Truth - Beyond Space, Time, Causation

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Truth Beyond Space, Time, and Causation The relative Truth, as we understand it on the physical plane in everyday life,

, is a matter of morality i.e., choosing the path of truth (honest actions, in line with our conscience) in everyday situations. However, the sages of India have declared the existence of a Truth that lies beyond the three gunas (Sathva, Rajas, and Tamas). This Truth can only be experienced but not described. This Truth is hidden all around us just as we say, God is omnipresent but concealed all around us. As Sri Aurobindo and other have pointed out, there are various levels of consciousness and we exist simultaneously on these multiple levels (though we are not aware of the different levels - our awareness is confined to the physical plane, at least in the waking state). Through spiritual practices like the constant practice of the repetition of the divine name, one can see inside oneself a splitting of the consciousness into two levels i.e., one is aware simultaneously of two levels of consciousness within oneself - one of which is the everyday externalized consciousness through which we generally perceive things, and the other is a higher consciousness through which the chanting of the divine name continues even when the externalized consciousness has stopped chanting the name. A further illustration: Let us imagine that each of us is a thread of light with multiple nodes all joined at the top most node. Each thread (i.e., each of us) is currently lit up at a node that is a little higher than the bottom most node (the subconscious mind level). This node (i.e., activities at this level) are bound by space, time, and causation. As we progress upwards through sadhana we move to the next node (in this analogy, the next node lights up) and can simultaneously, at will, operate on two or more nodes. As we progress through sadhana, we move beyond space, time, and causation. The higher nodes are not constrained by space, time, and causation - one by one these barriers or veils are removed. A self realized person is perhaps one in whom all the nodes are lit up and he can feel his oneness with God or Brahman or Truth at the top most node at all times (waking, dreaming, deep sleep etc) which is Sahaja sthithi (like Ramana Maharshi). When we are born into this world, we are bound by the parameters of time, space, and causation. We, therefore, cannot imagine a world beyond these parameters, but the sages have noted that there is indeed a dimension which is beyond time, space, and causation - beyond time being defined as the eternal now, beyond space being defined as omnipresence, beyond causation being defined as omnipotence. Om Sai Ram Source:

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