Worshiping God by Oxcart

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Exodus 25

New King James Version (NKJV) Exodus 25

Offerings for the Sanctuary

Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: 2 Speak to the children of Israel, that they ring Me an offering! "ro# e$eryone %ho gi$es it %illingly %ith his heart yo& shall take My offering! ' (nd this is the offering %hich yo& shall take fro# the#: gold, sil$er, and ron)e* + l&e, p&rple, and scarlet thread, fine linen, and goats, hair; - ra# skins dyed red, adger skins, and acacia %ood* . oil for the light, and spices for the anointing oil and for the s%eet incense* / ony0 stones, and stones to e set in the ephod and in the reastplate! 1 (nd let the# #ake Me a sanct&ary, that I #ay d%ell a#ong the#! 2 (ccording to all that I sho% yo&, that is, the pattern of the ta ernacle and the pattern of all its f&rnishings, 3&st so yo& shall #ake it.
The Ark of the Testimony


its shall be its length, a c& it and a half its %idth, and a c& it and a half its height! (nd yo& shall o$erlay it %ith p&re gold, inside and o&t yo& shall o$erlay it, and shall #ake on it a #olding of gold all

(nd they shall #ake an ark of acacia %ood* t%o and a half c&

aro&nd! 12 5o&

shall cast fo&r rings of gold for it, and p&t them in its fo&r corners* t%o rings shall be on one side, and t%o rings on the other side!


(nd yo& shall #ake poles of acacia %ood, and o$erlay the# %ith gold! 1+ 5o& shall p&t the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark, that the ark #ay e carried y the#! 1- The poles shall e in the rings of the ark* they shall not e taken fro# it! 1. (nd yo& shall p&t into the ark the Testi#ony %hich I %ill gi$e yo&! 1/ 5o& shall #ake a #ercy seat of p&re gold* t%o and a half c& its shall be its length and a c& it and a half its %idth! 11 (nd yo& shall #ake t%o cher& i# of gold* of ha##ered %ork yo& shall #ake the# at the t%o ends of the #ercy seat! 12 Make one cher& at one end, and the other cher& at the other end* yo& shall #ake the cher& i# at the t%o ends of it of one piece %ith the #ercy seat! 24 (nd the cher& i# shall stretch o&t their %ings a o$e, co$ering the #ercy seat %ith their %ings, and they shall face one another* the faces of the cher& i# shall be to%ard the

5o& shall p&t the #ercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark yo& shall p&t the Testi#ony that I %ill gi$e yo&! 22 (nd there I %ill #eet %ith yo&,
#ercy seat! and I %ill speak %ith yo& fro# a o$e the #ercy seat, fro# et%een the t%o cher& i# %hich are on the ark of the Testi#ony, a o&t e$erything %hich I %ill gi$e yo& in co##and#ent to the children of Israel!
The Table for the Showbread



You shall also make a table of acacia wood; two cubits shall be its length a cubit its width and a cubit and a half its height! 2" #nd $ou shall o%erla$ it with &ure gold and make a molding of gold all around! 2' You shall make for it a frame of a handbreadth all around and $ou shall make a gold molding for the frame all around! 2( #nd $ou shall make for it four rings of gold and &ut the rings on the four corners that are at its four legs! 2) *he rings shall be close to the

frame as holders for the &oles to bear the table! 2+ #nd $ou shall make the &oles of acacia wood and o%erla$ them with gold that the table ma$ be carried with them! 2, You shall make its dishes its &ans its &itchers and its bowls for &ouring! You shall make them of &ure gold! 3- #nd $ou shall set the showbread on the table before .e alwa$s!
The Gold Lam stand


You shall also make a lam&stand of &ure gold; the lam&stand shall be of hammered work! 0ts shaft its branches its bowls its ornamental knobs and flowers shall be of one piece. 32 #nd si1 branches shall come out of its sides2 three branches of the lam&stand out of one side and three branches of the lam&stand out of the other side! 33 *hree bowls shall be made like almond blossoms on one branch with an ornamental knob and a flower and three bowls made like almond blossoms on the other branch with an ornamental knob and a flower3and so for the si1 branches that come out of the lam&stand! 3" 4n the lam&stand itself four bowls shall be made like almond blossoms, each with its ornamental knob and flower! 3' #nd there shall be a knob under the first two branches of the same a knob under the second two branches of the same and a knob under the third two branches of the same according to the si1 branches that e1tend from the lam&stand! 3( *heir knobs and their branches shall be of one piece; all of it shall be one hammered &iece of &ure gold! 3) You shall make se%en lam&s for it and the$ shall arrange its lam&s so that the$ gi%e light in front of it! 3+ #nd its wick5trimmers and their tra$s shall be of &ure gold! 3, 0t shall be made of a talent of &ure gold with all these utensils! "- #nd see to it that $ou make them according to the &attern which was shown $ou on the mountain! Exodus 2!
The Tabernacle

.oreo%er $ou shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine wo%en linen and blue &ur&le and scarlet thread; with artistic designs of cherubim $ou shall wea%e them! 2 *he length of each curtain shall be twent$5eight cubits and the width of each curtain four cubits! #nd e%er$ one of the curtains shall ha%e the same measurements! 3 6i%e curtains shall be cou&led to one another and the other fi%e curtains shall be cou&led to one another! " #nd $ou shall make loo&s of blue yarn on the edge of the curtain on the sel%edge of one set and likewise $ou shall do on the outer edge of the other curtain of the second set! ' 6ift$ loo&s $ou shall make in the one curtain and fift$ loo&s $ou shall make on the edge of the curtain that is on the end of the second set that the loo&s ma$ be clas&ed to one another! ( #nd $ou shall make fift$ clas&s of gold and cou&le the curtains together with the clas&s so that it ma$ be one tabernacle! ) You shall also make curtains of goats7 hair, to be a tent o%er the tabernacle! You shall make ele%en curtains! + *he length of each curtain shall be thirt$ cubits and the width of each curtain four cubits; and the ele%en curtains shall all ha%e the same measurements! , #nd $ou shall cou&le fi%e curtains b$ themsel%es and si1 curtains b$ themsel%es and $ou shall double o%er the si1th curtain at the forefront of the tent! /- You shall make fift$ loo&s on the edge of the curtain that is outermost in one set and fift$ loo&s on the edge of the curtain of the second set! // #nd $ou shall make fift$ bron8e clas&s &ut the clas&s into the loo&s and cou&le the tent together that it ma$ be one! /2 *he remnant that remains of the curtains of the tent the half curtain that remains shall hang o%er the back of the tabernacle! /3 #nd a cubit on one side and a cubit on the other side of

what remains of the length of the curtains of the tent shall hang o%er the sides of the tabernacle on this side and on that side to co%er it! /" You shall also make a co%ering of ram skins d$ed red for the tent and a co%ering of badger skins abo%e that! /' #nd for the tabernacle $ou shall make the boards of acacia wood standing u&right! /( *en cubits shall be the length of a board and a cubit and a half shall be the width of each board! /) *wo tenons shall be in each board for binding one to another! *hus $ou shall make for all the boards of the tabernacle! /+ #nd $ou shall make the boards for the tabernacle twent$ boards for the south side! /, You shall make fort$ sockets of sil%er under the twent$ boards2 two sockets under each of the boards for its two tenons! 2- #nd for the second side of the tabernacle the north side there shall be twent$ boards 2/ and their fort$ sockets of sil%er2 two sockets under each of the boards! 22 6or the far side of the tabernacle westward $ou shall make si1 boards! 23 #nd $ou shall also make two boards for the two back corners of the tabernacle! 2" *he$ shall be cou&led together at the bottom and the$ shall be cou&led together at the to& b$ one ring! *hus it shall be for both of them! *he$ shall be for the two corners! 2' 9o there shall be eight boards with their sockets of sil%er3si1teen sockets3two sockets under each of the boards! 2( #nd $ou shall make bars of acacia wood2 fi%e for the boards on one side of the tabernacle 2) fi%e bars for the boards on the other side of the tabernacle and fi%e bars for the boards of the side of the tabernacle for the far side westward! 2+ *he middle bar shall &ass through the midst of the boards from end to end! 2, You shall o%erla$ the boards with gold make their rings of gold as holders for the bars and o%erla$ the bars with gold! 3- #nd $ou shall raise u& the tabernacle according to its &attern which $ou were shown on the mountain! 3/ You shall make a %eil wo%en of blue &ur&le and scarlet thread, and fine wo%en linen! 0t shall be wo%en with an artistic design of cherubim! 32 You shall hang it u&on the four &illars of acacia wood o%erlaid with gold! *heir hooks shall be gold u&on four sockets of sil%er! 33 #nd $ou shall hang the %eil from the clas&s! *hen $ou shall bring the ark of the *estimon$ in there behind the %eil! *he %eil shall be a di%ider for $ou between the hol$ place and the .ost :ol$! 3" You shall &ut the merc$ seat u&on the ark of the *estimon$ in the .ost :ol$! 3' You shall set the table outside the %eil and the lam&stand across from the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south; and $ou shall &ut the table on the north side! 3( You shall make a screen for the door of the tabernacle woven of blue &ur&le and scarlet thread, and fine wo%en linen made b$ a wea%er! 3) #nd $ou shall make for the screen fi%e &illars of acacia wood, and o%erla$ them with gold; their hooks shall be gold and $ou shall cast fi%e sockets of bron8e for them! Exodus 2"
The Altar of #urnt Offering

You shall make an altar of acacia wood fi%e cubits long and fi%e cubits wide3the altar shall be s;uare3and its height shall be three cubits! 2 You shall make its horns on its four corners; its horns shall be of one &iece with it! #nd $ou shall o%erla$ it with bron8e! 3 #lso $ou shall make its &ans to recei%e its ashes and its sho%els and its basins and its forks and its fire&ans; $ou shall make all its utensils of bron8e! " You shall make a grate for it a network of bron8e; and on the network $ou shall make four bron8e rings at its four corners! ' You shall &ut it under the rim of the altar beneath that the network ma$ be midwa$ u& the altar! ( #nd $ou shall make &oles for the altar &oles of acacia wood and o%erla$ them with bron8e! ) *he &oles shall be &ut in the

rings and the &oles shall be on the two sides of the altar to bear it! + You shall make it hollow with boards; as it was shown $ou on the mountain so shall the$ make it.
The $ourt of the Tabernacle

