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1) Name the family in which phosphorous occurs in minerals. 2) Write the common names of NaNO3 and KNO3.

3) There is a considerable increase in covalent radius from N to P. However from As to Bi only a small increase in covalent radius is observed. Why? OR, covalent radius of Gr-15 elements is not sharply increased, why? 4) Group-15 elements have high ionization energy than Gr.14 and Gr-16 elements, why? 5) Electron affinity of Gr-15 is more than gr-16 elements, why? 6) Boiling point gradually increases from nitrogen to antimony, why? 7) Write the correct order of increasing b.p. of group-15 elements. 8) N2 is a gas where as other elements are solids, why? 9) Metallic character increases down the group, why? 10)N2 shows -3 oxidation state when it combines with highly electropositive elements, why? 11)The tendency to exhibit -3 O.S. decreases down the group, why? 12)Stability of +3 oxidation state increases down the group while that of +5 decreases, why? Or, Why does BiCl3 exist but BiCl5 not? 13)CN- is known but CP- ion is not known, why? 14) Why Bi(V) is a stronger oxidant than Sb(V)? 15) Nitrogen is restricted to a maximum covalency of 4, why? 16)Why N2 cannot form d- p bond? 17) N2 involves triple bonds but rest of the elements of this group cannot, why? 18) Though nitrogen exhibits +5 O.S., it does not form pentahalides, why? 19) Catenation tendency is weaker in nitrogen as compared to phosphorous? 20) Single N-N bond is weaker than the single P-P bond, why? 21)Why N2 forms diatomic structures where as rest of the elements form tetra atomic structure? 22)Why N2 shows anomalous behaviour? 23)Why is the boiling point of ammonia (NH3) more than that of phosphine (PH3)? 24)Moving down the group the b.p. of hydrides i.e. from PH3 to BiH3 increases, why? 25) Why does the stability of hydrides of group-15 elements decrease down the group? 26) Why does the reducing characteristics of hydrides of group-15 increase down the group? Or, why is BiH3 strongest reducing agent amongst all the hydrides of group-15 elements? 27) Why does the bond angle of hydrides decrease down the group? 28) The oxide in the higher O.S. of the element is more acidic than that of the lower O.S., why? 29) Why does the acidic character of oxides decrease down the group? 30)Explain the order of basicity : NH3> PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 > BiH3 31) N, P, As form anions while Sb & Bi form cations, why? 32) Why are higher halides of gr.15 covalent whereas lower halides ionic? 33) Pentahalides are more covalent than trihalides, why? 34)(CH3)3N is basic but (CF3)3N is not, why? 35) How is nitrogen prepared by thermal decomposition? Or how is very pure nitrogen obtained? 36)N2 is rather inert at room temperature but reactivity increases rapidly with rise in temperature, why? 37)What happens when NH4Cl reacts with NaNO2? 38) Name two neutral oxides of nitrogen. 39) Which oxide of nitrogen is paramagnetic and coloured? 40)Why does R3P=O exists but R3N=O does not? (R = Alkyl group) 41)PCl5 exists but NCl5 does not, why?

42) Why both N and Bi do not form pentahalides? 43)PCl3 acts as oxidizing and reducing agent whereas PCl5 acts as an oxidizing agent, why? 44)PCl5 exists but PI5 does not, why? 45)NF3 is stable where as NCl3, NBr3 and NI3 are not, why? 46)Why NH3 forms hydrogen bond but PH3 does not? 47) What are the optimum conditions for Habers Process? 48)Why conc. H2SO4, anhydrous CaCl2 or P4O10 cannot be used as dehydrating agents for ammonia? 49)Why ammonia acts as a good ligand in the detection of metal ions such as Cu2+, Ag+ etc.? 50) In the ring test for identification of nitrate ion, what is the formula of the compound responsible for the brown ring formed at the interface of the two liquids? 51) Why ammonia acts as a Lewis base? 52)Why NH3 when dissolved in Cu ion soln changes the colors into deep blue? 53) Why does AgCl dissolve in aqueous ammonia solution? 54) Why Cr and Al do not dissolve in concentrated nitric oxide? 55)Write the equation for preparation of HNO3 by Ostwalds Process. 56) Write equations for the formation of brown ring in nitrate ion test. 57)Give the resonating structures of N2O5 and NO2. 58)Why does NO2 dimerise? 59) Nitric oxide (NO) becomes brown when released in air, why? 60)Why do nitro compounds have high boiling points in comparison with other compounds of same molecular mass? 61) Nitrous acid acts as an oxidizing as well as reducing agent while Nitric acid is only oxidizing, why? 62) Name a compound which is used in pickling of metals and etching of metals. 63) Differentiate between white, red and black phosphorous. 64) Why red phosphorous is denser but less reactive than white phosphorous? 65)Why P4 is reactive? 66)Why does PCl5 dissociate to give PCl3 and Cl2? Or, why is PCl5 unstable? Or, PCl5 acts as a chlorinating agent, why? 67)Why does PCl5 have different bond lengths? 68) What happens when phosphorous reacts with NaOH? 69)H3PO4 is tribasic but H3PO3 is dibasic, why? 70)Give the disproportionation reaction of H3PO3. 71)PCl5 exist as [PCl4] + [PCl6] - but PBr5 exists as [PBr4] + [Br]-, why? 72)PCl5 is ionic in solid state, why? 73)Draw the structures of H3PO4, H3PO3, (HPO3)3, H4P2O7 and H4P2O6. 74)H3PO2 and H3PO3 act as good reducing agents while H3PO4 does not. 75)Give two facts in support to the basicity of PH3. 76)Bond angle in PH4+ is higher than that in PH3. 77)Why does PCl3 fume in air? 78)Why hypo phosphorous acid (H3PO2) is a good reducing agent? 79)In the structure of HNO3 molecule the N-O bond (121pm) is shorter than N-OH bond (140pm), why? ***************************************************************************************


