foreign policy, as Monday nights debate showed. Emerson said that if you threw a fact out of the window you would come back later to nd it sitting in the chimney corner. But that might well be after you had voted.

Newsnight and Jimmy Savile

Chain of command
Hands clean or hands-o ? That is the immediate judgment to reach on George Entwistle over the Jimmy Savile aair. The director general went to parliament yesterday to prove that he had kept a virtuous distance from decisions about what the BBC would broadcast about its late, disgraced star. But the prevailing impression was of an editor-in-chief who kept himself rather too far from the fray. After three fumbling weeks, it was a mediocre performance. Perhaps it was unrealistic to have hoped that he could answer the hankering for somebody to grip this whole horrid business. We are, after all, talking about four decades of abuse, both within and beyond a corporation of 8,000 journalists. The principal culprit was protected by countless blind eyes, and by an on-screen culture which tittered indulgently at lechery, as if it were only natural for red-blooded males. Given the allegations about what he was up to backstage, it is chilling to watch old Top of the Pops clips in which Savile hugs young girls too close. Even at the time, there would have been outrage if the full facts had come to light. A mix of indierence and incuriosity ensured they never did. The Tory MP Philip Davies sought to pin all this on a DG who has been in post for ve weeks, grilling him about which managers held keys to the Savile dressing room in days so distant that Mr Entwistle himself was a child. The rest of the culture committee concentrated on the ditched Newsnight expos of Savile. The row has become an outlet for wider revulsion, whose real target lies in the ground. The BBCs own Panorama had done valuable spadework for the committee the night before, an impressively open contrast with other media organisations; recall that not long ago one apologised for having employed an investigator to keep MPs under surveillance. Nonetheless, this proxy row matters in its own right. The public service ideal relies on BBC journalists being free to follow their noses without fear or favour. Newsnight editor Peter Rippon pulled the report on Savile for reasons that remain unclear. Mr Entwistles initial lack of interest invites scrutiny, as does the his senior colleague Helen Boadens warning to Mr Rippon about maintaining editorial standards on this story. The committee ought to want to hear from both Ms Boaden and Mr Rippon, but has declined to call the latter. Then it needs to hear from Mark Thompson, for it was he and not Mr Entwistle who was DG at this time. There may be institutional as well as personal failures a healthy reluctance to manage editorial decisions downward may have grown warped into a failure to refer conict up. All of this needs clearing up, but these mistakes should not be confused with the alleged crimes themselves, or the culture that allowed them to happen.

In praise of Italian seismologists

Over the centuries, the land that gave the world Pliny the Elder, Galileo, Volta, Marconi and Fermi has been home to some of the most brilliant scientic minds. But the conviction of six seismologists for manslaughter following the LAquila earthquake of 2009 evokes a darker tradition. The scientists, who wrongly said there was nothing to fear from tremors in the Abruzzo region, did their best to give an accurate account of an inherently unpredictable set of natural hazards. Tragically, their best was not good enough. But prosecuting them for manslaughter for misleading the public, and then sentencing them to six years in jail, is an oence against reason. Earthquakes happen in Italy. Neither the failure to predict disasters nor false reassurance about them should be part of any criminal code. If it were, Michael Fish would be living out his days in the overcrowded criminal weather-forecasters wing at Wormwood Scrubs. On second thoughts

Comment & Debate

The death of the two-state solution gives fresh hope

Rachel Shabi With many Palestinians and Israelis coming round to the idea of a binational state, a peaceful future can be glimpsed

e could argue over who killed it, but whats the point? Its increasingly obvious that a continued insistence on zombie peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians is deluded, because the two-state principle framing them is dead. To prcis: its now impossible to remove half a million Jewish settlers and infrastructure from the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem; the international community is opposed to settlements on paper but does nothing in practice, and after 19 years of failed two-state talks, the fault plainly lies in the plan, not the leadership. This view has been expressed more vocally of late on both sides, from unlikely quarters and for dierent reasons. Prominent Israeli commentators have declared the end of the two-state period. The latest to do so was the veteran journalist Nahum Barnea, who in August wrote in the mass-circulation Yediot Aharonot that the Oslo two-state peace process is dead. His view Everybody knows how this will end. There will be a bi-national [state], he claried on Israeli TV is shared by others once supportive of the Oslo framework but now calling time on it. I do not give up on the two-state solution on ideological grounds, wrote Haaretz columnist Carlo Strenger last month. I give up on it because it will not happen. Were also starting to see the practical consequences of those Jewish settlers who, surprisingly, started talking about one-state approaches two years ago. Last week a Palestinian village in an Israel-controlled area of the West Bank

was given building permits the rst time thats happened during a 45-year Israeli occupation thanks to petitions from their Jewish settler neighbours. Meanwhile, rightwing Israeli politicians such as Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin and ex-defence minister Moshe Arens have been arguing for one state and while their vision isnt premised on immediate equal citizenship, they have taken the sting out of the subject. Among Palestinians, support for a one-state approach is also growing. A poll last month showed that support for a one-state formulation premised on equal rights has inched up among both Palestinians and Israelis. In the West Bank, there are fresh peaks of disillusion with the Palestinian Authority whose tenure was always supposed to be temporary, pending statehood, as set out in the Oslo Accords. Unelected, tainted by corruption, aid-dependent and viewed as enforcers of the Israeli occupation, the PAs last stab at credibility was probably its statehood bid at the UN last year. But you could practically hear the hope hissing out of that media-inated bid when, pressured by the US, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas switched to a hollowed-out version that was meaningless and destined to fail. Now a new generation of Palestinian activists are bypassing territorial demands to focus on civil rights and freedoms. In Israel, there are green shoots of debate around practical questions of how to share the space between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River. Weeks ago, Israeli analyst and blogger Dahlia Scheindlin previously a twostate advocate set out a list of key questions and suggestions, concerning issues such as voting systems, refugees and land rights. Already, Israeli intel-

lectuals are working out the idea that Jewish claims to the region currently enforced with guns and walls would need instead to be enshrined by law, alongside equally guaranteed Palestinian protections. In his new book, Beyond the Two State Solution, Israeli sociologist Yehouda Shenhav draws on a pre-Israeli, bi-national strain of Zionism that was historically drowned out but should now, he argues, be reclaimed. Countering a common criticism of one-state proposals, these emerging formulations dont insist that Palestinians and Israelis give up outdated attachments to nationalism which is helpful, because it seems that neither side wants to, yet. A small group of Palestinians, Israelis and Jewish settlers, Eretz Yoshveyha land of its inhabitants set out principles for a single spatial polity last year, among them safeguarding the collective rights of the two nations. One settler tells me of a consensus emerging within nascent, one-state settler groups that, while national identity may be important, exclusive Jewish sovereignty is not. Its all germinal and there are problems, of course. Most Palestinians

Now a new generation of Palestinian activists are bypassing territorial demands to focus on civil rights and freedoms

and Israelis still support a two-state framework, even while believing it doomed. Shared-space alternatives have grassroots momentum, but no leadership support. The left needs to ensure Gaza remains part of the picture. And doubtless some West Bank settlers support one-stateism as a way of avoiding potential eviction, with scant regard for Palestinian rights. A recent poll suggests Israelis agree, with a majority supporting discriminatory policies if the West Bank were annexed. Tentative meetings between settlers and Palestinians could crash once they progress beyond relatively safe community issues a belief in the power of people sitting together over cups of tea was a theme of the peace process years, and look how that turned out. But one idea is crystallising: that clinging to a two-state approach is, by default, a victory for the far-right claims of one state called Greater Israel, with a Jewish minority and two ethnically coded tiers of rights and freedoms. Thats the reality on the ground, cemented by Israel while paying lipservice to the idea of Palestinian statehood. Now the Israeli government wants to consolidate this even further, through approval of a report that declares all settlements legal under international law enshrining the idea that the West Bank isnt occupied. In this context its heartening that peace camps on both sides are starting to break a period of paralysis, discarding the spent husks of the Oslo phase to claw back fresh thinking space. Its only when freed from the dead weight of a two-state paradigm that a just, dignied and peaceful solution has the chance to ourish. Rachel Shabi is the author of Not the Enemy: Israels Jews from Arab Lands

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU Telephone: 020 3353 2000 Fax: 020 3353 3193 Email: We do not publish letters where only an email address is supplied; please include a full postal address, a reference to the article and a daytime


Letters and emails Skilled probation ocers cut crime
The prime ministers armation of rehabilitation as a guiding principle of penal policy is welcome (Editorial, 23 October), his vision of how it is to be achieved less so. In some respects he appears to be repeating the same ideas that have contributed to the relentless rise in the prison population with limited reduction in reconviction rates. A research study we have undertaken in co-operation with the Jersey probation service has found a strong link between probation ocer skills and the reconviction of those people they supervise in the community: put simply, the higher the level of skill, the lower the level of reconviction. One of the lessons is that successful rehabilitation is dependent on, among other things, sucient investment in the training and education of the professionals involved. Without an investment in the required resources, the prime ministers rhetoric will remain just that. Its now time to move towards a more serious commitment to developing evidence-based policies. Professor Maurice Vanstone, Professor Peter Raynor, Dr Pamela Ugwudike Swansea University Unmeasurable performance targets with the potential for perverse results do not seem to deter governments from introducing them. Payment by results based on reconviction rates provides a disincentive to organisations supervising oenders from reporting breaches of orders or further oending; not being reconvicted is not synonymous with not reoending. It makes me wonder whether there is a potentially lucrative market for me providing courses in alibi construction and evading detection. Roy Grimwood Market Drayton, Shropshire

telephone number. We may edit letters. Submission and publication of all letters is subject to our terms and conditions: see

Savile scandal suits the BBC bashers

No, this is not the biggest scandal in the BBCs history (Scandal in the air, G2, 23 October). Yes, the BBC does live by its noble ideals (Comment, 23 October). What we are currently witnessing is the rst major attack by the right on a great liberal institution since their retreat to the bunker following the banking and Murdoch crises. Now they sense an opportunity to join a great British slago. The Sun, the Mail, Tory MPs and the prime minister are thoroughly enjoying the current discomfort of the BBC. A series of revelations about an odious mans odious activities is becoming an assault on the integrity of the BBC itself. In the view of some, an impotent little state institution dispensing righteous propaganda would be a preferable use of public money; the sooner it can be broken up and privatised, the better Let us remind ourselves of what weve got a magnicent, complex organisation that provides quality knowledge, information and entertainment for the whole nation. It cant get everything right all of the time, but it is successful most of the time. If this bastion of liberal ideals goes, the Guardian wont be far behind. Arthur Gould Loughborough The BBC is being attacked over a programme that was withdrawn after Jimmy Savile was dead. We should be asking why the police, secret service (given Savile was a friend of Prince Charles and a regular guest of Thatchers at Chequers), civil service (given his role at Broadmoor), investigative journalists, newspapers etc didnt discover what Savile was up to while he was alive so he could be tried. Who really covered up here? There is a danger that this issue is being increasingly used by the rightwing establishment to attack the BBC when Savile may well have got away with it because he was one of us, intimately connected at the highest levels. Nick Toms London The BBC director general has expressed his condence in the structure for reporting up within the Corporation at moments of editorial doubt. Twenty-ve years ago or so an earlier structure, which had proved invaluable as long ago as the Suez crisis, was jettisoned. Previously a DG had a chief assistant at his side, a post which I held in the 1980s. My role was to keep in regular touch with all BBC news and current aairs outlets, acting on his behalf as a consultant on controversial matters. I could react directly on my own authority, but anything of real moment was reported to him immediately. We investigated personally. A decision often came within minutes, sometimes longer. The facts were not discussed with hints and nods. Reporting up to the editorin-chief was swift and substantial. The tangle of the present crisis is unprecedented. But past arrangements might have sorted it out more eectively. David Holmes Halesworth, Suolk Could the high viewing gures for Panoramas investigation of Newsnight mean that rather than going down in history as the BBCs shortest-serving DG ever, George Entwistle will instead be celebrated as the accidental inventor of a popular new format? I look forward to Blue Peters hard-hitting investigation of the One Show and Nigelissimas devastating expos of The Great British Bake O. Stefan Simanowitz London Will Newsnight end up as the BBCs sacricial victim, and suer the same fate as the News of the World? Given the BBC managements ham-sted handling of matters so far, who would rule it out? Paul Pastor Ormskirk, Lancashire One aspect of the Savile scandal has been overlooked. In response to the clerical abuse scandal, the Irish government has proposed a law that requires priests to report sexual abuse disclosed in the confession box to the secular authorities; those who fail to do so may be jailed for up to 10 years. Predictably, the Catholic church opposes this. Jimmy Savile was a devout Catholic; one can only speculate what he was thinking at the masses he attended daily, or whether he ever confessed his sins to a priest, but might it not be sensible for other governments to consider implementing the Dublin proposal? Alistair McBay National Secular Society

Corrections and clarications

An item said the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, had ordered a review of the proposed closure of childrens heart surgery units at Leeds Royal Inrmary and the Royal Brompton in London. That omitted a unit at Gleneld hospital in Leicester, which would also close under plans drawn up by a joint committee of primary care trusts, and misnamed Leeds General Inrmary as Leeds Royal. The article also said councillors in Lincolnshire and Leicestershire had expressed concern that the nearest childrens heart unit after Leeds Newcastle was too far away. Their concerns were about the closure of the Gleneld unit in Leicester (Hunt reviews axing of childrens heart units, 23 October, page 8). An article about leftwing cafes said such places had not thrived in Britain since the 18th century when the likes of Samuels Pepys and Johnson would gather for the Georgian equivalent of a discussion on the 4Chan website. Samuel Pepys lived from 1633 to 1703, before the Georgian era. Londons Firebox Cafe is in Bloomsbury, not Somers Town as the article said (The return of leftwing cafe culture, 22 October, page 2, G2). Further corrections on include: Italian scientists convicted for false assurances before earthquake, 22 October. Contacts for Guardian departments and sta can be found at contact-us. To contact the readers editors oce, which looks at queries about accuracy and standards, email including article details and web link; write to The readers editor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU; or phone +44 (0)20 3353 4736 between 10am and 1pm weekdays. The Guardians policy is to correct signicant errors as soon as possible. The editorial code of the Guardian incorporates the editors code overseen by the Press Complaints Commission: see

The right are using this to attack the BBC when Savile may have got away with it by being one of us
Nick Toms

Bog-standard cubism Back to a world of bed and breakfasts and food banks
It is Picasso who will transform the images of the 21st century, not Duchamp (Report, 16 October). Duchamps cubism was naive: his nude descending a staircase is about the nude moving. Picassos was far more subtle, it being about us (the spectator) moving, ie living. The transformation of images is far more important than the transformation of Art. David Hockney Bridlington, East Yorkshire George McGovern dedicated his life to public service (including underreported but heroic military service), representing the most disadvantaged citizens, and feeding the poor. But in his obituary (22 October) he is remembered mainly for an election campaign in which he was subjected to practices that were vicious and illegal even by US standards. He was a good and decent man in a time that was neither, and it is a pity to see in his obituary another case of blaming the victim. John C Hirsh Washington DC Amid all the Audis, US holidays and houses with hot tubs (Report, 22 October), did not even a few of the 3,000 lottery millionaires consider sharing a little of their good fortune with, say, Amnesty International, the World Hunger Fund, Children In Need or Cancer Research? David Carl Guildford, Surrey How come a man who disrupts a sporting event by swimming in front of Oxford and Cambridge rowers but harms no one gets six months in jail, but one (with a record of hooliganism) who runs on to a football pitch and assaults the goalkeeper gets four months (Report, 23 October)? Anything to do with class and snobbery? Richard Bates Penzance, Cornwall The crisis in the eurozone demonstrates that there can be no monetary union without political integration. If Scotland gains independence while retaining sterling, it may prove convenient that Edinburgh is already the Athens of the North (Letters, 23 October). Dr Mark Ellis Hudderseld, West Yorkshire The cremation of one of my in-laws was accompanied by Bon Jovis Blaze of Glory (Letters, 23 October). David England Liverpool Amelia Gentlemans distressing article on the return of the bed and breakfast regime for homeless families (No place like home, G2, 16 October) takes those of us old enough to remember back to the bad old days we thought had gone for ever. The current ruthless rationing of the benet system will destroy all that was best about the postwar eorts of Beveridge, the architect of the welfare state, and of successive governments, determined to eliminate the destitution of prewar years. Benet cheating can be prevented by ecient administration and cannot justify hounding the vast majority of those in need of help, most of whom have paid their national insurance contributions while in work. Excessively high rents used to be controlled; why not now? How many new houses have been sold for private rental rather than for owner occupation? Dr Patricia Dale London The scourge of families living in squalid and unsuitable temporary accommodation aects people from all backgrounds, in all towns and cities. In my home town, middle-class Harrogate, there are dozens of working families living in council-run hostels. At the time of the last election, I spent some time with these families and was appalled at the conditions and the length of time they were expected to stay in temporary accommodation. These families, who have lived and worked in Harrogate all their lives, were expected to eke out an existence in conditions the Victorians would have been ashamed of. What kind of society are we when young children are being brought up for months in a hostel where they share a bedsit with their parents and siblings? I was no great defender of the Labour government. But anyone who argues that it makes no dierence who is in government should read this article and study the facts on homelessness. Daniel Maguire Newcastle upon Tyne The reports on hunger in schools (Report, 16 October) and on the rise in the number of people receiving food aid from food banks provide quantied examples of what anecdotally has been a growing issue for some time. Recent reports in London have included accounts from the police of children stealing bread for their families, and people going without food for a day at the end of the week when their money runs out to make sure their children eat. Most shocking, perhaps, is the speed at which the numbers of people accessing food banks is rising. In London, the Trussell Trust provided food for around 15,000 between April and September, 6,388 of whom were children. This is virtually the same as the number for the entire previous year. While part of the rise must be due to the rise in the number of food banks, the overall picture remains bleak. Government needs to do more than welcome the existence of food banks as a sign of a big society. They are a sign of a system that is failing large numbers of people, many of them working. I am leading an investigation on behalf of the London assemblys health and environment committee into the issue of food poverty and would welcome contributions to the consultation at Fiona Twycross Labour, London assembly

Country diary

Macmillan Way, Cotswolds

The bus from Banbury drops my husband, Jack, and me at Chipping Warden, where greens, market cross and church of orange stone mark the start of our 120-mile walk, through the Cotswolds and towards the homeward train at Castle Cary. On the rst afternoon, sun shimmers on cobwebs spun across elds, and over the next 10 days we pass stately homes and picturesque villages of renovated houses and converted barns many shut up, secured inside electronic gates. Churches are decorated for harvest festival, and house names of former tradesmen hint at earlier selfsuciency of these settlements, which relied on wool for their wealth. Between overnight stays, few people are seen out in the country. Horses at livery await their riders and, beside the Westonbirt Arboretum, a string of unbridled thoroughbreds appears, like a painting by Stubbs. A narrowboat is manoeuvred through Claydon lock on the Oxford canal; towards the Rollright Stones, a farmer trims his hedges while he awaits drier conditions for autumn cultivation; three men with a van round up sheep at Adlestrop; a stone-waller lies down for a rest in a gateway; and, on the Stowell estate, a gamekeeper chops o sunower heads beside a planting of corneld owers. Springs and streams run high, rushing towards the Thames or Avon. Old ways are edged in haws, ivy owers, blackberries and scarlet hips woven with travellers joy. Few acorns or sloes have formed, but woodland paths are strewn with crab apples. Wild carrot and chicory skirt arable elds and provide cover for pheasants and partridge. We hear skylarks, see four kites at Hampnet and come across hares, muntjac and roe deer. After the rst frost, and south of the M4, the end is in sight. Beyond a distant glimpse of the white horse at Westbury is silhouetted Alfreds Tower, on forested hills above Bruton three days away. Virginia Spiers

