500 GRE Synonyms

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1) Ostentatious: pretentious, showy, brazen, flamboyant, pompous, grandiose 2) Snobbish: too proud to their social status, pretentious, arrogant 3) Brazen: blatant, bold, unashamed, shameless 4) Aggrandize: enhance, enlarge 5) Enervate: weaken, debilitate, sap your energy, languish 6) Besmirch: tarnish, damage, taint, sully, defame, slander 7) Tainted: bad name, defame, defile, vilify, blemish 8) Sabotage: damage, harm, disrupt, interfere with 9) Ravage: destroy, despoil, plunder, raze, devastate 10)Cite: mention, name, quote, allude to 11)Pandemonium: chaos, mayhem, bedlam, racket, uproar, turmoil, disorder, havoc 12)Turmoil: disorder, chaos, mayhem, bedlam 13)Tranquil: calm, quite, serene, peace, restful, soothing 14) Taciturn: silent, aloof, reticent, reserved, quite 15)Reticent: silent, reserved, calm, quite 16)Garrulous: talkative, chatty, voluble 17)Loquacious: garrulous, talkative, verbose, voluble 18)Demur: object, protest, balk, be reluctant, refuse 19)Demure: coy, shy, reserved, decorous, diffident, sedate, bashful, timid, modest 20)Etiquette: good manners, demure, reserved, polite 21)Timid: shy and show no courage or self confidence, diffident, retiring 22)Gregarious: sociable, friendly, enjoy with people, not shy, sophisticated 23)Convivial: sociable, friendly, genial, hospitable, warm 24)Congenial: friendly, genial, amiable, amicable, affable, gregarious 25)Ecstasy: joy, happiness, delight, rapture, thrill, bliss 26)Rapture: joy, ecstasy, happy, delight

27)Savor: enjoy, relish, take pleasure in 28)Decorous: demure, good, well behaved, well mannered, respectable, modest 29)Dogmatic: believe in something, orthodox, strict, doctrinaire, unbending(opposites: heterodox, apostate, iconoclast, heretic, non believer, apocryphal) 30)Circumspect: cautious, prudent, careful, judicious, vigilant 31)Wary: cautious, distrustful, untruthful, on your guard, guarded 32)Discreet: circumspect, cautious, careful, prudent 33)Discrete: separate, distinct, isolated, detached 34)Recklessness: careless, wildness, haste 35)Banal: ordinary, dull, trite, hackneyed, boring, outdated 36)Mundane: banal, dull, ordinary, hackneyed, trite 37)Platitude: banal, outdated, inanity, dullness, boredom, insipidity, clich, hackneyed, unoriginal 38)Pedestrian: walker, dull, outdated, banal, platitude, mundane, hackneyed, cliche 39)Boorish: rude, impolite, uncouth 40)Uncouth: uncivilized, rude, ill mannered 41)Parsimony: thrift, frugal, prudent, economical, cost cutting 42)Affluence: richness, wealth 43)Fortune: wealth, affluence, richness 44)Prodigy: intelligent child 45)Prodigal: recklessness, wasteful, extravagant, over generous 46)Provident: wise, sagacious, visionary, farseeing 47)Splurge: spend money on unnecessary things, indulge, lavish, squander 48)Prodigal: lavish, extravagant, wasting money, fritter, splurge, squander 49)Sapient: shrewd, wise, sagacious, judicious 50)Savant: well educated, intellectual, philosopher, scholar 51)Erudite: learned, scholarly, well read, knowledgeable 52)Procrastinate: delay, postpone, adjourn, put off, defer