You shall also make the court of the tabernacle! 6or the south side there shall be hangings for the court made of fine wo%en linen one hundred cubits long for one side! /- #nd its twent$ &illars and their twent$ sockets shall be bron8e! *he hooks of the &illars and their bands shall be sil%er! // <ikewise along the length of the north side there shall be hangings one hundred cubits long with its twent$ &illars and their twent$ sockets of bron8e and the hooks of the &illars and their bands of sil%er! /2 #nd along the width of the court on the west side shall be hangings of fift$ cubits with their ten &illars and their ten sockets! /3 *he width of the court on the east side shall be fift$ cubits! /" *he hangings on one side of the gate shall be fifteen cubits with their three &illars and their three sockets! /' #nd on the other side shall be hangings of fifteen cubits, with their three &illars and their three sockets! /( 6or the gate of the court there shall be a screen twent$ cubits long woven of blue &ur&le and scarlet thread, and fine wo%en linen made b$ a wea%er! 0t shall have four &illars and four sockets! /) #ll the &illars around the court shall ha%e bands of sil%er; their hooks shall be of sil%er and their sockets of bron8e! /+ *he length of the court shall be one hundred cubits the width fift$ throughout and the height fi%e cubits made of fine wo%en linen and its sockets of bron8e! /, #ll the utensils of the tabernacle for all its ser%ice all its &egs and all the &egs of the court shall be of bron8e!
The $are of the Lam stand


#nd $ou shall command the children of 0srael that the$ bring $ou &ure oil of &ressed oli%es for the light to cause the lam& to burn continuall$! 2/ 0n the tabernacle of meeting outside the %eil which is before the *estimon$ #aron and his sons shall tend it from e%ening until morning before the <4=>! It shall be a statute fore%er to their generations on behalf of the children of 0srael! Exodus 2%
Garments for the &riesthood

Now take #aron $our brother and his sons with him from among the children of 0srael that he ma$ minister to .e as &riest #aron and #aron7s sons2 Nadab #bihu ?lema8ar and 0thamar! 2 #nd $ou shall make hol$ garments for #aron $our brother for glor$ and for beaut$! 3 9o $ou shall s&eak to all who are gifted artisans whom 0 ha%e filled with the s&irit of wisdom that the$ ma$ make #aron7s garments to consecrate him that he ma$ minister to .e as &riest! " #nd these are the garments which the$ shall make2 a breast&late an e&hod @aA a robe a skillfull$ wo%en tunic a turban and a sash! 9o the$ shall make hol$ garments for #aron $our brother and his sons that he ma$ minister to .e as &riest!
The E hod


*he$ shall take the gold blue &ur&le and scarlet thread, and the fine linen ( and the$ shall make the e&hod of gold blue &ur&le and scarlet thread, and fine wo%en linen artisticall$

worked! ) 0t shall ha%e two shoulder stra&s Boined at its two edges and so it shall be Boined together! + #nd the intricatel$ wo%en band of the e&hod which is on it shall be of the same workmanshi& made of gold blue &ur&le and scarlet thread, and fine wo%en linen! , *hen $ou shall take two on$1 stones and engra%e on them the names of the sons of 0srael2 /si1 of their names on one stone and si1 names on the other stone in order of their birth! // Cith the work of an engra%er in stone like the engra%ings of a signet $ou shall engra%e the two stones with the names of the sons of 0srael! You shall set them in settings of gold! /2 #nd $ou shall &ut the two stones on the shoulders of the e&hod as memorial stones for the sons of 0srael! 9o #aron shall bear their names before the <4=> on his two shoulders as a memorial! /3 You shall also make settings of gold /" and $ou shall make two chains of &ure gold like braided cords and fasten the braided chains to the settings!
The #reast late


You shall make the breast&late of Budgment! #rtisticall$ wo%en according to the workmanshi& of the e&hod $ou shall make it2 of gold blue &ur&le and scarlet thread, and fine wo%en linen $ou shall make it! /( 0t shall be doubled into a s;uare2 a s&an shall be its length and a s&an shall be its width! /) #nd $ou shall &ut settings of stones in it four rows of stones2 The first row shall be a sardius a to&a8 and an emerald; this shall be the first row; /+ the second row shall be a tur;uoise a sa&&hire and a diamond; /, the third row a Bacinth an agate and an ameth$st; 2- and the fourth row a ber$l an on$1 and a Bas&er! *he$ shall be set in gold settings! 2/ #nd the stones shall ha%e the names of the sons of 0srael twel%e according to their names like the engra%ings of a signet each one with its own name; the$ shall be according to the twel%e tribes! 22 You shall make chains for the breast&late at the end like braided cords of &ure gold! 23 #nd $ou shall make two rings of gold for the breast&late and &ut the two rings on the two ends of the breast&late! 2" *hen $ou shall &ut the two braided chains of gold in the two rings which are on the ends of the breast&late; 2' and the other two ends of the two braided chains $ou shall fasten to the two settings and &ut them on the shoulder stra&s of the e&hod in the front! 2( You shall make two rings of gold and &ut them on the two ends of the breast&late on the edge of it which is on the inner side of the e&hod! 2) #nd two other rings of gold $ou shall make and &ut them on the two shoulder stra&s underneath the e&hod toward its front right at the seam abo%e the intricatel$ wo%en band of the e&hod! 2+ *he$ shall bind the breast&late b$ means of its rings to the rings of the e&hod using a blue cord so that it is abo%e the intricatel$ wo%en band of the e&hod and so that the breast&late does not come loose from the e&hod! 2, 9o #aron shall bear the names of the sons of 0srael on the breast&late of Budgment o%er his heart when he goes into the hol$ place, as a memorial before the <4=> continuall$! 3- #nd $ou shall &ut in the breast&late of Budgment the Drim and the *hummim @bA and the$ shall be o%er #aron7s heart when he goes in before the <4=>! 9o #aron shall bear the Budgment of the children of 0srael o%er his heart before the <4=> continuall$!
Other &riestly Garments


You shall make the robe of the e&hod all of blue! 32 *here shall be an o&ening for his head in the middle of it; it shall ha%e a wo%en binding all around its o&ening like the o&ening in a coat of mail so that it does not tear! 33 #nd u&on its hem $ou shall make &omegranates of blue &ur&le and scarlet all around its hem and bells of gold between them all around2 3" a golden bell and a &omegranate a golden bell and a &omegranate u&on the hem of the robe all around! 3' #nd it shall be u&on #aron when he ministers and its sound will be heard when he goes into the hol$ place before the <4=> and when he comes out that he ma$ not die!


You shall also make a &late of &ure gold and engra%e on it like the engra%ing of a signet2 :4<0N?99 *4 *:? <4=>!

#nd $ou shall &ut it on a blue cord that it ma$ be on the turban; it shall be on the front of the turban! 3+ 9o it shall be on #aron7s forehead that #aron ma$ bear the ini;uit$ of the hol$ things which the children of 0srael hallow in all their hol$ gifts; and it shall alwa$s be on his forehead that the$ ma$ be acce&ted before the <4=>! 3, You shall skillfull$ wea%e the tunic of fine linen thread, $ou shall make the turban of fine linen and $ou shall make the sash of wo%en work! "6or #aron7s sons $ou shall make tunics and $ou shall make sashes for them! #nd $ou shall make hats for them for glor$ and beaut$! "/ 9o $ou shall &ut them on #aron $our brother and on his sons with him! You shall anoint them consecrate them and sanctif$ them that the$ ma$ minister to .e as &riests! "2 #nd $ou shall make for them linen trousers to co%er their nakedness; the$ shall reach from the waist to the thighs! "3 *he$ shall be on #aron and on his sons when the$ come into the tabernacle of meeting or when the$ come near the altar to minister in the hol$ place, that the$ do not incur ini;uit$ and die! It shall be a statute fore%er to him and his descendants after him! 'ootnotes( a! ?1odus 2+2" *hat is an ornamented %est b! ?1odus 2+23- <iterall$ the Lights and the Perfections (com&are <e%iticus +2+)


)umbers *
+uties of the Sons of ,ohath

*hen the <4=> s&oke to .oses and #aron sa$ing2 2 *ake a census of the sons of Kohath from among the children of <e%i b$ their families b$ their fathers7 house 3 from thirt$ $ears old and abo%e e%en to fift$ $ears old all who enter the ser%ice to do the work in the tabernacle of meeting!" *his is the ser%ice of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of meeting relating to the most hol$ things2 ' Chen the cam& &re&ares to Bourne$ #aron and his sons shall come and the$ shall take down the co%ering %eil and co%er the ark of the *estimon$ with it! ( *hen the$ shall &ut on it a co%ering of badger skins and s&read o%er that a cloth entirel$ of blue; and the$ shall insert its &oles!