Lies, damned lies and jobless statistics

Jackie Ashley is only the latest in a series of commentators referring to recent unemployment (and ination) gures as the rst green shoots of recovery (Comment, 22 October). I would like to question this. Does anyone have the gures to calculate the true rate of unemployment if those holding part-time jobs who would prefer to work full-time were counted as 50% working and 50% unemployed? Further, there are many people especially from the public sector who have taken early retirement as a better option than threatened redundancy, who thus lose possibly several years of their own and employer contributions to their pension pot. They are not unemployed, but intentionally workless and so outside both benet and unemployment gures. Delia Koczwara Manchester The government claims unemployment is falling, despite minimal economic growth. In fact, the governments ddling the unemployment gures, as usual, but by a new method: counting people on workfare as employed as conrmed by Department of Work and Pensions and Oce for National Statistics replies to freedom of information requests published on the Informed Consent blog. Workfare makes unemployed people work unpaid for private rms, including Conservative party donors, or else lose their benets. The governments own research shows that it doesnt improve chances of nding paid work. ONS gures and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development research show half the people counted as newly employed are on workfare, government training schemes, or are self-employed, mostly in part-time, low-paid jobs like gardening and cleaning, in which they may be worse o as they lose benets. Unemployment was at 2.51m when this government came to power in May 2010. Its now at 2.53m, even on their ddled gures. Duncan McFarlane Carluke, Lanarkshire

Freedom ghter
I trust that the Kalakuta Commune will acknowledge that Fela Kuti inherited some of his politics from his mother, Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti (Fela Kutis persecutors now dancing to the new tune, 20 October). Having set up a womens group to campaign against a variety of injustices to women and Nigerians in general, she founded the Federation of Nigerian Womens Societies in 1953 and became a very active member of the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons, struggling for independence. In the same year she was one of the speakers at the conference called by Kwame Nkrumah in the Gold Coast to foster African unity. She travelled so widely to foster African independence that the colonial government withdrew her passport in 1956. Her activism at home continued and she became one of the Nigerian representatives at the discussions in London for Nigerias independence in 1960. Marika Sherwood Senior research fellow, Institute of Commonwealth Studies


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Castlebeck, the comeback

The Winterbourne View abuse scandal wrecked the private care groups reputation. Has it really been transformed?
David Brindle
When private care group Castlebeck was sold for 255m in 2006, it was seen as the UKs leading provider of specialist health and rehabilitation services for adults with learning disabilities and complex needs. On 31 May last year a television expos demolished the companys reputation and shredded its value. The BBCs Panorama uncovered a shockingly abusive regime at Winterbourne View, a Castlebeck assessment and treatment hospital near Bristol. The company was charging an average 3,500 a week for each of up to 24 patients but providing an environment that, in the words of a subsequent serious case review, raised the continuous possibility of harm and degradation. Eleven former members of staff of Winterbourne View have been convicted of criminal offences of abuse and are being sentenced this week. The unit has been closed, as have two others run by Castlebeck, but Panorama is preparing to broadcast another programme containing further revelations about the scandal, the company and the system that enabled it to boast, as it did in 2006, of its ve-fold value growth in just four years. Restoring Castlebecks good name may seem like mission impossible, but Sean Sullivan (pictured bottom right) has been giving it his best shot. He is a business turnaround specialist, brought in last November at the instigation of what he calls the companys stakeholders taken to mean not only its owner, Lydian Capital Partners, an investment club for entrepreneurs including Irish tycoons John Magnier and JP McManus, but also the banks that largely funded the purchase of Castlebeck six years ago. Sullivan, 51, is a no-nonsense character with an earlier career in utility management, whose past assignments have included sorting out the wholesale electricity market in Tbilisi, Georgia, and the water corporation in South Australia. But his family runs care homes and he was responsible for turning Care Principles, another leading UK provider, around, as well as large eciency projects in the NHS. So he reckons he knows poor care practice when he sees it when others may not. So what did he find at Castlebeck when he was initially appointed as the companys chief restructuring ocer? A lot of half-blind people, Sullivan

Secret lming by an undercover Panorama reporter showed serious abuse of vulnerable patients at Winterbourne View, a Castlebeck hospital Photograph: PA

says, referring to managers who werent seeing what was wrong. In March, having drawn up a detailed action plan, he was made executive chairman and told to go ahead and implement the 51-point plan. Since then, he has swept through the organisation, spending 8m, instituting new practices and clearing out most of the management. Since March we have had a full-on, A-to-Z turnaround of all and everything that Castlebeck involves to get it into some sort of shape that is attractive for [care] commissioners, right for patients and has some commercial reality to it, he says. Its not 100% yet you cant change every unit immediately but we have turned around now in over 80%, perhaps 90%, of the units. I think we reached that point about three or four weeks ago. It is a repaired business. Many will be sceptical of his claims. It is an open secret that Lydian and/or the banks are seeking a buyer for the company and there will be suspicions that the makeover is only skin-deep. But the company is being unusually transparent about the transformation it says it is undertaking, and some inuential voices in the care sector are impressed.


The percentage of managers who have exited the business


The number of pounds spent on refurbishing and re-equipping Castlebecks 20 remaining units

Support and endorsements

Can we put our hand on our heart and say they are changing? Yes, we can, says Ann Chivers, chief executive of the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (Bild). Her organisation is working with Castlebeck to oer support on advocacy and last-resort use of physical restraint, but it remains opposed in principle to the assessment-and-treatment model of care by which people with challenging behaviour are taken out of the community for indeterminate periods. This is still practised at some of the companys remaining 20 units. We have a reputation to protect and we had to really think about whether we should get involved, Chivers stresses. But they are definitely in turnaround mode. There is some very solid and robust stu going on there. Another endorsement comes from Sukhvinder Kaur-Stubbs, a trustee of the Social Care Institute for Excellence, who has joined Castlebeck as a paid independent non-executive director. Ive been impressed with the approach that has been taken and the speed with which change has been made, she says. I think there is some learning from it for the care sector as a whole around what good governance should look like. Kaur-Stubbs sits on a Castlebeck board

that has been revamped radically: Sullivan says that half its members now have a medical or nursing background. These include Debra Moore, brought in as director of nursing and patient safety, who was a learning disability nurse adviser to the Department of Health and joint lead of Valuing People, a programme for learning disability. Lee Reed, who had recently been appointed as the companys chief executive at the time of the Winterbourne View scandal, and who declared himself personally ashamed, remains on the board as group director responsible for the separate mental health business. Moore has taken the main responsibility for quality, audit, clinical risk and compliance across the organisation. But Sullivan sees the unit managers as the key to the success of his action plan built on the ndings of consultants PwC and he has felt it necessary to take drastic measures. Probably 70% [of managers] have exited the business, he says euphemistically. You have got to have people who used to be a commissioner, or a senior nurse, and who are able to engage with commissioners in that same eld. Suddenly they click and they get it. He found some familiar faces among the s managers he inherited. There ed. were individuals that I had hat let go at other organisaganisations I turned around, he nd, says. They have moved on again. Sullivan is sure poor e management was at the root of Castlebecks mals aise. Winterbourne View ne was a photograph in time, he says. He describes the bes abuse as appalling ng b u t s ay s t h at

culture had been allowed to build up over a long period. He says he has found some stars among the 1,100 sta, who have been rewarded with promotion, but he has relied heavily on bringing in experienced interim managers (I have a little black book), about half of whom he expects to stay on permanently. All 20 remaining units in England and Scotland operating under the Castlebeck brand, and with a total capacity of about 350 people, have been refurbished and reequipped from top to bottom at a cost of 3m. More importantly, though, all users of services are now reassessed regularly, with the involvement of their families and care commissioners, to try to make sure they do not languish in the system. Some, Sullivan admits, ought to be receiving dierent care elsewhere. Various outside organisations, including Bild, have been contracted to oer support. Occupancy of the units, which dropped sharply after the revelations, has been rising again and, Sullivan says, is exceeding his target of 80% at 12 of the sites. For the rst time in 16 months, care professionals are said to be calling unprompted to inquire about job openings, while internal satisfaction ratings by commissioners and families, shared with Society Guardian, show a positive score though complaints about standards persist. The unanswered question is whether Castlebeck will wholly abandon the assessment-and-treatment model, as critics demand. Sullivan, who expects to remain at the company for only a few more months, says part of the turnaround involves placing the units on care pathways so that they play a clear, timelimited role in an individuals progress. He cites Thornfield Grange, formerly what he calls a generic learning disability facility in Bishop Auckland, County Durham, which has been converted into a rehabilitation unit for people with autism moving on from the companys service g near Darlington. Darlingt However, he believes there is a However continuing need for long-stay units for some p people who have been in hospital-type settings for most of hospital-t their lives. Its a very dicult area, lives but we do have people in the UK, perhaps aged 60, who have a 40a year background in these services backg and may have been heavily medih cated for m much of that time, Sullivan says. What is the future for say them if we do not provide a safe and support ive home for life?

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012



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Mary OHara Drugs and alcohol spending must not lose out, says Gerry Stimson
The biggest-ever overhaul of the public health system in England becomes a reality in six months. Local authorities, most without any history of public health management, will take over responsibility for improving the health of local populations. Money currently spent on the delivery of drug, alcohol and sexual health services will contribute about 60% of the funding. But, as of April 2013, money previously ringfenced for those services will be lumped together with money for other public health services. No one really knows how clinical commissioning groups, responsible for commissioning local services, and local health and wellbeing boards will work together. There are fears that, with an emphasis on localism, access to drug and alcohol services could suer. Will councillors turn their backs on electorally unpopular services? Or will it lead to joined-up locally led responses that address issues across sectors and tackle the determinants of health and wellbeing? When galvanised by political will, cities act quicker and more comprehensively than governments. With the identication of Aids in the mid-1980s, several

Women in north-east bear brunt of cuts

Second thoughts
In Stockholm, community involvement, bar sta training and stricter enforcement of existing alcohol laws has led to a 29% decrease in violent crimes. But cities can also get it wrong. In Vancouvers Downtown Eastside, large numbers of drug users with serious physical, mental and social problems were concentrated into an area the size of six blocks, with little or no services. In the UK, the regeneration of inner cities has concentrated bars and clubs into small areas, with competition for customers leading to unhealthy drinking incentives, overcrowding, lack of public toilets, and large numbers of people leaving at the same time and vying for scarce transport. Cities need to bring together expertise and powers across local planning, policing, licensing, urban design and transport, and environmental and public health in order to reduce alcohol-related issues. The changes being ushered in for public health provide huge potential to both maintain and improve alcohol, drug and sexual health services, and also to develop truly integrated responses. The evidence is in we would be foolish to ignore it as English public health takes its rst steps towards a new brave world.
Gerry Stimson is former executive director of the International Harm Reduction Association and director of KnowledgeAction-Change, co-organiser of the City Health 2012 conference (

he language deployed to justify the governments cuts is so steeped in scaremongering and hyperbole it is a wonder anyone listens any more. The word austerity has become so loaded with political moralising its meaning has been distorted beyond recognition. But one phrase guaranteed to upset and anger people is the patent untruth Were all in this together. Today, as activists from the north-east of England arrive in parliament to present MPs with a report documenting the devastation inicted by government cuts on the women of their region, they will be the latest to expose the hollowness of such pronouncements of shared pain. The report, put together by a coalition of womens advocates and academics spearheaded by the North East Womens Network and the Womens Resource Centre, points to the fact that women in general have been grossly and adversely aected by the austerity programme. From the loss of hundreds of thousands of public-sector jobs to drastic revisions of benets and the closing of vital services used mainly by women, such as childrens centres, the wider gender dynamic is clear. However, the report seeks to highlight the disproportionate impact of government policies on the women of one of the UKs poorest areas. The organisation has pulled together evidence of just how deleterious the situation has become. In a region all too familiar with long-term unemployment and deprivation (a TUC report in September conrmed that the regions job market was the worst in England), the report documents the increasingly perilous position of women and predicts much worse to come when further welfare reforms hit. The report points specically to a number of key areas. Among these is the reliance of women in the region on employment in the public sector: 46% of all women working in the north-east higher than the national average of 40% have jobs in the public sector. This compares with 18% of working men in the region and, according to the reports authors, means the haemorrhaging of public-sector jobs has been particularly dramatic for female workers and their families, many of whom rely on womens wages to get by. With a pay gap between men and women that was already considerably higher than the national average (35% versus 21%), women have been at a serious disadvantage for some time, it concludes. A primary concern is that the stubborn gender inequality in the region is being entrenched by cuts to the services women need most, such as domestic violence and legal aid assistance. Womens groups across the region, and national bodies such as UK Feminista, which is organising a feminist lobby of parliament today, have told researchers that swingeing funding cuts and the closure of many services that work with vulnerable women and children will lead to an escalation in social problems ranging from family breakdown to domestic violence. On a whole raft of measures including educational attainment and health outcomes, women in many parts of the north-east fare badly compared with other parts of England, and the report underlines the fact that this stands to worsen if sucient resources are not available to women. Sue Robson, one of the reports authors, says this is not special pleading and she is right. Regional variations in deprivation and womens outcomes are nothing new. However, the painting over of these dierences with the vapid mantra Were all in this together ies in the face of the evidence and stores up problems for women in need and for the people who depend on them. Mary OHara is a social aairs writer and Fulbright scholar
A copy of the report, The impact of austerity measures upon women in the north-east of England, is available at

Swingeing cuts will lead to an escalation in social problems from family breakdown to domestic violence

cities in the UK and overseas, including Liverpool, San Francisco and Amsterdam, swiftly provided condoms and syringes to high-risk populations. In Liverpool, the Mersey harm reduction model involved the NHS, communities, primary care, police, church leaders, drug users and sex workers. It led to one of the rst needle exchanges in the UK, extensive outreach and an expansion of drug treatment. Cities can also deliver public health prevention. Community-based alcohol projects of the kind implemented in Glasgow, Birmingham and Cardi can reduce alcohol-related problems. The projects work best when there is a range of local actions that change the drinking environment, such as promoting responsible serving of alcohol in bars and shops, training bar sta, enforcing licensing laws, and working with transport and fast-food outlets (often a source of friction late at night).

Feminists or not, we can all tackle inequality

me of when I rst started researching the impact of gang violence on women and girls, and found myself attending feminist conferences feeling nervous about whether the heels of my shoes were too high while being inspired and supported by those who were taking the stage. It was true then, as now, that I can nd feminist arenas intimidating, and there is much about the movement I dont know. But it is equally true the discrimination faced by women and girls is felt regardless of whether we are comfortable with the label of feminism, and this shared feeling needs to be harnessed. Whether I have been speaking to young women who have been sexually assaulted, or girls who have been excluded from school and sent to exclusion units originally designed to work with boys, they have all clearly articulated the discrimination and inequality that underpinned their experiences. Would they have described themselves as feminists? Most would not. Is it possible to reconcile this mismatch? Most denitely. Answers to the Netmums survey implied there was one sole feminist movement that females had shunned. I nd this a curious idea. Over the seven years I have worked on the issues faced by women and girls, I have yet to encounter a sole feminist movement. There is denitely a perception that there is a single feminist movement, and that its rigid approach to achieving equality is exclusive and outdated. However, what I have experienced is far more nuanced than that. While the perception of feminism may have left me nervous about wearing high heels, in reality that has never really mattered. I have challenged feminist conferences and organisations to consider the changing experiences of girls and young women, and urged women to ensure there is space for younger females to explore a feminism that is relevant to them and this challenge has been welcomed. Whether its authors such as Caitlin Moran or young women campaigning against page 3, there are examples of those who continue to raise awareness of discrimination. When I took part in the rst ever international day of the girl on 11 October, I was greeted by many girls and young women who could identify discrimination and wanted to make a positive contribution to improving the lives of women. Harnessing this motivation for change is critical, and attempts to force this into a debate about feminism may be the wrong approach to take. In 2013, the UN Commission on the Status of Women will focus on violence against women. Ensuring that girls and young women are aware of this, and are encouraged to take part rather than watch older women from the sidelines will enable them to have a stake in tackling the discrimination that is part of their lives.

Carlene Firmin Girl in the corner

hen the Australian prime minister, Julia Gillard, this month openly criticised misogyny (leading to a change in the the dictionary denition of the term), her comments went viral and were praised by my male and female Facebook friends alike. This was because her statement was rooted in experiences, rather than rhetoric, and struck a chord with many people, regardless of whether they identied themselves as feminist. In contrast, a Netmums survey this month showed feminism irrelevant to the vast majority of women and girls in the UK. The survey drew out a disconnect between how women and girls perceive feminism, and their experiences of inequality and discrimination. It reminded

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The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

What would I do if I lived on my own?

Following her discharge from hospital after a severe stroke, Jan Morgan was horried at the quality of care she received at home
Although I was used to the hospital sta waking me and helping me get washed and dressed each day, it was a little disconcerting having a stranger appear in my bedroom at 7am. It was more disconcerting to lie awake at 7am wondering when the carer would arrive and hoping I wouldnt need the loo before they did. Sometimes the carer didnt arrive until 9.30am. There was no notification, I simply had to lie there and wait. The councils adult social care unit had arranged half an hour of morning care each day, to help me get out of bed, get washed and dressed, through the reablement team of 15 carers. A carer could come in the evening to help me upstairs, and to get undressed and into bed, but only between 6.30pm and 8pm. My daughter was 12 years old at the time; I couldnt be in bed before her. We did without evening care, but it meant my daughter had to help me. I rst met my social worker about four weeks after leaving hospital when she discussed my care, including the need for another nancial assessment to determine if I had to contribute to my care. This must have been the fourth nancial assessment in as many weeks (benets, council tax and now care). So many organisations had sight of my personal details and nances, each taking the same information, but none sharing the information for my benet. My daughter was struggling. At the tender age of 12, she now had to prepare and cook all our meals, tidy, do the dishes, empty the bins, do the laundry and help me get ready for bed in the evenings. She had to be a grownup. One evening she threw a wobbly. I felt so helpless, so guilty. I felt uncomfortable with all the carers. Almost every day a different person appeared in my bedroom. I never knew who was going to arrive (or at what time). I didnt know their names, had never seen them before yet these were the people who had to dress me and help with my personal and intimate care. It was disconcerting and perfectly horrid. I had very few showers during the rst month as I felt too uncomfortable to ask. It was demeaning. And I wasnt impressed with the quality of care provided. The hospital had provided me with a bath bench a white plastic plank that rested across the bath. I was

Expert insight
What dierence will greater government transparency through open data make to citizens?
Sophia Oliver, director, Open Government Partnership, and transparency, Cabinet Oce Share and adapt We have a responsibility to put the data out so that others can use it, adapt it, combine it with other information and share it and, hopefully, provide feedback on it. Part of the transparency agenda has to be about asking: are we holding the right data? Are we publishing the right data? If we dont hold it, should we collect it and publish it? Marija Novkovic, project manager, United Nations Development Programme, Montenegro Relevant data Citizens are now being given access to raw data sets on many facets of public sector performance. But do citizens care about [spread]sheets? Probably not. Do they wish to know which hospital has the biggest survival rate in complex surgical procedures, [or] which bus routes are more reliable than others? Probably yes. Data should be used to tell stories; ideally it would be interpreted by infomediaries so that the citizens can relate to it. [But] does open data empower the already empowered? Do marginalised, vulnerable groups have access to the internet? Are they aware of open data portals? Will they help them access healthcare, join the labour market, access social welfare? Heather Savory, chair, Open Data User Group (ODUG) Community engagement The ODUG has been set up to represent the views of the open data community to government. The way ODUG is engaging is to open the door wide for members of the community to come forward with their thoughts on how we can best serve their data needs. [It] already has about 50 new requests. These are open for anyone to view and comment on at data. We have so far identied eight key themes for datasets land and property, environment, social organisations and companies, education, transport health and nancial. The Guardians professional networks bring together advice, insight and best practice from professionals. Read the full Q&A at