53)Impede: obstruct, hinder, hold back, delay, hamper 54)Capacious: spacious, large, roomy, big 55)Capricious: tickle, erratic, aberrant, variable, fickle, whimsical, uncertainty 56)Sporadic: happen at irregular intervals, erratic, intermittent 57)Grisly: ghastly, horrible, gruesome, shocking 58)Vilify: speak ill, malign, belittle, disparage, libel, criticize, slander 59)Diatribe: attack with words, criticize, an abusive and insulting verbal attack 60)Castigate: punish, scold, reprimand, rebuke, criticize 61)Libel: defamation, belittle 62)BELITTLE: demean, malign, disparage, libel, criticize, slander, putdown, debase, decry, deride, humiliate, degrade, vilify, speak ill 63)Embarrass: humiliate, make shy, make uncomfortable, disparage, putdown, debase, decry, deride, disdain 64)Derogatory: belittle, disparagement, insulting, offensive, deprecating, vilify, embarrass 65)Demean: degrade, put down, debase, humiliate, detraction 66)Decry: belittle, disparage, demean, derogatory, vilify, malign, debase, deride, speak ill 67)Descry: catch sight of, spot, 68)Languish: weak, enervate, decay, fade, wear away, debilitate 69)Cantankerous: bad tempered, irritable, crabby 70)Destitute: poor, insolvent, penniless 71)Debonair: sophisticated, urbane, charming , suave, elegant, refined 72)Suave: polite, sociable, urbane, debonair, refined 73)Debacle: catastrophe, destroy, devastate, fiasco, calamity, tragedy, misfortune, decimate, slaughter 74)Annihilate: destroy, wipe out, extinguish, defeat, eradicate, slaughter, demolish, catastrophe, fiasco, calamity 75)Decimate: destroy, slaughter, ruin, demolish, devastate 76)Raze: demolish, flatten 77)Perdition: hell, damnation, everlasting punishment after death

78)Atrocity: cruel, killing, decimate, act of violence 79)Debris: broken pieces, garbage, waste , remains 80)Astute: clever, provident, wise, good judgment, intelligent 81)Acute: sharp, delicate, sensitive, discriminating, keen, finely tuned 82)Obtuse: slow, stupid, insensitive, simple minded, dull witted 83)Ameliorate: improve 84)Barren: sterile, infertile, desolate, deserted 85)Burgeon: flourish, grow rapidly, proliferate, prosper, multiply 86)Dwindle: decrease, decline, fall, drop off, reduce, diminish 87)Accost: approach, confront 88)Denizen: native, dweller, occupant, tenant, resident 89)Impudence: effrontery, audacity, rudeness, disrespect, insolence 90)Inane: stupid, childish, silly, absurd, ridiculous, idiotic, frivolous, immature 91)Taunt: ridicule, inane, sarcastic, lampoon 92)Derision: scorn, mockery, disrespect, laugh at(usage: Its ridicule or derision to hear such incidents) 93)Innocuous: bland, inoffensive, harmless, safe, mild, innocent 94)Cajole: wheedle, coax, flatter, entice, sweet talk, persuade 95)Blandish: flattery 96)Bedizen: decorate tastelessly, dress up garishly and tastelessly 97)Estranged: alienated, separated, not speaking, at odds, divided 98)Ennui: boredom, tedium, world-weariness 99)Tedious: boring, dull, tiresome, dreary, wearisome 100) 101) 102) 103) 104) 105) Decorum: etiquette, good manners, demure, politeness, modesty Dcollet: low, low cut Adept: skillful , adroit, clever, expert Inept: inexpert, do something with a complete lack of skill, clumpsy Abhor: hate, detest, dislike, loathe, despise Acumen: sharp, shrewdness, intelligent, wisdom

106) 107) 108) 109) 110) 111) 112) 113) Accolade: award, reward, compliment, honor Accrue: ensue, accumulate, add, mount up Abominate: abhor, hate, detest, loathe Ridicule: mockery, deride, derision, laughter, laugh at Galore: abundance, plentiful, in great quantities Plethora: overabundance, excess, glut, surplus, surfeit Glut: excess, surplus, overabundance Chimerical: unreal, imaginary, fanciful

114) Commiserate: console, show sympathy, show compassion, pity, condolence 115) 116) 117) 118) 119) 120) 121) 122) 123) 124) 125) 126) 127) 128) 129) 130) 131) 132) 133) Effrontery: boldness, nerve, impudence Insipid: dull, banal, out dated, boring, bland, colorless, trite Antique: old fashioned, out dated, very old, aged, traditional Indigent: poor, destitute, penniless, needy, impecunious Pauper: poor, destitute, penury, indigence Penury: poor, destitute, penniless, indigence, neediness Entice: lure, allure, attract, tempt, beguile Bait: entice, lure, attract Seduce: allure, beguile, decoy, deprave Bruise: Labyrinth: puzzle, baffling, confusing, maze, complex Embroil: confuse, mix up, involve, entangle Enigma: mystery, riddle, puzzling, conundrum Confound: confuse, enigma, embroil, mix up, puzzle Ambience: surroundings, good atmosphere that influence Extol: praise, eulogize, admire, exalt Absolve: free, free from blame, release, clear, forgive Amorous: loving, romantic, ardent, sentimental, affectionate Emphatic: vigorous, forceful, ardent, definite