4n the table of showbread the$ shall s&read a blue cloth and &ut on it the dishes the &ans the bowls and the &itchers for &ouring; and the showbread@aA shall be on it! + *he$ shall s&read o%er them a scarlet cloth and co%er the same with a co%ering of badger skins; and the$ shall insert its &oles! , #nd the$ shall take a blue cloth and co%er the lam&stand of the light with its lam&s its wick5trimmers its tra$s and all its oil %essels with which the$ ser%ice it! /*hen the$ shall &ut it with all its utensils in a co%ering of badger skins and &ut it on a carr$ing beam! // 4%er the golden altar the$ shall s&read a blue cloth and co%er it with a co%ering of badger skins; and the$ shall insert its &oles! /2 *hen the$ shall take all the utensils of ser%ice with which the$ minister in the sanctuar$ &ut them in a blue cloth co%er them with a co%ering of badger skins and &ut them on a carr$ing beam! /3 #lso the$ shall take awa$ the ashes from the altar and s&read a &ur&le cloth o%er it! /" *he$ shall &ut on it all its im&lements with which the$ minister there3the fire&ans the forks the sho%els the basins and all the utensils of the altar3and the$ shall s&read on it a co%ering of badger skins and insert its &oles! /' #nd when #aron and his sons ha%e finished co%ering the sanctuar$ and all the furnishings of the sanctuar$ when the cam& is set to go then the sons of Kohath shall come to carr$ them; but the$ shall not touch an$ hol$ thing lest the$ die! *hese are the things in the tabernacle of meeting which the sons of Kohath are to carr$! /( *he a&&ointed dut$ of ?lea8ar the son of #aron the &riest is the oil for the light the sweet incense the dail$ grain offering the anointing oil the o%ersight of all the tabernacle of all that is in it with the sanctuar$ and its furnishings!E

*hen the <4=> s&oke to .oses and #aron sa$ing2 /+ >o not cut off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the <e%ites; /, but do this in regard to them that the$ ma$ li%e and not die when the$ a&&roach the most hol$ things2 #aron and his sons shall go in and a&&oint each of them to his ser%ice and his task! 2- Fut the$ shall not go in to watch while the hol$ things are being co%ered lest the$ die!E
$ensus of the Le-ites


#nd .oses #aron and the leaders of the congregation numbered the sons of the Kohathites b$ their families and b$ their fathers7 house 3' from thirt$ $ears old and abo%e e%en to fift$ $ears old e%er$one who entered the ser%ice for work in the tabernacle of meeting; 3( and those who were numbered b$ their families were two thousand se%en hundred and fift$! 3) *hese were the ones who were numbered of the families of the Kohathites all who might ser%e in the tabernacle of meeting whom .oses and #aron numbered according to the commandment of the <4=> b$ the hand of .oses! 3+ #nd those who were numbered of the sons of Gershon b$ their families and b$ their fathers7 house 3, from thirt$ $ears old and abo%e e%en to fift$ $ears old e%er$one who entered the ser%ice for work in the tabernacle of meeting3 "- those who were numbered b$ their families b$ their fathers7 house were two thousand si1 hundred and thirt$! "/ *hese are the ones who were numbered of the families of the sons of Gershon of all who might ser%e in the tabernacle of meeting whom .oses and #aron numbered according to the commandment of the <4=>!


*hose of the families of the sons of .erari who were numbered b$ their families b$ their fathers7 house "3 from thirt$ $ears old and abo%e e%en to fift$ $ears old e%er$one who entered the ser%ice for work in the tabernacle of meeting3 "" those who were numbered b$ their families were three thousand two hundred! "' *hese are the ones who were numbered of the families of the sons of .erari whom .oses and #aron numbered according to the word of the <4=> b$ the hand of .oses! "( #ll who were numbered of the <e%ites whom .oses #aron and the leaders of 0srael numbered b$ their families and b$ their fathers7 houses ") from thirt$ $ears old and abo%e e%en to fift$ $ears old e%er$one who came to do the work of ser%ice and the work of bearing burdens in the tabernacle of meeting3 "+ those who were numbered were eight thousand fi%e hundred and eight$! ", #ccording to the commandment of the <4=> the$ were numbered b$ the hand of .oses each according to his ser%ice and according to his task; thus were the$ numbered b$ him as the <4=> commanded .oses!

Deuteronomy 10:8 NKJV


#t that time the <4=> se&arated the tribe of <e%i to bear the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> to stand before the <4=> to minister to :im and to bless in :is name to this da$!
1 Chronicles 15:2 NKJV

*hen >a%id said No one ma$ carr$ the ark of God but the <e%ites for the <4=> has chosen them to carr$ the ark of God and to minister before :im fore%er!E
Exodus 28:36 38

New King James Version (NKJV)


You shall also make a &late of &ure gold and engra%e on it like the engra%ing of a signet2 :4<0N?99 *4 *:? <4=>!


#nd $ou shall &ut it on a blue cord

that it ma$ be on the turban; it shall be on the front of the turban! 3+ 9o it shall be on #aron7s forehead that #aron ma$ bear the ini;uit$ of the hol$ things which the children of 0srael hallow in all their hol$ gifts; and it shall alwa$s be on his forehead that the$ ma$ be acce&ted before the <4=>!

. Samuel *

#nd the word of 9amuel came to all 0srael!@aA

The Ark of God $a tured

Now 0srael went out to battle against the Hhilistines and encam&ed beside ?bene8er;
and the Hhilistines encam&ed in #&hek! 2 *hen the Hhilistines &ut themsel%es in battle arra$ against 0srael! #nd when the$ Boined battle 0srael was defeated b$ the Hhilistines who killed about four thousand men of the arm$ in the field! 3 #nd when the &eo&le had come into the cam& the elders of 0srael said Ch$ has the <4=> defeated us toda$ before the HhilistinesI <et us bring the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> from 9hiloh to us that when it comes among us it ma$ sa%e us from the hand of our enemies!E " 9o the &eo&le sent to 9hiloh that the$ might bring from there the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> of hosts who dwells between the cherubim! #nd the two sons of ?li :o&hni and Hhinehas were there with the ark of the co%enant of God! ' #nd when the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> came into the cam& all 0srael shouted so loudl$ that the earth shook! ( Now when the Hhilistines heard the noise of the shout the$ said Chat does the sound of this great shout in the cam& of the :ebrews mean?E *hen the$ understood that the ark of the <4=> had come into the cam&! ) 9o the Hhilistines were afraid for the$ said God has come into the cam&JE #nd the$ said Coe to usJ 6or such a thing has ne%er ha&&ened before! + Coe to usJ Cho will deli%er us from the hand of these might$ godsI *hese are the gods who struck the ?g$&tians with all the &lagues in the wilderness! , Fe strong and conduct $oursel%es like men $ou Hhilistines that $ou do not become ser%ants of the :ebrews as the$ ha%e been to $ou! Konduct $oursel%es like men and fightJE

9o the Hhilistines fought and 0srael was defeated and e%er$ man fled to his tent! *here was a %er$ great slaughter and there fell of 0srael thirt$ thousand foot soldiers! // #lso the ark of God was ca&tured; and the two sons of ?li :o&hni and Hhinehas died!
+eath of Eli


*hen a man of FenBamin ran from the battle line the same da$ and came to 9hiloh with his clothes torn and dirt on his head! /3 Now when he came there was ?li sitting on a seat b$ the wa$side watching @bA for his heart trembled for the ark of God! #nd when the man came into the cit$ and told it, all the cit$ cried out! /" Chen ?li heard the noise of the outcr$ he said Chat does the sound of this tumult mean?E #nd the man came ;uickl$ and told ?li! /' ?li was ninet$5 eight $ears old and his e$es were so dim that he could not see! /( *hen the man said to ?li 0 am he who came from the battle! #nd 0 fled toda$ from the battle line!E #nd he said Chat ha&&ened m$ sonIE /) 9o the messenger answered and said 0srael has fled before the Hhilistines and there has been a great slaughter among the &eo&le! #lso $our two sons :o&hni and Hhinehas are dead; and the ark of God has been ca&tured!E

*hen it ha&&ened when he made mention of the ark of God that ?li fell off the seat backward b$ the side of the gate; and his neck was broken and he died for the man was old and hea%$! #nd he had Budged 0srael fort$ $ears!



Now his daughter5in5law Hhinehas7 wife was with child due to be deli%ered; and when she heard the news that the ark of God was ca&tured and that her father5in5law and her husband were dead she bowed herself and ga%e birth for her labor &ains came u&on her! 2- #nd about the time of her death the women who stood b$ her said to her >o not fear for $ou ha%e borne a son!E Fut she did not answer nor did she regard it. 2/ *hen she named the child 0chabod @cA sa$ing *he glor$ has de&arted from 0sraelJE because the ark of God had been ca&tured and because of her father5in5law and her husband! 22 #nd she said *he glor$ has de&arted from 0srael for the ark of God has been ca&tured!E

. Samuel 5
The &hilistines and the Ark

*hen the Hhilistines took the ark of God and brought it from ?bene8er to #shdod! 2 Chen the Hhilistines took the ark of God the$ brought it into the house of >agon@aA and set it b$ >agon! 3 #nd when the &eo&le of #shdod arose earl$ in the morning there was >agon fallen on its face to the earth before the ark of the <4=>! 9o the$ took >agon and set it in its &lace again! " #nd when the$ arose earl$ the ne1t morning there was >agon fallen on its face to the ground before the ark of the <4=>! *he head of >agon and both the &alms of its hands were broken off on the threshold; onl$ >agon7s torso@bA was left of it! ' *herefore neither the &riests of >agon nor an$ who come into >agon7s house tread on the threshold of >agon in #shdod to this da$! ( Fut the hand of the <4=> was hea%$ on the &eo&le of #shdod and :e ra%aged them and struck them with tumors @cAboth #shdod and its territor$! ) #nd when the men of #shdod saw how it was, the$ said *he ark of the God of 0srael must not remain with us for :is hand is harsh toward us and >agon our god!E + *herefore the$ sent and gathered to themsel%es all the lords of the Hhilistines and said Chat shall we do with the ark of the God of 0sraelIE #nd the$ answered <et the ark of the God of 0srael be carried awa$ to Gath!E 9o the$ carried the ark of the God of 0srael awa$! , 9o it was after the$ had carried it awa$ that the hand of the <4=> was against the cit$ with a %er$ great destruction; and :e struck the men of the cit$ both small and great and tumors broke out on them! /*herefore the$ sent the ark of God to ?kron! 9o it was as the ark of God came to ?kron that the ?kronites cried out sa$ing *he$ ha%e brought the ark of the God of 0srael to us to kill us and our &eo&leJE // 9o the$ sent and gathered together all the lords of the Hhilistines and said 9end awa$ the ark of the God of 0srael and let it go back to its own &lace so that it does not kill us and our &eo&le!E 6or there was a deadl$ destruction throughout all the cit$; the hand of God was %er$ hea%$ there! /2 #nd the men who did not die were stricken with the tumors and the cr$ of the cit$ went u& to hea%en! . Samuel !
The Ark 0eturned to /srael