Jan Morgan with her daughter, who has been a primary carer for her since she was 12 Photograph: Andrew Fox

supposed to sit on this to have a shower, but couldnt get on or o without help. Some of the carers left me feeling I was about to fall o. Once I did slip o, and it was a struggle to get me back on. It didnt ll me with condence. A few carers had poor English, and none of them were able to put on my shoulder support correctly, which I wore for my partially dislocated shoulder. Putting it on was ddly and required practice. As there was no consistency of care, none of the carers had any opportunity to improve. The result was that for the rst month out of hospital I may as well have not worn the shoulder cu as it wasnt supporting my shoulder, which continued to be excruciatingly painful. The carers trudged mud, slush and dirt on the carpet up the stairs and across my bedroom. My bedroom carpet became filthy with footprints. We had no help for things like vacuuming, so again my daughter had to do everything. I often felt physically sick each morning as I woke to the dirt on my bedroom carpet and the arrival of yet another dierent carer, who was supposed to wash my intimate areas. I felt miserable, and began to hate going to

bed because I didnt want to face another morning start. Adult social care did investigate my complaint and found in my favour on eight separate instances, including the need to ensure that rotas should be scheduled to ensure continuity of care by having a smaller number of carers allocated to each person. A great deal is written about the importance of dignity, but it takes someone to complain before any action is taken or changes are made. A dierent care agency was appointed to provide my home care. The supervisor promised that morning care would arrive consistently and in good time for me to be up before my daughter left for school. She also said they would provide a cleaner for two hours a week. Things didnt begin well, as they were late on the rst day. The light cleaning didnt begin until six weeks after I left hospital. It included changing the bedding and doing some laundry. I dont know how I was supposed to manage before this, or indeed how I was supposed to manage with just two hours of help a week. In March last year, I received a letter informing me that after my nancial assess-

ment I needed to contribute to my daily care 5.07 a week more than I receive in benets. I had to make another complaint. By June 2011, I was moved on to direct payments. I was assessed as needing 14 hours of care a week, for which social services made a four-weekly payment. The onus was on me to nd, recruit and employ a personal assistant. I had to open a separate bank account, set up a payroll system and become an employer with all the legal responsibilities and obligations. If the PA didnt work out, I would be left in the vulnerable position of having to deal with diculties in my own home. At the time of writing, it has been more than a year since Ive had contact with a social worker. I could be struggling or worse. Fortunately I am ne and after two disasters we now have a wonderful PA, though the bulk of my care is still provided by my daughter who is now 14 years old. But what of elderly or more vulnerable people who are on their own? This is an extract from Stroke to Gold, Jan Morgans as yet unpublished book on her recovery

A social workers car is a place of sanctuary

My ndings show that the car is an extremely important space where children can disclose personal troubles and meaningful work can take place with them. I have heard countless stories from social workers about how children often reveal intimate details in the car that they dont speak about elsewhere. As one social worker explained: I did some great work in the car with a 10-yearold boy while taking him to and from his foster placement to have weekly contact with his parents. He told me more on those journeys than anywhere else. He was able to talk a lot more about how he was abused and about family relationships while just staring at the road. The car is such a valuable place for open disclosure because, unlike family homes and schools, it is truly private, with no danger of being overheard by abusive parents. The seating arrangements and movement are also vital. Its because you are not looking at them, not face to face, another social worker explains, and its the motion of going somewhere maybe taking their minds o things and they can just look. The car is also of vital importance to social workers themselves, acting as a secure base for them when visiting families. Knowing that the car is parked outside to return to (or escape) from visits to violent, intimidating service users in their homes means social workers are able to see these children in very stressful circumstances. When asked in the Guardian survey, What do you enjoy most about your job?, the majority of answers related to making a dierence to peoples lives, with specic references such as safeguarding and giving children a voice. Social workers and middle managers in the teams I have researched feel that cuts in allowances for car use are wrong. In protest, some are refusing to use their cars. But, ultimately, social workers know that to meet the needs of highly vulnerable children they must use their cars, and they do so. This leaves them feeling that their goodwill is being exploited by councils, which results in distress and low morale. The absence of any research asserting the cars value as a frontline service has made it an easy target for cuts. I know of at least one council which, once shown the evidence for the value of the car to social workers, provided the nancial support needed to reinstate it at the heart of practice. As a result, more children will be able to voice their experiences and be provided with safety. Harry Ferguson is professor of social work at the University of Nottingham and author of Child Protection Practice (Palgrave Macmillan). The Guardians social worker survey is at

Harry Ferguson Public manager

n an era of cuts, assurances by councils, politicians and managers that they are protecting frontline social services have become commonplace. Frontline services are taken to mean having professionals in post to respond to need. While vital, a more accurate denition has to include the availability of other resources, such as the car. This is borne out in a survey of social workers by the Guardians social care network. While more than half (55%) of the 322 respondents regarded funding cuts as the biggest challenge facing social care, signicantly, 39% reported experiencing cuts in their terms and conditions in the last year, especially to car allowances. Removal of car allowances is not an incidental thing but a direct reduction of frontline services. The importance of the car in the delivery of health and social care is overlooked by it being seen simply as a vehicle that takes professionals from A to B. My research into child protection practice, which includes travelling with social workers in their cars to home visits and schools, bears this out.

Social care pullout

Interview with Norman Lamb, care services minister

The car is a valuable place for open disclosure because it is truly private

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


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Interview Maurice Lim Miller

Whatever we are doing, it isnt working

The feted US anti-poverty campaigner says poor families have to deal with problems together in their own way
Mary OHara
At rst glance, Maurice Lim Millers formula for ghting poverty sounds disconcertingly simple if not downright utopian. Give people on low incomes a nancial incentive to work together and they will build strong local networks that help lift them out of poverty. A plain speaker who is pleasingly devoid of professional jargon, Lim Miller says his approach is common sense. You have to let families deal with [the problem] in their own way. As chief executive and driving force behind the Family Independence Initiative (FII), an anti-poverty, not-for-prot organisation based in Oakland, California, the former youth worker has been assiduously rewriting the rulebook on combating entrenched poverty. He has been garnering considerable attention in the process from policymakers and the media, which was fuelled further when he was awarded a coveted MacArthur genius fellowship this month. And with the latest gures showing that one in ve children in the US live in poverty, he stands to attract even more interest in the months ahead. In a nutshell, Lim Miller explains, FII challenges the conventional notion of needs-based poverty interventions and the stereotype that low-income families are not capable and rely on outside guidance. To this end, the organisation recruits small groups of struggling low-income families in poorer communities (they must know one another already) and incentivises them to work together to improve their circumstances. Regardless of any state benets they receive, each family is given a computer and a modest stipend no more than $500 (312) per quarter in return for documenting and reporting any progress they make by working with the other families. These small steps, says Lim Miller, can be anything from learning leadership skills to increasing savings, to pooling resources for childcare so that parents can get out to work. But whatever form it takes, the point is that there are no professionals on the ground stipulating what their goals should be, or instructing on how to reach them.

Curriculum vitae
Age 66. Lives Oakland, California. Family Divorced with two children. Education CK McClatchy high school, California; University of California, Berkeley, engineering BSc and design MA Career 2001-present: founder/ CEO, Family Independence Initiative; 1981-2000: executive director, Asian Neighbourhood Design; 1978-81: programme director of Asian Neighbourhood Design; 1972-78: student at UC Berkeley; 1968-72: Union Carbide, plant engineer; 1969-71 drafted, US Army Signal Corps (sent to Vietnam). Awards 1997 Eureka fellow; 2010 Whitehouse Council for Community Solutions; 2011 Ashoka fellow; 2012 MacArthur fellow. Interests Learning salsa and playing the guitar.

The idea, Lim Miller stresses, is that low-income households are steered away from dependency on welfare programmes, which, he says, no matter how well meaning are disempowering. It is taken for granted that the families will spend the money much more eciently, he adds, if it is simply handed over and left up to them. He says the guiding principle is that people from poor backgrounds are neither the victims they are often portrayed as by people on the left, or lazy and undeserving as they are frequently labelled by the right. Just like anyone else, these families want some control and choice in their lives. The project, which Lim Miller acknowledges was a bold experiment when it launched with a small cohort of families in Oakland almost a decade ago, has grown steadily. There are now more than 350 families participating in Boston, San Francisco and Oakland with further expansion planned, including an online social networking hub. In the rst two years [of the project] in Oakland, incomes jumped among the group by 27%. Savings were up by 300%. Nine out of the 23 families had bought homes, he says. The latest data from the initiative shows considerable progress in San Francisco and Boston with average incomes up. Lim Miller talks too of a ripple eect within communities. People can see that somebody achieved something Expectations change. The perception people have of their life chances is critical, he argues. If you are in a community where no one is getting ahead, what does that do [to you]? The participants are not families in crisis but those trying to get a foot on the social mobility ladder. Ive been working with low-income families for over 20 years. These are families

Portrait by Jessica Brandi Liand/Polaris

who are trying, who want to get out [of poverty] but are stuck, he explains. Lim Miller speaks eloquently about how his background as the son of an impoverished immigrant Mexican mother propelled him to nd new ways to tackle the cycle of extreme poverty. This approach is very personal. My mom was a single mom who was determined for me to get out of poverty for good. Pride was important to her, he says. However, FII was also born of professional frustration. I came into [FII] from doing non-prot work. When I saw the kids of the people I worked with, when I started out, coming [to services for help], I thought: Whatever we are doing, it isnt working. I began to question why. Just as Lim Miller was beginning to probe into why anti-poverty strategies had failed for so long, he was asked in 1999 by the then mayor of Oakland and current governor of California, Jerry Brown, to come up with alternative ways to channel money already set aside to tackle poverty. Brown asked Lim Miller why, when so many social workers and professionals were being employed to run schemes to help poor people, the problem remained so intractable. Jerry said to me: Doesnt this seem like poverty pimping to you? When he went back to Brown with the idea to give money directly to poor families to see what they did with it, the mayor took an unexpected leap of faith and FII was born. Lim Millers work has been recognised at the highest levels and his input is being sought by thinktanks including the rightwing Heritage Foundation. In 2010, he was appointed to President Obamas White House Council for Community Solutions, an advisory board exploring fresh approaches to mobilising people to work together on addressing community problems. In 1999, even before FII was up and running, Miller was honoured by the then president Bill Clinton at the state of the union address for his youth, race relations and poverty work. A string of other awards has also been lavished on him. Yet, for all the accolades, Lim Miller is clearly a pragmatist. The recognition means nothing more than an

opportunity to bolster FIIs work. Cuts to social services have ensured that spare cash is in short supply although it is doubtful state money would be forthcoming even without cuts. In his experience, ocials are not amenable to an unorthodox project that deliberately does not prescribe its outcomes. Some funding has been secured from private foundations, but many remain reticent for similar reasons to government. Lim Miller suggests that, despite such obstacles, a combination of factors has coalesced to mean attitudes to tackling poverty might be shifting. Among these is the evidence of FIIs success and that the most severe recession since the 1930s has hurled a multitude of families into poverty. Important also, he says,

has been the growing awareness of the widening wealth gap between rich and poor and the decline of social mobility. So, does he think his approach might translate to Britain or to other countries? He says one of the most important lessons he learned when the project moved beyond Oakland was that cultural, ethnic and local dierences may exist, but the very fact that families set their own goals makes the programme uniquely adaptable. People in Britain concerned about poverty in the future need to look at the social context, he says. Lifting people above a poverty line is not enough. People must have a stake. There has to be something tangible in the long term. Thats what gives people hope.

38 SocietyGuardian Executive Senior, Management, Public Services

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This is a chance to provide effective neighbourhood management services for all tenanted and leasehold properties across a dened geographical patch, delivering a Neighbourhood Plan in conjunction with residents to increase satisfaction. Your role will be to ensure services and service charges offer high quality and value for money for residents.

Neighbourhood Ofcer x 4 - Permanent 30,645 - 33,070

This is a chance to provide effective neighbourhood management services for all tenanted and leasehold properties across a dened geographical patch, delivering a Neighbourhood Plan in conjunction with residents to increase satisfaction. Your role will be to ensure services and service charges offer high quality and value for money for residents.

Technical Ofcer Team Leader x 2 33,688 - 35,918

Were looking for highly motivated leaders, with a track record of excellent customer focus, to ensure the effective delivery of the responsive repairs services to tenants, leaseholders and other organisations across the Network Group. Youll lead one of two teams of Technical Ofcers, helping deliverer an excellent day-to-day repairs and void service as measured by our customers. Identifying, negotiating and implementing measures to achieve continuous improvement and value for money will be key to your success. Youll need strong technical knowledge to support the delivery of a large and complex responsive maintenance and repairs programme across a range of different stock types.

Technical and Property Services Manager 47,771 - 50,575

Were looking for highly motivated leader, with a track record of excellent customer focus, to ensure the effective delivery of the full range of property services to tenants, leaseholders. You will be based at Community Housing Trust and lead their department of Surveyors and Technical Ofcers, helping deliverer an excellent day-to-day repairs, voids and M&E, Engineering service as measured by our customers. Identifying, negotiating and implementing measures to achieve continuous improvement and value for money will be key to your success. Youll need strong technical knowledge to support the delivery of a large and complex maintenance and programme across a range of different stock types.

Income Collection Manager Permanent 35,918 - 38,763

You will take the lead managing a team of Income Ofcers both ofce and home based who will deliver effective income collection services for tenants and leaseholders within a dened patch of properties. Youll have lots of autonomy so its important youre a natural leader who can provide a high quality, responsive and consistent service for our customers.

Welfare Benets Advisor x 2 Permanent 28,006 - 30,645

You will be responsible for providing a comprehensive welfare benets advice service to the Association, its residents and other customers to maximize their incomes. This is your chance to promote the benets of quality and continuous improvement and implement quality monitoring tools and techniques to ensure that the information gathered is utilised to introduce signicant improvements to services.

To apply, go to Closing date: 14th November 2012. Interviews: Week commencing 27th November 2012

Service Director Adult Social Care

CIRCA 105K REF: SSA/1710/ST If you think Islington is all about expensive boutiques and restaurants, farmers markets and wealthy residents youve only scratched the surface. Islington is also one of the most deprived boroughs in England, and has the highest incidence of people with mental health problems in London. We are proud of our Adult Social Care services and are committed to protecting our most vulnerable residents. Following a restructure of our Housing and Adult Social Services department, we are looking for a leader for Adult Social Care. You will lead on all aspects of social care, joint commissioning, integrated provision with the NHS, in house services and support services. We are looking for an enthusiastic and energetic individual who can provide professional social work leadership for Adults Services. If you have a professional social work qualification and you can lead us to sustainable, personalised social care through powerful partnerships, this is your opportunity. We think Islington is a great place to work and our staff do too. If you are up to the challenge we can offer you a stimulating environment, a great team and extensive development opportunities. For an informal discussion about the role, please contact Sean Mclaughlin, Corporate Director Housing & Adult Social Services on 020 7527 8178 or To apply, please visit Please note that the council only accepts online applications, no CVs or alternative forms of applications are accepted. If you are unable to use the online process please contact the Recruitment team on 020 7527 2155 or email Closing date for all applications: 11 November 2012. Preliminary interviews: 23 November 2012. Final panel interviews: 5 December 2012.
We are an Equal Opportunities Employer. Islington Council is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults, and expect all staff, and volunteers to share this commitment.



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The many qualities of a complete unknown

My perception spots situations. My focus makes connections. My patience waits for answers. My creativity breeds solutions. My discretion keeps this a secret. My qualities will keep you safe. Think you know what it takes to safeguard the nation? You may want to think again.
To apply you must be over 18 and a British citizen. Discretion is vital. You should not discuss your application, other than with your partner or a close family member.

SocietyGuardian Executive Senior, Management, Public Services

More jobs at Wednesday 24 October 2012



Do you want to be part of decision making at the heart of science and research?
The Research Councils fund research, research facilities and postgraduate training. The Appointments Panels for six of the Research Councils are seeking applications from suitably qualified academics and experienced individuals from the industrial, commercial, government, voluntary, creative and cultural sectors, to fill a number of vacancies on their governing Councils, including some with Audit Committee responsibilities, for part-time fixed term membership, which are expected to arise during 2013:

People with ideas

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
THE CLOSING DATE FOR THE RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS 19 November 2012 The Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills will appoint members to the Councils on merit after considering advice from the Appointments Panel. The Secretary of State is committed to the principle of public appointment with independent assessments, openness and transparency of process and to providing equal opportunities for all. We are keen to obtain more diversity in public appointments which enable us to reflect all the communities we serve. We would therefore welcome a diverse range of candidates. An honorarium of 6,850 is paid annually. In addition consideration will be given to reasonable expenses incurred. Further information about the vacancies, application forms and interview dates are available to download via our web site at: and Research Councils websites: Alternative formats are available, if you do not have internet access for the vacancies, please contact the relevant person: AHRC: Cecilia Sparke, telephone: 01793 416013 BBSRC: Jane Rutherford, telephone: 01793 413259 ESRC: Marie Root, telephone: 01793 413132 EPSRC: Michaela Simpson, telephone: 01793 444028 NERC: Zena Davis, telephone: 01793 442614 STFC: Sharon Bonfield, telephone: 01235 567242

Managers and Deputy Managers, Specialist Support Ofcers and Support Ofcers
Opportunities throughout London and the South East
A total commitment to innovation, quality and making a lasting difference has made One Support a growing force in providing supported housing services to vulnerable adults and young people. With this expansion comes opportunity and plenty of it. Because weve created a number of exciting openings for dedicated managers and support staff who can help people live safely, happily and independently in their local communities. We want to meet inspiring leaders and accomplished communicators who are brimming with fresh ideas. People who thrive on autonomy, make informed decisions without being judgemental and raise the aspirations of others as well as their own. Recognise yourself? Then theres one remarkable future ahead with one unique organisation. To apply for these positions please visit Closing date: 7 November 2012.

Leading the way in Childrens Health

Head of International Operations circa 55k The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health are passionate about transforming child health through knowledge, innovation and expertise to build a healthier future for children and young people across the world. We are looking for an enthusiastic individual to be responsible for developing, leading, implementing and monitoring international strategy for the College in order to help raise paediatric standards overseas, raise the Colleges prole internationally and generate revenue for further international work.

Chief Executive
The Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education (CACHE), regulated by Ofqual, is a growing, specialist awarding organisation for qualifications in the care sector with a strong track-record for excellent service. It is an established charity whose beneficiaries are children and adults in receipt of care. Our mission is to nurture the achievement of those who care for children and adults through provision of outstanding qualifications, support services and positive partnership working. A new Chief Executive is now sought to succeed Richard Dorrance, who will retire in 2013 after many years of distinguished service. The appointee will provide strong leadership, working closely with the Board, to fulfil CACHEs aspirations to be the awarding organisation of choice for care, health and education qualifications. The awarding sector is undergoing significant change, and the new Chief Executive will be tasked with steering a values-driven organisation to continued success in a highly competitive commercial market. The appointee will represent the organisation to a range of external stakeholders, including government and regulators, as well as clients and partners. The postholder will lead a high-performing and ambitious senior team. Strong candidates will be proven strategic leaders who will have gained senior management experience, probably but not necessarily in a relevant sector. Evidence of successfully leading and delivering change within a dynamic and challenging external environment will be key, as will the ability to communicate persuasively to a wide range of audiences. The successful candidate will demonstrate genuine empathy with the charitys mission and values combined with commercial flair. S/he will bring energy and commitment with superb motivational and ambassadorial skills. This is an opportunity to lead an organisation with a great history and equally great ambition for its future. To download the Further Particulars for this appointment, please go to To apply for this position or for a conversation about the role, please contact Heidrick and Struggles via Closing date for receipt of applications: 19 November 2012.

To nd out more about the role and to apply please visit
Twin is the unsung hero of the fair trade movement.