134) 135) 136) 137) 138) 139) 140) 141) 142) 143) 144) 145) 146) 147) 148) 149) 150) 151) 152) Fervent: ardent, passionate, eager, avid, keen Avid: greedy Emulate: imitate, copy, try to be like, follow Plagiarize: copy, steal, bootleg Cadge: beg, steal, take, rob Mimic: copy, imitate, replicate, simulate Embrace: include, cover, squeeze, hold close, grip Apogee: summit, acme, pinnacle, apex, top, peak, zenith Allegory: parable, story, tale, fable Attenuate: decrease, calm, assuage, soothe, ease Ambrosia: food of gods Ambulatory: able to walk Axiom: proverb, saying, evident without proof, proverb Aphasia: inability to use or understand the language Aggravate: exacerbate, make worse, intensify, magnify, exaggerate Pedagogue: teacher Demagogue: leader Illicitly: illegally, unlawfully, illegitimate, dishonestly Intrepid: fearless, daring, boldness

153) Impromptu: spur of the moment, with out preparation, unrehearsed, unplanned, unprepared 154) Importune: pester, annoy, ask someone many times in a way that is annoying 155) 156) 157) 158) Irk: vex, irritate, annoy, displease Immortal: ever lasting, never ending Avarice: greedy, cupidity, covetousness, materialism Ravenous: very hungry, greedy, insatiable, voracious, rapacious, starved

159) Greedy: insatiable, rapacious, ravenous, avaricious, devour, covetous, mercenary 160) Devour: greedy, envious, jealous, desirous

161) 162) 163) 164) 165) 166) 167) 168) 169) 170) 171) 172) 173) 174) 175) 176) 177) 178) 179) 180) 181) 182) 183) 184) 185) 186) 187) 188) 189) Covetous: greedy, envious, jealous, desirous Acquisitive: rapacious, greedy, especially for money, avarice Anathema: detested person, curse, abhor, abominate, loathe, despise Arcane: esoteric, secret, deep, hidden, mysterious Esoteric: obscure Collusion: conspiracy, secret agreement Concur: agree, be together, be in accord Imprudent: unwise, reckless, careless Insolent: impudent, impertinent, brazen, blatant, rude, disrespectful Insane: mental derangement, mad, very foolish Fatuous: foolish, delusive Insidious: dangerous, sinister, menacing, subtle Sinister: threatening, intending or leading to evil, ominous, malevolent Baleful: menacing, threatening, malignant Delirious: excited, marked by uncontrollable excitement or emotion Slack: baggy, relaxed, inactive Taut: tight, rigid, pulled straight Mendacity: lies, dishonesty, falsehood, deception, untruth Sap: exhaust, debilitate, weaken, deplete, eat away Recoil: jump back, move back, react Plummet: crash down, Plush: luxurious, posh, lush, lavish Persuade: wheedle, cajole, coax, convince, plead with, influence Pacify: appease, soothe, calm, placate, calm down Paeans: song of praise or victory of giving thanks Pageantry: colorful appearance, show, display, pomp, spectacle Palatable: savory, pleasant taste, appetizing, edible, delicious Palatial: splendid, lavish, extravagant, grand, impressive Palliate: ease pains, make less guilty, mitigate, alleviate

190) 191) 192) 193) Pallid: unattractive, colorless, pale, ashen Aplomb: calm, cool, ease, composure Palpate: to examine by touching Paltry: worthless, measly, miserable, insignificant