Now the ark of the <4=> was in the countr$ of the Hhilistines se%en months! 2 #nd the Hhilistines called for the &riests and the di%iners sa$ing Chat shall we do with the ark of the <4=>I *ell us how we should send it to its &lace!E 3 9o the$ said 0f $ou send awa$ the ark of the God of 0srael do not send it em&t$; but b$ all means return it to :im with a tres&ass offering! *hen $ou will be healed and it will be known to $ou wh$ :is hand is not remo%ed from $ou!E " *hen the$ said Chat is the tres&ass offering which we shall return to :imIE *he$ answered 6i%e golden tumors and fi%e golden rats according to the number of the lords of the Hhilistines! 6or the same &lague was on all of $ou and on $our lords! ' *herefore $ou shall make images of $our tumors and images of $our rats that ra%age the land and $ou shall gi%e glor$ to the God of 0srael; &erha&s :e will lighten :is hand from $ou from $our gods and from $our land! ( Ch$ then do $ou harden $our hearts as the ?g$&tians and Hharaoh hardened their heartsI Chen :e did might$ things among them did the$ not let the &eo&le go that the$ might de&artI ) Now therefore make a new cart take two milk cows which ha%e ne%er been $oked and hitch the cows to the cart; and take their cal%es home awa$ from them! + *hen take the ark of the <4=> and set it on the cart; and &ut the articles of gold which $ou are returning to :im as a tres&ass offering in a chest b$ its side! *hen send it awa$ and let it go! , #nd watch2 if it goes u& the road to its own territor$ to Feth 9hemesh then :e has done us this great e%il! Fut if not then we shall know that it is not :is hand that struck us3it ha&&ened to us b$ chance!E /*hen the men did so; the$ took two milk cows and hitched them to the cart and shut u& their cal%es at home! // #nd the$ set the ark of the <4=> on the cart and the chest with the gold rats and the images of their tumors! /2 *hen the cows headed straight for the road to Feth 9hemesh and went along the highwa$ lowing as the$ went and did not turn aside to the right hand or the left! #nd the lords of the Hhilistines went after them to the border of Feth 9hemesh! /3 Now the people of Feth 9hemesh were rea&ing their wheat har%est in the %alle$; and the$ lifted their e$es and saw the ark and reBoiced to see it. /" *hen the cart came into the field of Joshua of Feth 9hemesh and stood there; a large stone was there! 9o the$ s&lit the wood of the cart and offered the cows as a burnt offering to the <4=>! /' *he <e%ites took down the ark of the <4=> and the chest that was with it in which were the articles of gold and &ut them on the large stone! *hen the men of Feth 9hemesh offered burnt offerings and made sacrifices the same da$ to the <4=>! /( 9o when the fi%e lords of the Hhilistines had seen it, the$ returned to ?kron the same da$! /) *hese are the golden tumors which the Hhilistines returned as a tres&ass offering to the <4=>2 one for #shdod one for Ga8a one for #shkelon one for Gath one for ?kron; /+ and the golden rats according to the number of all the cities of the Hhilistines belonging to the fi%e lords both fortified cities and countr$ %illages e%en as far as the large stone of #bel on which the$ set the ark of the <4=> which stone remains to this da$ in the field of Joshua of Feth 9hemesh! /, *hen :e struck the men of Feth 9hemesh because the$ had looked into the ark of the <4=>! :e struck fift$ thousand and se%ent$ men@aA of the &eo&le and the &eo&le lamented because the <4=> had struck the &eo&le with a great slaughter!
The Ark at ,ir1ath 2earim


#nd the men of Feth 9hemesh said Cho is able to stand before this hol$ <4=> GodI #nd to whom shall it go u& from usIE 2/ 9o the$ sent messengers to the inhabitants of KirBath Jearim sa$ing *he Hhilistines ha%e brought back the ark of the <4=>; come down and take it u& with $ou!E

. Samuel "

*hen the men of KirBath Jearim came and took the ark of the <4=> and brought it into the house of #binadab on the hill and consecrated ?lea8ar his son to kee& the ark of the <4=>!
Samuel 2udges /srael

9o it was that the ark remained in KirBath Jearim a long time; it was there twent$ $ears! #nd all the house of 0srael lamented after the <4=>! 3 *hen 9amuel s&oke to all the house of 0srael sa$ing 0f $ou return to the <4=> with all $our hearts then &ut awa$ the foreign gods and the #shtoreths@aA from among $ou and &re&are $our hearts for the <4=> and ser%e :im onl$; and :e will deli%er $ou from the hand of the Hhilistines!E " 9o the children of 0srael &ut awa$ the Faals and the #shtoreths @bA and ser%ed the <4=> onl$! ' #nd 9amuel said Gather all 0srael to .i8&ah and 0 will &ra$ to the <4=> for $ou!E ( 9o the$ gathered together at .i8&ah drew water and &oured it out before the <4=>! #nd the$ fasted that da$ and said there Ce ha%e sinned against the <4=>!E #nd 9amuel Budged the children of 0srael at .i8&ah! ) Now when the Hhilistines heard that the children of 0srael had gathered together at .i8&ah the lords of the Hhilistines went u& against 0srael! #nd when the children of 0srael heard of it, the$ were afraid of the Hhilistines! + 9o the children of 0srael said to 9amuel >o not cease to cr$ out to the <4=> our God for us that :e ma$ sa%e us from the hand of the Hhilistines!E , #nd 9amuel took a suckling lamb and offered it as a whole burnt offering to the <4=>! *hen 9amuel cried out to the <4=> for 0srael and the <4=> answered him! /- Now as 9amuel was offering u& the burnt offering the Hhilistines drew near to battle against 0srael! Fut the <4=> thundered with a loud thunder u&on the Hhilistines that da$ and so confused them that the$ were o%ercome before 0srael! // #nd the men of 0srael went out of .i8&ah and &ursued the Hhilistines and dro%e them back as far as below Feth Kar! /2 *hen 9amuel took a stone and set it u& between .i8&ah and 9hen and called its name ?bene8er @cA sa$ing *hus far the <4=> has hel&ed us!E /3 9o the Hhilistines were subdued and the$ did not come an$more into the territor$ of 0srael! #nd the hand of the <4=> was against the Hhilistines all the da$s of 9amuel! /" *hen the cities which the Hhilistines had taken from 0srael were restored to 0srael from ?kron to Gath; and 0srael reco%ered its territor$ from the hands of the Hhilistines! #lso there was &eace between 0srael and the #morites! /' #nd 9amuel Budged 0srael all the da$s of his life! /( :e went from $ear to $ear on a circuit to Fethel Gilgal and .i8&ah and Budged 0srael in all those &laces! /) Fut he alwa$s returned to =amah for his home was there! *here he Budged 0srael and there he built an altar to the <4=>!

0 9am /-2,

Then Sa#&el took a flask of oil and po&red it on his head, and kissed hi# and said: Is it not eca&se the LORD has anointed yo& co##ander o$er 6is inheritance78a9 2 :hen yo& ha$e departed fro# #e today, yo& %ill find t%o #en y Rachel,s to# in the territory of ;en3a#in at <el)ah* and they %ill say to yo&, =The donkeys %hich yo& %ent to look for ha$e een fo&nd! (nd no% yo&r father has ceased caring a o&t the donkeys and is %orrying a o&t yo&, saying, :hat shall I do a o&t #y son7>, ' Then yo& shall go on for%ard fro# there and co#e to the tere inth tree of Ta or! There three #en going &p to ?od at ;ethel %ill #eet yo&, one carrying three yo&ng goats, another carrying three loa$es of read, and another carrying a skin of %ine! + (nd they %ill greet yo& and gi$e yo& t%o loaves of read, %hich yo& shall recei$e fro# their hands! (fter that yo& shall co#e to the hill of ?od %here the @hilistine garrison is. (nd it %ill happen, %hen yo& ha$e co#e there to the city, that yo& %ill #eet a gro&p of prophets co#ing do%n fro# the high place %ith a stringed instr&#ent, a ta# o&rine, a fl&te, and a harp efore the#* and they %ill e prophesying! . Then the Spirit of the LORD %ill co#e &pon yo&, and yo& %ill prophesy %ith the# and e t&rned into another #an! / (nd let it e, %hen these signs co#e to yo&, that yo& do as the occasion de#ands* for ?od is %ith yo&! 1 5o& shall go do%n efore #e to ?ilgal* and s&rely I %ill co#e do%n to yo& to offer &rnt offerings and #ake sacrifices of peace offerings! Se$en days yo& shall %ait, till I co#e to yo& and sho% yo& %hat yo& sho&ld do!> 2 So it %as, %hen he had t&rned his ack to go fro# Sa#&el, that ?od ga$e hi# another heart* and all those signs ca#e to pass that day! 14 :hen they ca#e there to the hill, there %as a gro&p of prophets to #eet hi#* then the Spirit of ?od ca#e &pon hi#, and he prophesied a#ong the#! 11 (nd it happened, %hen all %ho kne% hi# for#erly sa% that he indeed prophesied a#ong the prophets, that the people said to one another, :hat is this that has co#e &pon the son of Aish7 Is Sa&l also a#ong the prophets7> 12 Then a #an fro# there ans%ered and said, ;&t %ho is their father7> Therefore it eca#e a pro$er : Is Sa&l also a#ong the prophets7> 1' (nd %hen he had finished prophesying, he %ent to the high place! 1+ Then Sa&l,s &ncle said to hi# and his ser$ant, :here did yo& go7> So he said, To look for the donkeys! :hen %e sa% that they were no%here to be found, %e %ent to Sa#&el!> 1(nd Sa&l,s &ncle said, Tell #e, please, %hat Sa#&el said to yo&!> 1. So Sa&l said to his &ncle, 6e told &s plainly that the donkeys had een fo&nd!> ;&t a o&t the #atter of the kingdo#, he did not tell hi# %hat Sa#&el had said!

