VirtualCOMUDP Guide

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SimpleComTools, LLC

Virtual COM-UDP


Virtual COM-UDP
Version 2.1


User Guide


SimpleComTools, LLC

SimpleComTools, LLC

Virtual COM-UDP


OVERVIEW Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UDP vs. TCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3

Application Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

SOFTWARE INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOFTWARE SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOFTWARE LICENSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 5 8

This document contains information that is PATENT PENDING

Copyright 2003 SimpleComTools, LLC All rights reserved

SimpleComTools, LLC

SimpleComTools, LLC

Virtual COM-UDP


Virtual COM-UDP is a software based UDP/COM Port Redirector solution that provides a fulltime two-way communications path between a virtual serial COM Port and any UDP port of any TM remote IP address. Virtual COM-UDP allows users to connect their existing (legacy) serial communications software programs to remote IP network addresses via UDP protocol, giving them the ability to IP enable the remote side of their communications program without having to modify the original application.

Designed to run on any Microsoft Windows PC, Virtual COM-UDP UDP/COM Redirector software enables your existing serial communication programs that use a Windows COM Port to send data to and from a user-defined IP network address and UDP port. Unlike other TCP based TM COM Redirector software solutions, Virtual COM-UDP supports the UDP transport protocol, and allows for user-definable IP packet source and destination ports.

About UDP vs. TCP The most commonly used network protocols today are TCP (Transport Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol). TCP is a proven and reliable protocol, and probably the most widely implemented protocol in use on IP networks today. However, TCP has a lot of overhead and payload issues, and can sometimes be too-reliable or robust for many applications. In fact, when used as transport, for many serial based applications TCP can actually hinder reliable communications. In contrast, UDP is a much simpler protocol, and is being used more frequently today - particularly in areas where bandwidth or throughput is constrained. An example is the predominant use of UDP for transport of wireless data applications.

UDP is first a connectionless protocol. Like TCP, UDP runs on top of IP networks. But unlike TCP, UDP does little to help with transport delivery or error recovery. Instead it offers a direct way to send and receive packets, letting the software application manage things like error recovery and data retransmission. Once primarily used for broadcasting small messages, UDP is now used for everything from browsers to Instant Messaging, Video, and Voice over IP applications.

Virtual COM-UDP is designed to let serial communications software programs take advantage of the light and connectionless nature of UDP, allowing instead for their native error recovery and retransmissions designs to be the source for reliable data throughput. This approach makes for a very different type of COM Redirector, one that we think many legacy applications can TM benefit from. This also makes Virtual COM-UDP uniquely suited for wireless IP networks such as CDPD, CDMA, or GPRS. These bandwidth constrained and pay-for-usage networks have been the development grounds for many newer UDP-based applications. Now serial software users can harness the benefits of these networks and not have to pay for unnecessary TCP overhead. Virtual COM-UDP can be easily installed on any Windows-based embedded computer or data loggers, enabling serial data applications or messages to be packaged and sent to any remote host as a single UDP packet. It will in turn listen for return messages, passing the returning serial TM data back to the serial software. This makes Virtual COM-UDP ideal for numerous types of applications: Manufacturing Inventory Control Retail Sales Vehicle Data Acquisition Systems Transportation Systems Network Monitoring

SimpleComTools, LLC

SimpleComTools, LLC

Virtual COM-UDP


LAN/WAN and Intranet/Internet Applications Virtual COM-UDP works on any Ethernet, Wireless LAN (802.11x), or TCP/IP network, and can send serial/UDP data packets to any IP located inside or outside the network. Here is how Virtual COM-UDPTM might fit into your network scenario: Scenario 1: Software Tunneling 2 PCs need legacy serial based software linked from one to the other over an IP network. Creating a TCP socket between them seems to create issues that are hard to manage. TM UDP is a better solution, but the software cannot be re-written. Virtual COM-UDP is a great fit.

