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Written by Aaron Justicio Emmel Marko Rodin, a researcher living in Hawai'i, has discovered a pattern in our base ten decimal system which happenes to describe every natural system in the universe from an atomic to universal level. It does more than unite physics with biology and gravity with magnetism; it shows them to all be part of the same everunfolding process. Which is interesting. But then I looked back at the pattern and saw that, not only did this system describe both the movement of galaxies and the structure of DNA, it also describes the movement of history. As far as I know, this is the first time that a breathtakingly simple relationship between the numbers 0 through 9 has been found to be both the model of molecular bonding and the course of human sociological evolution. So we decided to share it. Marko Rodin's theory is that the relationships between numbers are real relationships which exist throughout nature, and he discovered a remarkable pattern of relationships in the numbers 0 - 9. The beginning of the pattern is that these numbers exist in bipolar pairs. We begin at the outside: 0 is in a pair with 9. Now, 0 isn't really a number, it's a place holder, a point of origin. Which means that 9 has no real polar opposite; it stands alone. (Bear with me for a moment; it sounds strange in the beginning.) We move one step inwards: 1 is the opposite of 8. Two is the opposite of 7, 3 of 6, and 4 of 5. These numbers are polar opposites. And the sum of each of these pairs is 9. These polar pairs have very interesting properties. For example, if we take any numeral and multiply it from 1 to 9, we get a series of 9 numbers beginning with the selected numeral and ending with the archetypal value of 9. For example, the first and last numbers of the multiplication series for 1 are 1 and 9; the first and last numbers for the multiplication series of 9 are 9 and 9. Nine is the common factor which crowns each series; after this, the series is repeated. Now, let us look at the series of two polar opposites. We can choose any of the pairs. Let us choose 3 and 6. The multiplication series for 3 is 3,6,9,3,6,9,3,6,9. The series for 6 is 6,3,9,6,3,9,6,3,9. If we ignored the last 9 of both series, we could say that the series for these polar numbers are opposites. However, we will not ignore the 9, and with it (and continuing the multiplication series indefinitely) we see that since both share the 9 at the same point it is less correct to say that the number series are opposites than that they are flowing in opposite directions: circles going clockwise and counterclockwise, if you will. This is true for each of the polar pairs. Nine has no polar opposite, and the value of each point on its multiplication series is 9. If we regard the two series of each pair as equivalent circles or wheels turning in opposite directions, 9 appears as a straight line with no deviations. So we see that numbers exist in polar pairs, just like yang and yin, male and female. And the union of these pairs, and the straight line between them, is the number 9. There is also another interesting pattern in numbers, a continuously doubling circuit. In religious symbolism the number 1 often represents God, the Divine Unity, which when multiplied by itself or divided by itself always equals itself. This is also the first numeral of the decimal system. However, doubled, this number is 2. Doubled again it becomes 4. Four doubled becomes 8, which when doubled becomes 16, the archetypal value of which is 7 (1 + 6 = 7). Seven doubled is 14, the archetypal value of which is 5, and 5 doubled is 10, the archetypal value of which is 1. One doubled is 2, and so on. (Another way of representing this is that 1 doubled is 2, the next number is 4, then 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, etc. The values of these numbers are the doubling circuit.) This repeating numerical circuit is, again,, 1,2,4,8,7,5,1 and you will note that it does not include 3,6 or 9. (Three, 6 and 9 form their own doubling circuit.) This doubling sequence has many remarkable features, but let us for the moment move on. Okay, what do we have so far? A doubling circuit, from which the numbers 3,6 and 9 are absent, and a pattern of polar numbers, from which 9 is absent. Now the magic (without any tricks) begins.

