Biology Study Guide

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The Parts of a Microscope and their functions

Body Tube - Magnifies the image by 10x Nosepiece - Allows the user to change the power of the lens Scan power - Magnifies image by 4x Low Power - Magnifies the image by 10x High Power - Magnifies the image by 40x Stage Clips - Holds the slide in place on the stage Diaphram - Controls the amount of light that passes through the specimen Light source - Provides light. Arm - Used to carry the Microscope. Stage - area where you place the specimen. Coarse adjustment - Used for focusing the image under scan or low power Fine Adjustment - Used for focusing the image under low or high power. Base - supports the microscope 1b. Calculate the size of an object on low and high power. Low powers Diameter - 1800m High powers Diameter - 450m

2. List and explain the 10 Big Ideas in Biology.

Cellular Basis of Life - Living things are made of cells. Information and Heredity - Living things are based on a genetic code. Matter and Energy - Living things obtain and use materials and energy. Growth, Development, and Reproduction - All living things reproduce. Homeostasis - Living things maintain a relatively stable internal environment. Evolution - Taken as a group, living things evolve. Structure and Function - Each major group of organisms has evolved its own particular body part Tool Kit - a collection of structures that have evolved in ways that make particular functions possible. Unity and Diversity of Life - Although life takes an almost unbelievable variety of forms, all living things are fundamentally similar at the molecule level. Interdependance in Nature - All forms of life on Earth are connected into a biosphere. Science as a Way of Knowing - Science is not a list of facts, but a way of knowing.
(p20 Parrot)

3. List and Explain the 8 Characteristics of Living Things. Living Things Reproduce. All living things reproduce, meaning that they produce new similar organisms. Living things maintain a stable internal environment.All organisms need to keep their internal environment relatively stable, even when external conditions change dramatically. Living things obtain and use material and energy. All organisms must take in materials and energy to grow, develop, and reproduce. Taken as a group, living things evolve. Over generations, groups of organisms evolve, or change over time. Living things are made up of cells. Organisms are composed of one or more cells - the smallest units considered fully alive. Living things respond to their environment. Organisms detect and respond to stimuli from their environment. Living things grow and Develop. Every organism has a particular pattern of growth and development. Living things are all based on a universal genetic code. All organisms store the complex information they need to live, grow, and reproduce in a genetic code written in a molecule called DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid).

4a. List the parts of an atom; the location of each part; the charge of each part.

4b. Know the energy levels. 4c. Know the Maximum amount of electrons that is found in each from #1 (H) to #20 (Ca). 4d. How does Mass # differ from Atomic #? The atomic number is based on the number of protons there are in an atoms nucleus, while the mass number is the amount of both protons and neutrons in a nucleus. 4e. How do you find the number of protons in an atom? Two ways - You can subtract the amount of neutrons from the mass number, or, if the atom is neither a positive nor negative ion, you can use the number of electrons. 4f. Neutrons? Subtract the amount of protons in the atom from the mass number. 4g. Electrons? Take the number of protons and add the ionic charge to it. Example. If there is Li-1, you would take the proton # (3) and add the ionic charge (-1), making 2 electrons. Or if there is Cl+1, you would take the proton # (17) and add the ionic charge (1), making 18. 4h. How do you determine if an atom will form a cation or an anion? If an electron is removed, it forms a cation. If an electron is added, it forms an anion. 4i. Given the atomic # and mass #, be able to calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each energy level.

The number of protons in an atom is the same as the atomic number. The number of neutrons is found when you subtract the atomic number from the mass number. The number electrons is the same as the number of protons with the addition of the ion number. As for the number in each energy level, the innermost energy level can hold 2 electrons, while the other energy levels can hold 8. 5. Given a pair of atoms, the symbol of each atom, the mass number of each atom, and the atomic number of each atom, determine the correct formula for the pair of atoms. 6a. What is the difference between a covalent bond and an ionic bond? Give an example of each. A covalent bond shares electrons with another atom, while in an ionic bond, an atom gives an electron to another atom and therefore are attracted to each other.

6. Why are hydrogen bond so important? They account for special properties such as cohesion that allows for surface tension, which allows for lightweight objects to float on the surface of water. Heat capacity makes hydrogen bonds be able to take large amounts of heat. 7a. Explain what the four basic types of reactions are. Synthesis reactions - Na + Cl = NaCl Decomposition reactions - NaCl = Na + Cl Exchange reactions - AB+CD= AD+CB Reversible reactions A+B=AB Enzymes are proteins that are important because they speed up chemical reactions that take place in cells.Substrates are the reactions of enzyme reactions. A product is what is produced from a chemical reaction. Substrates are on the H2O + O2 = 2H2O on the right is product that went throughout the enzyme. The energy need to start chemical reaction enzymes make reactions require less energy.

