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Towards Islam Through Observation
Islam, the collection of commands given to men by Allah and path set for
salvation from the times of Adam, is today the only religion which survives.
This may sound totally amazing but it is a fact which I have stated plainly.
All the other religious teachings have been completely neglected by those
who claim to be their followers and in fact, the reason Islam has survived
through such trying times as the last century, is that it is not only a religion
but a complete code of life demanding from the believers to adhere to its
teachings in all walks of life. On the basis of this truth, the fact becomes
very clear that whenever & wherever Muslims lost their battles or had a
significant fall, that was much due to their approach to Islam as only a
religion and not as a complete code of life. This reality can be understood
better by studying the fall of Muslims in Spain and the setback they incurred
in India in the previous century. By their attitude, it seems that they do not
have the recognition of the severe mistake they had committed at these
occasions (and at the advent of Chengez Khan many centuries ago, and
Communism and Kamal Pasha in the last century, for that matter) because
they are gradually leading themselves to the same position except for some,
and this means that they are again going for a fall. In this writing, I intend to
put forward the fact that how beautifully the happenings in the world point
out the truth of Islamic teachings. This may guide Muslims to understand the
beauty and the power of the Faith they have, making them go for its true
application in each and every field of life. Let us first take the matter of
distortion of the right concepts in many fields by the non-Muslims. The first
thing I want to comment about is the concept of history which many non-
Muslims believe in and profess. They say that it is some kind of conflict
between opposite forces (and they are correct uptil this point), the successful
part of which gives birth to its own opposition from itself and they again
have a conflict for the sake of development (here they deviate from the truth
i.e. the Islamic viewpoint). Islamic teachings about history is that it is in fact
a fight between good & evil in a very disciplined manner - Note that Islam
specifies the opposite forces - in which the good always came out as the
winner. Please note that the Right always is and has been the same i.e. the
word of Allah while the wrong took many colors and faces to fight it with
Satan Iblees at its head, always losing the game whenever and wherever they
clashed. A little more about this can be had through my Urdu writing
FARASAT-e-ISLAM (the wisdom of Islam), if desired. Mark the difference
between the concepts that the view held by the non-Muslims commences by
a correct statement by the Islamic terms, deviating towards the wrong just as
Iblees deviated from the right towards the wrong. This attitude is totally
present in many of the views and concepts which the non-Muslims today
hold. Keeping the discussion on the same topic, let us see two different
views these people hold in regards to the place of man in the world, both
totally wrong indeed. The first one is what the Christians believe in i.e. they
consider that men and women are being punished because of the
disobedience of Adam & Eve (as they ate the prohibited fruit) and only
because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Salam on the great man and
messenger), have been saved. Here again, we find that this is a fact that
Adam, Salam on him, and Eve, Salam on her, did eat the prohibited fruit but
they asked for mercy which was granted to them and the world then became
a place of examination for men and women and not a place of punishment.
Mark the difference between the angles of view for a specific event. This is
also a point to note that Islam clarifies that the great man and messenger
Jesus Christ was never crucified. See my book MUSAWAT KA ISLAMI
TASAWWUR for a few more tips about this. The second view among the
non-Muslims about the man's place is totally satanic. It argues that man has
achieved his present form through evolution coming into one form from
another and takes this as a necessary process for survival. Again, there is a
distortion as it is not the survival of the fittest in the physical sense but it is
in the moral sense as Islam takes it for that is how the Holy Quran has
indicated. The truth is that the Human Beings by their creation have an
affinity with each other indeed as the plants resemble each other and as
animals have resemblance with each other. To try to prove the changing of
form by evolution is a foolishness indeed as that is not in accordance with
the natural & fundamental law of life by the Islamic viewpoint so even when
physical and spiritual law complement each other, it needs wisdom to detect
the similarity so that the thin line of difference if it exists may not be omitted
and two things different in nature may not be taken similar. Mark that the
moral fitness is changed to physical sense and affinity in one kind of
creation is replaced by resemblance in all kinds just to put an argument for a
foolish idea. Please note that according to Islam, Humankind is totally
another kingdom in its own right and it is not included in animals as is
wrongly assumed in the study of taxonomy today. We Muslims also believe
in Jinn and Angels that can not be seen by our eyes though Men and Jinn
have to answer for their Knowledge, Faith and Deeds in the day of Judgment
but not animals & plants (as they are not given such sense of Morality as to
consider them MUKALLAF which means capable of making their decisions
on moral reasoning) and also angels do not have to answer on the day of
judgment as they never disobey Allah (as they do not have the power to
disobey according to their creation). Men & Women are created in a natural
status between animals and angels so if a person has True Knowledge, Right
Faith and Good Deeds according to the True Knowledge and Right Faith, he
has the power even to rise above the angels in status becoming ASHRAF-ul-
MAKHLOOQAT (best among all creation) and if he chooses to go on a
wrong path only, he has the ability to put himself into a position even below
animals due to his wrong beliefs and evil deeds. Let us further see the
distortion in the concept of democracy these people profess. In democracy,
the assembly which runs the administration in a country comes into being by
the votes of the people of that country. This is quite right that the
administration must be based on the advice of the people by the Islamic view
but it is the weight which Islam asks for and not the count of votes. This
statement can be understood better by my book ISLAMI FAISLA that was
written and published in 1987, which elaborates the Islamic system in
regards to administration giving a complete picture of the Islamic society.
Here we find a replacement, rather a distortion again that though the rule
among the people must be based on the advice of the people, yet it is the
weight which is to be considered and not the count of heads. With a
statement based on knowledge, these people go on to apply it in totally
wrong ways completely disregarding all demands of Wisdom and this type
of attitude is present in all their concepts which you will easily detect if you
ponder, keeping Islamic teachings in view. For my argument, I consider
these examples quite enough. I intended to guide your attention towards the
fact that even for a wrong attitude, a right base is necessary as the inner self
of man does not apply itself to any kind of wrong at all. This understood, let
me tell you that this is an Islamic concept that every person has been born
with a sense of Truth (i.e. born on FITRAT - study Islam for detail) and so
as a person goes on putting the right concept in front, the time comes when
the inner self answers. The non-Muslims are deceiving their inner selves by
distortion of what is right and this attitude can be checked and avoided
through a higher understanding of all things by a good Observation having
Total Faith in Allah, and its true application by a great Wisdom. This will
make the mistake of the non-Muslims come in open and the difference of
right and wrong, which is as thin as a hair, will be known totally. This would
also for everybody lead towards Islam through observation.

