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Reflection on Indonesia
Do you know countries like indonesia, India, Egypt, Canada, Australia and New Zealand? They can be catagorized into poor and rich country. The difference between the poor (Indonesia) country and the rich one is not the age of the country. This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt, that are more than 2000 years old and are poor.Indonesia has many natural resources, plantation there but still imports food, has many poor people, unemployment, starving, and many more. On the other hand, Canada, Australia & New Zealand, that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries and are rich. The difference between (Indonesia) poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources Japan has a limited territory, 80% of its area is mountainous if is inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second-world-economy country. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw material from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate of the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality. It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, this make it the safest country in the world.. Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference. Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries The differences between poor and rich countries can seem from many other different point of view. In this paper I would like to talk about the different between Indonesia (poor country) and rich countries by comparing the attitude of the people from the opposite countries.

The Attitude of People From Rich Countries

What attitudes contribute to the success countries? On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, I find some source showing that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives: 1. Ethics, a basic principle. Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior Society which is basically subject or performer in motion reforms and developing nations people and country towards a better claim to have ethics. Ethics can be a tool for community control in doing an act. Ethics can be a reflection of the society in taking a decision or do something that is good or bad. Therefore, the meaning of ethics should be more understandable back and applied in society within a society more relitanya not aware and do not know the meaning of ethics and the role of ethics itself. You know that the reality of many springing the corruptors in Indonesia caused by someone who does not understand the meaning of the word of faith and ethics. Many people who think and believe the corruptors who have now is a formerly accustomed to do at the time of the test cheating action without feeling guilty, rather mencontek have the same meaning with dishonesty. So cheat signified by the corruption taking unauthorized individuals rights and achieve something without thinking what is right or wrong and uses this all relates to ethics. 2. Integrity. Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. Integrity can be regarded as the opposite of hypocrisy, in that it regards internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs. Integrity and commitment in the development of Indonesia became the main foundation in engineering construction. This is based on the present state including third most corrupt country in the world, in addition to appropriate pride as a new force in the world, as one of the most attractive investment destination among other emerging economies have a moral degradation problems that affect the slow development in a variety of engineering areas, particularly the areas of planning is Regions and cities, Mining and Industry 3. Responsibility. Responsibility is someone characteristic that demonstrates efficiency when taking care of certain things. If you are responsible you will do things you know need to be done. It is your responsibility to take care of your children, for example. Responsibility is a valuable trait in the business world and society because it means you are going to do what you are needed to! Education is one of the examples of public responsibility or more specifically students in the nation and the state. Since education is the best long-term investment for

the nation and the state. Human Resources Indonesia is still very weak to support the industrial and economic development. The reason is because the government has never put education as the most important priority. There are at least three reasons to prioritize education as a long term investment. 4. Respect to the laws & rules. Most people especially in developing countries perceive rules and laws as instruments used by those with authority to suppress the weaker. This is due to the manner in which those in power tend to use the law for the same. However, good laws and rules are important for any societys economic development. If used in a proper manner, they help maintain order and make predictions easier. In a society full of law abiding citizens, people are able to plan in advance. For instance, they know that they can trust whoever they do transactions with to deliver the promised customer value. awareness of laws and rules is needed to support the progress of time. if any people realize the importance of obeying the law, surely the country will be more advanced. examples of people who do not respect the laws and regulations are those who use their position to push people below or weaker. 5. Respect to the rights of other citizens. According to the Universal Declaration of human rights, All human beings are born free and are equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. The declaration provides for everyone the right to life, liberty and security of people without discrimination of any kind with regard to race, colour, sex, language and so on. As it is set in the law we must respect the rights of other citizens. we should be able mewujudkansistem healthy democracy, by respecting the rights of other citizens. so we can build a great nation and advanced. 6. Work loving. How much your salary is not important. If you do not love your job you will get bored and also can effect the productivity on your job. In many developing country most of the people love their job. They do their job totally. So they can give the best result of their job. love the job is important, so that one does not have to work to another country in order to earn more income. For example, state officials if they love their job regardless of the salaries they can, they can certainly do with total dedication to promote the nation's 7. Strive for saving & investment. In this point we can see that people in the country who never think about saving and investment give effect to the country it self. They dont prepare for the upcoming moment that we cant predict. to save and invest, this can help increase per capita income of every citizen thus help increase per capita income of the state anyway. 8. Will of super action.