00 9am '2 /) 1/ Bo% %hen the @hilistines heard that they had anointed Da$id king o$er Israel, all the @hilistines %ent &p to search for Da$id! (nd Da$id heard of it and %ent do%n to the stronghold! 11 The @hilistines also %ent and deployed the#sel$es in the Calley of Rephai#! 12 So Da$id inD&ired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go &p against the @hilistines7 :ill 5o& deli$er the# into #y hand7> (nd the LORD said to Da$id, ?o &p, for I %ill do& tless deli$er the @hilistines into yo&r hand!> 24 So Da$id %ent to ;aal @era)i#, and Da$id defeated the# there* and he said, The LORD has roken thro&gh #y ene#ies efore #e, like a reakthro&gh of %ater!> Therefore he called the na#e of that place ;aal @era)i#! 8e9 21 (nd they left their i#ages there, and Da$id and his #en carried the# a%ay!

E 2 Sa#&el -:24 Literally Master of Breakthroughs

2 Samuel !
The Ark #rought to 2erusalem

#gain >a%id gathered all the choice men of 0srael thirt$ thousand! 2 #nd >a%id arose and went with all the &eo&le who were with him from Faale Judah to bring u& from there the ark of God whose name is called b$ the Name @aA the <4=> of :osts who dwells between the cherubim! 3

9o the$ set the ark of God on a new cart and brought it out of the house of #binadab
which was on the hill; and D88ah and #hio the sons of #binadab dro%e the new cart!@bA " #nd the$ brought it out of the house of #binadab which was on the hill accom&an$ing the ark of God; and #hio went before the ark! ' *hen >a%id and all the house of 0srael &la$ed music before the <4=> on all kinds of instruments of fir wood on har&s on stringed instruments on tambourines on sistrums and on c$mbals! ( #nd when the$ came to Nachon7s threshing floor D88ah &ut out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it for the o1en stumbled! ) *hen the anger of the <4=> was aroused against D88ah and God struck him there for his error; and he died there b$ the ark of God! + #nd >a%id became angr$ because of the <4=>7s outbreak against D88ah; and he called the name of the &lace Here8 D88ah@cA to this da$! , >a%id was afraid of the <4=> that da$; and he said :ow can the ark of the <4=> come to meIE /- 9o >a%id would not mo%e the ark of the <4=> with him into the Kit$ of >a%id; but >a%id took it aside into the house of 4bed5?dom the Gittite! // *he ark of the <4=> remained in the house of 4bed5?dom the Gittite three months! #nd the <4=> blessed 4bed5?dom and all his household! /2 Now it was told King >a%id sa$ing *he <4=> has blessed the house of 4bed5?dom and all that belongs to him because of the ark of God!E 9o >a%id went and brought u& the ark of God from the house of 4bed5?dom to the Kit$ of >a%id with gladness! /3 #nd so it was when those bearing the ark of the <4=> had gone si1 &aces that he sacrificed o1en and fatted shee&! /" *hen >a%id danced before the <4=> with all his might; and >a%id was wearing a linen e&hod! /' 9o >a%id and all the house of 0srael brought u& the ark of the <4=> with shouting and with the

sound of the trum&et! /( Now as the ark of the <4=> came into the Kit$ of >a%id .ichal 9aul7s daughter looked through a window and saw King >a%id lea&ing and whirling before the <4=>; and she des&ised him in her heart! /) 9o the$ brought the ark of the <4=> and set it in its &lace in the midst of the tabernacle that >a%id had erected for it! *hen >a%id offered burnt offerings and &eace offerings before the <4=>! /+ #nd when >a%id had finished offering burnt offerings and &eace offerings he blessed the &eo&le in the name of the <4=> of hosts! /, *hen he distributed among all the &eo&le among the whole multitude of 0srael both the women and the men to e%er$one a loaf of bread a &iece of meat, and a cake of raisins! 9o all the &eo&le de&arted e%er$one to his house! 2*hen >a%id returned to bless his household! #nd .ichal the daughter of 9aul came out to meet >a%id and said :ow glorious was the king of 0srael toda$ unco%ering himself toda$ in the e$es of the maids of his ser%ants as one of the base fellows shamelessl$ unco%ers himselfJE 2/ 9o >a%id said to .ichal It was before the <4=> who chose me instead of $our father and all his house to a&&oint me ruler o%er the &eo&le of the <4=> o%er 0srael! *herefore 0 will &la$ music before the <4=>! 22 #nd 0 will be e%en more undignified than this and will be humble in m$ own sight! Fut as for the maidser%ants of whom $ou ha%e s&oken b$ them 0 will be held in honor!E 23 *herefore .ichal the daughter of 9aul had no children to the da$ of her death!

. $hronicles .3
The Ark #rought from ,ir1ath 2earim

*hen >a%id consulted with the ca&tains of thousands and hundreds and with e%er$ leader! 2 #nd >a%id said to all the assembl$ of 0srael 0f it seems good to $ou and if it is of the <4=> our God let us send out to our brethren e%er$where who are left in all the land of 0srael and with them to the &riests and <e%ites who are in their cities and their common5lands that the$ ma$ gather together to us; 3 and let us bring the ark of our God back to us for we ha%e not in;uired at it since the da$s of 9aul!E " *hen all the assembl$ said that the$ would do so for the thing was right in the e$es of all the &eo&le! ' 9o >a%id gathered all 0srael together from 9hihor in ?g$&t to as far as the entrance of :amath to bring the ark of God from KirBath Jearim! ( #nd >a%id and all 0srael went u& to Faalah @aA to KirBath Jearim which belonged to Judah to bring u& from there the ark of God the <4=> who dwells between the cherubim where is name is &roclaimed! ) 9o the$ carried the ark of God on a new cart from the house of #binadab and D88a and #hio dro%e the cart! + *hen >a%id and all 0srael &la$ed music before God with all their might with singing on har&s on stringed instruments on tambourines on c$mbals and with trum&ets! , #nd when the$ came to Khidon7s@bA threshing floor D88a &ut out his hand to hold the ark for the o1en stumbled! /- *hen the anger of the <4=> was aroused against D88a and :e struck him because he &ut his hand to the ark; and he died there before God! // #nd >a%id became angr$ because of the <4=>7s outbreak against D88a; therefore that &lace is called Here8 D88a@cA to this da$! /2 >a%id was afraid of God that da$ sa$ing :ow can 0 bring the ark of God to meIE

9o >a%id would not mo%e the ark with him into the Kit$ of >a%id but took it aside into the house of 4bed5?dom the Gittite! /" *he ark of God remained with the famil$ of 4bed5?dom in his house three months! #nd the <4=> blessed the house of 4bed5?dom and all that he had! . $hronicles .* +a-id Established at 2erusalem Now :iram king of *$re sent messengers to >a%id and cedar trees with masons and car&enters to build him a house! 2 9o >a%id knew that the <4=> had established him as king o%er 0srael for his kingdom was highl$ e1alted for the sake of :is &eo&le 0srael! 3 *hen >a%id took more wi%es in Jerusalem and >a%id begot more sons and daughters! " #nd these are the names of his children whom he had in Jerusalem2 9hammua @aA 9hobab Nathan 9olomon ' 0bhar ?lishua @bA ?l&elet @cA ( Nogah Ne&heg Ja&hia ) ?lishama Feeliada @dA and ?li&helet! The &hilistines +efeated
+ /

Now when the Hhilistines heard that >a%id had been anointed king o%er all 0srael all the Hhilistines went u& to search for >a%id! #nd >a%id heard of it and went out against them! , *hen the Hhilistines went and made a raid on the Valle$ of =e&haim! /- #nd >a%id in;uired of God sa$ing 9hall 0 go u& against the HhilistinesI Cill You deli%er them into m$ handIE *he <4=> said to him Go u& for 0 will deli%er them into $our hand!E // 9o the$ went u& to Faal Hera8im and >a%id defeated them there! *hen >a%id said God has

broken through m$ enemies b$ m$ hand like a breakthrough of water!E *herefore the$ called the name of that &lace Faal Hera8im!@eA /2 #nd when the$ left their gods there >a%id ga%e a commandment and the$ were burned with fire! /3 *hen the Hhilistines once again made a raid on the %alle$! /" *herefore >a%id in;uired again of God and God said to him You shall not go u& after them; circle around them and come u&on them in front of the mulberr$ trees! /' #nd it shall be when $ou hear a sound of marching in the to&s of the mulberr$ trees then $ou shall go out to battle for God has gone out before $ou to strike the cam& of the Hhilistines!E /( 9o >a%id did as God commanded him and the$ dro%e back the arm$ of the Hhilistines from Gibeon as far as Ge8er! /) *hen the fame of >a%id went out into all lands and the <4=> brought the fear of him u&on all nations!
E 1 Fhronicles 1+:11 Literally Master of Breakthroughs

. $hronicles .5
The Ark #rought to 2erusalem

!avid built houses for himself in the Kit$ of >a%id; and he &re&ared a &lace for the ark of God

and &itched a tent for it! 2 *hen >a%id said No one ma$ carr$ the ark of God but the

