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World History I


Week 1 04.10.2012 MONGOL INVASIONS Starting from middle of Central Asia we can see that there is a huge expansion in a very short time span. What is the significance of the Mongol invasion is the fact that during this period the only existing empires, regimes had been totally affected, most of these khanates, were totally undermined or totally erased from history. So the Mongol Invasions, if achieved something, is the fact it created a way for new political structures, in the regions, from shores of Japan to the middle of Europe. The father of the Mongol Empire was Genghis Khan who ruled from 1162 to 1227 and what was significant about him was that he established the Mongol Empire in Central Asia. His real name was Timuchin but he was nicknamed as Genghis which oceanic ruler, so ruler of the oceans. Mongol traditions made them to believe that Mongols were destined by heaven to subdue all people. So all people of the world were destined to be controlled by Mongols. What is significant is that when Genghis died, his empire was divided among his four sons. But death of him did not mean end of Empire. From 1229 to 1241 it was the period of gedei, and during his reign Mongols had taken northern China and Russia. In 1258 Mongols took Baghdad and it was the end of Abbasid Caliphate. After that point Caliphates lost they rules. The Abbasid Caliph escaped to Cairo under the Mukluks protection. That was considered as a huge destruction in Islamic history because when Mongols took the City they destroyed it totally. From 1260 to 1284 Great Khan Kublai established his Yuan Dynasty in China and Marco Polo arrives in 1275 at Kublais court. During this period all history talks about huge destruction. They controlled most of Central Asia; they subdued Islamic Empires, Chinese Empires. Invasions created an opportunity for the non-established states to rise. Pax-Mongolica
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was established from 1210 to 1350. They used it because during this period exchange between east and west had fastened. Once they had established they rule, they created a security zone from Asia to Europe in the extend that it controlled the trade roads, security was sustained. This is the period before the gunpowder so it means it was a period where people who can fight, who had fight techniques can win. With their horses and techniques they succeeded to defeat most armies of established rulers. In 1250 Mukluks stopped the Mongols further going to Egypt because they were more capable than Mongols in fighting techniques, but they later lost against Ottoman because they were not as lucky as Mongols because this time the gunpowder was invented. Although Mongol invasions appear to us as huge expansions we will see that they established different dynasties in different regions of this geography. Golden Horde, White Horde, Chagatai Khanate, IL khanate, Yuan Dynasty. Seljuki Anatolia was controlled by IL khanate. What is significant about Mongols is that once they settle they were very much assimilated by local culture, the reason is that their number was low so to certain extend they had to use the locals in order to rule the state because conquest is one thing consolidation is another. You can conquer from horseback but you cannot rule from horseback. Conquest means that you have to be able to rule. Hence we can see the change of religion, when they started from central Asia they were not Muslims, but when they established their khanates they adopted Islam, but Islam is also affected by their local culture hence their traditions were intermingle with Islamic traditions. Wherever there is a stronger culture they become assimilated. Mongol Invasions created a new order prepared a base for rise of new states in the region. Ottomans, Mukluks and