The second thing is the command of Hijab, which can be observed in the
creation around us, only concentration upon the point is desired. From the
ancient times, Moon is taken to be a symbol of beauty which is at its total
beautiful form in the middle of the Lunar month. The fact to note is that it
rises in the night at this occasion to convey the message that all beauty must
be hidden. As the people sleep, it goes on to achieve its peak. Such also is
the matter of stars that they only manifest themselves in darkness when
everybody has retired from activity. Venus, the beautiful morning star and at
many occasions the beautiful evening star, can only be 48 degree apart from
the Sun as seen from Earth as if conveying the message that the beauty has
its limit to which it must see to, without fail. Pearls are only to be found in
shells in the deep waters while another beautiful ornament diamond can only
be had by breaking into the depths of Earth. There are other examples too
where you would find Beauty in Hijab naturally and this is how Islam the
natural religion teaches that Beauty has its limits and a reservation that must
be observed. Taking or making pictures of living creatures is not allowed
except for necessity (in today's situation of the world, we can use still-
camera for official needs while TV and computers can be used generally in
the Islamic Society indeed as they have a great power to impart knowledge
yet with this remark, I would also add that I do not appreciate the current use
of these three as they are being put to use nowadays unconditionally and that
is against Islam for sure). Entertainment by music can only be had keeping 3
conditions in view as is clarified in the ISLAMI FAISLA and a good taste
for soft music with minimum instruments must be developed in the Islamic
Society. And indeed women must observe Hijab, a natural tendency for all
beautiful things, as they themselves are symbols of beauty and charm and
they are ordered by Allah to have some necessary reservation. Let us make
the phenomenon common so that all must care for the limits for beauty and
so that True Muslims feel more attraction towards Islam through