194) Dismal: miserable, gloomy, dull, murky(usage: your performance is too dismal to digest) 195) 196) 197) 198) 199) 200) 201) 202) 203) 204) 205) 206) 207) 208) 209) 210) 211) 212) 213) 214) 215) 216) 217) Pamper: spoil, indulge Panacea: cure, solution, universal remedy Pandemonium: state of noisy confusion and disorder, bedlam, chaos Panegyric: a speech or piece of writing to praise somebody Parade: exhibit, display Paradox: ambiguity, contradiction, dilemma Paragon: perfect quality, ideal, good quality Paramount: highest peak point, foremost Paranoid: distrustful, suspicious, anxious, neurotic Paraphernalia: large no of objects that some one has with him Patronage: support, backing, sponsorship Espouse: support, backup, adopt, take up, advocate Paucity: scarcity, dearth, scantiness, small number, lack Pauper: poor, beggar, indigence Peculate: embezzle, steal Pecuniary: financial, economical, involving money Pedagogue: teacher Pedantic: dogmatic, arcane Pedigree: ancestry, history, family background, full blooded Peevish: irritable, testy, cabby, cranky, bad tempered Splenetic: bad tempered, irritable, testy, peevish Petulant: testy, bad tempered, irritable, peevish, cabby, cranky Pellucid: clear, transparent

218) 219) 220) 221) 222) 223) 224) 225) Penchant: inclination, proclivity, affinity, fondness, liking, desire Penitent: remorse, sorry, contrite, regretful, repentant Pensive: thoughtful, thinking, pondering Penultimate: last but one, second from last , one before the last Penury: poor, destitute, penniless, pauper, indigence Perambulate: to walk about, round up and down, wander Percolate: to be felt, experienced all through, spread Peregrination: a long and wandering journey

226) Perennial: permanent, perpetual, everlasting, constant, persistent, continuing 227) 228) 229) 230) 231) Perfidious: disloyal, dishonest, untrue, deceitful Perilous: dangerous, unsafe, risky, hazardous Perjury: crime of lying in the court, dishonesty, falsehood Permeate: pervade, to spread through Pernicious: destructive, harmful, deadly, evil, malicious, insidious

232) Serpentine: circuitous, indirect, meandering, winding, bending, roundabout 233) 234) 235) 236) 237) 238) 239) 240) Jagged: uneven, rough, sharp, pointy Implausible: cannot be believed, unlikely, doubtful Inconsequential: unimportant Interminable: endless Evanescent: short-lived, ephemeral, fleeting, vanishing, wearing out Unorthodox: heretical, opposed to tradition Dissent: disagree, oppose, rebel, dispute, differ Punctilious: painstaking, meticulous, diligent

241) Diligent: careful and conscientious at work, hard working, assiduous, careful, meticulous, industrious 242) Sedulous: showing dedication and great care, diligent, careful

243) Studious: serious, diligent, hardworking, industrious, spend time in reading and studying

244) lax) 245) 246) 247) 248) 249) 250) 251) 252) 253) 254) 255) 256) 257) 258) 259) 260) 261) 262) 263) 264) 265) 266) 267) 268) 269) 270) 271) Scrupulous: honest, morally right, ethical, meticulous(opposite: corrupt, Insuperable: cannot overcome Evocative: drawing of ideas Injudicious: unwise Succinct: short and well expressed, brief, concise, terse Direfully: dreadfully Cogent: clear and persuasive Eloquent: able to speak well Dolorous: Fetid: rotten, putrid Cynics: people who do not believe the goodness of human nature Tremulousness: hesitation Sagacity: shrewdness, wisdom, prudence, judiciousness Skeptics: people who doubt Exaltation: joy Archives: documents or stored records Annals: records Serene: pacify, peace, calm Desultory: haphazard, aimless, random, unfocused Disdain: disregard, disparagement, contempt, scorn Germane: relevant, connected, useful, to the point Pariah: a person who is rejected, recluse, outsider Remission: cutback Oblivion: state of being unaware Sequestration: isolation, quarantine Solitude: state of being alone, isolation, seclusion, recluse Solitary: alone, detached, single, sole Soporific: sleep inducing, dull

272) 273) 274) 275) 276) 277) 278) 279) 280) 281) 282) 283) 284) 285) 286) 287) 288) 289) 290) 291) 292) 293) 294) Latency: sleeping state Debilitating: devastating, weakening Salubrious: healthy, respectable, decent, hygiene, clean Adulate: praise, respect Spruce: neat, clean, smart in appearance, tidy and clean Invigorating: energizing, refreshing, reviving, stimulating Awful: dreadful, terrible, bad, poor Remission: temporary cessation of a disease Folly: foolishness, stupidity Eclectic: selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas Furtive: secret, stealthy, sneaky, cautious, clandestine Buttress: support, bolster, strengthen, reinforcement Endorsement: support, backing, approval Tyrannous: harsh Inevitable: which cant be avoided, unavoidable Asinine: silly, stupid, foolish, idiotic, dim Dolt: stupid, asinine, lumpish, oafish, loutish Ignominious: shameful, embarrassing, humiliate, disgraceful Opprobrium: shame Misnomer: incorrect or unsuitable name Trepidation: fear, anxiety, nervousness, apprehension Panache: flamboyance, stylish, elegance, confidence Metaphor: a figure of speech which a comparison is implied