London circa 55k
To advertise contact
TWIN and TWIN Trading are pioneers and leaders in the Fair Trade movement, working to build better lives for the poorest and most marginalised women and men in the trading chain. TWIN works with more than 50 farmer organizations in 18 countries, representing some 400,000 smallholder farmers of coffee, cocoa, sugar and nuts. TWIN was instrumental in launching Cafdirect, Divine Chocolate Co and Liberation Nuts. We are now looking for an exceptional individual to lead the next phase of the organisations development as Managing Director. You will work with the Trustee Boards to develop the vision and business plan and lead the organisation to deliver its strategic objectives, ensuring its operational sustainability. You will also lead the ongoing development of relationships with a diverse group of stakeholders and develop TWIN and TWIN TRADINGs relationship with the Fair Trade movement. You will be an experienced leader and inuencer, able to inspire a staff team, inuence policy debates, and manage programmes. To be successful you will be committed to the values of Fair Trade, have signicant commercial experience, international development experience and experience of the not-for-prot sector as well as an understanding of the potential of smallholder farmers and of cooperatives in development. If you can demonstrate the experience, passion and leadership skills to inspire and develop TWIN as our new Managing Director we want to hear from you. For an informal discussion please contact Kathryn Flanagan on 0207 489 2053 or send your CV with covering letter including salary details, outlining how your skills and experience meet the requirements of the role description to by 9th November 2012. Please visit our website for a more detailed description of the role and our organisation:

An advice, advocacy and resource centre for black and minority women Currently have a vacancy for:

Guardian Jobs
London: 020 3353 3400 Edinburgh: 0131 272 2751

Director of Development
40,000 per annum inclusive of Essential Car Users Allowance Package includes pension and contributory lease car schemes Based: Sutton Coldeld
We wish to recruit a dynamic Director of Development due to the current post holder relocating, after many years service. The roles primary purpose will be to continue the development of new and existing services, ensuring there is adequate funding, primarily through successful tender submissions. The post holder will be very experienced in this regard. The development of commercial activities is a major requirement as is the production of Business Plans for all services. The successful candidate will demonstrate signicant success in securing funds for the development of key services and the ability to commission same. A sound understanding of statutory sector purchasing and commissioning across Birmingham is imperative, as is the ability to gain knowledge in other areas. Senior managers are expected to work exibly according to the organisations need and this may include evening and weekend working. Closing for applications: 5pm, Wednesday 14th November 2012 Visit for more information including full JD and Person Specication. If you fully meet the role requirements please also download an application pack from our website or call 0121 362 3650. Age Concern Birmingham is an equal opportunities employer Registered Charity 518610


Salary range from 23,274 to 27,227 (incl OLW) per annum Salary scale according to experience Spoken knowledge of Punjabi, Hindi, or Urdu, is essential In light of the nature and context of the work of SBS, the organisation considers that the candidates race and gender (Black/Asian woman) to be an occupational requirement in accordance with Para 1, Schedule 9, of the Equality Act 2010 Deadline for receipt of applications Friday 9th November 2012 by 5.00pm For application form, job description and person specication contact Southall Black Sisters, 21 Avenue Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 3BL Tel: 020 8571-9595 Fax 020 8574-6781 E-mail: Or you can download the application form, Equal Opportunities form and Job Description from the SBS website

40 SocietyGuardian Executive Senior, Management, Public Services

More jobs at Wednesday 24 October 2012

Merton and Sutton Local Safeguarding Childrens Boards

Independent Chairs
500 per day (inclusive) Approximately 30 days per year One year rolling contract
Are you ready for the challenge of leading a Local Safeguarding Children Board? Following the retirement of their independent chair, Merton and Sutton LSCBs are jointly recruiting for new independent chairs for each Board. Applicants can apply for either or both positions. Each LSCB is at a different stage of development, and will present different challenges for a knowledgeable and effective independent chair. You will need: r  PTIBSFPVSBNCJUJPOTGPSFYDFMMFODFJOTBGFHVBSEJOHBOE 5 protecting children and young people r  YQFSJFODF LOPXMFEHFBOEVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGMPDBMBOEOBUJPOBM & safeguarding agendas and ability to lead improvements across the SCB partnership network r  YQFSJFODFBOEBCJMJUZPGDIBJSJOHDPNQMFYNVMUJBHFODZ & professional and strategic meetings at a senior level in an efficient manner r  TUSPOHUSBDLSFDPSEJOMFBEJOHDPOUJOVPVTJNQSPWFNFOU " through partnership working r  PVOELOPXMFEHFPGSFDFOUBOEQSPQPTFEEFWFMPQNFOUT 4 in childrens services, health and social care, as well as key legislation and research underpinning this work to lead with credibility across the LSCB partnership *UJTBOUJDJQBUFEUIBUZPVXJMMCFSFRVJSFEUPXPSLBQQSPYJNBUFMZ 30 days per year and the contract is for one year initially with the option to renew. For further discussion contact: .FSUPO:WFUUF4UBOMFZ 5FM 4VUUPO5PMJT7PVZJPVLBT 5FM For an application form and further details please visit: For more information on Sutton Safeguarding Children Board visit: Closing date: 16 November 2012. Interview dates: 10 or 11 December 2012.

Deputy Campaigns Director, Corruption

Global Witness is an international organisation that investigates and campaigns to prevent natural resource-related conflict and corruption and associated environmental and human rights abuses. We collect irrefutable evidence through our investigations and combine it with our powerful advocacy to force change. In order to ensure that it can continue to deliver high quality, effective and impactful campaigns over the next decade, Global Witness has created new roles of Deputy Campaigns Directors to head up its three main strands of activity. The purpose of these roles will be to lead the relevant campaign teams and ensure that the strand delivers highly effective advocacy and high quality campaign outputs within the overall strategy and objectives of Global Witness as agreed by the Board.
To apply for this position, please send a CV and covering letter, neither of which should exceed two-pages, to For this vacancy only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Email: Deadline: Monday 19th November, 12.00 noon (UK time) Salary Range: 50 - 60,000 per annum dependent on experience
Further information about these jobs can be found on our website at where you can apply online. Recruitment packs are also available in large print or braille. Creating Equal Opportunities for all

Coeliac UK is a successful charity representing people with coeliac disease. We work for over 60,000 Members actively campaigning on their behalf to improve healthcare and access to gluten-free food in shops and when eating out.

Campaigns Manager England

Full time, ca. 30k based in High Wycombe
Fronting Coeliac UK in Whitehall and Westminster, you will lobby on our behalf, devising campaigns for maximum impact and help the policy team rene their messages. You will also need to target key players in the health and food sectors. To advertise contact

Campaigns & Volunteers Manager, Wales

Part time (0.5 FTE), ca. 27K pro rata, based in Cardiff
Key targets for inuence will include the Sennedd, the Welsh Government, the NHS in Wales and major Welsh food businesses. You will also be responsible for developing and co-ordinating the Charitys relationship with its Volunteers in Wales. For more information, check our website Closing date 11 November 2012

Guardian Jobs
London: 020 3353 3400 Edinburgh: 0131 272 2751

SocietyGuardian Executive Senior, Management, Public Services, Courses

VACANCY Chief Executive
37.5 hours per week 55-60k plus company car Beacon Centre for the Blind is a charity serving over 3,000 visually impaired people. Due to the imminent retirement of our CEO we seek a highly motivated individual who will understand the complexities of running a charity or a similar sized organisation. For further information visit our website at Closing date: 14th November 2012
Registered Charity No: 216092

More jobs at Wednesday 24 October 2012


Professional Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy:

1 year Foundation Course in Counselling &Psychotherapy 4 year Diploma Course in Counselling &Psychotherapy (BACP & UKCP Accredited) 2 year M.A. Degree Course in Counselling &Psychotherapy 2 year M.A. Degree Course in Child, Adolescent & Family Psychotherapy (UKCP Accredited, new intake 2014) 1 year Supervisors Training 2 year Advanced Course 1 year Dreams & Spiritual Guidance Course 1 year Diploma Course in Couple Counselling & Psychotherapy Courses are part-time, mostly one evening a week, and 4-6 Weekends per year commencing 2013

The Old Deanery Care Village Bocking, Braintree

Director of Care
Independent Care Village, is seeking an experienced, dynamic, Director of Care, to lead policy & service development, provide leadership to General Managers & Care Matron. Will consider applicants seeking part-time / exible working hours. Negotiable package For further information please contact:Clive Ansell-Jones Operations Director The Old Deanery Care Village Deanery Hill Bocking, Braintree. Tel: 01376-328600 Email:

The next Open Evenings will be at 7pm, Friday 14th September and 26th October 2012

Risk & Compliance Manager

Job Details We are looking for an experienced and highly motivated person with a proven track record in risk management to ensure that all new regulatory changes are implemented and assess any risks of non-compliance. Based in Chelmsford, Essex, we are offering a salary of circa 24,000 per annum for a 37 hour week. For further information and an application pack please go to our website at CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS Monday 5th November 2012 Registered Charity No. 1091058

The Guardian carries more public sector recruitment advertising than Community Care or any other publication

Source: NMR Dec 08 - Nov 09

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Evaluation Ofcer
NSPCC 32,800 - 36,300 p.a.
London EC2A
Ref: 4530092 Job Type: 2 FTE
If you have a background in social sciences and some experience of undertaking original social research or service evaluations, apply now!
For more information please visit

Chief Executive
KCA UK services in the community Competitive salary
Ref: 4528904 Job Type: Full Time
We are looking for an inspirational leader with a track record of motivating and empowering people across a wide geographical area.
For more information please visit

Chief Executive
The Vegetarian Society 48,000 - 55,000
Altrincham, Greater Manchester
Ref:4528454 Job Type: Full Time
We need a strategic and operational leader with senior management experience, a commercial edge and a vision for a sustainable future
For more information please visit

Internal Communications Manager

Royal College of Physicians Circa 32,000 per annum
Ref: 4529779 Job Type: Full Time
Youll develop and implement internal communications policy across the organisation
For more information please visit

Greenoak Housing Association Up to 35k
Woking, Surrey
Ref:4529046 Job Type: full or P/T
Talented person to develop/ deliver our green objectives, building on our track record in sustainability and of providing eco-friendly homes
For more information please visit

Assistant Director Young People & Families

Catch22 44,580-55,726
Home based/Ofce based (London, Essex & Suffolk)
Full Time
You will shape the future of service delivery through relationship and contract management, business development, performance and innovation.
For more information please visit


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012 Obituaries desk Email: Twitter: @guardianobits


Walter Harrison
Wakeeld MP and tough Labour deputy chief whip who kept Callaghan in power

he long-serving Wakeeld MP Walter Harrison, who has died aged 91, established an unequalled record in his 13 years as Labours deputy chief whip, from 1970 until 1983. In particular, he kept in power the minority 1976 Callaghan government for two and a half years rather than the few months it might have expected. James Callaghan conrmed the debt he owed Harrison by inscribing a copy of his memoirs to Walter, who made it all possible and in 1977 elevating him to the privy council. Harrisons achievement was to mount a erce campaign to keep Labour in power and Margaret Thatcher out, establishing a one-man intelligence system and exploiting with minimum scruple every weakness of his opponents. There had been no advance indication when Harrison reached Westminster as Labours new MP for Wakeeld in 1964 that he was other than a run-of-themill loyalist sponsored by the electricians union. He was distinctive only for his rolling gait, friendly grin and his frisky attitude in Annies Bar, where he declared that he would never mix London tap water with his spirits. He was born in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, the 10th child of Henry Harrison,

an electrician with the Yorkshire Electric Power Company and a Labour councillor, and his wife, Ada. After Dewsbury and Castleford technical colleges, and an apprenticeship in the company where his father worked, he did his fouryear wartime stint as an RAF electrician, serving in 20 countries. Released early because of his civilian skills, he went back to Yorkshire Electric, before switching to Richard Costains as a site electrician and then as a welfare and personnel ocer. This involved a wandering life to which his new wife, Enid, whom he married in 1948, objected. He returned to the Yorkshire Electricity Board, becoming active in the Electrical Trades Union (ETU). The backing of a union was crucial for his political ambitions. He started in 1952 as a councillor in Castleford, becoming a West Riding county councillor in 1958. He went on to the Yorkshire regional executive of the Labour party. A parliamentary seat seemed to elude him, though, as he missed out on Kingston upon Hull West, Newark, Ilkeston and Rotherham. He was nally adopted for Wakeeld and elected in 1964. He made a cautious start in the Commons, but after the 1966 election was named an assistant whip in charge of pairing. He became a full whip in 1968. Some thought Harrisons career might be cut short when Harold Wilson dropped his soft-left chief whip, John Silkin, for a rightwinger, Bob Mellish. But both Mellish and Harrison were trade union loyalists, united in their opposition to Barbara Castles In Place of Strife legislation. When Edward Heath won the 1970 election, Mellish made Harrison deputy chief whip. Harrison showed his tough-

Harrison exploited every weakness of his opponents in the House of Commons

He once threatened a police sergeant that he would be directing trac on the North Circular unless he released Ian Mikardo, needed for a close vote. But despite his eorts, the Callaghan government collapsed after a vote of condence was lost 311 to 310 in March 1979. By the 1983 election, Harrisons majority in Wakeeld was reduced to 360. He declined to stand again as deputy chief whip. But although he no longer had the job, it was dicult for him to shake his long-xed habits; he still padded around the Commons corridors as if hunting for errant Labour MPs. He stood down in 1987, after 23 years, partly due to the poor health of his wife. After Enids death in 1990, he married Jane Richards, long the popular secretary of the Labour whips oce. She died in 2000. Harrison is survived by his son and daughter. Andrew Roth Julia Langdon writes: It was a source of some surprise at Westminster that after his retirement as an MP, Walter Harrison was never oered a seat in the House of Lords. It was a position he had unquestionably earned, having made such a huge contribution to the survival of the Callaghan government and having clearly deserved such elevation rather more than many others among his less distinguished colleagues who were so preferred. It was a personal slight attributed to a longstanding disagreement with Neil Kinnock, who was Labour party leader at the time, and one which was bitterly resented on Harrisons behalf by his many friends. Despite the tough dealings in which he engaged as the deputy chief whip during those immensely dicult years

ness in 1971 when he could be seen nger-jabbing the Tory chief whip, gentlemanly Francis Pym, for ve minutes for guillotining the Tories industrial relations bill without having discussed this through the usual channels. Harrisons Machiavellian side was restricted to Westminster and unknown in his constituency. There he was a genial Yorkshireman with a genius for organising publicity for himself and the party and attracting political bigwigs. When Wilson unexpectedly resigned in 1976, Harrison backed his fellow Yorkshireman Denis Healey for the succession. But when Callaghan won, Harrison devoted himself to his survival. His obsession with keeping Thatcher out of power was such that he frequently sailed close to the wind.

in which he helped keep Labour in oce, there was a considerable nobility to Harrisons personal role. It has only recently been revealed that in order to try to spare the dying Labour MP Sir Alfred Broughton from being brought into the Commons for the vote of condence which precipitated the 1979 general election, Harrison approached his opposite number in the Conservative whips oce, Bernard Jack Weatherill. He asked the Tory deputy chief whip to observe the convention under which a member of the other party would abstain to match the absence of a sick MP. According to a new play, This House by James Graham, currently being staged at the National Theatre, Weatherill asserted that the convention was not applicable in such a critical vote and no Tory MP could possibly agree to abstain; he then oered to do so himself out of his own sense of honour. Harrison, motivated by a similar decency, recognised that such a gesture would certainly aect Weatherills future career and refused to accept the oer. Broughton was not obliged to attend the vote and the government lost by one vote. Broughton died ve days later and Weatherill was subsequently elected Speaker of the Commons, despite the opposition of the new prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, to his candidacy. Harrison always treasured a letter from a defeated but unresentful Callaghan assuring him that he had done the right thing in deciding not to bring Broughton to Westminster for the vote. Walter Harrison, politician, born 2 January 1921; died 19 October 2012 Andrew Roth died in 2010

William Walker

F Murray Abraham, actor, 73; Roman Abramovich, businessman and owner, Chelsea FC, 46; Sir John Adye, former director, GCHQ, 73; Ian Baker-Finch, golfer, 52; Ian Bishop, cricketer, 45; VV Brown, singer and songwriter, 29; Judith Chernaik, founder of Poems on the Underground, 78; Anthony Christian, painter, 67; Prof George Crumb, composer, 83; Simon Danczuk, Labour MP, 46; Barry Davies, sports commentator, 72; Frank Delaney, writer and broadcaster, 70; Elaine Feinstein, writer, 82; Air Chief Marshal Sir Michael Graydon, former chief of the Air Sta, 74; David Hamilton, Labour MP, 62; Dervla Kirwan, actor, 41; Kevin Kline, actor, 65; Esther McVey, Conservative MP, 45; Prof Carrie Paechter, professor of education, Goldsmiths, University of London, 54; Piers Rodgers, former secretary, Royal Academy of Arts, 68; Wayne Rooney, footballer, 27; Lord (David) Sainsbury of Turville, former Labour minister, 72; Jane Stern, writer, 66; Sir Mark Tully, broadcaster, 77; Andrew Turner, Conservative MP, 59; Paul Vaughan, radio journalist, 87; Mark Williams, comic, 53; Jeremy Wright, Conservative MP, 40.


Battle of Britain pilot shot down over the Channel in August 1940

hot down by a Luftwae Messerschmitt Bf 109 ghter in August 1940, the Spitre pilot William Walker, who has died aged 99, took refuge on a sandbank in the Channel, with a bullet in his leg and was rescued by a passing shing boat just before he succumbed to hypothermia. He was ying again within six months and, at the time of his death, was the oldest surviving Battle of Britain pilot. Walker was the son of a brewer, born in Hampstead, north London, a year before the rst world war began, and educated at Brighton college. At 18, he learned his fathers trade, joining the Ind Coope brewery company two years later. He eventually rose to become

chairman, as his father had been. Walker volunteered for the armed forces at the time of the Munich crisis in September 1938, joining the RAF Volunteer Reserve at Kidlington, Oxford. When war broke out a year later he was called up for full-time service. After completing his training, he was posted to 616 Squadron, Fighter Command, as a pilot and was commissioned in June 1940. Within weeks, the Battle of Britain began. RAF ghters took on swarms of Luftwae bombers and their ghter escorts in a life-or-death struggle for air supremacy over south-east England, prerequisite for a German invasion. Their initial strategy was to knock out the RAF, its airelds and radar chain. On 26 August, at the peak of this phase of the struggle, Walker and his fellow pilots of 616 Squadron were scrambled as 40 German bombers approached Dover with heavy ghter cover. Unable to gain enough height to exploit the Spitres main advantage over the Messerschmitts, Walker was hit from behind even as he was attacking an enemy ghter.