<e%ites for the <4=> has chosen them to carr$ the ark of God and to minister before :im fore%er!E 3 #nd >a%id gathered all 0srael together at Jerusalem to bring u& the
ark of the <4=> to its &lace which he had &re&ared for it! " *hen >a%id assembled the children of #aron and the <e%ites2 ' of the sons of Kohath Driel the chief and one hundred and twent$ of his brethren; ( of the sons of .erari #saiah the chief and two hundred and twent$ of his brethren; ) of the sons of Gershom Joel the chief and one hundred and thirt$ of his brethren; + of the sons of ?li8a&han 9hemaiah the chief and two hundred of his brethren; , of the sons of :ebron ?liel the chief and eight$ of his brethren; /- of the sons of D88iel #mminadab the chief and one hundred and twel%e of his brethren! // #nd >a%id called for Ladok and #biathar the &riests and for the <e%ites2 for Driel #saiah Joel 9hemaiah ?liel and #mminadab! /2 :e said to them You are the heads of the fathers7 houses of the <e%ites; sanctif$ $oursel%es $ou and $our brethren that $ou ma$ bring u& the ark of the <4=> God of 0srael to the place 0 ha%e &re&ared for it! /3 6or because $ou did not do it the first time, the <4=> our God broke out against us because we did not consult :im about the &ro&er order!E /" 9o the &riests and the <e%ites sanctified themsel%es to bring u& the ark of the <4=> God of 0srael! /' #nd the children of the <e%ites bore the ark of God on their shoulders b$ its &oles as .oses had commanded according to the word of the <4=>! /( *hen >a%id s&oke to the leaders of the <e%ites to a&&oint their brethren to be the singers accom&anied b$ instruments of music stringed instruments har&s and c$mbals b$ raising the %oice with resounding Bo$! /) 9o the <e%ites a&&ointed :eman the son of Joel; and of his brethren #sa&h the son of Ferechiah; and of their brethren the sons of .erari ?than the son of Kushaiah; /+ and with them their brethren of the second rank" Lechariah Fen @aA Jaa8iel 9hemiramoth Jehiel Dnni ?liab Fenaiah .aaseiah .attithiah ?li&heleh .ikneiah 4bed5

?dom and Jeiel the gatekee&ers; /, the singers :eman #sa&h and ?than were to sound the
c$mbals of bron8e; 2- Lechariah #8iel 9hemiramoth Jehiel Dnni ?liab .aaseiah and Fenaiah with strings according to #lamoth; 2/ .attithiah ?li&heleh .ikneiah 4bed5?dom Jeiel and #8a8iah to direct with har&s on the 9heminith; 22 Khenaniah leader of the <e%ites

was instructor in charge of the music because he was skillful; 23 Ferechiah and ?lkanah were doorkee&ers for the ark; 2" 9hebaniah Josha&hat Nethanel #masai Lechariah Fenaiah and ?lie8er the &riests were to blow the trum&ets before the ark of God; and 4bed5?dom and Jehiah doorkee&ers for the ark! 2' 9o >a%id the elders of 0srael and the ca&tains o%er thousands went to bring u& the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> from the house of 4bed5?dom with Bo$! 2( #nd so it was when God hel&ed the <e%ites who bore the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> that the$ offered se%en bulls and se%en rams! 2) >a%id was clothed with a robe of fine linen as were all the <e%ites who bore the ark the singers and Khenaniah the music master with the singers! >a%id also wore a linen e&hod! 2+ *hus all 0srael brought u& the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> with shouting and with the sound of the horn with trum&ets and with c$mbals making music with stringed instruments and har&s! 2, #nd it ha&&ened as the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> came to the Kit$ of >a%id that .ichal 9aul7s daughter looked through a window and saw King >a%id whirling and &la$ing music; and she des&ised him in her heart! . $hronicles .!
The Ark &laced in the Tabernacle

9o the$ brought the ark of God and set it in the midst of the tabernacle that >a%id had erected for it! @*:09 09 N4* *:? *#F?=N#K<? 46 .49?9A *hen the$ offered burnt offerings and &eace offerings before God! 2 #nd when >a%id had finished offering the burnt offerings and the &eace offerings he blessed the &eo&le in the name of the <4=>! 3 *hen he distributed to e%er$one of 0srael both man and woman to e%er$one a loaf of bread a &iece of meat, and a cake of raisins! " #nd he a&&ointed some of the <e%ites to minister before the ark of the <4=> to commemorate to thank and to &raise the <4=> God of 0srael2 ' #sa&h the chief and ne1t to him Lechariah then Jeiel 9hemiramoth Jehiel .attithiah ?liab Fenaiah and 4bed5?dom2 Jeiel with stringed instruments and har&s but #sa&h made music with c$mbals; ( Fenaiah and Jaha8iel the &riests regularl$ blew the trum&ets before the ark of the co%enant of God!
+a-id4s Song of Thanksgi-ing

The original work, found in its entirety in # $hronicles #%"&'((, was at some )uncture adapted into the two Psalm manuscripts" Psalm #*+ and Psalm ,%. # $hronicles #%"&'-- adapted to Psalm #*+"#'#+ with additional material added to Psalm #*+"#%'.+ # $hronicles #%"-('(( adapted to Psalm ,%" #'#(

4n that da$ >a%id first deli%ered this psalm into the hand of #sa&h and his brethren to thank the <4=>2

1 Chronicles 1 !"#$$

Psalm #*+"#'#+

4h gi%e thanks to the <4=>J Kall u&on :is name; .ake known :is deeds among the &eo&lesJ 9ing to :im sing &salms to :im; *alk of all :is wondrous worksJ

4h gi%e thanks to the <4=>J Kall u&on :is name; .ake known :is deeds among the &eo&lesJ 9ing to :im sing &salms to :im; *alk of all :is wondrous worksJ

Glor$ in :is hol$ name; <et the hearts of those reBoice who seek the <4=>J


Glor$ in :is hol$ name; <et the hearts of those reBoice who seek the <4=>J


9eek the <4=> and :is strength; 9eek :is face e%ermoreJ

9eek the <4=> and :is strength; 9eek :is face e%ermoreJ

=emember :is mar%elous works which :e has done :is wonders and the Budgments of :is mouth


=emember :is mar%elous works which :e has done :is wonders and the Budgments of :is mouth


4 seed of 0srael :is ser%ant You children of Jacob :is chosen onesJ :e is the <4=> our God; :is Budgments are in all the earth!

4 seed of 0srael :is ser%ant You children of Jacob :is chosen onesJ :e is the <4=> our God; :is Budgments are in all the earth!



=emember :is co%enant fore%er *he word which :e commanded for a thousand generations


=emember :is co%enant fore%er *he word which :e commanded for a thousand generations


The covenant which :e made with #braham #nd :is oath to 0saac #nd confirmed it to Jacob for a statute *o 0srael for an e%erlasting co%enant

The covenant which :e made with #braham #nd :is oath to 0saac #nd confirmed it to Jacob for a statute *o 0srael for an e%erlasting co%enant



9a$ing *o $ou 0 will gi%e the land of Kanaan #s the allotment of $our inheritance E


9a$ing *o $ou 0 will gi%e the land of Kanaan #s the allotment of $our inheritance E


Chen $ou were few in number 0ndeed %er$ few and strangers in it! Chen the$ went from one nation to another #nd from one kingdom to another &eo&le :e &ermitted no man to do them wrong; Yes :e rebuked kings for their sakes /aying, >o not touch .$ anointed ones #nd do .$ &ro&hets no harm!E@aA

Chen $ou were few in number 0ndeed %er$ few and strangers in it! Chen the$ went from one nation to another #nd from one kingdom to another &eo&le :e &ermitted no man to do them wrong; Yes :e rebuked kings for their sakes /aying, >o not touch .$ anointed ones #nd do .$ &ro&hets no harm!E@aA







9ing to the <4=> all the earth; Hroclaim the good news of :is sal%ation from da$ to da$!


>eclare :is glor$ among the nations :is wonders among all &eo&les!

6or the <4=> is great and greatl$ to be &raised; :e is also to be feared abo%e all gods!


Oh, sing to the LORD a ne% songG Sing to the LORD, all the earth! 2 Sing to the LORD, less 6is na#e* @roclai# the good ne%s of 6is sal$ation fro# day to day! ' Declare 6is glory a#ong the nations, 6is %onders a#ong all peoples! "or the LORD is great and greatly to e praised* 6e is to e feared a o$e all gods! "or all the gods of the peoples are idols, ;&t the LORD #ade the hea$ens! . 6onor and #a3esty are efore 6i#* Strength and ea&ty are in 6is sanct&ary! ?i$e to the LORD, O fa#ilies of the peoples, ?i$e to the LORD glory and strength! 1 ?i$e to the LORD the glory due 6is na#e* ;ring an offering, and co#e into 6is co&rts! 2 Oh, %orship the LORD in the ea&ty of holinessG Tre# le efore 6i#, all the earth! Say a#ong the nations, The LORD reigns* The %orld also is fir#ly esta lished, It shall not e #o$ed* 6e shall 3&dge the peoples righteo&sly!> Let the hea$ens re3oice, and let the earth e glad* Let the sea roar, and all its f&llness* 12 Let the field e 3oyf&l, and all that is in it! Then all the trees of the %oods %ill re3oice 1' efore the LORD! "or 6e is co#ing, for 6e is co#ing to 3&dge the earth! 6e shall 3&dge the %orld %ith righteo&sness, (nd the peoples %ith 6is tr&th! #nd all the &eo&le said #menJE and &raised the <4=>!
11 14 / +

6or all the gods of the &eo&les are idols Fut the <4=> made the hea%ens! :onor and maBest$ are before :im; 9trength and gladness are in :is &lace! Gi%e to the <4=> 4 families of the &eo&les Gi%e to the <4=> glor$ and strength!



Gi%e to the <4=> the glor$ due :is name; Fring an offering and come before :im! 4h worshi& the <4=> in the beaut$ of holinessJ


*remble before :im all the earth! *he world also is firml$ established 0t shall not be mo%ed!

<et the hea%ens reBoice and let the earth be glad; #nd let them sa$ among the nations *he <4=> reigns!E


<et the sea roar and all its fullness; <et the field reBoice and all that is in it!