295) Euphemism: An inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive, a figure of speech in which polite words are used to disguise something bad 296) 297) 298) Allay: mitigate, relieve, calm, assuage, put to rest Lauded: praise, glorify, honor Laudatory: admiring, praise, commendation

299) 300) 301) 302) 303) 304) 305) 306) 307) 308) 309) 310) Dissembled: Lionize: glorify, celebrate, praise, treat as a celebrity Pleasantries: an agreeable or amusing remark, jokes Jest: something intended to be amusing in a clever way, joke, prank Banter: joking, playful talk, chitchat, mockery, tease Aphorism: adage, wise saying, dictum Salvage: save, recover, rescue, retrieve, reclaim Redeem: get back something as a guarantee, recover, regain Enshrouded: covering Precipitate: hasty, hurried, rash, swift Peerless: eminent beyond, above comparison Intermittent: irregular, broken, not continuous

311) Feudal: belonging to a system in which all lands belongs to aristocratic landlords 312) Irascible: quickly aroused to anger

313) Didactic: informative, instructive, teaching, edifying, intended for the purpose of moral teaching, even when such instruction is not necessary or welcome 314) 315) 316) 317) 318) 319) 320) 321) 322) 323) 324) 325) Mendacious: untruthful, misleading, unreliable Propitious: favorable Parch: dry up, dehydrate idiosyncrasy: peculiarity, eccentricity, quirk, foible Guile: cunning, the use of tricks to deceive someone Rhetoric: speech making, grandiloquent, good speaker Deleterious: harmful, toxic, poisonous, deadly, venomous Innocuous: harmless, inoffensive, safe, mild Protracted: relatively long in duration Inordinate: excessive, extravagant, undue, immoderate Abrasive: rough, rude, harsh, sharp Complaisant: willing to please others

326) 327) 328) 329) 330) 331) 332) 333) 334) 335) 336) 337) 338) 339) 340) 341) 342) 343) 344) 345) 346) 347) 348) 349) 350) 351) 352) 353) 354) Buoyant: happy, floating, cheerful, jaunty, optimistic Pulchritude: physical beauty Savage: beast, brutal, criticize harshly, cruel, barbarous Contemplate: chew over, consider, think, mull over Conviction: confidence, certainty, assurance, sincerity, passion Sanctimonious: pious, self-righteous Perspicuity: fluency, clarity, eloquence Forsake: desert, leave, give up, renounce, disown Epitome: essence, personification, image Slacken: loosen, relax Bask: stretch out, relax, lie around Fact: truth, reality, verity, actually Incessant: ceaseless, never-ending, continual, unremitting, relentless Perpetual: continuous, ever-lasting, long lasting, permanent, unending Perishable: fragile, unpreserved, fresh Thrust: drive, push, force, propel Pragmatist: practical person, down-to-earth Embodiment: incarnation, picture Premier: leading, leader Fledgling: chicken, baby bird, hatchling, inexperienced Veteran: expert, experienced person, old hand Adroit: skillful, clever, dexterous Culpable: guilty, blame, responsible, liable Credulous: easily deceived, nave, trusting, innocent, unsuspecting Ardor: passion, love, zeal, fervor, eagerness, devotion, dedication Asperity: sharpness, roughness, harshness Tyro: novice, learner, trainee, apprentice, student, pupil Greenhorn: novice, colt, callow, new, inexperience Callow: inexperience, colt, greenhorn, new, tyro, novice

355) Didactic: educational, instructive, teaching, moralizing, improving, edifying 356) 357) 358) 359) 360) 361) 362) Pedantic: Dilatory: slow, lazy, slack, lagging, dragging, tardy Slothful: lazy, sluggish, dilatory, indolent Torpor: indolent, inactive, languor Lassitude: indolent, inactive, slothful, lazy Vivacity: verve, energy, enthusiasm, liveliness, life Quiescent: quite, inactive, dull, dormant, still, at rest