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World History I Safavits, benefited from the situation created by the Mongol invasions. OTTOMAN EMPIRE This is Anatolian Selquki state. Mongols succeeded to create power vacuum. Karaman ogullari, claimed that they were successors of selquki state, and this made them legitimate in the eyes of people, thats why they were a bit longer. What made the Ottomans possible to rise is related to what we discussed earlier. They hold their existence during the 4th crusade in 1204, and also owe their rise to the no fight period in the Balkans. In 4th crusade idea was, the venetians decided that rather than going to Jerusalem they wanted to go to Constantinople. It ended with Latin invasion of Constantinople. When they invaded they established a Latin kingdom there so they put a Latin emperor, and Byzantine lands in Greece were divided among the Latin leaders, including the islands. From 1204 to 1261 the Byzantine Emperor Michael III Paleilogos conquered Constantinople. Only in 1261 they were able to come back and establish rule. Although they took Constantinople, they lost the other territories; the lands were in the hands of Latin kings. It was impossible for them to bring back their Balkan lands together. So it created a huge vacuum especially in Balkan lands. They were not in a position to touch and rule, this made possible for different Balkan rulers to establish their states, such as Kingdom of Serbia, Bulgaria etc. Every power vacuum is filled. The emperor decided to concentrate on west and he left the eastern borders. It allowed the rise of local rulers or feudal lords who controlled little territories but it also created a good opportunity for neighbor eastern states. Geneva and Venetia were trading countries and they had colonies in Aegean and Black Sea. Genevis existence in the region was good for Ottomans because they had very good trade relations with them and economic relations, who provided them with cash, which is important for Ottomans rise, so this was a good chance for rise and establishment.
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Jeton DUKAGJINI 1071 Doors of Anatolia were opened to the Muslim world. Thanks to changing conditions in the East, more and more Turkish tribes stopped in Anatolia. Especially Anatolia Selquki state was not in the position to resist Mongol invasion. In 1243 there is the famous battle of Kosedag which was in the northwest of Sivas, and Anatolian Selquki State became a vassal of Mongols. When they established their khanates they were aware of the fact that they were not in the position to control everywhere so they created vassal relationship. Mongols also allowed the development of other little beyliks, because they didnt want the unification under one beylik. Divide and rule is the motto. They allowed rise of beyliks in order to be loyal to Mongols. Even in Balkans there were different states, Stephen Dushan succeded to established a further rule but after his death again a separation happened. There was a divided Anatolia and a weakened Byzantine which means a beylik near Byzantine can expand and establish rule. This is important to understand how ottomans established, so its thanks to Latins and Mongols. Why the Ottomans? When they established their existence there they were controlling very little lands (around 1300), Osman I established and the name was taken from him. They were not settled, they were nomads. Actually Orhan is considered as the real founder of the Ottomans. The reason is that Osman did not capture but during Orhans reign large Byzantine lands were conquered by Ottomans. They get lands not only from infidels so not only jihad, but they also were getting lands from their neighbors, Karasiolgullari in order to reach Gelibolu. Orhan did not only conquere the cities such as Bursa, Ulubat, Iznik 1326,27 he also got lands from Karesi, it was important for Ottomans, because it provided Ottomans to the lands to Dardanels, that meant they were on their way to the other side. Ottomans were also pragmatic, they were not just on their horses killing infidels, they were clever, had very good relations with the Genevis, they allowed the genevis to be tax collectors. Orhan on the one hand created good
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World History I economic relations in the region and also he was not only fighting against Byzantines, we can see that Orhan involved to the Byzantine politics, he became the ally of Cantacusinos. In Byzantine there were more than one ruler. There was rivalery between Cantacusinos and Paleilogos, and John V was coming from the Paleilogos family. There was a civil war, Orhan allied with Cantacusinos and married daughter Theodora in 1346. That is an important attempt and through this he became involved in Byzantine politics. If necessary Ottomans used also diplomacy and marriage not only fight. Marriage was important part of Ottoman politics. Ottoman soldiers fought in the Byzantine army against the Balkan neighbors, they helped the Byzantines. An important conquest came, they conquered Gelibolu in 1354. That made Ottomans put their foot in Europe. Ottoman Empires expansion continued to the west. Hence according to some it was originally European Empire. Ottomans used this very well. Genevis and Venecians were fighting against each other because they were main rivals. After Orhan, Murat I came to power in 1361. He did not simply look at the west he also conquered Germiyan, Hamit and Teke- the trade road. They put their foot on an open sea. You are tying Bursa to Mediterranean. So it shows that they used to control main trade roots. Murat I also challenged the position of Byzantine. The King Stephan Dushan died and his control was loosened. The biggest conquest of this time was the fall of Adrianople, or Edirne in 1369. They had two strategies, one to conquer and make it the territory of the Ottomans but especially Ottomans preferred to create vassal relationship, they kept the existing rulers but made them depended on the Ottoman Empire. In order to strengthen these bones they used marriage, for example in order to control Bulgaria he married sister of Shishman and her name was Tamar, and through this marriage Bulgaria became vassal. There was another conquest Theseloniki or Selanik, which was Ottoman territory until 1913. They conquered in in 1387. During the Murats
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Jeton DUKAGJINI time. By 1387 all southern Macedonia became under his control. Now Ottomans wanted to go further. They wanted also the kingdom of Serbia, he entered the territory of Lazar, but Lazar stopped him. The Ottomans were disturbed also in the East. Karamanogullari was not able to digest the fact that Ottomans were expanding, because they were legitimate rulers of the territories. While Murat I was busy in Balkans, Karamans attacked Ottoman territories and hence forced Murat I to have a campaign against Karaman in 1386. Although this stopped Karaman expansion, this was defensive campaign. Anatolians did not accept Ottomans that easy, while in Balkans they accept easier. Ottomans turned their face to the west and met the army of Prince Lazar in Kosovo in 1389. The famous war of Kosovo. During this encounter Prince Lazar and Murat I died in battle field, where Murat I was assassinated by a Serbian called Milos Obilic. Kosovo war became a great victory with many loses for Ottomans. Murat I died and Beyazit I came to throne in 1389 and ruled until 1402. He was nicknamed as Yildirim because during his reign the Ottomans expanded enormously. Beyazit I was a great conquerer but not a good conquester. First he attacked Aydin and Mentese, which were trade Empires, they were Sea Force Beyliks. He attacked Karaman because he saw them as main rival, also campaigned against Isvandiyer Ogullari which were controlling the central part of Black Sea. They were keeping Byzantines because during the campaign against Isvandiyer Ogullari Byzantines helped Ottomans because they were vassal. Also there was a power struggle with Serbia, the king Sigusmut. Ottomans succeeded to control Serbia, he married Lazars daughter Olivera. Byzantines looked support from the west and used religion to do this, saying that all the Christians should be collected, and they did, they collected a huge force from France, England, German and Hungary. They attacked Ottomans in 1396 in the Battle of Nikopolis. Ottomans defeated this force, and this victory was considered the end of effective crusades to the east.
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World History I This put Constantinople under great threat. He sieged Constantinople for four times but was not effective. He took some Greek territories and Albanian through either war or marriage. Ottoman flet in the Aegean was a threat for Venecis and Genevis. When we come to 16th century ottomans were navys superpower. Balkans was easy but when they turned to Anatolia it was not that easy. Karamans were the main rivals. He launched a campaign in 1397 against Karamans and killed its bey Aleaddin. So by 1397 there was no more Karamanogullari left. He sent his sister, the wife of Aleaddin and her children to Bursa. He targeted further Isvandiyar Ogullari and took Samsun and Amasya, Sivas and also Malatya from the Mamluks. Timur born between 1320s,30s arrived in Anatolia and of course Ottomans who succeeded to get rid of Beyliks were not able to stand against this power coming so fast from central Asia and lost the war in Ankara in 1402. It is said that he was captured or suicide. He is the only Ottoman Sultan that was captured in the battle. Starting from Murat I period Ottomans started to have Janissaries made of war prisoners, but generally the other part of army was collected from different parts, for example Serbians come to help because they were vassals, and soldiers collected from Anatolia, but also they were kept under their Beyliks. Before the Ottomans started the war these part already escaped to Timur because he promised them something. Timur promised them that once he had beaten Ottomans they would get back their Beyliks. They changed side and were not loyal to Ottomans. Ottomans lost to the extent that they entered to the period of interregnum. Week 2 11.10.2012
When Timur succeeded, Beyazit I was captured. His death signified the end of unity of Ottoman State, because with this failure they lost the control of Anatolia again. As Timur promised, he turned the lands back to the Beyliks. Timurs aim was not to conquer but they made a vassal system, and prevent the Notes for World History I Ebru Boyar