Many people begin their lives believing that they stand for something. It may be a belief in ethics, responsibility, respect for the rules and laws, respect for the rights of other citizens, work loving or having the attitude of investment. However; as days, months and years pass by and times get tough, they begin losing grip of what they once stood for. They begin falling for anything. This is a trap that many of us fall prey to every now and then. The will of super action can be very critical when trying to beat that trap. The significance of this WILL cannot be fully expressed in words. For this reason I would like to bring to your attention, illustrations of people who have through tough times expressed their will to win. Through super action, they have in their own ways contributed to economy building or economic development and continue to do so. 9. Punctuality. Punctuality is the characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an obligation before or at a previously designated time. "Punctual" is often used synonymously with "on time." It is a common misconception that punctual can also, when talking about grammar, mean "to be accurate." In poor (Indonesia) countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life. We are not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us. In my opinion Indonesian people have 6 bad attitudes which made Indonesia develop slowly, there are 6 characters : 1. hypocrisy or hypocritical. The definition of the Greek words hypocrite or hypocrisy has evolved over time, and now has a completely different meaning. Initially a hypocrite was someone who played a part, acted a part, or dissembled. Hypocrisy was the tool of actors, rhetoricians, and debaters in Ancient Greece. Specifically from rhetoric and debate, we can assign sides of an argument that a person must then take to his/her fullest capacity. We understand the side we take may not represent our true point of view; instead its merely a position in an argument that helps us to better understand the sides of an issue. Politics are a fertile field for finding examples of hypocrisy, but so is parenting. A parent who smokes and tells her children not to, is reeking of tobacco and hypocrisy. Its difficult to expect children to take such a parent seriously, since he/she is acting in a manner which cancels out his/her advice. Similarly, a parent who curses frequently will have a hard time convincing children not to swear.

2. reluctant to take responsibility for his actions.

You do not have acountability. "That's a fact that is often seen in the world of work and everyday kehidupaan. Sense of responsibility in the work is very rare.'s So easy to accuse others when there is a failure in the work or project; handful of people who will quickly recognize error. Reasons sought to blame others. Rarely says, "It's my fault." Not just at work, in social life a sense of responsibility also includes rare. Caring for frail community. The majority of people let a handful of people doing things for the benefit of the community. Dwindling sense of togetherness. 3. the feudal attitudes and behaviors. Cases of abuse and weak protection may be greater that exist in the country. However, TKW was news. Placing labor as domestic servants though is actually a noble work gives image to create the image of the nation . create bad image does not lie in how the profession is run jobs, but actually is from a feudal attitude has not disappeared in our country, and in some countries 3. still believe in superstition. still many superstitious citizens of this nation can not make progress. they could not have thought and a realistic view. they prefer to look for short cuts to achieve success 5. artistic. there are still many people who have an artistic soul therefore thought they were likely to want to always be free to express what they feel. they do not obey the rules. 6. weak in character and characters. because of the education we have received have not been in favor of character development and education of mentally tough. Although we have finished high school or may have a degree, but still spoiled and did not dare to take risks. When it comes to looking for work, we prefer to berusahamati death of the civil service, or submit resume to various companies in the hope of later appointed as permanent employees. All we do is to find safe, afraid of bad risks and the fear of a life of misery. Yet if we study history, ancient people never afraid to invaders, they always take risks and never thought to look safe. If only the exemplary kuta seek safe then maybe we have not yet hisa independent and enjoy the outdoors today. We lack the courage to take risks and not without reason, but it is due to the influence of education are less galvanize us to character education is so bold INDEPENDENT

Indonesia remains poor because most people do not apply the principle Ethics, as a basic principle. Integrity in every situation. Responsibility in every aspect. Respect to the laws & rules. Respect to the rights of other citizens. Love their job. Strive for saving & investment for their future. Will of super action and the last is Punctuality. Most people in Indonesia are hypocrisy or hypocritical the government and the society. The people reluctant to take responsibility for his actions. Our society still have the feudal attitudes and behaviors. Our society still believe in superstition. Many people in Indonesia are artistic. Most of them weak in character and characters.

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