The third thing which I would like to comment upon is the amazing accuracy
in which the last messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H., foretold
the events near QAYAMAT. If you read AHADEES in relation to this
matter, you will understand more about what I mean. Everything is going on
in a perfect order and though we all must believe the great man and
messenger with blind faith yet this observation makes the belief more
powerful indeed. There is a sequence in which events are taking place and in
fact, I find patches in the recent history where the clash of Good and Evil
achieves height and the most remarkable patches in this century are the
troublesome war, end of Khilafat by Kamal Pasha who was a symbol of
dictatorship and secularism, rise of Communism and the beginning of the
Philosophy of Fascism, silent movies, women coming out of homes for jobs
(1914 - 1924), all happening in a short time. Another patch is where we find
the end of Fascism (and that is good) yet there was another troublesome
great war, U.N.O., very deadly weapons made, industrialization of motion
pictures, Communism gaining some power, political power shifting to
selfish and worldly people, women coming to disregard their respectable
position mixing with males in all fields of life and in the midst of darkness, a
ray of light and hope, a country taking shape for the rise of Muslims as a
great nation i.e. Pakistan (the decade of 40's). The third important patch is
the present time where we do find some good things indeed and among them
is the end of Communism, and at this time Muslims are leaving indifference
and hypocrisy as most people are taking with all heart to Islam though there
are many such persons too who call themselves Muslims but openly oppose
Islam. However, the much adverse things present here are a troublesome war
again, change in political ways and trends with selfish people gaining more
power politically, putting morals and ethics at the back for medical &
surgical treatment of the Physique, spread of filthy movies and few other
matters that adversely impress the Islamic way of life. Also, there are some
modern things the impression of which would be clear in the future only and
among those are that the world is becoming small in the sense that there is
an amazingly effective system of communication (via satellites) and totally
fascinating means of conveyance, computers being applied in many different
ways with a few programs being most wonderful and a great help to
knowledge, the development of tolerance and the desire taking place among
nations to have an understanding and relationship with each other (beginning
from 1987 and will probably last till the last of this century). This period in
my opinion is most crucial and in regards to the application of HIJAB, quite
trying for the Muslims for we are at a make or a break pattern to which we
must answer immediately and forcefully with Love & Humanity. The
sequence in the events of history is very evident and even the patches can be
detected here and there but the patches in this very century as I have
mentioned are very striking indeed. Let us ourselves concentrate on this
point and ask others too for attention as this may empower all to answer
strongly to this occasion guiding us more towards Islam through