unification of Anatolia. He wanted to prevent a rise of successful challenge. Beyazit I left four sons this sons after his death were in a confused situations because there was a huge disorganization in the Empire and also Ottomans did not have a rule of succession. In the Feudal system the eldest son takes the title and all the lands, but in Ottoman Empire this was not so. In Ottomans whoever strongest gets the throne, you have to come to capital and sit on the throne and also make sure that everybody accepts you. They all had same rights to sit on the throne. So there was fratricide. Rule of succession was not considered appropriate because it allows the princes to compete. One of the brothers Suleyman claimed his rule in Europe and in the Balkan territory, on the other hand Mehmet I took the control of Amasya and Ankara. He took his brother Musa under his control. Isa controlled western Anatolia so we can see that there is a division. Also there was another son Mustafa and he was captured by Timur, but we do not know what happened with him. So the brothers started to fight with each other, and in the end Mehmet I succeeded and became the head of Emirate in 1413. He was considered as a sultan that reunited the State. However, when he succeeded and killed his brothers we can see that there were problems. There were revolts, Mehmet I disturbed the ones who were under loyalty of his brothers, he killed many subjects. His main target was Aydin and Mentese and recontrolled, he also attacked Isvandiyerogullari and Karahan, also Genevis colony in Samsun and organized fights in Balkans. By 1421 he died. He managed to be sure that Ottoman state reemerged after the struggle. After his death Murat II came to throne and ruled from 1421 to 1451. When he sat on the throne the first thing he had to deal with was two revolts: One from his uncle Mustafa (Fake Mustafa) and his brother Mustafa. We see that they still had to deal with these internal problems. His reign was a consolidation period more than conquest because he made sure that he will have deeper roots in Anatolia and Balkans. Murat II was not able to expand in Anatolia because he was fearful of Timur son Shah Rukh. He did not allowed the Ottomans to attack the Karamans. So Murat II married the sister of Bey of Karaman. He looked more in the west, especially Hungary and Venis. Venis Page 4

