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Management Systems in Production Engineering


AnnaANDRYKIEWICZ,ArkadiuszSETERNUS,JustynaSONIMIEC,ArkadiuszTRZENIEWSKI UniversityofZielonaGra

Abstract: Thepaperpresentstheimplementa onofIntegratedProductPolicyinPolandinthelightoftheEuropeanac vi es.It analyses the EU laws within this scope. It assesses the progress of LCA implementa on, ecolabelling, ecotaxes, EMAS andgreenpublicprocurementinPoland.ItexplainsthereasonsofslowIPPimplementa oninPolishorganisa ons.It mainlyreferstothedistribu onandpromo onofecolabelling,basedonempiricalresearchinGermanyandPoland. Keywords:IntegratedProductPolicy,IPP,LCA,ecolabelling,ecotaxes,EMAS,greenpublicprocurement

INTEGRATEDPRODUCTPOLICY Dynamic economic development and good economic resultsmustbecurrentlysynchronisedwithra onalexploi ta onofnaturalresourcesaswellascontroloftheirconse quencesinthecontextofsustainabledevelopment.There foretheEUCommissionandEUmembershipcountriesini atedthedevelopmentofIntegratedProductPolicywhich is the element of implementa on of the strategy of build ing the most dynamic and compe ve knowledge based economy[18]. The purpose of the work is the analysis of the current status of Integrated Product Policy implementa on in Po landfollowingtheexampleofLCA,EMASapplica on,eco labelling including the role of ecotaxes and green public procurements.A ertheaccessiontotheEUon1May2004 Polandstartedtojoinedtheprocessofimplementa onof theEUenvironmentpolicy.Thisprocessisdynamichowev eritfacesmanyobstacles. Integrated Product Policy performs tasks applying the most appropriate poli cal tools to develop the most eco logicalproducts.Themaingoalistodiminishthenega ve inuence on environment and more comprehensive sa s fac on of the consumer's needs. IPP improves produced anddesignedproductsandpromotesthemamongconsum ers[16]. On18June2003theCommissionadopteditsCommuni ca on: "Integrated Product Policy building on environ mental LifeCycle Thinking" [15] in 2009 "Report from the Commission to The Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Commi ee and the Com mi ee of The Regions on the State of Implementa on of Integrated Product Policy" was developed which summa risedthestateofimplementa onofthispolicy. InPolandtheIntegratedProductPolicywasestablished bytheMinisterofEnvironmentinFebruary2005.Itdesigns instruments suggested by the EU Commission to create newproductpolicy[5].Itstoolsencompassamongothers: ecotaxese.g.frompetrolanddiesel,

distribu onandpromo onofecolabelling[1], accoun ng which includes produc on costs also in termsofLCA(lifecycleassessment), implementa onandapplica onofEMAS(Ecoman agement and Audit Scheme), agreement between authori esandcompanies, providingaccesstoenvironmentalinforma onrelat edtotheproducttoconsumers, distribu on of environmental declara ons for prod ucts applying green criteria for tenders nanced from publicresources. EspeciallyimportantforIPPareenvironmentalmanage mentstandardsinacompanyISO14000,thegoalofthese standards was iden ca on of the basic requirements re ferring to the environment management system. The norms are instruments suppor ng conscious ecological impactofthecompanybenecialfortheenvironment.ISO 14000 is the only standard which provides the ground to issue the cer cate of conformity of these norms of envi ronment management. The basic requirements in this standard refer to such issues as: development of environ mental policy, iden ca on of environmental aspects and assessment of accompanying eect on the environment, monitoringandmeasurementofopera onac vi es,inter nalenvironmentalaudit,developmentandmaintenanceof environmentaltasks,iden ca onandrespec ngrelevant legalrequirements. According to the EU Commission assessment those in strumentsmakemoregreenerproductsandservices[18]. INSTRUMENTSOFINTEGRATEDPRODUCTPOLICY Dissemination and promotion of ecolabelling The tool characteris c for Integrated Product Policy is providingspecialistlabellingonproductspackaging.Thisis calledecomarkingorecolabelling. Ingreenproductstheproductsthequan tyofrawma terialwassignicantlylimitedandmoreovertherawmate

