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Frostbite: Frostbite is extremely dangerous Frostbitten area may appear pale or gray in color It will be cold and hard Bring your pet into a warm location Soak the area of frostbite with lukewarm water for about 20 minutes As the area thaws, it will become red In severe cases, if left untreated, the area will appear black within a few days Contact your Veterinarian or Animal Hospital right away Always wash your pets paws when they come inside if they have been around ice melt or rock salt NEVER leave your pet unattended in a car! Even with the windows open, a parked car can quickly reach 150 degrees or higher within minutes!

Helpful Resources:
Pet Poison Helpline (800)-548-2423 *If you have an emergency, go straight to the Animal Hospital at any time. *If possible, call the Animal Hospital first so they can be prepared for your arrival.

Pet CPR Link:

CPR demonstrated on: by Pet CPR Instructor, and founder of Sunny-Dog Ink, Denise Fleck. type=Feature&init_id=4460 THE BEST WAY TO HELP YOUR PET IS BY BEING INFORMED Girl Scouts of USA Girl Scout Gold Award Leadership Project

Important Reminder:
Place a Pet Alert Sticker near your front door indicating how many, and what type of animals live there. This informs emergency personnel, who can rescue your pet(s) if tragedy strikes, especially if you are not at home. Many fire departments offer these stickers free of charge.

-Made in honor of my beloved German Shepherd Munchkin, featured throughout the brochure Visit us on YouTube for a convenient online brochure & helpful videos

Basic Pet First Aid Kit:

Harmful Foods:
Many common foods can be harmful or toxic to your pet, including: Chocolate & Cocoa powder Yeast doughs Avocado Coffee & Tea Macadamia nuts Onions Salt Alcoholic beverages Garlic Raisins Grapes Sugar free products *Anything containing Xylitol (most sugar free items) can be fatal if ingested by your pet*

Poisonous Human Medicines:

*Always make sure you put your medicines in pet/child proof containers and in a sealed drawer. If a child can get into it, your pets can too!

UT WISI ENIM Gauze (rolls & pads)AMINIM Medical Tape VENIAM TRUDEXERCI Scissors Paint Stirrers & Tongue Depressors (can beConsectetur make-shiftelit, sed do used as a adipisicing splint) eiusmod tempor incididunt ut Pet Cut Disinfectant labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut Pet Blood Stopper enim ad minim veniam, quis Pet Eyenostrud exercitation ullamco Cleaner Hydrogen Peroxide ut aliquip ex ea laboris nisi Eye Dropper commodo consequat. Ut enim do Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed ad Needle minim veniam Nose Pliers eiusmod tempor incididunt ut Tweezers labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut Matches enim ad minim veniam, quis A Brush & Fine Toothed Comb ullamco nostrud exercitation Necessary Medications (must beex ea laboris nisi ut aliquip changed regularly so they stay enim do commodo consequat. Ut fresh) Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed ad Flashlight andvextra batteries minim eniam eiusmod tempor incididunt ut Blanketlabore et dolore to use as (for warmth or magna aliqua. Ut a stretcher) ad minim veniam, quis enim Emergency Phone Numbers nostrud exercitation ullamco

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In case be prepared with your Pet Go Kit:

A 2 week supply of food stored in an airtight container Manual can opener Water! (for medium to large dogs, one gallon per day) Pet Medications (remember to exchange all items above regularly so they are fresh when needed) Water-proof container with vaccination records & photos of your pet with your family as proof of ownership Pet First Aid Kit (see above) Treats, toys, & bedding Food & Water dishes Collars/harnesses & leashes Litter, scoop & boxes for cats Disinfectant for cleaning crates, paper towels Carrier/Crate Zip ties, garbage bags

laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea of commodo consequat. Ut enim ad emergency evacuation, minim veniam

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs YOUR SLOGAN HERE (NSAIDs), such as Advil and Aleve, can cause kidney failure and serious ulcers in dogs, cats and other animals. Acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, can severely damage cats red blood cells and can cause liver failure in dogs. Antidepressants are sometimes prescribed by vets in small doses, but human-strength pills can cause tremors, seizures, elevated heart rate and other dangerous conditions. ADD/ADHD medicines can cause life-threatening tremors, seizures and heart problems. Sleep aids, birth control pills, heart medicines, and thyroid hormones can cause severe health problems.

Toxic House Plants:

Lilies: highly toxic to cats; even small amounts can cause kidney failure Azaleas Chrysanthemums Rhododendrons Kalanchoes Schefflera Sago Palms: even one puncture and ingestion of a Sago Palm nut causes vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizures, liver failure, and possibly death. *For a complete list see my YouTube channel.
*If you think your pet has swallowed anything toxic, immediately call your Vet or the Pet Poison Helpline (800)-548-2423

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