8. What is the importance of water in the chemistry of life? 80% of the human body is made of water. All organism need water to survive. Water supplies necessary components for basic life functions such as supplying energy to cells and photosynthesis for plants. (I dont know much about this and I cant find it in the book.) 9. Define each of the following and give two examples of each: Solute: The substance being dissolved into a solution. Examples: Sugar and salt. Solvent: The substance that dissolves the solute. Examples: water and alcohol. Solution: A mixture in which all the components are evenly distributed throughout it. Examples: Sugar water, Saltwater. 10. Define, give the pH range, and give three examples of each: Acid: Any compound that forms H+ ions in a solution. pH Range: 0-6.9. Examples: Lemon juice, Hydrochloric Acid, milk. Base: A compound that forms OH- ions in a solution. pH Range - 7.1-14. Examples: Bleach, toothpaste, ammonia solution. 11a. Describe how ATP works in a cell and how ADP turns into ATP. ATP stores energy in the cell through the phosphate groups at the end of the carbon compound and releases it by breaking off a phosphate group. ADP, when a phosphate is added, turns into ATP. 11b. Why is it so important? ATP stores and releases energy inside of a cell. 11c. What are the parts of an ATP molecule?

12a. Summarize the the principles of the cell theory. The cell theory states that all living things are made of cells. Cells are the basic units and functions in living things. New cells are produced from existing cells. 12b. Differentiate between a Prokaryotic cell and a Eukaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cells do not enclose their DNA in nuclei, while Eukaryotic cells do.

12c. Identify the structures of a typical animal cell and plant cell; give the function of each.
Structure Nucleus Vacuoles and vessels Function Contains DNA stores materials Animal Cell Has nucleus Plant Cell Has nucleus

Lysosomes Cytoskeleton

Breaks down and recycles macromolecules Maintains cell shape; moves cell parts; helps cells move Organizes cell division Synthesizes proteins


Centrioles Ribosomes

Endoplasmic Reticulum Assembles proteins and lipids Golgi Apparatus Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for storage or transport out of the cell Converts solar energy to chemical energy stored in food



converts chemical energy in food to usable compounds shapes, supports, and protects the cell Regulates materials entering and leaving the cell; protects and supports the cell

Cell wall Cell membrane

13a. Explain Photosynthesis in detail.

13b. Explain the function of a chloroplast during light reaction. Chloroplasts take the light energy from the sun and convert it into glucose, which is used for food in the plant. 14a. Summarize the stages of cellular respiration. 6O2 (Oxygen) + C6H12O6 (Glucose) 6CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) + 6H2O (Water) + Energy To get to from Oxygen and glucose to Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Energy, food must be taken through three stages - Glycolysis, which breaks down glucose into 2 pyruvic acid molecules, the Krebs cycle, which breaks down pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide through energy extraction, and Electron transport, which uses high energy electrons from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle to convert ADP into ATP. (p258 Parrot) 14b. Compare alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. Alcoholic Fermentation - Pyruvic Acid, when combined with NADH, will ferment (Fermentation the production of ATP without NAD+ or Oxygen) by passing high-energy electrons through pyruvic acid, producing alcohol, Carbon dioxide, and NAD+. Likewise, Lactic Acid fermentation takes Pyruvic Acid and creates NAD+, but it does not product Carbon dioxide. Instead, it produces Lactic Acid. (p262 Parrot)

15. Why are cells small? While a cells surface area continues to grow, the cell cannot maintain itself when it becomes large. To prevent this, cells split and go through cell division.

16a. Name each stage of the cell cycle and describe what happens in each. Recognize and summarize the stages of Mitosis. Interphase - A period for the cell to grow. This is ~75% of the cell cycle. G1 phase - (G stands for gap) The cell grows in size while synthesizing new proteins and organelles. S phase - (S stands for synthesis) New DNA is synthesized and chromosomes are replicated. By the end, the cell contains twice as much DNA. G2 phase - The shortest phase in interphase, many molecules and organelles required for cell division are made in preparation for the M phase. M phase - (M stands for Mitosis) Consists of two parts, Mitosis and Cytokinesis Mitosis - The division of the cells nucleus. Prophase - The longest phase in mitosis, genetic material inside the nucleus condenses and the duplicated chromosomes become visible, while a spindle forms outside the nucleus. Metaphase - The centromeres of the duplicated Chromosomes are lined up across the center of the cell, while spindle fibers connect the centromeres to the two spindle poles. Anaphase - The chromosomes separate and move along the spindle fibers to the opposite ends of the cell. Telophase - The chromosomes begin to spread out into a tangle of chromatin, while a nuclear envelope forms around them. Cytokinesis - The division of the cells cytoplasm. This phase splits the cell into two. In animal cells, the cytoplasm is pinched into two equal parts. In a plant cell, because the cell walls inflexibility, a cell plate forms and develops into a cell membrane that separates the two cells. 16b. What is the role of cyclin protein in controlling the cell cycle? Cyclin that responds to the inside of a cell makes sure that certain events happen only when other events have occured. Cyclin that responds to the outside of a cell speed up or slow down the cell cycle depending on the situation, such as if the body is functioning normally or if a bone is broken. 16c. Explain how cancer relates to the cell cyclin. Cancer is a disorder in cells which cause uncontrolled growth. When cyclin is not present or is not working properly, cells cannot control the speed or timing of cell division, and can cause tumors. (p279 Parrot)

