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By: Amber Donaldson

What is eating green?

-Eating green is eating with purpose in a way that is good for both you and the planet. -Our food choices are some of our most direct ways to make a difference because we all eat everyday.

Key terms
Fair-respectable trade partnership Local-local, sustainable farms/ community Organic-no synthetic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics, added hormones/better on land

Our health
Americans consume 14 lbs of chemicals/year. 500 manmade chemicals in our blood 60% herbicides, fungicides, insecticides potentially cancer-causing Kidney diseases, birth defects, brain diseases, etc. More calories, added sugars/less nutrients

Our planets health

Reduced diversity Water Resistance

400 gallons/person/year 1500 miles Global warming-meat

How to eat green

Local:1 meal/ week=1.1mill barrels/ week Low on the food chain:5000, 21 gallons FOOD-Pollan Shop the periphery Packaging Do what you can

Eating Green on Campus

Real Food Challenge Dining Services Pot luck Petition

Eating home-cooked meals from whole in-season ingredients obtained from the most local source available is eating well, in every sense. Good for the habitat, good for the body.
-Barbara Kingsolver

Pollan: Food Rules, In Defense of Food Kingsolver: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A year of food life Horn: Living Green USDA: Dr. Michael McKinney

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