Marko Rodin, while playing with numbers, placed the numbers 1 through 9, in order, at equally spaced intervals around a circle. Then, starting with 1, he formed a line to the next numeral of the doubling series, which is 2. The line continued to 4, then up to 8, then to 7, then to 5, and then back up to 1 again, where it continued to 2. This never-ending loop looks like an infinity symbol. The polar numbers are paired on opposite sides of the circle, lining up horizontally as mirror images of each other. The numbers 3,6, and 9 formed a gap which is nested in this circuit. The number 9 is at the apex and center of the 3,6,9 circuit. This symbol illustrates a fundamental pattern of the universe, represented by numbers: a continuously evolving but ever-repeating spiral containing dual and opposite patterns (which often nevertheless continue in the same direction), represented by negative (-) and positive (+). Furthermore, as the illustration suggests, nested within such patterns is a third factor: an invisible field. This field is here represented by the 3,9,6. If we look at this diagram as a whole, we see, first, that 9 is along the axis of this system. What is represented here as a triangle is, again, actually a nested field. We also see that in this diagram, if we follow the direction of the line, the outside of both halves of the spiral are moving down towards the same point, although one is going clockwise and the other counterclockwise. In other words all motion is flowing down towards a single direction, although this is being reached through the union of two opposites. We call the overlapping point in the center of the infinity symbol shape the point of origin. Okay, that's it for complicated explanations. This is a new theory, and it just happens that most people haven't recognized these relationships before. Now, the diagram we have here is what forms the basis of our grand unified field theory; we discovered that it models logarithmic growth, the basis of the music scale, the convection currents on the sun, everything. Well, everything in nature. What struck me is that the exact same pattern models the evolution of society. What this pattern suggests about history is that, first, there is continued progress. (This is the doubling circuit.) However, although there is continued progress, this progress takes place in a spiral, meaning that even though society is at a higher position than it was before, the same patterns keep emerging throughout history. Before we tried to unify our countries, and now we're trying to unify the world; before the Jews had Abraham, and later they had Moses; that kind of thing. This is a principle coded in our decimal system. Next, history evolves through the interaction of two opposites, or two parts of one whole, which appear to be moving in opposite directions but actually, through their interaction, carry humanity forward in one direction. This could mean many things. It could refer to men and women both contributing equally to humanity but having done so using different means. It could refer to Hegel's dialectic of history, which states that in human society there is a thesis and antithesis. According to Hegel's theory, every society has a thesis, or driving force, and this force creates an opposition to itself, which is the antithesis. Eventually these two forces clash, and from them a new force, or thesis, emerges, which once again creates a new antithesis. Through this process society continues to evolve. This is one of the theories which Marx modeled his socialism on. Within this system we have a field. In our field theory we had referred to this as magnetism, etc., but in this model it seems to suggest that there is a common invisible force which permeates all of the society, existing equally in both halves of the whole. And this force centers around the 9, which is at the axis of the entire system and has no opposite except for the point of origin. Since we're on sociology, we can perhaps consider the force to be a universal paradigm or the Holy Spirit of God intermingling with humanity, depending on our perspective. The axis could refer to a conceptualized model of the universe, perhaps a religion, or perhaps the Founder of a religion, what the west refers to as Prophets and part of the east as Avatars. So here is the summary. Civilization evolves continuously, following a logarithm similar to that of biological growth, and certain historical themes are repeated at continually more advanced levels. Human civilization has two seemingly contradictory forces which simultaneously propel the society forward. Perhaps these forces are decay and regeneration, science and religion, reward and punishment, mercy and justice, male and female, tradition and innovation, calibration and feedback, birth and death, fear and love, economics and

spirituality, or something different such as thesis and antithesis, law and technology, the individual and society, unity and diversification, or humility and sovereignty. Additionally, an invisible force permeates the entire civilization and (it would seem) holds it together. For argument's sake let's call this force love. This force itself pivots around a central point, and this point is also on the axis about which all the movement of the civilization revolves. For the sake of our continued argument I will toss out the idea that this point is the Prophet of God, such as Jesus or Muhammad; Marx would have said it is economics, and others would say it is genetic predisposition. When the polar forces are harmonized they mirror the attributes of the axial point. And this entire pattern is our decimal system. It also, if our theory is right, is the same pattern which models the laws of our physical universe. So, that's a brief mathematical diagram of the forces of history, with the details left out.


Marko Rodin has developed a theory showing the mathematical relationships which nature reflects. Fundamental to these are the toroid and the spirals which it is composed of. the toroid, or spherical vortex (what scientists call a vortex ring) is not only the form of a smoke ring and countless other patterns of motion. It, and the spiral, are also recurring themes of religious symbolism. The center of the toroid is the Absolute, the Primal Point, the Concealed Treasure, the Hidden Truth. It is the Word "Be" manifested through increasing windings throughout the universe, the Source from which all potentialities arise. As you spiral through the successive stages of the universe of God's revelation, you come closer to convergence with the Essence from which you arose. The Point of Unity is both the Center from which you unfold and the conclusion to which you journey; in and out, you reach the Source. And, through the successive windings of the eternal spiral, you remain always on the same thread. The Tree of Life represents the successive manifestations of the spirit of God. This symbol is used in many places, among them The Epic of the Kings, The Mahabharata, and the Bible. I is an emanation without deviation. The universe is created through its vibration on the face of the waters. The serpent of wisdom coils around it, leading to divine knowledge or to Maya, the coils of illusion. In Indian Mythology the Nagas, serpents who embody the energy of earth and waters, coil around the sacred pearl of divine knowledge. Following the plan of Vishnu, the gods and demons preserved cosmic order by tugging in opposite directions on Sesha, the serpent wound around the world axis (Mount Madara, or Mandara; precisely, this churning of the ocean was between the Asuras, ancient dark gods, and the devas, or mortal gods of heaven). By this cooperation of opposing forces the milk sea produced the nectar of immortality. This theme of spirals runs throughout religious mysticism and various myths. Buddha is often conveyed with his hair as a series of balanced curls, demonstrating his inner tranquillity. Conversely, Madusa's hair is in the form of snakes and shows the decay of the spiritual. Christ has been depicted by Christians as crowning the Axis Mundi, the vertical connection between earth and heaven, surrounding which spiral the coils of manifestation. The Navajos use opposing serpents in their sand paintings, healing through a union of conflicts and path to the center. Many peoples, among them the Maoris of New Zealand, have tattooed themselves to control the flowing of their internal energy vortices. The Hindu god Siva dances to destroy the world and lead to its rebirth; the Dervishes dance in a contraction which becomes the expansion of the mortal mirroring the ecstasy of the Divine. The Hopis give the name "Mother Earth" to a representation of a labyrinth; mandalas are used for centering through the levels of consciousness by meditators; the Egyptian pharaoh's third eye was the mastered serpent force. The spiral is the journey of the soul, as portrayed in Dante's Divine comedy or John Bunyan's description of the spiraling path from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.

