Word Transformations On Causative Relatives and Too Enough

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Word formation

1. Someone broke into Sams house last night. BROKEN Sam..last night. 2. She wants to dye her hair red. HAVE She wantsred. 3. My aunt raised me until I reached 18. UP My aunt..until I reached 18. 4. Tom fell in love with Susan the moment he saw her. FOR Tomthe moment he saw her. 5. She hasnt recovered from her parents divorce yet. OVER Sheher parents divorce yet. 6. Whom does this car belong to? WHOSE ..car? 7. Alex is repairing his bicycle at the bicycle shop. HAVING Alex at the bicycle shop. 8. A friend of his revealed his secret. REVEALED He .. 9. A famous architect built their house. HAD .by a famous architect. 10. The dentist is checking some old fillings of Tims. HIS Tim.some old fillings checked. 11. Its for that reason we dont eat meat. THAT ..we dont eat meat. 12. The music was too low to hear. LOUD The music..to hear. 13. I play tennis in this sports centre. WHERE This is.

14. I am not young enough to enjoy her company. TOO I am.her company. 15. Susan signed the documents. WHO Itsigned the documents. 16. David made the children laugh. WAS ..made the children laugh. 17. I am supposed to meet Sue here tomorrow afternoon. PLACE This isI am supposed to meet Sue tomorrow afternoon. 18. He wasnt early enough to catch the train. TOO He was..the train. 19. The vase we broke was expensive. WHICH We broke the vase.. 20. The bed was too hard to be comfortable. SOFT The bed .to be comfortable. 21. It was foolish of you to believe his story. WHICH You believed his story..foolish of you. 22. Find someone to remove the car. HAVE .. 23. The trousers should be ironed. HAVE You ironed.

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