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Its a group of people including children and their parents. People in this group are socially related to each other, for example cohabitation, marraige.

What is ... ? Kindship: Connection between people that are blood-relationships as mother and her child. Mrriage: norm individual choice legal constant of a family Monogamy type Polygamy type Household: A group of people who have a common residence, there is no need to have any kinship or relationship between these people. Arrange marriage: Popular in Hindu religion, parents choose partners for their children Nuclear family: Consist of 2 generations living in a same household. Extended family: Its something like nuclear family, but there are 3 generations living in the same household. Single-parent family: In this type of family is child and only on of parents, mum or dad. This families are also called broken home or broken nuclear family. Reconstituted family: Called also step families. Children live with their step-parents. Divorce: Rising in these years. It is when people decide to cancel their marriage. Why is family important? Its important for everyone. Our parents take care of us until we grow up. They teach us many skills needed in life, how to get on and communicate with people. How to be polite, helpful, tolerant etc. They also give us mental and financial support. What about relation ships? There are some different relationsships in families. Relation between siblings and between children and their parents is the closest. On one hand we are friends, on the second we should respect them. Then all will be fine. But sometimes there are problems between parents and their kids. Generation gap: Conflicts may occure in family, because of defferent ideas, mentality, opinions, interest. Problems between siblings: It is mostly cause, because of different age. Grandparents: They spoilt their grandchildren. It is, bceause they are not responsible for them as childrens parents.

Relationships between persons in extended family? (aunts, uncles, consins, etc.) They see each other rarely. Meet mostly on family celebrations as weddings, birthdays, namedays or funerals. Wife, husband and their duties. - in modern families husband and wife share power and authority and both, parents and children, share certaingoals and values, duties, leisure time etc. - nowdays women are more independent, parents share power equatly, both try to build their career and suppoer the family financially. On the other hand they devote more time to work than to raising their children as women in past. - families today have fewer children (financial situation, age) - women in past discriminated, not-educated, allowed to access education, mostly worked as housewifes, they took care about household, children - in contrast to the past, nowdays women are more independent

Meeting and Mating

In the past? People chose their partners from immediate enviroment, they married their partners nextdoor. In the present? In the age of globa communication and mobility, people have much wider choice of potentional partners as before. They can chose from many countries, cultures, religions, etc. In the future? The emerging trent of marriages over the internet is more likely to increase as people have Access to the new Technologies. However, finding a partners will remain one of the most traditional areas of life for many people. In India the practice of arranged marriages remains extremely popular, however, it is increasingly being adapted to suit todays climate of wider choice.
Dating agencies are also proliferating in many parts of the world. One agency in Tokyo caters for Japanese women seeking husbands on the other side of the world in Europe. However, in more distant future people may select their partners through genetic and psychological profiling.

Patterns in familes? Visible changes all over the world. In countries of 3rd world large families continue to be seen as an insurance against poverty in old
age, but where recources are scarce the increasing population can lead to individuals recieving a never smaller slice of cake. China: extended families are disappearing India: extended families is norm, trend here West: - the changes in last 3 decades have been seismic - half of marriage ends in divorce and 1 of 3 borned chidren is out of wedlock - more and more people live alone and it is becoming a trend

Generation gap
Basically its difference between 2 different generations of people. This term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s refering to differences between people of younger generations and their elders, especially between children and their parents. What are the reasons? - parents dont understand kids opinions, ideas, - young people are more criticized by older generations because of their lifestyle - children may think that they dont have enaugh freedom and their life is limited by parents - children try to revolve using various ways of protest: ignoring, doing do opposite, telling lies, escaping homes and pretanding respect and obedienc to their parents. - mostly children do forbidden things which make them feel adults. Why children complain about parents? - children cant go out whenevery they want - parents dont allow children to get what they their kids want (Technologies, sweets, etc.) - parents are strict on them and have too high expectations - parents beat them - low pocket money - teenagers might think their parents are old fashioned - having time together (dinner, walks in parks) - many duties (household chores) - parents do not understand them - parents force/make them to study, so they want that their kids have good marks - some parents are stick to tradions

Why parents complain about children? - children are spoilt want what they friends want - prefer time with friends, refuse/reject spending time with family (holidays) - spend too much money on staff we dont need - children dont show enaugh respect to their parents - complain about lifestyle: what they wear, who they meet with, what music they listen, etc. - dont do their duties, tell lies, - children do not realize what their parents do for them (money, love, upbringing) - use a bad language - dont study enaugh Solution: - looking for specialist - talk about it together, find a time to have a word with to discuss things - try to find compromises

TEMPERAMENT composed spokojn touchy citliv jolly vesel pretty-minded povrchn

CHARACTER => attitude to people tactful citliv amiable roztomil wary opatrn stern vny considerate ohadupln hospitable pohostinn greedy chamtiv stingy lakom reserved zdranliv cunning prefkan sly prefkan impudent drz => attitude to morals mischievous nezbedn sincere primn frank primn hypocrite pokrytec principled zsadov => attitude to work consistent dsledn un/conscientious svedomit precise preczny indulgent chpav industrious usilovn => attitude to oneself conceited namysln modest skromn vain zbyon choosy vyberav

=> will ir/resolute odhodlan dis/obedient poslun timid plach ardent vniv reluctant neposlun => talents attentive pozorn ingenious ikovn inquisitive zvedav witty zbavn sensible uvedomel dull hlpy foolish blzniv silly pochab

APPEARANCE => age todler krpec co nevravi youngster mlad lovek in the prime of his life na zaiatku vekov, ivota elderly person postaria osoba => figure slender thly plump zaoblen stout tun thickset zavalit postava => Hair permed trval fringe ofina chignon drdol plait cop auburn svetlohned tinted farebn vlasy sideboards kotlety => Face angular hranat coarse vrazn soft jemn nondescript neopsaten freckles pehy

=> Expression unconcerned ahostajn bold smel grim zriv solemn vny enchanting arovn grin ten kto stle cer zuby => Cheeks hollow prepadnut protruding vrazn => Nose hooked kriv aqzuline orl snub tup => Voice faint tich shrill prenikav husky zachpnut harsh hrub mumble mumlanie => Walk trip vletn chdza slouch zhrben hobble krva => Defects stammer kokta lisp ula limp krva hunch-backed - zhrben

My mum
My mum means everything to me. She gave me life, she was bringing me up when I was too young to take care of myself and she is still educating me like every diligent mum. My mum and my father are married for more then 22 years and that is really interesting, because they have an argue every day.

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