17a. Recognize and summarize the stages of meiosis. Pre-Meiosis - the cell goes through chromosome replication in interphase. Meiosis I

Prophase I - Each replicated chromosome is paired with its corresponding homologous chromosome; during this, their chromatids cross over and alleles are exchanged, creating new allele combinations Metaphase I - Like Mitosiss Metaphase I, the paired homologous chromosomes line up across the center of the cell. Anaphase I - the spindle fibers pull apart the chromosome pair toward opposite ends of the cell. Telophase I and Cytokinesis - Telophase forms a nuclear membrane around the chromosone cluster, and Cytokinesis splits the cell. This process results in two daughter cells. Meiosis II - unlike Meiosis I, there is no chromosome replication round. Prophase II - the chromosomes become visible. Metaphase II - See Metaphase I. Anaphase II - See Anaphase I. Telophase II - See Telophase I. The result is four haploid daughter cells. 17b. Explain the reduction in chromosome number that occurs in meiosis. When a diploid cell enters meiosis, it goes through two meiotic divisions into four haploid gamete cells, each with only four chromosomes rather than eight. 17c. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. (See p326 Parrot) While mitosis and meiosis have near identical processes, there are some dramatic differences. In Mitosis, each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes. In meiosis, the chromosomes move to separate daughter cells. Also, in Meiosis, because there are two meiotic divisions, the chromosome number is split in half for each cell. 18. Compare and contrast autotrophs and heterotrophs. Heterotrophs gain their energy by consuming living things. To gain energy from the sun, heterotrophs must eat autotrophs - organisms that make their own food.

19. Summarize the categories used in biological classification. Classify organisms to the kingdom level. Kingdom - The largest and most inclusive category. Phylum - Includes organisms that are different but share important traits. Class - A group of orders that contain similar traits, like warm blooded, have body hair, produce milk for their young, etc. Order - Families that are closely related. Family - Genera that contain similarities.

Genus - Group of similar species. Species - A group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring. There are six kingdoms - Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, and Bacteria. 20. What are each of the following: Limiting Factor: Factor that causes population growth to decrease. Primary succession: Succession that occurs in an area in which no trace of a previous community is present. Secondary Succession: Type of succession that occurs in an area that was only partially destroyed by disturbances. Abiotic Factor: Physical, or nonliving, factor that shapes an ecosystem. Biotic Factor: Any living part of the environment with which an organism might interact. Biological community: Ecosystem: All the organisms that live in a place, together with their nonliving environment. Habitat: The area in which a community lives in. Commensialism: Symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed. Mutualism: Symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit from the relationship. Parasitism: Symbiotic relationship in which one organism lives on or inside another organism and harms it. Symbiosis: Relationship in which two species live close together. Autotroph: Organism that is able to capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and use it to produce its own food from inorganic compounds; it is also called a producer. Heterotroph: Organism that obtains food by consuming other living things; also called a consumer. Carnivore: Organism that obtains energy by eating animals. Detrivore: Organism that feeds on plant and animal remains and other dead matter. Herbivore: Organism that obtains energy by eating only plants. Food Chain: Series of steps in an ecosystem in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten. Food Web: Network of complex interactions formed by the feeding relationships among the various organisms in an ecosystem.

21. Describe each of the following biomes: Boreal Forest: Long, cold winters, short, mild summers, moderate precipitation, high humidity, acidic, nutrient-poor soils. Desert: Low precipitation, variable temperatures, soils rich in minerals but poor in organic material Grassland:

warm to hot summers, cold winters, moderate seasonal precipitation, fertile soils; occasional fires Temperate forest: Cold to moderate winters, warm summers, year-round precipitation, fertile soils Tropical rain forest: hot and wet year round, thin, nutrient-poor soil subject to erosion. Tropical savanna: warm, seasonal rainfall, compact soils, frequent fires set by lightning Tropical seasonal forest: warm year round, alternating wet and dry seasons, rich soils subject to erosion Tundra: Strong winds, low precipitation, short and soggy summers, long cold dark winters, poorly developed soils, permafrost Woodland: Hot dry summers, cool moist winters, thin, nutrient-poor soils, periodic fires 22. How are each of the following important in determining where plants and animals can can be found: Weather: Latitude: Climate: (I cant find an exact answer to this one. Its definitely around p65 Zebra) 23. What are each of the following: Carrying Capacity: Largest number of individuals of a particular species that a particular environment can support. Dispersion: Arrangement of a population in its environment. Emigration: Movement of individuals out of an area. Immigration: Movement of individuals into an area occupied by an existing population. Population Density: Number of individuals per unit area. Population Growth Rate: How fast a specific population grows. Not on the Exam review: Cellular Respiration Glycolysis

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