*hen the trees of the woods shall reBoice before the <4=> 6or :e is coming to Budge the earth!@bA


4h gi%e thanks to the <4=> for e is goodJ 6or :is merc$ endures fore%er!@cA

#nd sa$ 9a%e us 4 God of our sal%ation; Gather us together and deli%er us from the Gentiles *o gi%e thanks to Your hol$ name *o trium&h in Your &raise!E


Flessed be the <4=> God of 0srael 6rom e%erlasting to e%erlastingJ@dA

0egular 5orshi 6aintained


9o he left #sa&h and his brothers there before the ark of the co%enant of the <4=> to minister before the ark regularl$ as e%er$ da$7s work re;uired; 3+ and 4bed5?dom with his si1t$5eight brethren including 4bed5?dom the son of Jeduthun and :osah to be gatekee&ers;


and Ladok the &riest and his brethren the &riests before the tabernacle of the <4=> at the high &lace that was at Gibeon "- to offer burnt offerings to the <4=> on the altar of burnt offering regularl$ morning and e%ening and to do according to all that is written in the <aw of the <4=> which :e commanded 0srael; "/ and with them :eman and Jeduthun and the rest who were chosen who were designated b$ name to gi%e thanks to the <4=> because :is merc$ endures fore%er; "2 and with them :eman and Jeduthun to sound aloud with trum&ets and c$mbals and the musical instruments of God! Now the sons of Jeduthun were gatekee&ers! "3 *hen all the &eo&le de&arted e%er$ man to his house; and >a%id returned to bless his house!

New King James Version (NKJV)

!ech"ri"h 1#
The +ay of the LO0+

;ehold, the day of the LORD is co#ing, (nd yo&r spoil %ill e di$ided in yo&r #idst! 2 "or I %ill gather all the nations to attle against Her&sale#* The city shall e taken, The ho&ses rifled, (nd the %o#en ra$ished! 6alf of the city shall go into capti$ity, ;&t the re#nant of the people shall not e c&t off fro# the city! ' Then the LORD %ill go forth (nd fight against those nations, (s 6e fights in the day of attle! + (nd in that day 6is feet %ill stand on the Mo&nt of Oli$es, :hich faces Her&sale# on the east! (nd the Mo&nt of Oli$es shall e split in t%o, "ro# east to %est, Makinga $ery large $alley* 6alf of the #o&ntain shall #o$e to%ard the north (nd half of it to%ard the so&th! Then yo& shall flee through My #o&ntain $alley, "or the #o&ntain $alley shall reach to ()al! 5es, yo& shall flee (s yo& fled fro# the earthD&ake In the days of I))iah king of H&dah! Th&s the LORD #y ?od %ill co#e, %nd all the saints %ith 5o&!8a9 . It shall co#e to pass in that day &hat there %ill e no light* The lights %ill di#inish! / It shall e one day :hich is kno%n to the LORDJ Beither day nor night! ;&t at e$ening ti#e it shall happen &hat it %ill e light! 1 (nd in that day it shall e &hat li$ing %aters shall flo% fro# Her&sale#, 6alf of the# to%ard the eastern sea (nd half of the# to%ard the %estern sea* In oth s&##er and %inter it shall occ&r! 2 (nd the LORD shall e Aing o$er all the earth! In that day it shall eJ The LORD is one,>8

(nd 6is na#e one!


(ll the land shall e t&rned into a plain fro# ?e a to Ri##on so&th of Her&sale#! 'erusalem8c9 shall e raised &p and inha ited in her place fro# ;en3a#in,s ?ate to the place of the "irst ?ate and the Forner ?ate, and from the To%er of 6ananel to the king,s %inepresses! 11 &he people shall d%ell in it* (nd no longer shall there e &tter destr&ction, ;&t Her&sale# shall e safely inha ited!

(nd this shall e the plag&e %ith %hich the LORD %ill strike all the people %ho fo&ght against Her&sale#: Their flesh shall dissol$e %hile they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissol$e in their sockets, (nd their tong&es shall dissol$e in their #o&ths! 1' It shall co#e to pass in that day &hat a great panic fro# the LORD %ill e a#ong the#! K$eryone %ill sei)e the hand of his neigh or, (nd raise his hand against his neigh or,s hand* 1+ H&dah also %ill fight at Her&sale#! (nd the %ealth of all the s&rro&nding nations Shall e gathered together: ?old, sil$er, and apparel in great a &ndance! 1S&ch also shall e the plag&e On the horse and the #&le, On the ca#el and the donkey, (nd on all the cattle that %ill e in those ca#ps! So shall this plag&e be.
The )ations 5orshi the ,ing


(nd it shall co#e to pass that e$eryone %ho is left of all the nations %hich ca#e against Her&sale# shall go &p fro# year to year to %orship the Aing, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the "east of Ta ernacles! 1/ (nd it shall e that %hiche$er of the fa#ilies of the earth do not co#e &p to Her&sale# to %orship the Aing, the LORD of hosts, on the# there %ill e no rain! 11 If the fa#ily of Kgypt %ill not co#e &p and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall recei$e the plag&e %ith %hich the LORD strikes the nations %ho do not co#e &p to keep the "east of Ta ernacles! 12 This shall e the p&nish#ent of Kgypt and the p&nish#ent of all the nations that do not co#e &p to keep the "east of Ta ernacles! 24 In that day 6OLIBKSS TO T6K LORD> shall e engraved on the ells of the horses! The pots in the LORD,s ho&se shall e like the o%ls efore the altar! 21 5es, e$ery pot in Her&sale# and H&dah shall e holiness to the LORD of hosts!8d9 K$eryone %ho sacrifices shall co#e and take the# and cook in the#! In that day there shall no longer e a Fanaanite in the ho&se of the LORD of hosts!

Acts .5
$onflict o-er $ircumcision

#nd certain men came down from Judea and taught the brethren Dnless $ou are circumcised according to the custom of .oses $ou cannot be sa%ed!E 2 *herefore when Haul and Farnabas had no small dissension and dis&ute with them the$ determined that Haul and Farnabas and certain others of them should go u& to Jerusalem to the a&ostles and elders about this ;uestion! 3 9o being sent on their wa$ b$ the church the$ &assed through Hhoenicia and 9amaria describing the con%ersion of the Gentiles; and the$ caused great Bo$ to all the brethren! " #nd when the$ had come to Jerusalem the$ were recei%ed b$ the church and the a&ostles and the elders; and the$ re&orted all things that God had done with them! ' Fut some of the sect of the Hharisees who belie%ed rose u& sa$ing 0t is necessar$ to circumcise them and to command them to kee& the law of .oses!E
The 2erusalem $ouncil

Now the a&ostles and elders came together to consider this matter! ) #nd when there had been much dis&ute Heter rose u& and said to them2 .en and brethren $ou know that a good while ago God chose among us that b$ m$ mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gos&el and belie%e! + 9o God who knows the heart acknowledged them b$ gi%ing them the :ol$ 9&irit Bust as e did to us , and made no distinction between us and them &urif$ing their hearts b$ faith! /Now therefore wh$ do $ou test God b$ &utting a $oke on the neck of the disci&les which neither our fathers nor we were able to bearI // Fut we belie%e that through the grace of the <ord Jesus Khrist@aA we shall be sa%ed in the same manner as the$!E /2 *hen all the multitude ke&t silent and listened to Farnabas and Haul declaring how man$ miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles! /3 #nd after the$ had become silent James answered sa$ing .en and brethren listen to me2 /" 9imon has declared how God at the first %isited the Gentiles to take out of them a &eo&le for :is name! /' #nd with this the words of the &ro&hets agree Bust as it is written2 /( 0 1fter this I will return 1nd will rebuild the tabernacle of !avid, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, 1nd I will set it up; /) /o that the rest of mankind may seek the L23!, 4ven all the 5entiles who are called by 6y name, /ays the L23! who does all these things.7@bA

Known to God from eternit$ are all :is works!@cA /, *herefore 0 Budge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God 2- but that we write to them to abstain from things &olluted b$ idols from se1ual immoralit$ @dAfrom things strangled and from blood! 2/ 6or .oses has had throughout man$ generations those who &reach him in e%er$ cit$ being read in the s$nagogues e%er$ 9abbath!E