Walker inspects a Spitre in Trafalgar Square, central London, in 2008 Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA

Wounded in the lower leg and with his controls shot away, Walker was forced to bale out over the Channel at 20,000ft. He managed to swim to the sandbank in the Goodwin Sands, from where he was rescued by the shing boat. He was transferred to a RAF rescue launch for transport to Ramsgate. He was taken to hospital, where the bullet was removed. Hermann Goering, the Luftwae supremo, made his most fateful blunder in the rst week of September 1940. Having declared 13 August Eagle Day, he had stepped up his campaign. But, angered by a token RAF bomber raid on Berlin two weeks later, he switched his focus from a sorely stretched RAF Fighter Command to civilian targets in London. The dogghts continued until the end of October, as Hurricanes went for the bombers while the faster Spitres chased the ghters, by then operating at the

limit of their range. After his recovery early in 1941, Walker had several postings ferrying new aircraft to squadrons, working with anti-aircraft units and on patrols to protect airelds. He left the RAF in September 1945 as a ight lieutenant, with the Air Eciency Award. He resumed his career with the brewery and devoted much time to working for the Battle of Britain Memorial Trust. In later years, he attended the annual remembrance ceremony at the Capelle-Ferne memorial in Kent, where he recited poems he wrote about the battle. One poem was carved in stone in 2010 and erected alongside the memorial bearing 2,937 names of the Few. Proceeds from a book of his verse published in 2011 are destined for the trust. Walker is survived by ve of the seven children of his marriage to Claudine Mawby, who predeceased him. Dan van der Vat William Louis Buchanan Walker, wartime pilot, born 24 August 1913; died 21 October 2012

Read our obituary of Mike Morris, the TV-am and Yorkshire TV presenter

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


FA to review sanctions for racist abuse

Football, page 50

Kingsbarns all the rage to lift Trophy again for OBrien

Will Hayler
Kingsbarns has emerged as the favoured one among Aidan OBriens entries ahead of Saturdays Racing Post Trophy, the important trial for next years Classics which is frequently targeted by the trainers Ballydoyle operation. Though last years winner Camelot failed to complete the Triple Crown when coming up short in last months St Leger, the British 2,000 Guineas and Epsom and Irish Derbies remains a ne haul for the colt, who a year ago became the stables third winner of Saturdays race at Doncaster in the last 10 years. Bookmaker opinion had at rst been divided over whether to install as favourite Kingsbarns, a once-raced Navan maiden winner, or Battle Of Marengo, who won the Beresford Stakes. However, market support now strongly suggests that it will be Kingsbarns who takes the mantle of first-choice runner from among the half-dozen horses left in the race by the Irish trainer at the ve-day entry stage. Victory in the British trainers championship title now looks beyond OBrien, with Nathaniels third in last Saturdays Champion Stakes leaving John Gosden with a comfortable cushion. But it is remarkable that he has managed to throw down a challenge at all, given that the stable remains without a single twoyear-old winner in Britain this year. Yet the strength in depth of the Ballydoyle juvenile talent is clear from his six entries, Eye Of The Storm having impressed many observers when third to Trading Leather in a Group Three race at Newmarket earlier this month. The Richard Hannon-trained Van Der Neer has been conrmed as an intended runner in the same race while a decision will be taken on his stablemate Havana Golds participation at nal declaration. Well see how the race looks and run one or both, said Richard Hannon Jr. Frankie Dettori begins a new era in his career with a full book of rides at Newmarket today, an apparent demonstration of the support behind the Italian as he eectively starts out as a freelance, having separated from Godolphin after 18 years at the weekend. Interestingly Godolphin have set out to be as good as their word, continuing to support him by handing two rides to the Italian. Nibbled at in the betting to be champion jockey next season, Dettori has mounts for a variety of trainers, including No Poppy for Yorkshire-based Tim Easterby. Easterbys father, Peter, pledged the stables support, saying: Hell be champion jockey next year. Theres a lot of life left in him. At Exeter the rookie trainer Harry Fry was able to celebrate a rst success in his own name when Highland Retreat scored under Jack Barber. Credited with the success of Rock On Ruby in last seasons Champion Hurdle, Fry was then an assistant overseeing Paul Nicholls satellite stable in Seaborough and has branched out only this autumn. To get the rst winner on the board is a relief, to say the least, said Fry. To go and do it with a horse owned by Richard Barber, who is my landlord and a man I owe everything to, and for it to be ridden by his grandson Jack is a fairy story. The Arc de Triomphe winner, Solemia, is set to miss the Breeders Cup meeting in order to wait for the Japan Cup, according to reports in France.

Todays big races

3.05 Newmarket Thoroughbred Breeders Association Conditions Stakes (Class 2) 1m 7,470
1 (5) 021 Master Ming (54,D) B Meehan 9.3 2 (4) 41 So Beloved (21,D) R Charlton 9.3 3 (2) 303123 Hoarding (27,BF) J Gosden 9.1 4 (3) 216 Rhamnus (103,BF) R Hannon 9.1 5 (1) 535430 Ocean Applause (27) J Ryan 8.12 L Dettori 83 J Doyle 89 W Buick 88 R L Moore 90 M OConnell 87

Betting 2-1 So Beloved, 5-2 Hoarding, 3-1 Rhamnus, 7-1 Ocean Applause, 15-2 Master Ming.

Form guide Rhamnus disappointed in the Rose Bowl Stakes but he has been given time to strengthen up and his emphatic Sandown success came on soft ground. Like the selection, So Beloved possesses speed in his pedigree but saw out this trip at Salisbury, accounting for a subsequent winner by four lengths.

4.45 Newmarket Thoroughbred Breeders Association Fillies Handicap (Class 2) 1m 12,938

Raasekha (74,D) C Hills 4 9.10 T OShea 84 No Poppy (12,D) T Easterby 4 9.8 L Dettori 86 Firdaws (35) R Varian 3 9.4 D ONeill 85 Hippy Hippy Shake (18) L Cumani 3 9.1 K Fallon 90 Tuscania (65) Mrs L Wadham 4 9.0 F Tylicki 86 Diverting (88,D) W Jarvis 4 8.12 H Bentley 82 Subtle Knife (19) G Bravery 3 8.10 W Carson 87 Hurricane Lady (16,D) Mike Murphy 4 8.10 N Mackay84 9 (3) -41000 Poisson dOr (19,C) R Guest 3 8.9 J Doyle 83 10 (2)344054 Epernay (8,D) I Williams 5 8.9 M OConnell 84 11 (10)-34312Fulney (35,D) J Eustace 3 8.8 DOUBTFUL J Fanning 88 12 (17)05511 Raheeba (27) M Johnston 3 8.8 L Jones 89 13 (7) 14111 Shenas Dream (35,D) W Haggas 3 8.7 14 (5)301650 Junket (26,D) Dr J Scargill 5 8.6 J Quinn 85 15 (15)21031 Sputnik Sweetheart (44,D) R Hannon 3 8.6 E Ahern 87 16 (12)10110 Speedi Mouse (46,D) P McBride 3 8.4 R Da Silva (3) 88 17 (11)53330 Red Larkspur (86) R Teal 3 8.4 P Prince (7) 83 1 (13)51-435 2 (14)560211 3 (16)3-0560 4 (8) 2120 5 (6) -62034 6 (4) 4-0500 7 (1) 212122 8 (9) 363013

The Aidan OBrien-trained Kingsbarns has been supported into clear favouritism for Saturdays Racing Post Trophy at Doncaster Pat Healy/

Todays tips
2.00 2.30 3.05 3.40 4.10 4.45 5.20 Will Hayler Aloha Yarroom So Beloved (nap) No Truth Dance King Subtle Knife (nb) Shamaheart Top Form Desert Image Yarroom (nap) Rhamnus Mujazif (nb) Duke Of Perth Hippy Hpy Shake Quintilian

5.50 6.20 6.50 7.20 7.50 8.20 8.50 9.20 Will Hayler Neige dAntan Out Do Celebrated Talent Greatwood Muharrib Pastures New Kakatosi Lowther Top Form Neige DAntan Out Do Secret Number Greatwood Sesentum True Prince Take Cover Roxelana

Betting 11-2 Hippy Hippy Shake, 6-1 Shenas Dream, 7-1 No Poppy, 8-1 Raheeba, 10-1 Sputnik Sweetheart, 12-1 Hurricane Lady.

1.40 2.10 2.40 3.15 3.50 4.20 4.55 5.30 Volador Golden Chieftain Woodpole Academy Rocky Ryan Toot Suite Cayman Islands Fox Run Mabel Tasman Volador Current Event Noble Friend Heezagrey Young Victoria Wilton Milan Fox Run Wild Rhubarb

2.20 2.50 3.25 4.00 4.30 5.05 5.40 Tigre dAron Award Winner Mission Complete Easter Day No No Bingo Farbreaga Kallina Tigre DAron Award Winner Red Mile Easter Day Gee Dee Nen Himayna Royal Present

Whos running today? Racecards, news and live results online at horseracing

UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Group E P W Shakhtar Donetsk 3 2 Chelsea 3 1 Juventus 3 0 Nordsjaelland 3 0 Nordsjaelland Beckmann 50 10,100 (0) 1 D 1 1 3 1 L 0 1 0 2 F 5 7 4 1 A Pts 2 7 4 4 4 3 7 1 (0) 1 Bolton Barnsley Charlton Millwall Birmingham Bristol City Sheeld Wed Peterborough Ipswich 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 0 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 6 9 7 18 14 13 19 14 23 15 13 10 20 16 14 24 21 29 22 20 23 15 15 13 13 13 11 9 9 7 Brentford (1) 2 Forrester 41 90pen 5,415 Bury Hopper 37 Worrall 55 Carlisle Garner 57 74 Robson 82 Crawley Town Clarke 21 90 Crewe Moore 29 41 4,010 Leyton Orient 3,378 Notts County (2) 3 J Hughes 21 Arquin 32 Campbell-Ryce 84pen Scunthorpe Clarke 42 Hawley 72 Sheeld Utd Blackman 14pen Shrewsbury Richards 81pen 4,711 Stevenage Morais 14 61 4,012 Tranmere Cassidy 87 7,386 LEAGUE TWO P W Gillingham 14 10 Port Vale 14 9 Fleetwood Town 14 7 Cheltenham 14 7 Bradford 14 7 Rochdale 14 6 Rotherham 13 6 Torquay 14 5 York 14 5 Burton Albion 14 5 Exeter 14 6 Southend 14 5 14 4 Chestereld 14 5 Morecambe Plymouth 14 4 Accrington Stanley 13 5 Northampton 14 4 Oxford Utd 14 5 Dag & Red 14 3 Bristol Rovers 13 3 AFC Wimbledon 14 4 Wycombe 13 3 Aldershot 14 3 Barnet 14 1 Accrington 1,506 AFC Wimbledon Kenneth 20og Yussu 29 Antwi 33 (0) 0 (3) 3 D 2 3 4 4 3 4 3 6 6 5 2 3 6 3 5 2 4 1 6 5 2 3 2 4 L 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 6 6 4 6 5 6 6 8 5 5 8 7 9 9 F 29 33 21 19 24 21 22 22 20 22 21 19 17 18 20 17 18 19 20 14 18 12 12 12 A 10 14 13 17 17 19 17 18 18 20 21 17 17 20 20 22 21 26 22 22 28 20 25 26 Pts 32 30 25 25 24 22 21 21 21 20 20 18 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 14 14 12 11 7 (1) 2 (1) 2 Coventry McGoldrick 7 Hartlepool Noble 56 1,877 Oldham Baxter 85pen 3,310 MK Dons 2,853 Swindon De Vita 25 Colchester Wordsworth 33 Henderson 51 (1) 1 Burton Albion Chapell 73 3,975 Cheltenham Elliott 37 Mohamed 78 Chestereld Darikwa 44 4,372 Dag & Red Elito 37 1,487 Northampton 3,541 (1) 2 Rochdale Donnelly 78 Grant 87 Rotherham Nardiello 64 66 5,632 Southend Phillips 68 4,600 Torquay Craig 56 Nicholson 84 Wycombe 3,244 (0) 1 Port Vale Williamson 75 Plymouth Hourihane 30 3,058 Fleetwood Town Gillespie 6 Atkinson 90og Exeter Cureton 51 Bradford Wells 53 Oxford Utd 1,619 (0) 2 Morecambe Ellison 30 Aldershot Hylton 1 Bradley 87 Gillingham Burton 53 2,251 Barnet (1) 1 (0) 1

ATP SWISS INDOORS (Basel) First round: R Gasquet (Fr) bt R Haase (Neth) 4-6 6-3 6-2; M Ebden (Aus) bt V Hanescu (Rom) 6-3 7-6 (7-3); M Youzhny (Rus) bt B Tomic (Aus) 6-0 6-2; B Baker (US) bt R Stepanek (Cz) 2-6 7-6 (7-5) 6-3; M Chiudinelli (Swi) bt G Garca Lpez (Sp) 5-7 6-3 6-4; N Davydenko (Rus) bt S Wawrinka (Swi) 7-6 (9-7) 7-6 (7-3); K Anderson (SA) bt J Nieminen (Fin) 7-6 (7-4) 6-3. ATP VALENCIA OPEN (Spain) First round: A Dolgopolov (Ukr) bt F Volandri (It) 6-3 7-6 (7-5); D Ferrer (Sp) bt O Rochus (Bel) 7-5 7-5; J Melzer (Aut) bt C Berlocq (Arg) 6-3 6-3; A Ramos (Sp) bt R Ram (US) 6-3 6-3; S Querrey (US) bt F Lpez (Sp) 6-3 7-6 (7-4); N Almagro (Sp) bt JC Ferrero (Sp) 7-5 6-3; X Malisse (Bel) bt J-W Tsonga (Fr) 3-1 ret; G Simon (Fr) bt J Tipsarevic (Ser) 5-4 ret. WTA CHAMPIONSHIPS (Istanbul, Turkey) Red Group: S Williams (US) bt A Kerber (Ger) 6-4 6-1. White Group: A Radwanska (Pol) bt P Kvitova (Cz) 6-3 6-2; M Sharapova (Rus) bt S Errani (It) 6-3 6-2.


(7.45pm unless stated)

(0) 1

(1) 2

(1) 1

(0) 3

(0) 1

(1) 1

(1) 2

Juventus Vucinic 81 Chelsea Oscar 88 50,000 W 2 2 2 0 D 0 0 0 0 L 1 1 1 3 F 6 4 6 1

Shakhtar Donetsk (1) 2 Teixeira 3 Fernandinho 52 Group F Bate Bayern Munich Valencia Lille Bate Lille Group G Barcelona Celtic Spartak Moscow Benca Barcelona Iniesta 45 Alba 90 P 3 3 3 3 (1) 1 P 3 3 3 3 (0) 0 (0) 0

(0) 1

A Pts 5 6 4 6 2 6 6 0

Valencia (1) 3 Soldado 45pen 55 69 Bayern Munich Mller 20pen W 3 1 1 0 D 0 1 0 1 L 0 1 2 2 F 7 4 6 1 (1) 1

A Pts 3 9 4 4 7 3 4 1 (1) 1

Barnsley (0) 1 Perkins 86 8,195 Blackpool (0) 2 Grandin 70 Taylor-Fletcher 75 13,228 Bristol City (1) 3 Davies 17 Baldock 77pen Anderson 90 Cardi (0) 2 Whittingham 71pen Gunnarsson 90 Ipswich (1) 1 Campbell 24 15,417 Leeds (1) 1 Norris 37 17,484 Leicester (1) 1 King 10 Middlesbrough (0) 2 Haroun 59, Miller 66 Millwall Wood 11 18 Taylor 13 Peterborough Boyd 16 24 Ntlhe 48 Wolves Doyle 27 30 20,915 LEAGUE ONE Tranmere Stevenage Sheeld Utd Crawley Town Notts County Doncaster Swindon Preston Brentford MK Dons Yeovil Colchester Carlisle Portsmouth Walsall Crewe Oldham Leyton Orient Bournemouth Shrewsbury Coventry Scunthorpe Bury Hartlepool P 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 (3) 3

Crystal Palace Murray 11

(1) 1

(1) 2 (2) 2

(0) 0 (1) 1

(1) 1

(0) 1

Nottingham Forest (1) 2 Sharp 25 Blackstock 90 Burnley (1) 4 Austin 9 59pen Paterson 60, McCann 90 11,836 Watford (1) 1 Hoban 28 20,077 Derby (1) 2 Robinson 40 Tyson 90 Charlton (0) 1 Dervite 50 Brighton 25,726 Hull 14,129 Birmingham King 45 49 63 9,258 Hudderseld Hammill 51 6,348 Bolton Afobe 21 M Davies 90 W 9 8 7 9 7 7 6 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 D 3 5 7 1 4 3 4 3 6 5 1 4 4 3 3 5 4 1 6 4 5 4 5 4 L 2 1 0 4 3 3 4 5 3 4 7 5 5 6 6 5 5 8 5 7 7 8 8 9 F 31 20 18 22 26 18 19 24 19 15 24 15 17 22 17 14 14 11 20 14 14 11 14 11 (0) 0 (0) 0 (1) 3

(0) 0 (0) 2

(0) 1 (0) 0

(0) 0

Bournemouth (0) 3 McQuoid 51 Arter 60pen, Tubbs 85 4,584 Preston Wroe 1 28 36 2,671 Walsall 15,744 (3) 3

UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Group A Dinamo Zagreb v Paris St-Germain; Porto v Dynamo Kiev Group B Arsenal v Schalke; Montpellier v Olympiakos Group C Mlaga v Milan; Zenit St Petersburg v Anderlecht (5pm) Group D Ajax v Manchester City; Borussia Dortmund v Real Madrid NPOWER CHAMPIONSHIP Blackburn v Sheeld Wed EVO-STIK NORTHERN PREMIER LEAGUE Buxton v Worksop; Whitby v Stocksbridge PS

(0) 1

(1) 2

(1) 1 (0) 1

(0) 0

(0) 2

(0) 1

Yeovil (1) 3 Madden 9, Hayter 60 Madden 70 Portsmouth Harley 51 Doncaster Paynter 48 Hume 90 (0) 1

(0) 0

(0) 0

(1) 2

Celtic Mascherano 18og 75,000 Benca Lima 33 30,000 W 3 1 1 0 D 0 1 0 1 L 0 1 2 2 F 6 4 4 1

(0) 1

(0) 2

BUDWEISER FA CUP Fourth qualifying round replays Dartford 1 Forest Green 4; East Thurrock L Chelmsford L; Gosport Borough L Slough L; Halifax 0 Lincoln City 2; Harrogate Town L Hyde L; Newport County L Yate L; Nuneaton L Telford L BLUE SQUARE BET NORTH Altrincham 1 Workington 2 BLUE SQUARE BET SOUTH Staines Town 1 Truro City 0 EVO-STIK NORTHERN PREMIER LEAGUE Frickley 1 Eastwood Town 0; Hednesford L Witton Albion L; Kendal Town L Ashton Utd L; Marine L Staord Rangers L; Matlock Town 1 Chorley 0; North Ferriby Utd 1 FC United 1 EVO-STIK SOUTHERN PREMIER LEAGUE Hemel Hempstead 1 Cambridge City 0 RYMAN PREMIER LEAGUE Bognor Regis Town 0 Harrow Borough 3; Canvey Island 3 Margate 1; Carshalton Athletic 0 Whitehawk 1; Cray Wanderers L Bury Town L; Hendon L Met Police L; Lowestoft Town 3 Wingate & Finchley 0

Spartak Moscow (2) 2 Carioca 3 Jardel 43og Group H Manchester Utd CFR Cluj Braga Galatasaray Galatasaray Yilmaz 77 46,000 Manchester Utd Hernndez 25 75 Evans 62 P 3 3 3 3 (0) 1

(1) 1

(2) 3

(0) 1

(2) 2

(1) 2

A Pts 3 9 3 4 5 3 4 1 (1) 1

CFR Cluj Nounkeu 19og Braga Alan 2 20

(1) 3

(2) 2

NPOWER CHAMPIONSHIP P W Leicester 12 8 12 8 Cardi Middlesbrough 12 7 Crystal Palace 12 6 Wolves 12 6 Hudderseld 12 6 Leeds 12 5 Hull 12 6 Brighton 12 5 Nottingham Forest 12 4 Blackpool 12 5 Derby 12 4 Blackburn 11 4 Burnley 12 5 Watford 12 5

D 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 1 3 6 2 5 5 2 1

L 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 5 4 2 5 3 2 5 6

F 19 22 19 21 17 18 20 18 15 16 21 18 17 26 17

A 10 15 17 20 13 15 18 17 8 13 17 15 14 25 20

Pts 25 25 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 17 17 16

A 13 12 10 18 15 12 14 18 15 11 21 16 23 22 20 20 14 17 25 18 22 24 26 24

Pts 30 29 28 28 25 24 22 21 21 20 19 19 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 13 11 10 8 7

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE TWENTY20 Group A P W L T NR RR Pts Delhi (Q) 4 2 0 0 2 +1.44 12 Titans (Q) 4 2 1 0 1 -0.02 10 Kolkata 4 1 2 0 1 +0.49 6 Perth 4 1 2 0 1 -0.47 6 Auckland 4 1 2 0 1 -0.96 6 Centurion Perth 140-7 (PD Collingwood 38, MJ North 37; MD Bates 4-34). Auckland 124-8 (MJ Guptill 36; MA Beer 3-13). Perth won by 16 runs. Centurion Delhi v Titans. Match abandoned, rain.

York Walker 83 Bristol Rovers Eaves 73 3,714

(0) 1 (0) 1

PGA GRAND SLAM (Southampton, Bermuda) First-round scores: 66 P Harrington (Ire). 68 B Watson (US). 69 W Simpson (US). 72 K Bradley (US).