And always these spirals coil from the Indivisible Source; such as the transcendent point OM unfolding as the spiraling of Sakti, creating a path which the Yogi winds up to realize heaven. Islamic Arabesque is a visual description of the Name of God, showing the creation of the universe through the contraction and expansion of a single breath. Whether or not we consider any of these particular traditions valid, it is clear that this theme, of spirals around a central axis, has played a major role in religious thought for as far back as our collective memory reaches. Another source of symbolism has been letters. The Hebrew, Sanskrit and Arabic letters were considered attributes of God. They conveyed the modeling of man, the universe, and all systems between. These letters correspond to numbers. And so mathematics and sound are the essence of the world.


A template for the universe exists. And it was with us all along, used by us every day, without us ever realizing what it was. It is so simple, and yet it describes everything. It is the decimal system. Religion. Gravity. Magnetism. they are all described by the relationships of the numbers 0 through 9. Marko Rodin, a researcher living in Hawai'i, has made this claim. And so far everything we know about science supports it. What follows are the fundamentals of this theory; the mathematical principles which nature mirrors. We have a huge body of mathematics based on approximations of reality, with the simple principles underlying even the common observations not understood, when all this time we have had an explicit description of the universe in our base ten decimal system. I'm not sure whether it's more incredible that the answer is right here in front of us, or if it's more incredible that we could have so utterly missed it. Right now science deals in approximations. Our numbers approximate reality, and because of this we have to make corrections and use cumbersome formulas. In fact, every four years there is a gathering of scientists who recalculate the constants and carry them out further. The relationships between numbers are not random or haphazard, and they are reflected in biology, physics, and every otheraspect of our physical world which science has begun to explore. Two numeric systems are coupled in the decimal system. Like all things, numbers unfold from a center our. They begin with the number 1. The first series is composed of the numbers 1,2,4,8,7,5, and forms an infinitely repeating doubling circuit. These numbers can recreate themselves, and we see their relationships in matter. the 3,9,6 circuit is inside of this circuit, impelling it forward. This nested circuit is responsible for the motion of the first circuit. It is a field.


Marko Rodin's theory states that, although a number may have several digits, it corresponds to only one location, or one point. Therefore numbers may be described according to their archetypal values (e.g., 71 = 8 ). The instant we look at numbers this way, the patterns which compose the decimal system are revealed. For instance, the doubling circuit. If we start at 1, and double it, we get 2. Keep doubling, and we get 4, then 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1924, etc. These numbers expand infinitely. But if we look at the values of these numbers, we see that no matter how far we rise, we are merely repeating the same numerical series, over and over again; 1,2,4,8,7,5 and back to 1. this series does not include 3, 6, 9. A primary feature of nature's system is a coil, what we represent numerically as a doubling circuit. And this coil is composed of polarities.