16ManagementSystemsinProduc onEngineering4(8)/2012 A.ANDRYKIEWICZetal.TheassessmentanduseofintegratedproductpolicyinPoland rialsappliedarelessharmfulfortheenvironment.Addi on allytheenergyusedinindividualstagesoftheproductwas alsominimised.Greenproductpackagingisalsolimitedto thenecessaryminimum(thepackagingcanbeusedagain), oritisnotusedatall.Equallycrucialforgreenproductsis alsothefactofnotestsconductedonanimals[4]. According to A. Benaciak and W.Gaczek ecolabelling performsmanyfunc ons[3]: informa vespecifyingcharacteris cfeaturesofthe productwhichmakeitdierentfromtheothermar ketoer; marke ngconrmingtheproductoerforconsum ers wai ng for them the least nega vely inuencing theenvironment; educa veprovidingalterna vepossibili esofhan dling with theproduct within all stages of its life cy cle; s mula onincreasedcompaniesinterestinecology suppor ngac vi es. The Ecolabelling system was rst introduced in Scandi navian countries. Since 1989 the Scandinavian countries have the common label "Nordic Swan" which covers a groupof40products.Theproductsmarkedwiththislabel havemuchlessnega veimpactonthepeopleandenviron ment. The rst ecolabel was introduced on the market in 1978 a German ecolabel "Blue Angel" which informed about saving raw materials, In 1989 the Polish Center for ResearchandCer ca onintroducedtherstPolishocial ecolabel EKOZNAK. Nowadays PCBiC grants 17 dierent ecolabels,basedonthecr ca onofmanagementsystems and products cer ca on, among others: Ecolabel, known asEcolabelFlowergrantedtoecologicalproductsinallEU countries [22]. It is possible to dis nguish 20 most im portant ecolabels granted to the European products, among others: Blue Angel, Krav, Svanen, European Cer cate. Evalua ng the ecolabelling as instrument it is possible tostatethatitwaswellimplementedintotheIPPstrategy. However it is necessary focus a en on to the problem of ecolabellsawarenessamongcustomers. Basedontheresearchconductedin2011bystudentsof Scien c Circle of EcoManagement of the University of ZielonaGraitislikelytodeclarethatbothPolishandGer man students have problems with recognising the eco labels. The ques onnaires were distributed among the groupof200studentsoftheUniversityofZielonaGraand Chris an Albrecht University in Kiel. The most well known wastherecyclingmark.Itwasrecognisedby92%ofPolish and 94% of German students. However the students have problems with Ecolabels (16.5% of correct answers were providedbythestudentsoftheUniversityofZielonaGra and22%ofcorrectanswersbyuniversitystudentsinKiel)or EMAS system mark (respec vely 18% and 25%). The aver age number of total correct answers was 42% for Polish studentsand49%fortheGermanstudents[11]. Implementation and application of EMAS program AveryimportantinstrumentimplementedbyIPPisEco Management and Audit Scheme which plays a special role in improving environmental eciency in many organisa onsintendedforbroadlyunderstoodenvironmentprotec on. In2002theEUCommissionini atedthepilotagestage ofEMAS.Therststageoftheprojectprovidestheimple menta onofEMASsysteminveunitsoftheEUCommis sioninBrussels: SecretariatGeneral, DirectorateGeneralfortheEnvironment, DirectorateGeneralforAdministra on, DirectorateGeneralforInforma cs, OceforInfrastructureandLogis cs. In2005theprogramwasimplementedbytheEuropean EnvironmentAgencyandin2009theEuropeanParliament inStrasbourg ThemaingoalofEMASistodevelopecologicalmanage mentsysteminacompanybasedonregularimprovements in terms of produc on processes as well as management techniques.Thegoalcanbeachievedbypreparingandim plemen ng environmental policies and programs, con sistent, material and regular assessment of the company opera on[15]. Developing and implementa on of the system of ecomanagement and EMAS audit in companies or ins tu onsbringsmanyprotsamongothers[19]: economicbenetsrelatedtora onalisa onofraw materialsconsump ons;waterandenergy;couldbe alsoappliedtorecyclingandcontributestocostsre duc onandpossibili estoseeknewsavingsareas, improvementofrela onswithlocalauthori escon tributestoobtain, public subsidies and decrease of administra ve bur dens, imageofasuppliercaringofnaturalenvironmentin the future more and more public ins tu ons would require from the suppliers the guarantee of the so calledecologicallyfriendlyproducts, market shares increase, winning new markets cus tomersmoreo en, lookforecologicallyfriendlygoodsandservices, improvementofthemarketvalueoftheorganisa on implemen ng EMAS facilitates growth of the mar ketvalueoftheorganisa onincaseofmerger,taking overorsales, modernmanagementEMASsystemiscurrentlythe most modern system of managing the environment protec onissues. Par cipa on in EMAS system is totally voluntarily. By joining the system the en ty is oblige to implement and maintaintheenvironmentmanagementsystem,conduc ng regularauditsandpublishinginforma oninenvironmental declara on. A er verica on and approval of declara on by independent, authorised environmental auditor the companyappliesforregistra ontocompetentauthorityi.e. theMinistryofEnvironmentinPolandwithtwogovernors. The District Oce veries the completeness and reliability ofdelivereddocumentsandentersthemtothedistrictreg ister.Thentheinforma onissubmi edtotheMinisterof Environment to enter it to the central register for further transfer to the EU register EMAS kept by the EU Commis sion[20]. The legal background for EMAS in Poland is regula on no.1221/2009of25November2009ovoluntarypar cipa onoftheorganisa onintheEcomanagementandAudit Scheme In 20062009 the number of organisa ons applying EMAS extended 4330. The leading country in terms of im plementa on is Germany with 1417 organisa ons in the system i.e. 1/3 of all registered organisa ons. Spain has 1603 organisa ons, Italy978, Austria 257. By 2009 Lithua

