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NAME: _____________________________

CRITERIA Introduction A-EXEMPLARY ~ Begins with full contextual information that gives the paper a clear historical setting ~ Includes specific, sophisticated and argumentative thesis ~ Organizing ideas/topics are introduced with sophistication and are connected to the thesis ~ Paragraphs begin with strong, idea-driven topic sentences ~ Paragraphs fluidly carry argument throughout paper ~ Paragraphs are connected by thoughtful and seamless transitions ~ All evidence is well-chosen, specific and highly supportive of argument ~ Thoroughly and thoughtfully addresses the counterargument. ~ Develops and analyzes all evidence with sophistication and originality, taking risks with ideas ~ Conclusion summarizes argument, moves the essay to broader level of significance and leaves the reader thinking ~ Writer uses rich and appropriate vocabulary ~ Spelling and grammar are flawless ~ Includes a bibliography of 6 or more varied and highly appropriate sources; all entries are in correct format. ~ Uses 4 or more well-chosen quotations, including at least 1 direct quote and at least 1 paraphrased statement in correct format (embedded) ~ Correctly cites all evidence as needed. ~ Paper is double-spaced, has 1inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font

LATE? _______

SCORE: __________
D-LIMITED /BEGINNING ~ Does not begin with historical setting ~ Includes a thesis statement that is apparent but vague and does not address the question posed ~ Neglects to preview the papers purpose ~ Paragraphs lack a clear opening ~ Some paragraphs are connected ~ Paragraphs lack transitions ~ Evidence is weak and not carefully chosen; evidence does not support argument ~ Does not address the counterargument ~ Does not attempt analysis ~ Conclusion is vague, does not summarize argument and does not attempt to point out the bigger issue ~ Writer fails to use appropriate vocabulary ~ Many errors in spelling and grammar that compromise meaning ~ Paper includes bibliography of less than 4 sources; not all entries are in correct format ~ Lacks the required number of direct quotations and paraphrased statements and cites them incorrect format ~ Paper is not doubledspaced/typed, does not have correct margins or font

B-VERY GOOD /PROFICIENT ~ Gives the paper historical setting ~ Includes an argumentative thesis ~ Clearly identifies organizing ideas/topics

C-FAIR/DEVELOPING ~ Begins with vague, nondescriptive historical setting ~ Includes a thesis statement that is apparent but vague ~ Identifies organizing ideas/ topics in an unclear way ~ Not all paragraphs begin with topic sentences ~Some paragraphs carry argument through paper ~Some paragraphs are connected by transitions ~ Some evidence is sufficient, supportive of argument, but broad ~ Addresses the counterargument in a superficial manner ~ Reiterates content with a limited amount of analysis ~ Conclusion minimally summarizes argument ~ Writer uses somewhat appropriate vocabulary

Organizatio n

~ Paragraphs begin with clear topic sentences ~ Most paragraphs carry argument through paper ~ Most paragraphs are connected by transitions ~ Most evidence is sufficient, specific and supportive of argument ~ Adequately addresses the counterargument. ~ Develops and analyzes most of the evidence, taking few risks with ideas ~ Conclusion summarizes argument and attempts to identify significance ~ Writer uses appropriate vocabulary



~ Few errors in spelling and grammar ~ Includes a bibliography of at least 6 sources; all entries are in correct format. ~ Uses at least 4 parenthetical citations, including at least 1 direct quotation and at least 1 paraphrased statement in correct format ~ Cites all evidence as needed, but might be incorrect format; or cites most evidence as needed ~ Paper is double-spaced, has 1inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font

~ Many errors in spelling and grammar but does not compromise meaning ~ Paper includes bibliography of less than 6 sources; not all entries are in correct format. ~ Lacks the required number of direct quotations or paraphrased statements or cites them in incorrect format ~ Paper is not doublespaced, does not have 1inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font

Name: _________________________________

Political Endorsement Paper Checklist

Due FRIDAY, Nov. 2, 2012

in class or by 3 p.m.
Endorsement Requirements: Paper is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font with 1-inch margins Introduction paragraph including historical context (on the election, its importance, the candidates, etc.), a strong thesis, and 3-4 sub-topics (the issues you researched) Topic Sentence/Purpose Statement for each paragraph (3-4 total) 4 or more pieces of cited evidence Cite all evidence using MLA parenthetical citations Analyze all evidence Analysis of why the other candidate isnt as good a choice (can be a separate body paragraph or can be woven into each body paragraph) this is the counterargument Conclusion paragraph that restates your thesis, connects to a broader theme or idea and gives your paper a sense of closure Bibliography o At least 6 entries in correct MLA format (news sources, debate source, candidates websites) o Entries are in alphabetical order o I HIGHLY suggest that you ask a librarian to check your bibliography before you turn it in. To turn in: print out a hard

copy of your essay.

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