Everything in nature demonstrates a harmony of bipolarities. Male and female, negative charge and positive charge, yin and yang. This is also true for numbers. The numbers 0 through 4 reflect 5 through 9. Four and 5 are polar opposites, as are 3 and 6, 2 and 7, and 1 and 8. Zero is an empty space, a place holder, and it is opposite 9. The symmetry of our decimal system is a principle of nature. DNA, for example, is a series of two repeating coils, and wrapped within these coils is a magnetic field. There are many indications that the polar numbers really are reflections of each other. One way is to look at their multiplication series. If we take any numeral and multiply it from 1 to 9, we get a series of 9 numbers beginning with the selected numeral and ending with the archetypal value of 9. For example, the first and last numbers of the multiplication series for 1 are 1 and 9; the first and last numbers for the multiplication series of 9 are 9 and 9. Nine is the common factor which crowns each series; after this, the series is repeated. Now, let us look at the series of two polar opposites. We can choose any of them; 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 4 and 5, or 3 and 6. Let us choose 3 and 6. The multiplication series for 3 is 3,6,9,3,6,9,3,6,9. The series for 6 is 6,3,9,6,3,9,6,3,9. If we ignore the last 9 of both series, we could say that the series for these polar numbers are opposites. However, we will not ignore the 9, and with it (and continuing the multiplication series infinitely) we see that since both share the 9 at the same point it is less correct to say that the number series are opposites than that they are flowing in opposite directions - circles going clockwise and counterclockwise, if you will. This is true for each of the polar pairs. Nine has no polar opposite, and the value of each point on its multiplication series is 9. If we regard the two series of each pair as equivalent circles or wheels turning in opposite directions, 9 appears as a straight line with no deviations.

How are numbers related to each other? How is matter related to numbers? How is magnetism related to gravity? All of these questions seem answered by an extremely simple diagram. This is the essence of Marko Rodin's theory. Take a circle, and space the numbers 1 through 9 evenly around it, in order. Begin with 1, and form a line following the doubling circuit - from 1 to 2, form 2 to 4, to 8, to 7,

to5, and back to 1. The resulting never-ending loop looks like an infinity symbol. The polar numbers are paired on opposite sides of the circle, lining up horizontally as mirror images of each other. The number 9 is at the apex and center of the 3, 9,6 circuit. It is the assertion of this theory, illustrated by this symbol, that a fundamental patter of the universe, represented by numbers, is a continuously evolving but ever-repeating spiral containing dual and opposite patterns (which often nevertheless continue in the same direction), represented by negative (-) and positive (+). Furthermore, as the illustration suggests, nested within such patterns is a third factor - an invisible field. This field is here represented by the 3,9,6. In this symbol, the current pivots around the axis; in other words, there is no base to the triangle. When 9 is negative the 3 and 6 are positive, and vice versa. When the 9 is positive energy is flowing towards the 3 and 6, and when it is negative current is flowing towards 9. If we look at this diagram as a whole, we see, first, that 9 is along the axis of this system. What is represented here as a triangle is, again, actually a nested field. We also see that in this diagram, if we follow the direction of the line, the outside of both halves of the spiral are moving down towards the same direction, although one is going clockwise and the other counterclockwise. In other words all motion is flowing down towards a single direction, although this is being reached through the union of two opposites. We call the overlapping point in the center of the infinity symbol shape the point of origin. Let's repeat this. The relationships between numbers are real. The music scale follows a doubling pattern. Squares and square roots follow a doubling pattern. This logarithm is the pattern of growth. And numbers themselves are polar - except for 9. Each polar number pair - for example, 2 and 7 - equals 9. There is perfect symmetry wrapped around a single point, coiling outwards the way that petals are wrapped in a rose, or a nautilus shell spirals outward. And the fact that growth takes place in outward spirals following recurring doubling patterns is not an accident. Nothing moves in straight lines; all movement curves. This is because nature follows the same pattern as numbers. And as all numbers revolve around the 9 which is itself one third of a repeating sequence, it is our assertion that there is a constant energy emanation from all centers of mass. This emanation is in a time sequence of thirds. Others, looking for this radiation, have called it tachyons or solitons. We call this emanation aetheron flow. In all the universe, only aetherons move in a truly straight line. All mass warps around the aetherons, and all other movement curves around the aetheron flow. There is an aetheron emission form the center of all atomic nuclei, and it is this emanation which is responsible for electron spin. It is also responsible for the diagonal or diamond grain of interconnected matter; molecules are not attached in squares, but in diagonals, such as the hexagon of a snowflake or the grain of crystals. This aetheron flow is responsible for motion. It is the cause of the non-decaying spin of the electron. Just as it is in a tornado or a whirlpool, the center of mass for all objects, from which the linear emanations come, is an empty space. The Earth, its magnetic fields, atoms' nuclei, all of these are toroids. You can never go through the exact center of anything; there is always a deflection because of the aetheron emanation. The aether emanations are the source of all movement. They create a negative draft counterspace, which is gravity. And to the action of the aetheron emanation there is a reaction of two parts; when the emanation is positive this reaction is negative, and when it is negative this reaction is positive. In terms of numbers, if there is a positive 9 the 3 and 6 are negative, and if there is a negative 9 the 3 and 6 are positive. A negative 3 and 6 is negative magnetism (inward), and a positive 3 and 6 is positive magnetism (outward). Because of the aetheron flow, these vortices are present in the gap spaces between bound matter; when molecules are arranged in a lattice pattern which aligns and is in harmony with these vortices, the result is a magnetic object.