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had landholding in Greece, Albania and Aegean Sea. Venis had the biggest navy in those times. On the other hand was more Ottoman neighbor. Balkans was a juicy apple. In 1442 Hungarian army in alliance with Serbs made many losses to Ottomans. Hungarians also invaded Bulgaria in 1443 with the help of Crusaders. So Murat II was in a terrible situation. Serbia which was Ottoman vassal now became Hungarian vassal. In 1444 Murat II fell in depression and he left the throne to 12 years old son Mehmet II. Some say that he was sick of fighting. In those time Hungarians succeeded more and more in Balkans. They now started to organize another crusade known as Varna Crusade in 1444. This time Poland and Hungary provided soldiers for Crusade and they attacked the Ottomans and this ended with Ottoman victory. While this army was approaching, Ottomans called Murat II to lead the army, not as Sultan but as the leader of the army. Murat now was convinced to come to throne again so in 1446 he came back and stayed there until his death in 1451. What is significant about Murat II reign is that the state became more centralized and unified, he established better tax collection system, and he employed civil servants. His period was a consolidation period. Murat IIs death was considered as a new era from the Ottoman perspective because Mehmet II now came to throne for the second time from 1451 to 1481 and his period was considered the period when Ottoman State moved from being a state to Empire. In 1453 Mehmet II attacked Constantinople and this was the end of Byzantine Empire. Istanbul in those days was the last place of Byzantine Empire. Ottomans conquest of Istanbul was not a surprise because Byzantine was only a little blink in the map of Ottoman territory. Scar on a beautiful face of a woman. Important of this conquest is the symbolic value. It was a kind of point where the Westerns started to talk about Turks and Muslims because Constantinople was not only simply center of Byzantine Empire but it was also established by the King Constantine in 5th century, built as a Roman city. Ottomans needed this place because it was naturally theirs; they also wanted control of Bosporus. It cannot be left anymore to live. During Mehmet II many expansions happened, he retook lands from Karaman, he conquered Trabzon. Notes for World History I Ebru Boyar

With conquest of Trabzon all the Byzantine rulers were cleared from Anatolia. In Europe he reconquered Serbian territories, attacked Bosnia and Albania, took Aegean Islands from Veniss. In Black Sea he made Crimea a vassal state and took Jaffa from Genevis settlement, controlled Isvandiyar ogullari. Borders of Ottomans state further expanded in Balkans. Sea was becoming more and more central to the Ottomans, now Ottomans was not simply controlling some of sea places; it established a big power in the Sea. Ottoman Empire was getting its shape. Mehmet IIs death did not bring happiness. It brought again problems. Beyazit II and Cem now were in struggle. According to some stories Cem was Mehmets favorite son. Beyazit II was supported by devsirme. These brothers came face to face. What Mehmet II did, he took lands from nobles and put them to the state treasury and also he seized some peace foundations that were in the name of some nobles, what created a lot of anger. Beyazit II promised some of nobles to turn back their lands. So he gained support from Cems supporters. Cem fought against his brother in 1481 and 1482 and lost in both cases. Then Cem first went to the Mamluks, after that he came back to Anatolia then he went to Rome, from the to France, and he ended in Vatikan, and finally found himself in the hands of Pope, called as sad Prince in the hands of Christians. They did not kill Cem but kept him under lock, and made sure that if Beyazit II attacks, they will release him. In order to keep him silent and locked according to some source Beyzait II payed 45,000 gold pieces. Cem even he was in the hand of Pope there was still support in Anatolia for him. Beyazit II was also worried that Cem could collect armies and also Cem was wanted from the Mamluks. Cem became like a symbol of opposition to Ottomans. During his time he did not attack Europe. This helped the west to breath. But Cem died in 1495 and how he died is another question mark, some say that Beyazit II payed someone to poison him, some say that Pope poisoned etc etc. His death opened a new path, now Beyazit II started to attack Venis. Between 1499 to 1503 a war started with Venis and in the end Ottomans conquered three important Venician centers. Before that Ottomans were already having wars with the Mamluks from 1481 to 1491. These wars were Page 5