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


By ignoring the past McQuaid risks hope of a better future

journalist Luigi Perna wrote that cycling was in a bottomless black pit. McQuaid disagrees. The 63-year-old Irishman believes that in the seven years since he assumed the presidency of the International Cycling Union (UCI) cycling has made progress in the ght against doping, just as it did under his predecessor, Hein Verbruggen. The UCI can point to the introduction of haematocrit testing, which put an end to a succession of deaths of young riders overdosing on EPO, and to the invention of blood passports, even though the UCIs range of anti-doping weaponry has been limited by budget and science, as well as by disputes over which body should be doing the testing. But it is hard to overlook the way they defended Armstrong for so long against what turned out to be well founded suspicions, and of the alacrity with which they welcomed his gift of $125,000, ostensibly to fund their ght against doping, at a time when rumours about his conduct were growing, or the opposition McQuaid expressed when Usada took up the challenge of uncovering proof of the cheating at the heart of the success of the US Postal and Discovery Channel teams. A Dubliner, McQuaid is a former amateur racer who won the Tour of Ireland twice and the Tours of the Cotswolds and the Pennines in the 1970s. Having narrowly missed a place in the Ireland team for the 1972 Munich Olympics, he blotted his copybook by attempting to race under an assumed name in South Africa three years later, along with Sean Kelly, at a time when sporting contacts were banned. He had an interest in observing the political situation, he said recently, but he also believed that if businessmen were allowed to do their thing there, why shouldnt sportsmen, too? He was unmasked, losing the chance of a place at the next Olympics. After retiring from competition in 1981 he went into team management, initially with Irelands junior team, which included Paul Kimmage, the son of a former rival. His next step was into rider management and race promotion, culminating in his success in attracting the Tour de France to Ireland in 1998 although the discovery by French police

Pat McQuaid doubts that a truth and reconciliation process in cycling would help eradicate doping in the future Salvatore Di Nol/AP

Richard Williams
On Friday the men who run cycling will sit down in their headquarters outside Geneva to talk about the past and the future, and whether the two can be reconciled by the use of a truth and reconciliation process modelled on the one that brought a measure of peace and sanity to post-apartheid South Africa. Their president, Pat McQuaid, is sceptical. In his view, solving South Africas problems was a doddle compared to the mess in which professional cycling nds itself. Where youve got a white population and a black population whore killing each other over a number of years, thats one thing, he said on Monday afternoon. Whether it works in antidoping or sport is another question. You have to ask yourself, if you can set it up, whos going to give information? Are riders and managers going to come forward? I dont know. Will it stop people wanting to cheat? If they come forward and thats a big if will it help much in the future? My personal objective is to work on today and tomorrow, the here and now, rather than the past. We do face the past. Ive faced the past on several occasions since I was elected. But I prefer to work on developing a landscape for the future so that this wont happen again. The United States Anti-Doping Agency (Usada) report, however, is not the end of cyclings exposure to scandal. Some time in the next couple of months Benedetto Roberti, a prosecutor in the Italian city of Padua, will release the results of a two-year investigation into the wider activities of Dr Michele Ferrari, who according to Usada was at the centre of Armstrongs doping web. When the Gazzetta dello Sport previewed some of its ndings the

of a Festina team van containing copious amounts of doping equipment cast a shadow over Dublins Grand Depart. That same year, however, he was elected to the UCI, and promptly appointed to the presidency of the road racing commission by Verbruggen, who had entered cycling in 1970 when, as a sales manager for Mars, he persuaded the company to sponsor a team. The two have been in harness ever since, when Verbruggen was coming to the

Who is going to give information? Are riders and managers going to come forward? I dont know

end of a 21-year spell in charge of the governing body in 2005, he shoehorned his protege into the overall presidency, having warned the voting members of the unsuitablity of the two other candidates for the post. Now 71, the Dutchman, remains as the UCIs honorary president, as well as an honorary member of the International Olympic Committee although David Millar called for his resignation this week on the grounds that the Armstrong victories happened on his watch. Theres nothing in the Usada report which implicates Mr Verbruggen in any wrongdoings, McQuaid replied on Monday, coming to the aid of his patron. The decision of McQuaid and Verbruggen to pursue a libel action against Kimmage, a rider turned journalist and a prominent critic of Armstrong who questioned the propriety of their acceptance of the Texans donations, certainly makes it look as though they are continuing to concentrate on the wrong targets. I would agree that Paul has been a consistent anti-doping advocate, McQuaid said when it was put to him that dropping the action against the author of Rough Ride, which blew the whistle on doping in the 1980s peloton, might been seen as a useful act of reconciliation. I know him very well. Ive known him since he was in his pram. I managed his amateur career. I was a good amateur myself in my day and I took a decision not to go professional. I went to college instead. All Ive done, all my life, is work for the benet of this sport. I will not accept to be called corrupt. To many cycling fans, however, the organisation is failing in its duty. During Mondays press conference McQuaid was asked if his organisation had also started to investigate the mention in the Usada report of payments allegedly made to Dr Ferrari by two Kazakh riders, Andrey Kashechkin and the current Olympic champion Alexander Vinokourov. The president of the UCI leaned across to one of his aides. Have we? he whispered. Not yet, came the muttered reply. Once again, cyclings governing body had missed the break.

Usada hits back at UCI

continued from page 50 The UCI does not point to any specics in making this ridiculous claim, responded Tygart, via email from Usadas Colorado headquarters, after reviewing the document. They simply are trying to divert attention away from their own failures in this whole sad saga, and those that love the sport of cycling and clean sport should not allow that to happen. Our report was straightforward and produced the natural and logical conclusion based on a simple review of the evidence, he continued. Maybe they do not like the outcome but it is the simple sad truth, nothing more and nothing less and their eort to undercut is obviously a transparent attempt to continue to run from the truth. In the document, McQuaid also challenged the jurisdiction of Usada in stripping Armstrong of his titles under the Wada Anti-Doping Code and publishing its report after Armstrong waived his right to a court of arbitration for sport (Cas) hearing. McQuaid suggested that Armstrong could have contested not only the allegations that Usada made against him but also the jurisdiction of Usada. According to McQuaid, the UCI should have been given Usadas case le for the UCI to decide on what action to pursue. We set forth our position on why they were conicted in this case on many different grounds, said Tygart, They accepted money from him [Armstrong], they accused us of a witch-hunt (without seeing any evidence), they sued the chief whistleblower, they discouraged witnesses from participating.

Coppell favourite for Palace after Freedman quits for Bolton job Page 46

In the UCI Decision, McQuaid claimed that if his body had had prior sight of Usadas evidence, it would have concluded that Armstrong had a case to answer and would have advised Armstrongs national governing body, USA Cycling, to institute proceedings. Tygart has little condence that an investigation led by the UCI would have produced the same result. All in all, given what was at stake for the sport, said Tygart, I was very doubtful this day would ever come. Perhaps the most serious of McQuaids claims is that Usada deprived Armstrong of the benet of an eight-year statute of limitations under Wadas Code. Theoretically, this would rule out of court all Usadas evidence of doping violations prior to 2004, the year of Armstrongs penultimate Tour de France victory. McQuaid goes on to note that this statute of limitations could have formed the basis for a partial defence if Armstrong had accepted a Cas hearing on his case. The UCI president adds that while the UCI itself would not appeal to Cas on the basis of this claimed infringement of the statute, Wada should, or could, in his view, make such an appeal for the sake of enforcing compliance. In short, the UCI advises Wada that it has a responsibility to appeal against Usadas ruling against Armstrongs doping operation. Armstrong denied himself the benet of any statute because he lied under oath and many other forums, swearing that he did not dope, in addition to bullying witnesses into silence, Tygart responded. If he had not done this, he might have beneted from the statute of limitation. Doubts over the report that led to Lance Armstrong losing his seven Tour de France titles have been raised by the UCI

To raise this now, only further shows their reluctance to do the right thing for the sport going forward. Tygart added that he would have been happy to have seen the case go to Cas. We welcomed a Cas proceeding for all the evidence to be presented under oath and in public for the world to see, and we were condent the world would know the truth, as it does today. In a section in the Decision commenting on Usadas evidence, McQuaid casts several aspersions. Implying duress, he notes that witness statements have been under penalty of perjury and have not been submitted to cross-examination. Even if, purely as an assumption, noted McQuaid, some statements made against Mr Armstrong would be incorrect, vague or confusing, the UCI does not have the elements to show that this would be the case. [This is] another example of the UCI attempting to escape responsibility for their failures and it is quite sad they would continue to resort to such underhanded tactics at this time, said Tygart. This is absolutely ction, made up by them to justify their ineptness at failing to prevent this great heist in their sport. McQuaid closed the UCI document with the proviso that the UCIs recognition of the Usada ruling is conditional on whether Mr Armstrong or Wada will appeal Usadas decision to Cas. Given the history of tension between the UCI and Wada McQuaid and his predecessor Hein Verbruggen even sued Wadas former head, Dick Pound, over his criticism of their antidoping eorts an appeal by Wada seems very unlikely. Despite what might be seen as the encouragement oered by McQuaid to Armstrong in the UCI document, Tygart is not losing any sleep over any move by Armstrong himself. Armstrong has waived his right to any appeal, he said. He does not have any right to appeal at this time.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012




In brief

Governing bodies united in desire to cool talk of breakaway union for black players
Anger over Terry sentence threatens to boil over Minister urges football not to fracture over racism
Owen Gibson
The government and the Football Association have moved to try to quell talk of a potential breakaway union for black players, as barely concealed frustration over the punishment meted out to the Chelsea captain, John Terry, for racially abusing Anton Ferdinand threatens to boil over. Rio Ferdinand, said to be one of the prime movers behind a new Black Players Association, distanced himself from the speculation via Twitter yesterday, as did Jason Roberts. But the Society of Black Lawyers chair, Peter Herbert, conrmed that talks about a new organisation were at an early stage. It is understood that the idea, in various iterations, has been discussed among some players for at least a year but there had been little sign of getting it off the ground until the outpouring of frustration at the sentence handed to Terry. Both Ferdinand brothers and the Reading striker Roberts were among players to boycott Kick It Outs campaign at the weekend by refusing to wear its T-shirts. The sports minister, Hugh Robertson, the FA chairman, David Bernstein, and the Professional Footballers Association chief executive, Gordon Taylor, were among those to praise Kick It Out yesterday and argue that any breakaway move would be counterproductive. I can understand why feelings are running high but I dont think this is the moment for football to fracture. Kick It Out and other anti-racism bodies have moved things forward enormously and I think this is a moment to unite behind them and try and make sure that progress continues, said Robertson. He said Ferdinand and others who have mooted the idea of a breakaway body should rally behind Kick It Out, which some feel has been caught in the crossfire amid intense frustration at what is perceived as a lenient sentence for Terry from the FAs independent regulatory commission. I absolutely understand why the temperature is raised on this but its important to back Kick It Out and build on the progress theyve made over the last 20 years, said Robertson. Bernstein concurred. I dont think fragmentation is in anybodys interest. Kick It Out have a fantastic record, they are led by someone who has done a tremendous amount for equality and diversity in this country. I have a lot of admiration for Lord Ouseley, said the FA chairman. But this week Ouseley, the Kick It Out chairman, also c alled on the Premier League and the FA to do more to help its cause. The organisation is jointly funded by the FA, the Premier League and the PFA to the tune of 345,000 a year. But Bernstein insisted it supported Kick It Out morally and nancially. The PFA chairman, Clarke Carlisle, said he planned to seek a meeting with Roberts and possibly Rio Ferdinand to divine their intentions. The threat is very real because the proposal is there and the discussions have been had, so its obviously something that has been mooted within the industry, he said. We need to know exactly what it is they are wanting, whether this is a movement that is in full ow and whether they think it is going to happen irrespectively or whether it is something where they are trying to instigate change within the organisations that are currently in place. Herbert told the BBC that the new organisation would be more radical than Kick It Out and would be able to take a more proactive approach. I think there comes a point in any communitys life or experience where enough is enough, he said. People appear to have decided they have to do something more vigorously. Rio Ferdinand has attempted to distance himself from speculation over a possible association for black players Twelve months to the day since the Terry-Ferdinand incident at Loftus Road, Robertson said he could absolutely understand why the issue remained such a toxic one. We were all 20-odd once and I can absolutely understand why people feel strongly about this. But this is a moment for cool heads, not hot ones. There is a degree of frustration at the fact that Rio Ferdinand and others have yet to outline the exact nature of their grievances publicly. But Bernstein said it was clear to him that the players who rebelled against Kick It Out were angry with the FA over both the sanction given to Terry and the length of time the case dragged on for. Carlisle said it was incumbent on the FA, which has said it will put the issue before the independent Football Regulatory Authority, to ensure that stronger penalties were laid down for future oenders. I feel the FA need to respond by addressing all of the issues that have caused all of the discontent over the last 12 to 18 months and thats the reporting mechanisms, the investigation process and the sanctions levied for racial abuse oences. A four-game ban is just not strong enough, especially not when the rst incident, the precedent set, was eight games [for Liverpool striker Luis Surez]. The message that was sent out was that racial abuse can be mitigated against and that message is diluted in the next case.

Rugby league Wigan sign the son of former star Robinson

Jason Robinsons eldest son, Lewis Tierney, yesterday signed his rst senior contract with his fathers former club, Wigan. Tierney, 18, has taken his stepfathers surname, but Robinson was involved in the negotiations that led to a two-year deal. Obviously theres a bit of extra pressure thats going to come on Lewis as word gets out that hes Jason Robinsons son, but weve all spoken about this and were condent he can cope, said Kris Radlinski, a former Wigan and Great Britain teammate of Robinson who is now the Wigan rugby manager. Hes a cracking lad. As a rugby player were excited about his potential, although hes still a long way from the nished product. But wed be silly not to see what we can do with genes like his. Id still describe him as a utility back while hes learning the game. Andy Wilson

Football Leeds urge fans to turn backs on vile chanting

Leeds have responded to the ugly scenes which marred Fridays game at Sheeld Wednesday by launching an initiative designed to eradicate what they describe as vile chanting inside stadiums. In a statement issued before last nights Championship match against Charlton, the West Yorkshire club called for fans who hear sick chants to turn their backs on the game. Leeds and Wednesday fans have attracted criticism after exchanging unsavoury songs at Hillsborough. Tempers ared further when a Leeds supporter ran on to the eld and attacked Wednesdays Chris Kirkland. He was jailed on Monday. The Leeds chief executive, Shaun Harvey, said: In an age when so much has been done to improve the games image it is sickening that these vile chants can still be heard. PA

Boxing Burns to ght European champion Walsh

Ricky Burns faces another world title challenge from an Englishman after the European lightweight champion Liam Walsh was named as his next opponent with a unication ght against Adrien Broner on oer for the winner. Scotlands WBO lightweight champion, who was on top form as he stopped Kevin Mitchell in four rounds last month, will face the unbeaten Walsh at Londons ExCeL on 15 December. The promoter Frank Warren has lined up a glamour contest against the unbeaten American WBC champion Broner for whoever comes out on top. The 26-yearold Walsh has stopped his opponent in 10 of 13 professional ghts, including his memorable Commonwealth superfeatherweight title win over the Scot Paul Appleby, who was pulled out ahead of the 10th round. PA

Anthony Knockaert of Leicester City, left, holds o Brightons Spanish defender Bruno Saltor during last nights Championship game Alex Morton/Action Images

King reigns supreme for Leicester as Brighton rue missed penalty

npower Championship Richard Rae King Power Stadium
Leicester City 1
King 10

Brighton & H A 0

Scotlands Ricky Burns has stopped his opponent in 10 of 13 professional ghts

Seven matches ago, when Leicesters defeat at Wolves meant they had lost their rst three away games of the season, the manager Nigel Pearson was widely believed to be on the brink of being sacked. Andy Kings early goal in a match far more one-sided than the scoreline suggests means their record since that loss at Molineux reads six wins, one draw, and leaves the Foxes on top of the table. Brighton, in contrast, have faltered after beginning the season strongly, and a return of just one point from their last three home games has seen Gus Poyets team slip out of the play-o places. The Uruguyan has insisted that his team is not doing much wrong other than not getting the rub of the green, but they were comfortably second-best last night. Away from home the Seagulls form has

remained relatively solid, but they looked anything but secure when Leicester put them under early pressure. Four successive corners were beaten away, but a sense of panic was already present, and the Foxes duly went ahead when David Nugent cut in off the left wing and found the visitors defence in full retreat. An unselsh pass gave King even more space inside the Brighton penalty area, and though his rst shot was blocked, the rebound fell kindly for the midelder to side-foot past an exposed Tomasz Kuszczak. Martyn Waghorn should have gone a long way towards making the points safe soon afterwards. The full-back Ritchie De Laet followed his overlapping run down the right with a cross into the six-yard box that Waghorn, having escaped his marker and with only Kuszczak to beat, wastefully turned over the bar. Anthony Knockaert, a bright, busy young midelder bought from French side Guingamp during the summer, has been one of the most important inuences in Citys improved form in recent weeks and

after nearly creating a chance for Lloyd Dyer with a cross that Kuszczak just managed to touch clear, drew a good save from the goalkeeper with a powerful drive from outside the penalty area. The longer the half progressed without City adding to their lead, the more Brightons condence grew. Will Buckley on the right wing and Ashley Barnes on the left began to see something of the ball, but Craig Mackail-Smiths shot from 25 yards, comfortably saved by Citys goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel, was their only eort on goal in the opening period. Kuszczak had to save again shortly after the re-start, a strong Nugent header extending the goalkeeper to his right, but Brighton should have levelled when
Leicester 4-4-2 Schmeichel; De Laet (Moore, 54), Morgan, Whitbread, Konchesky; Knockaert, Drinkwater, King, Dyer; Waghorn (Marshall, 69), Nugent (Vardy, 67). Subs not used Logan, James, Schlupp, Futacs. Brighton 4-1-4-1 Kuszczak; Bruno, Greer, ElAbd, Bridge; Bridcutt; Buckley, Dicker (Dobbie, 58), Crofts (Hammond, 77), Barnes; Mackail-Smith. Subs not used Dunk, Calderon, Ankergren, Lopez, Lualuat. Referee N Swarbrick

Zak Whitbread bundled Buckley over as he pushed the ball past the American in the City penalty area. The assistant rather than the referee called the foul, but Schmeichel assuaged Citys sense of injustice by diving to his left to block Barnes rather weak spot-kick, and the Brighton player volleyed the bouncing rebound over the bar. The pattern of the game resumed, Leicester well on top and creating chances that they failed to take. Dyer was the next to miss, heading a Waghorn cross wide before King pulled another shot just the wrong side of the beaten Kuszczaks righthand post. The crowd, boosted by a reduction in ticket prices for half-term, almost had its collective nerve soothed when Ben Marshall, found in space by a classy Knockaert pass, cut in from the right and drew another good save from the busy Kuszczak. Still the second would not come, though, and Mackail-Smith, his prodigious work-rate a testament to his tness, nearly pinched a point with an attempted lob which Schmeichel held with some relief.


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Football Freedman walks out of Palace to join Bolton

Jamie Jackson
Dougie Freedman has left Crystal Palace to become the new Bolton Wanderers manager. The Scots rst game in charge after replacing the sacked Owen Coyle will be Saturdays trip to Middlesbrough. Steve Parish, the Palace chairman, said that he considers that managing in the Premier League is an obsession for Freedman. A statement on the Palace website conrmed the news. The board of the club would like to put on record their thanks to Dougie for all his eorts over the past couple of years and their disappointment over the events of the past few days, it read. The search for a replacement starts immediately. The [running of the] team at the game against Barnsley will be taken by assistant manager Lennie Lawrence and rst-team coach Curtis Fleming. Freedman leaves Palace with the club sitting fourth in the Championship and just two points o the leaders Leicester City, while Bolton are a further six points back in 16th . Parish told Sky Sports News: I certainly dont feel betrayed. He had a very good offer on the table from us, I felt. I dont feel Dougie is somebody whos hugely motivated by money he certainly didnt give me the impression we could x it with money, I think it could be more about ambition. But maybe I could be proved wrong. I feel that we have got ambition, we want to get into the Premier League and stay there. Paris said that Freedmans ambition to manage in the Premier League is an obsession. I think it came down to him believing that his ambition was greater Steve Coppell is in the employ of nearby Crawley but he remains a condant of Palaces chairman Steve Parish than ours. There is an element of this I dont understand. I thought it was exciting times ahead, but its not to be. We have got to move on and get a manager as soon as possible. You need to ask him [why he has gone]. He obviously doesnt feel we can full his ambitions. His burning ambition and desire is to get to the Premier League. My obsession is safeguarding the future of the club. It may boil down to more funds [being] available [at Bolton] and a better chance of promotion. I think thats what most discussions centred around. I had a very good relationship with Dougie and I wish him every success in the future. Football is a precarious situation for managers eight games ago we had a boycott of fans wanting him out. Dougie feels his career can be served elsewhere, I dont feel betrayed and now we have to nd a new manager. He had a good oer on the table from us. Regarding a potential replacement, Parish said: The last four days I havent spoken to anyone. Steve [Coppell] is certainly someone I will speak to somebody we will be consulting and [he] is a possibility. Coppell, who along with the former Wolves manager Mick McCarthy is the bookmakers favourite, is Crawley Towns director of football. Should Coppell replace Freedman it would be his fth time in charge of Palace. He managed the club between 1984-1993, 1995-96, 1997-98 and 1999-2000. Bolton are yet to officially confirm Freedmans appointment.