The (ttri &tes of ?od y (!:! @ink 8$ %he &oliness o' (od

MCho shall not fear *hee 4 <ord and glorif$ *h$ nameI for *hou onl$ art hol$M (=e%! /'2")! :e onl$ is inde&endentl$ infinitel$ immutabl$ hol$! 0n 9cri&ture :e is fre;uentl$ st$led M*he :ol$ 4neM2 :e is so because the sum of all moral e1cellenc$ is found in :im! :e is absolute Hurit$ unsullied e%en b$ the shadow of sin! MGod is light and in :im is no darkness at allM (/ John /2')! :oliness is the %er$ e1cellenc$ of the >i%ine nature2 the great God is Mglorious in holinessM (?1! /'2//)! *herefore do we read M*hou art of &urer e$es than to behold e%il and canst not look on ini;uit$M (:ab! /2/3)! #s God7s &ower is the o&&osite of the nati%e weakness of the creature as :is wisdom is in com&lete contrast from the least defect of understanding or foll$ so :is holiness is the %er$ antithesis of all moral blemish or defilement! 4f old God a&&ointed singers in 0srael Mthat the$ should &raise for the beaut$ of holinessM (2 Khron! 2-22/)! MHower is God7s hand or arm omniscience :is e$e merc$ :is bowels eternit$ :is duration but holiness is :is beaut$M (9! Kharnock)! 0t is this su&remel$ which renders :im lo%el$ to those who are deli%ered from sin7s dominion! # chief em&hasis is &laced u&on this &erfection of God2 God is oftener st$led :ol$ than almight$ and set forth b$ this &art of :is dignit$ more than b$ an$ other! *his is more fi1ed on as an e&ithet to :is name than an$ other! You ne%er find it e1&ressed N:is might$ name7 or N:is wise name 7 but :is great name and most of all :is hol$ name! *his is the greatest title of honour; in this latter doth the maBest$ and %enerableness of :is name a&&ear (9! Kharnock)! *his &erfection as none other is solemnl$ celebrated before the *hrone of :ea%en the sera&him cr$ing M:ol$ hol$ hol$ is the <ord of hostsM (0sa! (23)! God :imself singles out this &erfection M4nce ha%e 0 sworn b$ *h$ holinessM (Hs! +,23')! God swears b$ :is holiness because that is a fuller e1&ression of :imself than an$thing else! *herefore are we e1horted M9ing unto the <ord 4 $e saints of :is and gi%e thanks at the remembrance of :is holinessM (Hs! 3-2")! M*his ma$ be said to be a transcendental attribute that as it were runs through the rest and casts luster u&on them! 0t is an attribute of attributesM (J! :owe /()-)! *hus we read of Mthe beaut$ of the <ordM (Hs! 2)2") which is none other than Mthe beaut$ of holinessM (Hs! //-23)! #s it seems to challenge an e1cellenc$ abo%e all :is other &erfections so it is the glor$ of all the rest; as it is the glor$ of the Godhead so it is the glor$ of e%er$ &erfection in the Godhead; as :is &ower is the strength of them so :is holiness is the beaut$ of them; as all would be weak without almightiness to back them so all would be uncomel$ without holiness to adorn them! 9hould this be sullied all the rest would lose their honour; as at the same instant the sun should lose its light it would lose its heat its strength its generati%e and ;uickening %irtue! #s sincerit$ is the luster of e%er$ grace in a Khristian so is &urit$ the s&lendor of e%er$ attribute in the Godhead! :is Bustice is a hol$ Bustice :is wisdom a hol$ wisdom :is arm of &ower a Mhol$ armM (Hs! ,+2/) :is truth or &romise a Mhol$ &romiseM (Hs! /-'2"2)! :is name which signifies all :is attributes in conBunction Mis hol$ M Hsalm /-32/ (9! Kharnock)! God7s holiness is manifested in :is works! M*he <ord is righteous in all :is wa$s and hol$ in all :is worksM (Hs! /"'2/))! Nothing but that which is e1cellent can &roceed from :im! :oliness is the rule of all :is actions! #t the beginning :e &ronounced all that :e made M%er$ goodM (Gen! /23/) which :e could not ha%e done had there been an$thing im&erfect or unhol$ in them! .an was made Mu&rightM (?ccl! )22,) in the image and likeness of his Kreator! *he angels that fell were created hol$ for we are told that the$ Mke&t not their first habitationM (Jude ()! 4f 9atan it is

written M*hou wast &erfect in th$ wa$s from the da$ that thou wast created till ini;uit$ was found in theeM (?8ek! 2+2/')! God7s holiness is manifested in :is law! *hat law forbids sin in all of its modifications2 in its most refined as well as its grossest forms the intent of the mind as well as the &ollution of the bod$ the secret desire as well as the o%ert act! *herefore do we read *he law is hol$ and Mthe commandment hol$ and Bust and goodM (=om! )2/2)! Yes Mthe commandment of the <ord is &ure enlightening the e$es! *he fear of the <ord is clean enduring fore%er2 the Budgments of the <ord are true and righteous altogetherM (Hs! /,2+ ,)! God7s holiness is manifested at the Kross! Condrousl$ and $et most solemnl$ does the #tonement dis&la$ God7s infinite holiness and abhorrence of sin! :ow hateful must sin be to God for :im to &unish it to its utmost deserts when it was im&uted to :is 9onJ Not all the %ials of Budgment that ha%e or shall be &oured out u&on the wicked world nor the flaming furnace of a sinner7s conscience nor the irre%ersible sentence &ronounced against the rebellious demons nor the groans of the damned creatures gi%e such a demonstration of God7s hatred of sin as the wrath of God let loose u&on :is 9on! Ne%er did >i%ine holiness a&&ear more beautiful and lo%el$ than at the time our 9a%iour7s countenance was most marred in the midst of :is d$ing groans! *his :imself acknowledges in Hsa! 22! Chen God had turned :is smiling face from :im and thrust :is shar& knife into :is heart which forced that terrible cr$ from :im M.$ God .$ God wh$ hast *hou forsaken .eIM :e adores this &erfection3M*hou art hol$ M %! 3 (9! Kharnock)! Fecause God is hol$ :e hates all sin! :e lo%es e%er$thing which is in conformit$ to :is laws and loathes e%er$thing which is contrar$ to it! :is Cord &lainl$ declares M*he froward is an abomination to the <ordM (Hro%! 3232)! #nd again M*he thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the <ordM (Hro%! /'22()! 0t follows therefore that :e must necessaril$ &unish sin! 9in can no more e1ist without demanding :is &unishment than without re;uiring :is hatred of it! God has often forgi%en sinners but :e ne%er forgi%es sin; and the sinner is onl$ forgi%en on the ground of #nother ha%ing borne his &unishment; for Mwithout shedding of blood is no remissionM (:eb! ,222)! *herefore we are told M*he <ord will take %engeance on :is ad%ersaries and :e reser%eth Crath for :is enemiesM (Nahum /22)! 6or one sin God banished our first &arents from ?den! 6or one sin all the &osterit$ of :am fell under a curse which remains o%er them to this da$ (Gen! ,22/)! 6or one sin .oses was e1cluded from Kanaan ?lisha7s ser%ant smitten with le&ros$ #nanias and 9a&&hira cut off out of the land of the li%ing! :erein we find &roof for the >i%ine ins&iration of the 9cri&tures! *he unregenerate do not reall$ belie%e in the holiness of God! *heir conce&tion of :is character is altogether one5sided! *he$ fondl$ ho&e that :is merc$ will o%erride e%er$thing else! M*hou thoughtest that 0 was altogether as th$selfM (Hs! '-22/) is God7s charge against them! *he$ think onl$ of a MgodM &atterned after their own e%il hearts! :ence their continuance in a course of mad foll$! 9uch is the holiness ascribed to the >i%ine nature and character in 9cri&ture that it clearl$ demonstrates their su&erhuman origin! *he character attributed to the MgodsM of the ancients and of modern heathendom are the %er$ re%erse of that immaculate &urit$ which &ertains to the true God! #n ineffabl$ hol$ God who has the utmost abhorrence of all sin was ne%er in%ented b$ an$ of #dam7s fallen descendantsJ *he fact is that nothing makes more manifest the terrible de&ra%it$ of man7s heart and his enmit$ against the li%ing God than to ha%e set before him 4ne who is infinitel$ and immutabl$ hol$! :is own idea of sin is &racticall$ limited to what the world calls Mcrime!M #n$thing short of that man &alliates as Mdefects M Mmistakes M Minfirmities M etc! #nd e%en where sin is owned at all e1cuses and e1tenuations are made for it!

*he MgodM which the %ast maBorit$ of &rofessing Khristians Mlo%e M is looked u&on %er$ much like an indulgent old man who himself has no relish for foll$ but lenientl$ winks at the MindiscretionsM of $outh! Fut the Cord sa$s M*hou hatest all workers of ini;uit$ M(Hs! '2')! #nd again MGod is angr$ with the wicked e%er$ da$M (Hs! )2//)! Fut men refuse to belie%e in this God and gnash their teeth when :is hatred of sin is faithfull$ &ressed u&on their attention! No sinful man was no more likel$ to de%ise a hol$ God than to create the <ake of fire in which he will be tormented for e%er and e%er! Fecause God is hol$ acce&tance with :im on the ground of creature doings is utterl$ im&ossible! # fallen creature could sooner create a world than &roduce that which would meet the a&&ro%al of infinite Hurit$! Kan darkness dwell with <ightI Kan the 0mmaculate 4ne take &leasure in Mfilth$ ragsM (0sa! ("2()I *he best that sinful man brings forth is defiled! # corru&t tree cannot bear good fruit! God would den$ :imself %ilif$ :is &erfections were :e to account as righteous and hol$ that which is not so in itself; and nothing is so which has the least stain u&on it contrar$ to the nature of God! Fut blessed be :is name that which :is holiness demanded :is grace has &ro%ided in Khrist Jesus our <ord! ?%er$ &oor sinner who has fled to :im for refuge stands Macce&ted in the Felo%edM (?&h! /2()! :alleluBahJ Fecause God is hol$ the utmost re%erence becomes our a&&roaches unto :im! MGod is greatl$ to be feared in the assembl$ of the saints and to be had in re%erence of all about :imM (Hs! +,2))! *hen M?1alt $e the <ord our God and worshi& at :is footstool; :e is hol$M (Hs! ,,2')! Yes Mat :is footstool M in the lowest &osture of humilit$ &rostrate before :im! Chen .oses would a&&roach unto the burning bush God said M&ut off th$ shoes from off th$ feetM (?1! 32')! :e is to be ser%ed Mwith fearM (Hs! 22//)! 4f 0srael :is demand was M0 will be sanctified in them that come nigh .e and before all the &eo&le 0 will be glorifiedM (<e%! /-23)! *he more our hearts are awed b$ :is ineffable holiness the more acce&table will be our a&&roaches unto :im! Fecause God is hol$ we should desire to be conformed to :im! :is command is MFe $e hol$ for 0 am hol$M (/ Het! /2/()! Ce are not bidden to be omni&otent or omniscient as God is but we are to be hol$ and that Min all manner of de&ortmentM (/ Het! /2/')! *his is the &rime wa$ of honoring God! Ce do not so glorif$ God b$ ele%ated admiration or elo;uent e1&ressions or &om&ous ser%ices of :im as when we as&ire to a con%ersing with :im with unstained s&irits end li%e to :im in li%ing like :im (9! Kharnock)! *hen as God alone is the 9ource and 6ount of holiness let us earnestl$ seek holiness from :im; let our dail$ &ra$er be that :e ma$ Msanctif$ us wholl$; and our whole s&irit and soul and bod$ be &reser%ed blameless unto the coming of our <ord Jesus KhristM (/ *hess! '223)!

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