There are three family number groups - the 3,6,9 group, and the two polar components of the doubling circuit - 1,2,4 and 8,7,5. The universe is phased in thirds. This is because the aetheron emissions are phased in thirds; one emanation, and two reactions. We see this timing in the circuit key. At both sides of the doubling circuit there are tree steps (1,2,4 and 8,7,5). Then the circuit goes through the center point, and there is a reversal. As soon as you go through the axis there is a reversal in direction. There is horizontal symmetry, not vertical, because the 9 does not bend, it goes only forward. It is a monopole radiation; it is one. And all duality has this singularity related to it. For example, the duality of yin and yang is actually trinary, the S curve wraps between both halves. The 9 corresponds to the center of mass, from which the monopole emerges. Everything is based on thirds. We think the universe is based on duality's because we see the effects and not the cause. There are three family number groups, which we have already looked, and they are phased in thirds--again, based on the phasing of the 9, representing the aetheron flow. The first number group of 1,4,7. And 1 + 3 =4 +3 =7. The second family number group is 2,5,8. And 2 + 3 =5 +3 =8. Three is forward motion, and 6 is backward motion. 7 + 6 =4 + 6 =1 (7 + 6 =13=4 + 6 =10=1), 8 + 6 =5 + 6 =2. Two numeric series are coupled in the decimal system. 1,2,4,5,7,8 can recreate themselves and are the properties of matter. The 3,9,6 series is within but apart from the previous series, and propels it forward. Multiplication systems are contained within multiplication systems; numbers always exist in the same relationships, and their order in a particular series is just a matter of phasing. The series of multiples of 1 is the control, and because of this, based on what we have already discovered, it is of no surprise to learn that the members of each family number group are separated by thirds in the series of 1-9 times 1. In other multiplication series, the series above is contained in different phasing. For instance, in the multiples of 2 and 4, multiples of 1 are located, in order, every 5 steps. In the 5 series they are located every 2 steps. Numbers are not just devices which can be used for clever manipulations. Rather, the relationships and patterns of numbers are real patterns and relationships, and when applied to the real world they show that the entire universe is formed of patterns which are consistent from a microscopic to universal scale. The relationships we show are believable simply because they work, they are testable, they can be seen. Okay, what do we have so far? A doubling circuit, from which the numbers 3,6, and 9 are absent, and a pattern of polar numbers, from which 9 is absent. Now the magic (without any tricks) begins.


The universe has a preferred frame of reference which is consistent at any scale. this is true both spiritually, for the soul which is defined in its relation to its Creator, and physically, as objects accelerate toward the center of mass. Nothing exists alone; truth is defined by relationships. Let us picture and Egyptian pyramid. Here we have an example of what Marko Rodin describes as the preferred frame of reference in physical terms. We can pretend that the point of the pyramid is a center of mass, or the "aetherons" which are emitted from this center of mass. The pyramid close to the point is

narrow; at the base it's wide. As we approach the point there is convergence. Since all movement is in relation to this point, movement is a flow of compression and decompression. If we imagine this movement taking place on the pyramid's sides, and then imagine a line from the point to the ground, reaching the ground at a 90 degree angle, to be the axis of the pyramid, we find that our movement is never on the same line as the axis, but described around it. This model is also consistent with Einstein's physics, which refers to gravity as acceleration due to the curvature of space-time. In fact, all "matter" is actually a curvature of space-time. Therefore, there is nothing but space-time and motion, which is pretty much the same thing, and, again, there is curvature and acceleration towards the center of "mass". Marko Rodin sees the same effects, but presents a different explicit rationale for this existence.