363) Succinct: concise, said in clear n short form, brief, laconic, short and snappy 364) 365) 366) 367) 368) 369) 370) Exotic: foreign, alien, from abroad Repudiate: reject, renounce, deny, disclaim Rebuff: reject, refuse to listen others, repudiate, ignore, deny Explicit: clear, unequivocal, unambiguous, plain, overt, open, precise Clamorous: noisy, rowdy, boisterous, loud, vociferous, riotous, raucous Rambunctious: boisterous, riotous Fallacy: false, untrue, erroneous belief, misleading notion

371) Spurious: bogus, fake, phony, counterfeit, specious, fallacious, inaccurate 372) 373) 374) 375) 376) 377) 378) 379) 380) 381) Verity: truth, reality, actually(opposite : fiction) Laden: loaded, overburden, weighted down Embark: go on, get board Augment: increase, add to, supplement, enhance, expand, enlarge Credulity: Subdued: passive, restrained, quite, submissive Stifle: stop something from continuing, subdue, restrain, muffle, inhibit Forage: search for food, scavenge, hunt, search, look for Sacrilege: disrespect, profanity, blasphemy Salvage: recover, save, retrieve, reclaim

382) 383) 384) 385) 386) 387) 388) 389) 390) 391) Vivid: bright, vibrant, colorful, flamboyant, brilliant, glowing Lurid: bright, colorful, garish, striking Jaunty: jolly, bright, energetic, jovial, lighthearted Hooked: addicted, enthusiastic, passionate, obsessed, keen Ethos: culture, nation, philosophy Replenish: refill, fill, restock, reload Pristine: pure, faultless, spotless, perfect, immaculate, unspoiled Kindle: illuminate, foment, arouse Foment: stir up, provoke, fuel, stimulate, encourage, generate Kindred: relatives, family members, clan, race, kin

392) Kleptomania: mental illness involving a strong and uncontrollable desire to steal things 393) 394) 395) 396) 397) 398) 399) 400) 401) 402) 403) Knave: miscreant, dishonest, rogue, villain, dishonest man Insidious: dangerous, sinister, menacing, subtle Cognizant: aware, mindful Segregate: separate, isolate, set apart Fracas and brawl are synonyms for fight, quarrel Fracas: noisy fight, brawl Squabble: quarrel noisily, argue Bog: swamp, marsh Slumber: sleep, nap, rest Sneak: steal, go or take something secretly and quietly Sojourn: to stay at a place for a time, visit

404) Affluent: rich, wealthy, prosperous, comfortable, born with a silver spoon in your mouth 405) 406) 407) 408) Opulence: luxurious, richness, wealth, lavishness Phlegmatic: calm, unemotional Staunch: very faithful, loyal to a person, inflexible Startle: surprise, frighten others, scare, alarm

409) 410) 411) 412) 413) 414) 415) over Stupefy: astound, astonish, surprise, stagger, bewilder, stun Stupendous: stupefy, astonish, fantastic Cacophonous: dissonant, harsh, inharmonious, unmusical Strident: loud, harsh, unpleasant sound, piercing, shrill Sullen: gloomy, silent and not at all cheerful, morose Succumb: submit, give away, relent, yield, surrender Surmount: deal successfully with a problem, overcome, conquer, prevail

416) Rabid: extreme, militant, bigot, narrow minded, fanatical, uncompromising 417) 418) 419) Myopic: narrow minded, bigot, intolerant Insular: narrow minded, isolated Rational: think clearly based on reasons, logical, reasonable, analytic

420) Recant: disavow, take back, say publicly that you no longer have a particular set of beliefs 421) 422) 423) Recede: with draw, fade, drawback, ebb, abate, subside Rendezvous: meeting, come together, appointment, make contact Tangible: touchable, physical, real, solid

424) Divisive: discordant, causing disagreement or hostility between people, troublesome 425) 426) 427) 428) 429) 430) 431) 432) 433) 434) Hostile: unfriendly Compounded: Repose: relax, rest, sleepy, lounge Slumber: relax, rest, sleep, nap, repose, Doze: relax, sleep, nap, repose, slumber, lounge Convoluted: complex, complicated, difficult, intricate, tortuous Mendicant: by definition begs Nugatory: Pungency: sharpness, acidity, bitterness, strong flavor Blandness: weakness, tastelessness, mildness, insipidness