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very destructive for Ottomans because Ottomans did not get any territories. During Beyazit II reign there were lots of unrest. His son Selim I, accused his father of being very passive. During Beyazit IIs time we can see centralization in the Ottoman establishment. During his time national Ottoman institutions were established. Beyazit II had to leave the throne, where his Son Selim I succeeded to killed his brothers, and forced his father to leave the throne, although his favorite son was Ahmet, and while he was moving to a place towards Balkans, to live rest of his life he died on the way, again there is a question that how he died. So in the end after a civil war Selim I came to power in 1512 and he ruled only for 8 years until 1520, but during his time we may see that Ottoman Empire doubled or tripled. With Selim I, Ottoman Empire became more Asian state than European how it was before. During his time he conquered Arab territories, Syria, Iraq, Holy Cities of Mekke and Medine, then Palestine and Egypt. So we can see an incredible expansion, and all the eastern Anatolia was controlled during his reign. He had a powerful background made of janissaries. He was energetic and cruel. He believed that in order to keep calm the population you have to keep them busy so he kept them busy fighting. Selim I learned to hate Safavits, while he was raised in Trabzon. Safavit state was established in 1501,02 according to the sources. But actually the beginning of Safavit states goes back further. During the Mehmets reign, Ottomans were neighbor to Akkoyuns and after Uzun Hasans death the Akkoyun state was more left in hand or incompetent rulers. In meantime a new ruler or sheikh appeared and he was Shah Ismail. Selim I knew that Ottomans had to be more aggressive against Eastern neighbors. Therefore after getting rid of his father, brothers and nephews and make sure that Suleyman, his son, is the only successor of his throne, he looked at Safavits. During his time he increased the janissaries salaries and their number. Yavuz Sultan Selim, Yavuz means grim, so it has a negative meaning. On 23rd August 1514 Ottoman armies met with Safavits in Caldiran (Van) and it ended with the victory of Ottomans. What made them victorious was the use of gunpowder. Ottoman technological superiority made them to win wars against Safavits. Selim I did not stop Notes for World History I Ebru Boyar

with Caldiran, he reached Safavit capital, Tebriz but he could not stay there due to limited supplies. But also Safavits had a tactic, when they withdraw, they burned and poisoned everything, and this does not allow the coming army to find anything there. This meant that Ottomans should bring the food with themselves, so when they entered Tebriz they could not find anything to eat. Ottomans became the main providers of gunpowder in 16th century. Selim I could not stay in Tebriz and after he left Shah Ismail came back to city. But he made sure that Shah Ismail will not be a direct threat to Ottomans. Shah Ismails poetry was popular. Selim I did not go back to Istanbul but finished his business with Dulkadirogullari, controlling Malatya area. After that turned his face to Mamluk territories and with the war of Mercidabik in August 1516 he controlled todays Syria and Palestine, after that in 1517 Selim I entered Kairo. Selim I attacked Mamluks because he wanted to control the spice roots. In another way he was taking revenge from Mamluks as his father asked him to do so before his death. Ottomans therefore had a lot of reasons, regardeless of religion they can conquere religions. With this conquest they controlled Kairo and Damascus, two important cities, Jerusalem, Mekke and Medine now became under Ottoman Control. Ottomans now were controlling most of Arab Lands, and some say that Sultan took the name of Khalif. That was the end of Abbasi Khalifate. Ottomans claimed themselves as protectors of Sunni Islam. Now they were also the protectors of pilgrimage way. Selim I died in 1520. Suleyman I came to power and ruled until 1566. He was called Kanuni because of extensive codification of laws. West calls him Magnificent. Now it is considered as world dominant power. In order to understand what happens in Ottoman Empire in 16th century we have to look what is happening outside the Empire too. Especially things were changing in the west. Religious wars in 16th century were not actually religious, they were more political. Suleymans main problem was to control all these territories, he had to protect the borders and make sure of production. During this period Ottomans had role in Europes politics. They also had to deal with other problems, like changing of the trade roots. Portuguese and Spanish were more and more Page 6