The doubling circuit, as we have seen is a spiral. But it is spiraling through a toroid. The series is 1,2,4,8,7,5. We see that at first the circuit is rising (1,2,4), but that after the third step, it begins to fall (8,7,5). After this the series begins with the 1. It is like the Word with God described at the beginning of the Bible, which was singular. On either side are the 2 and 5. Multiplied they equal 10, or 1, returning to their origin, and they themselves describe a toroid. Going forward through the 2 (n*2) is doubling, and going backwards through the 5 (n*.5) is halving. the sum of these functions is, again, singularity - 1. They describe the compression and decompression of the toroid, as we move towards or away from the central point. When matter is compressed, incredible energy is released. The point between the 5 and 1 (...7,5 . 1,2...) is the point of maximum compression. Aetherons deflect matter, so where the 9 is, there can be no solid matter. The properties of the doubling circuit, some of which we have just reviewed, are imparted by the 3,9,6 series. The 9 axis, and the point (0) from which it originates, causes the duality of the doubling circuit, and it is the point towards which matter converges and away form which it diverges or expands. thus the polar number pairs will be mirror images of each other, both flowing in opposite directions from the central axis. We can use the example of the multiplication series of the polar air 1 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and 8 (8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,9). Of course the 9, which cannot be deflected, is in the same position in both series. There are 9 spatial orientations, which numbers model. They form a toroid wrapped around a central point. The decimal system is a stereoscopic 3D system coordinated around an omnidirectional emanation. the central nozzle of the toroid exerts an influence on numbers. Jack London describes waves of water as "communicated agitation's" in which the water itself does not change position. The same description applies to mathematical equations. The numbers do not move, but our calculations flow over them. In this way, using the 9 conditions after which the universe is created, we can model all spatial orientations and preferred frames of reference. Three dimensions are defined by the effects of the aetherons on matter, and can be mapped by winding the doubling circuit through a circle. The result is a toroid. Space does not curve. Matter curves as it moves through space, due to linear emanations. Earlier we looked at the doubling circuit as being two halves flowing in the opposite directions, with the 3,9,6 circuit between them. Now we can discuss how these circuits are mapped onto the toroid. What we see as squares and rectangles are actually the result of spiral motion. Matter cannot move through the center of mass; it is deflected. Therefore, to wind the doubling circuit through a circle, we would not pass it through the exact center. We would end up with a toroid. The circumference of the circle is 360 degrees, or

36 segments. Coiled through this circle are two wires, being the two polar groups of the doubling circuit, and a series of gap spaces for the 3,9,6 series. One wire or wrapping would be composed of the 1,4,7 family number group. It would start at the first degree of the circle, and cross the circle at the closest point to 180 degrees possible for it, remaining in the 1,4,7 number group and not passing directly through the center of the circle. Every three steps are at right angles to each other. At thirteen wraps we return to the origin. So right angles are the result of spiraling. As the winding nears the center of the circle it would have to be narrower as it is compressed, and towards the edge it is wider. Bordering the circuit we have just wrapped is the 2,5,8 circuit, and beside this is a gap space for the nonphysical 3,9,6 circuit. The 2,4,8 spiral goes from segment 2 to 17, 32, etc., or 2, 8,5 and so on for 12 wraps. The entire coil is formed of the two polar spirals and the nested gap spaces for the 3,9,6 field. Now, when we look at the toroid we have just mapped, we see something incredible. We have just shown how the polar number groups and the 3,9,6 circuit coil around the center of the circle. But we have also discovered the secret of the coordinate system. On the skin of the toroid we see that the vertical, y axis is the 1,8 polar pair. It moves up in multiples of 1: 1,2,3,4, etc. It moves in the opposite direction, down, in the multiples of 8: 4,3,2,1, etc. Intersecting this is the horizontal axis. It is the 4,5 polar number pair. It moves right in the multiples of 4: 4,8,3,7, etc. It moves left in the multiples of 5: 7,3,8,4, etc. The Z axis, the 2,7 binary pair pierces the toroid skin at intervals. We have just discovered that the three physical dimensions are the result of these doubling circuits spiraling around the center of mass, and that this spiraling defines our 3D x,y,z coordinated system. When we move in any direction we are following the path of a particular multiplication series, which is a result of the doubling circuit's spiraling, and when we reverse our direction we begin moving into the series of its polar opposite. This whole coil is only the doubling circuit and its nested field, hidden in the multiplication system. Finally we have a description of movement and space, and this description revolves around the central point. Shapes and movement are defined by an uncoiling. The energy of this toroid comes from the aetheron emanations. They activate certain points of the toroid as they pass through it, creating vortices around themselves. Where there is a positive 9 there are a positive 3 and 6 beside it, forming a horizontal line. Secondly the 1,4,7 number group is activated, leading to +1,-7,+4 in a triangle around the 9. Thirdly, the 2,5,8 number group is activated in a triangle about the 9 as +5,-2,+8. The result of this three-part activate (the cause and its two effects) is a four-cornered negative vortice, swirling inwards. A negative 9 would result in the opposite negative and positive conditions, leading to an outward-swirling, positive vortice. Wherever something flows out it is balanced by something else flowing in to replace it. Only 1/6 of the toroid is ever active at one time, otherwise something would always be in something else's way. Movement is a cascading of harmonics. This harmonics is in everything. The toroid shape models how life works, how the universe breathes and purifies and renews itself. And it has incredible properties. A liquid irradiated with ultrasound creates a bubble of 150 microns in diameter, with a temperature of 5,000 degrees Celsius at its center, due to the compression and resultant liberation of energy at the center of the toroid. Yet by the time you reach the outside of the bubble there is hardly any measurable heat at all, this is due to the incredible way in which the toroid dissipates energy. At the same time, ocean plankton move at rates corresponding on a human-sized scale to 2,000 miles an hour from a dead stop in one sixtieth of a second, using tiny nozzles. We can take advantage of the same principles. We have always had the tool to decipher everything, encrypted in our counting system. Now we have a legend, a template of the universe. The physical world is a spiral or torus coiled around the spiritual world, which is represented as a triangle.