A very interesting thing to note is that in the first patch of this century, a
drama took place in Muharram the first hijri month in our calendar; the
actors were Russians and totally unaware that they are making a play. That
was Nov. 7, 1917, when the Hijri month Muharram was in progress. The
man dethroned was born in Muharram (though Czar Nicholas was dethroned
in March, yet this in actual was the turning point for him) and the main
leader of the coup was also born in Muharram (yes, Lenin was born in
Muharram). The main leader who assigned to Communism a specific nature
and ruled that place for nearly 30 years, was also born in Muharram. After
Stalin, this satanic system was on the decline and though it was Safar, the
second Hijri month, when it collapsed completely (Aug. 21, 1991), the plan
for this evil system which failed may have been made in Muharram. This
month seems to have an affinity with injustice and just recently we had a
ruler who talked about Islam much but only took steps which were more of a
show, neglecting the essence of Islam. He was born in Muharram and died in
Muharram but indeed his total support for JIHAD-e-AFGHANISTAN is
something which really is an amazingly great credit for him and which may
even wash his wrong-doings. We must always remember that there are many
influences operating in this world around us and therefore nobody must be
judged by only one influence as this in itself would be injustice. Everybody
in truth must be judged on the basis of Islam and no other. Keeping the same
topic, let us see another Hijri month which is unlike Muharram, of a great
Islamic value and asks for development of high morality. Even an ordinary
Muslim knows well that Ramazan is a very holy month and indeed a chosen
month by Allah. All of the Holy Books have been sent in the world in this
month by Allah and the fight of BADAR the battle marking the Truth took
place in this month. The conquest of Mecca was had in this great month and
indeed in this very month, the decisions of Allah are conveyed to angels for
the coming year so that they may fulfill their duties accordingly. ROZA is
practiced in this month and a very special attention is achieved regarding all
good practice. A very important thing is that Ramazan is again manifesting
itself as a very holy & sacred month in regards to the events which have and
are taking place in this century. The most striking thing is that Pakistan came
into being in Ramazan in the 40's, the second patch. This must also be
remembered that Islam was introduced here by Muhammad Bin Qasim in
Ramazan the date being 10th (I often feel pleased as I remember that I was
born in Ramazan on this very date i.e. at the Taraveeh time of the 10th Roza
which is a great blessing by Allah upon my humble self). Pakistan has
achieved some very important success in Ramazan but here detail is neither
desired nor possible. We must guide attention towards the special features
regarding Muharrum and regarding Ramazan so that people interested in
natural matters may be guided towards Islam through observation.
The fifth thing to note in this discussion is the amazing similarity between
languages. The Holy Quran has pointed out that all languages spring from a
basic speech, taught by Allah (see any good Tafseer of the first few verses of
Sura Rahman). Not long ago, I read about a report of how the words having
a certain meaning of many languages resemble each other and thus
indicating that all languages in actual have one root. MUFASSIREEN
(persons who have through their vast Islamic knowledge wrote comments on
the verses of the Holy Quran for Its better understanding) have suggested
this many centuries before. There are quite a few things taken as discoveries
leading to some opening in the knowledge of the study of man, mostly in the
field of Psychology due to its affinity with the spiritual side of man, which
have been put forward by Muslims many centuries before in true nature and
the interpretation of Dreams by Ibn-e-Sereen is one of the greatest works of
Muslims in this regard. Muslims have much contributed to the knowledge of
Medicine and Astronomy too and in fact these 3 subjects must be studied by
Muslims deeply today and their commands regarding moral side must be
clarified in these times as the Holy Quran points out that by the study of
AAFAQ (universe) and ANFUS (self) non-Muslims would be convinced of
the Holy Quran being the Truth particularly about QAYAMAT (See Sura
HA MEEM AS-SAJDA-53) and therefore concentration on these 3 subjects
would indeed pave way for the non-Muslims to respect Islam, if not accept it
fully. However, concentration must only be through the power of
observation and laboratory experiments must totally be avoided as much of
the wrong has been committed through laboratory in these 3 fields of
knowledge by the Islamic viewpoint. Although, I feel sorry for the West on
their misunderstandings yet I feel much ache for Muslims when I see that
Muslims who have a complete code of life, get dazzled by the philosophies
of the West, which does have people of intelligence where material &
physical matters are concerned but is totally wanting where spiritual things
come into consideration. This folly suggests an inferiority complex on the
part of the Muslims and also is a barrier for them to understand the truth
about any matter regarding the mentioned 3 subjects. Muslims must shake
off all kinds of inferiority complex and must care about the concepts of
Islam in all walks of life so as to achieve the glory they have lost and so as
to teach the world and not be taught. This must be understood well that
Muslims are facing these trying times since a century and its not much time
in the life of mankind. We must work hard for the job to be done well. The
Word of Allah would surely reign manifesting itself totally but only He
knows how, when and by whom. We must give our best at this trying time as
the good deeds done at this time would indeed bear great fruits in
AKHIRAT. May Allah bless all Muslims and guide them to glory. AMEN