Serial data packets are sent between any 2 PCs on any UDP port CDPD CDMA GPRS

PCs with legacy serial communications software and Virtual COM-UDP

Remote Locations

Scenario 2:

Remote Serial Device Connection

A PCs legacy serial based software normally receives data device on a local serial COM port from an externally connected device such as a bar-code reader, or handheld GPS. The software resides on a machine that cannot be moved, yet the serial data instrument (BC Reader, GPS handheld, etc) needs to be relocated to a remote or wireless environment. The device and software have their own communication s protocol, and do not need a fullblown TCP connection in order to communicate. A simple protocol such as UDP is desired. With a serial data modem setup for UDP packet data mode, you can now send data to the host PC software, enabling the virtual connection of the device and software. Perfect solution.


PC with legacy serial communications software and Virtual COM-UDP will receive inbound serial (barcode) data from the device connected to a remote wireless modem. SimpleComTools, LLC 4

Serial (barcode) device connected to wireless modem sends data to PC . running Virtual COM-UDP Data from device is sent to fixed IP address using UDP.

SimpleComTools, LLC

Virtual COM-UDP


Install Virtual COM-UDP

by downloading and unzipping the install package.

Launch Setup.exe Accept the License Agreement Select the Destination Folder where the software will be installed The installer will complete the installation and automatically open the destination folder

Getting Started Begin setup by double-clicking the Virtual COMTM UDP icon. If you see this red highlighted alert screen, your version of software is unlicensed. An unlicensed version will only run for a period of 90 minutes before terminating. For information on obtaining a permanent LICENSE KEY, see the SOFTWARE LICENSE section of this manual.

Select OK and the software will open to the main screen/desktop. This is the only screen or window you will be using.

Virtual COM-UDP is a Windows based software solution designed with a simple and intuitive user interface. Setup of the entire solution can be completed in a matter of minutes. The application software involves two screens: 1. The Virtual COM Port and IP setup screen 2. The real-time viewing screen

SimpleComTools, LLC

SimpleComTools, LLC

Virtual COM-UDP


Begin by setting up the Com Port and remote server settings. These are located under Options/Configuration.

Set the following items: Serial Port: - Virtual Serial Port to be used with serial software application Local Port - Local UDP (Source) Port to be used for sending data from software over network Remote IP Address and Port - Remote IP Address and UDP (Destination) Port to be used by remote device - Choose Use the last inbound Source IP Address as Remote IP Address only when the software is in receive mode, and does not know where to send data until data arrives. Options: TM - Run on Start Up (will force Virtual COM-UDP to run in on PC startup). TM - Hide on Start Up (will force Virtual COM-UDP to run in taskbar). Select OK when completed. Setup is now complete. Starting the application: The real-time viewing screen displays the three relevant topics being managed: Remote: Local: Port: The remote IP and UDP Port where data from Com Port is being sent. TM Local IP currently in use and the UDP port on which Virtual COM- UDP is listening. Virtual COM Port being used by serial software in question.

Opening Virtual COM-UDP to the expanded view will let you see both outbound and inbound serial data activity. One thing to note is the fact that the COM Port is currently CLOSED. That is because you have not started your serial application yet. That will later change to OPEN. Real-time screen - Expanded View

SimpleComTools, LLC

SimpleComTools, LLC

Virtual COM-UDP


Now, open the serial communications software you wish to get data from UDP Port. (In this example we will use HyperTerminal) You will notice that there is now a COM Port option that was not available before. TM. This new COM Port is the VIRTUAL port created by Virtual COM-UDP

If you type data into your serial application. as we did with DATA here in HyperTerminal

you will see the data stream show up in the Virtual COM Port Activity window. Note the COM port is now Opened

The same will be true for the reverse. Any device sending data back to this PCs Local IP (on the UDP Port you set up before) will now show up in the UDP Socket Activity window. You now have a two-way socket between your serial application software and the remote IP. Your application software and remote should be communicating as expected. If you do not see any TM data passing, try resetting the serial application and Virtual COM-UDP again.

SimpleComTools, LLC

SimpleComTools, LLC

Virtual COM-UDP


To obtain a license, send the Serial Number shown on this screen to your SimpleComTools reseller and request a permanent LICENSE KEY. If purchasing direct from SimpleComTools, enter the Serial Number shown on this screen in the appropriate field when completing your online transaction. Questions about either process can be sent to

Thanks for using the Virtual COM-UDP ! - SimpleComTools, LLC

SimpleComTools, LLC

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