This tells us more about the images we have always encountered in religious symbolism. The complete cycle of the Chinese I Ching contains 64 stages, which equals one complete revolution around the doubling circuit. These stages correspond to combinations (in patterns of six) of yin and yang. The yin and yang symbol itself is further elaborated by the decimal system; what we see as two polar opposites are actually bounded by the S curve, the third force which orders and defines the polarity. Creation is a song. Mathematics is the music of the spheres. All of the universe exists in the harmonics of sound and music, which lie latent until manifested by the aetheron spires. The physical world is the threedimensional representation of harmonics, based around a single word. Let us recall two attributes of the decimal system. The first is its duality, its bilateral symmetry, 1 - 4 mirrors 5 - 8, with the 9 emerging from the 0. Scientists currently speculate that for every particle there is an anti-particle. For example, for every electron there is a corresponding positron with opposite charge. This is because matter itself is the manifestation of these qualities; to use the "superstring" explanation, it is various notes of the strings underlying space-time. Second is its spiral nature. Interestingly, Pascal's triangle, if each line is summed, reveals itself to be the doubling circuit repeated infinitely. It is not surprising that motion is ideally described as spirals through a torus. When periodic motions of different frequencies are superimposed they form quasiperiodic motions. (Longer periods are low frequencies and short periods are high frequencies, periods being circular motion--e.g. an orbit.) Quasiperiodic motions describe a torus. Although quasiperiodic motion isn't typical, it is often seen during the transition from one typical type of motion to another. Enter chaos theory. The thesis of chaos theory is that although the universe seems ordered, systems obeying explicit laws can still act in a random manner. A good example is Hyperion, a satellite of Saturn which exhibits chaos in its orbit due to its irregular shape. However, in this orbit there are resonances, synchronous motion occurring in periods of simple numeric relationships. The resonance--the sound caused by vibration-of Hyperion's orbit is close to 4:3. Resonances are often linked by mathematics to chaos, and (again) it is known that Hyperion's orbit includes chaos. However, the scientists Andrei Kolmogorov and Vladimir Arnold determined that the motion trajectory which Hyperion moves through consists of a spiral on which are many other spirals, and around which is another spiral pointing in the opposite direction. The secondary and other spirals are resonances between which are the chaotic trajectories. All of this forms a toroidal shape. In other words, although motion systems seem to break into chaos, when the chaos is mapped it s reveled to be ordered in a larger pattern of motion, and that motion is described by a resonating, dinergistic toroid. Chaos is contained in an ordered spiral. The toroid, or spherical vortex (what scientists call a vortex ring) is not only the form of a smoke ring and countless other patterns of motion. It, and the spiral, are also recurring themes of religious symbolism.

Now we reach the crucial question, what does all this mean? The recognition that a single order permeates all of existence means that we can no longer look at specific fields of study as being wholly separate from one another. Biology and physics, for example, are based on the same patterns; they are each merely details which we focus on out of one whole. But this is not just a reconciliation of the sciences. It is an expression of the harmony of science and religion.

We can see that spiritual principles are manifested in science, and bring a host of new, scientific questions into the realm of religion. The divided mind we have cultivated, which has to forget all it knows of one field before it approaches another, is finally healed. This is not obscure. It is simple. It is in our discrete numbers. Because the sciences are finally reconciled, and simple patterns emerge from former confusion, old, cumbersome formulas which make corrections for faulty understandings can be phased away. And the fundamental force of the universe can be tapped for further advances. Science looses old fetters and gains new wings.