Laws of the Universe

It is an interesting fact to note that all the Laws in the Universe are
complementary to each other. In this writing, I want to present some
points to note for this very interesting fact. As a Muslim, I believe that
Allah has created this whole Universe in accordance with His Declared
Laws. I have noted an interesting thing that these laws that operate in
the Universe have their application at different planes especially at both
physical and spiritual levels. In other words, when we talk about a
Physical, Chemical or Biological law, we are at the same time talking
about something spiritual as that very law has its application on this
level too. Here I would try to write some of these Laws that I have
observed to apply clearly to all sides of a human life. Although, I have
nothing as a Laboratory item to prove the Truth of this statement (and
that is indeed not even needed as I would take Islamic Reasoning to
prove my point) yet the basic apparatus that ought to be applied for the
verification is Observation and that every person does have with him so
I would ask all to learn Islam that clearly tells us about the inside of all
of us and see the Truth for own-selves. Let us start with the basic laws
of Physics i.e. the Three Laws of Motion.

The First Law states: "Every body continues its state of rest or uniform
motion in a straight line, unless it is acted upon by an external force"
(Inertia). Spiritually, the law applies well if you keep the history of the
world in mind that great changes have always occurred when one or
some of the persons stood up against wrongs being committed and
under their forceful guidance, common men that were not applying
themselves to change the position stood up to the situation and we nt out
to change the world for the better or the wrong-doers were destroyed by
Allah through his Total Power after His Guidance was clearly known
yet not accepted. The Holy Quran tell us in Sura RAAD, Ayat-11 that
"Allah does not change the position of a people unless they change their
position by their own selves".

The Second Law states: "The larger the Force acting upon a body, the
greater is its acceleration but the larger its mass, the lesser is its
acceleration". In other words this law tells us that acceleration is
directly proportional to Force applied but inversely proportional to
mass it has. Also, 1 Newton Force produces 1 meter per second per
second acceleration in a 1 Kg. body. This in form of the equation of
Physics is F=ma, whereas "F" is Force, "m" is mass and "a" is
acceleration. Spiritually this law tells us that a good person or persons
that acted forcefully to change their people for their betterment had
good results with low mass of people. The forceful guidance was able to
produce great zeal in them to assert their views well and change many
people for the better. The Life of the Great Man and Last Messenger of
Allah, i.e. Muhammad S.A.W.S. is a clear proof for this. It is said in
Quran in Sura Baqara, Ayat-249 that "The people who understood that
they have to meet Allah, said that how many times have a small number
of people conquered a great mass of people by the permission of Allah".
This means that when the True Belief (Force) is present with a low
number of people (mass), this force is applied well to give a good result
(acceleration). At other place, Sura Mai'da, Ayat-100 tells us that "Say
o Prophet, Good and Evil are not equal even if the great mass of evil
amaze you, so fear Allah O wise people so that you may get the success."

The Third Law of Motion in Physics states that "the reaction to an

action is equal in force of that action but opposite in direction". In other
words, Physics tells us that when you hit a ball on the wall it bounces
back with the same force as the wall gives it back as its reaction but the
angle would be opposite from the initial angle. A ball that has been hit
straight would come back straight as the opposite direction of straight is
straight only yet other ways of hitting a ball on a wall would lead it
towards the opposite angle in the same plane. Other example is of a
book lying on a table as it is in equilibrium due to all the forces applying
on it making each other neutral thus causing the book to be static. Now,
we have heard by our elders that you would reap what you sow. And
this is the observation of all people indeed that whatever a person does
he gets his reward or punishment in this world too in the long run. A
good deed done many years back has the ability to save a person from
much evil at the present time. Sometimes, a good deed done by parents
may save a person from evil and bad deeds of one may make one bear
the wrongs of others towards one. This is not only right for an
individual but also for a nation indeed. But though the rule of Physics is
very firm yet the application on spiritual side of this rule in this world
has an element of Probability as some good deeds do affect lives here
and some dont. Likewise some bad deeds do apply harshly while others
dont. Also, the proportion in this world between the good deed and its
affect and the bad deed and its influence may not be in balance.
However, the rule does apply well at the Spiritual side when we keep
this in mind by the Islamic Viewpoint that The day of Judgment would
come and on that day Allah would judge everything and everyone. Allah
tells us "And commit to Prayers and give Zakat (money that is given to
Poor), and whatever good you send ahead for yourself you would find it
with Allah. He sees all whatever you do"(Sura Baqr-110). At other
verse, He tells us "you all have to return to Allah. The Word of Allah is
True. He has started the Creation and He would again start it so that
He may give what is due to the persons who accepted the Faith and did
Good Deeds with Justice. And those who rejected the Truth, for them is
boiling water to drink and a very severe punishment due to their
rejection of the Truth" (Sura Younus-04). At Sura Zilzal it is said that
"When the earth is shaken to her convulsion, And the earth throws up
her burdens, And man cries: 'What is the matter with her?' On that
Day will she declare her tidings: For that thy Lord will have given her
inspiration. On that Day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to
be shown the deeds that they had done. Then anyone who has done an
atom's weight of good, shall see it. And anyone who has done an atom's
weight of evil, shall see it". (Sura Zilzal-whole of it). So the Day of
Judgment would come and on that day all rewards and all punishment
would be given for good. That clarifies that "as you sow so shall you