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

What are Chalcogens? Why group -16 elements are called Chalcogens? Write the increasing boiling point sequence of Gr-16. Why O2 is a gas but others are solids? Why oxygen has less ve electron gain enthalpy than sulphur? Sulphur has a greater tendency for catenation than oxygen, why? Differentiate between Rhombic and Monoclinic sulphur. Why sulphur vapour is paramagnetic in nature? Oxygen molecule has the formula O2 while sulphur is S8, why? O.S. of Gr-16 elements vary from -2 to +6 whereas that of O2 is -2 to +2, why? Why +4, +6 oxidation state compounds are covalent? The tendency to show -2 oxidation state diminishes from sulphur to polonium. Explain. Oxygen almost invariably exhibits an oxidation state of -2 but the other members of the family exhibit negative as well as positive oxidation states of +2, +4 & +6. Why? 13)H2S is a gas whereas H2O is a liquid, why? 14)Why bond angle of H2O is less than NH3? 15)Boiling point of Gr-16 elements increases from H2S to H2Po, why? 16) Acidic character of hydrides of Gr-16 increases down the group, why? 17) Reducing character of hydrides of Gr-16 increases down the group, why? 18) Why bond angle of hydrides decreases down the group? 19) Bond dissociation energy decreases down the group, why? 20) Reducing properties of dioxides decreases down the group, why? 21)SO2 acts as oxidizing and reducing agent whereas SO3 acts as an oxidizing agent, why? 22)SO2 is a gas but SeO2 is a solid, why? 23)Why SO2 reducing TeO2 is an oxidizing? 24)H2S is less acidic than H2Te, whereas H2S is more acidic than H2O, why? 25)Thermal stability of water is much higher than that of H2S, why? 26)Though the reacn betn O2 & other elements is highly exothermic, little external heating is required, why? 27)SF6 is known but SH6 and SCl6 are not known, why? 28)SF6 is not easily hydrolyzed whereas SF4 is easily hydrolyzed, why? 29)Why SO2 decolorizes KMnO4 solution? 30)Dry SO2 does not bleach flower petals, why? 31)SO2 is a more powerful reducing agent in an alkaline medium than in acidic medium. Why? 32) Compounds of fluorine and oxygen are called fluorides and not oxides. Explain. 33) Give at least one example to explain the following properties: (i) Sulphuric acid is a dibasic acid. (ii)Sulphuric acid is a dehydrating agent. (ii) Sulphuric acid is an oxidizing agent. (iv)Sulphuric acid is a non-volatile acid.. 34)In the manufacture of H2SO4 by the Contact process, SO3 is not directly dissolved in water, why? 35)What conditions should be maintained in order to maximize the yield of H2SO4 by contact process? 36)Write the steps and the reactions involved in the preparation of H2SO4 by the Contact process? 37)H2SO4 has high boiling point and viscosity, why? 38) How do the exhaust gases of supersonic jet aeroplanes deplete ozone layer? 39) High concentration of ozone is dangerously explosive, why? 40) Why does ozone act as a powerful oxidizing agent? 41) Ozone is used in swimming pools, why? 42) Comment on the thermodynamical stability of ozone molecule? 43) Why does sulphur disappear when boiled with an aqueous solution of sodium sulphite, why? 44)SO3 has zero dipole moment, why? 45)SF6 is used as gaseous electrical insulator, why? 46) Draw the structure of peroxo disulphuric acid. What is its basicity? 47) What happens when: (i)Conc. H2SO4 is added to Calcium Fluoride (ii) SO2 is passed into aq. Solution of Fe (III) salt ***********************************************************************************************