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niaandBulgariahadnotenteredthesystemandRomania registeredonlyoneorganisa on.In2009Polandregistered 16organisa onsand20in2010. Accordingtotheresearchconductedbytheassocia on KlubPolskieForumISO14000themainobstacleinmaking decision about the system implementa on is insucient knowledgeaboutEMAS(thisanswerwasmarkedbyevery h respondent) and high costs of implementa on and maintaining the system in the company (19% of respond ents). Companies also admit that the problem is lack of encouragementandsupportbythestatefortheorganisa on registered in EMAS and long and dicult registra on procedure.Almosthalfoftherespondentsbelievethatde creasedchargeforeconomicuseoftheenvironmentwould makethesystemimplementa onmorea rac ve[8]. Ecotaxes ThenexttoolofIntegratedProductPolicyareecotaxes alsoknownasproductcharge. According to the Organisa on for Economic Co Opera on and Development) ecotax is a nonreturnable charge for the state imposed on the subject of taxa on [21].Itisoneoftheinstrumentsofeconomicenvironment protec on. It denes and controls products charges which ondierentstagesoftheproductlicecycleareriskyforthe natural environment [7]. Ecotaxes are mainly imposed on thenishedproductsalthoughinsomecountriesthistaxis imposedonrawmaterialsforproduc on. The dierence between taxes and charges is based on thefactthattherstsupplythebudgetwhereasthecharg esecologicalassetsintendedforenvironmentprotec on. Ecotaxesandchargescouldbe: emission charges payment for every pollu on unit intheenvironment.Thechargesdependonthequali ty or quan ty of emission contaminated substances [9]; product chargesimposed on products hazardous for the environment in the produc on, consump on or postproduc on and postconsump on storing stage. Thechargesapplytoproductsusedorconsumedon amassivescale[10]; userchargesencompasscostsofcollec vedisposal of pollu on or water supply. Charges are paid for environmentprotec onservicesornaturalresources consump on; administra ve charges for ocial services such as: a esta on, issuing permits or licences or searching ecological informa on by the administra ve body. The charges usually cover the costs related to the opera onofenvironmentprotec onins tu ons[2]. DetailedproductchargesaredeterminedbytheRegula on of the Minister of Environment based on the Act of entrepreneurs obliga ons regarding management of some waste and product charge. For example for 1 kilogram of plas c packaging the entrepreneurs have to pay PLN 2.73 butfor1kilogramofwoodpackagingPLN0.33.Thecharge forlubrica ngoilisPLN2.07.Thehighestproductchargeis paidforusedrubber resi.e.PLN4.08[14]. Ecocharges supply the Na onal Fund of Environment Protec onandWaterManagement.Accordingtothe2010 reportrealrevenueamountedtoPLN2328664000K.The incomesfortheuseofenvironmentandnesforexceeding acceptablelimitofenvironmentpollu onamountedto391 648000.ThebudgetofNa onalFundofEnvironmentPro tec on and Water Management was supplied with PLN 223703000forexploita onandlicences.Addi onallythe

