Sample IDP Humanities Graduate Student

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Sample Individual Development Plan 2Graduate Student Areas to develop

(Assess your scholarly and professional competencies. What do you need to develop?)

Goals: longterm
(What will you do to improve in the areas you have identified?)

Goals: shortterm
(What could you do this semester or year?)

Overall Strategies for Reaching Goals

Steps and Timeline for completion of goals

(What steps will you take to accomplish your goals and by when?

Resources available
(Human or electronic)


-finish dissertation within two year period

-complete two chapters -revise completed chapter -plan out remaining chapters/materials for next year

-set aside days to wholly focus on chapter writing/editing -get feedback from committee members -set writing plan for final year


-publish dissertation as book -publish book reviews -publish further articles in academic publications

-write and submit article based on dissertation chapter

-workshop article draft with other people, perhaps dissertation group -create concise version of chapter for article

-workshop chapter at dissertation writing group in fall (by at least October) -finish/edit two chapters by end of semester (ideally, one by end of fall, one by end of spring) -provide copies of these chapters to committee members at appropriate times -set writing plan for final year by end of fall based on current progress -by end of first semester, draft outline for article based on dissertation chapter (probably based on second chapter) -by end of year, submit completed article to relevant academic journal -if possible, workshop draft of article w/dissertation group in spring semester before submission to journal -ideally in fall, set aside time to go to UCLA for research visit -finish viewing all relevant television programs for dissertation -read/request as many

-advisers/committee members -department colleagues/mentor at Morris -fellow members of dissertation writing group -Student Writing Support -Dissertation Calculator at library website

-advisers/committee members -writing group -Student Writing Support


-present dissertation work at conferences -completely finish all research material for dissertation

-make travel trip to key research site -view/read as much as possible of remaining materials for dissertation -at very least, prepare material for conference presentation with

-take advantage of travel funds this year -use free time (including office hours) to view/read research materials -keep an eye on pending

-libraries at Twin Cities and Morris -colleagues -department digest/list of opportunities (for conferences) -travel grants

eye for presenting in the spring or next year

conferences to mark appropriate opportunities


-apply next year for teaching positions within American Studies/Writing Studies at Minnesota; potentially prepare course in one of those departments -apply for post-doc teaching positions elsewhere -go onto job market in about one-two years, seeking tenure track position -apply for post-doc positions, visiting professorships -apply for community college positions -be open to jobs outside academia, such as museum work -apply for dissertation fellowships if needed -apply for post-doc fellowships at institutions

-expand current Writing Studies syllabus -create spring course about suburban history -produce two functional syllabi showing strong areas of teaching emphasis -update c.v. (workshop c.v. if possible) -keep general eye on positions that are becoming available -take advantage of potential job talk seminars offered

Job Search

relevant books/articles as possible for dissertation -draft potential conference presentation, apply for presentation for spring conference if time/opportunity permits -use feedback from -before fall, create writing previous courses to studies course syllabus, improve writing studies assemble material syllabus -during fall semester, create -share thoughts with suburban history syllabus, department colleagues at organize readings/popular seminars or meetings culture examples -consult teaching mentor -workshop spring syllabus with teaching colleagues -practice job talk and -update and revise c.v. by end interview responses of spring semester (both in answers and in -prepare and if possible speech style) perform practice job talk -monitor appropriate during year employment bulletins/list-servs -use U of Minnesota career resources

-department mentors -teaching colleagues - -Preparing Future Faculty


-apply for Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship -apply to other sources of funding if needed

-read over DDF requirements, prepare application -keep an eye on potential other sources of funding next year

-by beginning of spring, prepare DDF application, contact advisers to prepare letters of recommendation -depending on other fellowship opportunities, prepare applications, contact recommenders when needed

-University Counseling and Career Resources -department digest/links to opportunities -list-servs such as H-Net or websites such as Chronicle of Higher Education -departmental colleagues and mentor -career seminars/practice job talks -Grant Writing tools on Graduate School website -committee/advisers -department digest/links to opportunities

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