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controlling the sea. There was also unrest in Janissaries. After 1550s onwards they were in the mood of defense. Suleymans only survived son is Selim II. While Suleyman was old, his sons Beyazit and Selim II started to fight with each other and Beyazit actually revolted against his father and during his time as a prince in Bursa. There was a general unrest. Suleyman killed Mustafa in the second Iranian campaign. Ottomans during this period were more trying to keep what they had got. When Selim II came to throne, his successes were limited but that is because he had to deal with increasing Iranian problems. In meantime there was a revolt in Yemen which he had to suppress; his only conquest was Cyprus in 1571. Center of world was shifting from eastern medditereinian to south. Selim II was followed by his son Murat III. He was very much who was too ambitious. He came to throne in 1574 and ruled for 21 years until 1595, he wanted the glory of his grandfather and he wanted it to be quick so started to attack Safavits, with reason that they did not respect the peace. In his period Ottomans expanded their territories in the lands of Safavits, reached to Caspian Sea. Conquest and Consolidation. These wars continued for many years. But actually lost many money and power in order to get territories, and also lost more to control and keep these lands. He had also wars with Hapsburgs and continued during next two sultans. When we look at period of those periods there is very important thing. When we look to the wars from the period of Murat III and onwards the wars are long, 10 or 20 years, there is a war of attrition, what meant a lot of spending of money and food. After those periods now Ottomans were only getting back what they lost, and defend, no conquest anymore. Murat III was followed by his son Mehmet III who had a kind of similar story. When we come to 17th century we are seeing the Sultans to be questioned.

Egypt. There is one household known as Bahri, and another one called Burgi. Mamluks were under the control of a master so they had a master and they shared a loyalty to him, they create a kind of bond. What is significant is that it was not sure that masters son is going to be the future master. And also there were different households, like little family units, they are loyal to each other but always fighting with each other. In the period starting with 1240s we can see that things are changing in Egyptian territories, Ayubis lost they control and there was civil war. Mamluks said that if they cannot rule we will take control. This happened in 1250. In 1260 Mongol army was defeated by Mamluks. This was the end of Mongol threat for Egypt but there was disunity in Ayubi throne. This legitimacy gained through this heroic defense made the Mamluks now the owner of the state, they replaced Ayubis more easily. Baybar who was the commander of army against the Mongols now became the ruler of new Egyptian state. During the period of Baybars, now the rule of Mamluks was from Egypt to Toros Mountains. They did not simply control Egypt but also controlled Malatya and controlled greater Syria and became the protector of Islam by controlling Mekke and Medine. Also they were controlling the Spice roots. It was a huge source of income for the Mamluks. Bahri household ruled from 1250 to 1382. In the end 1382 the Bahri household was replaced by Burgi household which ruled until Ottoman conquest of Egypt in 1517. Burgi period had certain problems. During also Bahri household there was Black Death, plague. One third of Egyptian population died, this meant less agricultural production, what meant less money, and tax. Their raise started with the battle with Mongols, the battle of Angelut. Plague is almost a part of international scene in these centuries. When we talk about end of 14th century, Mamluks had similar problems with Ottomans, the rise of Timur. He was not simply attacking Anatolia, but also sect Damascus, and took northern Syria. It also created a further problem. The Mamluk beys in Damascus had revolted against their masters in Kairo. When the Ottomans succeed to recover theirselves especially in 15th century, Mamluks had now another problem, the Ottomans. Now two sunni states were becoming rivals. Mamluks also Page 7

Mamluks is a household. It is a slave Empire. They were originally main military households. These households units consist of warriors who were recruited from slaves. This means that young boys who were enslaved were trained as professional soldiers in these households as military in different dynasties in Notes for World History I Ebru Boyar

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controlled todays Adana. Their relations with certain Beyliks were so threatening to Ottomans. When we come to the beginning of 16th century, Selim I fought with Safavits, Dulkadirogullari and with Mamluks, so it was planned because of power.


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