435) 436) 437) 438) 439) 440) 441) 442) 443) Deluge: flood, torrent, heavy rain, inundation Inundate: flood, submerge, engulf, deluge Foreboding: Ally: friend, supporter, helper, assistant Moribund: declining, waning, dying(usage: Dismay: shock, disappointment Consternation: dismay, anxiety, alarm, worry Coda: Articulate: clear, coherent, lucid, expressive

444) Alacrity: eagerness, enthusiasm, swiftness, rapidity, promptness, quickness 445) 446) on 447) 448) 449) 450) 451) 452) 453) 454) 455) 456) 457) 458) 459) 460) 461) Poignant: Annotate: provide more information, explain, make notes on, comment Despondent: hopeless, pessimistic, low, unhappy, sad, dejected Bereft: despondent, sorrow Munificence: generosity, kindness, benevolence, philanthropy, bounty Promulgate: broadcast, spread, publicize, propagate Truant: absentee, who does not attend classes Stipulate: agree, order, instruct, specify, demand, insist on Fortuitous: accidental, chance, casual, unexpected Fortitude: strength, determination, courage, guts, stamina Blizzard: snowstorm, storm Brusque: abrupt Integral: important, vital, essential, primary, central Disapprobation: an expression of strong disapproval Nonchalance: detachment, lack of concern, disinterest, dispassion Colloquial: informal, slang, idiomatic, everyday Disconcerted: confused, frustrated, unsettled, throw out of balance

462) Enact: act out, perform 463) Acquisitive: characterized by a strong desire to gain information or object 464) 465) 466) 467) 468) 469) 470) 471) 472) 473) 474) 475) 476) 477) 478) 479) 480) 481) 482) 483) 484) 485) 486) 487) 488) 489) Aesthetic: appeals to the senses because it is beautiful Ambivalent: unsure, undecided, in two minds, of two minds Amenable: willing, open to, agreeable Anachronism: Assay: an analysis or examination Bequest: the act of passing on, inheritance Chronicle: journal, a detailed narrative, story, history, record Coerce: compel, force, pressurize Exhume: unearth, dig up, disinter, uncover Delve: look into, to deeply search through, dig, investigate, explore Discern: distinguish, separate, differentiate Disconcerting: unsettling, confusing, alarming Dissemble: disguise, conceal, beat around the bush Dissident: one who disagrees, rebel, protester Egregious: outstandingly bad, notorious Emancipation: liberation, freeing, release, set free Extricate: remove, free, disentangle, get out Emollient: soft, soothing Engender: originate, produce, to give rise to, stimulate, provoke Equivocal: vague, ambiguous, uncertainty Exhort: urge Explicate: to explain or make comprehensible Exigent: demanding Expunge: erase, wipe out, delete, rub off Feign: deceive Feint: a deceptive or diversionary action

490) 491) 492) 493) 494) 495) 496) 497) Broach: introduce, mention, raise, bring up, try out Gainsay: deny, contradict, oppose Gratuitous: Garrison: military post, troops stationed at military post Harrow: Immutable: not subjected to change Impending: Impetus: force, movement, a stimulus encouraging a particular activity

498) Incongruous: out of phase, lacking harmony, incompatible, absurd, strange 499) 500) 501) 502) 503) 504) 505) 506) 507) 508) 509) 510) 511) 512) 513) 514) 515) Incorrigible: persistent, hopeless, impossible to change Inherent: innate, inbuilt, natural, inborn Aver: state, claim, declare, assert, affirm Gambol: Transcend: excel, exceed, go above, go beyond Remnant: remainder, leftover, residue, trace, scrap, remains Relegate: place in a lower rank or position Tract: area, territory, zone, region Maverick: person who does not follow convention Jingoist: chauvinist, patriot Jabber: speak fast, gibber, chatter, blabber, babble Trivial: unimportant, nugatory, insignificant, minor, frivolous Nugatory: unimportant, minor, frivolous Grate: cutting into pieces, unpleasant Prone: easily affected, vulnerable, susceptible Stigma: malign, shame, dishonor, bad thing Proscribe: ban, declare to be dangerous, make illegal, rule out