Now, let us take Chemistry. It tells us that there are many elements
present around us. These all have many properties according to their
grouping. There is a sequence in their properties and so groups have
been formed of elements of same properties. The table for this grouping
is named as Periodic Table of Elements and though it was first
discovered by Mendeleev in 1869, it is mostly known as the Moseley's
Periodic Table of Elements as Moseley showed in 1913 that the sequence
of Elements must be based on the Protons contained by the atom of any
element (and it is known as its atomic number) and not on the weight it
has, as was thought by Mendeleev. However, there is a discrepancy at a
few places only as the atomic weight of any given element is double of its
atomic number mostly. Technically the atomic weight in number is
taken by the Protons + Neutrons that reside at the nucleus of the atom.
The charge of an atom is always neutral due to neutron being neutral at
charge and the positive charge of Proton being neutralized by the
negative charge of Electrons being equal in number to Protons, that
revolve around the nucleus in well organized orbits that contain them.
In fact, there is a mathematical rule that applies to the electrons to fill
the mentioned orbits and that is 2n Squared. So the first orbit known as
the K-orbit may contain up-to 2 electrons (2*1 squared), while the L-
orbit may contain up-to 8 electrons (2*2 squared) and the M-orbit may
contain up-to 18 electrons (2*3 squared) and so on. So the configuration
of Electrons that fill the orbits in an atom of Sodium (Na) that has its
atomic Number 11 (that means its protons and electrons are 11 each
while its neutrons are 12 so its atomic weight is 11+12=23), is 2 in K-
Orbit, 8 in L-orbit and 1 in M-orbit. As the last orbits' electrons tell the
group of an element so "Na" belongs to the group 1a (that is also known
as alkali metals group). Chemistry is totally based on the study of
Elements and whatever else is studied in Chemistry is sure to be
connected with Elements in some way or other so here this all detail of
elements shows that there is a sequence and a pattern in all the elements
present on Earth. Basically 92 Elements are present on Earth while 17
are said to be prepared or seen at laboratory and sometimes even more
are claimed. However these Rules do stand well on all the 109 or more
elements indeed. The most interesting thing in the behavior of elements
is that they try to achieve a Peaceful situation for themselves and for
that they seem to know that they have to fill the last orbit of their atom
with Eight Electrons or in other words they must belong to the group of
8A for this Undisturbed position also known as Zero Group or Noble
Gases Group (the elements in Zero Group are gases that do not combine
to form compounds and so they are found only as elements). After this
brief introduction to chemistry and what its all about, I would point out
that the Holy Quran tells us that the true success for a human being is
to get Jannah (Paradise) in the day of Judgment for it is a place where a
soul has total peace and ease getting all what it wants. An Ayat (verse of
the Holy Book Quran) tells us "Every soul has to taste the taste of
death. And you would be given your returns at the Day of Judgment. So
whoever is saved from the Fire and is admitted to the Paradise so then
he achieved success. And the worldly life is nothing but a trade of
deception"(Sura AAL-e-IMRAN). So here an appeal to the quest of
peace in human beings is clearly visible showing that human beings also
naturally are the seekers of Peace like the elements present around.
There is also a message in the neutrality of an atom of an element that
whatever is created is Balanced. We have the power to make ourselves
PEACEFUL by true love, right judgment and good decision. We have
also the free will to destroy ourselves by wrong judgment of course. For
this Peace, Human Beings also mate with the other sex of their own kind
like the combination of positive and negative ions in the elements to
complete their outermost orbit with eight electrons and to form
compounds. It is said in Sura AARAF-189 that Allah is the One who
created you all from one soul and from him He made his spouse so that
he may have peace through her. The translation of the last four Ayats of
Sura Fajr is "O the Peaceful Soul! Return to your True Lord as such
that you are happy with Him and He is happy with you. Enter those
people that are My true worshippers and enter the Paradise". The study
of History and Psychology also prove the validity of the statement that
the laws that apply on the physical plane have their similar application
at the spiritual plane too. However, keeping to the concepts that relate
to Chemistry here, I, MSD, would omit the detail for that presently.