48) Why electron affinity of Chlorine is more than that of Fluorine? 49) Halogens have maximum electron gain enthalpy in the respective periods of the periodic table, why? 50) Arrange the halogens according to their increasing bond strength. 51)Why the bond dissociation enthalpy of F2 is less than that of Cl2? 52) Though E.A. of fluorine is less than that of chlorine but fluorine is a better oxidizing agent, why? 53) Most of the reactions of fluorine are exothermic, why? 54) Why does the acidic character of hydrides increase down the group? 55) Why the boiling point of HF is more than HCl? 56) HF is a liquid whereas HCl is a gas, why? 57) HF is least volatile whereas HCl is most volatile, why? 58) Why does the reducing character of hydrides increase down the group? 59) Why does the boiling point of halogens increase down the group? 60)Why fluorine oxidizes H2O to O2 whereas other cannot? 61) Name a halogen acid used for estimation of CO. 62)Name two poisonous gases which can be prepared from Cl2 gas. 63) Why does the ionic character of metal halide decrease down the group? 64) Why the oxides of halogen are good oxidizing agent? 65) Higher halides are more covalent than lower halides, why? 66) Why XX compounds are more stable than XX? 67) Fluorine exhibits only O.S.-1 while other halogens show O.S.s of +1, +3, +5 and +7 as well, why? 68) Give an example of a compound in which oxidation state of chlorine is +7. 69) HF is kept in wax bottles but not in glass bottles, why? 70) HF has a greater electronegativity difference and more ionic character than HCl, HBr and HI but it is the weakest acid, why? 71) Halogens are strong oxidizing agents, why? 72) Anhydrous HCl is a bad conductor of electricity while aqueous HCl is a good conductor, why? 73) Bleaching action of chlorine is permanent but that of sulphur dioxide is temporary, why? 74) When HCl reacts with finely powdered iron, it forms ferrous chloride and not ferric chloride, why? 75)Why ICl is more reactive than I2 OR Why are inter-halogens more reactive than halogens? 76)Why does ClF3 exist whereas FCl3 does not? 77)Both NO and ClO2 are odd electron species. NO dimerises but ClO2 does not, why? 78) Metal fluorides are more ionic than metal chlorides, why? 79) Perchloric acid is a stronger acid than sulphuric acid, why? 80)Addition of Cl2 to KI solution gives it a brown colour but excess of Cl2 turns it colourless, why? 81) Why does chlorine water lose its yellow colour on standing? 82)Why cannot we prepare HBr by heating KBr with conc.H2SO4? 83)Bleaching by Cl2 is permanent, while that of SO2 is temporary, why? 84) Name the oxides of chlorine that are used as bleaching agents for paper pulp. 85)Why F2 does not form hypohalous acid? 86) Give chemical evidence for the following: (i) Sodium chlorate (NaClO3) is an oxidant. (ii) Fluorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine. (iii) Chlorine gas can be obtained from bleaching powder. 87) Arrange the following in order of property indicated: (i) F2, Cl2, Br2, I2 order of increasing bond dissociation energy. (ii) HF, HCl, HBr, HI- increasing order of acid strength. (iii) HClO, HClO4, HClO3, HClO2- order of decreasing acid strength. (iv) HClO, HBrO, HIO- order of decreasing acid strength. (v) ClO4-, BrO4-, IO4- -- increasing order of oxidizing strength ***********************************************************************************************

*************************************************************************************** 1. Why are the elements of group 18 known as noble gases? Or why noble gases are chemically inert? 2. Why do noble gases have comparatively large atomic sizes?

3. Noble gases have very high ionization enthalpy, why? 4. Noble gases have very low melting and boiling points, why? 5. Why is Helium used in diving apparatus? 6. Write the balanced equation for complete hydrolysis of XeF6. 7. Draw the structure of XeF2, XeF4 & XeO3 molecule. 8. Among the noble gases only Xe is well known to form chemical compounds, why? 9. Which compound led to the discovery of the compounds of noble gas? 10. What inspired N.Bartlett for carrying out reaction between Xe and PtF6? 11. How is XeO3 and XeOF4 prepared? 12. How are xenon fluorides XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6 prepared? 13. Does the hydrolysis of XeF6 lead to a redox reaction? 14. Write down the equations for hydrolysis of XeF4 and XeF6. Which of these two reactions is redox reaction? 15. XeF2 has a straight linear structure and not easily hydrolyzed, why? 16. What happens when XeO3 reacts with an aqueous alkali solution? 17. Deep sea divers use a mixture of He and O2 instead of air for breathing, why? 18. Give the formula and state the structure of a noble gas species which is isostructural with: (i) ICl4- (ii) IBr2- (iii) BrO3***********************************************************************************************

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