We have to win then we talk says Mancini as City face high noon
Champions League Daniel Taylor Amsterdam
Frustrating, was the word Roberto Mancini used from his seat in the bowels of the Amsterdam Arena. The Manchester City manager had just been asked about his teams diculties in the Champions League and how, only two games in, they were suddenly confronted with a match they simply dare not lose. Would another bad result be the end for another year? We cannot think this way, Mancini replied. We have to win and then talk. This is the reality, however, of Citys visit to the Netherlands and where they stand in Group D, third from bottom with only a solitary point from two xtures and more shots conceded, 57 in two games, than anyone else in this seasons competition. OK, when the opposition are Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund there are mitigating circumstances, but that does not alter the fact it has left them vulnerable again. Worrying was another word Mancini could have used. At the very least City will need four points from back-to-back games against Ajax, but it may even be that only two wins will do given that the following assignment is against Real Madrid before the group concludes against the Dortmund side that played with so much air and penetration at the Etihad this month. Too negative? Vincent Kompany certainly thought so. We can lose our chance, Mancini admitted, but Citys captain was not willing to entertain the idea, nor turn it into a discussion about Citys struggles adapting to the competition they crave the most in Abu Dhabi. The past is irrelevant. We cant bring up things that have gone wrong in the past. What we have to take with us is the things that have gone well. We still think we have a big chance and that we are capable of winning every game.

Ajax v Manchester City

Subs from Cillessen, Veltman, Dijks, Sporkslede, Sulejmani, Enoh, Schone, Boccara, Hoesen, Lukoki Doubtful Enoh Injured Serero, Sigthorsson

Group D

7.45pm SS2

Venue Amsterdam Arena Referee S Oddvar Moen (Nor) Radio BBC 5 Live
Vermeer Alderweireld
24 3 1

4 17

Van Rhijn

5 8

Blind Eriksen

De Jong




Boerrigter Milner

Manchester City
Subs from Nasri Johansen, Pantilimon, 8 Lescott, Clichy, Evans, Dzeko, Sinclair, Barry Balotelli, Nimely 18 Injured Garca, Maicon, Kolarov Rodwell, Silva 13 33 Inelegible Nastasic K Tour

16 32


Y Tour
42 4




Key One booking from suspension

Probable teams

Group D
P W D L F A GD Pts

Real Madrid Dortmund Man City Ajax

2 2 2 2

2 1 0 0

0 1 1 0

0 0 1 2

7 2 3 1

3 1 4 5

4 6 1 4 -1 1 -4 0

Sergio Agero focuses on the ball as Manchester City prepare for their Champions League match against Ajax in Amsterdam tonight Olaf Kraak/AFP/Getty Images

Results Dortmund 1 Ajax 0, Real Madrid 3 Man City 2 Ajax 1 Real Madrid 4, Man City 1 Dortmund 1 Remaining xtures Today Ajax v Man City, Dortmund v Real Madrid 6 Nov Man City v Ajax, Real Madrid v Dortmund 21 Nov Ajax v Dortmund, Man City v Real Madrid 4 Dec Dortmund v Man City, Real Madrid v Ajax

The alternative, after all, is barely worth thinking about. Mancinis team never recovered after taking one point from two games last season. To miss out again would represent one of the bigger disappointments of the Abu Dhabi United Group era. Rightly or wrongly, it would also mean their manager being subjected to the kind of scrutiny that has rarely come his way since arriving in Manchester. Mancinis record in this competition never getting any further than the quarter-nals with Internazionale is already fairly undistinguished for a man of his ambitions, not to mention those of his employers. If there is reason for encouragement, it is that Ajax have had a slow start to the season themselves, unbeaten in the Eredivisie but losing a 3-1 lead against Heracles Almelo at the weekend to make it ve draws among their rst nine games. Frank de Boers team are currently bottom of Group D, having lost against Dortmund and Madrid. If we want to stay in Europe after the winter break, whether in the Champions League or Europa League, we need a result, De Boer said. We believe in it. The Real match was a poor match for us, but in the Dortmund game we were unlucky. This game is dierent. They are a good team but we have a good team as well. Ajax will certainly be encouraged by the fact City have lost three of their last four away games in Europe. For their latest expedition Mancini has changed the usual preparations ying early and training at the stadium rather than a practice session in Manchester and then arriving in the evening. A small tweak, perhaps, but one that recognises the need for change.

Arsenal ready for Schalke after contrasting weekends

Kevin McCarra
Arsenal are at ease when facing some of Europes most formidable clubs. The side have lost only one of their previous 44 Champions League matches at home and that defeat only came in a semi-nal, against Manchester United in 2009. Given those circumstances, the hosts are unlikely to panic about the arrival of Schalke tonight but the visitors do present a genuine danger. At the weekend Huub Stevens team won 2-1 in the away xture with the Bundesliga champions, Borussia Dortmund. By contrast Arsne Wenger has seen his side lose to both Chelsea and Norwich. The season may still be in its early stages but it should trouble Arsenal that they are ninth in the Premier League. Both games we have given away, basically, said Wenger. We had more possession, more shots on goal, more chances. We have to be more ecient defensively than we have been in these two games. We had a dicult programme at the start but the three points we dropped at Norwich are not welcome. It came at a period where we absolutely needed to win this game. For the rest we are in a strong position. I am not too worried about the quality of the players coming back [from injury]. What is very important is that we do not lose more ground. The impression remains that Wenger has a team best suited to the rhythm and tone of continental football. That conclusion seems absurd when the quantity of

Arsenal v Schalke
Venue Emirates Stadium Referee J Eriksson (Swe) Radio BBC 5 Live Arsenal

Group B

7.45pm SS4


Subs from Shea, 24 Koscielny Vermaelen Mertesacker, Djourou, 25 6 5 11 Squillaci, Miquel, Jenkinson Andr Santos Coquelin, Arshavin, Chamakh, Gnabry 16 8 Injured Chamberlain, Ramsey Cazorla Arteta Diaby, Fabianksi, 19 Frimpong, Szczesny, 27 9 Walcott, Wilshere, Gervinho Podolski 12 Rosicky, Gibbs, Sagna Giroud Huntelaar Schalke Subs from Afellay Farfn 25 Hildebrand, Matip, 11 17 Papadopoulos, Jones, 10 Metzelder, Barnetta, Hger Neustdter Holtby Moritz, Draxler, 12 33 Marica, Obasi, Pukki Doubtful Draxler, Uchida Fuchs Popodopoulos 23 32 4 22 Injured Matip Hwedes 36 Escudero, Pliatsikas Unnerstall

Key One booking from suspension

Probable teams

Group B
P W D L F A GD Pts

Arsenal Schalke Montpellier Olympiakos

2 2 2 2

2 1 0 0

0 1 1 0

0 0 1 2

5 4 3 2

2 3 4 5

3 6 1 4 -1 1 -3 0

Dougie Freedman leaves Crystal Palace fourth in the Championship table

Results Montpellier 1 Arsenal 2, Olympiakos 1 Schalke 2 Arsenal 3 Olympiakos 1, Schalke 2 Montpellier 2 Remaining xtures Today Arsenal v Schalke, Montpellier v Olympiakos 6 Nov Olympiakos v Montpellier, Schalke v Arsenal 21 Nov Arsenal v Montpellier, Schalke v Olympiakos 4 Dec Olympiakos v Arsenal, Montpellier v Schalke

foreign players on the English scene is so great but it often feels as if they adapt to the character of the Premier League instead of altering it conclusively. Arsenal had almost made it a matter of principle that they should be rened. Wenger, however, has still been attempting to make adjustments. There is an air of heightened experience now that players such as Santi Cazorla and Lukas Podolski have been bought. Jack Wilshere missed the whole of last season with an ankle problem and, having featured for the whole 90 minutes in an under-21 match with Everton on Tuesday, he will not be asked to take any part. Wenger, in general, is less inclined to put the emphasis on precocity any more, even if he will be relieved when Wilshere makes his expected return soon. While the average age of the side is still relatively low, Cazorla and Podolski are both 27. In essence Wenger has opted to turn to men who have already matured and established a style of play. Cazorla, bought from Mlaga, is meant to bring knowhow to bear in matches. He can open defences with the quality of his passing, said Wenger. And he gives us a technical security that allows us sometimes when we are under pressure to get out of it. Overall I believe that he typies the game we want to play. He ought to be a reassuring presence in a match that players such as Alex OxladeChamberlain and Theo Walcott will miss through injury. Nonetheless Schalke present real menace, especially in the shape of the much-travelled Klaas-Jan

Lukas Podolski, left, and Santi Cazorla in training before the visit of Schalke

Huntelaar. He was the Bundesligas top scorer last season with 29 goals. These could turn into even more troubling times for Wenger. The [international] break didnt help, he said, but everybody has to cope with that. Wenger now looks for as much continuity as is feasible. He will not drop Vito Mannone despite the fact that he was at fault for Norwichs goal on Saturday. With Wojciech Szczesny and Lukasz Fabianski injured, he is the third-choice goalkeeper but the manager will not be replacing him with the 20-year-old Damin Martinez. There has been enough disruption already and the task now is to make sure that mayhem descends on Schalke. Arsenal, however, will rst have to recover poise and durability.

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


Football Champions League

Alba breaks Celtic hearts with nal-minute strike

Ewan Murray Camp Nou
Barcelona 2
Iniesta 45 Alba 90

Celtic 1
Samaras 18

Celtics Scott Brown sticks rigidly to Lionel Messi as his side almost held out for a famous draw at Camp Nou Albert Olive/EPA

Barcelona claimed their 100th Champions League win courtesy of a stoppage-time winner against a Celtic team who emerged with tremendous credit, if no tangible reward. The Scottish side had stunned the Camp Nou by taking the lead, the seventh time already this season that Barcelona have lost the rst goal in a match. The reigning La Liga champions recovered from that setback, Jordi Alba stealing in at the back post to secure a home win. Celtic still have genuine aspirations of a place in the knock-out stage, but this will still prove a wounding loss. Barcelona were victorious, and will claim deservedly so on the balance of play, but should also have oered quiet respect Celtic are hardly alone in arriving at Camp Nou as massive underdogs but for the Scottish champions, that must have been a strange feeling. On the domestic scene this season, Celtic will be regarded as the strong favourites for virtually every match they play; the absence of routine Old Firm fixtures for the time being has been offset by Champions League involvement. Entering this match, Barcelona had won 14 and lost none of their previous 17 home games in this competition. Spartaks win over Benca in Moscow in Group Gs early kick-o ensured Celtic would nish the evening at least in second place, regardless of events here. An impressive Celtic win in Russia earlier this month triggered the legitimate sense that Neil Lennons team would essentially be aorded two free hits at Barcelona. Lennons counterpart at Bara, Tito Vilanova, was subjected to some pretty fierce interrogation by the local media on Monday evening. The motivation for

Group G
P W D L F A GD Pts

Barcelona Celtic Sp Moscow Benca

3 3 3 3

3 1 1 0

0 1 0 1

0 1 2 2

7 4 6 1

3 4 7 4

6 0 -1 -3

9 4 3 1

Results Barcelona 3 Spartak Moscow 2, Celtic 0 Benca 0 Benca 0 Barcelona 2, Spartak Moscow 2 Celtic 3 Barcelona 2 Celtic 1, Spartak Moscow 2 Benca 1 Remaining xtures 7 Nov Benca v Sp Moscow, Celtic v Barcelona 20 Nov Benca v Celtic, Sp Moscow v Barcelona 5 Dec Barcelona v Benca, Celtic v Sp Moscow

that was the loss of four goals during Saturdays match at Deportivo La Corua; Vilanova could and did reasonably point to the fact his own team scored ve. The 21-year-old centre-back Marc Bartra was handed a rare Barcelona start for Celtics visit. Cesc Fbregas, who excelled in La Corua, dropped to among the substitutes. Lennon was delighted to be able to call upon his captain, Scott Brown, who is plagued by a hip problem. Barcelona remain unbeaten in La Liga this season but the concession of 10 goals in their last six outings apparently constitutes cause for concern. If nothing else, that supplies just one minor indication of the Catalan teams standards.

There should have been little surprise attached to the fact Celtic spent the opening exchanges toiling to get out of their own half. Alexis Snchez, preferred in the home attack to David Villa, should have opened the scoring within two minutes but screwed wide from a Lionel Messi pass. Bartra was the next to threaten, with a header which Fraser Forster batted away. From the subsequent break, however, Celtic created ripples across the European football scene by opening the scoring. A foul on Brown during the visitors counter-attack allowed Charlie Mulgrew to curl a menacing free-kick into the Barcelona penalty area. Georgios Samaras

was afforded sufficient space to angle a header goalwards; the ball also took a crucial deflection off the shoulder of Javier Mascherano. Vctor Valds therefore found his rst touch of the ball was removing it from his goal net. Celtic suered a double blow in the rst halfs dying throngs. Samaras limped from the eld, moments before Andrs Iniesta played a wonderful one-two with Xavi and supplied a low nish. Suddenly, the tenacity shown by Celtic when not in possession had been clinically undone. Barcelonas vulnerability at crosses was highlighted again, eight minutes after the restart. From a Mulgrew corner, Efe Ambrose headed wide. Messi was denied by a ne Forster save Pedro the supplier as Celtic endured a subsequent spell on the ropes. Brown had been the rst to succumb to fatigue, the midelder being replaced by Commons shortly after the hour mark. Forster, who was part of the England party for recent matches against San Marino and Poland, endorsed that status with a one-handed stop from a Messi header. With a quarter of an hour to play, Celtic were battling to stem a pressure ow. Just when Lennons men looked like holding rm, Alba popped up. Adrianos cross eluded the entire Celtic defence, with his fellow full-back scoring from all of two yards range.
Barcelona 4-3-3 Valds; Adriano , Bartra, Mascherano , Alba; Xavi, Song, Iniesta; Pedro (Tello, 76), Messi, Alexis (Villa, 80). Subs not used Pinto, Fbregas, Dos Santos, Montoya, Roberto. Referee G Rocchi (It) Celtic 4-4-1-1 Forster; Lustig, Wilson, Ambrose, Izaguirre; Brown (Commons, 63), Ledley, Wanyama, Mulgrew (Kayal, 76); Hooper; Samaras (Forrest, 43 ). Subs not used Zaluska, Matthews, Rogne, Miku.

Real seek early progress with a rare win in Germany

Sid Lowe Madrid
At the end of Manchester Citys 1-1 draw with Borussia Dortmund Joe Hart was asked about an astonishing performance in which he had made six or seven superb saves to rescue his side. He shrugged and replied: I hope it was worth it. Tonight will go some way to showing whether it was. Not just because of what happens between City and Ajax but because of what happens in Germany, where Real Madrid face Dortmund in the rst of two successive games between the clubs. It may appear to be good news for City that Madrid have won only once in Germany, over a decade ago. Madrid are also without all three of their left-backs, Marcelo, Fbio Coentro and Alvaro Arbeloa, who all picked up injuries during the international break. At the weekend Jos Mourinho used Michael Essien at leftback and looks likely to repeat that here, although he suggested that the demands of this game may be dierent from those of Celta de Vigo and said: There are other players that, although they are not leftbacks professionally or in their spare time, can do it. This is a dicult game but not because we are missing players: we have the players to play this game, Mourinho said. It is dicult because our opponents are a dicult team and this is a dicult group. It is not the kind of group where you can be qualied after three games or you can break the record and get 18 points from 18 like we did last season. We want to get through: we wont want to be the big team in the Europa League. Sami Khedira, one of two Germany internationals in the Madrid side along with Mesut Ozil, added: Dortmund are a great team but so is Manchester City. They made it very difficult for us in the first game. The three teams are great teams, so we cant say that we should only focus on Borussia. Dortmund are a compact team. They play at great pace for 90 minutes and are very disciplined. They have a lot of quality, especially in attack. And I know the stadium from my time at Stuttgart: it has a special atmosphere. If we win, it will be a big step towards qualication, he said. City, too, wish to avoid Europa League football and, for them to do so, it could prove to be in their interests for Madrid to win the group now, defeating Dortmund twice to keep qualication in second place within Citys grasp. But this is a hurdle that Madrid have struggled to overcome and Dortmunds performance in Manchester was admired. I seem to remember that the last time we won in Germany was against Leverkusen 12 years ago. We beat them 2-3 and it was dicult, the Madrid captain, Iker Casillas, said. We hope to get the three points that I think would almost qualify us for the next round and give peace of mind of being in the last 16 but it is always hard to play in Germany. Madrid have made 23 trips to Germany and won once, against Bayer Leverkusen. Six draws and 16 defeats tell the tale. Cristiano Ronaldo has not scored in Germany either but he has 55 goals in 2012, 11 of them in the Champions League, and Madrid are the competitions top scorers. Theres no psychological problem, said Mourinho. If Madrid have not won in Germany often it is because it is hard to do so. Much like last year City have found themselves in the competitions hardest group. The draw at the Etihad was vital: it leaves them trailing Dortmund by four points rather than six. They are ve points behind Real Madrid. In a group in which Ajax have already been beaten twice and appear the clearest source of points, Citys aim must be to emerge from these next two matches with seven points in all. But even that may not be enough. Madrid and Dortmund will have their say.

Jose Mourinho admits that Borussia Dortmund are dicult opponents

There is frustration at the fact that Rio Ferdinand and others have yet to outline the exact nature of their grievances publicly Page 45


The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012

Football Champions League

Hernndez at the fulcrum of brilliant United ghtback

Jamie Jackson Old Trafford
Manchester Utd 3
Hernndez 25 75, Evans 62

Braga 2
Alan 2 20

Only once before had Manchester United won when two goals behind in the Champions League: the famous night in Turin when Roy Keane dragged them to a 3-2 victory over Juventus that led the way to the 1999 nal. On 75 minutes of an evening that again did nothing to ease the heart rates of the home support Javier Hernndez was the man who changed this statistic, the Mexicans head connecting with a sweeping Tom Cleverley cross from the right to give United the lead. There were further scares for them. An 80th-minute corner from Alan, who scored both Bragas goals, skimmed over the area before the ball found a route safely into the hands of David de Gea, as United ended proceedings as they began: living dangerously. The rst half continued the thrills and spills in attack and the defensive mishaps that have been the Manchester United movie this season. Even by their sluggish standards the start was dire. The clock showed 80 seconds as they fell behind to an Alan header after Michael Carrick who would later be hoodwinked for the visiting captains second conceded a corner in the second minute. This was defended well but, when play continued and the ball broke to Hugo Viana, a swinging delivery from the left found the head of Alan, who got ahead of Alexander Bttner to give his side the lead. This was the eighth time in 12 outings Sir Alex Fergusons men have trailed during this campaign. Worse was to follow as a stunned United saw their decit doubled. This time Carrick, playing as an auxiliary central defender, was the patsy in a Cruy turn smoothly executed by Eder down the left. The striker cruised towards De Geas goal, then rolled the ball into Alan whose nish was expert. For each of these goals the space United allowed when turned was the issue, a problem that continued until half-time. For the home congregation normal service was partially resumed after 25 minutes. Robin van Persies tricky footwork moved him inside from the left. He Michael Carrick congratulates Jonny Evans after he scored Uniteds equaliser at Old Traord last night

was chopped down by Leandro Salino, the visiting right-back but the referee, Milorad Mazic, played advantage as the ball found Shinji Kagawa. After a look up he oated a cross on to Hernndezs head and, though Beto parried the ball, it followed him over the line. Van Persie followed this with a neat chest-down and swivel-then-shot, though it went wide. There were other moments when United might have drawn level: Wayne Rooneys probing down the right with Rafael da Silva went unrewarded and Bttners mazy run into the Braga area might have won a penalty as he fell. Hernndez might have had a second when Van Persie again hurt the visitors down their right this time his tipped attempt was saved by Beto. But a jittery rearguard that has plagued the Reds this season was again evident when a regulation clearing header from Da Silva was instead spooned behind to give Braga a corner. With all six of the available points so far gathered Sir Alex Ferguson had been content before the visit of the Portuguese. Given our defensive injuries we are in a stronger position in Europe than I might have expected, he told United Review. The main aim tonight is to make sure we dont waste our advantage and get the points which almost see us through.