The Biological Sciences have at its root the CELL. It is the basic unit
that is present in all Life. Plants, Animals and Human Beings all have
Cells in their body make up and with man every cell is highly advanced,
functioning well at its location in the organ it is present up-to perfection.
These cells do get stressed and strained causing pain, fever and illness.
Sometimes grave danger to life is caused by their malfunctioning
specially at the heart or head where the damaged cells are not replaced.
Also if the blood gets invalid cells, they have the power to kill the native
due to the circulation of blood. Cells make Tissues and Bones that in
return make organs and these organs together form systems of a human
body of a very fine nature. Its a pity that life is considered to be found in
a few kingdoms, two categories of which are given much importance
that is plants and animals (taking man into the category of animals).
This concept is totally erroneous as Human Beings have a high form of
life and must be categorized in their own right. Moreover there is a life
that is not seen by physical eyes yet it is present. However keeping to
Scientific Laws I would not comment any more on that here. The rule of
Biology or Physiology that I would like to indicate here for my
reasoning is that there is a physical defense present in all human beings
and even in other life forms. This immune system is highly advanced
and it tries to prevent any disease at the first place and if some cause of
illness does penetrate onto the body then the white cells in blood (in fact
white cells also have different kinds with many cell specializing in some
fields), fight viciously to finish them off and get rid of the threat they
pose to the body. This physiological rule like other rules does apply well
to the spiritual side too. If you see History you would find that even with
hundreds of threats to human life it has survived well to this day, not
just because it was perfect but because it had an immune system that
fought to stay. But like the Physical Immune System, Human Being has
a Spiritual Immune System too due to which man still has the sense of
righteousness as he has fought the evil of Pride, Jealousy, Abuse of
Power, Shameful acts and all kind of Injustice well in his history and
eliminated all wrong. Human Being is very well alive spiritually too.
There are other biological facts that coincide with the spiritual rules like
the placement of organs in the body and their working in a sequence.
For this I can give some similarities by the spiritual side yet I would ask
all my readers to think on this that all the physical and spiritual rules
are related indicating that there is only ONE SOURCE that has given
all these rules. We do talk about Gravity that holds us to Earth and
Earth to its placement in the Universe and all the planets and the stars
too. In the same sequence, we talk about the psychological connections
of human beings with each other. But why not call it spiritual
connection as the physical gravity. However, I have tried my best to
convey a difficult topic in a common man's style. Now it depends upon
your own judgment how you take it. Though the given examples are not
great in number here yet for the conveying of the basic idea, these are
certainly quite enough. I would ask you to accept this initiative I have
given here and go for more research through your own observation.
Although good knowledge of Islamic Teachings with good knowledge of
Science and Psychology must be present, yet it is not impossible to
achieve such knowledge and apply it. By concentration, insha Allah (by
the will of Allah) a better view would be achieved on the Point that
"Rules that apply physically for the human beings do apply clearly at
the spiritual level too for the human beings". Certainly, all praise is for
Allah, the only Creator of the creation and the only True Authority; Al-
Hamdu Lillah.

Muhammad Saleem Dada


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