budgetearnedPLN346803000fromrecyclingofELVs.The Na onal Fund earned PLN 739 784 000 of income from charges and nes spent on suppor ng renewable sources ofenergy. Therevenuegeneratedbyproductchargesintheperiod ofsomewastemanagementandchargereachedPLN3718 000. The revenue from charges for gran ng licence for greengasesandothersubstancesemissionandentrytothe Na onalCourtRegisteramountedtoPLN134000.In2010 PLN 198 000 was obtained from nes for not respec ng regula onsonbiocomponentsandbiofuelturnover[17]. TheEUCommissionencouragesimplemen nglocaland community scal measures. However its legisla on does notforcestospecicecotaxessolu ons. In Europe the highest taxes are imposed on well developed countries, mainly in Scandinavia. Denmark has ecotax the so called pipeline tax and its unusual characte depends on the water consumed by households. Norway introducedcoalandsulphurtaxwhichoccurswhencoalor sulphurisused.Germanyhasalsowelldevelopedecotaxes and it imposed taxes on combusted fuel and consumed electricalenergy. Green public procurements Greenpublicprocurementreferstothepolicyinwhich public en es include eco requirements to the procure ment process (gran ng public procurement) and seek for solu ons minimising nega ve impact of products and ser vices on theenvironment and the en reproduct lifecycle and facilitate the development and dissemina on of envi ronmental technologies. This deni on covers situa ons when the ordering party adds one or more environmental factorsonsuchstagesonthetenderprocedureas:specify ing need, dening the order subject, preparing technical specica ons,selec ng the order criteria or form of order execu on.Thegoalofgreenpublicprocurementsistore spect in the broadest possible scope the environmental issuesinthetenderprocedures[12]. In 2006 the Public Procurement Oce analysed 400 public procurement oers and only 16 of them included ecologicalaspects.Theprocurementsreferredtocars,wa ter consump on and technologies applied to construct sewage treatment plant. In 2009 out of 600 of analysed procurements 60 were green. [13]. The number of green publicprocurementsincreasesbutcomparingtotheother EUcountriesitiss llmuchlower. The tender policy in line with the sustainable develop mentrulessignicantlyaectthenumberofgreenprocure ments. Life cycle assessment LCAisatechniquetoassessenvironmentalimpactasso ciatedwithallthestagesaproduct'slife.TheEUParliament and Council issued a decision no. 1600/2002/EC of 22.07.2002whichestablishedthesixthcommunityenviron mentalprogram.Itisdirectedtokeytasksandpriori esof environment protec on based on the assessment of natu ral environment and tendencies including urgent issues whichrequiretheCommunitymanagement.Theprogram should support adding the environment protec on prob lems to all EU Community policies and facilitate the achievement of sustainable development on current total EUterritoryandinthefutureitsincreasearea[6]. The work in IPP instruments in the EU membership countries are voluntary and at the research stage. Their goal is to dene products which will have impact on the