Victor Kim is a math teacher in Honolulu, Hawai'i. He discovered that there are patterns in the numbers 0 through 9 which were known long ago. But somehow and somewhere along the way, these relationships were forgotten. As usually happens in mysteries, at the beginning he didn't realize that there even was a mystery. Very old math books made reference to "casting out 9's"; you were to add numbers until you reached the number 9, and then "cast" them away. "This doesn't work with mathematics," Victor thought. "You can't just throw numbers away." For a while he put the phrase out of his mind. However, he also made an interesting discovery. It had to do with the multiplication series for numbers. If you reduce each number to a single digit by adding each of its digits together, each multiplication series for the numbers 1 through 9 forms a series of repeating patterns. For example, the series for 2 is 2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9. This series repeats infinitely. For some reason, no one had ever known this before; these patterns form the entire series. Using this knowledge, he found a clue to "casting out the 9s" in the Pythagorean Theorem. The Pythagoreans placed a great emphasis on the Tetra, the numbers 1 through 4. The sum of these numbers is 10, which then saw as equaling 1 because of the principles of adding the digits together. Victor Kim had discovered that the 4 was also important in the multiplication series; the multiplication series for the numbers 1 through 9 are composed of four pairs. For example, the multiplication series for 7 is the same as that of 2, but in the opposite direction: 7,5,3,1,8,6,4,2,9. These form one of the pairs. (The 9, you may notice, is in the same spot in both lists. The significance of this will be looked at later.) Then Victor discovered an even more striking relationship between the Pythagorean philosophy and the multiplication series. "Sometimes when you work," he said, "there will be a moment of intuitive understanding. You will have a feeling that you should take it out further than meets the eye." This happened when he was working with the Pythagorean Triangle. And this is how he discovered the meaning of "casting out 9s". The Pythagorean Triangle is composed of sides measuring 3,4,5 units. The 5 corresponds to the hypotenuse, and the other two sides meet in the right angle. The Pythagorean Theorem relates these sides in an equation: a(squared) + b(squared) = c(squared). Which means, of course, that 3(squared) + 4(squared) = 5(squared). Or, 9 = 16 = 25.

And this is where the incredible happened. Victor had already discovered the patterns in numbers could be discovered by summing the numbers' digits, so he rewrote this formula: 9 + 7 = 7. Which could only mean one thing. That 9 equals 0. This was the key to the "casting out" of 9s. The 9 is not cast out, but transformed to 0. The 9s are gathered up and replaced with 0s. For example, 9 + 1 = 10, or 1. Nine = 2 = 2, 9 + 3 = 3, and so on. The 9 and 0 are woven together. They are not cast out, but transformed into one another; this is not a decaying process, but a rhythmic cycle moving from low to high ebb, and back again. He had unlocked this secret because of his work with the multiplication series. As the series expand, they grow so huge that they seem incomprehensible; we can't understand infinity. But now we can represent an infinite concept by what we can see and touch. We can write it and draw it, and the infinity is represented finitely; we see the microcosm and macrocosm at the same time.

The validity of a new theory is usually determined by its ability to make accurate predictions. In the case of the aetheron theory, one of the first predictions involved DNA. Scott Gossler is a mechanical engineer who had made the most efficient low-power consumption motor in the world. When Marko Rodin showed him the number key, Gossler said, "There is a coil and a triangular field here. The field is omni-fourth dimensional; it has a different nature. There are two different systems in the decimal system." Marko responded with an understandable question, "What makes you say that?" "Because this triangle ends in nowhere, and nothing mechanical does that," Gossler said. In 1989 Rodin was invited six times to a think tank chaired by Dr. Saul Rosenthal, who invented the test for DNA. When he was offered money Rodin refused, but said that if he was given access to the right equipment he could design his theory's coils. "My next step is to define the morphogenic field in DNA, " Rodin said, and offered to first reveal his findings to the think tank. "Don't do it," was Saul's reply. Mankind needs electricity more than anything else, and if your coils can provide it, work on that first." But Rodin said that he could, and would explain DNA first. As it turned out, looking at DNA helped to provide an explanation for winding the coils. When he could not figure out how to wrap them he looked at molecular folding to see how nature did it. He never got stuck because DNA kept showing him how to go forward. Marko Rodin took an outline of the DNA double helical strand and filled the tiles with the two number groups of the doubling circuit. On paper, the triangle, the nested field, showed up exactly where the gap space of the DNA was. This meant that if his theory was real, if these number patterns really did provide the template of nature, the two strands of DNA must conduct electricity and the central groove must contain a magnetic field. If this proved false, the theory would have invalidated itself. Marko Rodin called a doctor at UCSD in charge of new technology transfer. The doctor stated that it was well known that phosphates have a negative electrical charge. The backbone of DNA is electrically charged, and there is an associated magnetic field in the groove space.

The triangle matches the S-curve of the major groove. The series of 1,2,4,8,7,5 takes the shape of the helical spiral, and accurately models the curve and shear lines. So nature is modeling these numbers. On the toroid map, the vortices surrounding the 9 spaces are staggered for maximum strength. In DNA, these vortices turn out to be perfectly aligned. This is the setup for maximum repulsion, and makes it easy for the DNA to unravel for replication. Scientists have recently been discovering that, contrary to evolutionary theory, favorable mutational changes outnumber unfavorable mutational changes when there is danger from the environment. Until now this finding has been unexplainable, but at this point it seems likely that the nested field is actually guiding some of the processes of DNA.

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