516) Cuisine: food, a style of cooking especially as typical of a country or region

517) 518) 519) 520) 521) 522) Droll: amuse, buffoon, humorous, comic, funny Enamored: love Emolument: salary or fee Effete: lacking vigor, weak, exhausted Efface: rub off, wipe out, destroy, rub out Effluvium: noxious smell

Some misleading or deceptive words

523) 524) 525) 526) Purchase: grip, tight grip Rent: hole, defect, aperture, fissure, gap, breach Infringe: break, violate, breach Table: postpone, abandon, putting it aside, adjourn, defer, procrastinate

GRE 1.idylla musical composition that evokes rural life. 2.imbruedrench, stain especially with blood 3.imprimaturpermission to print a book 4.incarnadinestain crimson or bloodcolor 5.ingenuean artless girl; an actress who plays such parts 6.integumentouter covering or skin 7.interlocutoryintermediate; not final 8.intersticeschinks; crevices 9.irrefragableindisputable 10.jejunelacking interest; barren; meager 11.jeremiadlament; complain 12.kiosksummerhouse; open pavilion 13.lackeyfootman; yesman; toady 14.lagniappetrifling present given to a customer

15.lambentflickering; softly radiant 16.lapidaryworker in precious stones 17.lavewash 18.lesioninjury, unhealthy change in structure 19.libationdrink 20.lieuinstead of 21.lissomagile, lithe 22.lupinelike a wolf 23.marauderraider, intruder 24.maundertalk incoherently; utter drivel 25.melangemedley 26.mesahigh flattopped hill 27.mewsgroup of stables built around a courtyard 28.moietyhalf; part 29.mootdebatable 30.morganaticmarriage between a royal and a common 31.mugwumpdefector from a party 32.murrainplague; cattle disease 33.natalpertaining to birth 34.navemain body of a church 35.neaplowest 36.necrologylist of the dead 37.non sequitorconclusion that doesnt follow from facts stated 38.nonageimmaturity 39.nosegayfragrant bouquet 40.objurgationsevere rebuke; scolding 41.oblationthe Eucharist; pious donation 42.obliquitydeparture from right principle; perversity 43.offalwaste; garbage 44.offertorycollection of money at religious ceremony 45.orisonprayer 46.ovinelike a sheep 47.palavermisleading speech; chatter 48.palliationact of making less severe or violent 49.panoplycomplete suit of armor 50.paregoricmedicine that eases pain

51.parlousdangerous; perilous 52.parturiotiondelivery; childbirth 53.parvenuupstart, newly rich person 54.patrimonyinheritance from father 55.peculatesteal; embezzle 56.pelfstolen property 57.pennatehaving wings or feathers 58.perforceof necessity 59.persiflageflippant conversation; banter 60.picaresquepertaining to rogues in literature 61.plebisciteexpression of will of people by direct election 62.plenipotentiaryfully empowered 63.poltrooncoward 64.postprandialafter dinner 65.purloinsteal 66.qui vivewide awake; expectant 67.quibbleescape of main point of an argument 68.proroguedismiss parliament 69.recherchechoice; sought after 70.recreantcoward; betrayer of faith 71.recrudescencereopening of a wound or sore 72.recusantperson who refuses to comply 73.refectionslight refreshment 74.renascencerevival of learning and culture 75.reticulatedcovered with a network; having a mesh like appearance 76.rheumypertaining to discharge from nose and eyes 77.rimewhite frosts 78.risibleinclined to laugh; ludicrous 79.risqueverging on the improper; offcolor 80.roanbrown mixed with gray or white 81.roodcrucifix 82.sacerdotalpriestly 83.saltatoryrelating to leaping 84.salutatoryopening oration at commencement in American colleges 85.salvertray 86.sangfroidcoolness in a trying situation 87.sapidsavory; tasty; relishable 88.sapientwise; shrewd

89.sarcophagushighly decorated stone coffin 90.savoir fairepoise; sophistication 91.scarifymake slight incisions in; scratch 92.sciolismquackery; superficial information 93.screedlong tiresome harangue 94.scullionmenial kitchen worker 95.senescencestate of growing old 96.sequaciouseager to follow; ductile 97.serriedstanding shoulder to shoulder; crowded 98.shibbolethslogan; watchword 99.shoalshallow place 100.slatternuntidy person

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