18ManagementSystemsinProduc onEngineering4(8)/2012 A.ANDRYKIEWICZetal.TheassessmentanduseofintegratedproductpolicyinPoland [6] Decision no. 1600/2002/EC of the EU Parliament and Councilof22.07.2002establishingthesixthcommuni typrogramofenvironmentprotec onac vi es [7] DobrzaskaB.,DobrzaskiG.,KieczowskiD.:Ochrona rodowiska przyrodniczego. PWN, Warszawa 2008, s. 319. [8] Ekozarzdzanie w przedsibiorstwie. Oglnopolska kampania informacyjna promujca Wsplnotowy sys temekozarzdzaniaiaudytu(EMAS).Warsaw2010. [9] Famielec J.: Instrumenty polityki ekologicznej w kra jachOECD.Ekonomiairodowisko.Nr1,2000,s.69. SUMMARY [10] Fiodor B.: Opaty produktowe jako ekonomiczny in SincethelastdecadePolandhasimplementedIPPrules strument internalizacji rodowiskowych niekorzyci determinedbytheEUins tu ons.TheMinistryofEnviron zewntrznych. [w:] Czaja S. (red.): Instrumenty ryn ment Protec on established regula ons which enable or kowe w ochronie rodowiska. Biblioteka Ekonomia i ganisa ons and entrepreneurs to use LCA, ecolabelling rodowisko.Nr29,2002,s.79. EMASsystemandgreenpublicprocurements. [11] Gawron M. i in.: Europejski system ekoznakw i jego Ecolabelling is well known and applied, conrmed by rola w ograniczaniu zagroe przemysowych. Man scien c research. Evalua ng the ecolabelling as instru agement Systems in Produc on Engineering. Nr 3(3), ment it is possible to state that it was well implemented 2011,s.10. into the IPP strategy. Small number of EMAS implementa [12] Krajowy Plan Dziaa w zakresie zielonych zamwie on (20 organisa ons in 2010) is the result of lack of en publicznychnalata20072009.Warszawa2007. couragementandsupportbythestateaswellashighcost [13] Krajowy Plan Dziaa w zakresie zrwnowaonych ofimplementa onanddicultregistra onprocedure.Or zamwie publicznych na lata 20102012. Warszawa ganisa ons and companies believe that EMAS would be 2010. morea rac veifchargesandtaxesforeconomicuseofthe [14] Regula on of the Minister of Environment of environment would be lower for those who implemented 29.12.2010onspecicproductcharges. thesystem.Thesmallnumberofgreentendersresultsfrom [15] Regula on (EC) no. 761/2001 of the EU Parliament lack of legisla on which would oblige to formulate green and Council of 19.03.2011 allowing voluntary par ci procurements. Similarly to Poland as well as the Nether pa on by organisa ons in a Community eco lands, Denmark and Belgium it is required to nominate a managementandauditscheme(EMAS).(J.o.L.114of leading university to provide full LCA analysis for many 24.4.2001,p.1). products. [16] Report from the Commission To The Council, TheEu Further IPP research is necessary. It will be useful to ropean Parliament, The European Economic And So increasetheinvolvementofPolishorganisa onsincompa cialCommi eeAndTheCommi eeofTheRegionson niesintheexcu onsofEUac ons. the State of Implementa on of Integrated Product Policy. REFERENCES: [17] Report of the ac vity of the Na onal Environment [1] Andrykiewicz A., Pachoka A., Kaciunka K.: Rola ekoz Protec on Fund and Water Management in 2010. nakowaniawograniczaniuzagroeprzemysowych. Warsaw,April2011. [2] Bartnicza B., Ptak M.: Opaty i podatki ekologiczne. [18] The Strategy of IPP implementa on in Poland, Minis Teoriaipraktyka.WydawnictwoUE.Wroclaw2011,s. tryofEnvironment.Warsaw,February2005 57. [19] Szydowski M., Implemen ng EMAS in Poland and [3] Bernaciak A., Gaczek W.M.: Ekonomiczne aspekty integrated approvals. [in:] Wasiak A., Dobrzaski G. ochrony rodowiska. Wydawnictwo AE. Pozna 2002, (ed.): Sustainable development in a company and its s.344. surrounding.CSDEM.Biaystok2005,pp.133134. [4] Bronakowski H.: Rynek marke ng dbr i usug [20] h p:// ekologicznych (Sownik podstawowych poj). [21] h p:// WydawnictwoWSFiZ.Biaystok,1997,s.94. [22] h p:// [5] COM(2003)302nal.Brussels,18.6.2003 environmentfromthepointofviewoftheirlifecycleper spec ve. They were ini ated by: Leiden University, TNO from Netherlands, Danish Technical University, Flemish Ins tuteforTechnologicalResearch(VITO). The research conducted at such universi es based on the American inputoutput model enabled to develop the total lifecycle assessment for over 500 products [16]. LCA problems are also analysed by Polish scien sts. The re search is used by the Ministry of Environment Protec on andecoorganisa ons. AnnaAndrykiewicz ArkadiuszSeternus JustynaSonimiec ArkadiuszTrzeniewski UniversityofZielonaGra Scien cGroupofEcoManagement ul.Podgrna50,65246ZielonaGra,POLAND

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