Group H
P W D L F A GD Pts

Man Utd CFR Cluj Braga Galatasaray

3 3 0 0 6 3 3 9 3 1 1 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 0 2 4 5 -1 3 3 0 1 2 1 4 -3 1

Javier Hernndez heads home a cross from Shinji Kagawa for Manchester Uniteds rst goal against Braga Phil Noble/Reuters

Results Cluj 0 Man Utd 4, Galatasaray 0 Braga 2 Braga 0 Cluj 2, Man Utd 1 Galatasaray 0 Galatasaray 1 Cluj 1, Man Utd 3 Braga 2 Remaining xtures 7 Nov Braga v Man Utd, Cluj v Galatasaray 20 Nov Cluj v Braga, Galatasaray v Man Utd 5 Dec Braga v Galatasaray, Man Utd v Cluj

A win would take us to nine points, just one point from my target of 10 with three games left. While the holy grail of 10 points does not always guarantee passage as Manchester City learned last season, Rio Ferdinand, whose role in the proposed breakaway black players union is yet to be claried, was on the bench, with no place at all for Scott Wootton, who might have been give a full Champions League debut alongside Jonny Evans but was not included in the 18-man squad. Ferguson had lined his side up in a diamond shape for the second time running in this group stage, with Rooney at the tip behind Van Persie and Hernndez. This dynamic changed when Nani replaced Kagawa for the start of the second half, possibly due to the knock he had taken possib during the opening period, and Rooney moved to the left. With Nani on the right, Fergusons men Wit were n now operating in a more orthodox 4-4-1-1, at across mideld. After Da 4-4 Silva won a free-kick down the right Si for which Elderson was booked, Van fo Persie stung Betos fingers with a P curving attempt from the angle. c Rooney was next up, rst pinging in an attempted through-ball into Van Persies run that was blocked, V then offering the collectors item t of a cross with his left foot that did nd the Dutchman, though again danger was cleared. But Braga failed to do so for Evanss equaliser. A Van Persie corner was flicked off Carricks back and, when the Irishmans airshot missed the ball, it rebounded o Alan and this time Evans scrambled it home. bl
Manchest Manchester Utd 4-4-1-1 D De Gea; Da Silva, Evans, Carrick, B Bttner; Fletcher, (Nani, h-t), Cleverley, Kagawa (N Rooney; V Persie; Hernndez Van (Giggs, 79 79). Subs not used Johnstone Johnstone, Ferdinand, Anderson, Young, Welbeck. Braga 4-2-3-1 Beto; Salino, Coelho, Vinicius, Elderson ; Viana, Custdio ; Alan (Mossor, 86), Micael (Z Lus, 88), Amorim (Barbosa, 80); Eder. Subs not used Quim, Michel, Baiano, Capela. Referee M Mazic (Ser)

Five things we learned from the drama at Old Traord

1 Ferguson decides that diamonds are not forever

Sir Alex Ferguson talked beforehand about Manchester Uniteds tradition of playing with wide players, then selected the narrowest mideld diamond possible without any recognised wingers. Tom Cleverley, as England discovered in Poland, is only a notional wing presence who prefers to come inside, while Shinji Kagawa would normally occupy one of the diamonds inner points. United recovered, though Wayne Rooneys role in the diamond formation possibly needs rening, yet Ferguson could hardly fail to be struck by the irony that Bragas two goals in the opening 20 minutes both came from crosses from out wide. Kagawa and Cleverley did supply the crosses for Javier Hernndezs well-taken goals, in fairness, though Cleverley still seems unsure of where his best position might be. When Nani came on for the second half he moved inside, with Rooney going wide left. Diamonds are evidently not forever.

the only player in a position to challenge Alan, and he allowed his opponent to get in front of him with predictable results. Say what you like about Ferdinand and his Kick It Out stance, he can usually be relied upon to head it out when confronted with a routine cross. The fact that Michael Carrick was beaten all ends up by the delightful piece of skill from Eder that led to Bragas second goal does not mean he was a poor choice as emergency centre half. But you did have to wonder rstly what he was doing so far out on the right, leaving just Jonny Evans in the middle to attempt to deal with the eventual cross, and secondly what was the emergency?

3 Rooney does not always have to be a workaholic

Rooney does a phenomenal amount of work in his new position at the top of the diamond, in the hole behind the two strikers, whatever you want to call it. He was in his own half as often than not, occasionally tackling back on the edge of his own penalty area, which is not ideal for at least a couple of reasons. When Rooney got to within shouting distance of the front two he was eective one lofted pass to Robin van Persie after half an hour almost reprised the move that worked so impressively against CFR Cluj but the United captain sometimes covers too much ground for his own good and before he switched to the wing in the second half he was just as likely to be found by Darren Fletchers side as linking up with the front pair.

2 United miss Ferdinands defensive organisation

Rio Ferdinands position in the United pecking order was strengthened after a mere 80 seconds. Thats how long it took Braga to take the lead and there did not appear to be anyone organising the home defence as Hugo Viana swung over his cross from the left, much less dealing with the ball when it arrived in the penalty area. Alexander Bttner was

Ferguson still has plenty to mull over despite his teams show of ghting spirit, writes Paul Wilson at Old Traord

The Guardian | Wednesday 24 October 2012


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35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 Slight

12 1028 10

Overcast/dull Light rain Heavy showers Sleet

Sleet showers Snow showers


12 1024




N Isles, NE Scotland, NW Scotland, SE Scotland, Northern Ireland Early mist clearing to leave a lot of cloud but also a few brighter periods in places. Drizzle in the far north. Light northerly winds. Max temp 9-12C (48-54F). Tonight, cloud building. Min temp 3-6C (37-43F). Ireland Generally cloudy with patchy drizzle in the south and east. Some sunshine towards the west coast though. Moderate easterly winds. Max temp 11-14C (52-57F). Tonight, mostly cloudy. Min temp 6-10C (43-50F).

Channel Islands




-10 -15

UK and Ireland Five day forecast

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday

Atlantic front Noon today

1040 1032 1000 1008

1008 1016


1032 1024 1008 1000



L Cold front Warm front Occluded front Trough

High 14 Low -2

High 10 Low -2

High 9

Low 1

High 10 Low 3

High 11 Low 2

Low K deepens. High P intensies.

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Guardian cryptic crossword

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Plan ups extra revenue (8) 5 Work the Queen leaves for one providing horse, say (6) 9 They may be sarcastic, when press is across the street (8) 10 Junkie kept quiet for old archbishop (6) 12 Try on Google, say, for study of the elderly (11) 15 Course for Angus, say? (5) 17 Sport has sign defect, but it keeps order (4,2,3) 18 How I told pope I was leaving? (6-3) 19 The thanks given in a letter from Athens (5) 20 Roger is paid for training North American marmots (7,4) 24 Tea set broken without blemish (6) 25 Dance with lover, a sergeant? (8) 26 The outcome of intimacy may be more by accident (6) 27 City sits uneasily with trouble in waterworks (8)

Glazers not selling

Manchester Uniteds owners will not sell the club for many, many years, despite ongoing interest, according to the vice-chairman. The sell-o of 10% of the Glazers shares in August had raised some questions over the familys long-term involvement but Ed Woodward said they had no interest in cashing in the rest of their holding, but he could not rule out one of the six siblings selling a stake in the future. There is always interest in this business, he said. It is a phenomenal brand and club, but they are not willing sellers at all. They wont even engage, they are long-term investors. Its a very popular business that people have interest in. The answer is: Not for sale. I talk to them [the Glazers] every day and the excitement they have in this club is undiminished and I dont see them selling completely [for] many, many years. Woodward did accept, however, that one of the Glazers may sell at some point. They could they are a family and from time to time, seven to 10 years, who knows if one wants to sell a small piece or not. The vice-chairman also revealed that India and Australia are on a shortlist for United to tour next summer. The club are also to open an oce on the east coast of the US to try to cash in on growing interest in the sport. PA

4 Question marks remain over shaky defence

Ferguson should know better by now than making rash pre-match comments to the eect that United are in a stronger position in Europe than he might have expected at this stage. It was practically inviting Braga to take the lead in under two minutes. Conceding two goals against Stoke at the weekend raised questions about the United defence, and Braga going two up in the rst half did exactly the same. While United always seem to be able to score goals at the other end to make up for their lapses, the bad news as the Champions League progresses is that opponents tend to arrive at Old Traord with a few more tricks up their sleeve than Stoke and Braga.

9 11 12


13 15 16 17




20 22 24 23 25




5 Attacking jigsaw not yet tting together

5) Hernndezs second strike of the night prevented United being indebted to a scruy equaliser from Evans for earning a point. United looked more dangerous when they reverted to 4-4-2, though that could simply have been Braga tiring, yet Van Persie and Hernndez rarely looked an eective partnership and Rooney is once again being switched around. With Danny Welbeck and Ashley Young in reserve Ferguson may have four or ve of the sharpest strikers in England at his disposal, but the question from the start of the season remains: what is his best combination?

No 25,775 set by Gordius

3 Rule where to abdicate is pointless (5) 4 Court case over drama, following dispute with referee (6,6) 6 Face of toy designed to be indecisive (9) 7 Teachers heart complaint? (4) 8 Deserve a pot, as they say (4) 11 Loss of player perhaps from something that disagreed with him? (5,7) 13 Scots peasant goes on ahead, if spaced (4-6) 14 Days in which we have dances where people are exploited (10) 16 Plate they designed for wireless communication (9) 21 Worker visiting Cornwall? (5) 22 Skin trouble said to be found in London (4) 23 Dress to boast about (4)

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1 Supercial treatments for ruler with large amount on board (4,6) 2 Does one measure degrees of support for mechanised farming? (10)









Wednesday 24.10.12

Manchester United 3 Braga 2 Hernndez completes stunning comeback

Champions League, page 48

Chelsea left chasing shadows by Shakhtars show of true steel

FA set to review racist-abuse sanctions after Terry sentence

Owen Gibson
The Football Association has promised to review the sanctions applied to racist abuse in the wake of high-prole protests from some players about the four-game ban handed to John Terry. The FA chairman, David Bernstein, defended the sanction under the current rules and said he was very comfortable with its role in the Terry aair, but said the taris and processes would be reviewed. This is likely to see the setting up of a clear minimum sanction. The independent disciplinary body which banned Terry for four matches and ned him 220,000 weighed up a number of factors in deciding the punishment, with the fact that he uttered the insult to Anton Ferdinand only once counting in his favour. Its on the agenda to look at it again. I think the taris will need looking at but, given the existing scenarios and given other punishments elsewhere, actually the commission got it pretty much right, said Bernstein, talking at the launch of the FAs 150th anniversary celebrations. Any new taris would have to be agreed by the Football Regulatory Authority, the semi-autonomous body responsible for setting disciplinary taris, chaired by the FA director, Barry Bright. They would not be implemented until next season. Among the issues raised by the process, which the FA delayed until after the Terry criminal proceedings reached a con-

David Hytner Donbass Arena

Shakhtar Donetsk 2 Chelsea 1
Teixeira 3, Fernandinho 52 Oscar 88

John Terrys return to the Chelsea team and captaincy had been steeped in contention, coming as it did while he serves a four-match domestic suspension for racial abuse of Anton Ferdinand. As this vital tie got away from him and the defending European champions, it seemed appropriate that a Shakhtar Donetsk player called Fernandinho should not only star but conjure up the decisive blow. There had been bitter irony at the outset when Terry, pictured below right, had seen the ball rear up against his armband, which was embroidered with an antiracism slogan, to drop for Alex Teixeira to score the opening goal. The captain played well but his team were second best and once Fernandinho had punished Eden Hazard to score the second, it seemed to be a question only of the victory margin. They failed to take any of their subsequent chances and there was brief alarm when Oscar scored from close-range with two minutes to go. There was only one team, though, who merited victory and in truth the nal score attered Chelsea. Shakhtars performance represented an exhilarating statement. There was, though, the significant consolation for Chelsea of Juventus only managing a draw in Denmark against Nordsjaelland. It felt as though all eyes were on Terry, though. There were less than three min-

utes gone when the Chelsea captain tasted misfortune when his block tackle on Luiz Adriano saw the ball fall kindly for Teixeira, who kept his cool to place a low nish into the far corner. The mood ignited. There was a swagger about some of the home teams football, with their technique, comfort on the ball and threat most pronounced in the threeman line behind Adriano, where two more Brazilians, Teixeira and Willian, anked the Armenian Henrik Mkhitaryan. Willian checked on to his right foot and shot on more than one occasion as Shakhtar controlled the rst-half. They caught the eye with their slick interchanges and swift counters in what was an entertaining tie. Roberto Di Matteo knew that his teams focus had to be spot-on and he took no chances with his selection against opponents who have reduced the notion of competitiveness in their league to rubble. He was forced into an 18th minute change when Frank Lampard felt a muscle pull, however; the midfielder will not look back fondly upon a record 100th European appearance for the club. Di Matteo, who saw Ashley Cole pick up a silly booking for a foul on the goalkeeper Andriy Pyatov, sent on Eden Hazard in an attacking change but Chelsea merely flickered in the first-half. They worked Fernando Torres into some good

Group E
P W D L F A GD Pts

Donetsk Chelsea Juventus Nsjaelland

3 3 3 3

2 1 0 0

1 1 3 1

0 1 0 2

5 7 4 1

2 4 4 7

3 7 3 4 0 3 -6 1

Shakhtars Alex Teixeira is mobbed by his team-mates after scoring the early opener in last nights Group E win against Chelsea Gleb Garanich/Reuters

Results Chelsea 2 Juventus 2, Donetsk 2 Nordsjaelland 0 Juventus 1 Donetsk 1, Nordsjaelland 0 Chelsea 4 Donetsk 2 Chelsea 1, Nordsjaelland 1 Juventus 1 Remaining xtures 7 Nov Chelsea v Donetsk, Juventus v Nordsjaelland 20 Nov Juventus v Chelsea, Nordsjaelland v Donetsk 5 Dec Chelsea v Nordsjaelland, Donetsk v Juventus

areas but the striker, frustratingly, could not fashion shooting opportunities. It was Shakhtar who entered the interval with regrets, although none were related to the incision of their football. But for Petr Cechs eorts, the tie might have been over. He tipped over from Mkhitaryans drive following Willians lovely ick and after a Dario Srna corner had led to chaos, the goalkeeper thwarted Tomas Hubschman, brilliantly, at point-blank range. Chelsea could also be grateful to Terry for a couple of vital interventions. Torress woes were epitomised early in the second-half, when his touch and decision-making completely broke down. Chelsea fans squirmed and after Juan Mata shot wide from Hazards cross, there was worse to come. Fernandinho was an

all-action presence, snapping at Chelsea heels and helping to set Shakhtars tempo with his intelligent distribution. He started and nished the move for the second goal, crashing into Hazard to win the ball on halfway and driving forward on the break. The Belgian was crestfallen; Chelsea horribly exposed. Fernandinho swapped passes with Adriano, taking the return smoothly and hitting a low shot past Cech inside the far post. Chelsea had their moments in the second-half. Ramires hit a shot from distance; Hazard nearly exposed Olexandr Kucher; Mikel John Obi pivoted and lifted over and Hazard, having wriggled through for Chelseas best chance, was denied by Pyatov. But it was Shakhtar, inspired by Willian, who played the better football and created the clearer opportunities. Fernandinho and Mkhitaryan spurned chances or were denied by Cech. Oscars goal could not reverse the tide for Chelsea.
Shakhtar Donetsk 4-2-3-1 Pyatov; Srna, Kucher, Rakitskiy, Rat; Fernandinho, Hubschman; A Teixeira (Ilsinho, 77), Mkhitaryan, Willian (Costa, 88); Luiz Adriano. Subs not used Kanibolotskiy, Stepanenko, Eduardo, Gai, Kryvtsov. Chelsea 4-2-3-1 Cech; Ivanovic, David Luiz, Terry, Cole; Mikel, Lampard (Hazard, 18); Ramires, Oscar, Mata; Torres (Sturridge, 70). Subs not used Turnbull, Romeu, Cahill, Azpilicueta, Bertrand. Referee D Skomina (Svn)

The FA chairman David Bernstein, has sympathy for Anton Ferdinand over the time the racist-abuse case took to complete clusion, was the fact that a key interview with Ashley Cole was not recorded. Bernstein said he had every sympathy for Ferdinand, who has been embroiled in the aair for a year since Terry insulted him during a Premier League match. I have great respect for all the parties. They have had a pretty rough time. Anton has had a very dicult time as has his family, said Bernstein. The fact this thing has taken so long even though I would justify the process certainly hasnt helped. I have every sympathy for Anton. He conrmed that Ferdinand and his brother Rio had issues regarding Terrys ban, which led to their protests when they refused to wear Kick It Out T-shirts in the warm-ups before their games. I am fairly clear of the issues regarding the FA, which revolve around the time its taken and the length of the penalty. As between themselves and Kick It Out, thats for them to resolve. The issues around the FA are clear, he said. Bernstein also repeated the FAs apology for its part in the events leading to the Hillsborough disaster. It was long overdue, he said. FA against union breakaway, page 45

Usada hits back as UCI suggests Armstrong could appeal

Matt Seaton

The chief executive of the US AntiDoping Agency, Travis Tygart, has responded angrily to claims made in a document released by the UCI, saying that cyclings governing body are simply diverting attention away from their own failures. On Monday, the UCI president, Pat McQuaid, convened a press conference to deliver the UCIs verdict on the Usada report which had revealed the extent of the doping scheme that enabled Lance Armstrong to win seven consecutive Tours de France. The reports publication followed Armstrongs decision not to contest Usadas case against him in an arbitration hearing

even though that decision meant he would be stripped of all his titles. In Geneva, McQuaid said the UCI recognised the Usada ruling and that Lance Armstrong now had no place in cycling. But in a document published later the same day on the UCIs website, and personally signed by McQuaid, he Travis Tygart, the head of Usada, says the UCI is using criticism his agency to divert attention from its own failings

delivered a dierent message. The UCIs Decision document accepts Usadas sanction against Armstrong, but calls its evidence and methods into question, and raises grounds for a possible appeal either by Armstrong himself, or by the World Anti-Doping Agency against the reports conclusions. After rst welcoming the UCIs announcement on Monday, Usadas Tygart reacted indignantly once he had reviewed McQuaids critique. The truth is Lance Armstrong, on their watch, pulled o the greatest heist sport has ever seen, said Tygart. Instead of attempting to explain or justify their inadequacies,

the UCI should acknowledge their responsibility and failures and nd ways to make it right. During the press conference McQuaid had to eld uncomfortable questions over the UCIs acceptance of $125,000 in donations from Armstrong. In the four-page Decision document, however, McQuaid refers to the Usada reports overstated language, incorrect and incomplete statements, and questions whether Usada had a sucient degree of detachment to make a disciplinary judgment. Continued on page 44

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